Bizarre forms rendering from custom VB.NET application. - General Questions and Answers

Hi - first post on this site...
I've got a custom windows mobile application that is running well on many PDA's in the field - I had a Verizon HTC "Rafael - I believe" PDA dropped off on my desk and the user was complaining that all of the labels in the application were squished to half their intended size.
I did some digging and determined that there was more wrong with the presentation layer than just that - on this device.
Any picture box images are rendering at about 1/4 of their intended size and not all labels are rendering at half their programmed heights - only the dynamic labels (ie. labels displayed on the forms via code) were rendering at 1/2 of their intended heights...
As mentioned previously - this application is running great on devices like the Palm Treo, Samsung i### and many others...these devices are all running mobile 6.0 whereas this HTC that is screwed up, is on 6.1.
Does anyone have any ideas on this problem? Has anyone ever seen anything like this?
Thanks in advance!!!
- Rob.


SketchIT v1.0 launched!

Ladies and Gentlemen,
„Pocket OOZ“has just released their newest creation called „SketchIt“.
Sketch IT is a notes organizer for the "Today"-screen of your Microsoft Windows CE device. Taking notes has to be as accessible as possible but taking electrical notes is very slow as it's not just taking a pen and a paper, you have to go through a number of menus and dialogs before you can start taking notes.
This has finally changed with Sketch IT, now you can just take your pen and your pda out of your pocket and start writing! Whether it's writing down numbers, drawing pictures, playing games- everything is possible, on your "Today"-screen.
The e-Ink engine which provides the application with a blazing fast drawing engine, even on the "Today"-screen of your device. The application itself is only 32kb, it has been designed to keep the system running stable with no lags or workflow brakes.
But the applications features are not limited by the size;
• "powered by eInk" - allows fast writing directly to the today screen or on one of the many virtual sheets.
• Customize it! Design your own background and use them as your virtual sheet.
• Perfect work flow! Accessible when you need it, no need to push any buttons or perform any other tasks. Turn your device on and you are ready to take notes.
• Big when you need it big. Small when you need it small. Change the size of the "Today"-plugin instantly. No need to go through time consuming dialogs.
• 9 different pen colors and 7 different pen sizes make your notes readable anytime.
• Saving? Yes, but quick - save your notes with one click, no need to go through any dialogs. Just click the save button to save your current sheet.
• Unlimited Undo'ing, even if you have saved your work, you can undo anytime.
• The "Lock Sheet" feature prevents accidental drawing to your note, you can enable this and most other features without going through any dialog .
• Change the size of the plugin, sheets up to 640 pixels height on your "Today"-screen are supported.
You are welcome to write a small review for SketchIt if you are a news-author for a pocketpc site, you will receive the registered version of SketchIt for this purpose – and ofcourse you can keep it once you have published the review. If you are interested, just send an email to support(at)
But there are even more news, Cell Profiler, our other product has been rewritten, improved and is currently being tested as V2 by our Q&A team. It is packed with new features, a today plugin that shows your current area, your operator, your phone number, the cell and the LAC on the today screen, the quickprofiles which allow you to do instant profile switches, a cellmap to visualize the actual network, a new userinterface and much much more.
Expect Cell Profiler v2 to hit the streets this or early next month.
If you are interested in previewing Cell Profiler v2, feel free to send an email to support(at) and we would be happy to send you the latest beta of CP v2 for re- and previewing purposes.
-Pocket OOZ
Looking for testers??
sorry... but both apps have already been tested, but you are welcome to test the demo version
Would you be willing to speak with another developer to help him with the operability of his app with yours? I purchased SketchIt 1.0 and I like it very much. However, there have been users attempting to use it with a program plug-in for WisBar Advanced 2 (WA2). WA2 is a skinnable task manager for the Pocket PC.
The Plug-in is WisBar Advanced Desktop (WAD). The developer is Chris McKay. WAD provides the users the ability to design their Today Screen anyway they can imagine.
I have been having some trouble getting SketchIt to work with the plug-in and I was hoping you and Chris could talk to identify and work to have the two apps work together.
Any help would be appreciated.
I like notestoday. Does this have better features?
I think it takes the writing quicker and cleaner.

Win Core 5.0 display area

Hi, please tell me if there is a way to make the message boxes and windows (of course some of them are outside the screen area) to force to display in screen area, not to have a part of window outside screen.
The display driver is ddi.dll.
Thanks for your help.
Unless its your windows (from your own app) no.
ddi.dll is the generic name for WM / CE display driver so it tells us nothing of the device.
If you describe your problem in more details, like the exact device, the apps that do not display properly etc. perhaps someone will be able to help.
Ok, the device is a pna running win core 5.0. Apps. that are outside are using gdi (apps which use gx are displayed normally thanks to gapi 4.0), but the others designed for 230x320 are outside (the device has display 320x240).
Ok, I think I understand what you are trying to do - you "opened" a PND and are trying to run PPC apps on it right?
Unfortunately, currently there is no way to help apps that can not adjust to screen resolution by themselves.
PNDs are intentionally limited in features and screen rotation option was removed from the driver.
Unless a program was written to take in to account the screen size (many PPC programs were not) there is no way to force it to the right resolution.
And even if it could be done (there is a theoretical way) it will always be buggy and unstable.

User Interface differences with 6.5

As everyone who has been trying the new ROM (or even looking at the screen captures) knows, the UI has been changed significantly. Since most of the providers don't plan on making 6.5 backwards compatible, this isn't a major problem for most users. We aren't most users: So THANK YOU to our chefs.
Anyway, there are a number of UI changes. Some I've figured out, some I have questions on. I'd love to keep a running list, if that makes sense. I'm also happy to move this post elsewhere or acknowledge someone else's work. (I did search.)
So, here is my list thus far. I'm happy to have links to additional information on any of these topics.
Touch. The touch-based actions feel much better. (I get the impression from reading XDA and other forums that AT&T limited access to some of these touch actions. With the "cooked" rom's, this goes away.) The faster I slide my finger, the faster the scrolling in long pages or lists of contacts. It's not perfect, as I sometimes find myself intending to scroll and getting a click instead. (This is not different from before.) On the browser (and other apps?), flick-scrolling gives you any angle, rather than strickly up/down or left/right. I would like a tutorial for all the touch actions, though.
Home page. This is quite variable. The default seems to be CHome, which has large text/graphic bars for each element on CHome. I like that each gives underlying status when they are the selected bar, and then you can go into them further of course: email, friends, weather, etc. Many of the CHome apps have a scrolling functionality that give you additional access without having to open the underlying application. CHome is modifiable with a special editor, called CHome Editor and located in various locations, depending on the build. This lets you set which bars show up on the list and where they are located. (It would be nice if this linked to the Today settings editor and visa versa.) As usual, there are many home page options, and one more graphical option is Manila2D / TouchFLO2D (possibly a standard option). It also takes some getting used to.
Start list. Rather than a simple list, this is now the hexagonal grid of icons. I've seen a number of people say this is a direct response to the iPhone icon / application list. While it may be easier to view, I don't like the UI and lack of flexibility here. I keep forgetting where things like the Photo Album are. My current ROM has three different places to find "settings" type of tools, and there is no way (that I can see) to move things between groupings and explicitly set what icons I want where.
Internet Explorer has a much better experience - mostly. It operates full screen, and a double-tap will zoom into a readable area. (I think it actually zooms into an underlying html section, which I find comforting.) I don't understand why IE seems to shut down when I have only OK'd out to the home screen (not closed it). Big question: on a web page with a data entry field, why won't the text entry area scroll with my typing? Other question: Should I use a different browser?
FYI: The keyboard map for function keys is different than the default for the AT&T Tilt. This can be fixed by following this thread:
Camera: The camera has never been anything to write home about, but it seems to have gotten worse. I see a thread on the main section for the Kaiser that talks about a new camera app that looks a lot like the one that comes with WM6.5 ( Question: Is there any chance to improve the the options and operation of the camera?
Feedback welcomed.
Jack Vinson
Phone: 8925 / Kaiser
Current setup:
SPL: 3.29

Jbed WinMo screen problem

I've got this problem ever since I switched to Windows Mobile 6.5 builds. Java applications executed by Jbed begin to resize themselves after some time. It's almost as WinMo is losing focus of this app - suddenly top and bottom bar of WinMo appears, screen is a little bit resized.
Anyone had an issue like this one?
Do u check all version from here:
Yes. I already tried them all.
Here is my thoughts.
You indicate that the size reduces over time. which implies its fine at first.
I suspect that your running a java app that is setting the java parameters and hence reducing them in the process.
Try 1 new java app at a time, then see which one could be causing that!
I know that some apps are made for QVGA screens or smaller (like for Nokia phones) and those will always display small if its built for one of those devices specifically.
Alternatively check this thread and see if it helps with the settings.

Free upgrade: how to add branded flagship features to your smartphone

Firmware flagship smartphones - this is often something more than just Android. Top devices are literally stuffed with functions that are not found in the base versions of the operating system. But it's not necessary to go broke for a pass to the VIP-segment. The already existing smartphone can be equipped with an advanced camera, like Google Pixel, or make it display information on the screen off, as in Samsung's flagships. About how to add useful functions of flagship devices to your smartphone - read in the article.
The difference between a top-end device and an inexpensive one lies not only in the advanced hardware "stuffing". Most of the interaction with the user is borne by the software part, which provides owners of expensive smartphones with the maximum convenience of use and advanced features. Owners of the same budget models are often deprived of many useful functions. However, the issue of software on the Android platform is easy to solve. And "pumping" your device - just a matter of time and several applications.
Practical Magic
Management of gestures - as a series "Game of Thrones". Up to the last you say that you will not watch, and then you are drawn in - and you can not tear yourself away from the screen. Samsung flagships have used a lot of relevant options for a long time, and in the new iPhone X svaypas are the only option for managing the smartphone. To assess the convenience of such a method, it is enough to acquire a specialized application, for example, iGest or All in one Gestures. You can go even further and organize gesture support on the disabled display with Knockr (for OLED screens). However, you will have to accept the increased power consumption of the device. Manage the smartphone without touching the display will help the program Air Swiper. Among its capabilities are the following functions of gesture management:
automatic activation of the screen when receiving SMS and opening a message;
turn the screen on and off;
turn on the silent mode by holding your hand over the proximity sensor;
turn on / off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.
Face ID for everyone
The new is a well-forgotten old. The analogue of the revolutionary technology Face ID from Apple was actually implemented in Android 5.0 and in later versions, too, has not gone away. The function of Smart Lock in its time did not stick, but the new trend from Cupertino spurred her popularity. To take advantage of the flagship option on any modern smartphone, you do not even need third-party software - just include the full-featured face recognition function in the Smart Lock menu. You can additionally protect any applications from running by unauthorized people with the Visidon AppLock program.
Advanced camera from Google
The hardware characteristics of the camera are only half of what is needed for a good photo. The second software is responsible, and the flagship models with it are traditionally full order. The camera application for smartphones from Google uses machine learning techniques and in HDR + mode allows you to transfer the smallest details in the shots even in shadows and in overexposed areas of the image. Most notably, this application - Google Camera - is available for a large number of devices. And even with the settings you have to tinker, the result is worth it:
Photo Sphere function for creating circular panoramas;
blur effect, as on a mirror camera;
panoramic mode with high resolution;
maximum resolution of the viewfinder;
convenient settings and a large shutter button;
modes HDR and HDR +.
Object recognition
Became public and the service Google Lens, formerly the privilege of the line of Pixel. The program gives users the opportunity to learn information about the surrounding objects through a smartphone camera. The list of useful functions includes the identification of attractions, the time of work of these institutions, translation of the text directly from the image and much more. Special manipulations for the installation of new items will not be required, it is enough just to update the "Google Photos" package to the current version.
Partly cloudy
Cloud storage is a convenient way to expand the device's memory and create backups. Many eminent brands even switched to their own storage services, keeping users in the internal ecosystem. However, it is not necessary to become attached to gadgets of one manufacturer. Add more space for your files and configure their synchronization with any of the available services. For example, Dropbox, "Cloud Mail.Ru" or "Yandex.Disk." All of them offer both free access with limited volume, and expansion of the storage using different tariff plans.
The miracles of cloning
To transfer from the top machines it is possible not only functionality. Even to modify the interface of your smartphone under the "clean" Android in the spirit of Google Pixel - no problem. The recipe for "pixelization" is simple. First, install the Nova Launcher shell, then go to the interface settings and perform some simple manipulations:
choose the shape of the bottom panel "Rectangle" and make it transparent;
adjust the position of the search bar (top or bottom);
Change the grid of the desktop and the bottom panel (the number of columns, rows and icons on the desktop);
For complete authenticity, we turn on the weather display next to Google's search bar;
change the icons and the type of folders using Pixel Icon Pack 2 Free Theme UI;
edit the application menu - display, grid of icons and background color;
we finish the composition by installing the branded Google applications "Phone", "Contacts" and "Messages";
Always On Displays
Until recently, this technology was available only on some smartphones with AMOLED-screens, now anyone can try it on their device. To view the time and missed notifications, you no longer need to unlock the smartphone - the utility will display important information directly on the screen. And do not worry that the battery will be discharged faster - it will involve a limited number of pixels without turning on the backlight. Of course, only in the case of AMOLED-displays. However, there is a beta version of a similar application for TFT-models: judging from the reviews, the usability is worth several "extra" percent of battery per day.
Smart Case
Samsung S View - a proprietary "chip" of the Korean manufacturer. Covers of the corresponding series are equipped with a transparent window, through which you can see the screen. A sort of Always On Display in miniature, but with advanced features: right from this window the user can answer calls, see the name of the playable melody, get quick access to the camera. A magnetic sensor automatically locks the display when the cover is slammed and vice versa. If the same cover was found on the gadget of another brand, then to get the same functionality it is enough to install the application S View. The program is compatible with any Android-smartphone and uses a proximity sensor instead of a magnet.
The possibility of notification of events with the help of LED-indicator and button illumination, like the Nexus series, became available on all Android-devices. Both Light Flow and Led Reminder will help you to implement both scenarios. Missed calls, SMS, low level of charge - only a small part of the notifications, customizable with the specified software. In addition to saving time (you do not need to unlock the screen to find out about the missed event), the battery consumption also decreases, because waiting for an incoming message does not have to constantly turn on the backlight. There is also the option of disabling the indication at night.
Of course, this is not all the proprietary features that can be found in the firmware of those or other smartphone manufacturers. Perhaps, it is not worth copying them completely - there are shortcomings in top solutions, too. Android is a flexible platform, and in today's article we have considered only the best features of flagship devices, leaving behind the scenes dubious or completely useless. And you had to "finish the file" your gadget to squeeze out of it more functionality?
copy / paste from here
thread closed

