Disabling Bluetooth headset initiated dialing (my own solution) - Touch Cruise General

After searching for hours and hours for a way to disable voice dialing + dial last number function from my Bluetooth headset, i've decided to code my own solution, in a form of AT commands audio gateway extension. Since others may find this useful as well, i am packing it in a cab and posting it here.
All it does is putting a small audio gateway extension replacement DLL (just 4kbytes) in windows directory and changes the MS audio gateway extension settings in registry to use this replacement DLL. All the DLL does is responding with "ERROR" on the voice dial and last number dial commands from the headphone, that it. This does the trick.
To install: install the cab, reset the device
To uninstall: remove using the system control panel, reset the device
As simple as that. No guaranties. It replaces a system DLL functionality after all, don't blame me if renders your device unbootable, unusable, blows it up or even kills you... well, you know the drill, use it on your own risk. I'll be happy if someone else finds this useful.

it is embarrassing when you don't know about calling somebody
I appreciate your perfect solution
installed in kaiser with WM 6.5 OS and nokia BH-102
I tried many things and it is working perfectly

Thanks worked perfect for my wired headphones with a faulty call button.

Wired headphones?! Are you sure? Cause i would really doubt any wired headphones would allow AT commands audio gateway extension, or, in fact, communicate using AT commands.
But, if it really works... if the system actually simulates those commands and passes those through the extension... maybe i'll finally make my wired remote work with something other than the damn AudioManager program.
I am too lazy to go to my car right now (thats where the wired remote currently is), but tomorrow i am totally going to see if this really blocks the call button on that wired remote. If it does, i am going to see if the other buttons also pass through the extension, and, well, you know whats next. But i really really doubt it, its probably just a coincidence or something.
Thanks for the info.

Yes wired headphones? mine are just cheap hands free ones off ebay but pressing the button does nothing now,which is great it use to dial my last number sometimes without pressing it too.

I tried it on HD2 (Leo) but it is not working
is there any way to let it works on it
thanks in advance

I found the BT audio gateway service not loading the dll on startup on some of the devices. Try installing SK tools, go to services menu, stop the BT Audio Gateway service and then start it again, while having my cab installed. If it suddenly works and blocks the dial button after the service restart, then there may be a 'solution', as simple as making a little app that restarts the service after the device is fully loaded. Not a perfect solution, but well, if it works, then why not.
BTW, can someone point me to the right direction on how to restart WM services programatically ? What API does this ?

thanks for quick response
I tried what you said. I used Task Manager v2.9 the BT Audio Gateway already stopped and I could not start it
it says the system cannot open the device or file specified.
I have replaced the dll file manually and still
when I clicked "find in registry" it is located in HKLM/Services/BTAGSVC

Replaced the DLL manually ? The BTAGSVC one ? With mine ?!?! Don't !!!
Read my post again to understand how the trick works. My DLL is by no means not a BTAGSVC replacement. What i means in my last post is that for some reason, when BTAGSVC initially loads, at the device start, it won't load the AT extension DLL (my one). I would assume this may happen because the file system is not mounted yet, or some similar reason, i don't know. And the reason i told you to try restarting the BTAGSVC is to try & see if it helps to start the service when the device is fully loaded.
Again, do not replace the BTAGSVC with my DLL, you can lose the BT audio functionality this way.

no I did not replace BTAGSVC with yours (BTAWGS)
I tried exactly what you have said. I was saying that service belongs to this file as stated in registry.
you told me te restart the service and I told the service is already stopped plus I could not start it for that error
recently I could not find BTAWGS dll file in windows folder
my question: this dll file (BTAWGS) does it exist in the original rom and your cab replace it?

from my readings in this great forum
I think the bluetooth stack especially in hd2 is different than other htc devices and it is has different driver
it is WIDCOMM driver, is that true?
if so that means your file isn't gonna work

If the device is using non-MS Bluetooth stack - there is a near-100% chance my trick is not going to work, sorry.

thanks for the direction
but if I want to edit the dll file
what is the best program to do so
and what is the values that I have to change
can you tell me what you have changed in your dll file

Just in case anyone is still interested, i've now got an HD2 and found a way to disable the bluetooth dial on it. It's a bit nasty/hackish, though. Do the following:
1) Copy the "BTTrayCE.exe" from the device to your PC using any available method.
2) Open the "BTTrayCE.exe" with any available hexeditor
3) Look for "+BLDN" and "+BVRA", replace them with something like "xxxxx"
4) Replace the file in Windows directory with the patched file using any available means.
NOTES: The "BLDN" stands for "Bluetooth - Last Dialed Number", "BVRA" stands for "Bluetooth Voice Recognition Activation", those are, in fact, the AT commands your bluetooth headset sends to the phone when you push that nasty button by mistake.


{SOLVED} VoIP support missing?

Hi all.
I've got myself an HTC S710. I like it but one thing bothers me: how do I enable VoIP-support?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I've been here: http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=HTC_Vox and here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=299950
The first thing I did was:
"To Enable it download and install the WM6VoIP.CAB."
The installation went fine and I've even got "Internet Calling: Service Blocked" on my Home screen.
Then I searched for these files and did not find any of them in the \Windows folder:
Does this mean my ROM does not support VoIP? I bought my phone in Norway.
I'd really appreciate your help on this topic.
Problem fixed, read below for details.
Weehee, I got it working.
I even wrote a little step-by-step tutorial on how I did it but it's in Russian, sorry
But hey, if someone is interested, I could translate the page.
Yes please translate. Thx!
All right, here's what I did to enable VoIP-support on my HTC S710.
First of all, I downloaded and installed it. Then I navigated to "Start > Settings > Phone"
and verified that "Internet Calling" option showed up. In "Start > Settings > Phone > Internet Calling" I chose "Use Internet Calling: Whenever available".
If you now go to your Home Screen, you will see "Internet Calling: Service Blocked".
This how-to says that presence of the following files in the "\Windows" directory indicates
that VoIP support was not removed from your ROM:
I opened the bundled File Explorer and browsed to "\Windows" and did not find any of those files. It turned out that the files are actually there, they're just
hidden. So I downloaded Resco Explorer with Resco Registry, installed it, enabled "Show all files" feature and found the files.
Then I opened Resco Registry and set the following:
EnablePort5060 = 1
Now I had to create a _setup.xml file with my SIP settings. I have my own Asterisk server, and this is how my _setup.xml looks like:
<characteristic type="VoIP">
<parm name="SIPSettings"
value="<provision key='1232ab01' name='Asterisk PBX'>
<provider name='Asterisk PBX' />
<user account='4000' password='try2hack'
uri='sip:[email protected]'
<sipsrv addr='asteriskserver.com:5060' protocol='UDP' role='proxy'>
<session party='First' type='pc2pc' />
<session party='First' type='pc2ph' />
<sipsrv addr='asteriskserver.com:5060' protocol='UDP' role='registrar'/>
</provision>" />
Now you need to put _setup.xml in a CAB-file. Download Microsoft Cabinet Software Development Kit and unpack it to C:\mcsdk
After you've unpacked the file, move your _setup.xml to C:\mcsdk\bin
Open a Command Prompt and create the archive:
C:\mscsdk\bin>cabarc N voip.cab _setup.xml
Now connect your phone to the computer and copy voip.cab to "\My Documents" or wherever. Install voip.cab by "tapping" the file.
To verify that the installation went fine, browse to "\Windows\System\VoIP". You should find a file called "Prov0SIPSettings" there.
Check the Home Screen. It says "Internet Calling: No service". Enable WLAN and your phone will try to authenticate with your SIP settings.
When it's finished, you will see "Asterisk PBX: Searching...". That means you're done
Make a trial call, it should work. Even "Transfer" works
Don't pay attention to "Asterisk PBX: Searching...", it says it's searching but it's connected. So it must be a bug.
Things to work on in the future:
- Make the sound come from the earpiece;
- Make DTMF work;
- Find out if it's possible to have multiple SIP accounts.
Excellent, works fine here too
I wonder whether it is possible at all to route the sound to the earpiece. It seems that only the cell phone system can access it.
Many thanks for the fine tutorial. The only remark I have is that you can use windows explorer to see the "missing" files (make sure you set "show hidden files" in explorer)
Btw, I tried WM6 SIP Config Tool (here), but it crashes.
Did anyone get it to work?
jockyw2001 said:
Excellent, works fine here too
I wonder whether it is possible at all to route the sound to the earpiece. It seems that only the cell phone system can access it.
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It looks like this issue depends on when a particular device was manufactured. Some people got the sound from the earpiece. I still hope it's possible to route the sound too. Stay updated at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=299950
Many thanks for the fine tutorial. The only remark I have is that you can use windows explorer to see the "missing" files (make sure you set "show hidden files" in explorer)
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Ok, cause I searched for that option but did not find it.
jockyw2001 said:
Btw, I tried WM6 SIP Config Tool (here), but it crashes.
Did anyone get it to work?
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Try this one http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=1309024 Although I'm still (once in a while) working on it.
voip volume
This guide was very helpful getting voip up and running on my S710.
I'm experiencing a rather odd issue. The earpiece volume of a voip call is low although it is set at the maximum level. I do not have this when making calls over gsm. So low that it makes voip not really useful.
I read in another topic something simular but have not found a resolution or clues yet. Any help appreciated.
PS. S710 is connected to an Asterisk PBX
wvangroesen said:
This guide was very helpful getting voip up and running on my S710.
I'm experiencing a rather odd issue. The earpiece volume of a voip call is low although it is set at the maximum level. I do not have this when making calls over gsm. So low that it makes voip not really useful.
I read in another topic something simular but have not found a resolution or clues yet. Any help appreciated.
PS. S710 is connected to an Asterisk PBX
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What codecs are you using? One more thing: the sound comes from the speaker on the back, not from the earpiece. Tried turning your phone?
Sorry I meant the speaker. But also the headset, the one that comes with the device, is still too soft.
I've been experimenting with the codecs on Asterisk, only ulaw and alaw are supported.
The sound is bidirectional, the party that I'm calling can hear me. But I can hardly hear them. Also there is a lot of static on the line.
wvangroesen said:
Sorry I meant the speaker. But also the headset, the one that comes with the device, is still too soft.
I've been experimenting with the codecs on Asterisk, only ulaw and alaw are supported.
The sound is bidirectional, the party that I'm calling can hear me. But I can hardly hear them. Also there is a lot of static on the line.
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I'm also using ulaw & alaw on Asterisk 1.2. Most part of my sip.conf is defaulted. I'm afraid I can't help you with that, sorry. But try with a different VoIP provider like voipbuster.com just to eliminate the possibility that there's something wrong with your setup if that's the problem.
kast said:
Try this one http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=1309024 Although I'm still (once in a while) working on it.
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I tried your tool, but it always gives me an error message something is wrong with the XML and then quits. What am I doin' wrong? (PS: I did try putting http:// in front of the proxy address, but it doesn't help)
wvangroesen said:
Sorry I meant the speaker. But also the headset, the one that comes with the device, is still too soft.
I've been experimenting with the codecs on Asterisk, only ulaw and alaw are supported.
The sound is bidirectional, the party that I'm calling can hear me. But I can hardly hear them. Also there is a lot of static on the line.
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If I select my VoIP provider it works just fine, although I had to put speaker volume to maximum. I believe there are many reg keys for finetuning behaviour. Take a look here: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa921921.aspx
What registry values do you read for HandSetModeMaxVolume and SpeakerModeMaxVolume in hklm/security/phone/voip ? (My values are 0xCCCC and 0xFFFF)
I'm trying to VoIP via GPRS/EDGE and want to use a VPN tunnel since my mobile operator blocks ports.
Well, I more or less got it to work with the inbuilt VPN "client".
It's a ridiculous procedure to connect though:
1. Configure a VPN and add *.*/* to "Work URL exceptions"
2. Set VoIP calls to "never" before connecting to Internet (Wifi or 2G/3G, in my case 2G Edge)
3. Start IE or Opera and in settings set Connection to Work
4. Open a site and verify in case you use wifi that top right symbol is wifi signal strength with the two arrows pointing L and R ("datacall") or in case you use Gprs or Edge you see G or E in top right corner
5. Now go back to homescreen and enable VoIP ("always use if available")
6. VoIP provider should now be searched and selected
Until there, I got it to work. Didn't make it yet to a succesful call though. Need to configure the damn firewall first.
WM5/6 networking sucks big time. Who the f**k invents categories like Internet and Work, and "Work exception URLs" ?
Another thing I haven't found out yet, is how to control which VPN connection is used when you have multiple connections defined.
Later on I will try with a dedicated VPN client I found (NCP Client)
Hi Guys,
Thanks for all your suggestions, here a progress report of what I've tried so far:
- Checked out the msdn site, tried several registry settings.
- Checked setting as posted by jockyw2001, I can confirm the settings and values are equal as posted by you.
- No matter what I try, Speaker Volume, Handset Volume etc etc it doesn't make any difference.
- Uninstalled voip and installed 'VM VI Black VOIP & Config.CAB' which fixes the searching... issue. I had to replace rtcdll.dll with the original one to get sound through the speaker/headset again. Still very soft sound. And still unable to control the speaker volume.
- I found a S710 review in French referring to SJPhone, so what the hack let's give it a try too.
- SJPhone works, I can actually control the volume of the speaker and put it on an acceptable level. Sound quality is not great...
- The creator of SJPhone claims they are working on a wm6 version, according to postings in their forum. Could be very promising.
I doubt whether it could be an Asterisk issue. I have several Siemens IP phones connected to the system which are working fine. And also no issues at all with various voip softphones.
But I won't give up yet... Next step it trying a different voip provider. I appreciate your feedback and keep you posted on the progress.
wvangroesen said:
- Uninstalled voip and installed 'VM VI Black VOIP & Config.CAB' which fixes the searching... issue. I had to replace rtcdll.dll with the original one to get sound through the speaker/headset again. Still very soft sound. And still unable to control the speaker volume.
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I'm also running VI Black VOIP & Config.CAB with the rtsdll.dll from Sleuth's package. Never tried it with the 'Black' rtcsll.dll (apparently for developers only). You tried it and got sound from the earset? Or was it not outputting sound at all or also only from rear loudspeaker but even less loud?
jockyw2001 said:
I'm also running VI Black VOIP & Config.CAB with the rtsdll.dll from Sleuth's package. Never tried it with the 'Black' rtcsll.dll (apparently for developers only). You tried it and got sound from the earset? Or was it not outputting sound at all or also only from rear loudspeaker but even less loud?
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Nope, never got sound during the call although I could see the call was in progress on the Asterisk box. When the call is ended I got a confirmation bleep through the speaker.
I suspected this was a codec issue so I added the codec reg keys under HKLM\Comm\RTC\Codec without luck. Then I decided to roll back the rtcdll.dll to the original one that seemed to work better, at least I got the sound back again.
anybody had luck connecting to PBXES.com?
Kast, no I haven't tried them.
Btw: can you tell me how to enter data in your tool in such a way that it doesn't spit an error about XML format wrong or so?

HTC Bluetooth Hot Fix

HTC today posted a hot fix for bluetooth at their e-Club.
Bluetooth Hot Fix (for HTC TyTN II)
Dropped calls sometimes occur when Bluetooth is on. If you encountered the same problem, please download this Bluetooth Hot Fix and install it on your device.
Downloaded it from HTc.cOM
Installation instructions
Follow the instructions below to download and install the hot fix on your device:
Make sure you have Microsoft ActiveSync® installed on your Windows XP PC or Windows Mobile Device Center on your Windows Vista® PC. You can find Microsoft ActiveSync from this link or Windows Mobile Device Center from this link.
Connect and synchronize your device with your PC via Microsoft ActiveSync® or Windows Mobile Device Center using the USB cable.
To download thehot fix, first select the check box below. Next, select thehot fix and the desired FTP site then click Download.
Copy the hot fix, which is a cab file, to your device.
To install the hot fix, tap the cab file and follow the on-screen instructions.
Here is the file:
Extracted madsnm's posted cab, which is the same as nadavi's. This is a replacement file for OEM\OEMDrivers\TIInit_4_2_38.bts (a.k.a. \windows\TIInit_4_2_38.bts for non-chefs).
I've re-attached it as the naked file (without the cab installer or the self-extracting exe installer).
Any decent chef should be able to figure out how to turn a single file into an OEM package
Edit: Forgot to add that there are no registry entries, as I've already created registry dumps before/after install...
Edit3: It *IS* the same as the one in the AT&T 1.60 ROM. I did a file compare and there are no binary differences.
Although I am not having any problems as mentioned in the fix log, but the idea of HTC releasing something for us is great .
taiseer999 said:
Although I am not having any problems as mentioned in the fix log, but the idea of HTC releasing something for us is great .
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Thats right!
Waiting for WM6.1 ROM! or maybe new WM06 Full Touch rom from HTC....
Just my two Cents....
Nadavi said:
Thats right!
Waiting for WM6.1 ROM! or maybe new WM06 Full Touch rom from HTC....
Just my two Cents....
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well, 6.1 ROM doesnt really looks appealing to me, i believe most of us would want our freaking D3D driver to improve our kaiser speed.
come'on HTC, give us our driver. We want our kaiser to work @ its full potential!
almost forgot, to the brothers at the top 3 post, THANKS for sharing!
Solved my "bad" connection to the BT carset - thx....
ruffruff said:
well, 6.1 ROM doesnt really looks appealing to me, i believe most of us would want our freaking D3D driver to improve our kaiser speed.
come'on HTC, give us our driver. We want our kaiser to work @ its full potential!
almost forgot, to the brothers at the top 3 post, THANKS for sharing!
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OT but the driver is there. Look here for more info. There's also an XDA thread on this. We just need to tweak it out for general purpose acceleration.
Sleuth255 said:
OT but the driver is there. Look here for more info. There's also an XDA thread on this. We just need to tweak it out for general purpose acceleration.
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It doesn't say much if they hacked something for Coreplayer, or it was a general fix from HTC for all Windows Mobile devices running the MSM chipset.
Would be nice if the Kaiser was as snappy as that dual-keyboard Pantech running WM6 Standard.
I'm at loss to say if all the UI (and general system) lag is from too much use of .NET, lack of hardware accelerated graphics drivers, or Pro just runs slower than Standard because of the touch-screen support.
Hmm...wonder why i didn't get an email from the e-Club about this. I log into the site and find the fix just fine but I thought I'm supposed to get a notification about it (i'm pretty positive that was my preference when signing up)
Anyway, does this hot fix help in pairing bluetooth with car kits and devices that had problems or were incompatible thus far.
I've never experienced dropped calls with my BT connection, but I do have another problem that is pissing me off.
I have two different Pioneer stereos in two different vehicles. The AVIC-Z1 and the Premier DEH-P980BT.
When I first try to initiate a call with the 980, the connection is made, but the audio is somewhere in limbo between the phone and car speakers. There is a BT connection, but it takes about a minute and a half to actually start sounding through the speakers. By that time, the receiving end has hung up.
Since it only happens for the first call of the ride, I've been getting in the car, calling my voicemail, and waiting until I can hear the voicemail prompts. After that, I can make and receive call normally until I shut the car off.
If this fixes the problem I'm having, I'll be ecstatic.
I have no noticable problems with BT exept the sound quality. Will be anything better or maybe worst if I install this upgrade? Does anybody have experience on it?
NuShrike said:
It doesn't say much if they hacked something for Coreplayer, or it was a general fix from HTC for all Windows Mobile devices running the MSM chipset.
Would be nice if the Kaiser was as snappy as that dual-keyboard Pantech running WM6 Standard.
I'm at loss to say if all the UI (and general system) lag is from too much use of .NET, lack of hardware accelerated graphics drivers, or Pro just runs slower than Standard because of the touch-screen support.
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Sounds like they had to change something with the drivers. So they're there but poorly implemented. And sounds like they'll give us driver info once its released. I'll buy it if it fixes the D3D support!
Still garbled on my Tilt with an Infinity G35..now how do I deleted the Kai6492_HotFix from my Programs directory? I can't see to find it...yet the icon is still there. Any one know?
Flapjack said:
I've never experienced dropped calls with my BT connection, but I do have another problem that is pissing me off.
I have two different Pioneer stereos in two different vehicles. The AVIC-Z1 and the Premier DEH-P980BT.
When I first try to initiate a call with the 980, the connection is made, but the audio is somewhere in limbo between the phone and car speakers. There is a BT connection, but it takes about a minute and a half to actually start sounding through the speakers. By that time, the receiving end has hung up.
Since it only happens for the first call of the ride, I've been getting in the car, calling my voicemail, and waiting until I can hear the voicemail prompts. After that, I can make and receive call normally until I shut the car off.
If this fixes the problem I'm having, I'll be ecstatic.
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here's what causes that issue on my phone:
hit the ms voice command button and hear the beep prompt.
now hold the button down till you get the cancel beep.
now make a call. you will get no audio either direction.
turn the phone off, and the sound starts working. turn it back on and it's gone again.
key the ms voicecommand button again and let the time expire instead of holding to cancel.
make another call, and the audio will be fine, except for a 5 to 10 second delay.
see if this is how your phone behaves also. if I don't ever cancel a ms voicecommand by holding the button down, everything seems to work fine.
After installing the "fix" I could no longer use voice dial with any of my bluetooth headsets. Uninstalling the fix fixed it.....go figure.....
I think that HTC really need to have more, serious, knowledgable beta testers to tryout this stuff with various software and hardware scenarios before releasing the device. Some of these "bloggers" that they send new, unreleased devices to are either cronies or don't know much, or will not test the devices thoroughly and/or report back to HTC what problems that they experienced. I am a Verizon and AT&T user. Have seen these anamolies between diferent devices for some time now. The Mogul and XV6800 don't have the same issues we have, however, I guarantee you they do have others such as the De-activated GPS flaw that happened recently in the Mogul.
Unfortunately my Kaiser didn't work still with this hotfix. I installed on my device few times, I rebooted the headset and nothing. Probably it's like that because my ROM is 1.83, it's original polish version of it. How can I resolve the problem of bt headset ?
The fix file is a CAB (download from HTC e-club)... I install the CAB and find a link under software menu... I tap it... and another installation is done... I must soft reset the device... and stop...
Okai... so I think in this way the fix is gone... but... I have yet the cab installed under Software CAB and Installed application... can I uninstall it? The trashes pissing me :-D
or for att users go here....

8925 Tilt ms voice Command 1.6 over bluetooth

I have just upgraded to the tilt .
I have installed ms voice Command 1.6 and also the bt voice Command hack to allow voice Command to come over my bluetooth . Well it's not working . even if I edit the reg. I also tried the vc16btfix , still didn't work. is there something i'm missing ?
criddle said:
I have just upgraded to the tilt .
I have installed ms voice Command 1.6 and also the bt voice Command hack to allow voice Command to come over my bluetooth . Well it's not working . even if I edit the reg. I also tried the vc16btfix , still didn't work. is there something i'm missing ?
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I have 8925 with Custel ROM. I've read here and there that people upgrade and install the BT Hack...
But I never had to. I had the 8525 and I remember I had to add the BT Hack (and give it like 15 seconds or whatever...) to transfer all audio to BT. But at least on my 8925, right out of hard reset, VC 1.6 works fine with my BT Headset (Jabra, Jawbone, few Motorolas, etc...all of them works fine).
Search button is a good friend on this forum it helped me find my solution for this exact same problem
Try this:
Edvard_Greig said:
Hallelujah! I finally figured it out- so it did have to do with the XCSDM setting I believe... so here is what I did for anyone else that is wondering:
1. Installed MSVC 1.6 (from the link in the TNT ROM posted earlier)
2. Soft Reset
3a. Made registry change to set Path = \Program Files\Voice Command\voicecmd.exe (no quotes)
3b. Change button assignment (assigned to Button 6/PTT in my case)
4. Soft Reset
5. Enable XCSDM
6. Soft Reset
7. Disable XCSDM
8. Soft Reset
9. Pair Bluetooth Headset
It seems to be working...the best I can figure is that when it initially gets installed the XCSDM doesn't have any value at all, but by enabling it, and then disabling it, it actually turns it off as opposed to having a null value. Also note that since I am using Alex's 'UltraClean' ROM, there were never any Cyberon installation traces, and therefore I ignored those sections.
In any case it seems to be working great and I'm very happy.
Thank you everyone for all your help, and hopefully what I listed above will help someone else.
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found in this thread over here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=333260&highlight=Microsoft+Voice+Command&page=16
i'm using the original wm6 that came with th tilt. when I do push the button on my headset it's like all the handset volume is transferred to the headset
i had same issues then i tried the steps above and solved my problem i'm not on the original att rom anymore though i'm using dutty's dualtouch v3 rom. You should try those steps mentioned above should solve your problem if not then dunno sorry i went crazy my self trying to fix this problem then when i tried this solution it worked i was so happy all the headaches and times searching forums finally paid off LOL. Anyhow good luck.
Running Dutty's v2K fixed and . . .
no issues with MSVC 1.6 without hack. sometimes stops responding but either turning my BT off and on again, or SR fixes it. Using a Jawbone if that makes a difference.
Problem after updating to new ATT Tilt Rom
I cant use voice command through the headset anymore after upgrading the rom from HTC. What happens now is when I press the Bluetooth button it transfers any sound to the headset (Music playing from MP or in call voice) but will not allow me to use any Voice command functions.
Please HELP!!
Another dead thread that wouldn't have to be killed if the search function was used...

Microsoft Voice Commander Not Working

When i try to run Voice Commander I get an out of memory error. I am running version 1.6.19209 Anyone else tried this or gotten it to work?
I'm using 1.6.21040.
Gave an error during installation, but seems to be working as far as announcing calls and reading texts.
I have tried to installed version 1.6.21725 and it seems to work fine, but I tried to link to the key virtually using AE Buttons, everything collapsed. The lnk file just got deleted: any suggestion.
How did you guys use to assign to a key?
Was asking the same question. Install worked with one error message. The program works when I start it manually, but I cannot find a way to assign execution to a specific button press. Looking for ideas here.
i didnt link the button once i got the latest version installed and working. i jsut made a link and put it on the start menu instead and it works great that way
I've switched to 21725 and used aebutton plus to assign it to long press windows key, all works perfectly now.
I dont want to use aebutton plus, so I tried to use the old Long_Send.lnk and had no luck, am I doing something wrong?
or is it a diffrent name in 6.5
I got that error too but it has stopped for some reason and now works well.
Version is v1.6.21040
I tried to upload a cab for you but it wouldn't upload.
I use MSVC for text to speech, to announce calls, read emails to me and announce calendar reminders.
This version won't read text msgs.
I don't use it for voice commands, Cyberon Voice Speed Dialer is much better for that.
mallman said:
When i try to run Voice Commander I get an out of memory error. I am running version 1.6.19209 Anyone else tried this or gotten it to work?
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mallman said:
i didnt link the button once i got the latest version installed and working. i jsut made a link and put it on the start menu instead and it works great that way
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I got this error on the stock TP2 ROM as well. For me, it only occurred when I checked the box for announcing WMP selections.
Oh, regarding the MS Voice Command CAB, while it is not the reason the upload failed, XDA does not allow MSVC to be posted in CAB form since it can then be installed on devices that it is not licensed for.
MSVC cab
Got it.
NotATreoFan said:
I got this error on the stock TP2 ROM as well. For me, it only occurred when I checked the box for announcing WMP selections.
Oh, regarding the MS Voice Command CAB, while it is not the reason the upload failed, XDA does not allow MSVC to be posted in CAB form since it can then be installed on devices that it is not licensed for.
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So was anyone able to get MSVC running with a bluetooth headset??
I mean initiating MSVC commands via the headset button and also get the commands itself in the headset?
I cannot get it run like this.
bill340 said:
So was anyone able to get MSVC running with a bluetooth headset??
I mean initiating MSVC commands via the headset button and also get the commands itself in the headset?
I cannot get it run like this.
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When I start MSVC, the command is repeated through the headset first time then it comes through phone speaker after that. Phone calls are directed through the headset ok. Strange.
I Think I've Found An Answer
If you go into the registry and go to:
and edit the value for VoiceCmdEnable to 1 (it was set to 0 on my HD2), then soft reset.
Now you should be able to get Voice Command working through BT, at least it's working for me at the moment.
It does not help fo rme at all...
No change!
Which version of MSVC do you use?
I'm not entirely sure, but in the Voice Command settings it shows v1.60.4622.0
weepatc said:
When I start MSVC, the command is repeated through the headset first time then it comes through phone speaker after that. Phone calls are directed through the headset ok. Strange.
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In my case it is very similar, but when i activate voice command with the assigned button on my HD2 and not via the headset, everthing works as it should. Maby thats a indication how to get it worki`n the right way.
VoiceCommander Working
Initially I couldnt get the BT to connect to VC (just got a BT disconnect beep in my ear).
Tried installing 2nd time (over the top), and seemed to 1/2 work but sometimes I would have to say name I wanting to dial through handset - then it would put call through BT - strange.
Finally, I noticed that if the BT headset was on when the phone was switched on (fluke that happened), it worked fine.
If the BT headset is switched on after the phone, it still plays up. Not tried turning BT on handset off and on whilst BT headset turned on yet - something to try tonight I guess.
Note : this only started working a day or so ago so not tested throughly yet.
My VC version is 1.6.4622.0.
I also noticed that on handango - a new VC version is available (updated 20/11/2009) which says works with Touch HD2 - but only USA voice at the mo so I'm waiting for the UK (hopefully released soon).
Hope the above helps.
Looks like I have an old version of Voice Command MSVC1.6.19214. How do I get a later version? Don't see why I should have to pay for it again when it is still 1.6.
Sorry, my bad - not working anymore. Worked for one day, then I get the same as everyone else

[Guide] How to use Tasker to fix all calls being sent to Gear S3

The Problem: On many non-Samsung phones, all calls, even when answered on the phone itself, get sent to the watch's speakerphone, requiring the user to manually switch the sound back to the handset every time a phone call happens. As a side problem, the watch conflicts with other Bluetooth devices capable of of being used for calls, like car stereos and headsets. Several threads on xda and elsewhere discuss these issues; however, the only solution posted is to disable the "Phone Audio" profile of the watch in settings. This is sub-optimal because it completely disables the ability to use the watch as a phone speaker.
The Solution: I have put together a series of Tasker profiles and tasks that utilize the BlueTask plugin to control the connection of the Gear S3. A convenient detail about BlueTask's disconnection method is that it only seems to affect the "Phone Audio" component of the Gear S3, leaving all other functionality untouched during a call. I use the proximity sensor to determine whether or not the call is being made/answered on the phone itself vs the watch. The assumption is that if you leave you phone in your pocket, bag, or face down on the desk, then you answered the call via the watch. I understand this is not a perfect method for determining which device is answering the call, but it works pretty well in my testing. In addition, an exception is made for when a wired headset is hooked up to the phone, as one may leave their phone in their pocket while answering using such a headset. Finally, an additional profile I call the "Car profile" will automatically disconnect the watch and disable its Tasker profiles while connected to specified Bluetooth devices like a car stereo, Bluetooth headsets, etc.
Re-enable "Phone Audio" for Gear S3 if you previously disabled it (Settings>Bluetooth>Gear S3)
Install Tasker (if you haven't already)
Install BlueTask
Go to Tasker>Preferences>UI>Beginner Mode. Disable it (if it is not disabled already).
Go to Tasker>Preferences>Monitor>Display Off Monitoring>Proximity Sensor. Set it to "Yes"
Download the Tasker project attached to this post to your phone
Import the project into Tasker (Press and hold the home tab in the bottom left corner of tasker and then click Import)
Enter the new "Bluetooth" project and open "Car Profile" in "Profiles"
Delete the Dummy MAC address in the Profile and replace it with the MAC addresses of any car stereos and/or bluetooth headsets you use with your phone. If you have multiple of such devices, separate each address with a "/" (the magnifier glass icon does this for you). If you have no such devices, feel free to disable or delete this profile.
Open "Disconnect Gear S3" in "Tasks"
Open the "BT Connection" action
Replace the dummy information with your Gear S3's Name and MAC address
Repeat steps 10, 11, and 12 for the "Connect Gear S3", "Car Mode", and "Exit Car Mode" tasks.
Let me know if this works for you. Also, suggestions for how this project could be improved are welcome.
Its works fine on #LGV20 so no need for this fix.
Sent from my LG-H990 using Tapatalk
I've downloaded the project to my phone but when I launch tasker and try to import the profile I can't find the file, even though I can see it using a file explorer. I've changed the.Prj to .prf and Tasker sees it but when I try to import it it gives me an error that says the for contains multiple projects.
Any help would be appreciated, thank you
OneRealDaniel said:
I've downloaded the project to my phone but when I launch tasker and try to import the profile I can't find the file, even though I can see it using a file explorer. I've changed the.Prj to .prf and Tasker sees it but when I try to import it it gives me an error that says the for contains multiple projects.
Any help would be appreciated, thank you
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Is it downloading as a .prj or .prj.xml ? It should be the latter. If it isn't, rename it to have a .prj.xml extension. Otherwise, not really sure what is going on. I haven't had any trouble importing Tasker projects in the past.
Beginner mode
MehStrongBadMeh said:
Is it downloading as a .prj or .prj.xml ? It should be the latter. If it isn't, rename it to have a .prj.xml extension. Otherwise, not really sure what is going on. I haven't had any trouble importing Tasker projects in the past.
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Thanks for getting back to me. Im new with Tasker, the only reason I bought it was because of this issue and because I saw your post. All I needed to do was disable beginner mode in preferences, under Ui, and the house icon appeared, from there it was very simple to follow the instructions. Thank you for sharing your solution to this very inconvenient problem.
Once I get to test it ill make sure to give you feedback.
OneRealDaniel said:
Thanks for getting back to me. Im new with Tasker, the only reason I bought it was because of this issue and because I saw your post. All I needed to do was disable beginner mode in preferences, under Ui, and the house icon appeared, from there it was very simple to follow the instructions. Thank you for sharing your solution to this very inconvenient problem.
Once I get to test it ill make sure to give you feedback.
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Thanks for letting me know about that, I'll add that to the steps.
Hi i downloaded the App but seems it doesnt work for me. I set it up according your instructions but still no change. But i háve an idea i spoted that when i make call from phone i háve an option to choose which audio divice to use if i select my phone it doest work but when someone picks up and then i select it it Works. So i am thinking is there a way to make this automatic? That once someone picks up a call that it select this option right after.
Added 2 screenshots one from the Standard run and one of the option to select an audio divice when making a call.
Thx for any help.
Edit: Works Now thx alot i had an incorrect name set for the device... i will test it if it works always but so far so good. thx alot
Jafabibe said:
But i háve an idea i spoted that when i make call from phone i háve an option to choose which audio divice to use if i select my phone it doest work but when someone picks up and then i select it it Works. So i am thinking is there a way to make this automatic?
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I wanted to use this system as part of the automation workflow. The problem is that, when dialing someone, it switches the audio output when they pickup, instead of during Phone Offhook (the moment you hit dial). As a result, I can't detect the actual moment the audio device is switched, so I disable the watch audio entirely to prevent it from from happening.
Hello guys. I have non rooted stock nexus 5x. I have followed steps from first post but I always get error (attached).
Please any ideas what's going on?
Edit: Sorry guys. Please ignore it. I have added wifi mac for gear instead of bluetooth mac. I'm going to test it.
I am trying to use this for my phone.
I opened the prj.xml in notepad, edited my MAC address and name of bluetooth for car and gear s3.
When i press the play button in the bottom left corner i get the error non-existing plug-in code type Action: 704475526.
Any idea what i can do?
GabrielAK89 said:
I am trying to use this for my phone.
I opened the prj.xml in notepad, edited my MAC address and name of bluetooth for car and gear s3.
When i press the play button in the bottom left corner i get the error non-existing plug-in code type Action: 704475526.
Any idea what i can do?
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Probably install Bluetask as per the instructions.
I solved the problem using Macrodroid.
GabrielAK89 said:
I solved the problem using Macrodroid.
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Can you tell us, the other users, what you did to get it solved ?
As we are in a forum, others can benefit using your solution.
So please share.
I just got my Nokia 8 Sirocco, and I thought it was bad BT performance on my new device, when it probably is my Gear screwing me over. Thank you for this Tasker-project, I've just finished setting it up, and l am looking forward to seeing is effect!
Unfortunately, the macrodroid way don't work anymore for me.
Don't know why.
I am retrying the Tasker way. I get the error:
12.53.42/E FIRE PLUGIN: Connection / com.twofortyfouram.locale.intent.action.FIRE_SETTING: 8 bundle keys
12.53.42/E Connection: plugin comp: com.balda.bluetask/com.balda.bluetask.receivers.FireReceiver
12.53.42/E add wait type Plugin1 time 60
12.53.42/E add wait type Plugin1 done
12.53.42/E add wait task
12.53.42/E Error: 2
Does anyone know what it means?
LE: When i am in the car i don't get this error. Everything seems to be with green dot. But the magic never happen. The tusker is not triggered. Should i make other settings to work?
I also tryed Bluetooth auto connect. Bad luck with that also.
I've been meddling with Tasker for the past few days and discovered that choosing the Headset profile to connect to and disconnect from the Gear S3 works better for me.
I've started out with MehStrongBadMeh's guide and tasker xml file (many thanks by the way!), but found out my phone was unable to connect the Gear S3. It disconnected OK to connect the car bluetooth, but would not reconnect Gear S3. Running the task also gave errors as reported by few others on this thread.
But everything seems to be in order when Headset profile is selected for Gear S3. Will test out extensively and will report back if I need to change anything else.
I believe I created that xml was created before bluetask handled specific profiles, hence the need to explicitly set headset now. I don't actually use this profile anymore, as calls started being routed properly when I updated my HTC 10 to Oreo (and continue to be routed properly on my OnePlus 6).
Just wanted to say a massive thank you for this. I have just bought the Galaxy Watch and have a Samsung S6 Edge with lineageos. I was having the issue where everything was being rooted through the watch. Your guide has got this working as it was designed.
My notes would be for anyone trying this - do not change the device name as it doesn't seem to work (i am guessing this is referenced in other profiles) - just change the mac address to your watches Bluetooth mac address.
Any update on this I still get an Error 2 and it never seems to connect on its own to my car audio
Solved with MacroDroid:
Trigger: Call active (any contact)
Action: Kill application Galaxy Wearable
Constraints: Trigger fired Call active
AND In call
App Alive BG Galaxy Wearable

