Debian and the cdma hero - Hero CDMA Android Development

im very happy with my rooted hero. but im also a big fan of debian based os's. i hope someone finds a way to get the debian image to run on this hero. a friend of mine is running a web server off of her pre just because she can. i want to show her up and have a gnome gui and be able to do more.


[Q] Best Machine Build for Development

I want to start development of roms and apps for android phones and tablets. But I'm in the market for a new computer considering the one I have is issued to me through work and I don't want to run it down with extra drivers and such. What kind of machine do I want/need? Will a laptop suffice? Desktop preferred? And then after that point, what programs are out there to kick start the dev process? Thank you ahead of time for your responses. XDA forever!
Well, if you get a laptop, you're not chained to a desk, and Linux is basically the father of Android, so I would recommend a laptop with a disc drive, and installing a GNOME-based distro of Linux (such as Ubuntu or Linux Mint). If you need to, you can always dual-boot with Windows.
Swyped from my HTC Desire running Oxygen 1.0.4 with Tapatalk.
The Android SDK can be downloaded here
Versions exist for Windows, Mac and Linux, but as mentioned above it will probably be a little less hassle under a Linux distro, and also it is gratis! There are loads of samples and tutorials on the above site.
Thanks guys. I didn't think anyone would ever reply to this after awhile. I've wiped my old Toshiba and installed Windows 7 Ultimate for now. But I've been toying with the idea of running Ubuntu.

[Q] HTC Evo 4G

I have seen people install Ubuntu Linux to their phones. But, they are not truly booting into Ubuntu, they are just creating a VNC server for themselves.
I have a custom operating system that I want to install on my Evo, and truly dual-boot it. Is this even possible?

ROM combining android & ubuntu source

I have been flashing others' ROMs for about a year now, but I have also been on Ubuntu (and also tried Bodhi and other distros) on my laptop for years now. I was wondering if a ROM could be compiled using a hybrid of android and ubuntu or debian source code?
I would like to get a BT keyboard and an external monitor, and eventually do away with my laptop. I am in a masters program for instructional technology, and NEED to be able to write in APA format... difficult for QuickOffice Pro, but easy for OpenOffice and/or LibreOffice...
I know that an armel (ARM) version of ubuntu is available, and that a chroot method is possible via VNC. Ideally, however, I would love to run Ubuntu natively, but need phone functions too. I am up for a VZW upgrade anytime now, but wonder what handset would be best for attempting something like this, if it is possible? I am currently using the D1.
Sent from my Droid using XDA App

[Q] Ubuntu or Windows 7

I've been reading up on this subject ... I really want to try Ubuntu but I hear it has major bugs ...which on in y'all opinions do you prefer and why?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA Premium App
i recocmend u try a dual boot its actually really easy if u follow the instructions.
i installed ubu about 3weeks ago and i love it because u can customize it to no end and it really dosnt have that many bugs.
i installed inside of windows and did a 20gig partition so its defiantly not my daily, but its still fun to mess around with.
and if you need help with the installation feel free to pm me.
You can try the live image, to test if it suits your purpose. Also, you can use virtual machine to install ubuntu with Windows to test it.
Id reccomend the liveCD or as mentioned running in a virtual machine if your pc can handle it.
This will allow you to explore Ubuntu without any major bugs or chances of wiping your hard drive
Personally i prefer Windows for a development environment, but Ubuntu has its advantages.
I suggest you to choose windows, the best ever, ubuntu is good but not like windows
I have test Linux one times per Year. I will never love it. I use Windows since 3.1. Linux/Ubuntu is not Windows. If you know how windows work use this.
Tri boot OSX Lion, Arch Linux, and Windows 7.
Ubuntu is bloated, and Unity is TERRIBLE.
actually ive been hearing really good things about linux mint isadora its pretty much the same as ubu but has a cleaner overlay and more user freindly.
arch linux just has way more repositorys than ubu and arch linux is more complicated to install.
man the geek radar just went off the charts with that one lmao.
I'm standing at the edge on this one as well. I really like the way Ubuntu looks and how it operates, I'm just not 100% sold yet.
it is what it is, its a love hate relationship with me i love the open source like android but i hate how it looks.
i would definitely recommend running it in virtual machine to try it first before you do any hdd partitions.
if you like mac youll probably like linux since mac is pretty much linux on steroids lol.
Bierce22 said:
actually ive been hearing really good things about linux mint isadora its pretty much the same as ubu but has a cleaner overlay and more user freindly.
arch linux just has way more repositorys than ubu and arch linux is more complicated to install.
man the geek radar just went off the charts with that one lmao.
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LinuxMint is based off of Ubuntu, but, is much more user-friendly for beginner Linux users (comes will all codecs and what not pre-installed, saves having to play around with the Package Manager, etc).
With Linux, there are several different desktop environments. KDE, is the Windows look-a-like, so, choose a KDE version if you prefer and are used to the Windows layout.
I suggest to the OP to go to and download the DVD edition. Burn it to a blank DVD disc, put it into the computer and restart, and start trialling Linux from there (yes, it's that simple). To get the best of both worlds, dual boot (we can help you with that if you're having difficulty ).
It's entirely up to you though. There are advantages and there are disadvantages for choosing one over another. But, there is a learning curve to Linux. It isn't like Windows and you'll just be asking yourself for a recipe for disaster if you just go straight in and expect it to be the same.
man i almost crapped myself the first time i installed ubu i did it without anyones help and the first time i did it i did what u said and restarted with the dvd then hit escape for options then somehow crashed my system it seriously took 2hrs for my computer to restore its self after that one but thankfully it did. once it fully booted again i just popped the dvd into the tray and ran wubi installer on my desktop and i was done in about 5min i was seriously punching myself on that one lol.
also if u dont have any blank dvds laying around im pretty sure you can use daemon tools to mount the iso if your installing inside windows like i did.
If you have to ask then I suggest Windows 7 (if you have sufficient hardware). If you're interested in getting to know Linux then Ubuntu, Mint or any other variation of Ubuntu would be best. Granted there are better distros out there but they require a fair bit of knowledge.
Someone suggested Arch to a noob!?! Why not Slackware??
I'm running Lubuntu on an old machine only because XP is too heavy for it. Bottom line as a Desktop I still like Windows (let the hazing begin...)
heres kde or kubuntu in action.
and heres ubu in action
both are not my videos fyi
just out of curiosity has anyone got tethering to work on ubu 11.0.4 because for me itll recognize the ssid but will never connect to it usb tether works fine though.
ApplesRevenge said:
Id reccomend the liveCD or as mentioned running in a virtual machine if your pc can handle it.
This will allow you to explore Ubuntu without any major bugs or chances of wiping your hard drive
Personally i prefer Windows for a development environment, but Ubuntu has its advantages.
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Hi, everyone has his/her own taste of OSs (and any other things ), so I suggest you should answer by yourself.
In my oppinion, there no bug in Ubuntu. One difficult thing when using Ubuntu is: it cannot run our Windows software (for instance: MS Office, IDM, WinRar, etc)
You can try Ubuntu by use Live CD (download from or install it in dual mode. This way you can use Ubuntu w/u effecting your Win 7.
I think window 7 is really good. Relatively easy to operate.
for common use windows,
for developing, ubuntu

PC emulation on Android - OS XDA project links.

So in this thread it tells you how to install pc operating systems like windows and linux on the Evo 3D.
This, is freaking awesome. This one is a big breakthrough.
Here is the thread in the Nook Color forums for ubuntu on the device:
These two threads are native installs, not using some client to access the installation, the device itself is the client as it should be.
This is not some chrooted virtual OS simulation, but the real deal installed to the device.
In the back of my mind i've wanted to play with ubuntu installed on the MT4GS, but not a virtual installation I want it installed and running on the device natively.
I definitely don't have the time to do this and a lot i'm trying to do around here even if I wasn't in my busy season for work.
Dropping this information so I can find it later when I do get to trying to get ubuntu (and now windows XP looks like a possibility) installed on this device.
If anyone else feels like looking into this, here's a good place to start. If anyone comes across any other projects that are the real deal and not virtual installs please post links here.
Have fun!
Blue6IX said:
So in this thread it tells you how to install pc operating systems like windows and linux on the Evo 3D.
This, is freaking awesome. This one is a big breakthrough.
Here is the thread in the Nook Color forums for ubuntu on the device:
These two threads are native installs, not using some client to access the installation, the device itself is the client as it should be.
This is not some chrooted virtual OS simulation, but the real deal installed to the device.
In the back of my mind i've wanted to play with ubuntu installed on the MT4GS, but not a virtual installation I want it installed and running on the device natively.
I definitely don't have the time to do this and a lot i'm trying to do around here even if I wasn't in my busy season for work.
Dropping this information so I can find it later when I do get to trying to get ubuntu (and now windows XP looks like a possibility) installed on this device.
If anyone else feels like looking into this, here's a good place to start. If anyone comes across any other projects that are the real deal and not virtual installs please post links here.
Have fun!
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Regardless of what impression you may have, it is ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE to run MSWin on ARM hardware natively. The reason for this is that MSWin is x86 and ARM is... ARM. The approach used in the first link is to use BOCHS (pronounced "Box"), which is a VIRTUAL HARDWARE EMULATOR. It requires a host operating system to be functioning in the background, in this case Linux.
As for Ubuntu... well sure. No problem. Its Linux and the phone runs Linux. Not that big of a stretch to replace the Android parts with GNU.
Note that NONE of this is any kind of "great breakthrough". Bochs has been around for a VERY long time. First OPEN SOURCED in early 2000. Yeah, 12 years ago. As for Ubuntu... well I suppose that the main reason that most people aren't making a native android replacement out of ubuntu, is that not many people are all that interested in it. Cute in theory, but not practical.
What would be a more worthy project would be to upgrade android to GNU libraries and utilities. This would afford us an actually USEFUL balance between the two. Also the ability to run X *through* android without having to do stupid things like VNC. Have the proper interface ***AS AN ANDROID APPLICATION***, leaving Android to work (i.e., phone calls, etc.) while simultaneously offering the standard Linux applications.
My thought though, is that this is becoming less and less important. Firefox is on Android now, the Document foundation has announced LibreOffice for Android -- supposed to be by late 2012 to early 2013... GIMP has no place on Android... That certainly covers the basics.
Appreciate the post. I didn't have time to dig into it too deeply, so took it at face value for the impression I got. Happened to come across it in passing and didn't want to lose track of something vital to the future dev of a project like this on the doubleshot. (but definitely this doesn't belong in the dev section at this time - just clutter there.)
I was hoping people would add to it, especially the way you have, who had more of an understanding of what's going on there - I didn't realize that it was a virtual environment for the windows stuff, but it did seem to good to be true.
Even if no one responded I figured the thread would get pushed down out of the way, but still be here when I got the time to come back to it.
My reason for running native linux on the device itself is to be able to use the Android SDK and tools without needing a computer to do so. I have 2 of these phones and a Nook Color. The NC has USB host support, so I could plug the doubleshot into it without frying either device. (yes, i'm blending android and linux concepts here - but usb host support in android shows that it's capable of doing it)
Even from one doubleshot to the other I could use wifi adb for a lot of stuff without plugging them into each other through USB and frying the phones. So that would be a victory as well.
The lack of a hardware charging circuit in the doubleshot makes the worry of frying the phones a big deal, power transfer through USB is a big hurdle to jump in management.
Beyond that - the doubleshot is powerful enough on hardware specs to be able to compile a kernel, but that's not gonna happen through a virtual linux install because the overhead is too much. A native install might just be able to do it though. Won't know until I try, but it's worth the work to get to the point of trying, even if it doesn't work out.
The Nook Color probably won't be able to compile a kernel - it's asking too much from a device not really able to handle that.
Getting what I mentioned above to work would mean I could do all my dev work with what fits in my pocket, and let me keep working wherever I am.
I do like the idea of an app to work with this through Android itself - but I don't see how I could use the SDk and variety of user-created tools without a native linux install. Worth pursuing either way though.
If anyone has anything to add, i'd be welcome to hear it. Just understand this is not a project i'm working on or actively pursuing right now - but fully intend to down the line.
Actually blue. There is a thread somewhere that has a step by step on installing ubuntu on gingerbread. I meant to add it when I added the backtrack link. For some reason I didn't, I probably forgot, I actually think the link for it is in the backtrack thread in the sticky.
If I do find it ill let you know.
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