Question. MP3 player with Bookmarks - HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Themes and Apps

Hi there,
I'm playing music and audiobooks on my Htc Hd2 so I'm looking for a Mp3 player witch has the "bookmark" function like my Cowon MPplayer. The Cowon makes a bookmark every time I stop the music/audiobook on the exact position and makes a list of all the bookmarks (multiple bookmarks). It does this too when I switch it of. And it resumes on the exact location, you can pick the bookmark you want. Now I've tried "" which is good but it does not give multiple bookmarks.
Is there a player which has this function or is there anybody who can make this feature for the HTC player?

I was looking for this exact same feature. Really frustrating to come back to an audio book after a few days and forget were you were. Core player does it but it has other draw backs.
I've just been trialling Conduits Pocket Player and that seems to be very good. It has a facility to restart precisely where you left off and it's pretty finger friendly as well. I'm not sure if it is possible to create a list of bookmarks or if it can 'remember' multiple bookmarks but I would say it's worth taking a look at.

PocketMusic Player (I use 5.3.3 Bundle) saves many bookmarks for different Files in a bookmark list (you must set them manually)
I remember MortPlayer do the same...
Regards Olaf

Thanks a lot for both your reactions
I followed your advise and indeed Pocket Player does exactly what I was looking for. You can make many bookmarks. It seems that PP is one of the very few who has this capability.
So as far I'm concerned my problem is solved.
Thanks again,


Media Player Library?

Hi everyone, I'm not sure if this is the best forum to post this, but here goes.
I use Windows media Player on my WM6 phone, well Duttys 6.1 actually, but i don't think that will change anything.
I know its not generally the preferred player, but I like it. Anyway, my question, is there a way to tell it to ONLY scan a specific folder to add media to the library, or does it have to always scan then entire memory card.
The thing is, I use my TyTN II as my portable MP3 player, so I have alot of music stored on my memory card, but I also have newsbreak download all my pod casts to my memory card too, and media player adds these podcasts to the library too.
So is there a way I can tell it to just scan my Music folder so these other audio files don't get mixed in with my music library.
Thanks to anyone who can help.
ps. if your solution is 'use a different player' please don't bother.
Has nobody any idea's.
Even a 'No, give it up' would be better than nothing.
I will like to know too also a way to keep my radio streams easy to play
Bump, this is actually a good one. It's such a hassle when you add one or two songs or videos and then have to tell WMP to update and watch it re-read and re-add 500 files. I have a 4GB micro and that can take awhile!
Please, somebody, anybody.....
Make playlists that is what I do. I have oodles of audio books on my memory card and to avoid them get scrambled in when I shuffle I just load a playlist.
As for the using a 2nd media player I do that also when I don't want to load navigate to find the playlist and change settings from shuffle to consecutive playback. I just use HTC Home with HTC Audio manager for in a hurry playback of music. Hope this helps.
Edit: Just wanted to add I decided to play with WMP a little more after posting and fund that If you use the ID3v1/ID3v2 tags and sort that way it is really useful too. But to simplify a solution again I recommend a playlist. You can create and edit you playlists right on the phone. If your tags are accurate you can make a proper playlist in no time.
Playlists are the things I really wanted to avoid, I add and remove songs and albums pretty much everyday and having to recreate the playlist everytime seems silly.
Thanks for the contribution though.

TouchFlo Music player

OK, it's probably just me, but I cannot figure out the TouchFlo music player at all.
I synced 7 or 8 albums from various artists onto the storage card using Windows Media Player on my desktop. All of the albums have appropriate album art visible within Media Player.
After a bit of hit and miss, TF Music Player found the albums. But only some of the have album art. Those that do have a ~hTC_<album name>.jpg file, others have a AlbumArt_{long guid}_Large.jpg file. Any way to automatically fix this?
OK, now on to the bigger problem. I just can't figure out how to get the player to play what I want. I press Library, go to Artists, Select an artist, then an Album. Click on a track, and it starts playing that album. Do the same again, except select a different album and selecy Add to play list, and .... nothing happens.
I've messed around for quite a while. About 1 in 4 times I can get it to play what I want, but it's seems far from intuitive. I'd just like a 'Play' button on the screen that lists the albums for instance.
The only thing I seem to be able to do reliably is queue up everything, so I guess that'll have to do.
Sorry for the long winded rant, but I've been fighting with this for a while, it's nearly 1am and I'm tired.
If the album art picture is called folder.jpg the TouchFlo player will pick it up and assign it as the album cover , it creates the ~hTC_<album name>.jpg file file when it does so.
When I click on a track from within an album it plays the track and cues the rest of the album to play, but it does play the track I select. I'm not 100% sure, but from your description it sounds like yours doesn't?
But in general to answer your question: no, its not a particularly useful UI for song selection (especially compared to what I'm used to coming from the S60 music player). Really wish in particular that you could do as you say and select an artist/genre and just hit play - instead you have to select the artist, then click on the music note to bring up all the songs, click on any one and then it cues them all (same goes for playing by genre etc). Also wish you could narrow down selection with the keyboard (or virtual keypad), like in contacts, or at least have the alphabet sidebar for selection. Only thing I really like about it, other than looking quite pretty, is that its fairly finger friendly.
Thanks, the folder.jpg bit seems to have worked mostly. It's not picked a couple of them up yet, but I guess it will eventually.
As for queueing up tracks, I'm not sure what happens and when. It just seems that sometimes it works, but sometimes it doesn't. Mostly I can queue up a single album just fine, but if I want to add a second album to the queue it seems hit and miss.
Best way is to create a playlist and add them to that, but its hardly intuitive or user friendly, worst of all the playlist editor is not that finger-friendly either. Its adequate for me, but only just.

[Request] Music Player To Match My Needs

I'm looking for a music player for my HD (so has to suggest WVGA) but I have quite a few needs so would be helpful.
If possible I would like it to have it's own independant volume setting outside of the Windows sound management (so I can leave it muted but still listern).
User interface is important to me, WMP would be great but the icons are small and I dislike having to press 'Play' after selecting a track.
If it works with 6.5's home screen that would be fantastic, I'm really enjoying it so any player that uses it would be a God-send.
Shuffle needs to be decent, I've had too many application only shuffle and play half my music, senseless programs.
Lastly it needs to NOT stutter when I use 6.5 lock. WMP does that and it drives me mad.
Note that I've tested: MortPlayer, PocketPlayer, WMP and have disliked all of them.
Any ideas?
If there is a problem can a mod pelase move this to another section if needed.
Coreplayer or TCPM
Thanks anymore, I'm flexible . Is there a better place to post this?
Come on there must be more suggestions? Otherwise I'll post this in the development thread.
try gsplayer.
Any other suggestion, I use Coreplayer for videos and it's good. GSPlayer doesn't look very nice at all!

Playing order in audiomanager ???

Hi all,
i've been trying to search for a solution but was so far unable to find one.
I'm running into the following (albeit minor) problem.
When I copy my music to the HD2 and let the Manila audio manager sort everything out, then the order of the individual tracks in the albums are all off, i can't find any kind of order in there, they are not ordered alphabetically or anything, and worst of all they are definitely not ordered according the album's play order as i would prefer them to be.
All the music I put on the card consist of complete albums i also use in iTunes, where they are all sorted as they should be, so they are also tagged as they should be.
Now, i know that both iTunes as well as audio manager use gracenote to get the info and album-art for the albums, but why does iTunes do the trick correctly and audio manager does not?
What do i need to change in the files to get it right?
I also find that, although album art is in the folder after "syncing" with gracenote, some albums just won't show the album-art?
Where do I go wrong? I simply don't like the thought of having to create playlists for all 12 or so gig's of music i have put on the HD2 to get them to play in the "correct" order as i would like to have it.
Thanks in advance . . . . . . . . . . .
Gert-Jan (Crazy-G) Klijn.
I use Mediamonkey to embed the album art in the mp3 tags. Works flawlessly and the Audio manager recognizes everything without problems.
Also have the lacking sort order issue which really sucks since I predominantly play audiobooks and going out of sequence there is a killer. Right now I'm using Mortplayer as it has the cool feature of having two main folders, one for Music and one for Audiobooks. But it would be much nicer in the sense audiomanager, since it looks better.
This has been an HTC bug for years, but only affects WMA files normally. MP3s should be okay.

Enqueue feature for HTC Player? Could it be done?

I use the Music tab in Sense to play my music, because it's really neat to have it so easily accessible. There is one feature I miss, though, and I think it could be easily added. I miss having the option to enqueue(hope that's the right spelling ) the song to the Now Playing playlist instead of playing it right away. I used to make a queue of songs I'd like to hear in all my previous music players and I don't wanna give it up or be forced to use WMP. So is there a possibility any good programmer would add that feature? It would be like: short press - play, long press - enqueue. Or something like that. I would be really grateful. Thanks
P.S. Yes I know I can build playlists, but I'd like this better.
I'll be following this thread. It's the one (major) thing missing from the music player. Let's hope there's a solution.
I also miss the option to just browse for a certain folder! The album names sometimes do not match, which results in songs being catogorized several times in the album list.... A new tab would be wonderful

