Changing and Editing Andriod OS. - Android Software/Hacking General [Developers Only]

I'm new to this and I've asked people for help but nobody seems to can BUT if you can show me how I can edit things like, change the folder to where you d/l a MMS or edit the size of the favorited person on FB.

There is no general answer to this question. You must reverse engineer an app and find a way, how to modify what you want.

Ok, I'm listening and willing to learn, but for the touted of such an open source OS like Android, I find it VERY difficult that I cant do things like save pics to a different folder other than "all downloads". There must be a way I can edit the strings or permission to the access of this folder only for downloads.


need help with very small program for myself.. plz help

im trying to get a very very small program runnint, however im very lost when it comes to programming windows mobile device, i have a database online, and i want a small dialog box to show up on my wm device and alow me to type something in , then it search the online database.. and return the information, or even just take me to where the online listing is, that's all no bells or whistles.. could someone help me with this please?
i have even added a search feature to my database, soo i just basically want this little program to relay text to that search feature, then take me to it.. so i don't have to go to all these links and whatnot
it is quite hard to advice you anything without actually knowing about the file structure / database format. Maybe the easiest way would be to simply set up a search option online as a WAP2.0 page - if you don't want others to access this section, simply password protect it.
If you really have a need to generate the 'search string' offline (which I just can't understand since you want to be taken to your DB online) then simply use something which generates the search string for you.
For example you could have a "results.php" online which simply needs the search terms 'attached' in order to list you all relevant records. Now, the question remains how the database is structured. If you have 2 fields in your database, containing firstname and lastname, then it would be simple. You would need only something that adds your search terms to the string and then navigates to your server. For example you search for SMITH as lastname, it would have to transfer the string as followed:
For sure your results.php needs to be programmed first!
this has nothing to do with your device, you better join a programmer forum - in this case I would suggest you look for web development forums since this can be done entirely on the server side!

[Question] Naming Structure Idea Thought

You dev/themers/etc are simply amazing and I had an idea/request and by no means am trying to create any extra work for you. When you guys develop a rom/theme/mod whatever can you put that category in the actual name of the zip file?
Example could be [ROM] I know it is becoming standard to name the threads like that but I think it would benefit the community if the files where also named this way.
Maybe its just my OCD but its just an idea and hopefully this makes sense or benefits the community. I searched and didn't see a request like this but if this has been asked or is not needed or everyone thinks I am full of poop Mods please delete.
Spaces in file names that you intend to upload/host somewhere for download can create problems.

[Q] Want to make my first GoLauncher Theme...need some pointers

Ok, a quick resume: I am not a real programmer. I know a lot more about it than the average guy, but the closest I get to programming is script stuff. I am pretty fluent in HTML and CSS.
As I understand it, this isnt necessarily a requirement for making some apps. The one I want to make is relatively simple; I want to make a GoLauncher theme that I can upload to the market and that can be installed to a phone from there.
Can anyone give me a few tips on where to start? I have the content ready. I do have a developer ID and can publish stuff to the market. I just need to know how I go about constructing the APK itself and making GoLauncher recognize it.
Have a look at this - it may help.
I'm totally guessing here, but the themes are probably based on XML files and resources. If you've got experience reading and writing HTML then you've got at least a good start as you'll understand elements and nesting.
Good luck mate
Thank you.
My impression was that it is kinda like how ePub books are put the content (all text files or images) into a folder, configure some text files and then ZIP it and rename the ZIP to .epub
When I did this with .epub books, I just used a template and changed elements of the template so I would not need to build it from scratch. I thought maybe I could do something similar with theme APKs?

[Q] Business App Template - Is it possible?

Hey guys,
I'm really new to this app development and would like to ask one of you experienced developers a question.
Basically I have recently been creating mobile websites from a set of css files which are just a basic template. The template files have individual files for some of the most common pages that a small business would need, google map, contact us with form, menu, opening hours and so on.
What happens is you simply upload the company logo and such into the images folder, update the css style sheet for colours, then simply edit one of the relevant pages e.g place the food items in the menu page.
When the whole set of files gets uploaded it creates a personalised functional business mobile website.
What I would like to know is, would it be possible to set something like this up for an android app? Whereby the user could simply change the details as above and then compile the apk file which will create the app?
Your input is much appreciated, also have any of you got any idea where I could get someone to code something like this?

Access and Change System Locale

Hey xda-forum!
I am currently trying myself on some Android development and need a little bit of a head start - I usually roam around in Web Developement and Scientific Data Analysis.
I want to quickly be able to switch back and forth my System Locale in Android by using a TileService.
I know from extensive googling and reading that since Android 4.2 these system settings are protected by the "WRITE_SETTINGS" permission.
As I only wanna use this "app" on my own, I am not bothered by this as I can grant that.
The question I am asking myself is how to actually set such a permission and what the correct identifier is for setting the locale.
I unfortunatly am too stupid to find it in the Android Documentation and the often refered "MoreLocale" app doesnt help me much as it doesnt work anymore apparently and the used code is deprecated.
Would be amazing if one or multiple of you could give me a heads-up on that, either pointing me into the right direction or giving me an example!
P.S.: I think this belongs more to Software Development but I don't have enough posts to go there ^^ Sorry.

