"Core.xxx" files in /data/btips - Hero CDMA Android Development

I understand this directory has something to do with Bluetooth.
There are ten ~6.7 MB files in that directory with names like core.872 and core.19735.
I did a nandroid backup and then removed them. Everything seems to be OK, but I don't use BT for anything.
Any idea what these are? Could this be related to the BT ROM leak?

jonnythan said:
I understand this directory has something to do with Bluetooth.
There are ten ~6.7 MB files in that directory with names like core.872 and core.19735.
I did a nandroid backup and then removed them. Everything seems to be OK, but I don't use BT for anything.
Any idea what these are? Could this be related to the BT ROM leak?
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I wish people wouldn't call it a "ROM leak"... it just sounds so silly. ROMs don't leak and the ROM in the Hero isn't leaking. *SOMETHING* is just occupying data space.
Having said that... those are core dumps. Weird, I'd have expected Android to disable core dumps. The phone doesn't have file(1), so it's a little difficult to tell what dumped, but the number in the extension is the PID of the faulting process.
Mine doesn't have any, or I'd yank one over to my desktop and investigate it.
They *are* taking up space in /data, which is going to make the phone look like it has less storage space available (the number in the Settings app will go down). Erase them, they're useless to you.
It might be interesting to search the whole phone with find(1)... that at least is there (or maybe it's in the busybox MoDaCo installs ^_^) and see if there are any other dump files hanging around.

posguy99 said:
I wish people wouldn't call it a "ROM leak"... it just sounds so silly. ROMs don't leak and the ROM in the Hero isn't leaking. *SOMETHING* is just occupying data space.
Having said that... those are core dumps. Weird, I'd have expected Android to disable core dumps. The phone doesn't have file(1), so it's a little difficult to tell what dumped, but the number in the extension is the PID of the faulting process.
Mine doesn't have any, or I'd yank one over to my desktop and investigate it.
They *are* taking up space in /data, which is going to make the phone look like it has less storage space available (the number in the Settings app will go down). Erase them, they're useless to you.
It might be interesting to search the whole phone with find(1)... that at least is there (or maybe it's in the busybox MoDaCo installs ^_^) and see if there are any other dump files hanging around.
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Great info, thanks. I wonder if they're related to bluetooth crashes since they're in the btips directory?
I searched for other files named core* but nothing looks like a core dump. There's a core.xml and a bunch of "coredump_filter" in proc directories and that's about it.
I think leak is an appropriate term though. Applications that have memory leaks consume memory that they can't release. This is similar, just with the onboard flash.

I probably know the answer already but hoping...is there anyway to delete these core dump files in the btips folder without having to root the phone? Could an app or script on non-rooted device be able to just delete those files? I'm surprised there's no way through the phone to clear system dumps/cache, etc.
Looking for a way since a lot of people have this problem but not many will be comfortable rooting.



I'm looking for beta testers for a new App2SD implementation that does not require your MicroSD card to be partitioned which is potentially unsafe and can result in a loss of your data. If you'd like to test this new implementation before it's release here on XDA shoot me an email at [email protected] with what firmware and version you're using.
More information will be released after I get a few positive beta tests out of the way.
loopback device, eh?
I tried that a while back but never could get the loopback driver to load early enough in the boot process reliably.
Hope you have better luck than I did.
As [email protected] pointed out to me a while ago, this is not a good idea for security reasons. If your loopback file sits on the FAT partition, it is accessible by all of the apps, it can be read, overwritten and deleted by a rogue app bypassing the entire android security model. If this is what you intend to do, it's probably not "safer".
Hey, shot you an email. Ready to try it out. But only for beta.
Hit me up, I have no apps to lose.
But security? Idk just let me know whats up.
what happens when you mount the SD card to your computer?
I'd like to try it, but i don't yet have a class6 sd card. Is that necessary?
i'd be willing to give this a shot. I have no data to lose as well.
southsko said:
what happens when you mount the SD card to your computer?
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That's true. Won't all your apps disappear when you mount the SD?
This smells fishy not many app developers with 1 post can this be someone testing their new exploit/virus?No offense to original poster im just sayin....???
Edit:Sorry to OP clearly not a virus,and good luck on getting it stable I will gladly donate to your cause partitioning is a pain!
don't be a jackass, many people have had great ideas and decided to come to XDA to share them. just because you are a complete idiot who can't program does not mean that the OP is too.
you are playing with fire my dear friend. i don't think that mounting your apps on the FAT32 partition is a good idea at all. not only because it would allow any program to access and write without asking android permission first, but because it would allow people to mount the SDcard and steal paid apps even easier. i beg of you please rethink your idea
I imagine the phone would be crashing when the phone is mounted to the computer. lol. just kidding. =]
tubaking182 said:
don't be a jackass, many people have had great ideas and decided to come to XDA to share them. just because you are a complete idiot who can't program does not mean that the OP is too.
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WTF?Just came back to edit my post and put that its for real cause like I should have done first I found this http://noderat.com/loop2sd/.But as for your insults who the hell are you?How the f**k do you know what I can or can not do?I was posting in the first place to start trying be more active in the forums no reason for you to be a **** anyways,I was tryin to help people not get what I thought may have been a virus was that really that bad?
i'm not sure that is 100% true. when i mount my phone(apps2sd) my phone decides to mount the ext2 partion and the FAT32 partition, i am using ubuntu so my computer is able to read the partition, but my phone doesn't crash(i've yet to try running an app while mounted though)
Android can acces the sdcard while mounted.
Try terminal emulator.
crotalusfreak said:
This smells fishy not many app developers with 1 post can this be someone testing their new exploit/virus?No offense to original poster im just sayin....???
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Well, take it from someone who has many posts and 15 years of unix experience, it is a bad idea.
Most of the devs here had this same idea, but as I mention in my previous post, this is opening yourself up to many bad security issues. To all those who answer, "I have no data to lose", that's fine as a beta tester. But what's the point in beta testing something that cannot be safely used by anyone who does have data (or apps) to lose?
I should point out to those who perhaps do not realize some the consequences of my original post, that it is not just a potential data loss problem, but a potential arbitrary code execution vulnerability. If an application manages to replace the loopback file with a new loopback file, it could inject altered common applications. If this succeeds, it means that previously trusted applications which have been granted privileges (or root using the various su apps) at install time, could be replaced with trojan versions which can have complete control over your system... steal your passwords... reflash your bootloader and literally install a permanent trojan... brick your phone... <insert other scary things besides data loss here>.
It's your phone, do what you want. I just figured that I would re-post that this not a new idea, but one that has been rejected by those of us with unix experience who realize the consequences. If you are just messing around, go ahead, it's not likely to hurt your phone. But, as a general method to build upon and be depended on, this should not have a future. If this becomes common practice, it is highly likely that exploits will be written to take advantage of this vulnerability.
So, if you are asking yourself if something is fishy, yes something is: it's a logical idea which seems great on the surface, but it has an unfortunate flaw.
Note: I am not suggesting malicious intent on the OP's part, just that they may not have thought of the consequences of suggesting this as a common method to do apps2sd. And if the OP (or someone else) is able to point out a method to avoid the things I warn against I will happily retract my statements (if I agree that this method would indeed work) since this method has some obvious benefits. However sadly, I think that is highly unlikely.
maxisma said:
Android can acces the sdcard while mounted.
Try terminal emulator.
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No it can't. It can only access the empty mountpoint.
If you want to do this, there IS a way to make it work SAFELY....
Find the functions that control sdcard mounting and unmounting and FIX it so that it will mount an ext2 first partition. Then forget about the whole loopback thing as thats not going to do anyone any good... If you do it like this, then unionfs it, then unmounting the sdcard should safely vanish the apps that are stored on the card (leaving the internally stored apps), might crash the launcher, but that'll restart immediately and won't even error out.
A second step in the right direction would be to find the place where programs are detected from, which currently looks in /data/app, /data/app-private, /system/app, so it can clearly handle loading software from multiple locations -- add in a new path. Or maybe link app-private to /sdcard... A little more challenging would be to allow it look in multiple locations for thing that are ALL currently in /data/data and /data/dalvik-cache.
And then when its done, submit a patch for the source.
Wow what a response. Here's a few key bulletpoints:
I'm not a forum poster, not the kinda person for it but I have been on XDA Dream since I got my pre-launch G1 as a CSR.
There are potential security flaws with the current ext2 method of a2sd, and bypassing root to mount the ext2 partition is possible.
a2sd is not stable in any format, so it's a use at your own risk until android improves kinda deal.
I'm not cool enough to write a virus, but thank you for the ego boost
Anybody using a third-party firmware is not safe nor secure. If you're reading this forum you're not safe nor secure. The idea of homebrew roms is to add extra features that are not in Android to begin with and with that comes security risks. No ROM is ever perfect but I'd trust a Google or T-Mobile rom with my security before any homebrew-anything.So yes it's use at your own risk
This has the same results for mounting on a PC as MarcusMaximus's a2sd.sh
This doesn't really make it any easier to steal paid apps, it's always been easy and always will be but this doesn't change it.
If you guys have other questions shoot me an email, like I said I don't really do much forum-posting (never had much of anything to say, maybe this'll change all that)
[email protected]
JakeEv said:
I'd like to try it, but i don't yet have a class6 sd card. Is that necessary?
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The faster the better but I've done it with the stock card that came in the G1 as well as a Class 6.
id try it since i can not get apps2sd to work.
[email protected]
using JF 1.51

Rom optimization idea

I'm no developer, scripter, or any type of person with a thorough understanding of software but I will try to offer a suggestion to those who wish to give me the time of day.
After flashing countless ROMs looking for the fastest and most simple platform to use everyday I have discovered a few things that might help if people agree with me or not. After loading every ROM and first booting... I realize that Advanced Task Manager shows the available system memory at less than half and i haven't even started running apps or installing programs yet. Processes start when the phone boots up that are running in background (asleep but still using system resources) and i believe that a fair percentage of them are not required by the everyday user.
Why is Alarm Clock running in the background when i haven't started it? Why is Email client running and i haven't setup exchange or an email account? Messaging, Maps, Settings, Gallery, these all start up without being physically executed and are using resources. If there is a reason for them to be there like not being able to receive SMS if Messaging is not running, then that is fine and im an idiot... But if there is no need to startup the application from boot then why do it?
My second point is when packages are installed as the ROM is flashed, they cant be uninstalled right? well what if we didnt want tethering apps and facebook apps and proprietary software (Moto apps)? Most of these are available in the market and if not, a 5 min Google search will find an .apk on the net anyway.
So how about a bare bones install with the essentials and nothing else? Youtube, Phone, Messaging, Gmail, Contacts, MT Browser , Maps, Calculator... then anything else can be added at the users will.
If anyone else has something to say... or prove me wrong, then please elaborate.
If you delete the alarm clock task, you're likely to sleep into the morning as the alarm won't go off in the morning. Mail is probably needed for pop3 checks (I rely on my google account).
Anyway, I usualy remove the apps widgets from the ZIP which I don't need prior to flashing, resulting in a liter ROM and less processes which I don't need running in background.
I also used to add the apps I use (ASTRO...) directly into /system/app prior to flashing, putting them to the system partition and ... at this point I am not sure.... this leaves one with more space (internal memory) accessible for apps from market (if you do not use APP2SD). I stopped however doing so, as this makes ROM upgrading painful, as you do have to prepare each .zip before flash.
With regard to operating memory you preferably use either Taskkiller or have your systems autokill file optimized as many ROMS do (CursorSense). Refer to http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=622666
I'm not Linux-guy but I know that Android does this to put those programs in memory ASAP because those are usually the first few apps many people use once they boot up their phone -- meaning those apps, when opened, will quickly open and run faster.
Remember, Linux is made to handle all those opened apps and resources; "Unused RAM is useless RAM".
hol17 said:
I'm not Linux-guy but I know that Android does this to put those programs in memory ASAP because those are usually the first few apps many people use once they boot up their phone -- meaning those apps, when opened, will quickly open and run faster.
Remember, Linux is made to handle all those opened apps and resources; "Unused RAM is useless RAM".
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People have to stop comparing Android (linux) with WinMo devices, they handle RAM completely different.
dione1200 said:
People have to stop comparing Android (linux) with WinMo devices, they handle RAM completely different.
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Yes, true.... and well known. However Linux was developped for servers and not mobile phones.
Launching an application into free RAM is slower than pulling it from a suspended state. So much is true.
But first having to free up up RAM (by killing tasks) before launching the application into the freed up RAM is certainly slower than launching into free RAM. Probably that's why guys are tweaking around, as noted in the link of my post above. Also in my opinion the default settings are not optimal, that's why I use tweaked settings. Probably that depends on how you use your phone.
But I agree. Coming from Windows the whole LINUX concept is a f**** nightmare. There are thousands of different methods (Cache/Compcache/ Ext Cache)...
So it's good to have an expert around. Could you please enlight me, whether the system partition is of fixed size or size is been alocated during flashing. In other words, is the Userdata size fixed or depending on the system size? .... and is there a benefit of putting apps to the /system/app as they will go to system parition and I will have more internal storage available?
Thanks in advance.
feicher said:
So it's good to have an expert around. Could you please enlight me, whether the system partition is of fixed size or size is been alocated during flashing. In other words, is the Userdata size fixed or depending on the system size? .... and is there a benefit of putting apps to the /system/app as they will go to system parition and I will have more internal storage available?
Thanks in advance.
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Your Android Device is divided Into partitions -> (Device memory)
1. Hboot (spl)
2. Radio
3. Data (Where u store ur data apps / passwords / other thing)
4. Cache (temp)
5. System (system dump)
6. Boot (to start the device)
so on
Now partition of memory card is important becoz
1. EXT2/3/4 More Amount of Data Section -> if device memory is less
2. Swap -> To fast up the system
*I m Not best Explaination giving person but i think this is understandable language in which i hav written
I think I side with the OP on this one, I would rather have a rom with less in it and then choose to install Amazon MP3 or whatever by myself. Generally speaking you could argue less apps = better performance, as there will be less happening in the background. That said, I have included Facebook in my rom.
However Linux was developped for servers and not mobile phones.
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Not really true, Linux is just the kernel and can be ported to anything, it's been in embedded small devices for years and not just installed on servers.
ahmgsk said:
Your Android Device is divided Into partitions -> (Device memory)
1. Hboot (spl)
2. Radio
3. Data (Where u store ur data apps / passwords / other thing)
4. Cache (temp)
5. System (system dump)
6. Boot (to start the device)
so on
Now partition of memory card is important becoz
1. EXT2/3/4 More Amount of Data Section -> if device memory is less
2. Swap -> To fast up the system
*I m Not best Explaination giving person but i think this is understandable language in which i hav written
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Thank you very much for the feedback! Most appreciated and helps me to improve my general understanding . I find it really hard to come by information, that is not absolutely basic or high level expert.
Thanks again.
Ive got a clock radio that wakes me up... if i have lagging issues with my phone what i do is use advanced task manager to stop all processes im not using (alarm clock, maps, messaging, email, etc) and everything runs fast again.
No use in reboot cause all the apps start again from boot.
ive tried removing zips from rom before flashing... when i goto upgrade the update stops cause of the missing files > incomplete manifest. is this cause you have to re-zip and sign it?
You can either do that and re-sign the zip file.
OR you could just close this thread and use adb to remove things that you dont want from the ROMs.
PS. root explorer also works wonders.
feicher said:
If you delete the alarm clock task, you're likely to sleep into the morning as the alarm won't go off in the morning. Mail is probably needed for pop3 checks (I rely on my google account).
Anyway, I usualy remove the apps widgets from the ZIP which I don't need prior to flashing, resulting in a liter ROM and less processes which I don't need running in background.
I also used to add the apps I use (ASTRO...) directly into /system/app prior to flashing, putting them to the system partition and ... at this point I am not sure.... this leaves one with more space (internal memory) accessible for apps from market (if you do not use APP2SD). I stopped however doing so, as this makes ROM upgrading painful, as you do have to prepare each .zip before flash.
With regard to operating memory you preferably use either Taskkiller or have your systems autokill file optimized as many ROMS do (CursorSense). Refer to http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=622666
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when i try to remove an app from a ZIP it wont let me flash the ROM. even when i replace an app with a newer version renaming it to match the one im replacing, it still doesnt work. what do i have to edit in order to allow the update to go through?
You need to sign the zip file again. Google signing ROMs, its the first thing that pops up.

Beta testers wanted: NES, tool to manage data partition

Update 03/08/11
NotEnoughSpace has finally graduated to the Android Marketplace!
Beta testers can currently get it at its "thank you" price of $0.99.
I will set the regular price in a week so hurry
*** *** *** ***
Note #1: your phone needs to be ROOTED to use this application.
Note #2: so far, only tested on Droid Incredible and HTC Desire.
From the built-in help:
About this application
This application's goal is to help you understand and possibly work around a common vexation of using Android; i.e. these messages:
"not enough space"
"Low on space. Application data space is low."
What is happening?
You've checked your phone's vitals and it appears that it has plenty of space left, both internal storage and SD Card storage. So, what's happening?
Android allows your applications to store their data, primarily, in a dedicated partition whose size happens to be much smaller than even the phone's internal storage space. Generally south of 150 MBs.
This is the partition that fills up so quickly and that Android has been complaining about.
And the help goes on and on so I'll stop here.
The short version
Using this application, you can see which applications use up most of your phone's data space and decide what to do with them.
You can also move the biggest directories to the phone's SD Card.
Additionally, you can use the app to cleanup the Dalvik cache but it's not the app's primary function.
Please, help test it!
I will gladly welcome any constructive criticism; I expect most of it to be along the lines of "The tool is not quite accurate" and that's what I wish to address first.
To create a debug report (these are very important):
Simply select the "Debug" menu and follow the on-screen instructions.
The whole email business is so that you can copy/paste from a desktop client.
The .apk can be downloaded from nexus.zteo.com/projects/beta/
Update 12/04/10
The application should now display correct stats for phones/ROMs that use Busybox. If you have already tested it and it said "NaN" please try it again.
This should be interesting, maybe kinda Android GpartED?
cyansmoker said:
Using this application, you can see which applications use up most of your phone's data space and decide what to do with them.
You can also move the biggest directories to the phone's SD Card.
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Curious, does this mean you can move and symlink data, or are you talking about Froyo Apps2SD?
teorouge said:
This should be interesting, maybe kinda Android GpartED?
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Obviously not, he's managing what's there, he's not partitioning anything.. Did you read?
khaytsus said:
Obviously not, he's managing what's there, he's not partitioning anything.. Did you read?
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Come on, what's the matter dude? I did read, and from what I read I thought whole partition handling was the only thing this app would be missing. Single files is a good start, but making that "kinda GpartED" would be killer. Though I fear you should be in bootloader/recovery to work on those, don't know how Android deals with them (i.e. in Windows you have programs you can change partitions size "on the fly" with). Now that I elaborated more, are you still angry?
This application would be genius. I'm wondering however, will the phone still be able to access that data once it is moved off of the system memory and onto the SD Card? And is it possible to actually partition the /data/data section so that it will use more than the allowed 150mb that it has, like open it up so that instead of it being partitioned to a small amount, it just roams free with the rest of the 748mb or whatever that is in the system memory.
A promising app, thanks.
Navigon, however, doesn't like its data to be moved to SD card. Even after moving it back with the app, it FCs (Android 2.1). I think I have to reinstall. So be careful if you're trying to do the same.
Edit: After reinstalling the .apk (without doing anything with the maps), Navigon works again. The packet installer didn't ask me if I wanted to replace the existing installation (as is otherwise usual in such a case).
Edit2: There seems to be a general problem. The next app I tried was mediaU. It has a large database which I moved (using NES) to the SD card. It also FCed after having moved its database, and restoring to the old location (again using NES) also didn't succeed. No error message during restore, but app still won't run.
Phone: Galaxy 3, Android 2.1 (original ROM).
mizch said:
A promising app, thanks.
Navigon, however, doesn't like its data to be moved to SD card. Even after moving it back with the app, it FCs (Android 2.1). I think I have to reinstall. So be careful if you're trying to do the same.
Edit: After reinstalling the .apk (without doing anything with the maps), Navigon works again. The packet installer didn't ask me if I wanted to replace the existing installation (as is otherwise usual in such a case).
Edit2: There seems to be a general problem. The next app I tried was mediaU. It has a large database which I moved (using NES) to the SD card. It also FCed after having moved its database, and restoring to the old location (again using NES) also didn't succeed. No error message during restore, but app still won't run.
Phone: Galaxy 3, Android 2.1 (original ROM).
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Tonight I'm gonna try for sure and report back, this does look promising! Did you succeed with some apps?
teorouge said:
Did you succeed with some apps?
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K9 seemed to work. However, I had to reflash for another reason, and now K9 reports its lib as being in the standard location (reported by NES). For now, I have stopped testing NotEnoughSpace so I can not say more.
mizch said:
K9 seemed to work. However, I had to reflash for another reason, and now K9 reports its lib as being in the standard location (reported by NES). For now, I have stopped testing NotEnoughSpace so I can not say more.
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eh? K9 has native use of the SD card if you enable it... Why would you use this on it?
Thanks for doing this testing, guys.
I will install these apps and test them myself.
teorouge: you moved the database/ directory, is that it?
mizch: so, you re-installed K9 after reflashing, right?
Everybody: what about the "free space" numbers reported by the app? Do they seem correct to you? I had to use a dedicated algo to compute them, taking block size in account, and I've had reports of fairly surprising discrepancies.
Free space doesn't seem to update after moving, though I see the difference in the Titanium Backup count: tried for a couple of apps (G Earth and well... don't remember!) and it did move everything, free up space on /data and I can still use those apps. Still afraid to move many apps, just moving one at the time and test.
I just tested it out on my Droid 1, which is running CM6.1RC5 (Not sure if thats relevant or not), and it doesnt seem to work very well on my phone. All apps came back as 4KB, at the top it showed this... Total:261.8MB Used:NaNKB Free: 259.1MB Database NaNKB Files: NaNKB Preferences:NaNKB Cache:NaNKB.
Heres the debug report: 1:/dev/block/mtdblock6 268032 224572 43460 84% /data
2:62855 /data/data
Sorry - never mind; found the info in FAQ.txt after downloading
cyansmoker said:
Note #1: your phone needs to be ROOTED to use this application.
Note #2: so far, only tested on Droid Incredible and HTC Desire.
From the built-in help:
About this application
This application's goal is to help you understand and possibly work around a common vexation of using Android; i.e. these messages:
"not enough space"
"Low on space. Application data space is low."
What is happening?
You've checked your phone's vitals and it appears that it has plenty of space left, both internal storage and SD Card storage. So, what's happening?
Android allows your applications to store their data, primarily, in a dedicated partition whose size happens to be much smaller than even the phone's internal storage space. Generally south of 150 MBs.
This is the partition that fills up so quickly and that Android has been complaining about.
And the help goes on and on so I'll stop here.
The short version
Using this application, you can see which applications use up most of your phone's data space and decide what to do with them.
You can also move the biggest directories to the phone's SD Card.
Additionally, you can use the app to cleanup the Dalvik cache but it's not the app's primary function.
Please, help test it!
I will gladly welcome any constructive criticism; I expect most of it to be along the lines of "The tool is not quite accurate" and that's what I wish to address first.
To create a debug report:
Simply select the "Debug" menu and follow the on-screen instructions.
The whole email business is so that you can copy/paste from a desktop client.
The .apk can be downloaded from nexus.zteo.com/projects/beta/
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Do you have more details about this program anywhere? I went to the download page but see no further info...
Help Section Typo
Under A Quick user guide in your user guide(?) that prompts when you run the apk for the first time there is a typo in the last sentence:
You can touch any application to explore its content and figure out what is taking up some much space.
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So far I havent run into any issues with the apk...
Not to burst anyones bubble, but Choose Install Location has been doing this in a comprehensive way for weeks. http://www.appbrain.com/app/choose-install-location-free/com.beidl.chooseloc
Free Memory?
bdt1995 said:
I just tested it out on my Droid 1, which is running CM6.1RC5 (Not sure if thats relevant or not), and it doesnt seem to work very well on my phone. All apps came back as 4KB, at the top it showed this... Total:261.8MB Used:NaNKB Free: 259.1MB Database NaNKB Files: NaNKB Preferences:NaNKB Cache:NaNKB.
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I'm having the same problem as bdt1995. Running CM 6.1 RC1.. the only difference is the total memory is 196.2 and the free is:194.3 MB cuz I'm using a Nexus.. CM6 might be the problem?
bdt1995 said:
I just tested it out on my Droid 1, which is running CM6.1RC5 (Not sure if thats relevant or not), and it doesnt seem to work very well on my phone. All apps came back as 4KB, at the top it showed this... Total:261.8MB Used:NaNKB Free: 259.1MB Database NaNKB Files: NaNKB Preferences:NaNKB Cache:NaNKB.
Heres the debug report: 1:/dev/block/mtdblock6 268032 224572 43460 84% /data
2:62855 /data/data
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Same here (total 196.2MB, Free 194.3MB, all apps 4KB), system details in my sig. Using apps2sdext, over 200 apps.
Debug info:
1:/dev/block/mtdblock5 200960 112144 88816 56% /data
2:96070 /data/data
Same problem as above with Cyanogen 6.02, However it looks promising.
I Think that moving data to standard SD can leads to security issue, because SD can be readed and written by any apps. Should be better if the app recognize /EXT partition, if exist, and move data here.
i'd like to try it and i get my lil sis to try it also she gets this problem a lot i have the droid incredible and my sis has the droid eris.
bdt1995, rnh16, britoso, mmorselli:
Thanks for the debug info. Indeed Cyanogen is a tad "exotic" for NES at this point.
Please download the latest version of NES -- I just uploaded it. It contains an extra debug line which should allow me to make it work so please paste your debug output here one more time.
Oops, thanks.
Because it is a beta version, it hasn't been released yet and all the information you may need is contained in the Help screen. I tried to make it comprehensive.
Should work with HTC devices, yes. Could you or you sister paste her phone's debug screen here?
I do not think that both apps share the same goal so no lives should be lost (Seriously, not much of a bubble to burst?)

[Q] Disabling Android 2.2 DropBoxManager

Good Day Folks.
I'm a Noob in need of help and i'm hoping the more experienced among us might be able to assist. I have an issue with disappearing phone storage. Over the course of a week I realized that I was losing about 1MB a day. My phone would basically be dormant and I would still see my storage space dropping by this amount everyday.
Cache cleaning didn't work. Later I realized that Android creates a bunch of log files in Data/System/Dropbox that was responsible for the disappearing phone storage trick I've been seeing for a while now.
I know now that Google has incorporated into Android as of the 2.2 iteration, a DropBox Manager that's responsible for logging all of the events that take place during the course of a running Android session. Everything from what took place at boot to force close details.
I understand that this is used for debugging purposes but I'm no developer . So my question is.... Can this DropBox Manager be disabled....somehow.
I really don't need all these files (and its A LOT OF THEM) being created as they serve no practical purpose for me. Not sure if anyone else might have noticed this but I'm hoping to receive some help. Even if it means pointing me in the right direction so I can work on it myself.
I really don't have a clue on how to start. Any help will be appreciated....Seriously...
Currently using G1 with CM6 Magpie running on EZTERRY's kernel.
Its perfect except for this annoying problem.......
Hm what happens if you rename the directory. It might throw some errors in the logger, but probably won't create anymore files.
I just deleted the content of my dropbox folder, the DropboxManagerService was throwing some errors that he could not open files, but the phone was fine, no FCs or anything.
Renaming the directory just results in a random reboot. My guess is that when Android tries to create a new log, its unable to find the directory and then it just freezes and after a while it reboots. Once restarted it just reappears... I've tried that too.
And its true.. Its ok to delete the files. Its what I do currently. All of those files in Data/System/Dropbox as well as the ones located in Data/Tombstones are ok to delete. As I said, its just used for debugging purposes. Whats really annoying though is that, no matter how many times you delete anything, they just get repopulated just as fast as they're deleted. I'm ok with micro-managing my memory and phone storage (its a G1 after all) but this is ridiculous. It just creates too many of these log files too quickly.
If there was a way to turn the DropBoxManager service off then that would be the end of it all.
What's unusual about it too is that in my particular case, the contents of these text files just have two things listed in them. Pertaining to my online accounts associated with the phone: My Google account and My Whatsapp account...
It just repeats the same thing over and over again. I'm starting to think that the event data might actually be synchronization data or at least synchronization attempts made at regular intervals. But ultimately i'm guessing....
I really don't have a clue... Have you ever heard of anything like this on XDA......possible resolutions of this issue?
epolaris said:
I really don't have a clue... Have you ever heard of anything like this on XDA......possible resolutions of this issue?
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Not yet .
What about replacing the folder by a symlink to /dev/null ?
You could also try to change permission on the folder.
Ok... I'm a real Noob but I'll take a shot.. When you say symlink what do you mean.
I'm not really familiar with Android at that level yet its really just flashing and such.
But I know a symlink is really just a reference to a location that the OS would interpret and follow (like a pointer i think). So, is it that you're suggesting some sort of redirection where the Data/System/Dropbox directory is pointed to another arbitrary location. Kind of like a creating a dead link that Android is unable to follow up on. Or maybe, redirecting the folder to an entirely new location that Android would then follow. I'm not sure... How do you perform a symlink in Android... I'm willing to try.
You can do it with a console on the phone it self or using adb shell. You need root of course.
You could make a link to another location where you have more space?
Or you change to permissions of that directory to write only.
Or you can mount a different file system to that directory that is read only.
On how to do that just google a bit for linux tutorials on that topic.
I have just googled a bit and it seems you can't symlink directories to /dev/null.
If all that doesnt help post again, there might be an option to make an app delete the files automaticly, first time they get created.
If that would be an option too let me know, im in the mood to program something intresting .
Disabling Android 2.2 DropboxManager [RESOLVED]
I took your advice and did the research you suggested and it worked.
The first thing I tried was changing the permissions on the "Data/System/Dropbox" directory and it worked. But I didn't use CHMOD and console command line to do it.
I have a program called Root Explorer that allows me to permanently change the permissions on any file or folder I select. I set all of the offending folders to read only and the log files stopped being written to those folders.
These are the directories I set to read only:
1. "Data/System/Dropbox"
2. "Data/System/UsageStats"
3. "Data/Tombstones"
Since changing the permissions on these folders my phone storage has stopped dwindling out of control. No additional programming necessary
Disabling the DropBoxMangerService itself is not necessary which is good.
I'm going to take your advice and read up some more on Linux commands (specifically Ubuntu as its what I currently use).
You have been very helpful, thanks for the advice. If you have any ideas about Froyo ROMS (Maybe even Gingerbread ) I should try let me know.
Thanks again....
I have also found these files. They can take MUCH space in memory and nothing seems to delete them. I made the dropbox system folder RO but I think this is a bug. It should be reported to the dropbox team. Is there a bug report form somewhere? I did not find it... Just found the forum, QA,...
[edit]I reported it in the forum... Just see http://forums.dropbox.com/topic.php?id=41227 [/edit]
vax said:
I have also found these files. They can take MUCH space in memory and nothing seems to delete them. I made the dropbox system folder RO but I think this is a bug. It should be reported to the dropbox team. Is there a bug report form somewhere? I did not find it... Just found the forum, QA,...
[edit]I reported it in the forum... Just see http://forums.dropbox.com/topic.php?id=41227 [/edit]
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You are mistaken: /data/system/dropbox, has NOTHING todo with www.dropbox.com !
See http://developer.android.com/reference/android/os/DropBoxManager.html
Dark3n said:
You are mistaken: /data/system/dropbox, has NOTHING todo with www.dropbox.com !
See http://developer.android.com/reference/android/os/DropBoxManager.html
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Hey, just looked at your SD Maid app (looks cool).
So what do you know about /data/system/dropbox? I just read that htc uses the dir to store phone events which is then sent to the htc cloud of spying-on-your-ass. But since non-htc phones have this dir, is htc merely misusing the directory and it has other legit uses, or is this a directory we should try to keep cleaned out?
(I like the idea of changing perms so nothing writes to it if that's the case.)
600 MB additional free storage
Hi all
Just found a smart way to increase your Dropbox account with 600 MB:
1 Sign into your existing Dropbox account (or create a new account)
2 Goto https://www.dropbox.com/free
3 Follow instructions ... and voila 600 MB additional free storage
Mittaa said:
Hi all
Just found a smart way to increase your Dropbox account with 600 MB:
1 Sign into your existing Dropbox account (or create a new account)
2 Goto https://www.dropbox.com/free
3 Follow instructions ... and voila 600 MB additional free storage
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Yay, nice to see you didn't read the thread at all.
This has nothing todo with dropbox.com
Yea other day I got the SD Maid, and the Pro version after I saw how handy it was. I too on my G1 (with 2.2) see that dropbox folder.. and lately Ive been thinking its causing my G1 to constantly reboot. When I look, it has 300+ files in it. So I clear that folder and seems to stop rebooting for a lil while.
Not sure what the deal is here however, been trying to find out. HOWEVER it only seems to reboot once its connected to the internet, so I am wondering if this is where it tries to upload and so. Not really sure. That and its hard to tell in logcat whats going on before it reboots.
Excellent information. This works on my Sony Ericsson Xperia Pro MK16a, Rooted. Thank you so much. My best regards.
Try to change the permisions of the folder, I'm not sure if it would work but you could try ^^
Sent from my GT-I9001 using xda premium
All is ok
All was fine. The permissions :laugh:changed with root explorer. Thank you so much
Note completely disabled but only 1 file in the /data/system/dropbox folder with these Android shell commands (or use Sqlite3 editor):
content insert --uri content://settings/secure --bind name:s:dropbox_max_files --bind value:i:1
Or for Android 4.2+
content insert --uri content://settings/global --bind name:s:dropbox_max_files --bind value:i:1
settings put global dropbox_max_files 1
more dropboxmanager settings:
I've been using the advice from this thread to control this "dropbox" data collection directory for several years now until I updated to 9.0 and found that the folder and default permissions were restored after every reboot. Was irritating bc I can use root to modify /system but no longer have control over my own data partition Something is over-riding my root-user!!!
I tried different apps, TWRP's FM, adb, and almost gave up when init.d scripts wouldn't work either. init.d will work tho. A simple script to run
busybox rm -f /data/system/dropbox
at boot. You can probably chown and chmod if you want but I just deleted it. Just put it in your init.d folder and make sure you give it the correct permissions (root:shell -755), then immediately perform a soft reboot. Use hardware keys if you have to. You want the phone to go immediately OFF, no spinny wheels or "powering off" notifications. That's the only way I could get rid of the damn thing.
Anyway, I came across this thread while searching for a solution and thought I would add this in case any other paranoids like me are concerned about this mysterious "dropbox" directory. This will probably break any ability for google to troubleshoot your phone but I don't think that's real anyway. It's just spyware as far as I'm concerned.
p.s. (off-topic) Thanks @Dark3n I'm also a frequent SD Maid user btw and in case you happen to read this, I thought I might mention I intended to send a donation via your app the other day (i like to show love when ppl share badass works) but balked at the only available option for "pizza," not bc I don't appreciate it that much but I can afford a little every now and then. If you add a smaller option, "coffee" or beer or whatever, maybe even an outside of googlePlay option, BTC perhaps. I'd be happy to shoot a few dollars at you.

[Q] Internal Storage Full Issue

So I check my Xoom out this morning and Boom "Low on Space 'Tablet storage space is getting low'. It is impossible that I filled all of the space. I looked at my breakup and i have about 6Gb of music and it says the rest is completely full due to applications. I look at my applications but I only have about 3GB worth of application and data attributed to saves (manually counting). For the most part, besides the stock honeycomb apps, these apps are the same that I have on my Droid1. Which has much smaller storage. Somehow some app is taking up all the space (which i can't identify), the OS is corrupted, or I have a virus. Everything else has been pretty mainstream applications.
I have the OTA update and my Xoom has never been rooted.
Is anyone else having this problem?
A lot of people got this issue. It is being discussed in the Motorola official Xoom forum. But still no one know what's the root cause.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
gogol said:
A lot of people got this issue. It is being discussed in the Motorola official Xoom forum. But still no one know what's the root cause.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
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Thank you for the quick response. I guess its good to know I'm not the only one. Hopefully it gets fixed soon.
The link to the issue on the moto forums is
Hi Everyone,
For those users not yet experiencing this but wants to see whats going on, I made a video. There is also a way to check to see if this is occurring to you by checking out your internal storage on the Xoom.
Is there anyone else experiencing this issue on their Xoom?
It happened to me last night while playing WordFeud. I get the two line message "Low on space" and "Tablet storage space is getting low"
There is no way that I am using 25 gig in applications.
My initial guess is that it is Application specific. My xoom has 628Mb for Applications. I think maybe some app that each of you is using is continuing to pull in data and not deleting it over time. Maybe something like a news stream or something else. I would chat with the others having this problem and see what similar apps you have.
Just a thought. Sounds odd, I agree.. but.. a place to start. Maybe akin to a memory leak.
Thanks for the quick reply, eaglecomm. Your suggestion makes sense. In looking around a little this morning, I see that some people thought it might be the Google Body app, which I had installed. I uninstalled it, but it didn't make a difference.
It turns out that there is a fix coming in the next update.
The thread is at the Motorola Owners Forum titled 'XOOM Storage is Full' problem - 47 apps takes up 27 GB?
Since I am a new member here, I cannot post the actual link.
I thought I would post this info for any other Xoom owners that are have this concern.
I am glad to see it is being addessed.
My Xoom is not indicating that it is low on storage, but the applications do seem to be taking up an inordinate amount of space. Funky little bug.
On a positive note, it is good to know that the functionality of this device will only get better over time.
Are any of you able to look at the sizes of the files in /data/tombstones? I had the same problem and did some digging and found a tombstone file that is 19 GB. It appears to have been generated by a browser crash. If any of you are having the problem can you open a terminal and go to /data/tombstones and find the biggest file and type cat (name of biggest file) and tell us the name of the process (listed after pid). You may need to be rooted and may need busybox for cat to work. I doubt it's only the browser... I'm curious to know if it's a honeycomb thing with how it tombstones app crashes.
Have you tried using a cache cleaner ? I use 1 Tap Cleaner and Fast Cache Cleaner .
Try using DiskUsage to view what is using up your storage. If you're rooted it gives you even more options to view specific folders. If you've ever used WinDirStat then this is the closest thing android has to it that I've found.
Although Moto is promising an update "soon" to fix this, the problem has been getting reported on for over 45 days now. Some people were hit with this early and some more recently - like myself. This one was sort of the last straw for me. I had to do a factory reset on mine (in Settings) in order to resolve this issue; which hasn't reared its ugly head again since. However, between that mess, and no SD card, SMS, etc, I finally got fed up and rooted mine so that I could use the Tiamat kernel and at least add a 32 GB SD card in the slot provided. Rooting also allowed for Clockwork Recovery (which I love) so making modifications is much easier. If and when Motorizon decides to provide us with the 4G update, then I'll flash it back to stock. However, in the right here and now, I needed a tablet for my work and didn't have the luxury to sit around with my hands tied and wait for Moto to finally have pity on us and provide what they hyped us with. The XOOM has become too integral a part of my work and home life. The product answered a lot of needs - some I didn't even realize that I had. I'll just have to do the extra step now of flashing back to stock when (and if) update time finally comes around. Until then, I'm moving forward and I've got WORK to do!! Yippee kyy-yaayyyy!!
I have this problem and looked in my folders trying to find large files using ES File Explorer. I have found a repeating set of folders here:
These folders keep going and going and going. I tried to look at the properties of the sys/module folder but the file size kept going and going and going. I ran it all night and it was still running in the morning at 1.25GB and counting. Is it safe to delete the repeating set of folders? Does anyone know what these folders are used for?
DeanneJensen said:
I have this problem and looked in my folders trying to find large files using ES File Explorer. I have found a repeating set of folders here:
These folders keep going and going and going. I tried to look at the properties of the sys/module folder but the file size kept going and going and going. I ran it all night and it was still running in the morning at 1.25GB and counting. Is it safe to delete the repeating set of folders? Does anyone know what these folders are used for?
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Looks to me like a recursive bug where the folder or device is continually being created inside itself, it would cause everything from unstable os to complete unresponsiveness and even filling up the storage.
Macbots drool as I XOOM through the Galaxy to my hearts Desire.

