SKTools Update released! - General Topics

SKKV Software released SKTools !
The winner of the " Best Software Awards (Maintenance Utilities Category ) " 2007,2006.
News and updates:
- Registry Explorer: "Cut" operation
- Registry Explorer: improved "Edit" dialog
- MakeCAB: cestrings templates (optional)
- Network Tools: GPRS Connections. With Action menu user can Disable/Enable connections.
- Network Tools: Wake On Lan
- Contacts: "Replace" operation: characters ',' ';' ' ' supported as delimiters for field names
- Main Settings: "Finger-oriented interface elements"
- ListView columns auto-width fix for WM6.5
This update is free for all registered SKTools 4.x users.


ASerg Optimize (tweaks)

Works on all devices!
Can be to whom it is useful:
Use GPRS on demand (WM5/6, saves the charge of the battery):
It was discussed here:
Great work! Your cab file will save me a lot of time. Otherwise I have to do it all manually everytime I upgrade/reinstall my xda. Many thanks ASerg
Pay attention on:
Temporary Internet Files by default on flash: \Storage Card\Temporary Internet Files.
If the name of a flash differs from "Storage Card" the cache remain in the basic memory.
the .cab file contains:
ASerg Optimize-v05:
It is added:
-Disable of messages on the unknown publisher of the certificate
-WM5NewMenu 2.0.2
ASerg Optimize-v05:
-Add HTC_SoftKeyChanger
-SMSDeliveryNotify = 1 - to receive the report on delivery ÑÌÑ
-ShowDateTime = 1 - to show date and time
-SaveSent = 1 - to keep the sent messages
-SMSNoSentMsg = 1 - switching-off of the message " SMS is sent "
-Add SMS Delivery Reciept Fix 2.0.0 beta
-Add opportunity to disconnect reminders on the category of the battery
-The manager of automatic loading added: StartUpMgr
-The manager of problems(tasks) added: TaskMgrv2.7
-It added WM5torage 1.73
-It added Contacts Backup: PPCBckpContacts v1.6
-Added to a melody with wm6
-Added to theme Crossbow.tsk and cyclic_blackbars.tsk
-Total Commander
-cab files do not leave after installations
-Disappear(Hide) in the general contacts, contacts of a sim-card
-Removed the letter in the contextual menu, type: (À)
-Thickness of a strip of scrolling reduced
-Temporary Internet Files by default on flash!(\Storage Card\Temporary Internet Files)
-Work optimized the Internet of a browser
-Date on today in one line!
-It activated the latent plug-in "Wireless" for today
-Optimization on the best of speed
-Optimization economy of the battery
-It is switched - off by default OBEX
-activesync it should not be started independently at an empty structure
Pay attention on:
Temporary Internet Files by default on flash: \Storage Card\Temporary Internet Files.
If the name of a flash differs from "Storage Card" the cache remain in the basic memory.

SKTools Update 4.3.2 released!

News :
- New option "Device Drivers" added. This option allow user view and manage available device drivers.
- Registry Explorer
-- In this version we have considered wishes of users about functions of the Registry Editor:
-- Opportunities of renaming, copying and inserting of keys and values are added.
-- Possibility to copy name of selected key or value to clipboard.
-- Export function of the selected values improved.
SKTools Update 4.3.2

SKTools Update released!

SKKV Software released SKTools !
The winner of the Best Software Awards (Maintenance Utilities Category ) 2007,2006.
News and updates:
New option "Window". This utility displays a list of open windows, their title, class and other information.
"Finger-oriented interface elements" setting have now 4 levels
Previous Update news:
Improved Opera cache detection
Improved registry cleaner
Added "Create shortcut (Kill)" command in "Processes"
This update is free for all registered SKTools 4.x user.

SKScheMa Update 1.2.19 released! [Windows Mobile]

New version of SKScheMa, winner of the Smartphone & Pocket PC Magazine Best Software Awards 2006, 2008 in the 'PocketPC Utilities Time Utilities' nomination, was released.
SKScheMa is a multi-functional scheduler allowing to automatically perform different actions at the time specified as well as to perform actions depending on other programs being launched/closed.
The program can be used as an advanced alarm clock and also as a reminder.
This update is free for all registered SKScheMa 1.x user.
New in SKScheMa 1.2.19 :
- improved settings window
- improved screen coordinates tool

[Q] Searching Taskmanager with used CPU-Time

I'am searching for a Taskmanager für Windows Mobile 6.1 which shows up the CPU-Time of processes.
I want to know which process is wasting the most CPU power over time.
As some tasks will close and restart, the most Taskmanagers will restart counting the CPU-Time. So a logfile would be nice.
Can somebody help me?
I'll help you out here
Hello there,
Follow this link to download a freeware Taskmanager capable of ;
- Process manager
- CPU usage (with CPU graph)
- Application Manager -=[ScreenShot]=-
- Service Manager -=[ScreenShot]=-
- Device Manager (only WM2005 and above) -=[ScreenShot]=-
- Windows Manager
- Notification Manager -=[ScreenShot]=-
- IP Config utility
- Ping utility
- Net Stats utility
- Registry Editor
- Run program utility Process manager:
- Allows to stop or kill a given process.
- Can activate the process if it has a window
- Can see details of a process (via context menu)
- modules (see exported functions)
- threads (can kill threads, change priority)
- windows (details, messages,...)​ CPU usage: - Shows CPU usage of each process.
- Shows CPU usage graph of the device. (Not process specific)
- Can close a process
Application Manager:
- Activate an application
- Close an application
- Close all applications
- Can see details of an application (via context menu)
Service Manager:
- Start/Stop service
- Set automatic or manual
- Enable/Disable
- Find service settings in registry
Device Manager: (only in WM2005 and above)
- Start/Stop device
- Set automatic or manual
- Find device settings in registry
Windows Manager:
- Shows a tree containing all existing windows
- Find a specific window via handle/title or class
- Highlight window if visible
- Activate, enable/disable, show/hide, close
- properties of a window (rectangles, styles, process,...)
- messages (v2.8)
- filtering messages mechanism
- custom messages can be added​ Notification manager:
- Shows the list of existing notifications
- Add/remove edit a notification
- remove duplicates and SCRIPT events
- enable/disable notifications
IP Config utility:
- IPConfig, IPConfig/all
- Renew/release, renew all/release all
- Adapters infos
Ping utility:
- ping ip address or hostname (w/o dns resolution)
- tracert ip address or hostname (w/o dns resolution)
Net Stats:
- Shows UDP/TCP table(w/o dns resolution)
- Shows IP/ICMP/TCP/UDP Stats
- Route table (w/o dns resolution)
- Wake On LAN
Registry editor:
- full registry edition capability
- import/export reg files (import Win2k and WinNT formats)
- favorites
- registry search functionality (returns all occurences found)
- cut/copy/paste functionalities
Run program utility:
- Allows to launch a program, a file or an url like in windows
- can add a file parameter and extra parameters
Command line parameters:
/cpuusage: begins with CPU Usage
/regedit: begins with the Registry Editor (a shortcut can be directly created from the options menu)
/windows: begins with the Windows Tab
/apps: begins with the Applications Tab
/ping: begins with the Ping Tab
/ipconfig: begins with the IPConfig Tab
/netstats: begins with the NetStats Tab
/services: begins with the Services Tab
/notifs: begins with the Notifications Tab
/devices: begins with the Devices Tab
/depends: begins with the Depends Tab
/about: begins with the About Tab
/r: reboots pocket pc without confirmation
/rq: ask confirmation before rebooting pocket pc
/tray: starts minimized to tray
/s: suspends pocket pc
/w: wakes the pocket pc if in suspend mode
/wl "xxx": wakes the pocket pc and launches program xxx
/wlq "xxx": wakes the pocket pc and ask confirmation before launching program xxx
/nr: reboots pocket pc at a specific time (a notification is created and every x hours, the pocket pc is rebooted.)
The syntax is /nr d:n with n= number of hours (eg.: /nr d:24)
/nd: removes notifications duplicates
/ns: removes SCRIPT:0x000 events
/nb: removes notifications duplicates and SCRIPT:0x000 events
/kill processname: kill a process given its name
/startsvc servicename: starts a service given its name (v2.8)
/stopsvc servicename: stops a service given its name (v2.8)
/u: used in conjonction with a .dll file in order to deregister it (v2.9)
/provxml filepath: install/process a provisioning xml file (v2.9)
/regxpkey [filepath] [[regkey]]: export registry key to file path, if no file path, default is created in \\My Documents.[] are mandatory for regkey. ex.: /regxpkey \\Storage Card\\Regfile.reg [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\FdcSoft] (v3.1)
/regxpall [filepath]: export all registry to filepath, if no filepath provided, a default one is created under \My Documents (v2.9)
[filepath] /silent: used in conjonction with a .reg file or a .dll file, so no message box is shown (v2.9)
/notif [/s \"subject\"] [/b \"body\"] [/t 0-60] [/bt \"ok\"] [/hide] [/beep] [/wake] : this will show a bubble notification for a certain amount of time, if 0 is specified then time is infinite. A subject and a body can be specified. The button text can be changed, the notification can wake the device, if suspended. (v3.3)
/assocregext : associate the reg file extension to TaskMgr.(v3.3)
/createtmsh : create the shortcuts for TaskMgr.(v3.3)
/createregsh : create the shortcut for RegEdit.(v3.3)
/runwinstart : launch TaskMgr automatically when the device boots.(v3.3)
/hibernate: sends the WM_HIBERNATE message broadcastly.(v3.3)
/tapscreen x,y: simulates click at position x,y with [x,y] in screen coordinates(v3.3)
I know this helps, greets Senax

