How do I update to the Donut dalvikvm? - G1 Android Development

I am maintaining a ROM for Rogers users and I would like to update the dalvikvm to speed things up. What files do I have to replace to speed things up?


Basic questions regarding Android ROMS.

sorry if these have been asked many times before, i've searched but cannot find much about it.
new to Android, coming from a WM for the past 8 years background its all foreign to me.
1) what is "adb" and how does it differ from "RC"'s? I presume RC's are just different build numbers for Android.
2) whats the difference between Haykuro, JF's builds? are any of them cupcake? how can i think about them in terms of Windows Mobile roms?
3) if I install one of the above, will the over the air updates still work? if there is an update to the OS (ie cupcake if the rom isnt) can this be applied at all or will i need to "lose everything" and wipe/flash to the new one?
again sorry for the n00byness.
1) what is "adb" and how does it differ from "RC"'s? I presume RC's are just different build numbers for Android.
adb is a way of telnet'ing from your pc to the phone, this gives you root access.
2) whats the difference between Haykuro, JF's builds? are any of them cupcake? how can i think about them in terms of Windows Mobile roms?
Haykuro and JF's builds are based on the android development branch, they are basicly updates that are based on googles on going improvements to the phones OS. Hayjuro's is based on a port from the upcomming saphire phone. Treat them as different "flavours" like schnaps etc
3) if I install one of the above, will the over the air updates still work? if there is an update to the OS (ie cupcake if the rom isnt) can this be applied at all or will i need to "lose everything" and wipe/flash to the new one?
Current custom roms change the signing keys so OTA updates are not updated onto the phone. You would have to manualy change the rom yourself.
Hope this helps
by ADB i meant (as in the JF threads) there are three diff versions rc33 rc9 and ADB1.1
also if having to reflash with new version, presumably that would wipe everything? is there a way of backing stuff up or are backups not as bigger deals as they are for a WM based OS.
The ADB build you refer to is essentially a rooted version of the ROM that came with the non-T-mobile branded developers phone.
Impossible said:
adb is a way of telnet'ing from your pc to the phone, this gives you root access.
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Err no. adb (Android Debug Bridge) is a tool for debugging Android devices both physical and virtual (in an emulator instance). One of its features is to give you interactive shell access, but this has nothing to do with telnet.
Haykuro and JF's builds are based on the android development branch
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Also wrong. JF's builds are based on officially and unofficially released current branches, not development branches. Also, they are not ground-up rebuilds of the source code in as much as they are just modifications to existing releases to add root and other goodies.
Haykuro's builds appear to be coming from some private source close to HTC. These are not based completely on the open source development branches either.
by ADB i meant (as in the JF threads) there are three diff versions rc33 rc9 and ADB1.1
Rc33 is the current US G1 tmobile rom, Rc9 is the current UK G1 tmobile rom and the ADB1.1 is the developers rom thats carrier free. Think of these are the different between a WM "clean" rom and a carrier rom (such as att)
also if having to reflash with new version, presumably that would wipe everything? is there a way of backing stuff up or are backups not as bigger deals as they are for a WM based OS.
As for destructive flashing... the G1 can do non wipe upgrade but IMO I prefere a clean (wipe before) install. As default the G1 roms store images/music/bookmarks and other customisations to the sd card and if your syncing your contacts with gmail, they will be restored after your rom update, so even with a wipe>install you dont loose much (you loose things like text's, mms's and installed apps)
thefunkygibbon said:
by ADB i meant (as in the JF threads) there are three diff versions rc33 rc9 and ADB1.1
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What you're referring to is the ADP not ADB.
ADP = Android Dev Phone
ADB = Android Debug Bridge
very helpful guys, thanks. as for over the air updates is that just for OS based stuff or do apps too? (do apps even update themselves?
if you have installed apps to the SD card then wiping the device is even less of a problem i assume
If you install JF's RC33, (or RC9 if you are in Europe), you will have a phone pretty much exactly like the official ROM, except you will have root and multitouch.
If you install ADP 1.1, you will have a dev phone with multitouch and root, but you won't see protected apps.
If you install Haykuro's H build, you will have HTC's "cupcake" phone with lots of added goodies and root.
If you install Haykuro's or the Dudes G build, you will have the Google "cupcake" phone and root.
The "cupcake" builds are very usable and stable, but there are still a few bugs being worked out on them.
With any of the builds, you will also need to use the radio version for that build. (RC 33 and RC 9 are using the radio you probably already have).
The radio can be flashed either before or after, and it won't touch anything on your phone, but it will reboot twice, so don't panic if you do that and see your phone hanging for a few minutes on a different screen after the first reboot.
With all of these versions, you can also put your apps on your SD card with a little more work.
If flashing a different rom, first sync your contacts, then use something like power manager or astro to back up your apps to your SD card, that makes it easier to get everything back. You will definitely want to do a wipe to avoid problems.
It is possible to go back to official roms after updating, but you will lose root, and I don't think you will want to go back. Often times you will get the modified updates here before they are even released officially!
Wow thanks, thats pretty much cleared up my questions!
With any of the builds, you will also need to use the radio version for that build. (RC 33 and RC 9 are using the radio you probably already have).
Do the files provided in the threads usually contain the radio's too are they seperate downloads/installs?
With all of these versions, you can also put your apps on your SD card with a little more work.
If flashing a different rom, first sync your contacts, then use something like power manager or astro to back up your apps to your SD card, that makes it easier to get everything back. You will definitely want to do a wipe to avoid problems.
Its something i'm used to with WM phones, but its always a complete ball ache resetting everything up and installing everything.
Is it at all possible to have some kind of OTA updates hosted system set up elsewhere (such as you or me) which could deploy the updates for these "hacked" roms, much in the same way as tmobile etc do?
Do the files provided in the threads usually contain the radio's too are they seperate downloads/installs?
It will say in the threads if you need to install the radio seperately. On most of the newer builds you will need to install it.
Is it at all possible to have some kind of OTA updates hosted system set up elsewhere (such as you or me) which could deploy the updates for these "hacked" roms, much in the same way as tmobile etc do?
The only roms which notify you of updates are the JF ones. There is an app on here that you can install which will let you know if there are updates. So far, it is all do it yourself as far as updating goes.
I don't know if it is possible without a lot of work to have the updates pushed automatically to your phone. At the moment, there are so many roms, some of which are updated more than once per day at times.
I have no idea what pushing them automatically to you phone involves, maybe someone else here does.

Need some rom dev help with 32B rom

Releasing this rom in the Sapphire / myTouch3G section as it is not compatible with the Dream (I think?) <-- I'll be keeping this thread updated
Or see post #4 below
I've been crafting a 32B rom for a few weeks based on the AOSP Eclair branch since the 2.1 code release. So far I've managed to build the source, build a kernel from Cyanogen's source (thanks cm), and get the google apps working from the Milestone dump Maxisma posted a few weeks back (thanks Maxisma).
It works pretty well but now I'm stuck ...
1. How do I get bluetooth working? It won't turn on .. if I search the forum it just brings up a million posts about bluetooth not working on hero roms.
2. My wlan starts but I can't obtain an IP address via dhcp ... which is a bit strange ... Not sure if this is a rom problem though or a local router problem. I compiled the wlan driver after compiling the kernel and copied the wlan.ko into by lib directory.
3. Last thing is ncommander's camera driver. I've tried getting his source but I am a git newbie and have not been able to merge his code into my local Eclair repo. How do I do this? Or if it's easier can I just grab the compiled binaries from a working Eclair rom (I'm not sure which files these would be).
Thanks for any help or pointers ...
just make a bata, and add blutooth in another update, no one really uses blutooth anywase.
i know absolutely nothing about develping roms, but im just trying to provide as much help as posible.
Thanks I appreciate the reply.
Bluetooth is important to me though, I use it every day to listen to podcasts with Doggcatcher.
I think I'll go with your idea and release it as beta, just one big issue to sort first. It is rooted ( in the right places) and I can get root when I am in "adb shell" but I can't get root using the superuser.apk and included 'su' binary. adb logcat gives me these errors:
D/dalvikvm( 1028): +++ not scanning '/system/lib/' for 'makeExecutable' (wrong CL)
D/dalvikvm( 1028): +++ not scanning '/system/lib/' for 'makeExecutable' (wrong CL)
D/dalvikvm( 1028): +++ not scanning '/system/lib/' for 'makeExecutable' (wrong CL)
[ROM] "Android 2.1 for 32B" - No A2SD - Small and light
Here's an Eclair rom I built specially for the 32B Magic / myTouch3G. It is built from the Android 2.1 source that was released a few weeks ago, and has a kernel built from Cyanogen's kernel sources for Eclair (sources here).
This rom does not support A2SD. I've always found it annoying that almost all 32B roms require the ext3 and swap partition on your SD card. The Magic does not need A2SD in my opinion ... and getting rid of A2SD and swap on sd cards eliminates the slowest link in the chain. With a bit more optimisation this could be a very fast rom.
Visually this is almost completely stock, if you like nice themes and graphics for your roms I would suggest MetaMorph, and browsing the Android theme section.
This is a completely new rom to XDA, not anyone elses work rehashed.
Complete with:
- Root privilage/superuser
- Google Apps
- Big APN list
- Busybox
- Android Market working
- Support for wired/wireless tether (get the APK from here -- I'll include it with later releases)
- Support for swap partitions (swapper/droidswap ...)
This is a stable rom, everything works (apart from the snag list below) and there are no force closes.
Snag list - what doesn't work
- On first boot, make sure you select "". I'm working on a fix for this.
- Camera not working. Plan on putting in Ncommander's camera driver for next release.
- Bluetooth not working. <-- I need help with this. Can any devs offer advice?
- Camcorder (doesn't work on any Eclair roms)
- Not compatible for G1/Dream ... you probably wouldn't want it anyway without A2SD
- Engineering SPL
- WIPE before installing this rom
I don't really think this needs saying, but I am not responsible if you brick your device. Make sure you know what you are doing! Read >> Sapphire hacking wiki <<
Warning: HTC Magic 32b/MyTouch3G only. Not designed for G1
Download -
Thanks: bcrook for getting my build off the ground, cyanogen for cm-kernel sources, radix999, dwang for inspiration
if its for mytouch only, why is it in the G1 section...
Because originally when I posted I was just asking for some dev advice, and I figured I would get more page views in here than in Sapphire development.
Anyway like I said I'll be keeping my thread in Sapphire dev updated rather than this one.

[PATCH] CM Kernels 10MB-RH and NON-RH for King's SenseHybrid 2.3

Hey all, this is a patch that will change out the kernel for King's SenseHybrid 2.3. I use this rom pretty much daily. It is a cupcake based hero, just this update speeds up the performance a bit.
-Wipe everything!
-Install King's 2.3 SenseHybrid (Please follow his directions.)
- Flash this update immediately after flashing King's rom
- Reboot and enjoy!
Updates user.conf (if you don't like it, change it )
Virtual mem settings adjusted
proc_cpu_en=0 # to save battery life
Updates Kernel to CM
Free Advanced Task Manager (Useful)
****I just posted a 10MB ram hack version in the thread below. It uses CM with CFS instead.****
If you like it, then great! I've been experimenting with using different kernels on different people's roms. I'm new to it, but if anyone has any tips, they are greatly appreciated.
Sounds good I was going to flash the sensehybrid soon anyways so this sounds perfect.
Wait a few minutes..
If you can hold off a bit, I am also making a 10MB ram hack version with CM CFS. Just testing now.
CM 10MB Ram Hack with CFS
Here is another one that you can flash immediately after flashing king's 2.3. This uses the CM kernel and the CFS 10MB ram hack. I absolutely hate BFS on G1/Dreams! Anyways, this one should run faster. I would also look into the thread that has been posted recently about speeding up hero roms and change the line in your init.rc to keep rosie in memory. just copy the init.rc onto your sdcard and edit it with notepad++ (windows program, it is great!) and then copy it back to your root over the existing init.rc and reboot. (if this is complicated, then don't try it.)
Otherwise, Enjoy!!
will this work without an ext/swap partition?
Without ext partition...
Honestly, if you are using the Death SPL and you are running this with my ram hack, you should be ok. Unfortunately, the compcache on King's earlier roms are usually broken. I tried pushing ramzswap from the CM kernel and still no luck, but then again, I'm not as savy as some of the other dev's out there. You will just have to edit the user.conf after you finish flashing the two, you want to do the following:
First, before flashing you want to pull the user.conf from the system/bin/ directory in king's zip file. edit the user.conf using notepad++ in windows and change the linuxswap=1 to 0 so that it turns it off. then copy that file to your sdcard.
immediately after flashing the two files,
-go to console from the recovery and type the following
mv /sdcard/user.conf /system/bin/
this will disable the linuxswap and then you will be able to run the rom. But again it would be better with a swap partition.
Hope this helps.
would prefer the WG kernel but okay thanks
protomanez said:
would prefer the WG kernel but okay thanks
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Same here, WG is great. I tried the RH CFS patch, but I got an error while flashing it. Had to restore from switchrom.
where's the wg-kernel patch for 1.5 hero roms?
Also, does multitouch still work with THIS patch?
boot loop...
Chabsie, telling me u got a boot loop doesn't help me resolve the problem much. You must have DeathSPL for this rom, Must be full wipe, and EXT4 partition. If that doesn't help, please list the stats for your phone, which hack u are using and where your issue occurs.
Jcarrz, WG kernel version of this is released in another thread. It is on 2nd or third page, just search.
Just a question, since im not an expert. but how is this cupcake based hero, when CM is donut based? Also thanks i will give it a try now.
domex2k said:
Just a question, since im not an expert. but how is this cupcake based hero, when CM is donut based? Also thanks i will give it a try now.
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HTC developed the sense UI and this port is from the HTC Hero or the earlier Droid Eris (Prior to upcoming update from Verizon to 2.1.) Both of those phones use Cupcake as the base and then Sense UI is just a pretty cover for it. The kernel I used is from CM's Donut based roms, which is more than compatable, but again, the framework and ramdisk and everything else reflects a 1.5 environment. Enjoy the patch.
redd12345 said:
HTC developed the sense UI and this port is from the HTC Hero or the earlier Droid Eris (Prior to upcoming update from Verizon to 2.1.) Both of those phones use Cupcake as the base and then Sense UI is just a pretty cover for it. The kernel I used is from CM's Donut based roms, which is more than compatable, but again, the framework and ramdisk and everything else reflects a 1.5 environment. Enjoy the patch.
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Got it. Thanks
Yeah it runs pretty smooth, the only thing was the contacts from Gmail did not sync, but im going to later on reflash and see what happens.
sync fix
domex2k said:
Got it. Thanks
Yeah it runs pretty smooth, the only thing was the contacts from Gmail did not sync, but im going to later on reflash and see what happens.
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Just go back into system menu and re-sync manually and give it a minute. It will work fine. I had that happen on one of the trials.
redd12345 said:
Just go back into system menu and re-sync manually and give it a minute. It will work fine. I had that happen on one of the trials.
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Great i will give that i try Thank you
domex2k said:
Great i will give that i try Thank you
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You may like this one better.
This is the Wes Garner Ramhack. It should be slightly faster. I think that you still need to have a partition though because of the apps to sd. You would have to do complete wipe for this one again.
redd12345 said:
You may like this one better.
This is the Wes Garner Ramhack. It should be slightly faster. I think that you still need to have a partition though because of the apps to sd. You would have to do complete wipe for this one again.
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Thanks for the link. I will give it a try, because some reason when used the other 2 cm patches the camera and camcorder will FC and so i then just flashed this rom solo and it did not fc
redd12345 said:
Chabsie, telling me u got a boot loop doesn't help me resolve the problem much. You must have DeathSPL for this rom, Must be full wipe, and EXT4 partition. If that doesn't help, please list the stats for your phone, which hack u are using and where your issue occurs.
Jcarrz, WG kernel version of this is released in another thread. It is on 2nd or third page, just search.
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Sorry for being vague. I had everything right except ext3 instead of ext4. I'm looking for some directions on how to upgrade. If you have any please let me know, thanks.

[ROM] 12/21/10 | Fresh Evo | [Insert Witty Tagline] | New OTA Base

Geek For Me is proud to release:
Fresh Evo for your Sprint Evo 4g
Featuring the new OTA and multiple updates.
Base: Supersonic 3.70.651.1
Changes from Fresh Evo to
Based on the new Sprint OTA (3.70.651.1)
New kernel by HTC (#15)
Modified slightly to allow app2sd, remount, and enable usb debugging
Good battery life is back!
Added notification pull down widgets (huge props to jschisurf)
Removed USB debugging icon (thanks to jschisurf)
Removed GPS icon when it's disabled (thanks to jschisurf)
Option to reboot added to power menu (thanks to snq- and aamikam)
Updated DarkTremor Apps2sd to
Updated Gmail to 2.3.2 (due to some issues in the beta you may need to update this through the market)
Updated Google Search to (due to some issues in the beta you may need to update this through the market)
Updated Google Maps to 5.0.0
Updated Voice Search to 2.1.1
Updated Market to 2.2.7
Due to many users experiencing issues in the 3.5.0 beta with this you will see the old market after you first flash, however it will be quickly updated in the background to the new one.
Updated ES File Explorer to
The OTA brought a lot of behind the scenes changes, but also some new apps. I removed most as they are things you could already get off the market. Here's what I did with everything. Keep in mind that some of these apps can be re-installed by clicking in a file browser, while some must be copied to /system/app/ manually:
SWYPE -- left this for now
WM DRM 10 -- left this for now
Blockbuster -- moved to /sdcard/fresh-removed-apks-3/)
Adobe Reader -- moved to /sdcard/fresh-removed-apks-3/)
Kindle eReader -- moved to /sdcard/fresh-removed-apks-3/)
NOVA Demo -- moved to /sdcard/fresh-removed-apks-3/)
Sprint Zone Update -- moved to /sdcard/fresh-removed-apks-3/)
New Sprint Nav -- moved to /sdcard/fresh-removed-apks-3/)
New Sprint TV -- moved to /sdcard/fresh-removed-apks-3/)
New radio (baseband), wimax radio, and PRI and NV can all be found on Fresh Updater after flashing 3.5 or downloaded below. Fixed market bug Fixed location bug Fixed busybox / root apps FC'ing bug I wanted to give a shout out to skullmonkey, mrgq1111, Rolland985 and gordon ramsay (he yells a lot) for sitting in tinychat with me and trying every market fix I threw at them. And an extra special thanks to mrgq1111 for letting me remote in to his computer so I could work on the issue on his phone (because I couldn't duplicate the problem on mine). I wouldn't have been able to fix it without that.
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Changes from Fresh Evo to
Based on a new Sprint OTA (3.30.651.2)
New kernel by HTC (g0f673ed)
Modified slightly to allow apps2sd and remount to work
Has fps unlocked by default, straight from HTC's source!
Upped MMS size limit to 5mb (thanks to calkulin)
Added mod to prevent MMS from compressing image unless it's over 5mb limit (thanks to calkulin)
Added mod to unlock Sprint wired tether so that you can tether straight through the normal USB menu when you plug in your phone (thanks to calkulin. If it's not working for you then you are probably missing drivers on your computer. Check device manager. Works on 3g or wifi only)
Updated Wireless Tether to 2.0.5-pre-11
Updated DarkTremor apps2sd to
Updated Google Maps to 4.5.1
Updated Google Search to 1.1.2
Updated YouTube to 2.0.26
Updated busybox to 1.16.0
There were no radio updates or updates to any system apks or jars in this OTA. Fixed a browser bug. Find the small patch in Fresh Updater if you were on already
Not every mod in this rom is outlined here if it was done in a previous version. It contains all the Fresh goodies as outlined in the Fresh Evo changelog:
Install Notes: This update does not require a data wipe if you are on Fresh Evo 3.2 or higher. If you are coming from another rom then a wipe may be required. Always perform a nandroid backup before flashing. Updating to the new radio and PRI is highly recommended. I recommend doing it after you flash the rom. The download is below.
Donors: If you were already on then yes you still need to update or you will not be able to get future updates from fresh updater properly.
If you are experiencing issues:
If your gmail FC's on your first boot and you aren't getting push gmail then simply open Settings < Manage Applications < All < Gmail < Clear Data . After that everything should work for you.
If your market is FC'ing then you will need to perform a few adb commands after flashing the rom.
adb remount
adb shell
rm -r /data/data/
rm -r /data/dalvik-cache
rm /data/system/packages.xml
reboot recovery
then you should be in recovery. and do (assuming RA) Other < Fix APK UID mismatches
If you have tried all of that and are still having issues then you need to go in to recovery and do a full data wipe and flash and all will be fine.
Fair warning: if you ask me something that is already answered in the forum, the change log, or these release notes, then I'm going to ignore it. Sorry.
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Need help?
Forum <--- Currently disabled because dream host sucks.
Change log
Radio, Wimax, NV, and PRI (new with this release. flash after upgrading the rom or download from Fresh Updater):
reserved for me!
downloading now, quick question, is it safe to delete the previous fresh deleted apps folder as another is going to be created or leave as is?
Enjoy every thing works for me no bugs at all
been waiting on this, way to go fresh!!!
Looks very nice! Excellent work, as usual flipzmode!!
good **** flipz!!
Here goes nothing...
By the way flipz, isn't the latest NetArchy Kernel based on the new/unofficial ROM. It should bring true Wifi Functionality, right?
I've been running the beta builds for the last two days, and they're smooth as butter. I had been running Cyanogen RC1, but I was having weird problems with my in-call volume getting dorked up and requiring a wipe to straighten it out. So far I haven't run into a single problem with any of the Fresh ROMs.
I'm downloading the final build right now and should be flashing it within the next five or ten minutes
SO MANY new Amazing ROMS!! Just installed the latest baked snack about 5 hours ago... will let that run for a day and give this ago!!
Flashed and there are no problems at all. Good job Flipz.
myersn024 said:
I've been running the beta builds for the last two days, and they're smooth as butter. I had been running Cyanogen RC1, but I was having weird problems with my in-call volume getting dorked up and requiring a wipe to straighten it out. So far I haven't run into a single problem with any of the Fresh ROMs.
I'm downloading the final build right now and should be flashing it within the next five or ten minutes
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How is battery life in the beta's that you have been running?
tpeazy said:
Here goes nothing...
By the way flipz, isn't the latest NetArchy Kernel based on the new/unofficial ROM. It should bring true Wifi Functionality, right?
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The latest netarchy kernel WORKS with the new ROM, but it's still a 2.6.29 kernel. The new kernel that comes with the 2.2 release is 2.6.32, for which HTC has not yet released the source.
What kernel do I use because I'm coming from cm6
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
There is not enough thanks we can say to dev like you flipz, keep up the great work many thanks.....
love your roms man. any way to make it sense removable?
frettfreak said:
How is battery life in the beta's that you have been running?
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battery life was great for me i was getting 19 hours + with heavy usage
does 4g work with these new roms?
4g has worked on every single rom of mine except 0.1, and that was simply a permissions issue.
Omg, I JUST set up Baked Snack exactly like I I want to give this a try >.>

kernel development 1.2 mytouch

I'm trying to get a functional config for the 1.2 mytouch but I'm having trouble tracking down the exact source to the kernel but it's proving rather tricky. I can't seem to determine what the source to this kernel is and where to pull it.
If anyone can point me in the correct direction i can start on some work.
I pulled some pre-packaged git repo from ezterry's github. ezterry-kernel-biff-testing-5fba47e
I pulled my config from the running kernel from the zip i mentioned above running on my phone.
I built the kernel produced from using that config and the wlan.ko module.
Using this guide :
I just want to be sure the kernel source i'm starting out with doesn't need extra patches that weren't included in the github pull in order to get it to work on the 1.2.
thanks for any help.
I'm also looking at cyanogenmod's github and will probably build a kernel against that pull this week as well.
Still, would like to know what sets the kernel i mentioned above apart from just straight pulls of these repos. That's the only part really confusing me.
Hey I was wondering if you could make this kernel your building an OverClock kernel too. No one has built one for our MyTouchs 1.2 that is truly for this device.
The Max OC I've been able to pull of is 725 without the phone freezing and rebooting.
Idk just thought it would be a good idea for your kernel!
Sent from my Fender using XDA Premium App
overclocking stability is less about the kernel and more about your particular hardware. Some phones just by manufacturing luck can achieve faster clocks than stock to varying degrees. 710 is considered to be the average max i believe. Anything faster is in the far minority of units. People who hack the cpufreq table to get these higher clocks limit to what they consider safe to stop people from actually destroying their hardware (which is possible).
Though, these "oc kernels" should have their patches posted somewhere. It's difficult to track down where exactly these kernel zips are coming from and thus to find out what their source is. Legally they need to either be shipped with the source or shipped with files pointing to the source or have the source available from the same place the binary was downloaded from. thus far I'm just guessing as to what the actual source is to the kernel i'm currently using and hoping all the necessary changes and patches are committed to the github that I believe the kernel is ultimately based from.
cellsafemode said:
I'm trying to get a functional config for the 1.2 mytouch but I'm having trouble tracking down the exact source to the kernel but it's proving rather tricky. I can't seem to determine what the source to this kernel is and where to pull it.
If anyone can point me in the correct direction i can start on some work.
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Hi I built this kernel.. later versions have a SOURCES file with the url's to the source I used. I added that after I started seeing it posted outside of the rom thread I originally posted it to
This is a build off of Pershoots github source
including Ezterry's 10Meg patch to the 32a mem map (Fender/1.2 is 32a/b hi-bred)
and Farmatito's usb drain patches 001 - 022 excluding bfs
and wlan.ko from Cyanogen's sources
the .config can be obtained using kernel-sources/scripts/extract-ikconfig
or adb pull /proc/config.gz config.gz
and as for Overclocking have a look at Dumfuq's githib
I get reboots at anything over 595
edit: I build these kernels because usb mount does not work with 2.6.34 on Gingerbread roms and more recent Cyanogen kernels had the green tint issue. Since the green tint issue is fixed and I think works better on Froyo I haven't been working with 2.6.35 at all lately
cellsafemode said:
I'm trying to get a functional config for the 1.2 mytouch but I'm having trouble tracking down the exact source to the kernel but it's proving rather tricky. I can't seem to determine what the source to this kernel is and where to pull it.
I just want to be sure the kernel source i'm starting out with doesn't need extra patches that weren't included in the github pull in order to get it to work on the 1.2.
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you need to ask the person that build based kernels.. [see ratkings comment]
My github has sources for and tags match my public builds (I think they are all tagged if not check the notes with my release of the kernel for the correct commit)
I also had some builds from cm-kernel sources (exact commits and patches if needed mentions on the posts with the kernels) but the last one off those was in January.. and besides the january one the builds were 32b/2708+ only since that was the reason to re-build cm. sources with little modification.
I too get issues over 595. Wifi will not work etc. at 595 everything is happy.
I pulled the .config, and you cleared everything up. I was just wondering if those extra patches or anything that made booting to the 1.2 correctly were missing from the standard github kernels that I've found.
I have two jobs so time is very limited but I'm hopeful to boot my own compiled kernel this weekend and then work on modifying the accelerometer driver, specifically the parts that handle determining orientation in order to create a sysfs file that controls orientation locking. Write a 1 to the file and it always reports the same orientation that it's currently in, tricking the entire android system into thinking you are never changing your orientation... write a 0 and it reports the real orientation.. and so on. Then write a little app that can be used as a widget or kept in notification bar so you can easily tap lock the orientation whenever needed. Allowing true landscape and portrait locking on any mytouch 3g.
Uhh yeah I trimmed that way down.. no debugging at all (I like to live dangerously)
later tests were less insane
the only other thing to note is that kernel/ was edited to force the base address to 10000000 instead of copying the address of the previous kernel.. thats really why I posted it as for Fender/1.2 only. I didn't want anyone messing that up and blaming me when re-flashing Pershoots kernel didn't correct it
It looks like the 1.2 patch is something that basically changes the 32A so if you patch your kernel source to support 1.2, you break building 32A kernels (you have to then have two trees or continually apply and remove the patch between builds). Is that the case, does the patch make your tree a 1.2 only tree when building for the 32A ?
If so I can edit the patch to introduce a kernel config under the saphire board selection to choose if you want to build for the mytouch 1.2 or 32A or 32B directly. So there is no confusion. Then instead of replacing values in the source like the patch does, wrap them in IFdef macros based on the kernel config options.
Then it should be easy to roll out 3 kernel compiles and do something similar to an auto kernel package and utilize a little logic to determine which to use. A rev board with 2.22 radio == 1.2 (i forget if there is another locale where the radio is different for the 1.2). Others can be chosen based on board rev only.
cellsafemode said:
It looks like the 1.2 patch is something that basically changes the 32A so if you patch your kernel source to support 1.2, you break building 32A kernels (you have to then have two trees or continually apply and remove the patch between builds). Is that the case, does the patch make your tree a 1.2 only tree when building for the 32A ?
If so I can edit the patch to introduce a kernel config under the saphire board selection to choose if you want to build for the mytouch 1.2 or 32A or 32B directly. So there is no confusion. Then instead of replacing values in the source like the patch does, wrap them in IFdef macros based on the kernel config options.
Then it should be easy to roll out 3 kernel compiles and do something similar to an auto kernel package and utilize a little logic to determine which to use. A rev board with 2.22 radio == 1.2 (i forget if there is another locale where the radio is different for the 1.2). Others can be chosen based on board rev only.
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Um... all my kernels to my knowledge work on 32a old radio, 1.2/32b old radio and 2708+ 32b new radios..
Just 3 config files and #ifs for the changes.. ebi1=3.22 radio, ebi0=2.22 radio, and 2708+ = 32b with radios. (And thus 3 binaries in the auto kernels)
Note the ebi1/ebi0 have both 32a and 32b versions that is what you see with the smi size logic in the kernel
ok. I read the description of the 10M patch above wrong and thought it was also enabling 1.2 support ...
Also, I'm wondering why exactly we use an initrd/initramfs setup. Our rootfs drivers are all compiled in so what's the real reason we bother with initrd ? Seems like we could speed up loading time if we avoid having to decompress and use an initramfs image and just get right into mounting root
OK, sweet. I have working 100% on my mytouch 1.2. Now i can move forward with some actual development.
cellsafemode said:
Also, I'm wondering why exactly we use an initrd/initramfs setup. Our rootfs drivers are all compiled in so what's the real reason we bother with initrd ? Seems like we could speed up loading time if we avoid having to decompress and use an initramfs image and just get right into mounting root
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i might be wrong but i think android mounts the partitions directly to places in the initrd. never does a switch root out of it like most linux distros.
but im a noob and might be wrong lol
tvall said:
i might be wrong but i think android mounts the partitions directly to places in the initrd. never does a switch root out of it like most linux distros.
but im a noob and might be wrong lol
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The normal configuration is:
/ = ramdisk and contains init and adbd on the rom (and all of recovery)
/system = system partition
/cache = cache partition
/data = is userdata partition or internal MMC card depending on the device's design
/data/data = userdata if the device has an internal MMC card
** dream/sapphire only has /data on the MTD partition .. no internal MMC card.. just the external one (sd-card)
Can it be changed .. well that is more of a rom design than a kernel question.. just set the bootimage's command line to match if needed... but the above is aosp's expectation.
OK, ezterry kernel for mytouch 1.2
Source code at
Seed if you download. tTorrent app is a full torrent app for your phone. Or you can just load it on your computer (ideal) and then move it over usb while in recovery.
This is basically rattking's kernel install package with some minor asthetic edits to the install script and layout. The kernel is based off an older rattking .config with necessary changes to match configuration changes in the newer kernel as well as changes to certain schedulers and included drivers and features.
If you have trouble connecting to the torrent, make sure encryption is on.
IF you still have problems.. the direct link is But it would be nice if the torrent was used.
Some info about the latest kernel for those who haven't checked it out...
the 10M patch is already applied in the upstream source, so you'll have that. I also turned on all the unsafe frequencies, but default you move around between 122 and 595. You can override that however with user apps.
NOTE: Swap is not enabled with this kernel. .. that's about all the important stuff for now. I just wanted to get a good stable starting point before i start diving in and breaking stuff.
New version with some bugfixes.
I forgot to add in scsi support so the mass storage feature can function... some other minor changes too.
7 hours of constant audio playback with the regular music player, on and off texting and web browsing over 3g (3g enabled entire time) and still got 50% power. I gotta compare to other kernels but that sounds pretty decent considering by now i'd be plugging the phone in.
my next half day off when i'm not 2 jobbing it i'll patch up the sensors so that I can enable and disable updating the orientation sensor via sysfs. Should be trivial then to have real orientation locking that's application independent. Should be sweet !
Is your kernel mainly for gingerbread, or froyo? If I understand right, ezTerry's kernels are for gingerbread...
I've only tested it against gingeryoshi so I would say gingerbread or newer

