Looking for suitable Tasks Application - HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Themes and Apps

I'm looking to procure a Tasks application of substance.
The program must be able to not only Date the Task in hand but break down and Date any subdivision of the said Task.
As an example:-
I often perform several lectures a month, some containing practical surgery both during and after.
Each lecture needs it's own Task but as they are so complex sub tasks need to be completed before the lecture itself can take place. These sub tasks are all date dependent.
Therefore, what I would like to do is date the main lecture and date all subdivisions of the main task.
If there is a possibility to go deeper and divide a sub division into smaller dates that would be terrific.
If anyone can throw light on this I would be grateful.
Many thanks.

I have been looking for something similar but only as a piece of functionality that is fully integrated with Outlook. I had hopes for Franklin Covey but that's way out of date and doesn't seem to be under active development.
I believe PocketInformant will allow you to create parent-child tasks and possibly even hierarchical nested tasks but couldn't swear to it. The reason I stopped using it was that I could organise the tasks on the PPC (bit of a faff on a small screen - I probably had an XDA or XDA II at the time) but once they synced back to outlook I just had a flat list again.
As a manager with a strong PM background I'd love to be able to use a tool like Outlook to create mini projects from tasks but the response from MS to demand in the Outlook forums is 'use MS Project'. Yeah, right, perfect for a small DIY project or a trip away or a shopping trip or a lecture...!

pTasks is in development at the moment, not quit what is requested but as a base?

Thanks ET.
I tried pTasks but from what I saw it doesn't offer any ability to add sub task date formatting.


Shared Calendars application

On YouTube I sumbled upon the following video:
From 1:36 the speaker mentions and demonstrates an MS application called Shared Calendars during a presentation of Win Mob 6. It did not make it to the final product, apparently.
Does anyone know if this very useful and needed application is going to come in upcoming version or that MS killed it.
Would there possibly be a CAB for this app available somewhere?
mm i use shared calanders at work for things like holiday charts, labour allocations etc and this would be very useful to be able to view the shared calenders on our devices using exchange...... as far as i am aware we cannot do this us MS calender....... unless someone makes an app?? THis could be tricky this one....
timmymarsh said:
mm i use shared calanders at work for things like holiday charts, labour allocations etc and this would be very useful to be able to view the shared calenders on our devices using exchange...... as far as i am aware we cannot do this us MS calender....... unless someone makes an app?? THis could be tricky this one....
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Thank you for your answer.
I know this functionality is wanted by many.
What I do not understand is that Microsoft did make an application with this functionality but did not publish it. I was hoping someone on xda-dev did know about it or (even better) was having a cab.

PHP Calendar Question

I'm in the process of redesigning our local access station's web site. I'm just about finished, except for a program guide system. Currently, the "program schedule" page is simple HTML, but there are a number of problems with this system.
First off, the person who updates the schedule is by no means a web designer, and the page slowly deteriorates as tweaks are accidentally made while updating.
Secondly, the new site is designed to show the current day's program schedule on each page. It would obviously be a royal pain to update this manually using HTML, so we're looking for some sort of PHP calendar system on the site: PHPKode to integrate into the site.
What we need is a simple PHP/MySQL calendar system that will allow us to integrate a daily schedule into a sidebar, and set up a program grid on the main schedule page.
As in the above example, we'd like the program name to link to that show's page.
I've looked around for a few days trying to find a good system, but haven't had much luck. I don't know if there are any PHP "program guide" scripts out there, but I would think there would be some sort of calendar that could accomplish this job.
I should note I know a little bit of PHP/MySQL scripting - enough to do some *minor* tweaking to a simple script, but I'm by no means fluent with it. Bottom line- the less scripting I have to do, the better.
The current version of the site can be viewed here. (We haven't transfered our domain to the new server yet, hence the subdirectory setup.) The weather sidebar is a placeholder for the program schedule. I appreciate any suggestions or advice, so thanks in advance to anyone who can point me in the right direction!

Apps My wife wants

Hi There!
My wife, a doctor who is still studying, is wondering if there is a way she can use her new android phone to take better quality notes at lectures. Previously she was using a WM65 with Word, and taking text notes, but it was not possible or very difficult to add diagrams, or highlight important words, or draw arrows to particular things. Is there a great quality app that handles taking notes easier? Happy to pay.
Secondly, she has a forerunner watch which won't download her running data such as the track she ran, average speed, etc. Can she use her phone for that data collection and find a nice app to transfer it to her PC to view in a usable format?
We are also lastly looking for a cross platform (Windows 7, Android) shopping list application. Happy to pay, but would prefer one off cost. Needs to be simple and able to be shared across 3 devices nicely.
I think Evernote could do the first and last thing, taking notes, with schemes (maybe, not sure) and make a shopping list, which is cross platform, since you make an account on Evernote's site, and you have the Windows' program and the Android application to keep track, and it's off cost up to a certain storage
Hope I've been of help, just look for Evernote on google!

[Q] A way to digitize notes

I'm looking for a way to digitize notes. Normally (at least at my last job) I would either take my laptop or my TF700 into a meeting and just dictate the notes straight to the device. However at my new job I have had a few stipulations put upon me. They are:
1.) Actions must be documented and filed.
2.) Electronic devices such as laptops, tablets, smart phones, and recording devices (IE Camcorders, cameras) are prohibited.
I am allowed to bring a pad of paper and/or an audio recorder as long as it does not have an LCD or anything with a lens in it (Tape recorder / etc).
My current process is to take a legal pad in with a pencil, short hand everything and duplicate drawings /schematics, then go home and transcribe everything to my computer and sync it with my phone/tablet. To say the process is tedious is an understatement.
Is there a way to do this so that the process is faster and easier?
Any suggestions at all would be helpful.
Thank you.
Search for software that lets you scan a piece of paper and have it turned into digital text.
It shouldn't be that hard to find, I know something like that came with a cheap scanner we bought in the 90s - and the technology can only have improved.
Or if you don't care about file size and if it's in text or picture, you could just keep the scanned image as is, compress a little and use that.
Pennycake said:
Search for software that lets you scan a piece of paper and have it turned into digital text.
It shouldn't be that hard to find, I know something like that came with a cheap scanner we bought in the 90s - and the technology can only have improved.
Or if you don't care about file size and if it's in text or picture, you could just keep the scanned image as is, compress a little and use that.
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Pennycake, I kind of need to have the OCR for key word searches the handheld scanner and software that I have does not recognize my handwriting, even in print.
I would wonder if there is better software / hardware out there.
You can record and there are speech-to-text programs, but I wonder if they would even be as successful as the attempts to digitize the handwriting.
Actually, in my opinion the suggestions made so far are looking at this problem the wrong way.
I think he correct solution is to talk to your manager about the situation and point out that:
i) Any security benefits they think they are getting by banning laptops etc from the meeting are delusional, as after the meeting you are transcribing your handwritten notes to electronic format anyway.
ii) That the current process of you working outside normal hours at home on your personal devices results in a very high risk of the meeting notes being exposed in an insecure environment - in fact, if laptops are banned from the meeting I'm surprised you're even allowed to remove the notes from the office to work on them at home on a personal device.
iii) That while they may have valid reasons to restrict electronic devices at meetings, common sense would suggest that now days the most secure and efficient method of recording meeting notes is to enter said notes directly into a secure enterprise computing environment using an enterprise approved secure device ie., if no-one else, the meeting secretary should be able to use an approved laptop (or similar device) during the meeting.
You need to initiate the discussion that results in a rule change that allows you to take the meeting notes in the most efficient and secure way, rather than search for a better method of circumventing the existing rules - both you and your employer will be better off - you won't have to transcribe the notes at home in your own time and they will have a much higher level of security surrounding those notes.
Pennycake said:
Search for software that lets you scan a piece of paper and have it turned into digital text.
It shouldn't be that hard to find, I know something like that came with a cheap scanner we bought in the 90s - and the technology can only have improved.
Or if you don't care about file size and if it's in text or picture, you could just keep the scanned image as is, compress a little and use that.
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Mike_NZ said:
Actually, in my opinion the suggestions made so far are looking at this problem the wrong way.
I think he correct solution is to talk to your manager about the situation and point out that:
i) Any security benefits they think they are getting by banning laptops etc from the meeting are delusional, as after the meeting you are transcribing your handwritten notes to electronic format anyway.
ii) That the current process of you working outside normal hours at home on your personal devices results in a very high risk of the meeting notes being exposed in an insecure environment - in fact, if laptops are banned from the meeting I'm surprised you're even allowed to remove the notes from the office to work on them at home on a personal device.
iii) That while they may have valid reasons to restrict electronic devices at meetings, common sense would suggest that now days the most secure and efficient method of recording meeting notes is to enter said notes directly into a secure enterprise computing environment using an enterprise approved secure device ie., if no-one else, the meeting secretary should be able to use an approved laptop (or similar device) during the meeting.
You need to initiate the discussion that results in a rule change that allows you to take the meeting notes in the most efficient and secure way, rather than search for a better method of circumventing the existing rules - both you and your employer will be better off - you won't have to transcribe the notes at home in your own time and they will have a much higher level of security surrounding those notes.
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I actually tried this, but the reason they don't want electronic media in these rooms are due to the rooms being marked a secure. Electronic media is not allowed to be brought into or out of the room. We have some rooms that have computers that are not allowed to connect to the network or internet in some rooms.
Me removing the notes from the building is not a problem because they are not proprietary or classified in any shape or form. As an engineer they want to make sure I document everything on the projects that I work on. They don't care if I did it via handwritten or pdf. In fact they only request that I make it readable. I transcribe it to electronic media because it makes it much easier for me to do a quick search for key words and find the notes or diagrams and for the teams that I work on to add or make changes.

How would I go about making an app like this? (Not Commercial)

For my school, I am planning to create an app that will allow people to be aware of upcoming events and general information about the school for new students and parents.
My IST (Information and Software Technology) teacher said that if it was successful, we will be able to publish it as the school's app and thus awarding be brownie points and overall a beneficiary. My school is not a dodgy one in terms of behavior etc and most people have smartphones, and not retards with iPhones with like #SWAG#YOLO#INSTAGRAM#FACEBOOK.'
Basically it's supposed to display stuff like a map of the school, things like upcoming exams and events like carnivals. I am hoping to add something that will allow you to put your grade as preference and thus only notify you of things that concern you. Basically like a news feed but for your school life.
Will it be able to be pulled off? If it is I will start with Android and move on from there.
I don't see why it would be impossible, but it seems you are taking the difficult road for something that could be done simply.
If there's planned events, you simply need to maintain a calendar/agenda one can sync to. With Google Agenda/Calendar, you can do just that. Share one or multiple agendas people can sync with. The upside is that people can use a multitude of apps, whether on their smartphone or computer to sync with that calendar instead of using a closed app.
The downside, is that its meant to manage a calendar/agenda, thus not really usable for the other part of your project, posts with general informations and news.

