SKTools Update released! - General Topics

SKKV Software released SKTools !
The winner of the " Best Software Awards (Maintenance Utilities Category ) 2007, 2006 ".
News and updates:
- Now it is possible to create CAB files with SKTools! Possibility of creating a CAB file on the basis of the installed program(s) added.
Also possibility of converting REG files to CAB files added. (WM5/6+ only)
- "Registry Explorer" now able to add data to existing files in the export operation.
- Speedup "PIM Categories" option.
- "Duplicate Files": added "include filter", now possible to use regular expressions.
- SKTools setting "Only one standard SKTools instance" added.
- SKTools setting "SKTools temporary folder" added.
This update is free for all registered SKTools 4.x users.

Thanks for sharing!

Best software for sure!!!!

Wow, great ! Simply to create cab from registry files. Thanks, for this great software.

nice stuff.


New (3.0.73), greatly enhanced SKTools out!

SKTools is without doubt the best all-in-one generic system maintenance tool for the Pocket PC. However much there indeed are other programs clearly better in some of the areas (for example, backing up or registry tweaking (Tweaks2k2).)
The new, 3.0.73 version, which has just been released, is available here for WM2003, WM2003SE and WM5 devices. It's, of course, a free upgrade (as will be all future SKTools versions) to registered SKTools customers.
Since the last version (review here), a lot of new features have been added and old features extended - features I really missed from the previous version (or, for that matter, any other Pocket PC maintenance application):
- Registry optimization (WM5 only)
- Messaging Files option
- "Show SIM items" tweak
- "Decode HTML messages" tweak
- "Delete PIM data": now possible delete Messaging data (messages) – really welcome. Hope it’s something like CleanMail by the FlexMail folks
- "Windows Startup": now possible delete services – also welcome – see the Safe Mode Bible on the meaning of this
- "Databases": added EDB bases export to xml – probably the most welcome feature. This means you’ll be able to directly export all your contacts / appointments / tasks to an XML file, as could you do under pre-WM5 operating systems all the time with both SKTools and other WinCE database access tools like Pocket dbExplorer. This has really been missing from under WM5.
- "System information": extended information about the battery
- "Invalid Registry Entries": find and delete also empty keys
- French, Spanish, Italian UI added
- some small fixes
- File open dialog: added "new folder", "rename" commands
I've added some comments in italics.)
Also note they offer a 10% discount to all their (commercial) programs right now; see this for more info.
(Sorry for not writing an all-in-one review / tutorial on the new features. I'm very busy now with real-life work - if you think you can help me with some thin client-related questions, you can check out this )

SKTools news

For the second year in a row (2006 and 2007) the Board of Experts judges of Smartphone & Pocket PC magazine declared our product SKTools the best in its class!
SKTools won the Pocket PC and SmartPhone the Best Software Awards 2007 in the Multifunction Maintenance Tools category for Pocket PC and in the System and Registry category for SmartPhones !
Another program by SKKV Software - SKTracker - won in the category System and Registry for Pocket PC.
A new major upgrade of SKTools Version 4 is coming soon !
With some new and powerful features:
- Cab Manager: SKTools show all CAB, CPF, TSK files on device, show content (with full names, installation path, registry keys, shortcuts, _setup.xml), extract with full names, install to ANY location (full installation made by SKTools) for WM5/ WM6; SKTools can be associated with CAB files.
Export function for REG files.
- Replaced ROM Files: show which ROM files have been replaced by another version, show version and date of these files; the user can see if the newest file (the file having the latest time stamp) is, in reality, older than others and, therefore, remove it.
- Move Data: move application, folders, files to any location with automatic (!) registry and shortcut modification (and other data about files and their path).
- Storage Analyzer: show what files and folders (by types, attributes, ...) are stored on the device. Show storage usage for bases, registry, PIM, messaging, fonts.
- Chinese language (Simplified Chinese) support
- Many other changes, improvements and adds.
Buy now and you will get the upgrade to new version for free !
For SKTools customers who has purchased SKTools before 1 September 2007 will get the upgrade for a special price.

SKTools Update 4.3.2 released!

News :
- New option "Device Drivers" added. This option allow user view and manage available device drivers.
- Registry Explorer
-- In this version we have considered wishes of users about functions of the Registry Editor:
-- Opportunities of renaming, copying and inserting of keys and values are added.
-- Possibility to copy name of selected key or value to clipboard.
-- Export function of the selected values improved.
SKTools Update 4.3.2

World's first CAB file editor working on a Windows Mobile device

We will release a new Windows Mobile program called " CabIntegr " soon.
It is the World's first CAB file editor working on a Windows Mobile device!
No need a Desktop PC to create CAB files and make the user independent
Ideal for using, if the user is on the way or he has no access to an Desktop PC .
CabIntegr features:
Creating new CAB files
Editing CAB files:
Adding files
Adding multiple files in one operation
Adding registry keys
Importing registry keys from REG files
Adding custom* shortcuts
CAB files compression supported**
Pre- and post- XML provisioning files supported***
Managing storage of information needed for the program removal
Viewing all CAB files which are available on the device
Viewing contents of CAB files
Extracting contents from CAB files
Creating new CAB Provisioning files
Converting REG files to CAB files
Support several languages of the interface
(W)QVGA/(W)VGA support
Windows Mobile 5/6 Classic and Professional compatible
* shortcut target will be exist on device or in CAB file
** only MSZIP
*** only for new CAB files
Looking forward for release. Dreams may come true...finnaly!
Freeware, or not?
I read on german forum the regular price is $14,99.
As registered SKTools customer I get the half price.
So this is just advert..mhmm..
CabIntegr on our webpage released !
CABIntegr Update released!
The World's first CAB file editor working on a Windows Mobile device!
CABIntegr allow to user create, edit, view, install CAB files.
A helpful tool for all Windows Mobile user, especially for developers, ROM cooker, skinner etc.
No need any PC, so the user is independent. Ideal if you are on the road.
News and updates:
- Added "Create Installer" option. "Installer" it is executable file. This executable include one or more (CAB or/and other) files and can install or execute it after start.
- Script support for the Installer.
- "Set Path", "Create from cab" commandS in "Create" window.
- Scroll (left, right) gestures in settings (WM6.5+ and some WM6.x devices).
- Improved import from REG files.
This update are free for all registered CABIntegr users.
CABIntegr Update released!
The World's first CAB file editor working on a Windows Mobile device!
CABIntegr allow to user create, edit, view, install CAB files.
A helpful tool for all Windows Mobile user, especially for developers, ROM cooker, skinner etc.
No need any PC, so the user is independent. Ideal if you are on the road.
News and updates:
- Added import "pre-" and "post-" XML from CAB file
- Improved RGU files import
- Edit operation for TSK files
- Improved settings window
This update are free for all registered CABIntegr users.

SKTools Update released!

SKKV Software released SKTools !
The winner of the Best Software Awards (Maintenance Utilities Category ) 2007,2006.
News and updates:
New option "Window". This utility displays a list of open windows, their title, class and other information.
"Finger-oriented interface elements" setting have now 4 levels
Previous Update news:
Improved Opera cache detection
Improved registry cleaner
Added "Create shortcut (Kill)" command in "Processes"
This update is free for all registered SKTools 4.x user.

