Rogers 9-11 Rom - G1 Android Development

There has been a lot of frustration over the 9-11 update Rogers tried to force on their clients. As most of you already know, this update basically neuters the ability to root the HTC G1.
To contribute to those who know what they are doing, I was doing some looking around and found the rom.nbh file that the rogers updater uses to do the update. It can be found in the %TEMP% folder if using xp, i simply just did a search and it was found in this folder:
Sorry if this was already posted before, but I hope it helps.


[APP] Google apps solution in progress help needed.

Hello all,
I am trying to make an application that will detect what actual hardware a user is using and then go out to google and download the official update for the device extract the google apps and install on the device. Right now I was wondering if someone could point me to an ota link for the MT3G and G1 for T-Mobile just for a starting purpose. I already found away to get hardware id and match so I am good there. Any help would be really appreciated.
I don't have them handy but I recommend you contact @wesgarner on here or Twitter and if I recall @Haykuro has them too. If @wesgarner doesn't hook you up right away let me know and I will look them up.
TheArtiszan said:
Hello all,
I am trying to make an application that will detect what actual hardware a user is using and then go out to google and download the official update for the device extract the google apps and install on the device. Right now I was wondering if someone could point me to an ota link for the MT3G and G1 for T-Mobile just for a starting purpose. I already found away to get hardware id and match so I am good there. Any help would be really appreciated.
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Hi TheArtiszan,
I can tell you that the "OTA" update links change and are (of course) specific to the carrier in question. So for G1 and MT3G, we're talking T-Mobile, in which case I can inform you that the links and locations of the OTA updates rotate and change. By any specific pattern ? That eludes me completely and I would suggest it could/would be hard to track.
Also (and possibly even more challenging to what you are trying to accomplish), the OTA updates typically provide "patch sets" instead of the full blown system image you seek to extract "pure" files.
I'm sure not the answer you wanted, but I hope it helps.
yeh I am starting with just T-Mobile ones first since they are my carrier and go from there. even a basic one would be good. I already have an app that will extract files from a file downloaded from my site (minus progress bar still working on that part lol) and extracts files so i have a good start I think. Just stinks that is not in C# would be done already.
Didnt get a response yet from them for thefiles. got app semi working from a rom on a private server any one know about google hosted packages
TheArtiszan said:
Hello all,
I am trying to make an application that will detect what actual hardware a user is using and then go out to google and download the official update for the device extract the google apps and install on the device. Right now I was wondering if someone could point me to an ota link for the MT3G and G1 for T-Mobile just for a starting purpose. I already found away to get hardware id and match so I am good there. Any help would be really appreciated.
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I think you are taking the hard way to accomplish your goal. Farmatito has already developed a backup script that backs up the necessary files from your phone <HERE>. And redmdc already has a script that will take a backup file and insert the files into an file <HERE>. There is no need to go out to the providers to get these files. We all already have them.

EVO Rooting

Hey guys. This is my first Android phone, and I'm trying to get ready to root it. I read the steps by toast in thread 690762 (it won't let me post a link due to "new member restrictions") but can't figure out how to do the adb shell commands. I have downloaded the Google SDK, and also eclipse, and am just utterly confused now. I've never really approached a project like this. Any help would be much appreciated.
yeah i had trouble setting it up also. what os are you using, by the way, some people might give u hell about posting this here.
Windows 7. First time posting in these forums, so I apologize in advance to anyone who may be annoyed with me for posting this here, admins may feel free to move this post to a more appropriate section.
in command prompt type
cd c:/android-sdk/tools
Sent from my Hero CDMA using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
appreciate the help guys finally got it to work by manully putting adb.exe, adbwinapi.dll, and adbwinusbapi.dll in my windows/system32 folder. took me about 6 hours of googling
thats from my post from a couple days ago, its prolly something with the drivers not being recognized, goto your sdk folder then the tools folder and look for the files and copy and move them to your windows/system32 folder and see if that works. also remember to use administrative access when trying to flash the recovery or really anything. i set mine up to automatically run adb.exe in administrative mode
That did the trick, now stuck on sprint loading animation after flashing stock rooted evo ota update and updated radio image.
Correction: All issues fixed, thanks for your help guys. My EVO is now rooted and running the stock ROM that is rooted with an updated radio.

How to take out the .xap from WP7

Dear all,
Did anyone know how to take out the .xap from WP7
Took me forever to find due to the buggy nature of the search function, but This thread has a program where you can "download" installed xaps from the windows phone.
I asked the same question a few weeks ago, and the post was closed...
kapanak said:
I asked the same question a few weeks ago, and the post was closed...
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Being new I am not sure, but all that program does is list the xaps you have installed yourself (Sideload) so no chance of piracy concerns which is only reason why I could think that maybe yours was closed..
Short version: You can't. XAP files are never stored on the phone. You're asking the equivalent of "How can I get SkypeSetup.exe out of my C:\Program Files\Skype directory?"
It *might* be possible to reconstruct the XAP, but you'd need to build it from the application's install directory. Currently the only phones that you can access this directory on is HTC (and possibly Samsung, when Heathclif releases his tool). I actually already have an app that does this (access the install directory, not rebuild the XAP) and have avoided even trying to rebuild the XAP as I have more than enough other things to do and could see no real value in doing the requild. If you can convince me otherwise, I'll listen. "So I can copy the app to my friend's phone" isn't going to fly, though; I'll tell you that now. Requests like that get reported to the mods. This forum is *NOT* about app piracy; read the stickies.
It's possible, just need to copy files from /Applications and pack it using zip. Only HTC devices can access to this folder.

Google Android 4.0.4

I was just on the Google Code website and noticed there's a Nexus S ICS 4.0.4 download. After I downloaded a program that reads TGZ format, I saw there is 4 or 5 img files for the bootloader, system and so on.
My question is, if I copied the zip file as it was will this be recognized by the handset and install as expected or will it just screw things up. The reason I ask is, the previous versions I installed were not like this.
Also I noticed there is some Linux shell files which obviously aren't intended for Windows.
Any helpful feedback would be good and reassuring.
OK I think after a little investigation, it seems this only the hardware binaries and not the actual complete android system. Unless somebody can tell me otherwise.
A quick look through the general nexus s forum would tell you what u want to know.
So in order to ask a question, I have to check whether somebody asked the same one on my behalf.
Granted but I did do a quick check and never seen nothing jumping out at me. So is there any need to be patronising? As it happens I answered my own question. Just because I have less than 10 posts doesn't automatically make me a numpty.
I was not patronizing.
Being that you noticed the page on google code and are here on xda its just frankly common sense to not search but just look at the general forum
I told you where to get the answers man. There is no logical reason to explain it when it was all explained already this weekend on the same forum.
Patronizing by directing you towards all the info you need. Can't make this up.
interpolate said:
I was just on the Google Code website and noticed there's a Nexus S ICS 4.0.4 download. After I downloaded a program that reads TGZ format, I saw there is 4 or 5 img files for the bootloader, system and so on.
My question is, if I copied the zip file as it was will this be recognized by the handset and install as expected or will it just screw things up. The reason I ask is, the previous versions I installed were not like this.
Also I noticed there is some Linux shell files which obviously aren't intended for Windows.
Any helpful feedback would be good and reassuring.
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Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA
Whether or not you were condescending to me or not isn't a concern of mine. Anyway I have the GSM model as I live in the UK. Just need to check near the end of the month I guess.
Just flash these files on bootloader (while phone is connected to PC and its driver is installed and adb is running in cmd)
Fastboot (--blah,blah.....)
I need to reinstall of those files. As I recently formatted my main drive. Still have hundreds of things to reinstate.

Motorola Droid 2 Global OTA files

Hey guys,
I've been using XDA for quite a while, but so far the community as a whole has been so helpful and thorough that I have never needed to make an account and post, so if any part of this post is wrong or in the wrong section please feel free to move or close this thread.
Now down to business: recently, some old Moto Droid 2 Globals resurfaced at my house, and as they are very old and outdated I figured I would re-purpose them into a few projects I'm working on, as they probably won't be extremely useful in any other ways. Here is my problem though: in order to use them how I would like, they must be rooted. Rooting is not my problem: I have rooted one of them many times when I was still using it (I might or might not have bricked it one or seven times while trying to install custom ROMs so flashing, rooting, and every other aspect of un-bricking is familiar to me). HOWEVER, ALL THE FILES NEEDED TO DOWNGRADE, ROOT, REFLASH AND RESTORE DO NOT EXIST ANYMORE!. This is one of those times where things on the internet actually disappear, as quite a few of the mirrors to the files I need were hosted on the gem of the internet back in the early 2010s, MegaUpload. The rest of the files were linked to personal servers, smaller and now nonexistent file hosting companies, or were straight up removed from their links. So what I'm asking is: if you ever had to root a Motorola Droid 2 Global running GingerBread 2.3.4, System Version 4.5.629.A956.Verizon.en.US, and for some reason you still have the files required to root it, could you upload it and post a link in the comments? I will list the necessary files below in case you would like to scour the internet as I have, or if you want to check that the files you might have are the ones needed. I will also post links to a few guides so if you want to refresh yourself or see how the process is done you can do so without extra searches.
And seriously guys, thanks in advance. Even if no one has the files, this community has helped me out so much over the years that a thank you was way overdue.
(not entirely sure what this one below is, it looks like its a correct file but its got huge red "DO NOT INSTALL" all over the page so take it how you will),-only-for-developers
Files I'm (mostly) Certain I Need:
Verizon OTA Version 4.5.608 (but it looks like this is a modified and repacked version)
Verizon OTA Version 4.5.629
wrong section buddy, post this thread in your device's forum

