Issues with root: Cross-device link - Hero CDMA Android Development

Before I begin, I just want to say that I've done my due diligence and searched for an answer for this... both on xda and the interwebs.
I have successfully obtained root on my phone... did it about 4 days ago. At the same time, I was able to successfully move all of my unnecessary HTC provided widgets such as Stock.apk to a folder I created within the /system/app location. But now, I'm having a problem with root access.
I have mounted the phone with the command:
# mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
but yet when I attempt the following command:
# mv HtcClockWidget.apk /system/app
I get the following error:
failed on 'HtcClockWidget.apk' - Cross-device link
I've rerooted the phone three times now, which is sufficient enough for me to go to you guys and ask. I think I may be doing something wrong. Any ideas? I'm totally lost.
To clarify, I'm attempting to replace the original HtcClockWidget.apk from Sprint to the flip clock from a GSM Hero. I have moved the HtcClockWidget.apk original to /system/app/ap for backup purposes. Upon moving the file and attempting to move the GSM file to the /system/app folder, I get the Cross-device link error. But, if I move the HtcClockWidget.apk original file back from the /ap backup folder to its original location, it has no problem doing so. Is there some kind of protection that the /system/app folder has that can distinguish between two different HtcClockWidget.apk's?

are you using MoDaCo's rom? if so just use cp HtcClockWidget.apk
and is your pwd your sd card?

No, I am using the stock ROM. I just so happened to stumble across this thread:
I guess I can only replace the /system/app files while in recovery with the /system directory mounted! Problem solved!

do you have the gsm htc clock (with animation) apk????

is that why I dont see any animations on my flip clock? Always wondered because my Dream Hero always had (albeit slow) animations. Btw, I seem to be able to mount the system as read/write even with the phone booted normally.


new scripts

Please emal me at if you have a problem.
Thank you alritewhadeva with chmod
Cp the files to /system/bin.
Then chmod 755 (filenames)
Clears all files in a chosen directory in a certain amount of days. You can chose the directory and the amount days.
You can rename all files or selected files.
Remove empty directories
Search for files and folders
Is like a combination of egrep and cat.
My version of appstosd
There will be a folder in your sdcard called apps(MK47) and it has all your app from the market(free and also paid). This is good for when you wipe your Dream.
here is the scripts.
Might want to update your OP with the attachment and bold the commands so its easier to read Nice work
mohsinkhan47 said:
Please emal me at [email protected] if you have a problem.
Thank you alritewhadeva with chmod
Cp the files to /system/bin.
Then chmod 755 (filenames)
Clears all files in a chosen directory in a certain amount of days. You can chose the directory and the amount days.
You can rename all files or selected files.
Remove empty directories
Search for files and folders
Is like a combination of egrep and cat.
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this can come in handy for the hero roms if u use the facebook feature quite often under the people app. i know i tend to show people certain pics of me or friends and it just eats up internal memory. all i do is clear the cache but if i can use this script to do so it'd save me that lil bit of hassle i have to go thru myself, appreciate the script, just curious tho... anyone know where to find where the albums cache is stored? i kno how to brose thru folders but i much rather have somebody that KNOWS rather than me THINKING i know... lol thanks in advance.
Thanks for the scripts. Can you repost the appstosd? The one you posted was empty.
cx92001 said:
Thanks for the scripts. Can you repost the appstosd? The one you posted was empty.
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I won't be on a computer until Saturday so gtalk to me at
[email protected] invte me and I will give u the app2sd
I can't reach the clutch..
I've been looking for a shell search tool for my SE Xperia X10 Android 1.6 phone to search the file system, and this has been the only resource I have found thus far. I have managed to download and copy the scripts to my Android device, but I am unsure on how to execute the .asc scripts on the Android shell.
I was unable to adb push the file to \system\bin. I pushed the file to \data but even mounting the system volume as RW I am unable to mv the scripts to the \system\bin folder.
adb shell
$ su
# mount -o remount,rw /dev/mtdblock3 /system
# mv /data/searh.asc /system/bin
mv /data/searh.asc /system/bin
failed on '/data/searh.asc' - Cross-device link
I tried running the chmod 755 search.asc command anyway, and execute it using ./search.asc, but receive the message:
basename: not found
getopt: not found
[: not found
shift: can't shift that many
Edit: I have now tried this in recovery mode and mounting the /system folder with RW permissions, still no joy.
Could someone please clarify what is required to get these scripts to operate?
I have only dabbled in linux so I am most likely missing something fundamentally obvious here.
I managed to find a work around.
I was attempting to locate the Creatouch.apk which was not in /system/app or /data/app. It was infact in /data/app-private. I have manged to pull the .apk for a backup and removed this from the phone now.
I just used the file explorer in Droid Screencast to locate the file by browsing the system.
It would still be handy to be able to search the file system from a PC environment however.

The proper way to remove a system applications

I'm using the last Cyanogen and I would remove some applications that stay in /system/app. I know that I can do this just with:
- rm /system/app/NAME.apk
- rm -r /data/data/NAME
but in this way the application data remains in /data/system/packages.xml: I don't want to manually change this file. Is there a more clean and automatic way to do that?
For the applications in /data/app, I can use 'adb uninstall NAME' but it seems that is not appliable to the ones in /system/app. Even after a 'adb remount'.
Any suggestions?
Just delete them.
anyone knows?
i wanna get rid of the default IM.. and amazon mp3
I repeat myself: Just delete them.
It isn't dangerous or "unclean".
Just be a little aware that some apps might seem superfluous, but actually do things other than the part you see. For example, you can't delete the stock Mms.apk and use ChompSMS as your sole SMS application - the stock app also contains the framework for the device to receive SMSes at all. I would rename files rather than deleting them, i.e.
mv thingyouwanttodelete.apk thingyouwanttodelete.old
rather than
rm thingyouwanttodelete.apk
because you can always then put it back afterwards if you find something doesn't work afterwards.
I think Cyanogen latest rom has the system app's folder as read only. So you would need to remount the drive as Rewriteable to make any changes to the files.
njakobs said:
I think Cyanogen latest rom has the system app's folder as read only. So you would need to remount the drive as Rewriteable to make any changes to the files.
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what are the steps to remount as rw?
chmod +rw?
farbird said:
what are the steps to remount as rw?
chmod +rw?
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-bash-3.2$ ./adb remount
remount succeeded
adb remount - remounts the /system partition on the device read-write
adb root - restarts adb with root permissions
You can delete stuff in the then just resign it. I wouldnt delete any com.**** stuff or htc.**** except widgets(on hero) always copy the update zip before you start editing so you can always add what is needed
Start asking your questions in the right sub-forum (Q&A) (Theme) or even in (General), or i will be forced to ban you for 3 days or till you learn.
Thread Trashed!!

Question about adding stock apps back

I have read and still don't understand how to add back apps like Sprint TV. I have them all saved on my computer I just do not know the commands to get them back into the phone. Do the apps I want to ad back need to be in a certain dir on my computer first. If someone could explain or either point me to a thread that explains this I would really appriciate it.
Seems I found an easy way to add sprints, htc's apps back into the phone once removed. I saved all of them on my computer and used HTC Sync to install the app back. I removed Nscar as a test using root manager, rebooted and it was gone, then opened up HTC synch and added it back. Not sure how to get the odex files back in but it works with apk files.
AFter testing it om HTCfootprints it would not install this. Installed Nscar with no problems.
I am also trying to figure out how to add sprint tv back onto my Hero. I see that people are saying to use adb push, but I can't seem to get it to work. I just rooted with the new fresh rom and everything is great, I just want to add back sprint tv. Any help would be appreciated, thanks
Im a total noob, but I got it the apps back on this way:
Go to the directory where the ADK Tools directory is. Then the following commands:
adb shell
mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
chmod 777 /system
chmod 777 /system/app
Then I copied the .apk files that I wanted to push to the tools directory
I am in.
Then did this:
adb push Sprint_TV.apk /system/app
I found it is case sensitive, so make sure you type the filename exactly.
I rebooted my phone and the apps (such as Sprint TV) were back.
I hope this helps, like I said, I spent an hour trying to figure it out, but this worked for me.
I would not recommend doing a chmod 777 on your system or app directory. Not that anything bad will necessarily happen, but it's generally not a good idea to mess with system file permissions when you don't have to.
Your procedure would work fine without those commands at all, in fact. You don't even need to enter the shell; just adb remount and then adb push.
those instructions worked perfectly. Thanks a ton.
I tried this with HtcFootprints. I removed the widget as well. When I added all 4 back in I can see the widget for footprints, but the footprint icon does not show up in the apps section.
Another thing of intrest. When I added Nscar back using HTC Sync, it now shows up as a third party app. It is no longer a system app and I can uninstall it like a market app.
Ok scratch that I did the Footprints again and the Icon is now there Thanks a Ton
I was able to push HtcTwitter.apk and .odex. i cannot get the widget to show up in the add HTC widgets menu. Any ideas?
Well, after trying my hand at update/rom modding with some success... I'm willing to take a shot at making files to easily flash individual stock apps back onto your phone. That's if there's any interest.
obelisk79 said:
Well, after trying my hand at update/rom modding with some success... I'm willing to take a shot at making files to easily flash individual stock apps back onto your phone. That's if there's any interest.
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That would be great and very helpful to many
Easy Peasy App Install
I just copied the files to my SD card. I then browsed to the SD card folder using Linda File Manager and "clicked" the file. It asked me if I wanted to use Linda File Manager or Package Installer. I selected Package Installer and it proceeded to installed the package for me. Not need to get into the console or use any commands.

[Q] Re-installing HtcFacebook.apk

Before anyone flames me, I've searched a lot for this answer, so if I just missed it, please be kind.
Moving on, here's my problem. I got a little delete happy with Titanium Backup as root. I accidentally deleted HtcFacebook sync. My facebook still works and all that, but no longer can I sync my contacts. I've managed to acquire the .apk and the .odex and I read the little tutorial on but I can't seem to get these files moved correctly.
I'm on an EVO, Fresh Rom, using Android Terminal Emulator
Here's what I tried:
mount -o remount,rw yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock4 /system
cp /sdcard/download/HtcFacebook.apk /sdcard/download/HtcFacebook.odex
mount -o remount,ro yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock4 /system
My unix is a little rusty. So this could be off by a mile, but I was trying to mount the system folder, specifically so I could copy these 2 files into my /system/app/ folder. Then, unmount the system folder. Both mounting and unmounting should require read/changes I believe. Any thoughts?
Long winded, but I want to be accurate. I hope someone can help me, and thank you in advance.
Bump. Anyone have any input?
Sent from my EVO using XDA App
have you tried installing the apk with astro?
I have. It shows me all the details, but then says "Application not installed". I believe it has to be installed by root recovery, but I can't seem to figure out how to do that.
thistimearound said:
Before anyone flames me, I've searched a lot for this answer, so if I just missed it, please be kind.
Moving on, here's my problem. I got a little delete happy with Titanium Backup as root. I accidentally deleted HtcFacebook sync. My facebook still works and all that, but no longer can I sync my contacts. I've managed to acquire the .apk and the .odex and I read the little tutorial on but I can't seem to get these files moved correctly.
I'm on an EVO, Fresh Rom, using Android Terminal Emulator
Here's what I tried:
mount -o remount,rw yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock4 /system
cp /sdcard/download/HtcFacebook.apk /sdcard/download/HtcFacebook.odex
mount -o remount,ro yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock4 /system
My unix is a little rusty. So this could be off by a mile, but I was trying to mount the system folder, specifically so I could copy these 2 files into my /system/app/ folder. Then, unmount the system folder. Both mounting and unmounting should require read/changes I believe. Any thoughts?
Long winded, but I want to be accurate. I hope someone can help me, and thank you in advance.
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This happened to me.. I think wiping oughta do it. Ti backup
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
I dont mean to jack this tread but I am having the same issue with teeter and my girl friend LOVES that game I am a bit of a noob but I tried astro same message app not installed and been searching with no result. I am using the same rom and everything some instruction would be great
any solution?
I have the same problem, if you find a solution plz share it with me..
Tried to manually push apk to system/app with permissions?
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can't remount /system as rw

I think I'm starting to go slightly insane here.
Can't for the life of me mount /system as rw, it's only ro.
Ways I've tried:
- using mount command in terminal emulator
- using rw remount button in total commander
- using adb shell to do the same thhing as terminal emulator
i have supersu and all of the above were granted superuser but still no luck
here's relevant part of console output, but it doesn't do anything.
D:\Downloads\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20131030\sdk\platform-tools>adb shell
[email protected]:/ $ su
[email protected]:/ # mount
/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/system /system ext4 ro,seclabel,relatime,data=ordered 0 0
[email protected]:/ # mount -o rw,remount /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/system /system
the directory stays read-only.
the whole reason i'm trying to do this is so i can stick in a boot animation (link) into system/media there an easier way? i've tried 3 different file explorers with super but they all fail because it's not rw.....
and adb cant push to it either because it's rw.......
mount -o rw,remount /dev/block/mmcblk0p25 /system
Or put it in /data/local
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rootSU said:
mount -o rw,remount /dev/block/mmcblk0p25 /system
Or put it in /data/local
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well after trying some more (the terminal command still didnt want to do anything) i managed to get antek explorer to mount it as rw and was able to copy in the new
except that now it's unreadable file-
as in, if i try to open the zip in /system/media it just says cannot read file, if i copy it back out to a different folder it opens fine again.
and the boot animation itself, well, it just plays a tiny one with the word 'android' across it, which i guess is the default if it cant find one.
putting the file into /data/local doesn't change anything (doesnt overwrite the nexus one, doesnt overwrite the little word android)
since i'm new to all this stuff i can think probably i missing something simple, but do i have to somehow initialise new bootanimation or something? its the right file in the right place, dont know why it dont work.......
edit: here's an imgur album showing this stuff, maybe you can spot something there?
edit2: just to test, i installed and it did indeed change the animation. so it's just a problem with doing it manually. unfortunately that app doesn't let you load in a custom one, only the preinstalled ones, so it's not much use to me overall...
DryEagle said:
well after trying some more (the terminal command still didnt want to do anything) i managed to get antek explorer to mount it as rw and was able to copy in the new
except that now it's unreadable file-
as in, if i try to open the zip in /system/media it just says cannot read file, if i copy it back out to a different folder it opens fine again.
and the boot animation itself, well, it just plays a tiny one with the word 'android' across it, which i guess is the default if it cant find one.
putting the file into /data/local doesn't change anything (doesnt overwrite the nexus one, doesnt overwrite the little word android)
since i'm new to all this stuff i can think probably i missing something simple, but do i have to somehow initialise new bootanimation or something? its the right file in the right place, dont know why it dont work.......
edit: here's an imgur album showing this stuff, maybe you can spot something there?
edit2: just to test, i installed and it did indeed change the animation. so it's just a problem with doing it manually. unfortunately that app doesn't let you load in a custom one, only the preinstalled ones, so it's not much use to me overall...
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hint, look at the file permissions once you moved it to /system/media
rootSU said:
hint, look at the file permissions once you moved it to /system/media
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thank you!! this solved it!
No worries
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