Can some lan help me with this
I want to install usb lancard on my HD2
with the appropriate usb cables and usb lancard i think its posible to install it ! But the real question is how to install driver and some kind of software to launch the card.. . . this is usefull for Lantechnicians
Hi , I have a problem with my computer , it's not detecting my xdaII dock .
It says that "not reconized".
So what can I do to resolve this (drivers for ub dock ???).
Does anyone have any suggestion.
i would
try another usb port
try another pc
try to reinstall activesync thats the only driver needed
did U installed activesync ??
My laptop doesnt recognize my device. It all happened when i checked an option in development (application option - in settings) with usb connected .... Also tested on another laptop... not working ... is there any solution ??
Charging happens ... but driver installation fails. . .
Dear cldwar,
Same here and i did everything to solve even back to stock but no chance; just charging but usb not recognized... At last i found the below solution by myself... Still i am very confused that what is causing this issue; hardware or software failure?
1- Download " Usb Mass Storage Watcher " from market. Install and run then choose " auto mount usb " option and save.
2- In telephone screen, 3845#*920# to enter hidden menu. Go to port setting and set " AP USB " then check retain after reboot and save-reboot
3- After phone reboots, choose mass storage from settings-sd card or applications-development-usb debugging...
4- plugin usbcable and connect phone. Wait a few seconds and then u will see that phone is being recognized by the computer.
5- In phone screen, usb mass storage watcher application may prompt several times so just press save to exit...
6- To disconnect, either disconnect cable directly or deselect mass storage mode or usb debugging... Phone may be unstable temporary while disconnecting usb...
Hope all these helps...
Kind regards,
Sent from my LG-P920 using XDA App
You have the drivers on the phone itself, on the LGE folder.
omgomg said:
You have the drivers on the phone itself, on the LGE folder.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Dear omgomg,
I dont think that it is driver related since the solution i described above is the only way i found to overcome this issue temporary...
Kind Regards,
Problem solved . ..
just installed LG software update pc suite --- installed the drivers and the phone is back to normal ....
Thanks for the help ..... and ideas . . ..
Thanks for starting this thread had a similar issue.
I had the same thing after my phone was Rooted. It then just topped using the stock drivers.
Oh Well Thanks guys!
I was looking for advise what to do with my tablet on Acer forum, no luck yet, so maybe you guys can help, You're the BEST
quick explanation: it's Acer A701 on JB 4.1.1. USB port is communicating with memory stick, keyboard, mouse etc... but when I plug into USB on my PC (Win7, Ubuntu) there is no response at all neither PC or tablet. How can I manage this?? THanks
Hi i can't access my files on my pc (it is unlocked) not even sync for music
also it appears as a audio device in devices and drives
Have you set USB settings to MTP? Otherwise this might help:
The correct drivers are installed? Tried with different USB cables? Tried all USB ports on the computer?
audit13 said:
The correct drivers are installed? Tried with different USB cables? Tried all USB ports on the computer?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
yes to all :/
The phone used to work with the same computer and USB cable?
If ur rooted install multirom and install cm13 as secondary os.. then connect to ur pc while ur in cm13 it will detect the driver after that unstall cm 13 and connect as u do normally
like if worked
hey i found away around it thx though!
How did you fix the problem?
"hey i found away around it thx though!"
But why in the name of all that's holy would you ask the question and then not share the answer for others who regularly have the same problem? Keeping info to yourself is the best way of maintaining your "zero thanks" status...
oh sorry for not sharing what i did to solve the problem! here is what i did!
1. connect phone to pc
2. unlock
3. swipe down and touch the notification that says "usb for charging touch for more options"
4. select the option you want
hi friend
this is my device
i cannot connect it to the livesute program
it gave me fail driver for the program and my device
so i flash it by phonex card program
but no Roms success with me
it all fail error with screen size and touche and function
any help can you do it for me
the original Rom was missed
tablet name promedia super slim model: digitab
this is the error when i use program livesute with my computer
and this is the roms i before trying it
i install all drivers i found for it but no way the same problem still show
so I cannot Change the computer
and i try this methods
(change usb port , or data cable . remove older drivers and install new one. and i do not use usb hub or extension )
but it's keep fail do you now
any stable Rom can i flash it by phonex card program ?
sorry for my English not good
and thank you all