[Android] JAVA - Touch Cruise Android Development

An Android build compatible with NoMoreRootfs.
Important: A screen density of 120. If it's not that density, Java applications with be shown screwed.
I was wondering how to install and run Java applications in Android. Most of our builds (if not everyone) lack Java support.
Well, I dug up a bit and found a thread in the Vogue forum to make it work, and it's not that difficult. All you need is the androidupdate.tar from this post:
You have to uncompress it and copy the .tar file to your /andboot/ folder. Then, boot your device and start the Android Intaller. Select "Install update", and it's done!
(Say "hello" to Opera Mini 5! )
- Thanks, xDan, zenulator.

SuperJMN said:
An Android build compatible with NoMoreRootfs.
Important: A screen density of 120. If it's not that density, Java applications with be shown screwed.
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I install this emulator to "Tattoo" build (default density is 120) and "Warm Donut" (manual switched to 120).
But QVGA application running screwed, and java benchmark report screen size is "320x402".


Try WM5.0 now for free (now without genuine advantage)

Want to try WM5.0 out for your self? I originally posted this on ipaqhq.com but I figured this forum is more of a target for such information .
1) Get the emulator from here (login with your MS passport, then enter MSDEVICE when it asks you for a GuestID)
2) Install the emulator.
3) Delete "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Device Emulator Preview\PPC_2003_SE\PPC_2003_SE_WWE_ARMv4.bin"
4) Go here (or here without genuine advantage check) to download the WM5.0 SDK (it's 174MB so be patient!).
5) Go here to download ZipZag.
6) Install ZipZag.
7) Go here to download MSI extension support for ZipZag.
8) Extract the above file to "C:\Program Files\ZipZag"
9) Run ZipZag and open "Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK.msi" in it.
10) Sort the files by Size (largest to top)
11) Extract the biggest file (sdkfiles.cab)
12) Using winrar open this file.
13) Sort the files by size (again, largest to top)
14) Extract "_208PPC_USA_bin" to "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Device Emulator Preview\PPC_2003_SE\PPC_2003_SE_WWE_ARMv4.bin" (the file you deleted earlier!)
15) Go to "Start -> Programs -> Microsoft Device Emulator Preview -> Emulate Pocket PC-WM 2003 SE(Cold Boot)" - Note that the smartphone and square versions WONT WORK!
16) WAIT (about 30 seconds) for it to boot. When faced with the new welcome screen, click on it then wait another 30 or so seconds.
17) Enjoy your sneak-peek of WM5.0!
Attached is a proof shot of it working which also illustrates the newest feature - persistant storage! Thats the new "Memory" control panel application!
Cool Thanks
I have my sneak-peek on my QTek 2020
10x !! i'm testing now !
edit - it's work :lol: !! but limited by the low memory.... how to increase this ?
Emulator is great
I am using the Mobile Device Emulator at work to test applications before installing on real device. It is great. If you have the latest Visual Studio or other development tool then you have the emulator. It is included. The Mobile SDK you have to download.
Can u pls send me an e-mail with the files cuz i cant extract and to anything pls mail me at [email protected]
Do you really want a WM5 emulator now, in 2007, when WM6 is already out!
This is a very old thread (notice the 2005 date stamps) and I'm not sure if you thought this thread referred to something else.

[APP|2010-07-31] ANDROID BOOTCAMP v1.1 - NOT just another Android-loader... :D

A few weeks ago when the Android-on-HD2-hype started i made this small app. This piece of software was inspired by GenYDualboot (author: YOZGATG) so some credit should go to him...
To make it clear: I wrote this software by myself (basic4ppc) from the scratch so no code or other intellectual property has been stealed.
System Requirements:
* WVGA (VGA/QVGA not supported!)
* WinMob 6.5.X (not tested on WinMob 6.5)
* min. NETCF 2.0
* a SD-card containing working Android-build
Basic Functionality:
* WinMob based Android loader
* possible to "boot" ANDROID or to stay in Windows
* possible to "autoboot" with countdown (10sec)
* possible to choose if CLRCAD.EXE is loaded prior to HARET.EXE or not
* Autodetection of HARET.EXE and CLRCAD.exe on the SD-Card (checks if files are present in root or "\Android")
* possible to modify the path to your Android-build by changing the path in the registry
* possible to boot at systemstart (the app puts itself to "launch52" in the registry)
* possible to save your settings
* fully functional on non-WWE-Roms (checks the registry for the name of your sd-card)
* full multi-language-support (by editing the "language.ini"; at this time only german an english are buildin)
* full landscape/rotation support
* fully skinable (by modifing the PNGs in the app-folder, i'm going to release a GTX based skin or some other skins if it's wanted by the community)
* new: change font color (black/white)
* new: switchable progressbar (showed during countdown)
* new: ClearAndroid! removes Android-related junk-/tempfiles and cache!
* new: TotalClean! totally ereases your Android environment (for a clean upgrade to a new build) - USE WITH CARE!
This piece of software is free and can freely be downloaded here. You are allowed to modify, cook in or distribute my work as long as you give me some credit.
(see threat "STOP THE STEALING" in the Android subforum for more details...)
I'm not responsable for any kind of damage or data loss on your device. The software is provided as it is and you are going to use it on your own risk.
* the developers here and at htc-linux.org for HARET.EXE/CLRCAD.EXE and for their amazing work!
* YOZGATG for GenYDualboot
Roadmap / future functions to come in Android Bootcamp v1.2 (if wanted by the community):
* GUI-overhaul to a nicer / modern look
* add possibility to directly downloading latest zImage from the git or from cotulla's build to your Android-installation-folder
* add support to change background directly within the app
* add support for skin-changing directly within the app
* add support for checking for newer program versions
* add support to select androit installation (if more than one installation present on SD)
* add possibility to "clean" SD-Card when rebooting to WinMobile (deletion of REC-files and the "Lost+Found" folder) integrated into v1.1!
* add option "TOTALCLEAN" (ereasing all android related files and folders incl. thumbnails/cache/etc) integrated into v1.1!
More inf
o to come....
Feel free to make your suggestions!
FAQ / Userguide
Q: How do I install Android Bootcamp?
A: Just download the CAB attached to the firs post and install it to your device. It's recommended to put it into your phone-storage not to the sd-card.
Q: How do I boot into Android?
A: Click on the Android-button (the picture).
Q: The Android-button is greyed out and the app says "no Android!"
A: Make sure that there is a sd-card plugged into your device containing Android in the root or in the "\Android" subfolder. Also HARET.EXE/zHARET.EXE is required in the same folder to successfully boot Android. On program-start the app checks the registry ("HKLM\Android Bootcamp\") for a valid path to HARET.EXE/zHARET.EXE. If HARET not found or existing the app checks the rootfolder of your sd-card and after that the "\Android" subfolder. If you want to modify the path to your own needs go to the registry and alter the value "Haret" in the key "HKLM\Software\Android Bootcamp".
Q: How do I make sure that CLRCAD.EXE is started prior to HARET.EXE
A: Click on the checkbox next to activate CLRCAD or select the option in the settings-menu. On program-start the app checks the registry ("HKLM\Android Bootcamp\") for a valid path to CLRCAD.EXE. If CLRCAD not found or existing the app checks the rootfolder of your sd-card and after that the "\Android" subfolder and after that it takes the CLRCAD.EXE in the Android-Bootcamp program folder. If you want to modify the path to your own needs go to the registry and alter the value "CLRCAD" in the key "HKLM\Software\Android Bootcamp".
Q: How do I stop the countdown?
A: Just tap on the countdown-message or tap on the checkbox next to "activate AutoBoot".
Q: How do i activate/deactivate AutoBoot?
A: Check or uncheck the checkbox next to "activate AutoBoot" or select the corresponding option in the settings-menu.
Q: What does "execute at Boottime" mean?
A: The App makes 2 entries to the registry ("HKLM\init\Launch52" and "HKLM\init\Depend52"). These entries make sure that Android-Bootcamp is started during the WinMob boot procedure with the saved settings as soon a possible. Please note that the boot process does not stop and continues loading system processes after Bootcamp is started. I suggest also to check the "AutoBoot" option so that Android/WinMob is loaded automatically after 10sec. To disable this option uncheck the option (registy changes made immediately - no "save settings" is needed)
Q: How do I save my settings? Why are my settings not saved?
A: Your settings are not saved automatically - choose "Save settings" in the settings-menu prior to booting Android or closing the app.
Q: How do I activate the landscape support?
A: Landscape and screen-rotation is fully supported by the app itself but it's possible that you have to add the app to the rotation-whitelist. If you don't know how to do this - google for TouchTools or BSB-Tweak. With the help of these apps you can enable rotation service easily to any program.
Q: The program gives me the error-message "No Registry-values found, create them now?"!
A: Possibly you deleted one/some reg-values needed by the app. Just click to "YES" and all settings/RegKeys will be created with default values.
Q: I'm not naturally speaking english/german. How do I add my own language?
A: This can be done very easily by modifing the file "language.ini" in the Android Bootcamp - program folder. Please make sure that the first line is the name of the language and that the ini's structure isn't altered (NO SPACES between value, "=" and translation!!)
Q: How do I add my own skin?
A: Modify the PNG-files in the Android Bootcamp prgram folder to your own needs after making a backup of the orginal files (recommended). Feel free to post your files compressed to a ZIP-file here!
Q: I still don't get "execute at Boottime" to work!!
A: First be aware of the fact that the "execute at Boottime"-option puts the Android Bootcamp app into the row of the startup processes (look at the regkey "HKLM\init\" for all processes loaded automatically at systemstart!). Also note that by loading Bootcamp the startup-process doesn't stop. That means the system starts Bootcamp and continues loading the remaining systemprocesses afterwards and probably puts Android into the background without the ability to bring it to foreground again (it's not listed in some task-managers). So it's recommended that not only " "execute at Boottime" but also "AutoBoot" is selected. These options enable Bootcamp to load at startup and to boot either into WinMob or Android (depends on your settings saved) and EXIT after the countdown gone to zero.
Here is a detailed guide:
1. make sure that a sd-card containing a functional android build is plugged into your hd2 (Android AND HARET present!)
2. start Android Bootcamp
3. select "Autoboot"
4. select Android as Autoboot-OS (tap the radiobutton below the androidbutton or select the corresponding option in the settingsmenu)
5. select "execute at boottime"
6. save your settings
When the system starts Android Bootcamp is loaded. If an Android-SD-Card is present Android will boot after 10 sec regardless if Bootcamp is in fore- or background. If no Android-SD-Card is plugged in, WinMob is selected automatically, System will boot after 10 sec and Bootcamp quits.
This should work for you.
If you still encounter problems check your registry after you checked the "execute at boottime" option. 2 new values should be in the RegKey "HKLM\init": "Launch52" and "Depend52" - If they are not present something went wrong. You can also try to change the valueNAMES from "Launch52" to "Launch62" and "Depend52" to "Depend62" respectively.
Q: Is it possible if you can code it so it can find CLRCAD and Haret in the "cm6-htcleo" folder for the CyanogenMod release / in some other custom folder?
A: Yes, it's already possible - open your registry with a regeditor and go to the key "HKLM\Software\Android Bootcamp". Check and edit the VALUE "Haret" and put the FULL PATH to your HARET.EXE / zHARET.EXE in there. After this modification Bootcamp should be able to find your Android-Installation. The feature of selecting a custom folder is added with the next release of Bootcamp.
NOTE: Be aware that "CleanAndroid!" and "TotalClean!" doesn't work with custom Android folders - these two options look for an Android-environment in the root of your storage card or in the "Storage Card\Android" folder respectively. So keep an eye on those two (probably dangerous) features, so that not the wrong files get lost...
Q: How do I install a skin?
A: Download the zipped skin-file here and extract all files to the Android Bootcamp program folder overwriting the orginal files.
Q: How do I add my own skin?
A: Modify the JPG/PNG-files in the Android Bootcamp program folder to your own needs after making a backup of the orginal files (recommended). Make sure that your files have the same dimensions and keep their file format! Feel free to post your files compressed to a ZIP-file - I will add them here!
* GTX-based skin is beta/for testing only and does not look very good - better version will be uploaded with the next program version (see text color issue above)
* Text color can't be changed a this time - going to add an option in the next version to switch between black/white fixed in v1.1
* there is some minor picture-misallignment regarding the android button. This is already fixed in the code an will be included in the upcomming update fixed in v1.1
nice work! good to see several alternatives out there for dual booting
Don't need it...
But really great job!
Pretty GUI !
beautiful my fav booting app so far,
hi, thanks for the nice app, but could you please include autoclean or auto delete of the "android" folder on sdcard as it tampers with rootfs when re booting.
Best Dual boot for Android/Winmo out there at the moment.
essojay said:
hi, thanks for the nice app, but could you please include autoclean or auto delete of the "android" folder on sdcard as it tampers with rootfs when re booting.
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Please explain this issue to me because i don't have this kind of problem in my setting. Do you want to have an option to "automatically clean" the root/android folder of your sd-card after rebooting (to WinMob)? What kind files should be cleaned? I easyly could add an option to clean the "*.REC" files and the "LOST+Found" folder if this is wanted.
each time you reboot into windows and want to getback into Android, you have this complaint about rootfs not found , and the fix is to delete the "android" folder on the sdcard, this folder is auto generated. this happen each time you reboot and want to get back to android. There is a thread about this somewhere...
essojay said:
each time you reboot into windows and want to getback into Android, you have this complaint about rootfs not found , and the fix is to delete the "android" folder on the sdcard, this folder is auto generated. this happen each time you reboot and want to get back to android. There is a thread about this somewhere...
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Hmm, I looked at the given threat and this issue seems strange to me. I never had this kind of problem and this could be BECAUSE my Android-installation resides in the folder "SD-CARD\ANDROID". Darkstone and Dani recommend to put their builds (Froyo) into the Android subfolder and not directly to the root-folder of the sd-card.
Adding a option to clear or to delete the android folder seems not acceptible to me because - like I said - many people including myself have their Android installation in this specific folder and consecutively would destroy their Android environment.
But i'm considering to add a TOTALCLEAN-feature so the user can easily prepare the sd-card for a new android build by ereasing his android installation and all corresponding files and folders (thumbnails, cache, etc.) without the need of formatting the sd-card.
Very nice GUI! I will be giving this a try. Seems like a good time to experiment with some different flavors of Android...Weekend Project! w00t!
Yes Ironheart...am going to try the sdcard/android way and let you know.. just read somewhere about everything in the android folder.. thanks.. will let you know
really nice man, i will jump ship to your loader
Sorry, i checked "Boot at bootime" option but the program is not run automatically on startup
Zell Dinch said:
Sorry, i checked "Boot at bootime" option but the program is not run automatically on startup
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First be aware of the fact that the "execute at Boottime"-option puts the Android Bootcamp app into the row of the startup processes (look at the regkey "HKLM\init\" for all processes loaded automatically at systemstart!). Also note that by loading Bootcamp the startup-process doesn't stop. That means the system starts Bootcamp and continues loading the remaining systemprocesses afterwards and probably puts Android into the background without the ability to bring it to foreground again (it's not listed in some task-managers). So it's recommended that not only " "execute at Boottime" but also "AutoBoot" is selected. These options enable Bootcamp to load at startup and to boot either into WinMob or Android (depends on your settings saved) and EXIT after the countdown gone to zero.
Here is a detailed guide:
1. make sure that a sd-card containing a functional android build is plugged into your hd2 (Android AND HARET present!)
2. start Android Bootcamp
3. select "Autoboot"
4. select Android as Autoboot-OS (tap the radiobutton below the androidbutton or select the corresponding option in the settingsmenu)
5. select "execute at boottime"
6. save your settings
When the system starts Android Bootcamp is loaded. If an Android-SD-Card is present Android will boot after 10 sec regardless whether Bootcamp is in foreground or or not. If no Android-SD-Card is plugged in, WinMob is selected automatically, System will boot after 10 sec and Bootcamp quits.
This should work for you.
If you still encounter problems check your registry after you checked the "execute at boottime" option. 2 new values should be in the RegKey "HKLM\init": "Launch52" and "Depend52" - If they are not present something went wrong. You can also try to change the valueNAMES from "Launch52" to "Launch62" and "Depend52" to "Depend62" respectively.
my contribution to the theming
ironheart said:
Future functions to come in Android Bootcamp v1.1 (if wanted by the community):
* add possibility to directly downloading latest zImage from the git or from cotulla's build to your Android-installation-folder
* add support to change background directly within the app
* add support for skin-changing directly within the app
* add support for checking for newer program versions
* add possibility to "clean" SD-Card when rebooting to WinMobile (deletion of REC-files and the "Lost+Found" folder)
* add option "TOTALCLEAN" (easy preparation of your SD-Card without formatting by ereasing all android related files and folders incl. thumbnails/cache/etc)
* add support to select androit installation (if more than one installation present on SD)
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+1 Want have
voiceofid said:
my contribution to the theming
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Nicely done! going to put your skin to post#3...
Thank you!
I testet your theme and i had to lightly modify it to keep text-readability (blur filter, less light, htc-logo removed)... i hope you are ok with my modifications. Still good job done (added to skins)
HD2_Noob said:
+1 Want have
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Some of the new features are already working in my beta-build und are going to be released to public soon (ETA for final 1.1-release maybe 1-2 days)...
Stay updated!

[TUT] Windows XP for Bochs

Hy everyone,
I thought to make a Tutorial about how to install Windows XP and run it on Android.
At first you have to download Bochs for Android and PC
Android version: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1389700
Thanks to korvs2003
PC Version: http://bochs.sourceforge.net/getcurrent.html
Then Download Qemu: http://wiki.qemu.org/Download
You need Windows XP
Android: Install Bochs
PC: Install Bochs and Qemu
Creating the bootable image!
1. Open up Bochs for PC and run bximage.exe -> you can find bximage here C:/Program Files/bochs/ | depends on where you have installed it.
2. Create a Image with following: hd, flat, 1500, c.img
hd: It is the format of your boot disk. | fd will create a bootable floppy disk image. For some odd reasons you can use with win 3.11 or something like that.
flat: It means that it has a fixed size.
1500: It is the size of your Image. | you need around 1,5 gb disk space, because the installation of winxp, even you edit it with nlite, wont let you use lower disks -.- , i am trying to solve that problem.
c.img: It is the name of your Image. | choose the name like you want to, but dont forget to edit the bochsrc.txt, else it wont start.
notice: Maybe you have to run bximage.exe as Admin.
Install Windows XP in the boot image
1. Open up Qemu
2. Set up a new Virtual Machine
3. As disk use the c.img
4. Configure the cdrom
5. Give the machine around 512 MB - 1 GB RAM if possible
6. start the Virtual machine and run the installation of Windows XP
Run the Image on Android
1. create a SDL folder on your SDCARD like here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1389700
2. copy your c.img to your SDCARD: sdcard/SDL/c.img
3. now replace the bochsrc.txt lines with:
megs: 256
cpu: count=1, ips=6000000, reset_on_triple_fault=1, ignore_bad_msrs=1
# filename of ROM images
romimage: file=BIOS-bochs-latest
vgaromimage: file=VGABIOS-lgpl-latest
vga: extension=cirrus, update_freq=25
pci: enabled=1, chipset=i440fx, slot1=cirrus
ata0: enabled=1, ioaddr1=0x1f0, ioaddr2=0x3f0, irq=14
ata1: enabled=1, ioaddr1=0x170, ioaddr2=0x370, irq=15
ata0-master: type=disk, path="c.img"
#ata0-slave: type=disk, path="d.img"
#ata1-master: type=disk, mode=vvfat, path=/sdcard/HDD, journal=vvfat.redolog
#type=cdrom, path="CD.ISO", status=inserted
boot: c
config_interface: textconfig
#display_library: x
# other choices: win32 sdl wx carbon amigaos beos macintosh nogui rfb term svga
log: bochsout.txt
sb16: enabled=1
mouse: enabled=1
sb16: wavemode=1, dmatimer=500000
clock: sync=none, time0=1
For more Information about bochsrc configuration visit http://bochs.sourceforge.net/doc/docbook/user/bochsrc.html
megs: ram in MB you will give the machine.
I use 256 (Xperia Play) 300mb will crash your windows after a while.
4. Run bochs on Android.
Boot will take around 30 min, yeah it is really slow
I used Nlite to resize and optimize windows xp before installing it.
here some screenshots:
More specific options in "Creating the bootable image!"
Can you upload the file c.img ... I dont understand these steps ( AND ALSO DONT WANT TO UNDERSTAND > HEHEHE )
nguyen_vh said:
Can you upload the file c.img ... I dont understand these steps
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+1+1+1+1+1 !!!!
That CPU count var looks interesting.... maybe we could set it to 2 for dual core phones?
Can u supply .txt for sp3 fundamentals
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
nguyen_vh said:
Can you upload the file c.img ... I dont understand these steps ( AND ALSO DONT WANT TO UNDERSTAND > HEHEHE )
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no i cant, because it is not legal to upload windows version =), try it it is very easy to create it.
That CPU count var looks interesting.... maybe we could set it to 2 for dual core phones?
Can u supply .txt for sp3 fundamentals
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its useless setting it up to 2, because bochs is a single thread programm.
(my english is not the best so plz forgive me )
Updatet Creating the bootable image!
Tonight im trying windows 7 maybe it will boot
Working great on my xperia play after some tweaking around.
I used QEMU Manager 7 to install it as this is one of the more easier options for QEMU.
what kind of tweaks did you use? because my image boots about 30 mins....
can be installed apps?
also 1ghz+ phones require 30 min to boot?
so,it is useful or only an hobby
just a hobby, not usefull at all, crashes etc. but you can say: I HAVE WINXP ON MY PHONE!!!
Yes as i toyed with it a bit longer it turns out it does boot fine.
But it is very slow and unusable for me still .
What phones have u used bochs with xp on ?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
Xperia play
acocalypso said:
no i cant, because it is not legal to upload windows version =), try it it is very easy to create it.
its useless setting it up to 2, because bochs is a single thread programm.
(my english is not the best so plz forgive me )
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ITs not EZ at alll =.=.... please... please
---------- Post added at 11:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:05 AM ----------
acocalypso said:
Hy everyone,
I thought to make a Tutorial about how to install Windows XP and run it on Android.
At first you have to download Bochs for Android and PC
Android version: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1389700
Thanks to korvs2003
PC Version: http://bochs.sourceforge.net/getcurrent.html
Then Download Qemu: http://wiki.qemu.org/Download
You need Windows XP
Android: Install Bochs
PC: Install Bochs and Qemu
Creating the bootable image!
1. Open up Bochs for PC and run bximage.exe -> you can find bximage here C:/Program Files/bochs/ | depends on where you have installed it.
2. Create a Image with following: hd, flat, 1500, c.img
hd: It is the format of your boot disk. | fd will create a bootable floppy disk image. For some odd reasons you can use with win 3.11 or something like that.
flat: It means that it has a fixed size.
1500: It is the size of your Image. | you need around 1,5 gb disk space, because the installation of winxp, even you edit it with nlite, wont let you use lower disks -.- , i am trying to solve that problem.
c.img: It is the name of your Image. | choose the name like you want to, but dont forget to edit the bochsrc.txt, else it wont start.
notice: Maybe you have to run bximage.exe as Admin.
Install Windows XP in the boot image
1. Open up Qemu
2. Set up a new Virtual Machine
3. As disk use the c.img
4. Configure the cdrom
5. Give the machine around 512 MB - 1 GB RAM if possible
6. start the Virtual machine and run the installation of Windows XP
Run the Image on Android
1. create a SDL folder on your SDCARD like here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1389700
2. copy your c.img to your SDCARD: sdcard/SDL/c.img
3. now replace the bochsrc.txt lines with:
megs: 256
cpu: count=1, ips=6000000, reset_on_triple_fault=1, ignore_bad_msrs=1
# filename of ROM images
romimage: file=BIOS-bochs-latest
vgaromimage: file=VGABIOS-lgpl-latest
vga: extension=cirrus, update_freq=25
pci: enabled=1, chipset=i440fx, slot1=cirrus
ata0: enabled=1, ioaddr1=0x1f0, ioaddr2=0x3f0, irq=14
ata1: enabled=1, ioaddr1=0x170, ioaddr2=0x370, irq=15
ata0-master: type=disk, path="c.img"
#ata0-slave: type=disk, path="d.img"
#ata1-master: type=disk, mode=vvfat, path=/sdcard/HDD, journal=vvfat.redolog
#type=cdrom, path="CD.ISO", status=inserted
boot: c
config_interface: textconfig
#display_library: x
# other choices: win32 sdl wx carbon amigaos beos macintosh nogui rfb term svga
log: bochsout.txt
sb16: enabled=1
mouse: enabled=1
sb16: wavemode=1, dmatimer=500000
clock: sync=none, time0=1
For more Information about bochsrc configuration visit http://bochs.sourceforge.net/doc/docbook/user/bochsrc.html
megs: ram in MB you will give the machine.
I use 256 (Xperia Play) 300mb will crash your windows after a while.
4. Run bochs on Android.
Boot will take around 30 min, yeah it is really slow
I used Nlite to resize and optimize windows xp before installing it.
here some screenshots:
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How to OPEN UP QeMu... where is it ?
at first you must download qemu see link in first post.
install qemu and start it.
how is the mouse working. we did this with Windows Mobiel but you had to drag the mouse.
do you have to drag it or does the cursor go where you place your finger.
you have to drag it.
acocalypso said:
at first you must download qemu see link in first post.
install qemu and start it.
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tar.gz file...not exe...... how to install?
Can anyone try this trick with damn small linux or with puppy linux?
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All Credits Goes TO Perceval from Hyrule

Al Credits Goes TO Perceval from Hyrule
Originally Posted by Perceval from Hyrule
** Currently writing this, please wait !
Hello there,
here is a new tutorial I'm sure you'll like. As usual it took me LOTS of work to get all info and make this to work, so now I share it with you and show how to run custom ROMs within Android SDK Emulator.
Please note it's mainly for XPERIA X10, but process is the same for other Android-powered devices. It will show you the process for Linux.
1. Download the latest Android SDK.
2. Open the archive, and copy the folder android-sdk-linux-x86 to a safe place. You can also rename it to an easier name. Example : I placed it in ~/Home and renamed it androidsdk.
3. Go to the SDK folder, then in the folder Tools/. Double-click on Android and choose Run.
4. Go to Available packages, and choose to install (choose at your will !)
Android SDK Tools, revision 8
Android SDK Platform-tools, revision 1
SDK Platform Android {VERSION(S) YOU WANT} (!) You need at least one Platform. For X10, you can download 1.6, 2.1. You can also add 2.2, 2.3.
Once it's done, close the window.
5. Download Xperia X10 add-on for SDK. (?) Read the PDF add-on guide, it is helpful !
Copy the folder (from the archive) XPERIA-X10_r1 inside the folder add-ons of your Android SDK folder ({androidsdk}/add-ons/).
6. Run terminal, go to your Android SDK folder, then in tools folder, and run
./android list target
Note the id number of the Android you want to develop (ie for me, Android 2.3 is
id: 3 or "android-9"
). (?) You might also want to note the name ("android-X") as it might be useful later.
7. Now, create AVD (a profile for emulator). Usual command (assuming you are INSIDE the /tools/ folder !) is
android create avd -n NAMEYOUWANT -t {ID}
So, for us, it will be
./android create avd -n myx10 -t 3
8. To generate the AVD, you will be prompted several info. Type these for Xperia X10 :
Create custom hardware profile : yes
SD Card support : yes
Asbstracted LCD density : 160 (correct if I'm wrong ?)
DPad support : no (?)
Accelerometer : yes
Max camera pixels (H) : 3264
Cache partition size : 66 (?)
Audio playback : yes
Trackball : no (?)
Max cam pixels (V) : 2448
Camera support : yes
Battery support : yes
Touch screen : yes
Audio record : yes
GPS : yes
Cache partition : yes
Keyboard : no
heap size : 32
RAM : 280
GSM Modem : yes
(?) I recommend you to create one profile for each Android version you want to run (so : you just have to change the ID, and create same profile). If you don't, you won't be able to run custom ROMs using other versions of Android (ie your AVD profile is 2.3 and you run a 2.1 custom ROM).
9. Done ! Take your custom ROM (downloaded, compiled... In this case, files are in {YourAndroidRepoFolder}/out/target/product/generic/. It comes with about 3 files, including a file called system.img. Copy this file into the folder (hidden) .android/myx10{In fact, the name you've chosen earlier "NAMEYOUWANT"}.avd/
10. Run terminal, go to Android SDK folder/tools/ (if you didn't close your current terminal, you're already in and run this command to run emulator WITH your custom ROM :
./emulator -avd myx10{again the "NAMEYOUWANT" you've chosen before}
Wait and enjoy !
(?) First boot is long - it's NORMAL. Just like on a real device, the OS will be cached and will work faster and faster.

[Android iA[ JB 4.2.2 Dualboot/Bare metal

Run JB 4.2.2 NATIVE (EFI bios only)
Diualboot with win8/linux/osx. - This is NOT a x86 emu - its bare metal
Required materials:
•1GB or larger USB thumb drive
•A supported target device
•A laptop or PC running Linux, Windows, or Mac OS with working internet connection
Step 1: Back up your existing OS and all data on your device. The Android-IA installer will erase everything and repartition your hard drive automatically.
Step 2: Download the latest installer image for your device from the Downloads page.
Step 3: Prepare the USB thumb drive
Linux users:
•Unzip the downloaded file: `unzip your_installer_file.zip'
•Insert the USB thumb drive into your machine
•Open your terminal application and find the device name of the thumb drive. Run `dmesg' and look near the end for a name like "/dev/sdX" where X is a letter.
•Unmount any partitions that were automatically mounted: `sudo umount /dev/sdX*' (Where X is the letter from above)
•Write the live.img file from the extracted zip to the USB flash: `sudo dd if=live.img of=/dev/sdX bs=1M conv=fsync' (Where X is the letter from above)
Windows users:
•Extract the installer image from the downloaded zip file
•Download "Image Writer" application from https://launchpad.net/win32-image-writer/ and extract it to a folder of your chioce.
•Insert your USB drive into your computer.
•Find the drive letter of your USB drive by opening 'My Computer' on the desktop.
•Run Win32DiskImager.exe from Image Writer's directory.
•In Image Writer's window, select the installer.img you extracted from the downloaded zip
•In Image Writer's window, select your thumb drive's letter that you found in 'My Computer'
•Click "Write" and wait until the process is over.
Mac users:
•Extract the installer image from the downloaded zip file
•Open the Terminal (under Utilities)
•Execute `diskutil list' to get the current list of devices
•Insert your USB drive into your computer.
•Execute `diskutil list' again and determine the device node assigned to your flash media (e.g. /dev/diskN)
•Execute `diskutil unmountDisk /dev/diskN'
•Execute `sudo dd if=live.img of=/dev/diskN bs=1m'
•Execute `diskutil eject /dev/diskN' and remove your flash media when the command completes.
Step 4: Prepare device for installation:
•Set the device to boot from the USB thumb drive (device-specific instructions can be found on the devices page.
•Make sure "UEFI Boot Support" is enabled in the BIOS.
Step 5: Install the system.
• Plug in the USB thumb drive with the Android-IA installer image created in step 1
• Power on the device
• From the boot menu, choose "Install Android to hard disk"
• Wait until the installer finishes
• Unplug the USB thumb drive
• Power off the device by holding down on the power button for 10 sec., then power on the device and choose "Boot Android system" (or let the countdown timer expire)
You're done! Enjoy your Android-IA device.
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Move post if in wrong section plz...
Sent from nexus 4 AOSP
I installed the latest Android-IA (android-4.2.2_r1-ia1) on my Acer Iconia W700, and it works perfectly. The only downside (however, huge one) is the lack of libhoudini - without it half of android apps refuse to load on x86 processor. Which, by the way, scores ~70000 in Antutu (!)...
I searched everywhere, but there's just too little information on both libhoudini as well as Android-IA . Please, can anyone help in porting this library to Android-IA? I know it is not open source, but so are gapps, and Android-x86 already uses libhoudini. So there shouldn't be any real difficulties...
WBR, Draco.
Drakosha said:
I installed the latest Android-IA (android-4.2.2_r1-ia1) on my Acer Iconia W700, and it works perfectly. The only downside (however, huge one) is the lack of libhoudini - without it half of android apps refuse to load on x86 processor. Which, by the way, scores ~70000 in Antutu (!)...
I searched everywhere, but there's just too little information on both libhoudini as well as Android-IA . Please, can anyone help in porting this library to Android-IA? I know it is not open source, but so are gapps, and Android-x86 already uses libhoudini. So there shouldn't be any real difficulties...
WBR, Draco.
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Antutu score 70000!? really? You are using the i5 model?
Drakosha said:
I installed the latest Android-IA (android-4.2.2_r1-ia1) on my Acer Iconia W700, and it works perfectly. The only downside (however, huge one) is the lack of libhoudini - without it half of android apps refuse to load on x86 processor. Which, by the way, scores ~70000 in Antutu (!)...
I searched everywhere, but there's just too little information on both libhoudini as well as Android-IA . Please, can anyone help in porting this library to Android-IA? I know it is not open source, but so are gapps, and Android-x86 already uses libhoudini. So there shouldn't be any real difficulties...
WBR, Draco.
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I remember finding a manual install of libhoudini somewhere but it didnt work. That was with the february version of A-IA, though.
Sent from my 700T using XDA Premium HD app
Drakosha said:
I installed the latest Android-IA (android-4.2.2_r1-ia1) on my Acer Iconia W700, and it works perfectly. The only downside (however, huge one) is the lack of libhoudini - without it half of android apps refuse to load on x86 processor. Which, by the way, scores ~70000 in Antutu (!)...
I searched everywhere, but there's just too little information on both libhoudini as well as Android-IA . Please, can anyone help in porting this library to Android-IA? I know it is not open source, but so are gapps, and Android-x86 already uses libhoudini. So there shouldn't be any real difficulties...
WBR, Draco.
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Did you ever find a solution to this?
DJDrew said:
Did you ever find a solution to this?
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Hi there
I'd also be glad to hear more about that...From what I could gather so far, there is no fully working ARM translator / libhoudini solutions for android IA. Hence the only solution would be to switch to android x86...
Change dpi and get bluetooth working with android and windows 8.1 at the same time
Do these changes if you are confident in your skills. I'm student and quite busy so if you ask something it can take some time for me to answer. Damages you might do to your system are your own responsibility. I have tested these instructions with Acer W700 on android-4.2.2_r1-ia3 and can confirm that they worked for me.
First changing dpi from original 213 to 160:
1. Get file manager on android like ES file Explorer
2. R/W rights to whole system on android
3. From root go to /system/etc/machine-props/
4. Open acer-w700.prop with ES Explorer and edit line "ro.sf.lcd_density = 213" and change 213 to 160
5. Reboot android and system should now be 160 dpi
Now about that bluetooth. I find it annoying that you have to pair your bluetooth mouse and keyboard again every time when you switch between android and windows 8.1. So I did research and found a way to fix this problem and here's how to do it. I can confirm that this works with Acer bluetooth/cover keyboard and MS Sculpt touch mouse.
1. Pair your bluetooth devices first with android and the with Windows
2. On Windows download PsExec
3.Then from downloaded file copy PsExec.exe in Windows to directory C:\Windows\System32 or to directory where your System32 folder is.
4. Write in the search cmd and run it as administrator
5. Then use command: psexec -s -i regedit.exe
6. Now go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\BTHPORT\Parameters\Keys
7. From \Keys you can find your paired bluetooth devices. First there is the devices bluetooh mac address and 32 numbers long linkkey. Now write those linkeys and mac addresses up or copy them.
8. Now everything is set on Windows side. Next boot to android.
9. On android you need again for example ES file Explorer and R/W rights
10. With file Explorer fro root go to /data/misc/bluedroid/
11. Open file called BT_config.xml
12. From text find your devices using mac address
13. When you find you devices mac addres scroll down and you should see line with linkkey and 32 number code.
14. Now take that 32 number code you got from Windows
15 You have to change it little so the linkey works and here how it's done:
for example your Windows linkkey is "12345678qwertyuiasdfghjkpoiuytre" now set it as 8 number clusters like this
"12345678 qwertyui asdfghjk poiuytre"
Now you have to reverse those 8 number clusters
Take the set on far right "poiuytre" and mark it like this "po iu yt re"
Now reverse those pairs like this "re yt iu po"
Now "reytiupo" this is the first line in the new linkkey
Do the same for other three cluster. After it's done this example linkkey looks like this "reytiupojkghdfasuityerqw78563412"
16. When you have your modified Windows linkkey ready you can just replace the old one from the file BT_config.xml
17. Now just reboot android and your keyboard and mouse should work.
I've found that sometimes when switching from Windows to android bluetooth doesn't connect. Just reboot android and your bluetooth devices should connect.
I would have posted this on deveopers site where people visit more often but you need 10 posts and this is my first one so if you can you should link my post there so more people can enjoy these instructions.
Thank you for reading this and don't forget to like it :good:
Anyone know where to find the source code for this?

