Running Server over Cellular - General Topics

Hello everyone,
I am looking into the idea of being able to run an SSH or VNC server on the Windows Mobile platform over cellular (3G). I know for a fact Tmobile can assign a 'route-able' IP address to a phone here in the USA (this has been tested). I can ping this IP address from any computer on the internet (albeit with some substantial latency). Perhaps there is a way to use the Tmobile allowed "pinging your device" to tunnel SSH or VNC traffic.
I would like to figure out a way to reach an SSH or VNC server on my phone using this method. We would need to somehow "open" an inbound port to the phone (this would function like basic port forwarding).
All of this works perfectly over WiFi, of course, but the goal is to get this working over cellular 3G (in particular, Tmobile). I see this as a technical challenge we can overcome as a group.
Does anyone have any ideas on this?

Come on folks, someone must have some ideas on this!
Here's a few links I came across:


How to open ports?

I installed debian on the JF 1.5 I'm running on my phone, then I installed (in Debian, of course) OpenSSH Server.
Now, when the phone is connected to my LAN via Wifi, I can SSH it to its IP address even from my PC, and login to Debian... like to a real computer
I'd like to open inbound connections to port 22 on Android, to allow me connect with SSH also when it's on 3G network, using the IP that was assigned by mobile carrier. How I can do it?
Thanks in advance!
I don't think open port on phone do anything.
the blocking is on your operator network. they have firewall too.
Maybe my operator doesn't? I'm using Tre (Italy). What I can do to test it?
Up Up, please
but most mobile operators use private address + proxy scheme. how could you bypass that? (even if the client is also in the same mobile network, your carrier is very likely to implement subnet isolation for security reasons.)

Android Server accessed over 3g

I'm trying to develop a server on my android device so that I can access my phone remotely from anywhere. Right now all of the webservers only allow me to access it on my local network. This could be a carrier issue, but am not sure if there is a work around or some other service.
Remote Web. It's on th market. It's just had this feature added in the last update.
Tried it..still can't access it through Remote Web.
I don't know how "Webkey" (see Market) works, but it have a working web server in the phone and it works over 3g
Webkey has a server that acts as an intermediary. Your browser and phone connect to the server, which gets you around the 3G connection problems.
I tried LazyDroid, Remote Web, and Remote Desktop. They all have a lot of cool features, but the webserver is running on your phone. If you can't reach you phone's IP address, then you are out of luck. (BTW, all three are targeting WiFi and/or USB as your means of connection.)
Paw web server
jvalal said:
I'm trying to develop a server on my android device so that I can access my phone remotely from anywhere. Right now all of the webservers only allow me to access it on my local network. This could be a carrier issue, but am not sure if there is a work around or some other service.
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You can see PAW web server , which works over 3G.

Connecting to your Android Phone Anywhere Anytime

Objective: To be able to get atleast a shell anytime you want.
Summary: I want to be able to control my phone from anywhere. Mainly, for the case that the phone is stolen, I want to be able to track it through GPS, operate the camera, download my files, wipe the phone, and make it explode (just kidding )
The Problems: The main issue here is to get a connection to the phone. In both WiFi and 3G. In both cases, the phone can be behind a NAT which will not accept any incoming connections so having a server on the phone will not help.
Secondly, you may also be behind a NAT (and also you do not know where you will be), so a reverse ssh or vnc will not work.
You can attempt a punchthrough, but you need a server, and you need your phone's IP address at the server.
I have tried PAW webserver and WebKey but when running on mobile networks, I am again behind some NAT or some ports are blocked, so I cannot get it to work.
I just want some discussion/research/opinions on how to deal with this and how I can have a constant connection with my phone.
So far, I can see the only way is to have a server somewhere, which can either do a punchthrough, or provide the phone with an IP to which a reverse ssh is opened. But the phone will then need to periodically check the webserver.
What do you guys think?

[Q] SSH Tunnel Question

I have a question regarding the feasibility of using an SSH Tunnel to achieve a specific goal.
I recently added my wife to my T-Mobile plan. We have excellent reception and coverage practically everywhere - except in her office. I think it has something to do with the thick metal roof on her building.
Anyway, connecting to her office Wifi, and enabling Wifi-calling allows all SMS/Call traffic through. The problem is that when making/receiving calls on Wifi, there is no audio transmitted through on either end. Wifi-calling works just fine from home, which leads me to believe that her enterprise IT department has blocked certain ports on the firewall that the T-Mobile Wifi-calling needs to operate correctly.
My questions is: If I create an SSH server on my WHS here at home (we have FIOS 30/15, with a low 2 digit ping, so bandwidth/latency shouldn't be an issue), can I then tunnel all of her android office-wifi-traffic through that SSH Server - and would that theoretically allow all ports to be open/available?
Before I take the time to set it all up, I just want a second opinion that it should work.
gat0rjay said:
I have a question regarding the feasibility of using an SSH Tunnel to achieve a specific goal.
I recently added my wife to my T-Mobile plan. We have excellent reception and coverage practically everywhere - except in her office. I think it has something to do with the thick metal roof on her building.
Anyway, connecting to her office Wifi, and enabling Wifi-calling allows all SMS/Call traffic through. The problem is that when making/receiving calls on Wifi, there is no audio transmitted through on either end. Wifi-calling works just fine from home, which leads me to believe that her enterprise IT department has blocked certain ports on the firewall that the T-Mobile Wifi-calling needs to operate correctly.
My questions is: If I create an SSH server on my WHS here at home (we have FIOS 30/15, with a low 2 digit ping, so bandwidth/latency shouldn't be an issue), can I then tunnel all of her android office-wifi-traffic through that SSH Server - and would that theoretically allow all ports to be open/available?
Before I take the time to set it all up, I just want a second opinion that it should work.
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Wouldn't having it travel through the internet make it potentially public data being transferred? I know the office building I work in also has crummy connection and they are on high alert with potential "hackers", and when the IT people see that there is a direct connect from their servers to your house, they'll block it and you might get into trouble.
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neim81094 said:
Ok so correct me if I'm wrong but you want her office to connect to your Wi-Fi through a ssh tunnel? I don't even think that's possible . That would be like office>server>internet>bouncing around>your router>WiFi and back? I though ssh tunnels were only for lan connections
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The way it would work (in my head) is that my WHS would act as an SSH proxy server. She would connect to her office wifi, then on her phone, she would use the SSH Tunnel app to define the location of my WHS as her SSH proxy server. All of her internet traffic would be sent (using her office wifi) directly to the WHS at home, the WHS, would then translate all of the traffic out to the internet, and return the results back through the SSH tunnel.
It should work, I'm just not sure if anyone with a more real-world working knowledge of this stuff has any input for me?
Why don't you try it with another WiFi? Like Starbucks or something test to see if that method will work that is definitely an interesting idea.
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[Q] Any way to lock down to SSH/VPN traffic only?

I want to set my Mum's new tablet so that it can only access the Internet via the SSH server running on her Buffalo router (with Tomato firmware).
I've got the server working and accessible remotely and so far the only app I've found that has a Global Proxy setting to redirect everything via the SSH server is SSHTunnel, although I gather that it's not totally reliable when connections drop/change and I can't expect my Mum to cope with monitoring it and re-enabling it manually. When it's disabled, all traffic will just go over local connection unencrypted so that's a concern.
Ideally there'd be some way to setup the SSH settings at a system level, with no way to disable them and force all the traffic go out like this but I'm not sure if there is any way to achieve this.
The other part is setting a firewall (AFWall+ or Android Firewall seem to be the main ones) to only allow traffic via the SSH server. I'm not sure what whitelist rules would be required for this. For example, SSHTunnel connects to the server at x.x.x.x:x, so I presume I'd need a rule to allow connections to this address and this port (I had a quick play with the Avast firewall, which only allows creating custom rules for IP or port, so I'd need two rules with that and it doesn't allow entering the DynDNS name, only a IP address, so that's no good).
Then SSHTunnel has a Local Port (1984) and remote addressort ( so I presume I'd need rules to allow all of those as well (I'm not sure which of these need to be incoming/outgoing or both). Then there's the question of whether I need to allow other ports like DNS (53) and so on, or if that all goes over the SSH tunnel and doesn't require setting allow rules specifically.
It might be that a VPN server would be more suitable for what I'm trying to acheive than a SSH server and I think the Tomato firmware on the router has that facility (or if the version currently flashed doesn't, there's probably another version I could flash that does), so if that's the case, I'd appreciate advice on locking it down that way instead. Android has built-in VPN support, so it might be possible to use that but it depends on whether it will auto-connect and stay connected all the time or if it requires user intervention and I'll still need to setup firewall rules to prevent data being sent without the VPN in case it does get disabled.
Another issue is whether these firewall rules will prevent the device even being able to connect to any public Wi-Fi points before redirecting the traffic via the SSH/VPN server, which would obviously be no good.
OK, maybe there's another way
I was thinking of setting up a VPN on a Raspberry Pi installed at my parent's house, as they have reasonable broadband speeds, something like 100/10MB. Is there anyway that I could setup my Mum's tablet so that it passes everything through the VPN whether at home or away, so that she doesn't have to worry about toggling the VPN or firewall?
I can point it to the No-IP domain name I've setup but then I think every request would go out onto the Internet (albeit encrypted) before coming back in to the VPN, which would then have to go out again to retrieve whatever webpage, etc is being requested, which would obviously be stupid. If I point it to the LAN IP of, that will avoid doing that when at home but won't work when away.
So, any ideas?

