I have this comm manager that I found from the forums a while back.. It was made my MFRAZZ... This installs correctly and works fine... However, I wanted to change the color of the buttons from blue to a maroon color that fades to black to match the theme on my phone
I opened the cab file and found quite a few files and an XML file... I found out the the other files were actually .png files renamed. I renamed them to ] .PNG and used Gimp to edit the pictures. I then renamed the files back to the origional file extension and used winrar to make it back into .cab.
I have a pic of the comm manger below, a pic of the error message and a pic of my current theme listed below. I also have the comm manager made by MFRAZZ and the comm manager I have edited attached below. They are clearly labeled.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Maybe you could enlighten me on what I did wrong.
This is not an issue where the comm manager is open or running in the background. I think I might have done something to the files when editing them to change their colors. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Picture titled Comm manager: This is the comm manager successfully installed to my device. This shows the blue Icons which I have changed to maroon.
Picture titled Unsuccessful: Error when I try to install the new edited comm manger.
Cab file titled Touch Comm Manager: The blue comm manger made by MFRAZZ
Cab file titled Comm Manager Maroon: The comm manager that I edited the picture colors and which will not install to my Device.
So no one interest in helping someone out?
you cant simply repack the cab with winrar , you need to sign the Comm Manager with Certificates, search the ofrum for msigner, download it and sign the comm manager with it and then hopefully you'r good to go
Do i run msigner on the cab file or do i run it on the individual files packed into the cab file? thanks
Alright, this is what i got when using msigner on the cab file as well on the individual files inside of the cab file.... Looks like I'm doing something wrong.. Heres the error message
Error: Signing Failed. Result = 800b0003, (-2146762749)
I only found 2 threads on this error message while using msigner. Neither one was successful at helping me with my issue.
Thanks in advance
I searched some other forums on signing cab files as well as my best friend.... GOOGLE. It appears that im going to need a windows mobile 6 sdk and a program called MSDN.. Is this correct? Is there an easer way to do this?
i think it misses the Certificates, make sure you dnt take the EXE out of its root folder
Use MSCEinf to dump the CAB file (7th button from the left on the toolbar), then edit the PNGs, then repack the CAB with Cabwiz:
cabwiz "fullpath\filername.inf"
Cabwiz is included with XP, but if you can't find it, you can get it here.
the CAB does not have to be signed, and since you're not editing the EXE, it doesn't have to be signed either.
Thanks to Benthon for his wonderful MSCEinf. A free program that he continually updates for the benefit of us WinCE users.
I have a folder on my desktop thats says Msigner. When I open it up, I see a file that says Ssigner.exe. I can click on that and it opens up but it wont let me write a certificate to my cab file. there is also a yellow folder that is labled tools..... It has a quite a few dll files in it.
Any help would be appreciated
thanks for the software. Tried it out and it wont open up my cab file that I created. however it will open up the origional cab file... Maybe i did something wrong haha.....
I used the program in the last post. it wouldnt readthe cab file that I created but It read the origional cab file from MFRAZZ. I put the origional cab file from MFRAZZ into the program and extracted the files.
It extracted all the files into the correct file format. All my pictures were .png. I thought I was on the right track. I went aheadand edited all the pictures to make them the colors I wanted them to be. I also saw a .mui file... and I saw comm.exe. I expect thats the comm manager. There is not .xml fle now.
How to I repack all of this back into a cab file?
Thanks in advanced
Instructions on how to create the CAB are in my first post :
then repack the CAB with Cabwiz:
cabwiz "fullpath\filename.inf"
Cabwiz is included with XP, but if you can't find it, you can get it here.
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Type the command at a DOS prompt: 'fullpath' is the full path to the folder you dumped the CAB to, and 'filename.inf' is the name of the .inf file created when you dumped the CAB. Don't forget the quotes.
Sorry. I get a little ahead of myself. This is my first go at making a cab file. if all goes well i might do this more.
Nice I read on later and back tracked. I noticed that the link provided takes me to msdn's website with a title of Cabwiz(PPC Only) there is no download option. IS cabwiz built into the Windows Mobile 6 sdk?
Thanks in advanced again
ok im slowly getting this.... HaHa. I used command prompt and cabwiz. I took the inf file and pasted it into the folder that was dumped from the other program. I typed it in like this in command prompt.
cabwiz "d:\documents and settings\rzrgs6\desktop\windows\maroon_comm_manager.inf"
it kicked back with this error message...
Error: section [CEStrings] key"installDir" - data value must be an absolute path, or must start with a supported windows CE DirID <of the form %CEx%>
confused on this, maybe a little light shining on this might help.. Any Clues?
Heres an attachment of what I have so far...
you shouldn't have to move or copy the .inf, it should already be in the folder you dumped the CAB to.
It dumped a folder on my desktop callled windows. The comm manager.inf file was dumped on my desktop next to the yellow folder called windows. what you are saying is to do this
in command prompt, navigate to the cabwiz file. Type in cabwiz "d:\documents and settings\rzrgs6\desktop\windows" for the filename and just leave the .inf file on the desktop?
What to type exactly in command prompt is what is confusing me.
Ok... I got frusturated with the .cab making process. I just took the pictures for the comm manager that I edited in GIMP and dropped them in my windows directory of my device.
It will keep me happy for now.
Below is my comm manager now and my theme on my phone which i created for Manila 2D
I'd like to help but it's hardfor me to describe it in english(my english is poor).I suggest that you can open it by winrar,see what it likes.And you can search it on google.
I appreciate everyones help.
I used WinCE to unpack the .cab file. It left me with a windows folder on my desktop with a bunch of .png files. I edited those from blue to the maroon fading black. The windows folder also had a .dll file a .mui file and the comm manager.exe file.
Next to the yellow windows folder I saw a .inf file which was dumped from the origional cab file. I expect this was the .xml installation file that was packaged in the origional cab.
Heres what I did. I searched and found Cabwiz and a few other cab making programs. I tried them all out with no success. I keep trying to use cabwiz as I fell it will do what I want. The only think is, I get an error when using Cabwiz which is in an earler post.
For now I gave up.... I just took the .png files that I edited in Gimp and copied them over to my windows Directory on my phone. I soft reset and the icons on my comm manager are the way that I want them to be
If someone could help me actually in the making of this file or just get me back on my feet and try again. I want to understand what it is that I am doing wrong.
use the path to the .INF file like I said....
if you dumped the stuff to your desktop (WHY?) then your path to the inf file is:
"d:\documents and settings\rzrgs6\desktop\maroon_comm_manage r.inf"
so your command line is:
cabwiz "d:\documents and settings\rzrgs6\desktop\maroon_comm_manage r.inf"
why you stuck 'windows' in your path I don't know since that is NOT the path to the .INF file. The Windows folder was dumped along with the .INF file, but it was NOT the folder you dumped the CAB to. the Folder you dumped the CAB to is the folder you select after clicking the seventh button from the left in MSCEinf. Obviously you just selected the folder that was presented to you in the dialogue (Desktop) instead of navigating to a work folder and dumping it there.
I did NOT say to navigate anywhere after going to the command prompt (Cabwiz is in the system path). Nor did I say to move or copy anything.
You're reading alot into what I've said, and that seems to be your problem.
Hi there, I just bought a new HTC 2 Pro and upgrade to 6.5, so now I want to install a few application that I download from here but all I see is files and a setup.xml, there is no .cab file on it. Can some body tell how can I work this out.
Thank You.
What kind of files besides the xml? What were you trying to install?
Does the file you download appear as a .zip when you find all the files (like _setup.xml)? Your internet browser might be renaming the .cab extension on the downloaded files to .zip. When you're looking at the file you downloaded on your computer, does it show up with the extension .cab or .zip (does it look like a filing cabinet or a zipped folder)? If the file with _setup.xml inside it shows up as a ZIP file, rename the extension to .cab, place it on your device somewhere, and open it with File Explorer Mobile (on your device). You're likely opening the cab file one way or another
Thank you for your replys. I am trying to install (Srub) in my phone. when I extrac the files to a folder all I see is _setup.xml, 000scrub.000, 000scrub.001 and thats it. So do I have to rename one of this to .cab? if it is which one is?
my money is on the file you extracted those files from
rename that to cab
Problem Resolve, I upgrade to the later Rom (EnergyROM Leo! Landscape and Documents!) and this rom have an application named (Pocket Rar) so I just create a folder inside my Doc and launch the .cab from there. I love it!!! Thank You all for your help.
I am happy with what I have since the new update from Viewsonic.
If I only want to add Google Experience, marketplace, do I still need to go through the process of rooting, installing clockwork and a new UI?
Is there just a simple way to add GE to the Classic UI?
Gapps install
I have had zip luck with this method of installing zapps. Not a dev, but I've been doing this long enough.....
I moved the Recovery file to to /sdcard. Checked for command and command line inside that file All ok to my eye.
Downloaded the gapps file which my WinRAR pronounces a WinRAR/Zip file. So I tried renamein the original and didn't get any install. So I extracted using winRAR. Still no install.
I tried the permutations as well. Extracted using G-Tablet extract. Still no results.
There must be something I am missing here -- too much holiday cheer or too many crowds or whatever.
butchconner said:
I have had zip luck with this method of installing zapps. Not a dev, but I've been doing this long enough.....
I moved the Recovery file to to /sdcard. Checked for command and command line inside that file All ok to my eye.
Downloaded the gapps file which my WinRAR pronounces a WinRAR/Zip file. So I tried renamein the original and didn't get any install. So I extracted using winRAR. Still no install.
I tried the permutations as well. Extracted using G-Tablet extract. Still no results.
There must be something I am missing here -- too much holiday cheer or too many crowds or whatever.
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I HAD to resort to putting on Clockwork Mod 0.8 to get GApps on my G Tablet.
Putting the on the internal and sd card storage did not work for me either with the newest update installed.
Clockwork Mod is a super easy install - just follow the instructions on how to install G Apps...basically: put CWM on your SD card in it's root (meaning NOT in any directories) and rename it, put the corresponding recovery directory on the SD as well. I use Winrar as well, I drag the recovery directory right from the file itself and to the SD Card.
Will look like:
Drive: /recovery/command
Flash it the normal stock way (power and volume +). I press Power and Volume + without even powering off the device, because if the device is powered down and then you start it and miss that first start up, the device WILL delete the recovery/command file and the update won't flash.
I don't officially get to play with my GTab until after package opening tomorrow so I can't do anything today, but I'm trying to line up my to do list. I have never rooted, flashed, or modded anything but am not afraid to play around as long as I don't brick the tablet.
What do you mean when you say "put the corresponding recovery directory on the SD as well. I use Winrar as well"? What is the corresponding recovery directory? What do you use Winrar for? I Googled "winrar" and found " WinRAR is a shareware file archiver and data compression utility developed by Eugene Roshal, and first released in the fall of 1993.[1] It is one of the few applications that is able to create RAR archives natively, because the encoding method is held to be proprietary. " I cannot figure out why it would be needed to load the standard Android market.
When you do updates (or installs) that have to be flashed onto the internal sdcard, they usually com in pairs of files. You will have an file that has the update in it (DUH!) -- and accompanying it will be a "Recovery" directory that has a command file in it (The command file has only one line that "calls" the file.
WinRAR "Zip" utility enters the picture because most of the devs here use WinRAR to package updates. The when they tell you to decompress it, you use WiinRAR and are left with a .zip file to install.
That's the question I had about this update. The Gapp file show to be a RAR package, but when I un-RAR it I come up with no .zip file -- only regular files.
Hope this helps you understand.
P. S. -- If you are new to this business, take it slow and easy and read ahead on this site and make sure you understand what you are doing. I try to do that, but even with years of IT experience I still mess things up once in a while.
Thanks for the tip about CWM. I have two tablets and the other has CWM on it and is fairly modded.
But this tablet I am trying to keep basically stock so I can get updates, etc. and see what the "state of product" is.
As mentioned in my previous answer, I am stumped because I am not getting what looks to be an file from the Gapp download. When I use WinRAR to decompress the Gapp file, I don't get a .zip file -- only a couple of directories. On the other hand, when I rename the Gapp file and try to flash it it doesn't work.
Again, thanks for the reply.
Anyone else with suggestions!!!????
Thanks. What you've written really does clarify the previous post. I appreciate it.
But let me ask another naive question. Why don't the developers create their update programs so they can be installed by just downloading them OTA like most applications? That would sure make it easier for neophytes. I'm guessing that the reason is because we aren't really adding an application but replacing the OS.
I greatly appreciate your guidance and that of all of the folks who use this forum.
Happy Holidays!
I found dex2jar that is intended to convert .dex files to human readable .class files in java. The tutorial however is not very complete and even after putting both the .apk and the dex2jar unzipped file into a folder and running the code in command prompt, all I receive is the opening of I do not find the .jar file that should be generated in the same folder. Anybody with experience with dex2jar want to post a tutorial or some help?
1. file.apk
2. profit
I feel like an idiot right now. The sh file is for Linux computers, I am on windows, so I should have ran the batch file.
im going to bump this thread...
i am having some problems with dex2jar right now. ive been able to properly run baksmali, but for some reason im not able to run dex2jar.
im on windows 7, and ive tried saving the .zip file to a folder then unzipping with command prompt, and etc. however, this process does not unzip for me. maybe, i need to look up the unzip command lines to make sure, if im even entering the informaiton correctly. though, i assume that i could just unzip the .zip program into a folder using winace, or something. And, the dex2jar program would work the same. i might be wrong, but i manually unzipped dex2jar to a folder.
then, since my phone is rooted. I easily have access to classes.dex files. So, I put the classes.dex files in the same folders as the dex2jar files and etc.
now, i run command prompt and try to pull up all the directories to the dex2jar.bat and classes.dex files. after i have the directories set up. I run the command line of dex2jar.bat classes.dex
and usually gives me an error of
'java' not recognized on internet or/and external etce etc etc..
ive had the same error with baksmali, but i was doing something wrong, as in the file system and using the wrong command line.
i've tried moving up a few directories too the lib files, and running the dex2jar- file, (or whatever it is called) in the command line with classes.dex and it gives an error, but the last line says batch (or something) is operational.
SORRY, for the lOOOOOOOnnnng run down, but i really need help.
Initially, I struggled a bit, but here's what i did to make it work (on XP)
1. Extract all the files in the zip file to a folder. You can use any extracting tool in windows.
2. Copy you .dex file to this folder.
3. Run setclasspath.bat. This should be run because this data is used in the next step.
4. Go to Windows Command prompt, change the folder path to the folder where you extracted the zip file in step 1 and run the command as follows:
dex2jar.bat classes.dex
5. Tada!! Your jar file will be ready in the same folder.
Hope this helps..
P.S.: You need to have Java installed on your Windows machine for this to work.
this is what you're looking for:
I got it all working but i have one problem probably a noob question but how do i get it back to a dex?
ok well nevermind smali and baksmali is way easier to use
HI I have got a serious problem and i have edited one of this but now i need to convert jar file to dex how ???? this is really serious for me plz help!!!
msri3here said:
Initially, I struggled a bit, but here's what i did to make it work (on XP)
1. Extract all the files in the zip file to a folder. You can use any extracting tool in windows.
2. Copy you .dex file to this folder.
3. Run setclasspath.bat. This should be run because this data is used in the next step.
4. Go to Windows Command prompt, change the folder path to the folder where you extracted the zip file in step 1 and run the command as follows:
dex2jar.bat classes.dex
5. Tada!! Your jar file will be ready in the same folder.
Hope this helps..
P.S.: You need to have Java installed on your Windows machine for this to work.
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Great...........Nice Work
msri3here said:
Initially, I struggled a bit, but here's what i did to make it work (on XP)
1. Extract all the files in the zip file to a folder. You can use any extracting tool in windows.
2. Copy you .dex file to this folder.
3. Run setclasspath.bat. This should be run because this data is used in the next step.
4. Go to Windows Command prompt, change the folder path to the folder where you extracted the zip file in step 1 and run the command as follows:
dex2jar.bat classes.dex
5. Tada!! Your jar file will be ready in the same folder.
Hope this helps..
P.S.: You need to have Java installed on your Windows machine for this to work.
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cant open the file.
file is corrupted
Hey guys, i've searched the forums for this although haven't really seen any that can teach or show me how. So, counting on the devs on our thread to help out a little, c'mon, give this noob something to wrack his brains with for a couple of weeks..
What are you extracting them from?
Woodrube said:
What are you extracting them from?
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[GUIDE] Extract files from Nandroid backups
From an SBF you need this. (instructions provided by chops13)
1. moto android depacker
2. unyaffs for windows
3. cygwin1.dll
Step 1. - launch moto android depacker
2. Menu > Open From File > choose your .SBF rom file
3. Menu > Split to Folder
4. Put unyaffs and cygwin1.dll in the Folder that has now been created in windows explorer by the last Split to Folder action
5. Also inside that new folder (named like your SBF file automatically) you will see a bunch of .SMG files.
6. Take note of the .SMG filename with the largest amount of data. One will be significantly bigger than the others. This is where all your .apk's are stored.
7. Open command prompt
8. navigate to the location of this Folder with unyaffs, cygwin1.dll, and the other .smg files
9. Once you command prompt is inside that folder type: unyaffs <filename.smg>
10. For me the .SMG file that was the biggest was CG39.smg
11. You will then see that folder filling up with a bunch more folders as it extracts
12. One of the Folders will be "app"
12. Go into that folder and you will see all of you ROM .apk's Each apk is an app, that you can now manually install or remove to rebuild a customized image, etc.
Woodrube said:
What are you extracting them from?
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You know the image files we have for our XT720s, i was thinking of extracting APKs from the ROM as i need an FM radio apk to try out, that's why i though of extracting them from my nandroid backups.. Is that possible?
3rdstring said:
[GUIDE] Extract files from Nandroid backups
From an SBF you need this. (instructions provided by chops13)
1. moto android depacker
2. unyaffs for windows
3. cygwin1.dll
Step 1. - launch moto android depacker
2. Menu > Open From File > choose your .SBF rom file
3. Menu > Split to Folder
4. Put unyaffs and cygwin1.dll in the Folder that has now been created in windows explorer by the last Split to Folder action
5. Also inside that new folder (named like your SBF file automatically) you will see a bunch of .SMG files.
6. Take note of the .SMG filename with the largest amount of data. One will be significantly bigger than the others. This is where all your .apk's are stored.
7. Open command prompt
8. navigate to the location of this Folder with unyaffs, cygwin1.dll, and the other .smg files
9. Once you command prompt is inside that folder type: unyaffs <filename.smg>
10. For me the .SMG file that was the biggest was CG39.smg
11. You will then see that folder filling up with a bunch more folders as it extracts
12. One of the Folders will be "app"
12. Go into that folder and you will see all of you ROM .apk's Each apk is an app, that you can now manually install or remove to rebuild a customized image, etc.
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Seems simple enough.. Thanks!!
JiroPrinz8 said:
You know the image files we have for our XT720s, i was thinking of extracting APKs from the ROM as i need an FM radio apk to try out, that's why i though of extracting them from my nandroid backups.. Is that possible?
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When I want to do something like this, I just flash the nandroid I want to extract from and once it sets up, I go into /system and pull the apks that I want out and copy them to a folder on my sdcard. Then I go into that ROM I will use and then go into the folder on the sdcard and install them there. If need be, I move them over to /system/app.
Worked for me a number of times but I create a "shopping list" before I flash the one I am extracting from, so I know what it is that I am looking for (and maybe pick a few that i might want to check out, like the 3g hotspot or Notification toggle).
Not all apps will cross over though. Depends on if they are signed or not and also several factors with the framework and the build.
As far as the FM radio apk, which ROM are you using b/c they are posted all over the place (2.1, 2.2dexters, 2.2 Kahls, 2.2Wanhu, Miui).
Yeah, i'm just trying to figure out which will work, i had the FMradio FC on me so tried to reinstall it, no luck, deleted the apk and dalvik cache for FM radio, then tried to install it, still no luck.. Any ideas guys?
You can also do it right on your phone with unyaffs from the market. I use it all the time. Works awsome.
easye420 said:
You can also do it right on your phone with unyaffs from the market. I use it all the time. Works awsome.
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Very nice. Just checked it out.
3rdstring said:
[GUIDE] Extract files from Nandroid backups
From an SBF you need this. (instructions provided by chops13)
1. moto android depacker
2. unyaffs for windows
3. cygwin1.dll
Step 1. - launch moto android depacker
2. Menu > Open From File > choose your .SBF rom file
3. Menu > Split to Folder
4. Put unyaffs and cygwin1.dll in the Folder that has now been created in windows explorer by the last Split to Folder action
5. Also inside that new folder (named like your SBF file automatically) you will see a bunch of .SMG files.
6. Take note of the .SMG filename with the largest amount of data. One will be significantly bigger than the others. This is where all your .apk's are stored.
7. Open command prompt
8. navigate to the location of this Folder with unyaffs, cygwin1.dll, and the other .smg files
9. Once you command prompt is inside that folder type: unyaffs <filename.smg>
10. For me the .SMG file that was the biggest was CG39.smg
11. You will then see that folder filling up with a bunch more folders as it extracts
12. One of the Folders will be "app"
12. Go into that folder and you will see all of you ROM .apk's Each apk is an app, that you can now manually install or remove to rebuild a customized image, etc.
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Finally, how to rebuild its (app, etc, bin,...) to CG39.smg?
Thank U very much :x
Who can help me, please?
leuleu9x said:
Finally, how to rebuild its (app, etc, bin,...) to CG39.smg?
Thank U very much :x
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hi i have exatly same cuestion how to rebuild ?? i edit tts lang pico but now now to send to phone
thks in advance
I'm trying to extrack APKs, followed the instructions aforementioned but still receveing:
8 [main] unyaffs 5960 handle_exceptions: Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATIO
2790 [main] unyaffs 5960 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to unyaffs.e
Anyone can help me? thanks
What command did you use ?
unyaffs works on *.img. For *.apk use apktool.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
omartelinho said:
I'm trying to extrack APKs, followed the instructions aforementioned but still receveing:
8 [main] unyaffs 5960 handle_exceptions: Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATIO
2790 [main] unyaffs 5960 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to unyaffs.e
Anyone can help me? thanks
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I am too got the same error, till I cant extract the CG2.smg file
pls help anybody
omartelinho said:
I'm trying to extrack APKs, followed the instructions aforementioned but still receveing:
8 [main] unyaffs 5960 handle_exceptions: Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATIO
2790 [main] unyaffs 5960 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to unyaffs.e
Anyone can help me? thanks
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Same error here. Did you guys solve this??