How to find out time since last boot - General Questions and Answers

Hello everyone,
Just curious, is there any easy way to find out the time since the your TD2 was last booted....
couldn't find it even after googling..
Thanks for your help

It's reasonably easy on a PC, but under WinMo half of the .NET System objects are missing.
Maybe a simpler method may do the job.
The following code writes out the current local time to a file "Bootlog.txt" in the root directory
// Bootlog.cpp : Defines the entry point for the application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "time.h"
int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance,
HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
LPTSTR lpCmdLine,
int nCmdShow)
FILE *out;
fprintf(out,"%04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\n",stime.wYear,stime.wMonth,stime.wDay,stime.wHour,stime.wMinute,stime.wSecond);
return 0;
Unzip the file, take the 4k executable 'Bootlog.exe' and drop it in your \Windows\Startup folder. Each time the machine is soft reset, the file is overwritten with the current date and time in YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS format.
P.S. The executable is ARMV4, so it should run on any ARM device. It does not require any run time as all the functions it uses are already in the standard DLL files on your device.
As an alternative to \Windows\Startup, which makes it visible to users of the phone, store it in the windows directory and add a Launch entry in the registry in [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\init] that calls it. That will keep it away from prying eyes. It is a console application so nothing appears on screen when it is run.

got it..yessssssssssssss...................that's what i wanted..................
many thanks...........


[Q] Open a Programm twice parallel?

Hi everybody,
is it possible to open a programm twice parallel? I want to open the coreplayer twice, one time for music and another time for audiobook. Is that possible?
thx, mic
It's probably not too hard to write a script for it.
trying talking to either vijay or oldsap.
Depends on the code in the program itself. In the shell code created by Embedded C++ in the InitInstance function there is the following code:
hWnd = FindWindow(szWindowClass, NULL);
if (hWnd)
// set focus to foremost child window
// The "| 0x01" is used to bring any owned windows to the foreground and
// activate them.
SetForegroundWindow((HWND)((ULONG) hWnd | 0x00000001));
return 0;
In other words when the application starts, it looks for another active process with the same name as itself. If it finds one, it activates it, then kills itself.
thx for try to help me - that means it is not possible?
The original PPC programming guidelines by Microsoft stipulated that only one copy of a program should be running at any one time. In later versions of Windows CE/PPC a lot more processes are allowed to run simultaneously. They may have changed their tune over this since. Try and launch it twice, then go to Settings->System->Memory and see if there is more than one copy in Running Programs. If there is only one, then I'm afraid the answer is no.
P.S. If you create a Windows Mobile Win32 program in C++ under Visual Studio 2008, it still has the process checking code in it by default.

[Q] project resource

There are many json files containing the information {"color": "red"}. I want to create a listBox of colors of these files,data must be read. The most simple (which I wrote):
int i = 1;
while (i < 300)
var file = Application.GetResourceStream(new Uri("files/color"+i+".json", UriKind.Relative));
if (file == null)
Debug.WriteLine("file not found");
DataContractJsonSerializer ser = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(Color));
Color example = (Color)ser.ReadObject(file.Stream);
I have not found how to work with directories of the project so just go over everything.
I read about IsolatedStorageFile, this store is used as a sandbox for the application. How to install the application can put files there?
This is a simple example I used just to find out, in fact, much more data.
P.S. Sorry for my bad english
Quick tip: you should be using the "using" keyword, or manually cleaning up your stream.
That said, there's no official way to write to the isolated storage on program installation. Unofficially, you can use the XAP deployer hack (read about it on the dev&hacking sub-forum) if you really want to do this, although it almost certainly won't survive market ingestion (if you want to publish it).
The best official way is to check, when the program starts up, whether it has populated its isostore. If not, it uses the GetResourceStream to read from its install folder and write to the isostore.
If that's not enough info or doesn't answer your question, please try to be more precise.
evgen_wp said:
There are many json files containing the information {"color": "red"}. I want to create a listBox of colors of these files,data must be read. The most simple (which I wrote):
int i = 1;
while (i < 300)
var file = Application.GetResourceStream(new Uri("files/color"+i+".json", UriKind.Relative));
if (file == null)
Debug.WriteLine("file not found");
DataContractJsonSerializer ser = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(Color));
Color example = (Color)ser.ReadObject(file.Stream);
I have not found how to work with directories of the project so just go over everything.
I read about IsolatedStorageFile, this store is used as a sandbox for the application. How to install the application can put files there?
This is a simple example I used just to find out, in fact, much more data.
P.S. Sorry for my bad english
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Indeed, clearly, is better.
thank you
Every time you hit the page will load data from files. It's slow. Probably better to use the database. What do you suggest?
an additional question: how to view the contents of the folder in the install folder
Loading the app's IsolatedStorageSettings.ApplicationSettings data (which is a simple text file in the data folder) is quite fast; I really doubt you'll notice it. Just save their once the fact that you imported the files from the install folder to the isostore. I just about guarantee that any kind of database access will take much longer, at least for the initial hit. Reading a short plain-text file and parsing it should take maybe a few miliseconds, at worst.
As for viewing folder contents, technically this can be done using native code, but it can't be done with the official API (I get the feeling you want to publish this app, so that matters). However, that shouldn't matter, really - you know what files are in the install folder and its subfolders, because you put them there. If you want to know how to use GetResourceStream on sub-folders of the install folder, that's easy; your code as listed above should work. Note that the files must be build action "content" and not "resource". You can still access "resource" files but the URI is different.

[IDEA] And what about file association ?

When I search in the wp7 forum I see few thread about file association in wp7 but I just remark that it's not so difficult to do using the excellent wp7 root tools SDK:
string Me = "1ff297cf-853f-4c7c-b9ca-1d255cb4c387".ToUpper(); //our Application's AppId
string Format = ".xml";
//set the defaut file association for .xml to FileAssoc instead of xmlfile
Registry.SetValue(RegistryHyve.ClassesRoot, Format, "Default", "FileAssoc");
//create the corresponding registry key
try { Registry.DeleteKey(RegistryHyve.ClassesRoot, "FileAssoc"); }
catch { }
Registry.CreateKey(RegistryHyve.ClassesRoot, "FileAssoc");
//create the key BrowseInPlace (I don't know why, I just do it, it takes one line)
Registry.SetValue(RegistryHyve.ClassesRoot, "FileAssoc", "BrowseInPlace", 0x0);
//and the app that must open .xml file (our app)
Registry.CreateKey(RegistryHyve.ClassesRoot, "FileAssoc\\shell\\open\\command");
Registry.SetValue(RegistryHyve.ClassesRoot, "FileAssoc\\shell\\open\\command", "Default", "app://" + Me + "/_default?type=FileAssoc&file=%s");
But if each application try to play with those settings it wil be the mess in the phone that's why I suggest that someone create an app that manage file associations for the user to choose what application he want use for a given file type and to support more file type (like .epub or .rar).
moreover the application that create File association must use native code but it's not necessarily the case for the application that read the file it would allow developers to publish this app on the marketplace (by adding an other source like skydrive or url) and the application that create File association would just be a big plus for Interop-unlocked phones.
Here is an app that display xml file in a textbox it's just an exemple of how it works: ==> xap ==> source
What do you think ?
I actually knocked up an app very similar to this a little while ago, I didn't get around to finishing it but it was fully capable of searching the registry and compiling a list of known file extensions. As well as searching the installation directories of app's for certain .xml which contained the file extension that the app wanted to be associated with.
It was all written as a managed app, and I don't know if someone would want to look at it, but if there is some interest I can put it up.

Link contact adress to Nokia Drive

I use my7rom on my Omnia 7.
Is there anyway to link a contacts adress to Nokia Drive instead of Maps (stock wp7 app). It would be much more practical if Nokia Drive opened a navigation session instead.
Anyone up for the challenge? A reg-tweak perhaps?
// Manneman
Skickat från Windows Phone 7.8
There's two parts here. The first is identifying the correct "filetype" or URI scheme that is used for navigation. That shouldn't be too hard; a little digging in HKCU should reveal it. We already know about ones like callto: and http: and I'm actually (slowly) working on an app to allow people to easily change them. The second part is finding the correct command to load that address or route in the Nokia Maps app. If the app supports pinning routes or destinations to Start, this is probably possible. If not, it may not be possible in the app. Most apps aren't designed to accept command-line parameters, so even if you make them the default handler for a given filetype or URI scheme, they ignore the value you send them and just start as though launched from Start.
GoodDayToDie said:
If the app supports pinning routes or destinations to Start, this is probably possible.
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Nokia Drive supports pinning to start so it should be possible. Unfortunately I can't tell you exact command line parameters 'cause my Lumia 900 still "in jail"
Let me see if I have a copy of the Nokia Drive XAP handy. I'll need to decompile it to figure out the correct parameters for launching it with the intent of navigating to a specific location. Note also that this might not be possible directly - for example, the app might store a list of locations internally, and the tiles only provide an index into that list rather than providing the location directly - but that just requires another layer of indirection.
In that case, you create an app that gets registered as the navigation handler, and in response to a navigation request, it writes the requested location into the Nokia Drive app and then chain-launches Nokia Drive with the index of the newly written location. That's just an example of one way that this might go wrong, but overall, the odds are actually pretty good. Obviously, all of this will require, at a minimum, write access to the HKCR hive in the registry.
Ah, guys! You are so kind helping me out. I´m really certain alot of members in the WP7 section would love for this to work!
// Manneman
GoodDayToDie said:
I'll need to decompile it to figure out the correct parameters for launching it with the intent of navigating to a specific location
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GoodDayToDie, you may try much simpler solution. Just create assembly (dll) to show startup parameters in message box, and replace main Nokia Drive dll (but pin some location first).
That's actually harder than it sounds; even if the app is sideloaded (which would mean I already have the DLL) my fake would have to mimic the internal structure of the real app to a degree (namespaces, class names, default actions, etc.). That's not hard, but decompiling .NET is pretty trivial too.
AFAIR, Nokia Drive is obfuscated (but I'm not 100% sure). Also, you don't need to duplicate all names and structures; just a stuff mentioned in WMAppManifest (I hope so). BTW, I forgot: I still have unlocked handset; if I'll found time, will try today later.
Update: tried but without of luck What I did:
- installed Nokia Drive first;
- downloaded map and pinned current location;
- created fake app with same app guid and namespace name ("Drive"), and performed app update (that operation completely override whole solution but NokiaDrive tile still pinned to the start screen);
- tried a few different page names (_default.xaml, QuickStartPage.xaml, DestinationPickerPage.xaml, FavoritesPage.xaml) with code
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs e)
MessageBox.Show("Hello from fake dll");
if (e.NavigationMode == System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationMode.New)
string[] keys = NavigationContext.QueryString.Keys.ToArray();
string[] values = NavigationContext.QueryString.Values.ToArray();
string param = "";
for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++)
param += keys[i] + " -> " + values[i] + "\n";
MessageBox.Show("parameters: " + param);
But result always the same: app doesn't start from the pinned tile
Update 2: Finally, I did it
The trick is:
- do the same as I've described above (you should have pinned tile from ND);
- add following code to the start page:
public MainPage()
var appTile = ShellTile.ActiveTiles.Last();
if (appTile != null)
EmailComposeTask emailTask = new EmailComposeTask();
emailTask.Subject = "NokiaDrive pinned parameters";
emailTask.Body = appTile.NavigationUri.OriginalString;
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK);
- run app as usual (not from tile);
We allset - all params are sent to our email (I'm too lazy to manually copy all stuff )
Here we are (start parameters; bold values are changed for privacy reason ):
/_default? SomeName Street&destination.latitude=49.5255378801376&destination.longitude=-72.4296837244183&destination.address.street=SomeName Street&destination.address.houseno=200&destination.address.district=&destination.address.county=&
P.S. Just found: Navigon also has ability to pin address to the start tile So, if you find the way to modify map protocol (or how it calls), it will be a really nice hack! BTW, could you remind me: do we have ability to launch assembly by GUID (on the full-/policy-unlocked phones)? If "yes", it's possible to write a real nice "proxy" app to handle map requests
I don't know about launching assemblies directly, but it's certainly possible to launch apps by GUID. It doesn't even require anything more than dev-unlock in fact (although of course you can only launch apps that you could launch anyhow). So yes, a proxy app is totally possible. That's actually what I'm working on (started as a project to make a Kindle ebook file loader, that would pur .mobi/.prc file in the Kindle app's folder and then launch the app).
GoodDayToDie, could you please, take a look to the registry, for default map protocol handler and figure out how to change that stuff? I'm pretty busy these days (and probably will be extremely busy couple of next months) but we can cooperate and create this app...
I'll investigate, but you're not the only one busy. If you've noticed a lack of software from me recently, it's due to the nex job I got some months back; I love it, but it leaves me with a lot less time for phone hacking if I want to still have a life outside of that.
With that said, this actually ties into the work I'm already doing with things like filetype handling and default browser switching. I can send you my HKCRlib, at a minimum; it's a library that simplifies interacting with HKCR, including creating backups of important values when they change, and reverting the backups.
GoodDayToDie, truly, I'm not much interested (personally) in that hack 'cause I can't use it for my Lumia 900. So it's only for the community needs but because of lack of time, I believe, we may put it on hold.

How does WeChat store animated emojis (stickers)?

I hope this is the right section for app-specific questions (if not, please move the thread)...
My wife recently got into that sticker/emoji-collecting-thing on WeChat (god knows why) and she would like to use the WeChat stickers on other messengers like Whatsapp (or have access to the image files in general). There are millions of tutorials how to make your own animated stickers for WeChat, but unfortunately there is zero information how to get them out of WeChat... Apparently everything is stored in the folder "Phone\tencent\MicroMsg\--some-md5-like-number--\emoji". Therein are subfolders like "", I guess for each sticker creator, and the image files themselves have cryptic filenames like "fd0476f63c51690b88dd17d9be63af1c" without any extension. The good news is that PNGs and JPGs are saved "natively" - such files can be easily recognized by any image viewer via the header. However, animated stickers (typically discernible by the much larger file size) are apparently stored in a kind of proprietary format. It's not GIF or any image format I know of (or rather tried it with), it's also not a common compressed container, and the hex editor doesn't reveal anything useful, just densely packed gibberish...
Is there any kind of documentation on how WeChat stores animated images and how they can be converted back into something useful like GIF?
I was wondering this as well. I did the same digging as the OP, with one thing to add. I took a look at one of the said files – this one is 13Kb and about 1kb from the beginning there is a 648-byte xml rdf metadata tag. It shows that whatever this thing is, it was made with Photoshop. I took out the id's and hashes:
<rdf:Description rdf:about="" xmlns:xmpMM="http ://" xmlns:stRef="http ://" xmlns:xmp="http ://" xmpMM:eek:riginalDocumentID="xmp.did:…" xmpMM:DocumentID="xmp.did:…" xmpMM:InstanceID="xmp.iid:…" xmp:CreatorTool="Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 (Windows)"> <xmpMM:DerivedFrom stRef:instanceID="xmp.iid:…" stRef:documentID="adobe:docid:photoshop:…"/> </rdf:Description> </rdf:RDF> </x:xmpmeta> <?xpacket end="r"?>
Looking for the same answer
It's been forever since this question was posted, but I still kinda want to know. I don't think anyone's figured out how. XD;;
Nope, I gave up and urged my wife to find a new hobby
Drats, the stickers are so adorable tho... iiOTL
The files are stored in the WXAM format (an in-house proprietary format). The most I found was this post detailing an exploit for WXGF (that's the name of the format), which includes POC code in Python (see zip at end of post) that encrypts a file to WXGF. In it, you can see the code calculating the encryption key - which, I imagine the way to decrypt them would be to do the opposite (obviously)
imei = '358035085174146'
key = hashlib.md5(imei).hexdigest()[0:16]
cipher =, AES.MODE_ECB)
result[0:1024] = cipher.encrypt(buffer[0:1024])
As for converting the unencrypted file - whether Android or Windows, it's contained in a dll or so file.
On Windows, the decompilation code can be found at
C:\Program Files (x86)\Tencent\WeChat\WXAMDecoder.dll
, while on Android it can be found at
Particularly on Android, the Java class located in
contains the java -> native implementation, with functions such as
As for documenting the internal native code -> It's too much past my ability / time at the moment. Maybe this can be for someone for another day~ That being said, decryption isn't impossible as you saw above, related to IMEI and AES keys.
The particular function you were looking for was - sadly, using it would be a bit hard. But I imagine that you could take the so file, wire it up to an Android app with the same declarations here, and pass in the Wxam file in a byte[] array to get the result back -> You wouldn't have to know the internal code for that either, and since the type is byte[], we don't need to even reverse engineer the code to see what it supplied. Clearly it is a byte[] array of the files contents.
public static native byte[] nativeWxamToGif(byte[] bArr);
In fact, now that I think about it, I'd like to try it myself now and see what happens lol.
Edit: Yup, it works. I just decoded a few files. Working on decryption now. Sorry, I can't share it since I don't wanna get in trouble. But there's the information above ^^ If you can make Android apps and know enough, it's not hard
BBRecon said:
The files are stored in the WXAM format (an in-house proprietary format). The most I found was this post detailing an exploit for WXGF (that's the name of the format), which includes POC code in Python (see zip at end of post) that encrypts a file to WXGF. In it, you can see the code calculating the encryption key - which, I imagine the way to decrypt them would be to do the opposite (obviously)
imei = '358035085174146'
key = hashlib.md5(imei).hexdigest()[0:16]
cipher =, AES.MODE_ECB)
result[0:1024] = cipher.encrypt(buffer[0:1024])
As for converting the unencrypted file - whether Android or Windows, it's contained in a dll or so file.
On Windows, the decompilation code can be found at
C:\Program Files (x86)\Tencent\WeChat\WXAMDecoder.dll
, while on Android it can be found at
Particularly on Android, the Java class located in
contains the java -> native implementation, with functions such as
As for documenting the internal native code -> It's too much past my ability / time at the moment. Maybe this can be for someone for another day~ That being said, decryption isn't impossible as you saw above, related to IMEI and AES keys.
The particular function you were looking for was - sadly, using it would be a bit hard. But I imagine that you could take the so file, wire it up to an Android app with the same declarations here, and pass in the Wxam file in a byte[] array to get the result back -> You wouldn't have to know the internal code for that either, and since the type is byte[], we don't need to even reverse engineer the code to see what it supplied. Clearly it is a byte[] array of the files contents.
public static native byte[] nativeWxamToGif(byte[] bArr);
In fact, now that I think about it, I'd like to try it myself now and see what happens lol.
Edit: Yup, it works. I just decoded a few files. Working on decryption now. Sorry, I can't share it since I don't wanna get in trouble. But there's the information above ^^ If you can make Android apps and know enough, it's not hard
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I'm using nativeWxamToGif(), but I keep getting a return value of null. Do you know if it is still supposed to work? I tried the in wechat versions 7 and 8 and still no luck.
My decryption code is almost the same as the encryption code. The only difference is that I strip off the trailing 0-pad and then reuse the imei-generated (using my own imei) key to decrypt.
Were you able to use nativePic2Wxam? The signature is too complex so it's too hard for me to guess what parameters to pass in.
private static native int nativePic2Wxam(String paramString1, String paramString2, int paramInt1, int paramInt2, int paramInt3, int paramInt4, int paramInt5);
Since I don't know how to use nativePic2Wxam, I'm just blindly trusting you that I should be able to decrypt one of the wxgf into wxam and then use nativeWxamToGif() to convert it to a gif. But I'm not sure why my gifs are always null.
I think I do have the lib working because I am able to use other simple functions such as the following:
public static native int nativeRewindBuffer(long paramLong);
public static native int nativeUninit(long paramLong);
Does nativeWxamToGif() return null if the input byte array is invalid wxam or something?

