No Standby on Exchange / Direct push ? - General Questions and Answers

Hi at all,
have this problems on Raphael and Rhodium with WM 6.5
When Microsoft Direct Push is activated -> PDA is connected to exchange server (Kerio) it ignores the standby time from settings.
If I deactivate this connection my device goes to standby as configured in system settings backlight.
When I use power button to go to standby Active Sync is still working and I receive Emails as they arrive Exchange server.
The annoying thing is when device turns on (because of some event) and I do not recognize. So the device is on for an hour or two and battery life gets smaller and smaller.
At least the dim function works after 30 sec. so battery goes not down that fast.
Haven´t found a solution for this only another thread with the same problem.
Any solution? Anyone else with the same problems ?

Maybe its normal and I don´t know.
Please tell me. Does your device go to standby while connected to exchange server ?


Battery Drain caused by Push Mail on WM5?

Hi guys and gals,
I ve been using pushmail for a week or so now and have noticed from the first day of using it that my battery drains so much faster when im using pushmail on my HP 6828.
My HP6828 used to last at least two days but now with pushmail enabled it lasts just till the evening of each day...
Is this a known bug? are there any fixes for this issue?
Thanks in advance for any help
This is not a bug, it's a feature!
Yesterday I did some googling to find out how push mail works. I found an article (sorry, couldn't find the link again - not in history for some reason) where they found that push mail sends 400 bytes every 120 seconds to keep the connection alive.
Even if those numbers are inaccurate, the principle is the same: your device keeps an open GPRS connection to the Exchange server, and every once in a while sends data (even if there are no changes or new mails) so the radio is draining the battery.
Your bigger concern should be the phone bill, unless you have unlimited data you might get a large charge at the end of the month. In the article they calculated push mail to use approx 12MB per month.
levenum said:
This is not a bug, it's a feature!
Yesterday I did some googling to find out how push mail works. I found an article (sorry, couldn't find the link again - not in history for some reason) where they found that push mail sends 400 bytes every 120 seconds to keep the connection alive.
Even if those numbers are inaccurate, the principle is the same: your device keeps an open GPRS connection to the Exchange server, and every once in a while sends data (even if there are no changes or new mails) so the radio is draining the battery.
Your bigger concern should be the phone bill, unless you have unlimited data you might get a large charge at the end of the month. In the article they calculated push mail to use approx 12MB per month.
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and yes im using unlimited EDGE access for 15 USD/month.. so the cost is fixed.. but now my battery wont even last a whole day! bloody microsoft.
Hi Nutdhanai!
I've been using push mail on my Jamin for almost two weeks now, and noticed that the battery drain is almost double the usual. It will last about two and a half - three days on standby and of course any use will reduce that time.
Still haven't seen any solution, but fortunately for me push is not a necessity. I can always set up my account as IMAP and set it to check mail once every hour or so which will reduce the load.
Hope you find a better solution for your self.
I think the best solution is to set a schedule in activesync to check on your email every 30 min, or every hour. you'll save a lot of power that way. hope that will help.
lsnizzle said:
I think the best solution is to set a schedule in activesync to check on your email every 30 min, or every hour. you'll save a lot of power that way. hope that will help.
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Yes that way does decrease the amount of battery being drained.. no offense but it really defeats the objective of being pushed mail..if we set it to check every xxx minutes then its really pulling mails not pushed .. argg..
However, what i have noticed is that the battery is draining faster using push mail over GPRS/EDGE because the phone wont go into full power save mode (backlight and screen off) but it only goes to partial power save mode (only backlight is off but screen is still on) when the phone is idle, BUT if you do push mail over WiFi the phone will go to full power save mode when idle. Both tests (GPRS and WiFi) with sync option of 'as items arrive' NOT every xxx minutes.
Maybe there is some bugs on the GPRS/EDGE power saving mode..
(atm, I have set mine to check mail every 15 mins)
The battery drain wouldn't be so bad if the server scheduling worked. But it doesn't; I have tried to configure mails to be obtained 'as they arrive' duing work hours (which means server push) and once every hour outside work hours, but its all or nothing - the push mail doesn't turn off at the end of work hours, so the battery is being drained equally all day.

Auto Disconnect GPRS while device is asleep

Hi, I know this topic has been covered many times, but I here's my issue.
I have phoneAlarm running on my Trinity and set phoneAlarm to cut my data connection after 1min of data inactivity and it all works fine. I can browse the web, check emails using the WM5 inbuilt email application. After 1 min of data inactivity, my connection is cut, brilliant, works like a treat.
However, once the device is asleep, and my email application polls, the data connection remains connected (if there are no emails, it won't wake up) and I have to switch on again and either let it disconnect when awake, or manually disconnect it.
The funny thing is, its just the email application thats causing this. If I was browsing using PIE and just press the power button whilst it was still connected, it times out and it gets disconnected, and the next time I wake up the device I can see there is no data connection.
it seems like the WM5 email application whilst asleep is either holding on to the connection or some data is being transferred, as I said it doesn't happen if the device is awake.
This really is bugging me, as the whole point of setting up "Auto disconnect" is so I can leave it and trust it to only connect when need be. Currently, if I don't use the phone and don't receive any emails, my GPRS connection is on all the time whilst the phone is asleep.
I have tried other programs, but generally, all of these applications perform the same registry tweak.
Sorry for long post.
I did a program (ConnectionManager) that wakes up the pda to Idle state (screen off, no sound and cpu to minimum level) each 3 minutes and check the states of connections. If there isnt traffic in 2 minutes the connection is closed.
Interesting. Do you have a link to that program? Tried to find it in the forum by searching for "ConnectionManager" and found nothing.
So when the device is in idle state, min CPU, screen off etc, there's no problem in accepting calls etc?
I was reading a thread regarding the other program you wrote that switches bands, was interested in that too.
Thanks for your help.
Don't worry, I've found it, and it WORKS. You're a star!!!
exactly what I was looking for. It did come across it before, but for some reason I thought you didn't check for data flows and close the connection full stop. Obviously i mis read
I've downloaded WM5 SDK, but didn't really know where to start, I am a developer, but don't know anything about the WM5 APIs. Cheeky question, but is it possible to let me have the source code?
I would love to enhance something like this, would love it to be a today plug in and let you enable it without opening a new form. Settings about how long before checking. Not sure how easy it would be.
Just a comment really, not sure if its just my device (Trinity) but the Close Program button seems to be out of shape, i.e. larger than the other 3 and goes right to the edge of the screen.
Oh, one more question, do you think having the device on idle will have much impact on battery life. Once the device is in idle, does it suspend again, or does it keep it in idle until you switch it on again?
Thanks again!
Hi, another thing. Having tried this program out for a little while now, it seems to not let the device time out into suspend state. For me, it seems to just lower the brightness of the screen. The program still works, but it won't let the device suspend automatically, i thought it would switch it to idle, and turn of the screen.
Once the machine is suspended manually by pressing the power button, then its fine. Do you have this issue?
Still works like a treat though, and better than anything I had before!
Thanks again!
Sorry, my mistake. It all works fine!
Hi. I was going to do other release (the user can modify connections check, etc) but i will post the source code, sure (but the source code is in my laptop). tomorrow i will post it.....
hongsit said:
Don't worry, I've found it, and it WORKS. You're a star!!!
exactly what I was looking for. It did come across it before, but for some reason I thought you didn't check for data flows and close the connection full stop. Obviously i mis read
I've downloaded WM5 SDK, but didn't really know where to start, I am a developer, but don't know anything about the WM5 APIs. Cheeky question, but is it possible to let me have the source code?
I would love to enhance something like this, would love it to be a today plug in and let you enable it without opening a new form. Settings about how long before checking. Not sure how easy it would be.
Just a comment really, not sure if its just my device (Trinity) but the Close Program button seems to be out of shape, i.e. larger than the other 3 and goes right to the edge of the screen.
Oh, one more question, do you think having the device on idle will have much impact on battery life. Once the device is in idle, does it suspend again, or does it keep it in idle until you switch it on again?
Thanks again!
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Idle is a state with minimum impact...but is bigger than suspended. When the device wakes up to idle state it is suspended again after a few seconds if the cpu isnt used too much. When the device is woke up by a app notification (Its our case) the system suspends very quickly. In my tests (using log method) the program does its stuff (1 seconds) and 10 seconds later the system is suspended again...
I ve used Visual Studio 2005 and the program was wrote using C (not MFC)...
Hi Daniel
Where can I download this app ?
Thanks and regards
I am curious if you gprs comes on for your push mail, can you still make outgoing call and also send text messages?. I have this issue for my atom exec and it's annoying me. Thanks
hongsit said:
Hi, I know this topic has been covered many times, but I here's my issue.
I have phoneAlarm running on my Trinity and set phoneAlarm to cut my data connection after 1min of data inactivity and it all works fine. I can browse the web, check emails using the WM5 inbuilt email application. After 1 min of data inactivity, my connection is cut, brilliant, works like a treat.
However, once the device is asleep, and my email application polls, the data connection remains connected (if there are no emails, it won't wake up) and I have to switch on again and either let it disconnect when awake, or manually disconnect it.
The funny thing is, its just the email application thats causing this. If I was browsing using PIE and just press the power button whilst it was still connected, it times out and it gets disconnected, and the next time I wake up the device I can see there is no data connection.
it seems like the WM5 email application whilst asleep is either holding on to the connection or some data is being transferred, as I said it doesn't happen if the device is awake.
This really is bugging me, as the whole point of setting up "Auto disconnect" is so I can leave it and trust it to only connect when need be. Currently, if I don't use the phone and don't receive any emails, my GPRS connection is on all the time whilst the phone is asleep.
I have tried other programs, but generally, all of these applications perform the same registry tweak.
Sorry for long post.
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where can I find this piece of software?

HSDPA disconnect after checking emails?

I’m new to WM6 (and Cruise) but used a WM5 for many years. I’ve got email set up on ‘check every 30 min’ which works fine for me. However, the HSPDA (on Three network in Australia) stays connected and I have to press ‘Disconnect’ manually…in the WM5 it used to disconnect after finishing checking for emails…any ideas how to configure it to disconnect when finishing send/receive emails?
Download the program Band Switch. There is a option called Close idle conns which should (not sure) close the connection after being idle for some time.
on WM5 it works fine...are you sure you need an extra app for that? thanks for the assistance.
anyone else is having the same problem? or it just me? using IMAP email....
Dont worry i have the same problem...apperently is it a WM6 thingie
That’s a bit disappointing…going to WM6 a losing functionality ;- ) ?!?
Also KaiserTweak has option to disconnect after idle period along with loads of other tweaks, only snag on Polaris is that after using it and resetting device it will have disabled the touch screen - but quick visit to the Settings/Screen app to re-align screen will resolve it - then on next reboot will all be fine.

auto connect/disconnect application?

I bought this TP a week the 1st day,the phone's battery drained very quick.the day after I discovered that the phone auto connect to the internet via 3G/GPRS, so I assume that this is the problem of battery drain.
I admit that auto connect is a good thing since I can receive email and message (yahoo messenger) via palringo any time.but,the power drain is still a great issue for me.
so,I want to ask you guys,is there any application which can auto-connect my phone every (lets say) 20 minutes and then disconnect it (lets say)5 minutes later,and auto-connect the fone 20 mins after it being disconnected and so on...(sorry I'm not a native english user,so I'm not so good at describing ^^)
best regard,
You could try modify the registry key responsible for disconnecting idle connections as described here:

Actve Sync application

Hi there!!
A question concerning perfomance of active sync on HTC Touch Pro T7272. The problem is how to deactivate this application. It seems that it works automatically and I wonder whether this has any connection with the fact that the battery power is consumed very quickly. The application is on even when there is no computer or other device around. Anyone having any suggestions how to turn it off?
PS: The battery is consumed within 7 hours, is this normal?
Your battery consumption is around that of mine. 7 hours with some talking, texting and surfing and music. New batteries of course hold their charge for longer. Now that the Fuze is about a year old we see about a 25% drop in total talk time, at least I do.
If you are setup to use 'exchange' than activesync will be running a lot. Is this the case, do you have exchange running for google or your work email? In that case just reduce the frequency of email collection to increase battery life and reduce activesync from running.
Let me know...

