Basic adb/shell commands for noobs - G1 Android Development

Here is a list of some of the adb and terminal command I have used it Android frequently. I found that I was always having to look up these commands so I figured I would start keeping track of the common ones in case they can help anyone else. If any of these needs corrections or if you have a good one to add please post it.
Note, I type "cd C:\Android" to get to my Android folder before doing these commands in the command prompt in windows. That way when I do things like pull apps they end up in "C:\Android\apps", same thing if I want to send I file to my phone I throw it in my Android folder and send it to the phone from there.
Through ADB
Pull apps off phone onto computer
adb pull /system/sd/app app
adb pull /system/sd/app-private app-private
Push apps back to phone from the computer
adb push app /system/sd/app
adb push app-private /system/sd/app-private
Delete existing apps on SD
adb shell rm -r /system/sd/app
adb shell rm -r /system/sd/app-private
Through Terminal
Partition SD card - This erases everything on your SD card (*size* being the size of the FAT32 partition)
$ su
# cd /data
# wget
# chmod 555 sdsplit
# /data/sdsplit -fs *size* [I](add -nc to the end for JFv1.5ADP)[/I]
From the Recovery Screen
Sending an update file to your SD card:
adb shell mount /sdcard
adb shell rm /sdcard/
adb push *filename* /sdcard/
From Fastboot
Restoring a nandroid backup - Start command-prompt/terminal cd to the nandroid folder and enter following commands
fastboot erase boot
fastboot erase recovery
fastboot flash system system.img
fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot flash userdata data.img
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
fastboot reboot

ok after i get adb workin i do the commands like this?
cd C:\Android adb pull /system/sd/app app
and if i wanna push em back i do
C:\Android adb push app /system/sd/app

ADB for dummies Thread covers this.

Nice list of commands, however you *might* want to remove the command to backup private apps ^_-
Also for those who are lazier to copy and paste, you can create .bat files which you can run under Windows and it will automatically run the commands within. Simply copy and paste the commands you want to run into Notepad. Save it with a suitable name but ending with .bat, for example - Restore All Apps.bat
It will now be changed into a batch command file so you can run it by double clicking.
I use a slightly different method where I can put the BAT file anywhere and instead of typing "cd C:\Android" to specify a directory, I just hold down SHIFT then double click on the bat command.
By holding down SHIFT before opening the bat file, it basically tells Windows to open the command prompt within the folder it resides in. Just another shortcut to cut down on commands
I suppose you could edit the .bat script further by specifying at the start what directory you want to work with before using the adb commands. You can also make it fancy by adding a menu etc etc.
EDIT: Last time I looked at ADB for dummies, the first post only illustrated how to get ADB working but it didn't actually have any useful commands to use at a glance.

just read everypage in the adb for dummies and i still dont know how to pull apps and cache to a certain folder and push them back to a new sd card

how i resolve permission denied error in ADB Shell ??
it doesnt let me do a thing ! googled alot . couldnt find anything helpful
any idea?

Are you using a development SPL like Cyanogen's Recovery 1.4?

brandenk said:
Are you using a development SPL like Cyanogen's Recovery 1.4?
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i have installed [Recovery] [16-Sept-2009] [RA-HERO-v1.2.2] via HTC SYNC . coudlnt installed it via ADB shell . permission denied error .

anyone know why this wouldnt work with an old school usb 1.0 setup??
just wondered if the retard sammich i had this morning is kicking my ass or if im engaging in an act of futility??
Just doesnt seem right id have to walk all the way upstairs to use a lappy when the office setup would work just fine. No matter how much slower windows could possibly get :sarcasm:
Any consideration this plea gets will be appreciated by less posts and more reading :thumbsup:

Maybe some commands on how to navigate the phone. I'm a DOS guy and the commands are similar
"dir" is "ls" for when you want a list of files and sub-directories in the current directory
"cd\" is is just "cd " (cd[space]) for changing the directory
returning to the previous directory is "cd .."
"del" is "rm" for deleting files (caution).
That's all I can think of right now.

ok I was going to go swap to a Moment today...not anymore. I'll be back after drinking a pot of coffee, theres a TON of info here. Thanks guys...lots of work put in by many. Its appreciated!

I've installed adb file explorer and I have my G1 connected to the PC but I can see nothing in the right side of ADB. Why ?????
helpppppp svp

[QUOTE = brandenk; 3820215] Hier is een lijst van enkele van de ADB en terminal commando ik heb het gebruikt Android vaak. Ik vond dat ik altijd was te hoeven opzoeken deze commando's dus ik dacht dat ik zou beginnen met het bijhouden van de gemeenschappelijke regels voor het geval ze kunnen helpen iemand anders. Als een van deze behoeften correcties of als u een goed toe te voegen post het.
[COLOR = "Red"] Let wel, ik typ "cd C: \ Android" om naar mijn Android map voordat je deze commando's in de command prompt in Windows. Op die manier als ik dingen als pull-apps ze terecht in "C: \ Android \ apps", hetzelfde als ik wil verzenden ik bestand naar mijn telefoon gooi ik het in mijn map Android en stuur deze naar de telefoon vanaf daar. [/ COLOR]
[SIZE = "3"] Door ADB [/ B] [/ SIZE]
Apps Trek telefoon naar de computer
ADB pull / system / sd / app app
ADB pull / system / SD / app-prive-app-private [/ CODE]
Push apps terug naar de telefoon van de computer
[CODE] ADB push app / system / sd / app
ADB push app-private / system / SD / app-private [/ CODE]
Verwijder bestaande apps op SD
[CODE] ADB shell rm-r / system / sd / app
ADB Shell rm-r / system / SD / app-private [/ CODE]
[SIZE = "3"] [B] via Terminal [/ B] [/ SIZE]
Partition SD-kaart - Dit wist alles op je SD-kaart (* maat * dat de grootte van het FAT32-partitie)
[CODE] $ su
# Cd / data
# Wget
# Chmod 555 sdsplit
# / Data / sdsplit-fs * maat * [I] (add-nc aan het einde voor JFv1.5ADP) [/ I] [/ CODE]
[SIZE = "3"] [B] Van de Recovery Screen [/ B] [/ SIZE]
Het verzenden van een update-bestand op uw SD-kaart:
[CODE] ADB shell mount / SDcard
ADB shell rm / SDcard /
ADB push * bestandsnaam * / SDcard / [/ CODE]
[SIZE = "3"] [B] Van fastboot [/ B] [/ SIZE]
Nandroid het terugzetten van een backup - Start command-prompt/terminal cd naar de nandroid map en voer volgende commando
[CODE] fastboot wissen boot
fastboot wissen herstel
fastboot flitssysteem system.img
fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot flash userdata data.img
fastboot flash herstel recovery.img
fastboot reboot [/ CODE] [/ QUOTE]
Bij mij waarom commado su-permission denier ?????
Wat moet ik doen ??? Helppppppp :confused::confused:

If an .apk won't install does that mean it's incompatible / bad? e.g. if i get this message in adb
adb install Stk.apk
771 KB/s (67151 bytes in 0.085s)
pkg: /data/local/tmp/Stk.apk
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jamesyb0i said:
If an .apk won't install does that mean it's incompatible / bad? e.g. if i get this message in adb
adb install Stk.apk
771 KB/s (67151 bytes in 0.085s)
pkg: /data/local/tmp/Stk.apk
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looks like it is incompatible and the install failed
edit: pah, just read your sig
Doh : ) maybe minimum requirement is 2.0 and your rom is 1.6
ok, so you are probably not running a donut ROM
what ROM are you running?
what apk are you installing and where did you get it
ps this is probably not the best place to post this, it has nothing to do with adb, I'm sure you would get similar error from android Application Manager
am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -t application/ -d file:///sdcard/your.apk

TainT said:
anyone know why this wouldnt work with an old school usb 1.0 setup??
just wondered if the retard sammich i had this morning is kicking my ass or if im engaging in an act of futility??
Just doesnt seem right id have to walk all the way upstairs to use a lappy when the office setup would work just fine. No matter how much slower windows could possibly get :sarcasm:
Any consideration this plea gets will be appreciated by less posts and more reading :thumbsup:
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I didn't see any response to this, so...
What I gathered from some other threads was that you need USB 2.0 (or greater?). One guy solved his problem by installing a USB 2.0 card in his pc, if that's an indicator.

I there i'm tryng to unninstall a app but i'm with problem's
# pm disable com.xendex.RedBullXFighters
# pm uninstall com.xendex.RedBullXFighters
pm uninstall com.xendex.RedBullXFighters
I have done a small test and i got sucess with this one, but what i realy want was to unnistall the above app
# pm uninstall com.kmagic.solitaire
pm uninstall com.kmagic.solitaire

Tyto said:
I there i'm tryng to unninstall a app but i'm with problem's
# pm disable com.xendex.RedBullXFighters
# pm uninstall com.xendex.RedBullXFighters
pm uninstall com.xendex.RedBullXFighters
I have done a small test and i got sucess with this one, but what i realy want was to unnistall the above app
# pm uninstall com.kmagic.solitaire
pm uninstall com.kmagic.solitaire
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I would try:
mount -a
rm -r /<app location ie; system/app/<app name> (enter)

juangil said:
I would try:
mount -a
rm -r /<app location ie; system/app/<app name> (enter)
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??? this will uninstall the app or only remove the dir? i wan't to uninstall it not just delete it

Tyto said:
??? this will uninstall the app or only remove the dir? i wan't to uninstall it not just delete it
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afaik, same thing
you can also use root explorer and removed it that way


[HOW-TO] change your french orange dream firmware by a custom one...

Thanks to :
• JF for his recovery.img
• Arisme for the analysis of the dumped french orange firmware and his tools to customize the firmware
1) The tools
Unzip all the tools on one folder on your hard disk (c:\ModifDream for example)
SDK here :
fastboot here :
other tools here :
You must copy thoses files on the microSD card :
- boot-root.img
- systemDEV.img
- dataDEV.img
- (we need this patch from the original french firmware for a compatibility with the radio)
- wlan.ko (we need this patch from the original french firmware for a compatibility with wifi)
- busybox.asc
- trout-keypad-v3-franch-azerty.kcm.bin (with the ' and the ")
2) Backup of your dream.
We will use the JF recovery :
- Shutdown the dream
- plug it to the PC
- put your dream in fastboot mode
- On the PC, do :
fastboot boot recoveryJF.img
- On the dream keyboard do ALT+B to backup your dream
- At the end of the backup do BACK+HOME to reboot
Ok the backup is done (NANDROID folder on your microSD card
3) Patch the boot for permanent root access throw adb
Put the dream in fastboot mode
Plug it to the PC
- On the PC, do :
fastboot boot recoveryBoot.img
After the startup of your dream, do on the PC :
adb shell
mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 /sdcard
flash_image boot /sdcard/boot-root.img
4)Install of the new firmware and of all the patchs (ADP firmware)
Put the Dream in fastboot mode and plug it to the PC
- On the PC do :
fastboot boot recovery-unyaffs.img
After the startup, do on the PC
adb shell
mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 /sdcard
mkdir /tmp/system
mkdir /tmp/data
mount /dev/block/mtdblock3 /tmp/system
mount /dev/block/mtdblock5 /tmp/data
cd /tmp/system
rm -rf * (dont be afraid by the error)
unyaffs /sdcard/systemDEV.img
cd /tmp/data
rm -rf * (dont be afraid by the error)
unyaffs /sdcard/dataDEV.img
cp /sdcard/ /tmp/system/lib/
cp /sdcard/wlan.ko /tmp/system/lib/modules/
cp /sdcard/trout-keypad-v3-franch-azerty.kcm.bin /tmp/system/usr/keychars/
cp /sdcard/trout-keypad-v3-franch-azerty.kcm.bin /tmp/system/usr/keychars/trout-keypad-v3.kcm.bin
cp /sdcard/trout-keypad-v3-franch-azerty.kcm.bin /tmp/system/usr/keychars/trout-keypad.kcm.bin
Do on the dream keyboatd ALT + W
After the startup, do on the PC (to have root and busibox) :
adb shell
mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
dd if=/sdcard/busybox.asc of=/system/bin/busybox
chmod 4755 /system/bin/busybox
cd /system/bin/
busybox cp -s busybox cp
busybox sh
cat sh > su
chmod 4755 su
OK, that is finished!
After the startup you will have to sign in with your gmail account. To do it you have first to create an APN (MENU and then NEW APN)
5)Back to the orange firmware
If you need to come back to the orginal situtation, just copy system.img and data.img from your NANDROID backup at the root of your microSD Card and copy and rename the boot.img from this backup to boot-orange.img at the root of the card.
Put the dream in fastboot mode
Plug it to the PC
- On the PC do :
fastboot boot recovery-unyaffs.img
After the startup, do on the PC :
adb shell
mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 /sdcard
mkdir /tmp/system
mkdir /tmp/data
mount /dev/block/mtdblock3 /tmp/system
mount /dev/block/mtdblock5 /tmp/data
cd /tmp/system
rm –rf * (don't be afraid by the error)
unyaffs /sdcard/system.img
cd /tmp/data
rm –rf * (don't be afraid by the error)
unyaffs /sdcard/data.img
On the dream keyboard do ALT + W
Put again the dream in fastboot mode
On the PC do
fastboot boot recoveryBoot.img
After the startup do on the PC :
adb shell
mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 /sdcard
flash_image boot /sdcard/boot-orange.img
You will find in the zip a tool : unyaffs. With this tool you can extract on your PC image like system.img or data.img. This is really interesting if you need some patch from the orginal firmware. Maybe italian users can use it to get their keyboard layout, update it (with an hex editor) and replace the french layout in this exemple with the italian one
To use this tool : unyaffs system.img or unyaffs data.img with your image on the same folder fo unyaffs
Ah ouais ca a l'air sport comme méthode.
Oh it's seems pretty hard to do .
Are you sure it's working ?????
Vraiment impressionnant... j'espère que cela fonctionne bien
Tous mes espoirs d'avoir un téléphone Dream fonctionnel vont devenir réalité...
Really impressing I hope that it works well
All my hopes to have a functional telephone Dream are going to become reality
Note that it looks complicated because all steps are shown to give a headstart to other modders.
You can build a simple from those instructions if you want the most "interesting" parts being
a) gaining root by booting an image
b) using unyaffs to restore the original firmware, since no official exists for it so far
Really Great Job...
I have try this rom...
I have some problems with synchro (no 3G) and the img files are in English...
Could you help me to put this in French ???
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards
ADP firmware is an German/English firmware. You won't find a french firmware with a good google sync...
For the 3G have you created the new APN as described ?
For the APN :
name : orange
apn : orange
user : orange
pwd : orange
MCC : 208
MNC : 01
type : default
It's working....
Do you think it will be possible to made my own Firmware making a build with the French translations ???
Thanks in advance
You could translate the free (i.e. non Google) apps. But it's going to be a lot of work, when Cupcake is coming in a few months.
After i hacked my dream, following all the steps, my calendar app shuts down all the i went back to orange firmware and my calendar is ok, but no synchro as it's expected to do with this firmware.
Anyone has same issue ? ideas ?
Oh, and before i went back to orange firmware, IM app and voice search were activated oO
Anyway, good job guys !
That finnish but I got a problem I am block by google account, my sim card is not reconize. I was maybe forget an step, but wich one ?
please help me
thx for that job
have you created the new apn as described ?
yes I create orange apn like describe but It never ask me pin code ;-(
hum hum.. have you done the line cp /sdcard/ ...
I think yes, because I just copy/paste all command line, so that one were paste (I hope), if not what can I do ?
i am surfing with my dream so it is not easy to write a specific process... so do again the step 4 and, please. do it line after line to be sure that all is ok...
ok I will try now to do step 4 and tell you if it is good. Or I will go on orange rom
thx geek78
is it normal
/tmp/system # rm –rf *
rm: cannot remove '–rf': No such file or directory
rm: app: is a directory
rm: bin: is a directory
rm: etc: is a directory
rm: fonts: is a directory
rm: framework: is a directory
rm: lib: is a directory
rm: lost+found: is a directory
rm: media: is a directory
rm: sounds: is a directory
rm: usr: is a directory
rm: xbin: is a directory
/tmp/system #
no, do again rm -rf * (dont forget the space after -rf)
yes It is what I do (I just copy and paste) so I keep space, but you said don't worry with error ;-)
The error is maybe here because all the process is ok, just an error in this command line.
I retry
It smelt very good, you are a king, ****ing process, who do what you ask him ;-)
It first view all is good, I just need to do some configuration.
Thanks geek78 and have good night
See yu

[Resolved] [Q] adb install results in "/sbin/sh: pm: not found"

I am using a rooted HTC G2 with Clockwork recovery and Cyanogenmod 6.1.1.
I broke my launcher, ADW EX, using Ninjamorph; the phone now gets stuck on the boot animation.
My planned solution was to use adb install to restore a backup of ADW EX.
Using adb pull I pulled a backup of ADW EX and placed in C:\
I mounted /system and /data in recovery
Using adb from recovery I entered adb shell and removed the broken ADW EX with:
rm /data/app/org.adwfreak.launcher-2.apk
Next, I exited adb shell and entered:
adb install C:\org.adwfreak.launcher-2.apk
This generated the error:
/sbin/sh: pm: not found
I cannot get past this error and successfully install the application. I am learning as I go, any direction or assistance is welcome. I miss my Android
In case any other doofus' run into this situation.
As I have now learned, the "adb install" command will not work from recovery.
Because I had broken my launcher, and I had no alternative launchers installed, there was no launcher to hand-off to after booting; the result was an endless boot animation. Calls and notifications could still be received, etc. Most importantly, the phone was no longer in recovery and "adb install" could be used.
adb install C:\org.adwfreak.launcher-2.apk
Press "home"
in adb shell type:
cd /system/bin
cp pm ap_process /sbin/
and now try again to install/uninstall the app.
hosseinb said:
in adb shell type:
cd /system/bin
cp pm ap_process /sbin/
and now try again to install/uninstall the app.
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I am getting error at second command
/system/bin >> cp pm ap_process /sbin/
cp pm ap_process /sbin/
cp: can't stat 'pm': No such file or directory
cp: can't stat 'ap_process': No such file or directory
can you tell why
nialexme said:
I am getting error at second command
/system/bin >> cp pm ap_process /sbin/
cp pm ap_process /sbin/
cp: can't stat 'pm': No such file or directory
cp: can't stat 'ap_process': No such file or directory
can you tell why
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Sorry for my delay;
It's because the files (pm & ap_process) do not exist in /system/bin , try to locate them by "find" command:
adb shell
#find / -name ap_process
good luck
~ # find / -name ap_process
find: /sys/kernel/slab/L2TP/IP: No such file or directory
~ # exit
and now ?!!
kb667 said:
~ # find / -name ap_process
find: /sys/kernel/slab/L2TP/IP: No such file or directory
~ # exit
and now ?!!
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Do you have root access? Have you installed busybox?

How do I install netflix patch

I am rooted now (I guess/hope) I would like to fix it, I have the patch and have tried to copy the to the lib dir n my TF using file manager HD, but it wont let me paste it, I dont have or seem to have access.
also, is the the only one I need to copy from the patch?
does this mean I am not rooted?
Is there somewhere/link where I can learn how to, and what terms like adb, push, clear the cache sideload, quickboot, recovery, etc... mean? (search hasnt helped me much with the ones I have looked for, too many results or too few)
thanks for any help,
use the terminal emulator, and make sure you "su" before you try to copy.
Another option is Root Explorer:
Root Explorer will allow you to establish write access to system files. It's what I used to get Netflix working on my Transformer
AustinMartin said:
use the terminal emulator, and make sure you "su" before you try to copy.
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Thanks, what is su?
I tried using adb (at dos prompt) I tried
adb push /system/lib/
it said read only access
will the su give me access? how do I su?
I am not even sure what the terminal emu is?
I don't know if your rooting added the terminal app to the tf101.
You need to run the su(superuser) command to gain access to the system files.
I think you can run it from adb as well, if you used adb to root, then you probably already used this command.
you can also just download the netflix patch zip to the microsd card, and install the zip from cwm recovery mode.
Xerravon said:
Thanks, what is su?
I tried using adb (at dos prompt) I tried
adb push /system/lib/
it said read only access
will the su give me access? how do I su?
I am not even sure what the terminal emu is?
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Close, no cigar:
try this:
adb remount
adb pull /system/lib/
adb push /system/lib/
adb chmod 644 /system/lib/
adb remount
adb reboot
I'm not recalling if you can do an adb chmod, but probably you can so I'll add that in up there just in case it works: Also I added a bit where you get a copy of the original in case this all somehow goes bad.
hachamacha said:
Close, no cigar:
try this:
adb remount
adb pull /system/lib/
adb push /system/lib/
adb chmod 644 /system/lib/
adb remount
adb reboot
I'm not recalling if you can do an adb chmod, but probably you can so I'll add that in up there just in case it works: Also I added a bit where you get a copy of the original in case this all somehow goes bad.
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I havnt tried yet but will asap. Where did you learn this stuff? I was reading this thread (I finally looked in general)
It has some info but real detailed, like in your script, the "chmod 644" the 644 part. I guess it takes time, I ave only had this TF for a week or so and it is my first android OS.
thanks again, (I will let you know when I try,
Just wondering before I try this, the pull command (Is that backing up the libnvomx file to the pc?
after reading the thread linked above, wont I have to be in adb shell to geet permission to copy the file to the lib dir?
AustinMartin said:
I don't know if your rooting added the terminal app to the tf101.
You need to run the su(superuser) command to gain access to the system files.
I think you can run it from adb as well, if you used adb to root, then you probably already used this command.
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I used nvflash and adb to install busybox and superuser and su.
I dont know anything about su or superuser, I havent found any threads with info on them yet.
It might sound confusing but this is just all basic linux.
when you're running the adb shell just enter su. This gives you permission to edit the /system files
Then pull(copy) the file from your tf101, to your local machine. this is a backup.
Then change the permissions on the file on your tf101.
Then push the new file from your local machine to your tf101.
AustinMartin said:
It might sound confusing but this is just all basic linux.
when you're running the adb shell just enter su. This gives you permission to edit the /system files
Then pull(copy) the file from your tf101, to your local machine. this is a backup.
Then change the permissions on the file on your tf101.
Then push the new file from your local machine to your tf101.
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I broke down and used your script, I tried doing it on my own but kept getting errors. I did seem to get one error in this line of yours
adb chmod 644 /system/lib/
when I ran it (and I copy and pasted it to dos window)) it gave an error, well not an error but it listed commands and switches like if there is a typo. I dont know if it took the command or not here is a paste
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Users\Kerr Avon>cd adb
The system cannot find the path specified.
C:\Users\Kerr Avon>
C:\Users\Kerr Avon>cd\adb
C:\ADB>adb remount
remount succeeded
C:\ADB>adb pull /system/lib/
3429 KB/s (189660 bytes in 0.054s)
C:\ADB>adb push /system/lib/
1174 KB/s (164764 bytes in 0.137s)
C:\ADB>adb chmod 644 /system/lib/
Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.26
-d - directs command to the only connected USB device
returns an error if more than one USB device is present.
-e - directs command to the only running emulator.
returns an error if more than one emulator is running.
-s <serial number> - directs command to the USB device or emulator with
the given serial number. Overrides ANDROID_SERIAL
environment variable.
-p <product name or path> - simple product name like 'sooner', or
a relative/absolute path to a product
out directory like 'out/target/product/sooner'.
If -p is not specified, the ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT
environment variable is used, which must
be an absolute path.
devices - list all connected devices
connect <host>:<port> - connect to a device via TCP/IP
disconnect <host>:<port> - disconnect from a TCP/IP device
device commands:
adb push <local> <remote> - copy file/dir to device
adb pull <remote> [<local>] - copy file/dir from device
adb sync [ <directory> ] - copy host->device only if changed
(see 'adb help all')
adb shell - run remote shell interactively
adb shell <command> - run remote shell command
adb emu <command> - run emulator console command
adb logcat [ <filter-spec> ] - View device log
adb forward <local> <remote> - forward socket connections
forward specs are one of:
localabstract:<unix domain socket name>
localreserved:<unix domain socket name>
localfilesystem:<unix domain socket name>
dev:<character device name>
jdwp:<process pid> (remote only)
adb jdwp - list PIDs of processes hosting a JDWP transport
adb install [-l] [-r] [-s] <file> - push this package file to the device and install it
('-l' means forward-lock the app)
('-r' means reinstall the app, keeping its data)
('-s' means install on SD card instead of internal storag
adb uninstall [-k] <package> - remove this app package from the device
('-k' means keep the data and cache directories)
adb bugreport - return all information from the device
that should be included in a bug report.
adb help - show this help message
adb version - show version num
(no option) - don't touch the data partition
-w - wipe the data partition
-d - flash the data partition
adb wait-for-device - block until device is online
adb start-server - ensure that there is a server running
adb kill-server - kill the server if it is running
adb get-state - prints: offline | bootloader | device
adb get-serialno - prints: <serial-number>
adb status-window - continuously print device status for a specified device
adb remount - remounts the /system partition on the device read-write
adb reboot [bootloader|recovery] - reboots the device, optionally into the bootloader or
recovery program
adb reboot-bootloader - reboots the device into the bootloader
adb root - restarts the adbd daemon with root permissions
adb usb - restarts the adbd daemon listening on USB
adb tcpip <port> - restarts the adbd daemon listening on TCP on the specifie
d port
adb ppp <tty> [parameters] - Run PPP over USB.
Note: you should not automatically start a PPP connection.
<tty> refers to the tty for PPP stream. Eg. dev:/dev/omap_csmi_tty1
[parameters] - Eg. defaultroute debug dump local notty usepeerdns
adb sync notes: adb sync [ <directory> ]
<localdir> can be interpreted in several ways:
- If <directory> is not specified, both /system and /data partitions will be updated.
- If it is "system" or "data", only the corresponding partition
is updated.
'remount' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
C:\ADB>adb remount
remount succeeded
C:\ADB>adb reboot
C:\ADB>adb reboot
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Looks like it probably did work, anyway netflix is running.
some of the lines I tried that didnt work (and did) are here, not sure what was wrong.
adb push /system/lib/
adb pull /system/lib/
(I think push and pull wont work under shell)
cp /system/lib/ removable/microsd/isoa/
cp /system/lib/ removable/microsd/isoa/
cp isoa/ /system/lib/
(dont know why these didnt work, I did su first)
this worked!!!
cp /system/lib/ sdcard/isoa/
cp sdcard/isoa/ system/lib/
file exists error
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Oh, so the android runs linux, or a version of it (like ubuntu, freebsd, etc...)? that should help me a lot. I installed ubuntu on one of my PC's a few years back but they didnt have drivers for sli and raid for my system at the time, I played with it a day or 2 and went back to MS. It has always been on the list to do. I am going to have to try it again.
I just looked, it looks like there are lots of new "distro's" (versions) now a day from back when I tried it.
anyway, thank you very much for the help,
once you did this:
C:\ADB>adb push /system/lib/
1174 KB/s (164764 bytes in 0.137s)
you already copied it, so you must have already had permissions. Therefore this next command:
C:\ADB>adb chmod 644 /system/lib/
Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.26
was redundant anyways. I suspect you needed to run
adb shell chmod 664 /system/lib/
for adb to run the command on the transformer(shell) rather than in the dos directory.
AustinMartin said:
once you did this:
C:\ADB>adb push /system/lib/
1174 KB/s (164764 bytes in 0.137s)
you already copied it, so you must have already had permissions. Therefore this next command:
C:\ADB>adb chmod 644 /system/lib/
Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.26
was redundant anyways. I suspect you needed to run
adb shell chmod 664 /system/lib/
for adb to run the command on the transformer(shell) rather than in the dos directory.
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I see, so shell is like I am running it in/from the TF. I guess that is why push and pull doesn't work in shell, it could be confusing??
I downloaded/installed root explorer but I would rather learn it the harder way.
thanks again for your help!!
Cool. I wasn't sure about the "adb chmod" working since I'd only done that from a linux shell before this, but it was worth a shot. If you went into adb shell, then typed "mount -o rw,remount /system"; chmod 644 /system/lib/{whatever that file name was}; and mount -o remount,ro the thatt that would work", or I suspect he is right about how you can use "adb shell chmod 644 /../../.....".
Anyway, glad it worked out.
hachamacha said:
Cool. I wasn't sure about the "adb chmod" working since I'd only done that from a linux shell before this, but it was worth a shot. If you went into adb shell, then typed "mount -o rw,remount /system"; chmod 644 /system/lib/{whatever that file name was}; and mount -o remount,ro the thatt that would work", or I suspect he is right about how you can use "adb shell chmod 644 /../../.....".
Anyway, glad it worked out.
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If I shell, do su, then exit the shell (which I couldn't figure out how to do) do the su rights still apply, if I then use adb commands?
mount and remount, I see those are for mounting partitions, do the partitions each have different rights? and what does chmod do?
thanks again,
Xerravon said:
If I shell, do su, then exit the shell (which I couldn't figure out how to do) do the su rights still apply, if I then use adb commands?
mount and remount, I see those are for mounting partitions, do the partitions each have different rights? and what does chmod do?
thanks again,
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If you did an $su ; # inside the shell (adb shell), then when you typed in exit, that'd exit the shell, and cause any subshell's kicked off with a command (like "su" to pick one from a hat), to 'go away', So no, you wouldn't still be su.
But: There is a 'switch' or setting somewhere that brings up the adb shell in # su mode, but it escapes me right now.
Mount -o remount,rw||ro /{mountshare} (one command) will just remount some partition like system as you direct it to. It will 'outlast' the adb session. If you leave adb after doing a mount -o remount,rw /system, then you've left /system mounted rw. It doesn't hurt anything, but in theory you type in $sync; sync and $ mount -o remount,ro, and then the clean police will be happier.
chmod changes permissions. You could look up the man page on google, and it'll show you that you have 3 groups, owner, group and world. You could do the command in a couple forms, like #chmod {permission mask like 777} {filename} or chmod w+x {filename} where first one gave all permissions (rwe/rwe/rwe) to some file, 2nd gave the world execute permission.
hachamacha said:
If you did an $su ; # inside the shell (adb shell), then when you typed in exit, that'd exit the shell, and cause any subshell's kicked off with a command (like "su" to pick one from a hat), to 'go away', So no, you wouldn't still be su.
But: There is a 'switch' or setting somewhere that brings up the adb shell in # su mode, but it escapes me right now.
Mount -o remount,rw||ro /{mountshare} (one command) will just remount some partition like system as you direct it to. It will 'outlast' the adb session. If you leave adb after doing a mount -o remount,rw /system, then you've left /system mounted rw. It doesn't hurt anything, but in theory you type in $sync; sync and $ mount -o remount,ro, and then the clean police will be happier.
chmod changes permissions. You could look up the man page on google, and it'll show you that you have 3 groups, owner, group and world. You could do the command in a couple forms, like #chmod {permission mask like 777} {filename} or chmod w+x {filename} where first one gave all permissions (rwe/rwe/rwe) to some file, 2nd gave the world execute permission.
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Thanks again, this is over my head right now, I am going to do like you say and search Google for a good beginners site. I am thinking about putting linux on my pc also, been wanting to for a while, I think that will help. I do know a lot more than I did when I started the thread
thank you,

Stuck on LG Logo

I flash KDZ,TOT but it not work
When finish flashing, LG Logo and reset and LG Logo(reboot) and reset.
TOT - FBoot check failed
KDZ - WParam error
SerenityS said:
I flash KDZ,TOT but it not work
When finish flashing, LG Logo and reset and LG Logo(reboot) and reset.
TOT - FBoot check failed
KDZ - WParam error
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try this, Chapter 3 Using ADB as solution. Sorry , my English too bad, so it's all i can find for you.Hope you can countinue with CM rom.
ADB can be used to access the phone while booting, be aware that some bootloops make it unable to use ADB since they do not go further then the samsung logo.
The only tricky part about using ADB with bootloops is that you have to do it on the right time, this is just after the Galaxy S Plus logo, so just when the bootanimation starts. The easiest way to enter your phone in this part is using a batch script that monitors the state of your device and connects directly when possible.
I use this script for example (requires adb.exe and the 2 dlls)
@echo off
cd /d %~dp0
echo Waiting for device...
adb wait-for-device
adb -d shell stop
adb push /sdcard/
adb reboot recovery
This script will wait for the device to become ready, when it's ready it freeze the device, so the script has more time to push the file (instead of keep rebooting). Then it will push the specified cwmfix zip to your sdcard, and after that it will reboot in recovery so you can install the cwm fix you made.
You can also make an batch script that pushes the files automatically to your phone, here is an example:
@echo off
cd /d %~dp0
echo Waiting for device...
adb wait-for-device
adb -d shell stop
adb -d shell su -c "mount -o remount rw /system"
adb push framework-res.apk /system/framework/framework-res.apk
adb -d shell chmod 644 /system/framework/framework-res.apk
adb push SystemUI.apk /system/app/SystemUI.apk
adb -d shell chmod 644 /system/app/SystemUI.apk
adb reboot
This script will wait for the device to become ready, when it's ready it freeze the device, so the script has more time to push the file (instead of keep rebooting). Then it will push framework-res.apk and SystemUI.apk to the directory it belongs to, after that it changes the permissions of the files to RW-R-R (644) and then it will reboot.
odatoshiie said:
try this, Chapter 3 Using ADB as solution. Sorry , my English too bad, so it's all i can find for you.Hope you can countinue with CM rom.
ADB can be used to access the phone while booting, be aware that some bootloops make it unable to use ADB since they do not go further then the samsung logo.
The only tricky part about using ADB with bootloops is that you have to do it on the right time, this is just after the Galaxy S Plus logo, so just when the bootanimation starts. The easiest way to enter your phone in this part is using a batch script that monitors the state of your device and connects directly when possible.
I use this script for example (requires adb.exe and the 2 dlls)
@echo off
cd /d %~dp0
echo Waiting for device...
adb wait-for-device
adb -d shell stop
adb push /sdcard/
adb reboot recovery
This script will wait for the device to become ready, when it's ready it freeze the device, so the script has more time to push the file (instead of keep rebooting). Then it will push the specified cwmfix zip to your sdcard, and after that it will reboot in recovery so you can install the cwm fix you made.
You can also make an batch script that pushes the files automatically to your phone, here is an example:
@echo off
cd /d %~dp0
echo Waiting for device...
adb wait-for-device
adb -d shell stop
adb -d shell su -c "mount -o remount rw /system"
adb push framework-res.apk /system/framework/framework-res.apk
adb -d shell chmod 644 /system/framework/framework-res.apk
adb push SystemUI.apk /system/app/SystemUI.apk
adb -d shell chmod 644 /system/app/SystemUI.apk
adb reboot
This script will wait for the device to become ready, when it's ready it freeze the device, so the script has more time to push the file (instead of keep rebooting). Then it will push framework-res.apk and SystemUI.apk to the directory it belongs to, after that it changes the permissions of the files to RW-R-R (644) and then it will reboot.
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I try to anything for recovery my phone, but everything not work.
I think Some partition(Cant recover with TOT and KDZ) were broken.
SerenityS said:
I try to anything for recovery my phone, but everything not work.
I think Some partition(Cant recover with TOT and KDZ) were broken.
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i think MR. Le Thanh Tung can help you. ask him about this problem
SerenityS said:
I flash KDZ,TOT but it not work
When finish flashing, LG Logo and reset and LG Logo(reboot) and reset.
TOT - FBoot check failed
KDZ - WParam error
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This is a Super Brick,i have the same Problem 2 Months ago,tungkick help me,but no change to repair this error.
I send my GP2 to Repair Station and he tell me,the Board is death.I have brought a new GP2.
I think so too.

Flashing TWRP and rooting your 6039(y) without having to unlock your bootloader!

The fact that your Idol 3 has been upgraded to MM doesn't have to mean that you can't root or install recovery, you don't have to unlock your bootloader either so that means that you can keep your warranty.
I recently found a way to flash recovery to my device and flash using that recovery, which is TWRP.
All you have to do is the following
Download Sahara & Firehose Test from This post
Download the latest Super SU
Get yourself a TWRP image for the Idol 3.
First off
Turn off your phone
Connect your phone to your computer using a Micro USB cable
Hold both volume up and down and press power to start up the device
Once you get onto a screen that says "Download Mode", release both volume buttons and hold volume up to continue. The screen will now turn black
Then you open up Sahara & Firehose Test
Click on "Detect" to detect your device, a connected COM port should appear above the buttons
Click on "NPRG" to load the Sahara & Firehose flasher into your phone's memory
Click on "Get GPT" to fill up the list on the bottom of the window
In the list, find the partition with the name "recovery"
There should be a small checkbox in that item, make sure it's checked
Double click on the textbox next to that checkbox and select where you want to save a backup of the stock recovery image
Click on "Read" to backup your recovery
Double click on that textbox again and select your TWRP image file
Click on "Write" to flash the recovery image to your phone
For SuperSU
Shut down your phone
Press and hold the volume up button and start the phone with the power button
As soon as the "TEAMWIN" logo appears, let go of the volume button
First you want swipe to allow modifications
In the menu that appears next, you want to select "Install"
Now select your downloaded SuperSU ZIP file, it might be on the external storage. You can change storages by ticking on "Storage: Internal Storage".
Swipe again to apply the zip package
Now reboot the device. If it asks to install the SuperSU, tick on "Do Not Install"
I hope I could help you with this,
With kind regards,
Niels Koomans.
Hi! @Niels Koomans
Do you have MM???
I'd like to interject to show @DeckerSU our deep appreciation for his work. Without him we would still be going back and forth with Panasonic flashes and lost radios and whatnot... While he made MM root just a few clicks away with his hard work. Thank you.
persona78 said:
Hi! @Niels Koomans
Do you have MM???
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Yes I do have the latest update on my Alcatel OT Idol 3 (6039y)
Niels Koomans said:
[*]Double click on the textbox next to that checkbox and select where you want to save a backup of the stock recovery image
[*]Click on "Read" to backup your recovery
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and there decker's app just freezes / not responding / etc
jani0417 said:
and there decker's app just freezes / not responding / etc
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Does it show the COM port above the buttons?
If no then your phone might not be in Download Mode or might not be connected properly. Please refollow the steps from the part "First off"
What Windows version are you using?
If you are using Windows 10 then please try running the app in Compatibility Mode. You can achieve this by following these steps:
* Right-click on the Windows Executable
* Click on properties, a new window will appear
* On that window, go to the tab "Compatibility"
* There will be a section called "Compatibility mode"
* In that section, there is a checkbox "Run this program in compatibility mode for:"
* Make sure that that checkbox is checked and in the combobox below that checkbox, select Windows 8 or Windows 7
Now run the app again and if the error occurs again then please let me know
Niels Koomans said:
Is your phone properly connected? Does it show the COM port above the buttons? What Windows version are you using?
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yep, everything is correct and win7 32bit, so the problem is somewhere else.
jani0417 said:
yep, everything is correct and win7 32bit, so the problem is somewhere else.
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I recommend sending a reply on the official app thread by @DeckerSU
Niels Koomans said:
Yes I do have the latest update on my Alcatel OT Idol 3 (6039y)
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Can you share the update?
If you have root use this software that i made to do a backup flash zip and share your rom with us.
Extract the folder and execute the Do_Backup.exe, read what is write there.
persona78 said:
Can you share the update?
If you have root use this software that i made to do a backup flash zip and share your rom with us.
Extract the folder and execute the Do_Backup.exe, read what is write there.
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The "ife134.exe" file doesn't work, my phone does give root permission so I think that the application is at fault here. I'll try to find another way of making a backup
Niels Koomans said:
The "ife134.exe" file doesn't work, my phone does give root permission so I think that the application is at fault here. I'll try to find another way of making a backup
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Do you give adb permission and super user permission?
The error is because adb i think, without adb permission the software cannot pull the img from the sd card and ife134.exe give error because there is no image to work.
See if you have the images in sd card...
Read if is written in the beginning of program when starts.
It must pop-up to permission windows, one for super user and the other for adb.
You turn on debug mode, right?
If you have done all this, try again.
At the end you must have a flash zip in desktop.
persona78 said:
Do you give adb permission and super user permission?
The error is because adb i think, without adb permission the software cannot pull the img from the sd card and ife134.exe give error because there is no image to work.
See if you have the images in sd card...
Read if is written in the beginning of program when starts.
It must pop-up to permission windows, one for super user and the other for adb.
You turn on debug mode, right?
If you have done all this, try again.
At the end you must have a flash zip in desktop.
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Well the thing is: My phone gives proper root permission to ADB and ADB gives no error at all in step 2 so I think the app isn't working properly at all.
Use adb and type
adb devices
What it says?
I use the software before share it.
persona78 said:
Use adb and type
adb devices
What it says?
I use the software before share it.
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List of devices attached
8810cac8 device
Niels Koomans said:
List of devices attached
8810cac8 device
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I don't know why software isn't working with you!
Do you have any image files in your sd card?
---------- Post added at 10:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:24 PM ----------
@Niels Koomans
i change the software, i don´t know if will work now...
You need 2GB free in sd card
a temp folder in windows drive ( ex: c:\temp )
debug mode ON in phone
SU and ADB permissions in phone
With all that execute the software.
For me is working...
If doesn´t work again there is a another way with ES File explorer...
persona78 said:
I don't know why software isn't working with you!
Do you have any image files in your sd card?
---------- Post added at 10:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:24 PM ----------
@Niels Koomans
i change the software, i don´t know if will work now...
You need 2GB free in sd card
a temp folder in windows drive ( ex: c:\temp )
debug mode ON in phone
SU and ADB permissions in phone
With all that execute the software.
For me is working...
If doesn´t work again there is a another way with ES File explorer...
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Here is the log
Creating your ROM backup!
This will copy your ROM images from the phone to PC
and create a flash zip
Press any key to continue . . .
==== STEP 1 - READ THIS!
!!!Need ROOT!!!
Be sure you have a temp folder in windows main drive ( ex: c:\temp ), that you have
2GB free in your micro SD Card and you must enable the debug mode!!!
Go to Settings - About phone - Click repeatedly in the number of Build and it will turn on
developer options in the settings.
In developer options enable the debug mode, plug the USB cable.
Wait if the phone is installing...
Turn ON the screen and check if phone request any permission on the next STEP ( STEP 2)!
( connection and super user permissions)
!!!You must give it!!!
==== STEP 2 - copying ROM images to Micro SD card...
Turn ON phone screen,press ENTER and check your phone for ADB and SU permission...
Press any key to continue . . .
Now wait, this will take some time...!!!
adb server is out of date. killing...
* daemon started successfully *
List of devices attached
8810cac8 device
dd: /storage/sdcard1/PERSIST.img: No such file or directory
remote object '/storage/sdcard1/PERSIST.img' does not exist
ImgExtractor version 1.3.4 Created by And_PDA Based on sources ext4_unpacker
Extractor for images in EXT2\EXT3\EXT4\YAFFS2\CRAMFS filesystem formats
support SPARSE\SIN\MOTO structure formats
Could not create TUSTARFileStream...
Het systeem kan het opgegeven bestand niet vinden.
Could Not Find D:\Downloads\DO_BACKUP (1)\DO_BACKUP\Extract_files\PERSIST.img
dd: /storage/sdcard1/MODEM.img: No such file or directory
dd: /storage/sdcard1/FSG.img: No such file or directory
dd: /storage/sdcard1/BOOT.img: No such file or directory
dd: /storage/sdcard1/SYSTEM.img: No such file or directory
dd: /storage/sdcard1/ABOOT.img: No such file or directory
dd: /storage/sdcard1/HYP.img: No such file or directory
dd: /storage/sdcard1/RPM.img: No such file or directory
dd: /storage/sdcard1/SBL1.img: No such file or directory
dd: /storage/sdcard1/SPLASH.img: No such file or directory
dd: /storage/sdcard1/RECOVERY.img: No such file or directory
dd: /storage/sdcard1/TZ.img: No such file or directory
==== STEP 3 - Copying to PC...
Pulling MODEM.img to systemdrive\temp...
remote object '/storage/sdcard1/MODEM.img' does not exist
Pulling FSG.img to systemdrive\temp...
remote object '/storage/sdcard1/FSG.img' does not exist
Pulling BOOT.img to systemdrive\temp...
remote object '/storage/sdcard1/BOOT.img' does not exist
Pulling SYSTEM.img to systemdrive\temp...
remote object '/storage/sdcard1/SYSTEM.img' does not exist
Pulling ABOOT.img to systemdrive\temp...
remote object '/storage/sdcard1/ABOOT.img' does not exist
Pulling HYP.img to systemdrive\temp...
remote object '/storage/sdcard1/HYP.img' does not exist
Pulling RPM.img to systemdrive\temp...
remote object '/storage/sdcard1/RPM.img' does not exist
Pulling SBL1.img to systemdrive\temp...
remote object '/storage/sdcard1/SBL1.img' does not exist
Pulling SPLASH.img to systemdrive\temp...
remote object '/storage/sdcard1/SPLASH.img' does not exist
Pulling RECOVERY.img to systemdrive\temp...
remote object '/storage/sdcard1/RECOVERY.img' does not exist
Pulling TZ.img to systemdrive\temp...
remote object '/storage/sdcard1/TZ.img' does not exist
==== STEP 4 -Cleaning files files from Micro SD card...
==== STEP 5 - creating your ...
1 file(s) copied.
1 file(s) copied.
1 file(s) copied.
7-Zip 9.20 Copyright (c) 1999-2010 Igor Pavlov 2010-11-18
MODEM.img: WARNING: Het systeem kan het opgegeven bestand niet vinden.
Updating archive
WARNINGS for files:
MODEM.img : Het systeem kan het opgegeven bestand niet vinden.
WARNING: Cannot find 1 file
7-Zip 9.20 Copyright (c) 1999-2010 Igor Pavlov 2010-11-18
FSG.img: WARNING: Het systeem kan het opgegeven bestand niet vinden.
Updating archive
WARNINGS for files:
FSG.img : Het systeem kan het opgegeven bestand niet vinden.
WARNING: Cannot find 1 file
7-Zip 9.20 Copyright (c) 1999-2010 Igor Pavlov 2010-11-18
BOOT.img: WARNING: Het systeem kan het opgegeven bestand niet vinden.
Updating archive
WARNINGS for files:
BOOT.img : Het systeem kan het opgegeven bestand niet vinden.
WARNING: Cannot find 1 file
7-Zip 9.20 Copyright (c) 1999-2010 Igor Pavlov 2010-11-18
ABOOT.img: WARNING: Het systeem kan het opgegeven bestand niet vinden.
Updating archive
WARNINGS for files:
ABOOT.img : Het systeem kan het opgegeven bestand niet vinden.
WARNING: Cannot find 1 file
7-Zip 9.20 Copyright (c) 1999-2010 Igor Pavlov 2010-11-18
HYP.img: WARNING: Het systeem kan het opgegeven bestand niet vinden.
Updating archive
WARNINGS for files:
HYP.img : Het systeem kan het opgegeven bestand niet vinden.
WARNING: Cannot find 1 file
7-Zip 9.20 Copyright (c) 1999-2010 Igor Pavlov 2010-11-18
RPM.img: WARNING: Het systeem kan het opgegeven bestand niet vinden.
Updating archive
WARNINGS for files:
RPM.img : Het systeem kan het opgegeven bestand niet vinden.
WARNING: Cannot find 1 file
7-Zip 9.20 Copyright (c) 1999-2010 Igor Pavlov 2010-11-18
SBL1.img: WARNING: Het systeem kan het opgegeven bestand niet vinden.
Updating archive
WARNINGS for files:
SBL1.img : Het systeem kan het opgegeven bestand niet vinden.
WARNING: Cannot find 1 file
7-Zip 9.20 Copyright (c) 1999-2010 Igor Pavlov 2010-11-18
SPLASH.img: WARNING: Het systeem kan het opgegeven bestand niet vinden.
Updating archive
WARNINGS for files:
SPLASH.img : Het systeem kan het opgegeven bestand niet vinden.
WARNING: Cannot find 1 file
7-Zip 9.20 Copyright (c) 1999-2010 Igor Pavlov 2010-11-18
RECOVERY.img: WARNING: Het systeem kan het opgegeven bestand niet vinden.
Updating archive
WARNINGS for files:
RECOVERY.img : Het systeem kan het opgegeven bestand niet vinden.
WARNING: Cannot find 1 file
7-Zip 9.20 Copyright (c) 1999-2010 Igor Pavlov 2010-11-18
TZ.img: WARNING: Het systeem kan het opgegeven bestand niet vinden.
Updating archive
WARNINGS for files:
TZ.img : Het systeem kan het opgegeven bestand niet vinden.
WARNING: Cannot find 1 file
7-Zip 9.20 Copyright (c) 1999-2010 Igor Pavlov 2010-11-18
SYSTEM.img: WARNING: Het systeem kan het opgegeven bestand niet vinden.
Updating archive
WARNINGS for files:
SYSTEM.img : Het systeem kan het opgegeven bestand niet vinden.
WARNING: Cannot find 1 file
7-Zip 9.20 Copyright (c) 1999-2010 Igor Pavlov 2010-11-18
persist: WARNING: Het systeem kan het opgegeven bestand niet vinden.
Updating archive
WARNINGS for files:
persist : Het systeem kan het opgegeven bestand niet vinden.
WARNING: Cannot find 1 file
Toegang geweigerd.
0 file(s) moved.
D:\Downloads\DO_BACKUP (1)\DO_BACKUP\adb.exe
Toegang geweigerd.
D:\Downloads\DO_BACKUP (1)\DO_BACKUP\AdbWinApi.dll
Toegang geweigerd.
D:\Downloads\DO_BACKUP (1)\DO_BACKUP\AdbWinUsbApi.dll
Toegang geweigerd.
D:\Downloads\DO_BACKUP (1)\DO_BACKUP\Do_Backup.exe
Toegang geweigerd.
Het systeem kan het opgegeven bestand niet vinden.
x Your backup zip is in your DESKTOP now.
x Use TWRP recovery to flash it.
Press any key to continue . . .
This is the problem
" dd: /storage/sdcard1/PERSIST.img: No such file or directory
remote object '/storage/sdcard1/PERSIST.img' does not exist
Is not copying the images to sd card!
Is your root ok?
How much space is available in sd card?
persona78 said:
This is the problem
" dd: /storage/sdcard1/PERSIST.img: No such file or directory
remote object '/storage/sdcard1/PERSIST.img' does not exist
Is not copying the images to sd card!
Is your root ok?
How much space is available in sd card?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Root is OK and my sd-card has 14GB of available space. Is your program reading out the partitions the right way or does it read the paths to the partitions right?
@Niels Koomans download and check this video and see this images:
I don´t know way is not working for you! And this was done in a old PC at my work! ( That is way it takes 30 m ... )
But with ES File Explorer and root ON in ES File Explorer settings copy from /dev/block to sd card and upload this images:
Can you do this???
persona78 said:
@Niels Koomans download and check this video and see this images:
I don´t know way is not working for you! And this was done in a old PC at my work! ( That is way it takes 30 m ... )
But with ES File Explorer and root ON in ES File Explorer settings copy from /dev/block to sd card and upload this images:
Can you do this???
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I kinda changed the bootanimation and splash image, I don't know if it affects the partitions

