Simple application-switcher - General Questions and Answers

Searching for a [program].exe that switch to next active application.
(To be assigned to the startbutton)
Do anyone know if there is one?
i only know there is in quickmenu, HWbuttons, etc, as part of other programs, or as .lnk files. The program Startbutton can only use .exe files.

Here you go.



Uninstalling Intellipad

Hi all, just did a search on the forums, and didn't see anything. So here goes. How do you uninstall intellipad? It doesnt appear in the remove programs bit...does it need doing manually, if would one go about doing thins?
if it start automaticly then looking in windows\startup or what ever that dir is for the shortcut to the program and remove the shortcut and
then remove the files and reg'd it use would be the same thing as what remove programs does
you could also look in the pc activesync's add remove programs if it was installed using activesync
Couldnt find anything to do with it in shortcuts. I think all the program files are residing in the windows directory. Does anyone know which keys from the registry, would rather know for sure rather than guessing?
looking in Windows Directory and there's a lot of file IntelliPad.***
Yes I have seen the intellipad files there, its the registry keys im not sure of.

LNK files useless?

please advise if i am wrong with my thoughts.
i think it is useless and a waste of performance to use LNK files (at least the ms ones).
lets have a look at the calendar.lnk:
if you want to launch the calendar app, you are launching first the calendar.lnk. the lnk file points to a registry setting (mscalendar). so the launcher (or systemhandler or whatever) needs to lookup there to findout what the programm-name and the required parameters are (in this case "poutlook.exe calendar". now after a while of doing nothing effectively the system finally begins to execute poutlook.exe calendar...
so whats the point of using lnk files?
i see so many launchers, programms even tweak utilities which make use of lnk files.
e.g. if you change one of your softkeys with a tweak utility to "phone", it does the same useless thing: it points to a link file instead directly to cprog.exe.
hopefully i am totally wrong but then please give me some advise.
lnk is shortcut files
same as in windows
in windows if you want to start your program from the desktop
and dont want to copy the tons of files the exe file needs to start
to the desktop too you have a shortcut to the exe file
Some more on the subject:
The use of lnk files does not slow down the loading, in fact it can make it much more officiant.
Take Skype for example: it has a large executable (several MB). If you were to place that exe under "programs" to launch it it will take the system several seconds (quite noticeable period of time) just to find the icon inside the exe so even if you were just scrolling through your programs the device would appear to hang while the icon was loading.
A solution to that (which now became official part of the program installation) was to keep the icon in smaller exe (a resource dll or just plain ico file can also be used) and the lnk will "state" that the icon is not in the main exe.
Another use of the lnk files is the one you mentioned your self:
poutlook.exe calendar
Without lnk files you would be forced to type any parameters manually every time just like in the good old dos days.
By the way, the process you described, lnk-registry-exe does not take that long on current devices.
Just try launching a given exe directly and check if you notice any difference in lag.
If anything, it is the certificate check combined with relatively slow read speeds of flash memory that make WM 5 and 6 devices look sluggish.
thanks a lot for your time and explanation.
sure, i was aware that lnk files help you to launch more easily programs with longer command strings when you use the default launcher.
but how about a different launcher (e.g. rltoday), where you setup once your config within that launcher. would you really point to the calendar.lnk file (which points to registry, which points to an exe file) instead of typing "poutlook.exe -calendar" directly into the launching path within rltoday?
anyway, if you say that there is no time lag, the discussion is more or less of "academical nature".
I am not familiar with rltoday, but it all comes down to how the programmer implemented the launcher.
There are two different commands, CreateProcess designed specifically to launch executable files and for that purpose only.
SellExecuteEx that acts exactly like a click in file explorer. The writer of the launcher has the option of which to use and I suspect they often use the second command.
The reason is simple: they want to give the user as much options as possible. If you want to bother and look up the exe and its command line, good for you, go for it. But what if you are a regular user who just wants to get that stupid icon on his today screen?
He wouldn't know or care about lnk->registry->exe. He just knows to look under windows\start menu\programs for something familiar.
Also having to interpret input of different types may be extra work so some launcher creators may want to only allow lnk and let the system understand and run their content.
That way they do not need to implement options for different icons, command line parameters and control panel applets.

wm programs or folder from softkey

Hello guys,
I've been searching a lot, yet could not find the answer.
I would like to be able to open either programs (meaning path start/programs) or just a specific folder from softkey or hardware key.
Is there any way to open the specified folder. Do I need to create a shortcut to this folder? I have tried something like /fexplore.exe /My Documents (which works) but I would need to be able to open them not in list view yet as the programs do apear.
Is there any specific command to at least run the programs, where I would just click the specific folder?
Thank you in advance,
I guess a workaround would be a similar apporach to your, /fexplore.exe /My Documents (which works).
Find a file manger that will display in icon view, rather than list, or details... then make a shortcut using that.
Any ideas?
Resco Explorer look promising,
Total Commander CE does an Icon View.
Now... does it respond to command line switches, so I can get it to start in a specified folder?

Help removing a program

I know at least one of you have installed a program before on your Smartphone that wasn't able to be found in the "Remove Programs" option under settings.
I'm havin' this problem with a program called "TopOCR-Mobile LE."
It was an .exe file that had to be installed on the device. So I did, and now I can't seem to remove it. I deleted the .exe under program files, but the blank icons still remain (there's two of them 'cause I thought I could be smart and run the .exe twice and it'd ask if I would want to remove the program; it didn't - instead it just installed it TWICE).
Is there a way to remove those icons? I already used Regedit's and Total Commander's search features, but I couldn't find any files with the name "topocr" or "mtopocr" (it's installation name).
What are my options (besides throwing my Kaiser against the wall or hard resetting)?
Where exactly do you see those blank icons that you are talking about
programs icons are located in
\windows\start menu\programs
it it's a program which auto start then

can CECabManager do this?

With the 6.5 rom's coming out, I'm finding that I have to re-arrange my start menu everytime I flash. I'm aware of re-start, but it's a bit, primitive, for what I want to do. I'm wondering if CECabManager can create a cab that will simply MOVE files from one directory to another, even if that means creating a directory to place some files in. Basically, a fast and easy way to clean up my start menu the way I like it. Any help is appreciated.
A common cab can not do this, in my knowledge if you want a cab do this, that cab must contain a setup.dll, which can execute some commands before/after the install/uninstall. And seems it is not easy to make a setup.dll except you can use c++ computer language.
Otherwise a cab can only: Copy files, create/overrwrite registry and create shortcut.
As fa as I know, XDA_UC can do this. Check here:
[UC]XDA_UC V1.0.02, Automated & Silent User & Cook, Configuration Service[12/07/09]
Please do correct me if anything wrong.
I actually use a cab to install my start menu, but I cook my own roms. I think it's going to be harder to do if you're flashing different roms-you won't know beforehand all the shortcuts that you need. You could probably write a mortscript that deleted everything in the start menu, and then install what you want with a cab, but I have a feeling that you'll miss a bunch of apps that are cooked in, and maybe include dead shortcuts.
Sashimi is another good way to insert a new start menu directory.
hmm. guess I'll stick with what I know for now. Thanks guys.

