Can some one port this over to the nexus one.
why not just flash the theme ?
I was wondering, anyone tried to port Sense 5.5 keyboard and all its emojis into current HTC One X 4.2.2 Sense 5 roms?
Hi guys,
Here is flashable lobster font for cm12.1 based roms. I just loved it, so im sharing it. In lockscreen colon will be missing. For lockscreen fix and more fonts see this link:
Hey guys. Does anyone have the new emojis from the Pixel? One which we can flash and use on other phones?
Can someone port the Sense 8 or the new Grace Touchwiz ui onto our beloved Nexus 5.. Was searching a lot for it but found the 4.4 Kitkat version only.
May Be someone can port Sense UI but Sorry for touchwiz, it can't port. And BTW thread in wrong Section.
Wrong thread...
Hi FriendsI have a small Question.
Is there any way to apply custom theme on stock nougat 7.1.2 without rooting ? any Theme engine ?