Need help choosing a dual sim phone - General Topics

Hello everyone,
I looked around all of the internal forums and general appeared to be the best.
In short I am looking for a good dual sim phone that doesn't need a soft reboot to switch between sims. I have to be able to get calls on both, essentially looking like call waiting is working.
Here are must haves:
Unlimited ring tone assignment (the dual I have now limits me to 10 ringtones). I have a ton of referral sources calling as well as personal calls and I need to know who I can ignore by sound and who I have to answer.
External memory SD or Micro (for the ringtones) unless it has a large enough internal
Dual sim of course...
AT&T service currently, and would prefer to stay but not married to them. Lesser of 5 evils basically (1900MHZ)
My preferences:
I've had my fun playing with all of the stuff from here for windows mobile, but I just can't take the slow speed anymore. I am open to a smartphone or non smartphone, but if it is a smartphone I need it to react nearly instantly.
I would prefer a flip phone, mainly because I'm getting frustrated with applying new screen covers to protect my screen so often. So I guess I should say, if it's a touch screen non flip then I'd like to be able to buy 50 precut screen covers out the gate (not really concerned about price). (currently have a Fuze and I'm sick of the snail speed and still can't find the precut screen covers - although I have determined how to increase speed, and will do so once I get my new phone... drive 80 MPH and throw it out the window!)
I really think that about covers it. When I do a Google search for a dual sim I just end up at one of a hundred Chinese wholesale sites, and most of their phones have their own OS with tons of limitations.
Thanks ahead of time! (btw price isn't a big issue, although less cost is always better)
So in browsing through old posts here I found Expansys and in looking at them I found this...Samsung B5702 ... it may very well be what I want. The price seems pretty over the top for a non smart phone, but I'm guessing it's cheaper elsewhere... Does anyone happen to have this phone who could give me their take on it? Thank you,

So I bought the LG Ks660 from Amazon... could have paid about $30 less through another lesser known, but I figured it's worth the $30 to know I'd get it and it would be easy to return if it blows.
I paid $260 for it, which is about $160 more than your typical dual sim/dual standby Chinese cells but I hope it has what I need. The one dual I have from China limits the ringtones, which to me is a must these days on phones.
I'll post the results of my first few days of testing in case anyone else has two cell lines but is sick of carrying the two phones. Due to arrive tomorrow... I had to choose impatient shipping...


What should I get???

I had (fairly recently) bought a seimens sx56 which I used mostly just for keeping track of my schedule, but I used some other features too. I was very dissapointed when I found out I could not connect it to my wireless router for internet and missed out on those features. The other day, however I cracked the screen making it completely unusable!!
I now need to replace it. I want to get something that can take a sim card (I have tmobile, but unlocked is better for freedom), have wifi built in (or can use the cf memory card w/ wifi that I mistakenly bought thinking it would fit the sx56), and I dont currently use bluetooth, but I am guessing I will eventually need it for something. I would prefer a stronger processor to run anything I might want in the future (I am a live sound engineer and as programs come out for helping me in my field it would prove useful), but my main restraint is money! I would like to spend $200-$300 absolute MAX, and dont mind buying a used product in good condition.
It should work with Tmobile USA (I think that is 1900mhz, not sure) and have a good battery life as I will likely be using it as my main cell phone.
What would anybody recommend in my price range (remember, used is ok!)
Also is anybody interested in buying a sx-56 with a cracked screen? Make any offer!
Thanks again -- AshayinFLA

Buying a new phone

Hi everyone, I am in the market for a new Pocket PC style phone with a QWERTY style keybaord on it. Through my research I have found out that all QWERTY style Pocket PC's are also phones.
So after looking around at a number of models out there the i-Mate JASJAR phone really caught my eye. However, also while looking around I found this site and figured I would ask an active community what my best choice would be. I will buy from anywhere in the world if it will be cheaper in the end.
I have a plan with Fido currently and a sim card in my LG phone working at the moment.
The things I need in a Pocket PC Phone:
- Fido Canada Compatability (GSM ~1900) for phone
- WiFi (802.11b) for data
- Bluetooth support
- SD Card Slot for my 1gb card
- USB port to connect to computer
- Decent processor and RAM.
- Windows 2005 (or whatever the latest is)
- General Word / Excel Applications
- MSN Messenger
I'm not used to looking up information about phones and cross compatibility, and being in canada all I am used to is being screwed up the rear with cell phone costs and locked phones. So thats why I am coming here for help.
Any help would be greatly appriciated.
Thank you all in advance.
Antonio the Knight of Ni.
If all you you need are those listed, basically you can pick any PPC that is offered today by the cell phone providers today in North America, as it will be cheaper than buying an unlocked one. Mostly the providers today offered one of the Wizard varians, like in the USA, most of the providers (Cingular, T-Mobile, Verizon, Sprint), all of them carry of the Wizard varians, with price around US$350 for 2 years contract. Full price without contract here is around US$500.
I'm an owner of i-mate Jasjar (Universal). Compared to a Wizard, Jasjar/Universal is much more expensive here in North America, because no provider carry it, thus we have to buy full price.
Compared to Wizard, however, Universal has the following:
1. Processor is twice/more faster technically.
2. Screen is VGA, compared to Wizard (QVGA).
3. Heavier, bulkier, etc.
4. Universal is wow when used as a mini laptop, but Wizard is wow when used a mini PPC and phone.
I can tell you, I'm always impressed with my Uni when I read PDF doc, emails, remote connecting to my PC, watching videos.
All of your requirement can be easily fulfilled by a WIzard instead of a Universal.
Well, I am willing to spend up to $800 so I dont have to be in a contract, and my goal is to get it to work on my Canadian provider Fido. So, the phone is going to have to be unlocked in order for me to beable to use it on my provider as they dont sell any pocket pc phones, only their parent company rogers does but I am on a grandfathered contract with fido that gives me unlimited calling, so i would like to maintain that.
So, as far as unlocked phones go, your saying that the Jaspar is probly the best call? Excuse the pun.
In the market
I am in the market for a ppc phone as well and I have come down to a decision between the Universal and the Wizard, but I would like some user feedback about both models. I noticed the Wizard has a 200mhz TI cpu and the Universal has a 520mhz intel cpu. What is the actual performance difference between the two? Does the wizard use its clock cycles more efficiently closing some of the gap or is the universal really 2.6 times faster? What about the resolution difference? I think this might be a big selling factor for me. Does it make a big difference? I know on a computer I can't stand to use anything less than 1600x1200. The bottom line is it looks like it is going to cost me twice as much for the universal as the wizard is the extra money worth it? I am looking at using T-Mobile here in the states. They only offer the MDA(Wizard) and not the MDA Pro(Universal) but I think either way I will probably pick one up off of ebay and try and save some money. Thanks in advance for your help.
Last year, around Oct-Nov, I was in the same place you were today. I had the plan that I did not want to lose. I did not want to sign any new contract.
I want unlocked Pocket PC so that I can use it when I travel to Asia and any where. And I decided I would not mind to pay the full price. My budget was... however, I pushed it all the way to over $1000 in order to buy the best.
I considered that single invesment to fullfill at least many years to come needs, therefore, go with the most advance one, rather than buy a cheaper one, but half way.
That's the whole reason I was finally decided to get a Universal. But if you ask me to share my opinion with you today, after using Universal more than 6 months, I think it was not the best decision I made with the purchase. Do not get me wrong, I learned and experienced many new things since I had my Uni, and its extremely well built and nice device, nothing like it really. The screen especially, may be the best you will ever see in any Pocket PC. But for daily use, for phone, for carry around, for many occasions, I do not use it, simply its not pratical. I usually swiched back to my old one. Then I would blame myself, why did you buy it if you do not want to use it? Sad
Most of the time now I leave my Uni at home to be used with my home wifi. I have seen many ppl are happier with their decision to get a smaller scale one like Wizard or Prophet. Prophet is about the same size with the Wizard, except its thinner as it has no keyboard but better button layout. They do not mind even though the screen is a quarter than the Universal and the processor speed is half of the Universal as well. And indeed, for daily practical use (phone, email, notes) it does serve the purpose. Absolutely, when you want to browse the web, then smaller screen is not as good as VGA like Universal Smile When it comes to size and easy carry, smaller size is better.
Hope I'm not making your more confused. But if I can re-decide I would pick a Prophet instead. Since I have decided with a Uni, I'm happy to live with it as I do not want/cannot afford a new one right now.
KJam and Jamin (Wizard and Prophet) are identical in term of hardware spec (procesor, memory, etc) but has different apperance.
KJam/Wizard is thicker because it has a keyboard, Jamin/Prophet does not have one, but Jamin/Prophet has a better button layout that will allow single handed use of the device.
The last thing which is very important to know as well, KJam/Wizard use Mini SD, Jamin/Prophet use SD (Full size). Many ppl (like myself) will not buy something that use mini SD as I have invested quite a lot in big size SD card and would like to continue using the same card.
keep in mind that canada and a lot of the US uses 1900 and 850 freq for cellular
that being said, the wizard will work in more places than the universal because there are places that are 850 only and the universal doesn't have it
but if you want more pda features, then you'll have to give up some possible reception
Here, check out this link:
Here you can find all the Wizard variants that are being offered in the US market, by each cell phone provider. Canadian providers are also listed here.
I signed up for service with T-Mobile a week ago and just got a crappy $10 Samsung R225m for the time being. I decided I will get The Universal and if I know I am going somewhere out in the boonies where I will need 850mhz analog I will grab the samsung. Is cloning your sim legal? Like let us say I want to have multiple cards in case something happens or if i want a data telemtry device in my car which would be used rather infrequently to share everything.
Wait a minute.... I was just looking and the Universal doesn't have EDGE does it? Does anyone in the states know how widespread T-Mobile's EDGE coverage is? How much of a difference does it make in speed?

Is the HTC Fuze the right device for me?

So this year I've decided to spoil myself and buy a new toys, something I haven't done in a longggggg while
Anyways, I'm very seriously thinking of getting Windows Mobile smartphone because it seems to me that the technology is at such a level that they're now actually becoming computers you can carry in your pocket (pocket pc!). I travel a lot and I have to bring a lot of equipement with me so I'm looking to combine several devices into one to save weight and space.
I've been doing my homework in the last 2 weeks and I think I have it narrowed down to 2 devices: the HTC Fuze and the Samsung Omnia. There are other interesting devices on the market unfortunatly I do have a limited budget and these 2 are at the upper limit, hence why the Xperia isn't mentionned.
So far the Fuze seems more interesting because for almost the same price I get multi-touch, a real keyboard and a VGA screen however I'm wondering if it truly fits my needs.
Essentially I want something that:
-will act like a beefed up PDA almost computer like level(hence WinMo)
-be usable when a travel therefore needs quadband GSM and ideally triband 3G. I don't intent to use 3G data just yet because it's too expensive in Canada but I see that criteria as futureproofing such an expensive purchase incase GSM is one day shutdown for voice.
-has a good enough screen that I can use it as a ebook reader (been doing that with my Ipaq RX3115 for about 5 years now)
-handle a bit of multimedia, mainly mp3 but a bit of video wouldn't hurt.
And this brings me to a question: does the Fuze always come with the 3.5mm adapter? I'm in Canada so I'd most likely be being an imported ATT phone
Also, what about the warranty? Am I SOL since it's imported or could I get warranty support straight from HTC?
-act as a GPS WITHOUT a data connection. Reading on this it seem possible to use TomTom with the device in a reasonnable fashion; I don't mind waiting 2-3 minutes for the GPS to lock but 15-20 mins would be more annoying...
Basically as much fonctionnality as possible in one device.
I also understand that there are MANY roms available for this device; considering that I'm not currently a power user (but might eventually become one) can I expect acceptable performance with the stock rom? I don't mind loading up new apps, I've been doing that on my venerable old Ipaq for a while but I'd rather start slow with this.
Also, can I expect reasonnable speed running programs off the SD card? This is one major advantage of the Omnia since it has 16gb onboard storage.
What about Wifi performance? I assume it's going to be on par with my Ipaq, i.e. not as good as my laptop but still usable is the access point isn't too far away.
And finally, how long can I except the battery to last? I won't be making call all day, probably more in the lines of listening to music and sending email via wifi. Probably a bit of ebook reading as well.
Basically the Fuze seems like the idea device except for a few issues I've been reading about here which I'm trying to determine how major they are.
Anyways, comments appreciated
Welcome to the forum
I can recommend you to enter here, select the compeonents you want on a device and check the options
Good luck,
Pat007 said:
So this year I've decided to spoil myself and buy a new toys, something I haven't done in a longggggg while
Anyways, I'm very seriously thinking of getting Windows Mobile smartphone because it seems to me that the technology is at such a level that they're now actually becoming computers you can carry in your pocket (pocket pc!). I travel a lot and I have to bring a lot of equipement with me so I'm looking to combine several devices into one to save weight and space.
I've been doing my homework in the last 2 weeks and I think I have it narrowed down to 2 devices: the HTC Fuze and the Samsung Omnia. There are other interesting devices on the market unfortunatly I do have a limited budget and these 2 are at the upper limit, hence why the Xperia isn't mentionned.
So far the Fuze seems more interesting because for almost the same price I get multi-touch, a real keyboard and a VGA screen however I'm wondering if it truly fits my needs.
Essentially I want something that:
-will act like a beefed up PDA almost computer like level(hence WinMo)
-be usable when a travel therefore needs quadband GSM and ideally triband 3G. I don't intent to use 3G data just yet because it's too expensive in Canada but I see that criteria as futureproofing such an expensive purchase incase GSM is one day shutdown for voice.
-has a good enough screen that I can use it as a ebook reader (been doing that with my Ipaq RX3115 for about 5 years now)
-handle a bit of multimedia, mainly mp3 but a bit of video wouldn't hurt.
And this brings me to a question: does the Fuze always come with the 3.5mm adapter? I'm in Canada so I'd most likely be being an imported ATT phone
Also, what about the warranty? Am I SOL since it's imported or could I get warranty support straight from HTC?
-act as a GPS WITHOUT a data connection. Reading on this it seem possible to use TomTom with the device in a reasonnable fashion; I don't mind waiting 2-3 minutes for the GPS to lock but 15-20 mins would be more annoying...
Basically as much fonctionnality as possible in one device.
I also understand that there are MANY roms available for this device; considering that I'm not currently a power user (but might eventually become one) can I expect acceptable performance with the stock rom? I don't mind loading up new apps, I've been doing that on my venerable old Ipaq for a while but I'd rather start slow with this.
Also, can I expect reasonnable speed running programs off the SD card? This is one major advantage of the Omnia since it has 16gb onboard storage.
What about Wifi performance? I assume it's going to be on par with my Ipaq, i.e. not as good as my laptop but still usable is the access point isn't too far away.
And finally, how long can I except the battery to last? I won't be making call all day, probably more in the lines of listening to music and sending email via wifi. Probably a bit of ebook reading as well.
Basically the Fuze seems like the idea device except for a few issues I've been reading about here which I'm trying to determine how major they are.
Anyways, comments appreciated
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the fuze is a great device however the Touch Pro 2 (the successor to the Fuze) should be out in a few months, it is superior to the Fuze in many meaningful ways, my suggestion would be to hold off on your purchase until the Touch Pro 2 comes out in the US (make sure you get the US version) it would suck to buy the fuze (which is a great device) and then 3 months later a superior device come out (at the same price)
aaronsmckee said:
the fuze is a great device however the Touch Pro 2 (the successor to the Fuze) should be out in a few months, it is superior to the Fuze in many meaningful ways, my suggestion would be to hold off on your purchase until the Touch Pro 2 comes out in the US (make sure you get the US version) it would suck to buy the fuze (which is a great device) and then 3 months later a superior device come out (at the same price)
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I must be missing something because I looked up the Touch Pro on the website suggested earlier and pretty much the only difference I see with the Fuze is a bigger screen and a slightly different GPS chip. Am I missing anything?
Also, I'd like to have triband 3G (which the Fuze has) because I'm in Canada and judging from the Touch Pro launch it's probably going to take a while before there's a NA version of the Touch Pro 2.
One thing that really has me a litlle worried with buying an imported phone is the warranty because the store I'm looking to buying it from is on the other side of the country from me.
Does HTC provide international warranty support?

Toshiba TG01 Coming Soon On Orange
Coming soon
don't matter it is not an htc device
Doesn't matter whether it's an HTC device or not,
IT ****ING ROCKS!!!!
I went to my local Orange shop this afternoon to see one and have a play with it.
The handset is about the size of the old XDA Exec (HTC Universal) but thinner than an iPhone. In fact the 4.1" screen is almost as big as my Polaris.
It's lightweight, but feels solid and well built. The screen was clear and bright, even under the shop's bright lighting. The phone comes with WinMo6.1, but I'll bet that Toshiba will have an upgrade to WinMo6.5 at some future date.
The touchscreen is sensitive and responsive, but the most obvious indicator of speed is the screen flip when you turn the phone on it's side. Most HTC devices take a second or two to flip the screen from portrait to landscape. This takes no more than 0.5s. The delay is barely noticeable.
There's no D-pad and only 4 small buttons on the bottom strip of the phone, so if you find it hard to use a phone without a D-pad, this may be a deal-breaker. That said, the screen is so large that you should be able to hit on-screen controls easily. The SIP keyboard is nicely sized and I was able to type quickly with no spelling errors (I didn't notice any obvious autocorrecting going on). The numbers layout is in a line though, and I would have preferred a "telephone" layout for the numbers.
The Orange version of the phone comes with an Orange Home screen which mimics the appearance and functions of the OmniaHD interface. Think of TouchFlo3D with the slider up and down the left side of the screen instead of across the bottom of the screen. I consider it to be nicer to use than WinMo6.5' Titanium UI which tends to fill the screen with text.
OFC, people are more interested in the new "Stripes" UI that Toshiba are presenting with this phone. Orange have kindly provided a simple way to switch between the Orange Home screen and Stripes from the Program list.
The Stripes UI is nice to look at and the rotation of the stripes is smooth, but it's insanely sensitive to swipes. If you want to swipe along one or two stripes, you have to use a small or slow gesture because a normal swipe sends the stripes *flying* along.
The stripes themselves are simply categories of functions. There's phone calls, SMS messages, audio/video, GPS and a few others as well. You can also change the colour scheme between about 3 presets. I'm just wondering how long it will be before some enterprising coder dumps the ROM and extracts the cab for the Stripes UI. I personally prefer the Orange Home screen, but that's just me.
The phone comes with CorePlayer out of the box and is the primary video player from Stripes. It also comes with a G.I.Joe trailer and it's fantastically clear and colourful for video playback. I don't think video playback will be a problem with double the usual processing power.
The one thing I didn't get to try was the internet or phone calls because I was hoping to try the "shake twice to answer" feature. The microSD slot is under the back plate where the battery and SIM go. It will also reliably take up to 32GB chips (if you can afford them).
All it would take is for someone to develop an LCARS theme Today screen and it would be just like the PADs from Star Trek:TNG. It's thin and light, but big enough to hold onto and read easily.
If you like the Touch Diamond 2 but wanted a bigger screen, seriously consider the TG01.
hoss_n2 said:
don't matter it is not an htc device
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That's why the video playback isn't messed up.
if you guys want to start up some developemnt topics involving this phone come to
I've got a Touch Pro myself and like the look of the TP2 but am holding out because I reckon HTC will also be using that new processor soon - perhaps a Touch HD2...?
dam you europeans and your awesome phones and cheap plans!
If there is any phone in the world that could prompt me to sell my G1. It would be this phone. I'm just hoping I can get it unlocked for use in the US.
Is Orange GSM? Do they use Sim cards?
PS: I found a GREAT in depth video review for this phone..
Hi all,
Well i bought my TG01 today from Orange and it should arrive tomorrow just a word of advice to anyone considering buying one ignore the stupid tariffs it shows and choose the Tariff you want and then add the phone to it. I then called Orange as wanted to add it to my existing account and not go through all the information they wanted for a new account. Also on checkout my plan Racoon 45 wasn't showing the included Orange Sat Nav or Mobile Internet Data pack which i found worrying. But the very helpful guy in customer service sorted this all out for me. Anyway here is the deal i got which is about the same as for a i8910HD from Orange and much better than the N97 with VodaFone would cost.
Racoon 45 18 month Contract
1.200 minutes 500 texts, Unlimited UK Land line calls.
Inclusive Orange Sat Nav
500Mb anytime Mobile Internet
Free itemised billing and dedicated customer service line
All this for £39.14pm with £5 on line discount as opposed to £44.04pm and the Toshiba TG01 is free . I'm happy with that especially as with Orange in just 6 months with best plan i can reduce my per month spend to something that suits my use better especially as most of my calls are incoming and there is no way I'll use all those minutes and don't text at all. If i follow the same use as my Bold it should come down to just under £25 still with the Mobile Internet pack saving me a further £169.68.
Dogmann said:
Hi all,
Well i bought my TG01 today from Orange and it should arrive tomorrow just a word of advice to anyone considering buying one ignore the stupid tariffs it shows and choose the Tariff you want and then add the phone to it. I then called Orange as wanted to add it to my existing account and not go through all the information they wanted for a new account. Also on checkout my plan Racoon 45 wasn't showing the included Orange Sat Nav or Mobile Internet Data pack which i found worrying. But the very helpful guy in customer service sorted this all out for me. Anyway here is the deal i got which is about the same as for a i8910HD from Orange and much better than the N97 with VodaFone would cost.
Racoon 45 18 month Contract
1.200 minutes 500 texts, Unlimited UK Land line calls.
Inclusive Orange Sat Nav
500Mb anytime Mobile Internet
Free itemised billing and dedicated customer service line
All this for £39.14pm with £5 on line discount as opposed to £44.04pm and the Toshiba TG01 is free . I'm happy with that especially as with Orange in just 6 months with best plan i can reduce my per month spend to something that suits my use better especially as most of my calls are incoming and there is no way I'll use all those minutes and don't text at all. If i follow the same use as my Bold it should come down to just under £25 still with the Mobile Internet pack saving me a further £169.68.
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This makes me sick! This phone in the US would be AT LEAST $250 with a 24 month contract. I will purchasing this phone when it is available, and I don't even wanna think about how much I will pay for it. Im hoping to get one under $600, but I doubt it.
Some US sites have it on a "Presale" for $800 which is amazing seeing as how I don't even think the cash price has been announced yet.

Why cant they just make us a phone with all of the feachers we want?

is it that hard to give us a stable OS? a fast cpu and ram and more ram? good touch screen (i like the way the iphone screen worked). an accelerometer w/ g-sensor (that is unlocked to apps (again iphone got this right, whats wrong lg?? come on!!) wifi, gps, a normal usb (mini or micro), & at least 1gig internal mem and a micro st slot, and let me multitask all of my apps at the same time, i dont want to quit a game so i can look up something on the internet or take a call, that why we have task managers, to manage tasks.
and make it affordable!!
and don't limit the apps like apple (thank god for cydia)
and come on at&t quit filling up the memory with things i will never use, let me do that.
oh yeah, and dont forget to allow me to view flash web pages, and not just youtube. i use, but the mobile version sucks. and Orb Live. i want to access all of my media form home for free (w/data plan)
sorry about the rant, but maybe with a lot of luck someone with some pull will stumble across this and will create a great phone.
by the way windows sucks, sorry to say it but anyone who expected windows to make a good mobile OS must have been high, when is the last time windows got it right?? never they have been playing catch up to apple forever. They should call there next os "Windows Crash" and "WMCrash" because thats all my computer and phone do is "crash"
would it be against copyright laws to take an iphone 3gs setup, add a full QWERTY keyboard (slide out or flip) change the OS to Android, slightly change the look and button layout and market it as a new phone?
Make us a great phone and put it on At&t!!
jw_mahoney81 said:
is it that hard to give us a stable OS? a fast cpu and ram and more ram? good touch screen (i like the way the iphone screen worked). an accelerometer w/ g-sensor (that is unlocked to apps (again iphone got this right, whats wrong lg?? come on!!) wifi, gps, a normal usb (mini or micro), & at least 1gig internal mem and a micro st slot, and let me multitask all of my apps at the same time, i dont want to quit a game so i can look up something on the internet or take a call, that why we have task managers, to manage tasks.
and make it affordable!!
and don't limit the apps like apple (thank god for cydia)
and come on at&t quit filling up the memory with things i will never use, let me do that.
oh yeah, and dont forget to allow me to view flash web pages, and not just youtube. i use, but the mobile version sucks. and Orb Live. i want to access all of my media form home for free (w/data plan)
sorry about the rant, but maybe with a lot of luck someone with some pull will stumble across this and will create a great phone.
by the way windows sucks, sorry to say it but anyone who expected windows to make a good mobile OS must have been high, when is the last time windows got it right?? never they have been playing catch up to apple forever. They should call there next os "Windows Crash" and "WMCrash" because thats all my computer and phone do is "crash"
would it be against copyright laws to take an iphone 3gs setup, add a full QWERTY keyboard (slide out or flip) change the OS to Android, slightly change the look and button layout and market it as a new phone?
Make us a great phone and put it on At&t!!
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Why not put your questions to htc direct?
Who is we ? " We " all need different things from our phone. And " we " all don't want to pay $1000 for a phone with super everything.
" ...and make it affordable ?......" That is like saying ..." hey car companies, why can't you make a car that goes 200 mph, runs on electricity, gets a thousand hours per charge, made from all titanium , works totally on voice commands , oh yeah and it has to be affordable, about 15K. "
Why doesn't HTC make a phone like that ? It would be obnoxiously expensive to put all that technology into one phone, unless they put a super new battery in it, the current batteries will never run all those features. And no one wants to pay for what it would cost to sell a phone like that.
Like cars, you pick out the features you want, find a phone that has most of those features at a price you can afford, and then spend the next year whining about all the things your phone can't do.
ATT will never get anything good in fear it would compete with the iPhone. To make a phone with all those features, would cost a fortune and some stuff isn't for everyone. That's why we have "affordable" smartphones like the Smart, Wildfire, Tattoo, etc and more extravagant phones like the HD2, Nexus, Desire, etc.
because if this does happen, companies can't make more cell phones sell because the one cellphone has everything YOU need.... and everyone's needs are different, like how I don't like the HTC HD2's large screen...
denco7: I would never pay $1000 for a phone. I wont even pay $150 for a phone with a 2 year contract. even if it had every thing. yes i understand that a lot of work goes in to making these phone but its not like the people making the phone get the big bucks. they get there regular pay check. and with technology today parts are cheap. like to replace the screen on my old iphone it cost me $20 on ebay, so that means it probable cost less than $5 to make if not less. it probable cost less than $25 in parts to make an iphone, plus the $8 per hour it cost to employ someone to watch the computer do all of the work.
and i expect a smart phone to do everything i want it to do hardware wise, now i understand that i might have to buy apps to use all the fetchers, but i dont want to be limited especially if the phone has the hardware but its locked so that you cant use it for other functions. like the lg expo. why put a g-sensor in a phone and not allow it to be used to the fullest extent? all its good for is rotating the screen, now thats dumb.
why should i have to pick a lesser phone and choose what options are more impotent than others when picking a phone?? just give them all to me and if i dont want to use them then i dont use them.
I used every feather on my iphone 3g. I use the sh!t out of my phones, and i expect them to run fast. the biggest thing i didnt like about the stock os on the iphone was it didnt multi-task but i found a fix to that (backgrounder & multifl0w)
most of the problems with phones is that they limit the hardware with the OS. and thats just dumb.
I find it funny how everyone says this would be too "expensive." Everything OP named is what "smartphones" SHOULD be at right now.
1gb ram is MAYBE 20 dollars... for buyers! (I agree, cell phone RAM would probably be more expensive.)
1gb internal storage? Again, they have cheap mp3 players the size of a nickel with this for 5 dollars. That would be NOTHING.
iPhone (well, i use iPod touch) does have an actually nice touchscreen - again which is actually already on the market. However, I'll limit Apple to my iPod touch. iPhone isn't touching ANY Android phone. =]
A hardware keyboard should be a "duh." I have a myTouch, and love it. However, I feel buyers remorse often because I just didn't get a keyboard. However, it doesn't add 400 dollars just for a hard keyboard.
Flash is on its way - which has nothing to do with the hardware.
I have to say, OP is right. Smartphones are really lacking what they're actually capable of. And, with a service plan, price might be like 300 dollars (if the manufacturer wasn't money hungry). I'd pay 300 dollars for a phone like that with a service plan. I'd pay 800 to a grand for one with no service plan. Why? Have any of you looked at the price of that p.o.s. iPad? I could go buy a laptop 2x better than the iPad WITH TOUCHSCREEN for the amount of a 64 gb (which is NOTHING) iPad. Probably 5 times better for one without touchscreen.
Of course, this is just my opinion. Also, I have to admit, they are advancing faster and faster. Even with the possibility that they could exist now... I see them actually existing VERY soon.
Edit: As PurpleLlamaLover said, though, I dount AT&T will ever get a phone better than the iPhone because A. It's not like it would even be noticed and B. What he said, they don't want to compete with it. Especially if its cheaper. Which it probably would be.
Actual cost of an iPhone
Actual cost of Steve Jobs' G5........$45 to $70 million
while there is room for growth on the smartphones, there are great things to be said about alot of the same phones. every user has different needs and wants and i would find it difficult to try and predict what would satisfy every consumer. the list of desirables outlined by jw_mahoney81 pretty much describe my tp2 and hd2. i still dont understand why windows devices crash. i have however heard that technology is only as good as the user.
LOL you did not just spell features like teachers with an f!
Anyway, implausible.

