Lack of painting app on windows mobile - General Questions and Answers

I hope this is the right place to ask..
I've been searching for couple of months now, for a good painting application, preferrable finger friendly for windows mobile. I currently own HTC HD2 and even have a stylus to test older non finger friendly painting apps available on winmo.
I guess the biggest issue at the moment is not being able to find an app equivalent to "brushes" on iphone ( and I've seen a similar on android. Yet nothing on windows mobile.
Dynaink is probably the closest (
but it has issues, the colour palette doesn't have "saturation" meaning you can't pick any colours that has dull look to it. it does have "hue" (horizontal) and "value" (vertical) in colour palette but that's as far as it goes. Actually this is true for most apps on windows mobile, some do have a little more choices with swatches but doesn't let you manually pick the colour. Also lack zoom in & out feature. (come on you are painting on 4.3" screen...:S)
It's funny, because you can get a simple painting app on Nintendo DS lite.. and has the right colour palette.
Yeah, I am a bit disappointed.. Very disappointed actually, almost a deal break..
Reckon it will change once windows mobile 7 is out?
Maybe I missed something, if you know of an app with a simple function like "brushes" and has the right colour palette.. please let me know..
And I have sent dynaink an email, but I've already done that two months ago and was ignored so..

And for those thinking "why would you paint on a mobile?"
well it's a popular(?) activity for many commercial artist, ie. concept artists and illustrators, to go out and painting for studies and recreational purpose. Also the reason iphone & NDS lite is popular among digital artists.
And yes I also own a toshiba r400 tablet, which is great but it's also heavy and not as portable and convenient as a smaller hand held device.
So..yeah... it's not really a special request, just ranting I guess at the lack of painting app on winmo.

Try this
I am using this, and love it!
Also, pocket artist

Thanks, I've tried VSpainter..
it's no go.. the colour palette doesn't have "saturation" same with dynaink. and I think VSpainter is one of the worst finger friendly app there is.. and I just downloaded and tried again but doesn't seem to support 480x800.. and it crashes my HD2.. really not a big fan of vspainter, with all the crazy palettes everywhere..


User interfaces and your phone.

Hi all -
after buying a pocket pc (spv M3100) and playing around with the UI to get a Iphone like simplicity but with a bit of originality I was wondering what you guys use as a decent UI -
- is there any software you use to improve interaction - I'm on a Iphone clone/vista hybrid with wisbar advance, I'v tried RLtoday and Clauncg even Xperience but I cant find anything I fall in love with.
Clown fish are bugging me now - were all going to be bored of the Iphone before it released.
Let me know what you've got? - I'd be particularly interested if anyone uses a completely flash UI, or if they exist...
or what you want out of a decent user interface.
Eh --
I value performance more than a polished GUI. WisBar Advance slows my device down too much ... as well as most other apps.
If I am in the car, and need to open my contacts to find someone's address, I don't want to wait 3-5 seconds more because of some dumb skinning program.
So you’re telling me you get your little stylus out every time you’re in your car and you need to get a contact? People crash because mobile phones distract them, so god knows what would happen if we all used styluses in our cars... I’m sure if it increased your survival rate whilst driving 3 or 4 seconds worth of loading time wouldn’t kill you, literally.
Or do you use your finger? In which case I'm sure you’ve opened the wrong program or mashed your touch screen activating 2 or 3 apps at once? Would you not prefer bigger buttons like an Iphone or a wisbar skin?
I opened this topic for discussion of this subject in the hope that I could maybe create a decent app that people actually want, not for sarcastic application bashing. Theres more to wisbar and Iphone than looks, its practical as well... do you not think.
SPB Mobile Shell is fairly fat finger friendly.
There have been some very good UI's posted across these forums.
From time to time I've thought Oh I like the look of that - I want it. But if I changed my UI every time I liked something I'd be forever dedicating time to it, because some of these methods aren't quick, i.e. the learning curve on Wisbar.
I will always commend people who make the effort for others to have something different on there phone rather than the bog standard interface, practicality does have to be a consideration as well...
It's whatever floats your boat at the end of the day.
For me I'm happy with my plethora of SPB products jamming up my screen, gives me everything I need and it looks nice too, IMHO.
If you Jonjamesm want to create something then crack on my friend, take a look round the forums and see some of the very nice UI's...
Form and functionality, just plain bling your the designer
smartskey I think hardware buttons are the way to go while driving (or voice rec). With green button, smartskey, you can quickly get to speed dials and call history.
The other big app I use while in the car is WMP, I assigned the IE button on my wizard to start WMP instead. Then the dpad and 2 softkeys can do about 99% of needed inputs. The only problems are:
-a couple functions in WMP require screen tap (library back button and ???)
-WMP forgets where I am at a lot

Impressions from HTC - Windows (Long post)

Impressions from HTC Cruise - Windows Mobile
Hello All,
I have been relatively new here, but I thought I could contribute in the forums by posting my (unbiased) views about HTC Cruise here, hoping other people may find them useful. I am a software developer, so although I do not have an experience with hi-tech PDAs and smartphones, (never owned such a device before), I am fine with the technicalities of such devices.
My everyday phone was a simple sony ericson K510i . What had always annoyed me was that in most "simple" phones, it was quite hard to control the phone via my PC, do backups, backup contacts, SMSes, etc. My sony was good, I had found "MYPhoneExplorer" which pretty much did all those things for my phone. The screen was little bit outdated in terms of resolution, but I did not mind much.
And then came iPhone (which I never owned). I was impressed by its design, usability and user friendliness. I also liked the idea of having WiFi on it. I was close to buying that phone and using one of the available tools to unlock it, (noway I would pay for a contract - I am UK based). My brother who is into mobiles and gadgets more than I am, commented on the fact that iPhone is an "old" generation phone in terms of phone technologies and overpriced. I soon realised it was quite overpriced and started looking at alternatives. I was happy to see HTC would release a really cool phone, which I could get as my Christmas gift (yes, dream on, I had my eyes on it since November and managed to get it this February)...
So, what are my impressions so far?
I dare to say, quite mixed...
On the one hand this device is really wicked and cool! It has all the things I had always liked and needed in a single device. Packing a GPS, a radio, 3G, WiFi in a nice package is just amazing. I can now listen to music, watch videos, find my way around using GPS and have a nice PDA. These are really cool things! No need to have my pockets filled with separate devices...
On the other hand, this phone costed me little bit less than 400 pounds. One can argue you can get a laptop for that price, but then again, a laptop is not a phone. The video issues has not been much of an issue for me, I encode my videos at QVGA and all is well. However, I do get *very* upset when I realise that there is hidden potential in the hardware platform which has not been utilised. What I found bad straight from the moment i used it, is that when i press the "phone-call" hard button, there really is a lag when drawing the blue rectangle above the dialpad, (I am talking about the area which shows the names of your contacts as you type the numbers below.) I mean, come on, so much CPU power, and I can see the blue area being drawn? The other things is that if a couple of applications are running, then the phone does not seem to be operating so smoothly. Again, in order to be fair, it is still very usable. However, as things stand now in the market, in terms of specifications this phone is easily on the upper part, so in my opinion it should be fast, not just "very usable".
My other bit of criticism is probably related to Windows rather than HTC cruise. I find this OS quite interesting on the device, there is a huge applications' base and the things that are missing can be coded by talented people. However, I find the platform a little bit of a pain to use in a pure phone context. Why do i have to check an option everytime I want to get back a delivery report for my SMS? Why do I have to hack the registry to make this permanent? I set a wallpaper in my phone, then I set its transparency, then I realise it is hidden by the today plugin, which I can of course disable. If I disable it I loose certain features which are accessible straight away. I can of course get a new plugin that matchs my needs. Why is it so hard to have tabs with incoming/outgoing/missed calls? This is a feature that phones that cost 10 times less have. Of course Windows 6.1 has this, but then I would have to "install" a new ROM. Simple question: Why do I have to do these things? Why dont' they get it right from the beginning? Don't get me wrong, I am a technology enthusiast and I am sure I will manage to set up the phone the way I want. A number of users out there will do the same thing. However, is this platform one that non-enthusiasts would find user-friendly?
Look at all those skins and modding. Really cool. And the moment you press a button on your really cool new Today plugin, an ungly Windows application will pop up.
I hope that my criticism will be received well here! I like the phone, Windows is cool on it, but I think Microsoft has quite some way to go in order to make their platform really simple to use and user-friendly (think iPhone for example, my parents could use that, but I am quite sure if I show them my phone, they will not know how to make a a phonecall with it!)
In many ways some requirements are contradictory: Being user-friendly means you may have to hide settings, having your platform run on a variety of hardware means you cut corners here and there. Hopefully Microsoft will get it right with version 7 and 8, screenshots look quite good.
As for HTC... They lost a little bit of their credibility with a couple of issues for me. First the sound issue with the french rom which was initially denied and then fixed by people in this forum, then of course the drivers issue. I intend to make good use of this cool phone and customise it to my needs, it just takes time.
For your information, I find these applications useful:
Coreplayer (obviously!)
TouchPal keyboard works good for me
WKTask (and get rid off that default task switcher)
MyMobiler installs on your PC and a little "daemon-service" on your phone, (which you can disable). Then it allows you to control your phone from your desktop.
PocketCM did not particularly appeal to me, so I removed it
FunContact was cool, and loved it. Unfortunately, two things were not so good:
a) Splash screen and loading time
b) sometimes it made my phone freeze
Thanks for reading this (long) post,
Good post...Here are my impressions as well.
I used to carry a Palm Tx and a Motorala SLVR. I have been looking for the most ideal device to "do it all", PDA, phone (quad band gsm, tri band umts), wifi, and gps. There was nothing realy that appealing on the market until I read about the HTC Touch Cruise.
I read about people's complaints about the "driver" issues and hardware acceleration, and decided to take the risk and bought the phone from a gsm seller online. The phone was unbranded and did not have any stupid carrier proprietary software.
For the most part, I am very happy with the Touch Cruise. I have dumped the palm pda and the slvr, and have not looked back.
I just spent the last 2 weeks traveling to UK (London), Germany (Frankfurt), and Italy (Padova). As a mobile phone, the Touch Cruise functioned flawlessly and had 3G connections where they were available. Couldn't have asked for better features out of a "world" phone.
The TomTom GPS also ran quite well (Western Europe maps). Had to drive alot in Frankfurt and never got lost. Even traffic reports were right on the money.
As for a PDA, it blows the Palm syncing and calendar features out of the water. I used to be a Palm pilot only person, but Palm has become a dinasaur in their attutude to features and interface. The pocket pc has in my opinion surpassed them.
As a portable media device, it does kind of ok . Core Media Player is a must install, microsoft's media players still suck and are not usable and dont support all codecs. This device is not really ideal for video in my opinion. You have to re-encode videos to QVGA for ppc level quality, then video will play fine. You cant simply take a wmv file and dump it on the device to view, it wont work. As for music/mp3's, it works great. I got on a 10 hour flight from UK to US, and used it play music and games, and still had 40% battery charge left over and used an hour of GPS on the way home, with 20% left over.
In all fairness, the HTC could run a little faster, but I blame Microsoft and HTC for hogging up the cpu and not using hardware acceleration.
Since media (video) is not high on my list of required features, I am quite happy with the HTC Touch Cruise.
darkazally, I tend to agree with you really...
I guess if one did not have such a device before or had a really old one, then HTC Cruise is really super. On the other hand I can see certain people's frustration with Cruise. It is mostly people who owned 3 or 4 PDAs before and were probably expecting to be blown away by its specs; I kind of sypathise with them....
I read in an article written by someone at Microsoft, that companies tend to overload Windows with their own propriatory software and then the whole experience goes downwards. He mentioned that for the next versions of windows mobile, they intend to post stricter requirements just because of this situation.
As I also read in these forums, people who got their devices from O2 (just to mention a single company), seem to have more issues with HTC's performance...
I enjoy using the phone everyday and I am in the process of customising it to my needs, though it takes some time!
Uhhh mymobiler is amazing thanks for posting that! That is frickin sweet!
Great review, I tend to agree.
As far as PIM Management, I came from using two devices, a slim panasonic phone and a Xircom Rex 6000 PDA in the early part of this decade (circa 2001), like you I converged them into a Sony Ericsson phone (T610>T616) which had limited capabilities and lacked a lot of features my Rex had. In 2006, I got my first Windows Mobile smartphone, a Qtek 8310 (HTC Tornado), and now I have the HTC Touch Cruise.
Ever since getting into Windows Mobile, I thought that HTC/Microsoft had delivered great functionality, but poor usability and way too much lag for such high powered devices. Take for instance the settings panel. There are probably over 8 programs (4+networking icons, 3+ button config icons, ect) in there that only have one check box, when I'm sure HTC/Microsoft could very easily put them into one or two easy to use program with a Help feature.
But at the end of the day, I don't care if no one can use my device as long as I understand it. Additional consolation is provided in the fact that this phone looks so damned sexy
My Own impression
First of all, I'm new here & let me introduce my self...
I'm Richard & i'm from Indonesia.
I've waited for +3 months, before I decided to buy HTC Touch Cruise.
My other candidate are Atom Life & Nokia N82.
Soon (2 days) after my pal (who own a PDA shop) introduce me to Touch Cruise, I bought it
First impression is luxury.
Second impression........Windows Mobile sucks......
I have done hard reset for 4 times now....due to mis configure the registry....
I've done quite intensive test on my Touch Cruise, including Video,Audio,GPS,3G & Internet,Battery life & Applications.
This is my score (0-10):
1. Stability : 3 -> Typical Windows product
2. Looks : 9
3. Dimension : 8
4. Features : 8
5. Usability : 8
6. User Friendliness : 6
7. Battery Life : 7
Average score : 7
The Driver issue doesn't bothered me yet, so I'm very pleased with my new Touch Cruise
FYI,try not to uninstall anything from your TC.
Microsoft Windows product tends to leave "garbage" into the Registry & it will slow down your TC.
Choose wisely before installing & if you have to uninstall,search & delete any leftover inside the registry.
d4rkkn16ht said:
1. Stability : 3 -> Typical Windows product
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What's wrong with stability? I'd have to agree that it is probably not the best device overall, but I didn't have a single stability issue with it. Maybe, you've got a defective one?
You know, there are certain lag things that I don't think are due to video drivers. I mentioned this in another thread "Why the lag" but I used to have a Cingular 8525 and supposedly that device had video drivers. It still lagged with a phone skin when you hit the phone button. Rotating the screen was still slow. I hate little things that lag like that. it should be smooth navigation / interface.
The device doesn't have a cohesive feel to it when we have to customize the **** out of it to get it to work the way we want to. You're right when we make a today screen look good then all the underlying apps are ugly windows apps. Your transparency issue, that can only be done from within the Windows picture viewer not the HTC photo viewer. You need to install your own video player. The HTC video browser app only shows videos with certain extensions. It's like you have to have a specific app for every little thing and then it feels like there isn't a streamlined feel to the device.
I gotta give credit to HTC for trying to improve the interface with their apps, the Windows interface is archaic. It's just the combo of the 2 doesn't allow for a polished interface.
hambola said:
The device doesn't have a cohesive feel to it when we have to customize the **** out of it to get it to work the way we want to.
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On the other hand, thanks to HTC for a platform that allows us to do so and even greater kudos to all the xda-developer wizards who make it possible (and relatively easy for the most part).
Not enough can be said for xda. Although I'm a new poster I've been reading these forums for about a year now. Helped me out greatly with the 8525 and is proving to be helpful with the Cruise.
>You're right when we make a today screen look good then all the underlying apps are ugly windows apps.
I am happy we agree on this, I just wish it had a little bit of the Apple touch on it, that's all....
>Your transparency issue, that can only be done from within the Windows picture viewer not the HTC photo viewer.
All I wanted is a kind of minimal interface, so I can set my own wallpaper and not have it hidden by the huge HTC today plug-in. I have installed spb shell for a couple of weeks now and it looks great. I also discovered the HTC Home Customiser which looks cool, so, that's nice too.
>You need to install your own video player...
I think HTC should actually write a very generous paycheck for the people that developed CorePlayer. Without that one, Cruise would be a *little* bit of a disaster.
Overall I guess Windows is a versatile OS with lots and lots of space of customisation and at the end you do get it right, it just takes a lot of patience and resets to get there...
rev3nant said:
What's wrong with stability? I'd have to agree that it is probably not the best device overall, but I didn't have a single stability issue with it. Maybe, you've got a defective one?
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After some intensive test, I found some irritating bug that caused stability issues.
Quick Menu sometimes disappeared after running several applications.
System Hang at random cause.
Some system settings cannot be changed even if you've already change it.
Redundancy in Registry Entry that can cause stability issues if you change the entry. (not considered a bug if you don't change it)
and some other (not quite sure yet...)
Have you tried a different ROM?

Why WM6.5 SHOULD have Multitouch!

Firstly, I've been following the leaks so far, and so I don't want to hear, oh there won't be a multitouch. The bottom line is, we don't know what the final product will be.
Secondly, it goes without saying, that I support any efforts by MS to incorporate capacitative screens. Currently, there are two known and upcoming solutions to replace the stylus, one an RF pen (a stylus that should work with cap. screens- google it!) and a solution that MS has recently invested in, called something like N-trig.
The purpose of this thread is to discuss, and make content those who are against multitouch if it comes to 6.5, or for that matter, 7.
Now, the main argument against multitouch, is that it is against single-handed usage. Here I will list why that is a moot/null/void argument:
- Using the iPhone as an example firstly (and pretty much throughout but it is not due to me having a liking for it, rather I hate it, but I hope to convey a more profound message), though there is argument over the pinch gesture in Safari (their internet browser), the double-tap to zoom is still available. So, the double-tap that we are used to in Opera, is also in Safari. So one can have it both ways. So, to sum up this point, devs would need to make sure that their programs are made for single handed usage, but that multitouch offers a different (and as some would argue, more enhanced) method of using the phone. So single-handed usage is still there, basically.
- Some games, require pressing of more than one button simultaneously. Now if buttons A, B and C are onscreen and are only viable via touch entry, then we're screwed once again as only one given button can be pressed at one time. If you're a gamer, you will know how big a limitation this is to your phone. It hurts in so many scenarios. If you're not into games, or your games are limited to puzzles: trust me, this is a biggie!
- A similar and relevant point; phones like Touch HD bear the brunt of lacking multitouch, as they don't even have a D-pad for games. So all buttons onscreen (D-pad inclusive) can only be pressed one-at-a-time!
- Whether you like this app or not, it demonstrates that some apps simply cannot do without multitouch. Why put limitations? If you want to argue it is against single-touch usage, then press one button at a time !
- Another app that is somewhat heartwarming . I've used it on an acquaintance's iPhone, and it's nice to swirl two of your fingers through the pond making multiple ripples. Again, just use single touch if you're against double ripples .
- Text entry for those of us that type at lightning speed would be hindered where we are required to press one button right next to the next one in quick succession. Why put this limitation?
- I will add more here onwards if something comes to mind. Maybe. Maybe not.
So all in all, single handed usage can still be there, and MS can enforce this in their SkyStore (app store equivalent), though granted it could be difficult. But most developers would do this, as most do what their customers want, not what I, the dev want.
LASTLY, this is not a WM bashing thread if you think like that, so stop hating! This is for improvements only!
Just to let you's not all M$'s fault..Mostly HTC and the companys that make the devices. Just look at the omnia. It has a capactive touchscreen.
Good Points, and just because WM6.5 has Mutlitouch available doesn't mean devs or phone builders would HAVE to use it.
I'm a big fan of "many options."
Side Note: Moved to General Discussion.
Kraize said:
Just to let you's not all M$'s fault..Mostly HTC and the companys that make the devices. Just look at the omnia. It has a capactive touchscreen.
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Is this truly true ? If so, why doesn't Samsung advertise it as much? Also, doesn't the small buttons become difficult to use?
JimmyMcGee said:
Good Points, and just because WM6.5 has Mutlitouch available doesn't mean devs or phone builders would HAVE to use it.
I'm a big fan of "many options."
Side Note: Moved to General Discussion.
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This is precisely my point! The only little niggle is that devs should make sure that productivity tools allow single handed usage as well. One way would be to enforce this through the SkyStore. Another would be to let the magic happen itself.
I really want to see what people will say against my strong defence of multitouch. Come on people!
It will raise the cost of the devices (both due to the much more expensive screen AND the need for a special, larger stylus) and create a further layer of incompatibility between WM devices (those with multi-touch and those without).
surur said:
and create a further layer if incomparability between WM devices (those with multi-touch and those without).
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Which is why everyone should have to buy a new device when Windows Mobile 7 is released.
Seems people are forgeting WM6.5 is more like Vista, a stop gap before the better OS ie Windows 7
Why WM6.5 does not have mltitouch ?
I will try to answer this question.
The big hardware manifacturers are in the begining of producin multitouch capable phones (you all know that you need multitouch capable digitizer in order to be able to use multitouch). Microsoft communicated with manifacturers and they were not ready with such devices, which is the reason multitouch to be reserved for windows mobile 7.
Seems people are forgeting WM6.5 is more like Vista, a stop gap before the better OS ie Windows 7
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Totally agree
I see no real benefit in multi-touch on small screen. granted, in games with on devices with minimal input buttons, but until device manufactures actually start releasing 3D drivers for the devices the point about gaming isn't of much substance because there will only be mediocre games.
I don't know what the masses want but I see little benefit in it on screens that one can stretch the thumb from bottom left of the device and reach the top right.
I rather draw a counter clockwise circle to zoom and a clockwise to zoom out.
the real benefit is in the screen response, not the multi-touch. aside from gaming, tell me what other real benefit is there? because I don't see it.
Text entry for those of us that type at lightning speed would be hindered where we are required to press one button right next to the next one in quick succession. Why put this limitation?
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I think this depends on the sip you're using and have no reliance on multi-touch capabilities. I see myself as a very fast typist and this is thanks to the sip I'm using.
do this, ask your friend to do this with his iPhone: press 2 keys at the same time while typing the word "Quilts", so your friend would type it like this "Qu" then "il" then "ts" and tell us what's the result. I am pretty curious as to what the results will be. I would ask my girl to do it but she's at work now.

killer WM App

Hi all!
I'm senior C# programmer and I want to develop a Windows Mobile Application with Compact Framework, but I want develop an useful application or tool that does not already exist. I have no limitations in programming or technology (gps, bluetooth, web services, ecc.).
Any idea/suggestion for this new app? Is there any application that is missing?
hey how about a touch guitar for the ppc..the one like we have in nokia 5800..there is a touch piano(known as omniano) for ppc but no touch guitar..!
What about a proper barcode reader/interpreter using the built-in camera? There are some tentative software but no trully good one out there. Could be good for personal databases like book collection.
wovens said:
What about a proper barcode reader/interpreter using the built-in camera? There are some tentative software but no trully good one out there. Could be good for personal databases like book collection.
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There is I-Nigma a barcode reader...
hardikrajgor123 said:
hey how about a touch guitar for the ppc..the one like we have in nokia 5800..there is a touch piano(known as omniano) for ppc but no touch guitar..!
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Thanks for the idea, but already exists Guitar Hero for PPC... Guitar Hero
giugua said:
There is I-Nigma a barcode reader...
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Yea! I know! But it is no good! If what you are after is an idea that nobody had before, than I think it will be very difficult.
Here's an idea that might be something handy you could knock out fairly quickly: a battery drain indicator. An app that polls your battery life and generates a report telling the current rate of decrease (and maybe indicates what other applications are running and how often the backlight was on).
It'd be darn useful for trying to gauge the effect different ROMs and apps have on battery life.
There is no DLNA app for windows mobile as far as i know.
Would be good just to have one that can get pics, videos, music from over dlna machines.
Or as above a app that moniters battery drain to see the worse apps and roms for battery
typo said:
Here's an idea that might be something handy you could knock out fairly quickly: a battery drain indicator. An app that polls your battery life and generates a report telling the current rate of decrease (and maybe indicates what other applications are running and how often the backlight was on).
It'd be darn useful for trying to gauge the effect different ROMs and apps have on battery life.
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I second this. I've started one, but it's pretty ugly, slow and buggy as I'm in no way a C# developer and I have no time to complete it. There are several battery monitors out there, but neither of them are really usefull.
If you are interested, PM me, I can share some further ideas.
A finger friendly message app instead of wm ugly tiny inbox, outbox etc
giugua said:
Hi all!
I'm senior C# programmer and I want to develop a Windows Mobile Application with Compact Framework, but I want develop an useful application or tool that does not already exist. I have no limitations in programming or technology (gps, bluetooth, web services, ecc.).
Any idea/suggestion for this new app? Is there any application that is missing?
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Hmm, a killer WM app? Well, I would imagine that it has to be something unique, and fairly difficult to create on other platforms or, hell, just the Windows Mobile platform.
Meh, the best idea I can come up with are these:
1) A GPS software that displays street level navigation (sort of like what was shown in Sony's new NV-U3DV).
2) A Hulu player
3) A program that scales programs/games not designed to work on a particular resolution
My, this was surprisingly difficult to think of.
stu-k said:
A finger friendly message app instead of wm ugly tiny inbox, outbox etc
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Quote it!!! A real finger friendly msg app (a simple mail/sms client) will be the top!!
how about a directory assistance program like they had on palm.
when someone calls u it automatically tells u who is calling giving the persons address and info
Killer App, how about something that ties Windows mobile together...not some much a launcher or something like but something that smooths everything out.
Maybe a simple program that transitions the screen of current gen devices to make landscape to portrait smoother.
Maybe a cool task manager is smooth and dynamic...(opengl) that flows through the open programs similar to Coverflo (this would be amazing) mix that with functionality.
How about when you open a new program, there is an onscreen popup that shows whats opening while the app is loading up. Similar to Opera or Winterface.
Maybe a unique Locksystem different from S2u2 and G1 Locker...Something graphical and beautiful. I love the growing panel and the fish panel for xperia, having something like that for a locker would be amazing....
I have dozens of ideas. but I'd say..
Music player=covered by S2P, Kinoma, Nitrogen
Pictureviewer=covered by imageviewer, s2v
Shells= too many to name
Iphoney= ad nauseum
I think we should be focus on making PPC more functional...That SMS app is really worth the time an effort as well.
style1 said:
Maybe a cool task manager is smooth and dynamic...(opengl) that flows through the open programs similar to Coverflo (this would be amazing) mix that with functionality.
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This would be cool, although being a Windows user, I'd rather it be like Aero Flip than like Coverflow.
If you haven't seen it, check out TaskFacade -- it's more like Expose than Coverflow, but it's still a great app switcher with decent eye candy.
I've tried it..but it would be awesome to have a full blown beautiful app. I don't know if you've ever played around with Pocket Cm ImageViewer its amazingly beautiful. The way it displays pictures and how fingerfriendly it is it would be awesome to have taskmanager that flowed that smooth. Flick up on the application to end it, click on it to go to it. Would be amazing
8525Smart said:
Hmm, a killer WM app? Well, I would imagine that it has to be something unique, and fairly difficult to create on other platforms or, hell, just the Windows Mobile platform.
Meh, the best idea I can come up with are these:
1) A GPS software that displays street level navigation (sort of like what was shown in Sony's new NV-U3DV).
2) A Hulu player
3) A program that scales programs/games not designed to work on a particular resolution
My, this was surprisingly difficult to think of.
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Id love to have a Hulu Player but also would kill for a free Xbx Live app but i guess tht alrdy exist but the Hulu player is very orginal...Nice idea 8525Smart and i also like option 2
how about an onscreen semi-transparent dpad that can be toggled via a button on all apps? That way for phones without dpads or with dpads hat are not functional (touch pro) you can still use a dpad. This would help in gaming but also basic navigation.
You might consider putting your talents towards the finger friendly SMS application in the Development and Hacking section. They have nonfunctional, graphics only alpha versions, but they need developers to actually get the application functional. There's even a $275 bounty.
Diagrax said:
Id love to have a Hulu Player but also would kill for a free Xbx Live app but i guess tht alrdy exist but the Hulu player is very orginal...Nice idea 8525Smart and i also like option 2
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Thank you. Yes, with a Hulu player, the multimedia experience on Windows Mobile would pretty much be complete (at least for me).
Regarding the Xbox Live app, I did find one if you want it:

[Reqiest] Could someone port Blender to Android PLEASE ???

I have been using Blender on Windows Mobile since 2008. It was a very hard task because my screen was 2.8" only.
Now I bought an Android phone with a screen nearly twice bigger and I immediately thought of Blender. BUT... I have
literally scratched out the internet and Blender for Android seems to not exist at all :-/
I know that there are brilliant programmers here... Could somebody eventually try to port that nice program to
Android? For experts like you, it shouldn't be that hard...
What useful stuff could you possibly do in Blender on a mobile device? 10" tablet... Maybe... but input is still wonky for such a thing..
If you want a 3D physics game, there are tons of them in the market...
Hi and thanks for the answer.
No, I don't want a game, I want something, on which I could do at least basic 3D modelling / animation.
And if it exists for Windows Mobile I see totally no reason that this multiplatform product won't exist for
Android too...
Look for an app called Sketcher 3D in the Play Store.
Sent from my 5" Retina XT iPhone running iOS 7
There is an official porting. You can just see .blend and start blender game for now, but it's still a working in progress anyway...
Install guide
Main thread on
An image of the working in progress blender player
Have a look at true truesculpt on playstore
It's pretty cool but a complete blender port will be much better
Sent from my sweet little Blackbox
TylerDurben said:
It's pretty cool but a complete blender port will be much better
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I think there is hope
Guys, YOU ROCK !!
I will give a try to these 2 apps FOR SURE!! I was searching SO HARD and I could not find even
a single app like those!!
What is Blenderplayer? To me it sounds something that can just play files, created with Blender?
darkman088 said:
Guys, YOU ROCK !!
I will give a try to these 2 apps FOR SURE!! I was searching SO HARD and I could not find even
a single app like those!!
What is Blenderplayer? To me it sounds something that can just play files, created with Blender?
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great news!
A new image of the porting it's been linked in the developer meeting notes of today.
it has the full interface!:laugh:
Anyway the blenderplayer is the binary that can open games made with blender.
so cool
a new photo of a nexus 7 running blender
a tried the new release with the test file and some of my models.
it works but with a 4.3 inch is totally unusable.
Anyway it's pretty weird to see blender on a phone
OK, I have tried both apps:
- Sketch 3D - VERY nice interface, I like the touch approach!! A brilliant idea. But it is STILL very basic :-/
You can't change properties of the objects (for example a prism has always 3 sides :-/ etc.
No animation functions, no texturing, no materials, no light sources, just some colors of the objects, which are
not realistic, no rendering function :-/
A Blender port would ROCK !!
@lbrfabio - why it should be strange to see Blender on a Phone? I had it on my HTC Diamond in 2008!! You
should see it on the 2.8" screen!! And still it was somehow possible to hit the menu entries and I played a lot
with it!! And I was thinking at that time, if my screen would be twice bigger, it would be perfect !! Now I have
almost a double size screen and no Blender for it :-/
And EVEN, if not on a phone, on a tablet it would be perfect
darkman088 said:
OK, I have tried both apps:
@lbrfabio - why it should be strange to see Blender on a Phone? I had it on my HTC Diamond in 2008!! You
should see it on the 2.8" screen!! And still it was somehow possible to hit the menu entries and I played a lot
with it!! And I was thinking at that time, if my screen would be twice bigger, it would be perfect !! Now I have
almost a double size screen and no Blender for it :-/
And EVEN, if not on a phone, on a tablet it would be perfect
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What I was trying to say is that use fingers to use Blender it's weird after you're used to use keyboard and mouse with a dual monitor.
Weird but still cool
Sure that it's weird and cool at the same time. But the world is changing with all these smartphones and tablets and
the developers have to undergo this change for their apps too! And exactly people like us, on these forums, have to
push them in the direction of improvement and show them, that we won't tolerate worse and less capable software,
than we already have on a PC. THIS is the reason, why I have a netbook and not a tablet!!!
And even, if we stay at the same level. there is no improvement! The Android software has to become BETTER than
what we are currently witnessing on a PC !!!

