Battery Life Application - Non-Touchscreen Windows Mobile Other

I have a Samsung i637 with WM6.1 form Telcel Mexico.
I want to have an application that show the time that I used my phone since last battery charge.
I have found the Beersoft Battery Monitor, but the webpage says "For Smartphone 2003".
Could you please help me to find a similar application for WM6.1?
I have a Samsung i637 with WM6.1 form Telcel Mexico.
I want to have an application that show the time that I used my phone since last battery charge.
I have found the Beersoft Battery Monitor, but the webpage says "For Smartphone 2003".
Could you please help me to find a similar application for WM6.1?

This is the result of the analysis made to my phone to know the battery life using 3G connection.
The test started yesterday at 1:17pm (Jan.21st)
I adjusted the E-mails (Exchange & Hotmail) in order to receive mails inmediately until 11:00pm. After that hour, the synchronization would be manually, and the 3G was deactivated.
Today on morning, I adjusted the e-mails in order to receive mails inmediately from 7am to 7pm. After that hour the e-mails would be synchronizated every hour.
The results are:
Yesterday January 21, at 1:17 pm, I turned off the phone and the battery was charged to 100%. Then the charger was removed and the phone was turned on.
Today, Jan 22 at 10:50am, the phone showed a Battery Low message.
After uninstall one application I made a reset to my phone, at 11:20am. When the phone turned on, the battery low message disappeared. But it appear at 11:25am.
At 12:20pm, the phone show a Battery very low message and it was turned off at 12:22pm.
In summary, receiving mails, making calls, sending and receiving text messages, listening some of music, connecting to messenger and facebook and taking pictures, the battery life was 23 hours and 39 minutes.
Is a normal battery life for Samsung i637? (WM6.1)
(Sorry for my bad english)


Battery Drain caused by Push Mail on WM5?

Hi guys and gals,
I ve been using pushmail for a week or so now and have noticed from the first day of using it that my battery drains so much faster when im using pushmail on my HP 6828.
My HP6828 used to last at least two days but now with pushmail enabled it lasts just till the evening of each day...
Is this a known bug? are there any fixes for this issue?
Thanks in advance for any help
This is not a bug, it's a feature!
Yesterday I did some googling to find out how push mail works. I found an article (sorry, couldn't find the link again - not in history for some reason) where they found that push mail sends 400 bytes every 120 seconds to keep the connection alive.
Even if those numbers are inaccurate, the principle is the same: your device keeps an open GPRS connection to the Exchange server, and every once in a while sends data (even if there are no changes or new mails) so the radio is draining the battery.
Your bigger concern should be the phone bill, unless you have unlimited data you might get a large charge at the end of the month. In the article they calculated push mail to use approx 12MB per month.
levenum said:
This is not a bug, it's a feature!
Yesterday I did some googling to find out how push mail works. I found an article (sorry, couldn't find the link again - not in history for some reason) where they found that push mail sends 400 bytes every 120 seconds to keep the connection alive.
Even if those numbers are inaccurate, the principle is the same: your device keeps an open GPRS connection to the Exchange server, and every once in a while sends data (even if there are no changes or new mails) so the radio is draining the battery.
Your bigger concern should be the phone bill, unless you have unlimited data you might get a large charge at the end of the month. In the article they calculated push mail to use approx 12MB per month.
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and yes im using unlimited EDGE access for 15 USD/month.. so the cost is fixed.. but now my battery wont even last a whole day! bloody microsoft.
Hi Nutdhanai!
I've been using push mail on my Jamin for almost two weeks now, and noticed that the battery drain is almost double the usual. It will last about two and a half - three days on standby and of course any use will reduce that time.
Still haven't seen any solution, but fortunately for me push is not a necessity. I can always set up my account as IMAP and set it to check mail once every hour or so which will reduce the load.
Hope you find a better solution for your self.
I think the best solution is to set a schedule in activesync to check on your email every 30 min, or every hour. you'll save a lot of power that way. hope that will help.
lsnizzle said:
I think the best solution is to set a schedule in activesync to check on your email every 30 min, or every hour. you'll save a lot of power that way. hope that will help.
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Yes that way does decrease the amount of battery being drained.. no offense but it really defeats the objective of being pushed mail..if we set it to check every xxx minutes then its really pulling mails not pushed .. argg..
However, what i have noticed is that the battery is draining faster using push mail over GPRS/EDGE because the phone wont go into full power save mode (backlight and screen off) but it only goes to partial power save mode (only backlight is off but screen is still on) when the phone is idle, BUT if you do push mail over WiFi the phone will go to full power save mode when idle. Both tests (GPRS and WiFi) with sync option of 'as items arrive' NOT every xxx minutes.
Maybe there is some bugs on the GPRS/EDGE power saving mode..
(atm, I have set mine to check mail every 15 mins)
The battery drain wouldn't be so bad if the server scheduling worked. But it doesn't; I have tried to configure mails to be obtained 'as they arrive' duing work hours (which means server push) and once every hour outside work hours, but its all or nothing - the push mail doesn't turn off at the end of work hours, so the battery is being drained equally all day.

very basic battery question

I'm not new to the world of ppcs by any stretch of the imagination...but i have one question which has always puzzled me. How much strain does checking email every 5 minutes have on my battery? I have a gsm touch and can't seem to hold a charge for more than a day with very minimal usage. A typical day for me is 2 or 3 short phone calls and several addition to checking for new email every 5 minutes. Would I be correct in assuming that to check for email my touch is awakened from standby..thus causing the drain?
You are correct, but also consider that when it connects to check email it is using the radio to connect to the network. So essentially you are having the radio on almost ALL DAY. Similar to a voice call all day. Battery is then drained by the radio usage to talk to the network.
does the same apply to a push mail setup? i essentially doing the same thing by having GPRS always on? In other words, is this going to drain my battery at the same rate whether i'm checking for mail every 5 minutes or every hour?
No it is not the same for Push email. Push email wakes the device and delivers the mail when there is some. As opposed to the device connecting and querying for mail, the device gets woken (sp?) up and gets delivered the mail for Push. Push is a much more effective way of getting your mail... I forward all my mail to my hotmail account which then gets pushed to my device via Windows Live.
Regarding the always on GPRS... yes and no. Yes you are connected and draining the battery but just being on doesn't use as much as actually pulling or sending data. The difference is negligible and really irrelevant. I would say that you turn off GPRS all the time if you are trying to save on battery life.
Make sense?
You may want to install Battery Status and turn on the current drain option. While a bit of a catch 22, considering the screen has to be on for you to see what the drain is, thus causing a higher than idle drain. At least you can get an idea of what your device is draining and see if changing settings makes a difference.
Link to Battery Status (not sure if this is the current version)
The other suggestion is to consider changing ROMs. I have a GSM Touch and the factory ROM was really poor on battery life. I have been using the Blue Touch ROM version 2.10 (not the newest version) listed in the Elf upgrade section. I can now go more than one day without charging the battery, with push e-mail activated.

auto connect/disconnect application?

I bought this TP a week the 1st day,the phone's battery drained very quick.the day after I discovered that the phone auto connect to the internet via 3G/GPRS, so I assume that this is the problem of battery drain.
I admit that auto connect is a good thing since I can receive email and message (yahoo messenger) via palringo any time.but,the power drain is still a great issue for me.
so,I want to ask you guys,is there any application which can auto-connect my phone every (lets say) 20 minutes and then disconnect it (lets say)5 minutes later,and auto-connect the fone 20 mins after it being disconnected and so on...(sorry I'm not a native english user,so I'm not so good at describing ^^)
best regard,
You could try modify the registry key responsible for disconnecting idle connections as described here:

Actve Sync application

Hi there!!
A question concerning perfomance of active sync on HTC Touch Pro T7272. The problem is how to deactivate this application. It seems that it works automatically and I wonder whether this has any connection with the fact that the battery power is consumed very quickly. The application is on even when there is no computer or other device around. Anyone having any suggestions how to turn it off?
PS: The battery is consumed within 7 hours, is this normal?
Your battery consumption is around that of mine. 7 hours with some talking, texting and surfing and music. New batteries of course hold their charge for longer. Now that the Fuze is about a year old we see about a 25% drop in total talk time, at least I do.
If you are setup to use 'exchange' than activesync will be running a lot. Is this the case, do you have exchange running for google or your work email? In that case just reduce the frequency of email collection to increase battery life and reduce activesync from running.
Let me know...

[Q]Android OS application drains battery due to long time of mobile radio active

Hi everybody. I have had this problem since Android 4.4.2, always with stock Roms and kernels. Now I have 5.1 Lollipop, and the problems is exactly the same. I am sure it hasn´t anything to do with the signal quality or things like that.
I disabled location, news and weather, Fit, Docs, Chrome synchronization, calendar, google print, kiosco, music, movies, Exchange services, slides and background wifi scanning. That is, everything I don´t use.
I use Gmail, Whatsapp and Hangouts, no other kind of messenger nor Facebook neither nothing that could be prompting notifications all the time, hogging resoruces.
Before disabling all of these, battery lasted between 15 and 20 hours, after, it lasts between 20 and 30. My average day use is calling, some navigation, and whatsapp.
It is not a bad figure, but I discovered just now that if I am all day with with wifi instead of mobile data, battery lasts at least twice, almost 45 hours.
The reason? That using wifi all day instead of mobile data, Android OS goes from using 3 hours of active mobile radio per day to less than a minute per day. So it goes from the first place in battery consumption, by far, to the tenth place.
I have investigated a lot on the web, but nobody has the answer. What is Android OS doing during all the time that he needs 3 hours a day of active mobile radio? And why it doesn´t happen when using wifi?
I am convinced that if this could be solved, many people who are having big troubles with battery life in Nexus 5 could see a huge improvement.
I will appreciate any ideas you can give, thanks in advance.
Just this week i flashed the latest Euphoria and had the same problem. Restored my SimpleAOSP backup and problem gone. The latter is the only ROM i've tried that hasn't had insane battery drain from one problem or other. It's very frustrating.

