Where do we find out what HTC is working on in terms of new devices? Their website http://www.htc.com.tw/news/index.html doesn't seem to give much in the way of news. I was wondering if they're working on newer versions of the Alpine/Blue Angel etc (with more features such as mobile TV) or are now going to focus on the Universal
Just wondering is anyone tring to get this on the universal yet i see the sorce code has been released, just wondered, my gf. has the g-1 and it looks neat but i haven't play with it yet, hoping to play with it on my own universal
I heard the Touch HD is supposed to have a dual boot option between WM and Android. Can someone else confirm this? Well, if this works, then I'm guessing someone should be capable of getting our unis to boot up android as well!
No so easy.
HTC's new products with wm6.1 is HD,with Android is G1,but how can you get the drivers for Uni
There are unix based ports for Universal, I think very few hardware is not working at 100%, if we have drivers for unix we have to have for Android
hey there.
i hope i am posting in the right area. i am interested in buying an HTC HD and i would like too know if it will be compatible with winMo 6.5 & 7. i don't want to buy a phone an stay with the old OS. And also if they will be compatible with the HTC Diamond.
gdem3685 said:
hey there.
i hope i am posting in the right area. i am interested in buying an HTC HD and i would like too know if it will be compatible with winMo 6.5 & 7. i don't want to buy a phone an stay with the old OS. And also if they will be compatible with the HTC Diamond.
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WM6.5 can be ported to any HTC device by the chefs on here
I havn't seen enough info about WM7. MS might be enforcing HW requirements, we'll have to see what they do in the fullness of time...
hope to be in an official ROM though.
Hi everybody,
I have been trying to catch up on the recent development in android porting.
Now, I am planning to get a new phone. Since my carrier does not sell the g1, I am wondering which would be the best working alterntive? Meaning which port would allow to use most/all feature of android?
I do need gps working now or in the near future to make this a viable alternative to me.
I have been looking at the ports of which I already know of, being the port to the vogue and to the diamond.
To my understanding (please correct me) the vogue lacks the gps hardware.
So the only device left is the diamond. Or are there any other phones which I have overseen, that sport gps, and a progressing/working port of android?
To sum it all up:
Which device gets the most attention by the dev community regarding the port of android to it?
Which one is at the moment the best working port (which device)?
Which phone poses to be the most promising device for a fully fledge port in the future?
I would be quite thankful, if anybody in the know, or even someone the porting community could give me some insight or even a proper roundup on my options here.
regards and thx for your help and insights in advance,
Vogue has the GPS hardware, but AFAIK, GPS is far off for any Android port.
General Mobile is coming out with an alternative Android phone, it also has dual sim slots.
I'm waiting for this to come out and to see some reviews.
Check the Google Android developer page.
You can buy a developer version phone for $399
All you have to do is register as a developer which cost $25(I think).
Edit: Not really for porting to but you did mention you couldn't get a G1, so I'm assuming you're open to a native Android phone.
ok guys.
first of all, thx for your replies.
i am not really planning to get the real g1 (even the dev version), since i am not really satisfied with its hw.
i figured it'd be easier to get a used htc device off ebay, which would be capable of running android.
So, I'd be willing to wait - which device looks the most promising in running a full android port?
Is there any effort whatsoever on the gps for the vogue or any other device? Is it likely that it will work at all?
thx for your info again
The purpose of this thread is to discuss the possibilities of getting Android up and running on the HD Mini.
A word to the wise…porting Android is NOT easy, it took almost 1 year to get an (almost) fully working port for the HTC Touch Pro, and there were a LOT of really good Linux developers spending TONS of time on it. (The preceding sentence was paraphrased from this post by TheDeadCpu.)
***There have been many threads opened on this topic…and most of them have been merged with this thread. So let’s keep the discussion located on THIS thread…new threads opened on this topic will be closed, deleted or merged without warning. Let me know if new threads pop up by sending me a PM or using the report post icon in the top right of the post ….thanks!
2/13/2011 Big News: Android / Linux port for PHOTON by Cotulla
Thanks to Cotulla for getting the ball rolling!
eh, it´s a new Phone, u sold some...days...weeks...ago..?!?!?! WTF u didn´t buy a android phone if u like one?
Gosh, maybe he wanted a HDmini sized phone and now he wants to get Android s/ware. Get people skills an stop hating
francomok421 said:
Any method can install android for HTC HD mini WM phone?
Thanks a lot!
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Me to!! Can't live with what's in the HD Mini, but most certainy I can live with the hardware. Anybody knowing how to androidize it?
I bought HD mini due to the outlook, size and weight!
Legend have poor taste and the shape is not good to store in pocket.
Frankly, WM is more easy to copy and edit the Word/Excel files from PC and I can check some files out of office easily.
And I just seek for any solutions for multi-boot with Android OS as Android looks better and I just want to try it and need not to buy another phone.
Cos I have one iPhone already, too many mobile phones~
When the evo rom arrives, it will be ported to hd2. I find it logical that it will be a android powered hd mini in the future. Then, it would be rather easier than now to create a custom android rom for hd mini But I should stick to reality.
The dual boot app for winmo devices isn't written for hd minis hvga resolution.
But hey, the diamond 2 or touch pro 2 does not have a android twin to take a rom from. I will put up a request for hd mini support for the android dual boot app.
The hd mini would have been a great android device!
Sorry for bad English.
Thanks gingerviking! I agree that the hardware is made for Android rather than wm6.5. I cross my finger for a rapid solution - WM is just not for me anymore..
Good news is that a genious has managed to get the linux bootloader to work on hd2 and playing a 720p video. An Android port will soon come to hd2 even without the evo rom
Hopefully the kernel system on hd2 isn`t all that different from the hd mini
Well. We're all looking forward to see a genious hacker who cares about the hd mini and android. =)
Don't know if it will work but you guys could give it a try cause it runs via haret:
w w w _dot_ neopeek.com/en/stories/android/75-update-android-fuer-htc-blackstone-diamond-tilt-raphael-rhodium-topaz-fuze
@XDA-Mods: after months of waiting! when will you update my account?
Anything else besides android that you guys might want??? how about some cookies along with it? lol if you wanted android why did you bought a windows mobile based device?? cause of haret? if you want android on your hd2 mini, yould need a working linux kernel, then you can worry about android, and its not that easy im not going over this again im tired of explaining to noobs that android is not a a program that you can simply install...it dosnt work that way.
rafyvitto said:
Anything else besides android that you guys might want???
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Android would be just enough
ATT HTC ARIA -- a dead ringer for HD MINI but with ANDROID?
Does this mean an android rom won't be too far off?
nickel911 said:
Does this mean an android rom won't be too far off?
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No , them are different
Want android for hd mini , we need use Haret, not just port rom aria to hd mini
haret for hd photon exist ?
SoftWord said:
haret for hd photon exist ?
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Not yet i think, but i will get my touch in it soon
This week a bit busy
core of haret is a file called setup.txt where are stored parameters with rom/ram addresses, only thing to do is know this addresses.........
I hate you. Htc!
I have great news for all you people living in the US: Like the evo 4g with sprint(android version of hd2). At&t have released the htc aria, a true android clone of the hd mini. Just google it for more info.
Yes and, unfortunately for us, HTC Aria will be, and nowadays is, available only for USA market...
I want it in Italy!!!!!! Or maybe... someone which could "do" a complete Android ROM for the HD Mini, based on the Aria!?!?!? I wish it! I really want it...!
Because HD Mini is so pocketlly beautiful!!!!
its a company fault
we have went to market to get it and it was WM and now they have released HD Mini with Anderiod ,
so it is who's fault,
i hope anyone can give info how to get the rom of android for our hd mini (old) one