Is there an application that can easily change volume and screen backlight by a tap? - HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Themes and Apps

I am wondering if there exists an application which can easily change volume and screen backlight by a simple tap?
Well this is what im after: at night I always set my backlight to 10% and the volume very low. During daytime i set the volume at 80% and the backlight to 40%. My wish is to be able to switch between these setups fast, instead of having to access the settings etc. I guess it is some sort of profiling application, but the backlight option is a must.
Would also be nice if it had an automatic time setting.
Please share your knowledge if you know the answer to this.
Thank you.
MOD EDIT: tnyynt: Thread renamed! Please use relevant information in thread title!

very easy. the magic word is: profile
have a look here: normaly the fr of v2.31 should coming out this weekend ...

THX bro!
I'll definately give it a go!

Quick Set Backlight & sound for HTC HD2
I built one myself for my HD2. Its called Quick Set.
No guarantee it works on other HTC's.
On the HD2, pressing the leftmost button for 4 secs brings up a screen where you can select 0-25-50-75-100% sound levels and 10%-automatic-100% backlight levels.
If you want to keep a possible Long-Send.lnk already present in \Windows, please save it before and restore it after executing Quick_Set.CAB
In that case Quick Set must be launched via the start menu.
See attachments.
Have fun

Quick Set Backlight and Volume for HTC HD2 Version 1.1
Quick Set for HTC HD2 Version 1.1
Copy Quick_Set.CAB on the storage card and execute it.
It needs Microsoft .NET Compact Framework 3.5 Redistributable, possibly you must download an install it before.
After installation, pressing the leftmost button for 4 secs brings up a screen where you can select between 2 sound- and 3 backlight levels by touching c.q. the appropriate speaker and hd2 pictures.
This can be done easily, e.g. while driving and using the HD2 as navigator.
After selection, the application closes and the original screen is restored.
The first sound level is 0 (muted) and selected by touching the muted speaker picture left.
The second is determined by the setting of the top slider and selected by touching the right speaker picture
The first backlight level is dim and determined by the setting of the dark bottom slider.
It is selected by touching the dark HD2 picture left.
The second level is auto and determined by HD2's light sensor; selected by the middle HD2 picture.
The third level is bright and determined by the setting of the white middle slider;
selected by the white HD2 picture right.
While driving it is not recommended to operate the sliders.
If you want to keep a possible Long-Send.lnk already present in \Windows, please save it before and restore it after installation.
In that case Quick Set must be launched via the start menu.
Have fun

wow. thanx mate.
Will try & review it!
Just tried it and the brightness setting works flawlesly. The sound works too, but it doesnt update the sound icon in the taskbar tho :-(
If you are still developing on this, you could add 2 more buttons to it. Night & Day mode. These2 modes could be configurable...
Example: Night mode, brightness level 0 sound level 0.
Day mode, brightness level 100 sound level 100.
Cheers. Great application mate! Keep up the good work!

Thanks for the compliment.
Quick Set was developed for a number of reasons.
I was dissatisfied with the implementation of some HD2 settings.
In particular, backlight and volume; the latter also because I used VolDpad to remap the volume buttons to Up/Down so that I had less trouble using MS Reader.
Setting backlight and volume when using Tomtom navigator while driving
compromises safety.
As a hobby, I wanted to gain experience with Smart Device program development tools.
I never thougt about the speaker icon.
It only shows "muted" if both the ringer- and system volume settings are set to zero via the regular controls.
Hence, if it shows "not muted", you are not sure what this exactly means.
If you want to be sure, you have to access the controls.
My conclusion is, that quick access to the controls is preferred, and that is what Quick Set is about.
Night & Day mode does not seem practical, because in general the actual requirements for sound and brightness depend on the environment and these are often not correlating with the time of day.
E.g. in my case the ringer volume is never muted, while the system volume is mostly muted if I don't use Tomtom Navigator; brightness is set to minimum if I'm in bed, otherwise it's set to Auto or maximum if I am outdors or showing pictures.
Also then quick access to the controls is preferred.
Adding more controls is not consistent with my design goals.
I omitted the sliders in my first design.
I only added them because a friend of mine with somewhat detoriated eyesight had trouble with the minimum brightness while Auto was too bright for him; moreover it enabled me to gain more experience.
For the latter reason I may do something about the speaker icon.
Have fun,

just tried it. the screen settings work but not the sound. using tmob hd2. it would be great if it works though.


Brightnes automatic control

I would like a applicaion who controls the brightness of my HTC automatic on sunrice/sunset times
is there something like this
i know there's a app "twilight" it controls it whitin tomtom but i need it for the whole pda
thanx already
Also consider SBSH's Phoneweaver, which is a phone profile app. The profile options can control everything from screen brightness, rotation, activating radios, running applications, oh and of course the usual volume, vibration etc. Profiles can be time activated, or activated automatically by other options.
Backlight problem
Oke tanks for the link but Is not avalible yet
That's ashame.
But mayby i have to wait a little longer

backlight adjustment

Hello all. Fantastic forum and many thanks to all those contributing.
I received my O2 Xda Orbit 2 last week and I'm very pleased with the unit.
I only have two small issues with the device.
The first is more with WM6. As a left hander I would really appreciate being able to place the scroll bars in applications such as IE on the left hand side of the screen so that I don't obscure the screen almost every time I'm reading something. I don't suppose there's much hope of this happening though.
Secondly, I've read with interest the issue regarding the backlight on the keylock screen and I will try the registry tweak to get the backlight to come on at full brightness so that you can see the lock-code keys in daylight.
However, is there any way of making a short cut to adjust the backlight brightness from the 'today' screen? I'm finding that I adjust the backlight brightness for my office/indoors and then when I go outside and use the unit I can barely see the screen and it takes several attempts to get in to the unit and vary the backlight brightness.
It would be lovely if you could say press the central button and then turn the jog wheel clockwise/anti-clockwise to brighten/dim the backlight. Does any bright spark know if there's a means to do this or at least make backlight adjustments simpler?
Same goes for backlight on the Co-pilot software. As it's usually plugged into the car's fag-lighter socket the backlight's on full. Then when you drive at night it blinds you. It would be lovely to be able to press the central button and twirl the wheen to adjust screen brightness. All it actually does is to zoom in/out of the Co-pilot map.
Otherwise, a fantastic unit.
First: If you find some software to handle the device easier for left handers please tell me. I'm always interested.
Second: If you install the GPRS Monitor Software (was delivered with my device) it places an slider for backlight on your Today Screen. So you can easily vary the intensity of your backlight.
Maybe not the best solution, but better than nothing.
Hope that helps...
P.S. Do you know a trick to disable the screen, so I can only hear the commandos? (Would be helpful when I go for a walk and get lost in the wood. In most cases I don't have some breadcrumb to mark my way home...)
Yes, backlight control isn't all it could be on the orbit2/touch cruise (or any other windows mobile device).
For Copilot if you go into settings / map styles and select "automatic" under day night mode then it does behave better at night.
As for easy control over the backlight - after searching for a few days I noticed that the HTC Home screen that I'd already installed, had a backlight control app on the third tab. Each time you press on the app with your finger it changes the backlight intensity (in 4 stages)
Finally - The bluetooth light was really irritating me whilst the phone was in the car cradle at night. The following link discusses a means of disabling the light.
Backlight adjustment
Thank you for your replies.
I've been experimenting with the HTC home plugin.
I downloaded the version for WM6 that supposedly correctly the backlight adjustment this morning but have discovered that the backlight function does not work on my Orbit 2. Of course, I may be doing something stupid.
May I ask which version you're using and which works with the Orbit 2?
I've also installed the GPRS monitor software but I can't see anywhere where it displays a backlight slider on the today screen.
Many thanks again.
Backlight and gprs monitor
Sincere apologies,
I just discovered the backlight slider on the notification icon of the gprs monitor. Not the best solution but something.
Many thanks for the suggestion.
Hi, I wonder if there is a possibility to make the TC adjust backlight automatically? I know there's no light sensor, but can't the front-cam be used as one?
What do you think?
Or am I overseeing an already existing tool for this?
Many thx,
Same idea provided in "development and hacking" but no response!!
I think it would be a great thing
Unfortunately it doesn't seem to interest many people, both of my postings have so far been ignored... It's a pity, because I think it could be done by some pros inhere.

Updated [Jan-10]: [App] [G-Sensor] [Brand New] The XSense v1.2 Final

Foremost, let us all acknowledge Koushik for his brilliant "Sensors" library upon which most if not all non-HTC apps that use the G-Sensor, Light-Sensor, and Navi-Sensor are built, simply ingenious. Moreover, I would like to recognize No2chem for the NeuLed2 library which is an equally exquisite peace of code that allows access to the Diamond/Pro Leds. Without those two guys, accessing these advance interfaces on the diamond/pro would be inapproachable at best.
Reason: HTC gave these phones lots of sensors, lets give them.."Sense".
......... EXTRA-Sense ...........
* Hopefully an innovaton, though mostly an integration of RANDOM but needful features...
1. Courtesy Profiles:
- Set Volume Profiles to activate on Face-Down & Face-UP events. Choose from: None, Silent, Normal, and Vibrate. You can also choose to suspend the Phone when its facing down.
2. Notifications-Sense:
- IF there is/are any outstanding notification(s), the device will vibrate whenever you move it - at customizable intervals: Missed Call(s), Voice Mail, and SMS.
3. Stylus-Sense:- When the Stylus is in/out: Will play sound + Blink the Back button's light.
- When the Stylus is out and the device is moved: Device will vibrate faintly + blink the Back button's light to REMIND you that the Stylus has not been placed back in. This goes on UNTIL the Stylus is placed where it should be.
* Uses "in.wav" & "out.wav" files in the \XSense\ Dir; you can use whatever wave files for this. OR, use the UI to select whichever wave files you want!
4. General Settings:
- Polling Interval: From 200 to 3000 Miliseconds. This determines the rate at which the G-Sensor is polled. Lower values give higher response times and fluid operation at the cost of battery life & CPU utilization.
- Flash Navi Lights: Will blink button lights to notify you of Profile changes and Stylus In/Out.
- Vibrate on Events: Will induce very subtle vibrations to notify you of Notifications and Profile changes.
- Suspend when UP-Side-Down: ???
- Light Navi Button When Suspended: Will do just that when the Light Sensor senses Dim or Dark conditions. This is an independent setting that turns ON the Navi button's light at suspend time, and OFF at Resume time (this is Event Driven, so no polling is involved). This feature really helps if, like me, you want to see where the damn thing is in the dark - before you launch it against the floor.
5. Installs to "\Program Files\XSense", and Creates 2 shortcuts:
"Start Menu\Programs\XSense" and "Startup\XSenseSvc".
Program Settings are saved to the Registry at "HKCU\Software\XSense\".
Use of System Resources:
1. Diskspace: 162 KB RAM footprint: 374-535 KB Battery: NOT observed.
2. CPU Usage: %0.29 Average. Spikes for 2 seconds to %2.7 - %8.5.
3. Battery Impact: Neligeable if at all!
* Indicated CPU usage occurs ONLY when there is an EVENT (posture changed, stylus in/out Sounds playing,
- Vibration: The way I like it is in waves of 200 miliseconds length! I generally hate vibrations, so if you want it at 201 ms. you're welcome to make your own program and exercise your personal taste.
- This prgram Registers Event Handlers for: "G-Sensor", "Incoming Call", "Phone Call in Progress", "Stylus in/out", and Power Manager events. DO NOT move it to Internal Storage, you have been warned.
.NET 3.5 + HTC device with GSensor & Light Sensor.
Specifically designed for Diamond & Raphael, but will work fine on HD/Rhodium/Topaz/HD2 etc...
Knock yourself out...
Release Notes:
- This is the LAST revision/release/app I make; programming too much work
- Download & Install the CAB
- Run the XSense from your Start Menu\Programs, customize to taste, and enjoy!
Change Log:
- Brand New UI: VERY "finger friendly" this should be especially useful if you have a WVGA Device
i.e. HD/Rhodium/Topaz/HD2 etc...
- Revised entire code for existing & potential bugs, and Performance
tweaked to death.
- Removed various functions (auto speakerphone, car-kit options, etc...). Use "Touch InCall Screen Tweak" for these,
its handles Phone/Speaker brilliantly!
- Shortcut added to Startup for automatic launch after reboot.
- Shortcut with a nice icon added to Start Menu (Credit to VetVito).
- General Tab:
- Navi Button will only light up if the device is in a dark place, i.e. You will
always see where your phone is (before you trash it against the wall).
- Stylus Tab:
- UI elements to select & set sounds for Stylus-in/out events.
This program is provided strictly "as is". It is intended only as a proof-of-concept. Although fully functional, it must NOT be considered for daily use. This software is very likely to compromise the integrity of your data as well as invariabley cause your device to malfunction in any way, shape, or form. Therefore, the developer shall be absolved of all responsibility towards testers and/or their computers & devices. While using this software you agree to be solely liable for all and any damages you do to yourself, your device, or any damn thing you possess and care for!
Download XSense 1.2 - Final:
This initiative sounds great But I would love one more feature. The ability to lock and unlock the device by using G-sensor. In particular, a gesture consisting of tilting the device donwards (with the screen facing the ground) and then upwards again (the screen facing the sky)
Look promising, but ... Leo dont have a stylus
Caramel said:
Look promising, but ... Leo dont have a stylus
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I'm glad you noticed!!!
I'm just too lazy to make this LEO-specific, and this way I don't have to make 2 programs (one for LEO and one for everything else)....
jgal said:
This initiative sounds great But I would love one more feature. The ability to lock and unlock the device by using G-sensor. In particular, a gesture consisting of tilting the device donwards (with the screen facing the ground) and then upwards again (the screen facing the sky)
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Max Manila does this. Well, it locks when you aim the top of the phone at the floor.
Doesn't seem to work well with S2U2. For example, if your HD2 is set to lock with S2U2, then u put if face down, phone is not put in silent mode until u press a button to light up the screen when the screen is face down. So the first call to come in will still ring. But subsequent calls won't because when the first call comes in, the screen lights up and phone is set to silent.
The reverse is also true. If I revert to face up from a silent-ed face down position, and I do not press any button to light up the screen, it remains in silent mode until an action that lights up the screen.
Anyway to work around this? Or is it sorely the problem of S2U2?
kenkiller said:
Doesn't seem to work well with S2U2. For example, if your HD2 is set to lock with S2U2, then u put if face down, phone is not put in silent mode until u press a button to light up the screen when the screen is face down. So the first call to come in will still ring. But subsequent calls won't because when the first call comes in, the screen lights up and phone is set to silent.
The reverse is also true. If I revert to face up from a silent-ed face down position, and I do not press any button to light up the screen, it remains in silent mode until an action that lights up the screen.
Anyway to work around this? Or is it sorely the problem of S2U2?
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This is not due to interference wth S2U2, it is in fact a programmed behaviour - I made it this way. The reason for this was conserving power; the device wakes up to incomming calls on a priority basis -think bus mastering- and the only way around it is to give the G-Sensor polling a higher priority, which means continuous polling + disallow the device to suspend power (the same effect as Shake2Wake). This costs you lots of battery juice, and according to Microsoft, a non-snapdragon device won't last the day in this operation mode!
Nonetheless, suggestions are welcomed...
shirreer said:
This is not due to interference wth S2U2, it is in fact a programmed behaviour - I made it this way. The reason for this was conserving power; the device wakes up to incomming calls on a priority basis -think bus mastering- and the only way around it is to give the G-Sensor polling a higher priority, which means continuous polling + disallow the device to suspend power (the same effect as Shake2Wake). This costs you lots of battery juice, and according to Microsoft, a non-snapdragon device won't last the day in this operation mode!
Nonetheless, suggestions are welcomed...
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Click to collapse the first call that comes in when phone is face down will not be silenced, and the first call that comes in when phone is face up after being moved from a face down orientation will always be silent?
The first scenario is still ok, can still silence it with a key press. But the 2nd scenario makes it possible to miss a call even when phone is face up. That does sound like it defeats the purpose of the app.
I'm not sure of the technical side of solving this, but missing every first call after flipping face up just sounds strange.
Finally, the closest thing to what i've been looking for. I have a HTC Fuze. With this app, I can only get the center LED (around the D-pad) to be on solid only in the dark, which is a nice feature, but i'd like to have all the LEDs at the bottom of the device (Home, Back, Send and End) to be on in dim or dark conditions, WHILE the phone is in use or suspended.
Can it be added, or how would I go about setting it up myself?

[APP] AutoBacklight Toggle + Steps [29/9/2010]

I created simple app to turn auto-backlight function on/off really quickly. I missed that feature on my HD2 and the need of doing 5 moves to get it changed was not much user friendly. So here is the solution!
Edit 2010/09/29:
Thanks for all your comments and ideas. This lead to following two versions that looks to be final.
AutoBacklightToggle (last update 2010/05/30):
Simply install the CAB below and you will get new program in Start menu called "AutoBacklight". When you tap the icon, it changes your auto-backlight setting from on to off or backwards based on your current state. Simple and effective.
AutoBacklightSteps (last update 2010/09/29):
The "Steps" are extended version of toggle. You can set predefined backlight settings that will be called each time you run the app. Let's say you select 10, 50, 100, Auto. First time you run the app, the backlight is set to 10%, second time to 50%, then to 100% and finally to Autobacklight. In next step the 10% setting will be back again.
There were few changes done on 09/29 (v1.0):
- the backlight is set to the same value for both the battery and external power.
- everyone can select what the steps will be (see below)
- everyone can select if he wants the change to be confirmed by pop-up window (see below).
Setting AutoBacklightSteps:
1) There is a new TXT file in Program Files/AutoBacklightSteps folder called AutoBacklightSteps.txt. All the setting is done in there manually.
2) The first line is used to adjust the steps. You can use numbers "10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100" or character "A" which means autobacklight. Separate all steps with comma, otherwise it will not work. I attached the default TXT file to this post for reference.
3) The second line is used to turn the notifications on/off. Write there Notification=1 to turn it on or 0 to turn it off.
What exactly does the program do? Is Auto-backlight depending the light sensor?
Yes. Auto-backlight uses the light sensor to adjust backlight. This function can be turned on/off in setting but it is hard to get there so I made simple app to toggle it using one tap.
Thanks for the info and for the app, of course! Can be quite useful!
Good stuff! Much thanks.
Just had a genius idea. Is it possible that you could dim/brighten the backlight by holding in a hardware key? ie. Hold the button then it brightens gradually to 100% and then back down to zero etc.
Hoodeddeathman said:
Just had a genius idea. Is it possible that you could dim/brighten the backlight by holding in a hardware key? ie. Hold the button then it brightens gradually to 100% and then back down to zero etc.
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Yes, you can use AEButtonPlus app and use your volume buttons to control your backlight in two stages by long pressing them (short press volume control). Low- medium-high. I love it and use it all the time.
Hoodeddeathman said:
Just had a genius idea. Is it possible that you could dim/brighten the backlight by holding in a hardware key? ie. Hold the button then it brightens gradually to 100% and then back down to zero etc.
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If the default auto-backlight solution is too annoying you could just use Lumos... just Google the xda forums for it. Been using it from Touch HD to now and still works great.
I made something similar just a little while back that also functioned as a launcher for haret (ie, to launch Android) on the TP2. Are you just toggling the registry key, or are you directly controlling the function?
I love it! it's awesome!
thanks for this cool app.
Just what I wanted! THX!!!
Thanks for making this, now i can acctually SEE what happens on the screen in sunlight easily
bedoig said:
I made something similar just a little while back that also functioned as a launcher for haret (ie, to launch Android) on the TP2. Are you just toggling the registry key, or are you directly controlling the function?
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Yep, just changing registry value. It is good that it takes effect immediatelly after you change it.
react said:
Yep, just changing registry value. It is good that it takes effect immediatelly after you change it.
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Ya, I was surprised to find that it seemed to take effect almost instantly. How do you suppose that works, some HTC program constantly polling that value?
Is it "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\ControlPanel\\BackLight", "LightDetectOn" on the HD2 as well? I wonder if it's consistent across HTC devices.
just want to share this wonderful finger-friendly app to change the backlight and , like this app, turn on or off auto-backlight. it's called myLight. check this website for more info and download:
under menu or settings, you can switch on or off the auto-backlight and if it's off, you can manually adjust the backlight easily.
thanks 4 sharing this app =).
a notification messagebox would be backlight on/off
best regards
will this work on a tp2 or any other device? im assuming it could since all its doing is changing the registry and theyre very similar, right?
Thank you very much \(^_^)/
Outstanding! It is just what I was thinking today... I need a AutoBackLight toggle function, because I like to have my screen on 90% (in battery mode) but when I'm using it to maybe just read (white text on a black background (which I wish there was more of)) for long periods, want to save a bit on battery life or in a fairly dark room, I want to be able to easily switch to 'auto' and back again when required.
Thanks very much... will try it for a few days at least and let you know how I get on! [^_^]
Thanks for this nice Tool
best Regards

Fix adaptive brightness (windows rt/8)

I customized a luminosity curve for my surface rt, just edit the registry keys.
Download extract and run the attached .reg file and confirm the insertion of the Keys, then reboot the system.
Alert to make a backup of the old keys if you want to restore the previous state.
This change is compatible with all windows 8 but I have tested only on the surface.
Adaptive brightness varies proportionally to the user manual brightness, I suggest to manually adjust the brightness bar to about 20%, if you place the bar at 0 the brightness will be minimal with no automatic adaptation.
Appreciated thanks
New version v2
New improved version.
Try it and tell me if it's okay.
In the zip you will find the normal version and one with more brightness in the dark
I suggest to manually adjust the brightness bar to about 25%
So you have a fix, that's great. But to what? You didn't state what the problem is. Neither did you way what you are doing differently over the default values. Why would me, or anybody else for that matter, want do download this?
Amax said:
So you have a fix, that's great. But to what? You didn't state what the problem is. Neither did you way what you are doing differently over the default values. Why would me, or anybody else for that matter, want do download this?
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In my surface the luminosity curve does not satisfy me.
The display seemed to have only three levels of brightness, setting an average value (ie on the desk in the room in the morning) adaptivity did not fit values ​​for low-light (night) and lots of light, that is to say the brightness in the dark was not a minimum making it annoying for the view and unnecessary consumption of battery, instead with shaded light levels brightness became easily maximum, with again a waste of battery.
This forced me to move often the brightness bar manually, but now with my calibration does not touch more because it adapts automatically to any light condition.
Also the adaptation of brightness occurred after 3 seconds by the change of light, whereas now changes instantly in 0,1 seconds (100ms).
I like it a lot, just what I was looking for.
I use mostly in low light conditions my surface so it is very useful.
Just one remark: it is too sensitive so it is changing screen brightness very quickly even when I just touching the upper part of the screen and making a little shade on the light sensor...
So I think instead of 1 msec. would be better 3 msec.
Would you please and make a 3. version of the settings with 3 msec.?
Alapar said:
I like it a lot, just what I was looking for.
I use mostly in low light conditions my surface so it is very useful.
Just one remark: it is too sensitive so it is changing screen brightness very quickly even when I just touching the upper part of the screen and making a little shade on the light sensor...
So I think instead of 1 msec. would be better 3 msec.
Would you please and make a 3. version of the settings with 3 msec.?
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100ms not 1ms! However, this file will change only the time in 300ms
antys86 said:
100ms not 1ms! However, this file will change only the time in 300ms
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You are right, 100 ms. I was in a hurry. Thanks for the fast response and update
Your v2 seems to be working fine for me. Before applying it I could really tell when my surface was adjusting the screen, after applying it the transitions seems smoother and less abrupt.
I have been looking for documentation about how all of these things really work and the closest thing i could find was this link
but they seem to be using a different registry location than what you are and different registry names
regardless your settings seem to work immediately after restarting the sensor service

