[REQ] Uninstall Program Filter - HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Themes and Apps

I have over 100 apps installed on my Leo.
When I need to uninstall program, sometimes I need to waste much time until I find that program in Uninstall list, because there it usually begins not with a name of program but with Author's nickname or Company name.
It would be very useful and convenient, if there were small window for typing.
Type in one word that you remember from program's name, then press button [Filter], in you see only programs which name contains that typed word.
Can anyone create this?

use sktools, that app has filter/find feature

Yes, SKTools Installed Programs feature can do that easily and because it also shows the program icon you will find this issue is a thing of the past.


Multiple Text Messages...

have any of you run into this problem...where you receive double or triple text messages from someone and visa versa...its really irking...if so is it the provider or is it the phone??? thanks in advanced...
I've heard that programs such as SPB Pocket plus that actually close programs instead of putting them to background mess with Palms messaging app. You have to blacklist that from any close button software and the problem *should* go away.
what do you mean by having to blacklist that from any close button software? i'm facing the problem as well which is annoying...
I guess my suggestion only applies if you are using software that really closes programs when you hit the 'ok' button or the 'X' symbol on the top right.
Normally when you hit either of these the program doesn't really close, but instead it is sort of minimized. You don't see it, but it is still actually running in the background. Programs like 3rd party programs like SPB Pocket Plus make the 'ok' button and 'X' symbol behave like they do in windows... when you hit them the program process is killed.
These programs have system function processes on an ignore list so that you don't kill something important. Palm's messaging application is unique to Palm and doesn't show up on these ignore lists. So, if you have one of these tweak apps installed and go to close your Messaging program it throws it out of whack.
Most of these tweak programs, however, also give a way of manually adding programs to an ignore list (name of the list or setting will be different from program to program.) I believe Palm's app is called messaging.exe... add that to the list and you should be in business.
If this is still not making any sense, post a list of installed software and we'll see where we can go from there.
I get you now, Thanks marsonist! will try your solution and post the result
Thanks again
Hey Marsonist, thanks for the quick reply...well i have magic buttons, smartkeys, and X-button...i also get an error report message when i receive a text from time to time...i usually use the smartkeys to close an app...can you point me in the right direction to solve this...thanks again...
RiNo808 as far as I know each one of those programs when used in conjunction with the Palm Messaging app will cause problems. For Smartkeys, there should be an INI file in the same directory where it was installed. At the bottom of the INI you should see this:
; if you set CLOSEAPP to 1, the program will hide the following
; apps (by title) instead of closing. Other apps will be closed.
; maximum can set 16 apps
APP00=Text Messages
APP01=Outlook E-mail
Add "APP08=Messaging" without the quotes to the bottom of the list. This should keep smartkeys from closing the Messaging app.
I am not familiar with the other programs and recommend you go research their individual settings on how to exclude the Messaging app.
FYI: Smartkeys uses the title of the running program in for its exclude list. (i.e. The name you see next to the windows start menu flag) Other programs often go by the name of the running executable. (i.e. the name of the EXE file as you would see it in File Explorer) So for the case of Palm Messaging, "Messaging" is the title and "messaging.exe" is the name of the executable (located in directly the /windows/ directory). What I listed above for smartkeys should get you started. This info might come in handy, however, for the other two programs.
Let me know if any of this helps.
thanks Marsonist, so far so good...no complaints of multi texts...i guess we have to keep the sms open on the treo...thanks again...

Remving obselete Today program entries

I have an obselete today program entry that is left over from an old program, does anyone know how to remove it. I cannot remove it from the list of programs displayed in Today by taking out the tick from the menu list as when I try to remove the tick I get a message saying "start menu - unable to move that item"
Any ideas please?
Sorry, I'm a newbie to mobiles, how do I get at the plugins, the entry doesn't show in the list of installed programs
This is usually what I do as a newbie. Re-install the OLD application related to the Today Plug-In that was left lingering in your Today Screen. This time you can UNINSTALL it correctly by UNTICKING the box for the plug-in found at Start>Settings>Today>Plug-in. After doing this, you can now safely UNINSTALL the application and hopefully the plug-in won't be left behind.
this was the part you should read
"Otherwise get a registry editor and delete the relevant key under:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Today\Items\[item name]"
you get to it by using a registry editor like total commander
I don't appear to have a 'plugins' tab in Start>Settings>Today>. So I guess I am going to have to go down the registry editing route, but this worries me somewhat in case it goes pear shaped
'plugins' should be 'items' not 'plugins''s
Thanks for the correction, the entry concerned does not show in the items list
then i have absolutely no idea what you are asking
in today->items
all today items shown on the today screen should be located
unless it's not a true today item and is a program which is started from
and if you mean icons in programs
or shortcuts to programs in programs in a launcher you can
1 remove the icon from programs in windows\startmenu\programs\
and if it's in a launcher today item you have to use the functionality of that launcher
When I tap Start the icon appears in the list of things like calendar and call register, but it is an empty icon that just displays an empty box and the name 'copilot'. If I then go to start, settings, menus I can again see it in the list of programs in the start menu, but it wont let me remove the tick to take it out of the list.I just get a message saying 'unable to move that item'
leswaller said:
When I tap Start the icon appears in the list of things like calendar and call register, but it is an empty icon that just displays an empty box and the name 'copilot'. If I then go to start, settings, menus I can again see it in the list of programs in the start menu, but it wont let me remove the tick to take it out of the list.I just get a message saying 'unable to move that item'
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You need to connect your phone through activesync. Then go into windows > Programs and delete the program icon in there. Once you do that, it will not show up on the start drop down list.
Thanks for all the suggestions, I was unable to get at it except by file explorer/windows/startmenu, but deleting the file in there did the trick. The problem was that the icon remained even after the program was uninstalled. Problem now solved... thanks to all your help
leswaller said:
When I tap Start the icon appears in the list of things like calendar and call register, but it is an empty icon that just displays an empty box and the name 'copilot'. If I then go to start, settings, menus I can again see it in the list of programs in the start menu, but it wont let me remove the tick to take it out of the list.I just get a message saying 'unable to move that item'
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maevro said:
You need to connect your phone through activesync. Then go into windows > Programs and delete the program icon in there. Once you do that, it will not show up on the start drop down list.
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Actually, maevro has the right idea, but he gave you the wrong direction to follow. I hope you don't mind if I correct it a little bit.
OK, I assume you already UNINSTALLED this said application a long time ago, right? What happened was an icon was left at these 2 locations:
1) Windows>Start Menu>Programs>(or it could have created its own folder)
2) Windows>Start Menu
Let me explain it as simply as I can. All icons you see in Windows>Start Menu will appear avery time you PRESS/TAP the START windows icon/button. It has a maximum limit (on my device) of 7 applications to show. You can control what is in there using START>SETTINGS>MENU application, BUT since there is also another icon present probably in Windows>Start Menu>Programs it won't let you move it out of that folder.
Delete the said icons on the folowing locations:
1) Windows>Start Menu>Programs>(or it could have created its own folder)
2) Windows>Start Menu
Don't worry if you can't find the icon in list number 1. You can manually delete it using a powerful file manager like RESCO EXPLORER (not free) or TOTAL COMMANDER (free) or use what maevro suggested and attach it via USB and use active sync.
I hope this helps.
leswaller said:
Thanks for all the suggestions, I was unable to get at it except by file explorer/windows/startmenu, but deleting the file in there did the trick. The problem was that the icon remained even after the program was uninstalled. Problem now solved... thanks to all your help
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ooooppps forget my other post then....

LNK files useless?

please advise if i am wrong with my thoughts.
i think it is useless and a waste of performance to use LNK files (at least the ms ones).
lets have a look at the calendar.lnk:
if you want to launch the calendar app, you are launching first the calendar.lnk. the lnk file points to a registry setting (mscalendar). so the launcher (or systemhandler or whatever) needs to lookup there to findout what the programm-name and the required parameters are (in this case "poutlook.exe calendar". now after a while of doing nothing effectively the system finally begins to execute poutlook.exe calendar...
so whats the point of using lnk files?
i see so many launchers, programms even tweak utilities which make use of lnk files.
e.g. if you change one of your softkeys with a tweak utility to "phone", it does the same useless thing: it points to a link file instead directly to cprog.exe.
hopefully i am totally wrong but then please give me some advise.
lnk is shortcut files
same as in windows
in windows if you want to start your program from the desktop
and dont want to copy the tons of files the exe file needs to start
to the desktop too you have a shortcut to the exe file
Some more on the subject:
The use of lnk files does not slow down the loading, in fact it can make it much more officiant.
Take Skype for example: it has a large executable (several MB). If you were to place that exe under "programs" to launch it it will take the system several seconds (quite noticeable period of time) just to find the icon inside the exe so even if you were just scrolling through your programs the device would appear to hang while the icon was loading.
A solution to that (which now became official part of the program installation) was to keep the icon in smaller exe (a resource dll or just plain ico file can also be used) and the lnk will "state" that the icon is not in the main exe.
Another use of the lnk files is the one you mentioned your self:
poutlook.exe calendar
Without lnk files you would be forced to type any parameters manually every time just like in the good old dos days.
By the way, the process you described, lnk-registry-exe does not take that long on current devices.
Just try launching a given exe directly and check if you notice any difference in lag.
If anything, it is the certificate check combined with relatively slow read speeds of flash memory that make WM 5 and 6 devices look sluggish.
thanks a lot for your time and explanation.
sure, i was aware that lnk files help you to launch more easily programs with longer command strings when you use the default launcher.
but how about a different launcher (e.g. rltoday), where you setup once your config within that launcher. would you really point to the calendar.lnk file (which points to registry, which points to an exe file) instead of typing "poutlook.exe -calendar" directly into the launching path within rltoday?
anyway, if you say that there is no time lag, the discussion is more or less of "academical nature".
I am not familiar with rltoday, but it all comes down to how the programmer implemented the launcher.
There are two different commands, CreateProcess designed specifically to launch executable files and for that purpose only.
SellExecuteEx that acts exactly like a click in file explorer. The writer of the launcher has the option of which to use and I suspect they often use the second command.
The reason is simple: they want to give the user as much options as possible. If you want to bother and look up the exe and its command line, good for you, go for it. But what if you are a regular user who just wants to get that stupid icon on his today screen?
He wouldn't know or care about lnk->registry->exe. He just knows to look under windows\start menu\programs for something familiar.
Also having to interpret input of different types may be extra work so some launcher creators may want to only allow lnk and let the system understand and run their content.
That way they do not need to implement options for different icons, command line parameters and control panel applets.

Unable to uninstall PRSSReader

For some reason I cannot completely uninstall PRSSreader, when i go through the add/remove programs feature, it says the program was not completely removed. In fact, the icon and buttons still remain for me to access the program even though nothing is there.
This usually happens when some part of the program is still running.
I am not familiar with this particular app, but if it has a today plugin you need to disable it through settings before uninstalling.
One thing you could do is install it again, make sure it is completely shut off (check settings for startup components) then reset the device and uninstall.
I removed the today plugin and it still doesn't work. Anyone know how to uninstall this program from experience?
get hold of a task manager (itaskmgr is a good one from memory)
then shut down the prssreader.exe file if its running and as you say youve tried switch off the today plugin.
now go into file manager and delete the prssfolder.
you should now be clear, the only other place you might need to look is in the start menu folder \windows\start menu and under programs delete the prssshortcut.
been using prssreader for a month or so now, very good app, if you ever need support the author is very prompt with his emails
How do i delete the link in the start menu and also icon in the programs list?
xunkn0vvnx said:
How do i delete the link in the start menu and also icon in the programs list?
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go to the windows folder, then to the start menu folder, then programs folder and delete the icon. or with your file explorer you can press the star icon, a short cut to the start menu and find the icon you want to delete.

Change App/Widget name?

I was wondering if anyone knows, or has looked into at all a way to change the names displayed before widgets on the home screen. Like change "Google Talk" to just "Talk" Or "Google Voice" to just "Voice"
Sorry if this has been asked I didn't see anything when I searched.
It has been asked, but i think it envloves taking apart the files included in the APK and then adjusting them as necessary. But, doing that requires that you have the ability to resign the file. It's seems like alot of work. Also notice alot of the programs are called com.*** this is a java naming convention that tends to be passed off to lots of programs.
you could also grab a program called AnyCut. it lets you create shortcuts for anything, including people (straight to text or call), programs, certain settings, etc, and lets you name it whatever you want
its free in the market.
Thanks for the info, I'll check out AnyCut

