Original Keyboard theme - Nexus One Themes and Apps

After flashing some themes, i couldn´t get back the original keyboard skin.
Even after flashing CM´s rom, there is still this keyboard skin from an old theme.
Is there any easy way to get the original keyboard skin back?

VoiceSearchWithKeyboard.apk out of the google add on from cyanogen's thread.

thx a lot for the info

david1171 said:
VoiceSearchWithKeyboard.apk out of the google add on from cyanogen's thread.
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I am unable to install it. How to do it via Terminal?

The Spirit said:
I am unable to install it. How to do it via Terminal?
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mount /system to read/write (forget command right now)
cp /sdcard/VoiceSearchWithKeyboard.apk /system/app/VoiceSearchWithKeyboard.apk
if you have root explorer or sufbs just copy the file to /system/app/


How to Change Music Widget in any Cupcake Build

Always perform a nandroid backup before attempting any mods.
This is a tutorial on how to change the music widget to the one of your liking. It doesn't matter if you have the Dude build and want the G build widget or have the G build and want the 1.5Hr1 widget. This will work for any cupcake (Android 1.5) user who is not happy with their current music widget. I use a windows PC and I am not a Linux guru so I'm not going to attempt to tweak my tutorial for Linux users. Hopefully it's not to hard for them to figure it out from this. (I think it's just file path differences, maybe?)
First step is to have ADB commands working on your computer. Follow this link if you don't know how to do this.
Now that you have ADB, you have to download the appropriate music player/widget that you prefer.
This one is for installing the dark blue music widget with the off-center play/pause button and the transparent record and needle logo. My personal favorite for looks, but has a play/pause with a easy to miss touch area.
This one is for installing the plain white and pale blue music widget with rectangular shape and the large play/pause button with it's large touch area.
This third option is for future development. You can "harvest" a third music widget/player from a third source that doesn't yet exist using the ADB pull command. Lets say your using build X, but build Y has a theme available and you love the themed music widget on themed build Y. What you do is perform a nandroid backup of your current build so you can return to it later and install build Y and then theme it. (Don't waist your time setting up your settings because you won't be on this build for long. Just make sure USB debugging is enabled in settings > Applications > Development so you can use ADB.) You can skip this step if you have access to a friends phone who's already running the music player/widget you want. Connect the USB cable to the phone and go into where you run your ADB commands in Command Prompt on your PC. Type in this command.
adb pull system/app/Music.apk c:\your_path_here
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The "system/app/Music.apk" part of the command is case sensitive. This will create the Music.apk with the widget you want at the path you specify. Next you can use Fastboot to restore your nandroid backup of build X. (Nandroid saves everything. It's as if you never left.)
Next step is to rename the downloaded file "Music.apk". It's case sensitive and take note of the folder path it's in.
Next, enter the following ADB commands from the appropriate place in Command Prompt. (Start > Run > type "cmd")
adb remount
adb shell rm -r system/app/Music.apk
adb push c:\your_path_here\Music.apk system/app
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"system/app/Music.apk" and "system/app" parts are both case sensitive.
saying no such directory, would apps to sd card cause that, and ifso what would i instead need to put in?
i never knew there was a difference between the music widgets...
whats different about them?
the gui??
pgiuoco said:
saying no such directory, would apps to sd card cause that, and ifso what would i instead need to put in?
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On the last step, adb push, dont just put your directory, put in the file name also, Music.apk. For example, i put the file on my C directory to make it easy, so I typed "adb push c:\Music.apk system/app" without the "".
FYI - I have Apps2SD and I used the above command. Guess that doesn't make a difference, assuming because the symlinks say so? I'm such a Linux noob!!!!
bigballa said:
i never knew there was a difference between the music widgets...
whats different about them?
the gui??
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Yes, different looking gui, the Dark Blue is very nice!
P.S. Nice write up!
setzer715 said:
On the last step, adb push, dont just put your directory, put in the file name also, Music.apk. For example, i put the file on my C directory to make it easy, so I typed "adb push c:\Music.apk system/app" without the "".
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Wow, that was a BIG OOPS! Thanks for catching that. I fixed the original post.
Has anyone found a way to do this via Terminal Emulator? I'm at work so I wanna do this now instead of waiting till I get home.
djdeviance said:
Has anyone found a way to do this via Terminal Emulator? I'm at work so I wanna do this now instead of waiting till I get home.
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I'm not a frequent Linux user, but I know a couple of commands. You could download the apk file to your sdcard and try this. This method is not recommended!
rm -r system/app/Music.apk
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This will delete your old music player. Next, you can just install the new music player apk through Apps Installer or whatever you use in it's place. This will allow you to use the new music player as if it was any other 3rd party app. However, I recommend uninstalling it and doing it through the ADB push when you get home.
yeah the app installer method didn't work for me
pgiuoco said:
yeah the app installer method didn't work for me
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Did you delete the original Music.apk first? Do you have cupcake, or are you using JF RC33 like it says in your sig? This music player has a widget embedded and needs cupcake. If neither of these is the problem, then just use the adb push commands in the first post. I don't recommend using apk installer. I just posted that to help out someone who was too impatient to get home to his pc.
testing567 said:
Did you delete the original Music.apk first? Do you have cupcake, or are you using JF RC33 like it says in your sig? This music player has a widget embedded and needs cupcake. If neither of these is the problem, then just use the adb push commands in the first post. I don't recommend using apk installer. I just posted that to help out someone who was too impatient to get home to his pc.
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Haha ended up doing it at home anyways. =D Yeah i was kinda doing nothing at work. So as usual I started fidgeting with my phone.
the steps given in the first post work perfectly...!!!
i am on ADP1.5H A2SD...Gud Work...THNX..!!
If someone could post screenshots of the different UIs, that'd be great.
For some reason, when I pushed the Music.apk it worked fine, but when I tried to do the same thing with the CalendarProvider.apk, it didn't....
This method works for me as well. How do you take screenshots with the new builds?
CalendarProvider.apk... Just do a normal .apk installation.
Does this only work for Rooted phones as when I try it I get permission denied
C:\android\tools>adb shell rm -r system/app/Music.apk
rm failed for system/app/Music.apk, Read-only file system
C:\android\tools>adb shell
$ su
su: permission denied
jayaustn said:
If someone could post screenshots of the different UIs, that'd be great.
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i second this idea
moosefist said:
i second this idea
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I third it
can someone post some different download links for the two different music.apk builds? rapidshare has always hated me and will still not let me download either of them saying that my ip address is already downloading something. thanks.
Can someone post pics of all the music widgets in order to compare them?

Installing APKs and Odex files

A friendly forum member provided me with some files to install for applications included in most roms available... voicedialer and footprints.
I succesfully installed VoiceDialer.apk by following these commands..
1. adb push VoiceDialer.apk /data/local/tmp
2. adb shell pm install /data/local/tmp/VoiceDialer.apk
3. adb shell rm /data/local/tmp/VoiceDialer.apk
Tried it right away, and it indeed worked. I usually just install apps from the downloaded file manager but figured I'd expand my horizons and try it this way. I don't recognize this way of doing it, I thought it was basically adb push /system/apps_s (or something like that), but this is all I could find quickly on how to do it.
None the less, I tried the same thing with Footprints, and was given this error via adb..
Google result..
"Installation return code: this is passed to the IPackageInstallObserver by installPackage(android.net.Uri, IPackageInstallObserver, int) if the new package failed while optimizing and validating its dex files, either because there was not enough storage or the validation failed."
All chinese to me
So I tried installing Footprints via linda file manager.. and get the genreal "footprints could not be installed on this phone"
I also have .odex files for both the footprints app, and the footprints widget app.. i don't know if odex files are necessary though, as the system might create them on their own
Can anyone help me with how to install Footprints? I Don't understand why Voice Dialer installed but Footprints is no go..
Thank you.
edit: forgot to mention.. voicedialer does not seem to work quite right. I tell it exactly what to do.. "call joe blow on mobile" and it still pops open an option screen for joe blow, and if i click on one of the options it force closes. But saying "open calendar" seems to work. Just not phone numbers i guess?
Any ideas anyone?
adb remount
adb push Footprints.apk /system/app/Footprints.apk
adb push Footprints.odex /system/app/Footprints.odex
What'st he difference between system/app and system/app_s? Is app_s just a different link to the app directory or is it something different?
isnt footprints a thing from hero? it might be the fact you are using a non hero rom? alot of hero apps seem to be closely tied in with hero overlay making it unusable for a non hero rom. which rom are you using?
redmdc said:
isnt footprints a thing from hero? it might be the fact you are using a non hero rom? alot of hero apps seem to be closely tied in with hero overlay making it unusable for a non hero rom. which rom are you using?
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Yes forgot to mention.. I am using a hero rom.. jacxheroski 1.4 32a with new kernel
bonesy said:
adb remount
adb push Footprints.apk /system/app/Footprints.apk
adb push Footprints.odex /system/app/Footprints.odex
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This worked, thanks. Pushing to app_s seems to cause error, no errors with doing it this way.
Can you tell me if your phone started crashing when doing this??
If you miss the framework, then yes it will crash.
bunny0007 said:
If you miss the framework, then yes it will crash.
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what's the framework? Pardon for my noobness. =p
briggs81 said:
What'st he difference between system/app and system/app_s? Is app_s just a different link to the app directory or is it something different?
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Hey glad it worked, just for future purposes....theres no such thing as /system/app_s/....it doesnt exist....its either :
i accidently deleated com.htcworld clock. I have both the apk and odex files but have no idea how to get them back on my phone. i dont have any of the sdk files from when i rooted either. anyone know how to get that file back on my phone?

Accidentally Deleted Launcher

I accidentally Deleted my Launcher using Titanium Backup. Now as you can image my phone is very limited. Can someone please upload a launcher.apk that i can install?
roberto188 said:
I accidentally Deleted my Launcher using Titanium Backup. Now as you can image my phone is very limited. Can someone please upload a launcher.apk that i can install?
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pull it out of the rom that you flashed) and push it to your phone (/system/app)
Ok I have the rom...how do I extract the data from the rom?
open the zip file and extract it maybe?
open the rom zip, find the launcher2.apk and extract it somewhere (sdk tools folder usually best)
if in windows, hit shift+right click in a blank area of that explorer window/directory the apk now resides
in console window type:
adb remount
adb push Launcher2.apk /system/apps/
Just reflash your ROM, much easier for someone who may not know what they are doing.
daveid said:
Just reflash your ROM, much easier for someone who may not know what they are doing.
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+1 agree
daveid said:
Just reflash your ROM, much easier for someone who may not know what they are doing.
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On the flip side, he's got to learn somewhere and this would be a pretty easy task in the grand scheme of things.

Clear Genie Widget for evo

is one around i had it on my hero not sure if it would work
i searched but i failed
Nobody ..... ?
I would like that!
Sent from my Evo via XDA's Tapatalk app
I still have my clear W. widget from my hero, and it does install but it shows the regular one. There must be a tweak in the EVO OS to allow the transparency.
adb remount
adb shell
rm /system/app/GenieWidget.apk
adb push /path/to/GenieWidgetClear.apk /system/app/
Then go to /system/app using root explorer or something and click on the apk to install it...at least what's how I do it. Then I remove it from /system/app...
RavenII said:
adb remount
adb shell
rm /system/app/GenieWidget.apk
adb push /path/to/GenieWidgetClear.apk /system/app/
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That worked, thanks
For those following this, you need to rename the download apk from GenieWidgetClear to GenieWidget. If you dont do that before pushing it, it wont work.
Kykiskly said:
That worked, thanks
For those following this, you need to rename the download apk from GenieWidgetClear to GenieWidget. If you dont do that before pushing it, it wont work.
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You're welcome...I didn't have to rename it though, but as long as it works, that's all that matters.
Sporkman said:
is one around i had it on my hero not sure if it would work
i searched but i failed
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On a side note, how does someone with such a signature...NOT use ANY punctuation?...
Does anyone have one with 25% transparency? 100% is fouling my mojo.
What does this do? Screenshots?
EDIT: Never mind. Thanks for this!
NOTE: I don't have an original geniewidget.apk in /system/app
Thanks will give it a shot once i get home.
Sent from my Evo via XDA's Tapatalk app
Sorry for digging up an old thread, but does anyone have one that is compatible with froyo? This one always crashes.

[THEME] Gingerbread with Accurate Battery [Test][EDT]

Ok, to know if I have an understanding of the SK4G enough to begin development, as I don't own the phone, I have developed a quick Gingerbread theme.
Full GB theme with accurate GB battery.
This is not a flash. Push the files to your framework folder, test, take screenshots, and report back - please.
I do not have the phone so no screenshots but this is based off my Vibrant ROM located here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1061811
Framework is based off the Dump found in the dev section.
If there is no input, then I will assume there is no interest and find my way back to the Vibrant section.
Download <8.62MB> - http://www.mediafire.com/?ecqf24b15u6cgtk
Ill try it later today hopefully. Busy day today.
Anyone test this yet? Is it sgs II theme?
Sent from my SGH-T839 using XDA App
jellette said:
Ok, to know if I have an understanding of the SK4G enough to begin development, as I don't own the phone, I have developed a quick Gingerbread theme.
Full GB theme with accurate GB battery.
This is not a flash. Push the files to your framework folder, test, take screenshots, and report back - please.
I do not have the phone so no screenshots but this is based off my Vibrant ROM located here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1061811
Framework is based off the Dump found in the dev section.
If there is no input, then I will assume there is no interest and find my way back to the Vibrant section.
Download <8.62MB> - http://www.mediafire.com/?ecqf24b15u6cgtk
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Hey, I've been quite busy so I haven't been able to try this out yet. My only question is how I will revert after doing this? I can get into the recovery but its or the epic so the keys aren't mapped correctly.
bburke88 said:
Hey, I've been quite busy so I haven't been able to try this out yet. My only question is how I will revert after doing this? I can get into the recovery but its or the epic so the keys aren't mapped correctly.
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I'm busy but I made a quick rar for you. Flash it in CWM to push back stock framework-res.apk and tw-framework.apk in case system won't boot. (you may want to clear cache before flashing as I didn't add it into the script Im in a rush)
edit: also you can just adb push the stock files back from inside recovery... your pc should still detect the phone
blu9987 said:
I'm busy but I made a quick rar for you. Flash it in CWM to push back stock framework-res.apk and tw-framework.apk in case system won't boot. (you may want to clear cache before flashing as I didn't add it into the script Im in a rush)
edit: also you can just adb push the stock files back from inside recovery... your pc should still detect the phone
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What are the movement keys for cwm? I booted into recovery once and saw that the correct keys weren't working..
Id save his cwm flash on the card just in case, then use root explorer to push mine in place.
Or right click on his choose copy then paste. Rename the new ... - copy.zip to gbtest.zip. Then using 7zip, open, not extract, the gbtest.zip, navigate to the framework, and drag my framework in and it will overwrite his - now close the zip and save both to your card. You can now flash mine and then revert with his.
jellette said:
Id save his cwm flash on the card just in case, then use root explorer to push mine in place.
Or right click on his choose copy then paste. Rename the new ... - copy.zip to gbtest.zip. Then using 7zip, open, not extract, the gbtest.zip, navigate to the framework, and drag my framework in and it will overwrite his - now close the zip and save both to your card. You can now flash mine and then revert with his.
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K. Sounds good. Ill try this tonight if I get a chance. If not, then tomorrow. Ill report back with the screens.
Jellete! good to see you come to the sk4g! If you could send me detailed instructions on how to push it, i'll be a guinea pig for you.
mustang9438 said:
Jellete! good to see you come to the sk4g! If you could send me detailed instructions on how to push it, i'll be a guinea pig for you.
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Not trying to hi-jack I'm just bored.
C:\platform-tools>adb shell
$ su
# mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/stl9 /system
mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/stl9 /system
# exit
$ exit
C:\platform-tools>adb push C:\path\to\framework-res.apk /system/framework/framework-res.apk
C:\platform-tools>adb push C:\path\to\tw-framework.apk /system/framework/tw-framework.apk
C:\Platform-tools>adb reboot
note that if this is your first time doing the su command in adb shell it prompts superuser.apk on your phone and you have to hit allow
mustang9438 said:
Jellete! good to see you come to the sk4g! If you could send me detailed instructions on how to push it, i'll be a guinea pig for you.
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Let us know if you if you do the theme. I didn't have a chance to do it tonight. If you don't do it ill try pushing it tomorrow after work.
if im correct .. clockwork is working for you guys except when it comes to restoring nandroid backups ?.. i'd flash it but im not sure if someone is working on a recovery for the SK4G already
ayoteddy said:
if im correct .. clockwork is working for you guys except when it comes to restoring nandroid backups ?.. i'd flash it but im not sure if someone is working on a recovery for the SK4G already
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I can get into clockwork, but i cant do a nandroid backup. it says "cant mount sdcard"
blu9987 said:
Not trying to hi-jack I'm just bored.
C:\platform-tools>adb shell
$ su
# mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/stl9 /system
mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/stl9 /system
# exit
$ exit
C:\platform-tools>adb push C:\path\to\framework-res.apk /system/framework/framework-res.apk
C:\platform-tools>adb push C:\path\to\tw-framework.apk /system/framework/tw-framework.apk
C:\Platform-tools>adb reboot
note that if this is your first time doing the su command in adb shell it prompts superuser.apk on your phone and you have to hit allow
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That'll do it.
I push everything from recovery and save the files I want to push to the tools folder so I just have to use:
cd c:/android/tools
c:/android/tools adb push framework-res.apk system/app/framework-res.apk
c:/android/tools adb reboot
im a little confused.. i cant seem to access adb. theres no bootloader, so what state does the phone need to be in?
also, i would flash via cwm, but the sdcard wont mount, so im a tad confused at this point.
ok, i figured out how to get into adb, but the files wont push. i get an error:
c:\Users\Bryan\AndroidSDK\tools>adb push framework-res.apk system/app/framework-
failed to copy 'framework-res.apk' to 'system/app/framework-res.apk': Read-only
file system
EDIT: I ended up just using Root Explorer and i put the 2 framework files into system/framework manually. If you need more screens let me know. Also, as you can see in the screen shots, the txt is hard to see in the options and "add to home screen" windows.. i went to the theme options and changed the theme bar colors, which changed the txt to black.
@bburke88 where did you go to find theme settings and change the text to black ?
Sent from my SGH-T839 using XDA App
ayoteddy said:
@bburke88 where did you go to find theme settings and change the text to black ?
Sent from my SGH-T839 using XDA App
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Hey, I just used the theme changer. Its built into the sk4g. I had my theme set to the default, but when I changed it to the light blue It changed some of the txt on the widget selector menus black. Though, the power off menu is still white, so its hard to read.
Thanks alot, and that could be handled by xml edit to change the text color most likely or change the popup background color.. thanks again though.
Have you tried pushing the stock framework back to make sure it'd work ? I might see if I can change the popup background color to a darker color like black or grey to keep it in sync with he gingerbread theme
Sent from my SGH-T839 using XDA App
ayoteddy said:
Thanks alot, and that could be handled by xml edit to change the text color most likely or change the popup background color.. thanks again though.
Have you tried pushing the stock framework back to make sure it'd work ? I might see if I can change the popup background color to a darker color like black or grey to keep it in sync with he gingerbread theme
Sent from my SGH-T839 using XDA App
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Yeah let me know if you get something going. Im waiting for Jellette to get back on so we can figure out what to do next.
By chance, do you have a working recovery? i can boot into it, but the controls are weird, and i cant get my sdcard to mount, therefore it wont let me do any nandroid backups..
Looking at the pics now. But thats what I needed to know, it looks like the themechanger overwrites xml changes in the framework.

