VoiceSearch.apk - G1 Android Development

I tried installing voicesearch.apk into an old Haykuro build but each time it starts up it force closes. Am i missing any other files with it like library files? When installing through adb it was successful didnt ask for any other lib files.


missing apps in 5.0.2g

Is there any way to import apps missing from the build such as amazon mp3 or my faves into any of haykuro's builds? Or am I stuck waiting for an update?
just open 5.0.2h's zip file, look for the app in system/app folder and adb push the .apk to /system/app (i think /data/app will work as well if there isn't enough space in /system)

APK's in rom Force Close

I have a few APK's that when in the rom Force Close They work fine when manually installed, its just when adding to the /data/app fodler they force close. I have tried copying the dalvik-cache file associated with the apk but its the same thing. Can someone please tell me a more proper way to install these files by using a update script or is there a file im missing?

[HOW-TO]Remove System Apps from the HTC Desire with ADB in Windows, stepbystep guide

This is a copy and paste from a post I found on another forum. Some people just like to get rid of some applications that come with the Desire and HTC-sense. This post might be usefull if you like to delete some of the apps you dont want/need. Its written for windows-machines. I would advice to try one @the time and check if it works.
Works only on rooted devices! You need ADB/SDK on youre pc!
Be sure you know EXACTLY what you are removing as it can cause you problems down the line, ie. if you remove HTC_IME.apk then you have no keyboard installed and will not be able to enter text on the device....
1. Boot the phone in recovery. Plugin the usb-cable. Wait for the drivers to load. Open a command prompt @the tools directory found in de adb-android dir on youre pc. Open it as administrator
2. You now need to mount the /system folder using the code below
adb shell mount /system
3. Now you will need to get the list of installed apk files
adb shell ls /system/app/
and the output should look like this:
AccountAndSyncSettings.apk HtcWeatherWallpaper.apk
ApplicationsProvider.apk Jbed.apk
Bluetooth.apk LiveWallpapers.apk
BrcmBluetoothServices.apk LiveWallpapersPicker.apk
Browser.apk MagicSmokeWallpapers.apk
Calculator.apk Mail.apk
Calendar.apk MarketUpdater.apk
CalendarProvider.apk MediaProvider.apk
CertInstaller.apk MediaUploader.apk
CheckinProvider.apk Mms.apk
Clicker.apk Mode10Wallpapers.apk
ContactsProvider.apk NetworkLocation.apk
CustomizationSettingsProvider.apk NewsReader.apk
CustomizationSetup.apk PCSCII.apk
DCSImpl.apk PDFViewer.apk
DCSStock.apk PackageInstaller.apk
DCSUtility.apk Phone.apk
DownloadProvider.apk PicoTts.apk
DrmProvider.apk PluginManager.apk
EnhancedGoogleSearchProvider.apk QuickLookup.apk
Facebook.apk RSS.apk
FieldTest.apk Rosie.apk
FilePicker.apk Settings.apk
FlashLitePlugin.apk SettingsProvider.apk
FlashPlayer.apk SetupWizard.apk
Flickr.apk SocialNetworkProvider.apk
FriendStream.apk Stk.apk
GSD.apk Stock.apk
GenieWidget.apk Street.apk
GlobalSearch.apk Superuser.apk
Gmail.apk Talk.apk
GmailProvider.apk TalkProvider.apk
GoogleApps.apk TelephonyProvider.apk
GoogleCheckin.apk TtsService.apk
GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk Updater.apk
GooglePartnerSetup.apk UploadProvider.apk
GoogleSettingsProvider.apk UserDictionaryProvider.apk
GoogleSubscribedFeedsProvider.apk Vending.apk
HTCAlbum.apk VisualizationWallpapers.apk
HTCCamera.apk VoiceSearchWithKeyboard.apk
HTCSetupWizard.apk VpnServices.apk
HTC_IME.apk Weather.apk
HTMLViewer.apk WeatherAgentService.apk
HtcAddProgramWidget.apk WeatherProvider.apk
HtcClockWidget.apk WeatherSyncProvider.apk
HtcConnectivity.apk WidgetDownloadManager.apk
HtcContacts.apk WorldClock.apk
HtcDialer.apk YouTube.apk
HtcFMRadio.apk com.htc.FriendStreamWidget.apk
HtcFacebook.apk com.htc.MusicWidget.apk
HtcFootprints.apk com.htc.NewsReaderWidget.apk
HtcFootprintsWidget.apk com.htc.StockWidget.apk
HtcLocationPicker.apk com.htc.TwitterWidget.apk
HtcLocationService.apk com.htc.WeatherWidget.apk
HtcLockScreen.apk com.wsandroid.apk
HtcMessageUploader.apk gtalkservice.apk
HtcMusic.apk htcbookmarkwidget.apk
HtcNaviPanel.apk htccalendarwidgets.apk
HtcPhotoWidget.apk htccontactwidgets.apk
HtcRingtoneTrimmer.apk htcmailwidgets.apk
HtcSettingsProvider.apk htcmsgwidgets.apk
HtcSoundRecorder.apk htcsearchwidgets.apk
HtcStreamPlayer.apk htcsettingwidgets.apk
HtcSyncwidget.apk restartapp.apk
HtcTwitter.apk teeter.apk
4. there are 2 methods of removal, they are
4a. Just delete the files
4b. Move to the sdcard
Use one of the following methods
4a. Now you have a list of the files you can chose the ones you want to remove , note that this part is case sensitive so com.htc.twitterwidget.apk is not the same as com.htc.TwitterWidget.apk, use the following code(example used is the Stocks app and widget):
adb shell rm /system/app/Stock.apk
adb shell rm /system/app/com.htc.StockWidget.apk
4b. Also case sensitive, to move the files to your sdcard(which also removes from the device):
adb shell mount /sdcard
adb shell mkdir /sdcard/device-files
adb mv /system/app/Stock.apk /sdcard/device-files
adb mv /system/app/com.htc.StockWidget.apk /sdcard/device-files
The files will be moved to the new folder on your sdcard called /device-files, once there you can also backup to your pc for a bit of extra backup
5. Repeat Step 4. untill all the apk files that you want to remove are gone and to check that they are gone use
adb shell ls /system/app/
Restoring your backed up files
Use the following code,
adb shell mount /sdcard
adb shell mv /sdcard/device-files/Stock.apk /system/app/
adb shell mv /sdcard/device-files/com.htc.StockWidget.apk /system/app/
Reboot after the files are removed or put back.
Hope this helps.
nice one for the copy from modaco, I didnt think to add it here too, just want to add that this method WILL leave remnants in the widget and and app list.
The ways to avoid this is to remove them right after you install the rom before the first boot
remove them from the rom .zip file before install using winzip, winrar ect
Hope the guide helps people
VeeDubZ said:
nice one for the copy from modaco, I didnt think to add it here too, just want to add that this method WILL leave remnants in the widget and and app list.
The ways to avoid this is to remove them right after you install the rom before the first boot
remove them from the rom .zip file before install using winzip, winrar ect
Hope the guide helps people
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I thought that youre post was that good that the XDA-community shouldt know it too.....
Btw, most of the apps are found in /system/app. I know that if the rom is odexed in system/app you find de .odex and that you had to remove them as well?! What happened to the .odex in a deodexed rom? Maybe thats the reason that there are some remnants?!
Anyway, i managed to get rid of some apps i don't need without any problems.
Thanks for youre post @Modaco, was very helpfull
Thanks, useful!
Just thought to share this apk list of what-does-what and if its safe to remove or not.
Helped me a lot figuring out whats what!
can i add program in similar way?
i would like to add htc_cime in some roms
Thanks for the good info. However, when I try to remove a system app (Wavesecure) it tells me that the file is locked and can't be removed :-(.
Any way to un-lock these locked files?
Thanks for any info.
Magaboo said:
Thanks for the good info. However, when I try to remove a system app (Wavesecure) it tells me that the file is locked and can't be removed :-(.
Any way to un-lock these locked files?
Thanks for any info.
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do you have the phone in recovery mode?
And... what can i do if ADB don't recognize my Desire??
I'll tryed and a X10 mini pro works fine with adb...
adb deviced don't return anything for Desire, and works for x10
Help please!
Julian1984 said:
And... what can i do if ADB don't recognize my Desire??
I'll tryed and a X10 mini pro works fine with adb...
adb deviced don't return anything for Desire, and works for x10
Help please!
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If you are on windows, You need the drivers for the desire
Installing windows drivers for the HTC-Desire
Other workaround====> Link
Heppieboeddah said:
If you are on windows, You need the drivers for the desire
Installing windows drivers for the HTC-Desire
Other workaround====> Link
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Working Perfect!
Is it possible to get the package name of an apk package with an adb command ?
I mean package name, not the name of the file, of course
I deleted RSS.apk and newsreader.apk, but still found "News and Weather" in my application menu. Which one to delete so I can delete News and Weather?
denis_sianto said:
I deleted RSS.apk and newsreader.apk, but still found "News and Weather" in my application menu. Which one to delete so I can delete News and Weather?
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You have to remove the apk's before first boot of a flashed ROM, otherwise all the icons still appear in the applications menu.
If this is what you did, I would suggest that there are more N&W apks that you missed.
can i use this method to remove quickoffice in order to free up some internal memory on the desire? thanks.
Removing apps from /system won't really free space on your device except maybe if you delete all the relevant stuff associated with this app in /data/data. It will just make the link disappear from list of apps.
BUT! A way to save space is to move the System apps UPDATE to /system/app and remove the old one. I did it for apps like Gmail or Gmaps, and it saved me a bit of space.
Hooo by the way, if you delete the .apk, you can delete the .odex file too.
Other tip: you can move the .dex file (in dalvik-cache) of an update system app to /system/app too and delete the old .odex. Worked for me, but do a backup before! (you've been warned ;-) )
Final tip: I moved some libs to /system/lib too (actually I did it for BIG libs like copilot live lib or FlashPlayer, at 8Mb each, I saved 16Mb of space on /data. Just simlink the old lib to the new one in /system/lib, and voila! )
sibere said:
Removing apps from /system won't really free space on your device except maybe if you delete all the relevant stuff associated with this app in /data/data. It will just make the link disappear from list of apps.
BUT! A way to save space is to move the System apps UPDATE to /system/app and remove the old one. I did it for apps like Gmail or Gmaps, and it saved me a bit of space.
Hooo by the way, if you delete the .apk, you can delete the .odex file too.
Other tip: you can move the .dex file (in dalvik-cache) of an update system app to /system/app too and delete the old .odex. Worked for me, but do a backup before! (you've been warned ;-) )
Final tip: I moved some libs to /system/lib too (actually I did it for BIG libs like copilot live lib or FlashPlayer, at 8Mb each, I saved 16Mb of space on /data. Just simlink the old lib to the new one in /system/lib, and voila! )
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Thanks a lot for your tips mate! sounds a bit complicated to a non-techy person like me.. would you mind explaining how to move libs to /system/lib?
juz wondering.. if i reflash the same rom (in this case leedroid) but remove all the unnecessary apps such as htc stocks and quickoffice before flashing, will i actually end up with more internal memory?
sckc23 said:
Thanks a lot for your tips mate! sounds a bit complicated to a non-techy person like me.. would you mind explaining how to move libs to /system/lib?
juz wondering.. if i reflash the same rom (in this case leedroid) but remove all the unnecessary apps such as htc stocks and quickoffice before flashing, will i actually end up with more internal memory?
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No because all those apps are in the /system partition and your user space is in /data. To get more space, you have to get S-OFF (security OFF) and resize your partitions! (even more techy than moving libs to the system partiton ;-) )
I'll try to write a small tutorial later about moving libs from /data to /system and save a lot of space!
sibere said:
No because all those apps are in the /system partition and your user space is in /data. To get more space, you have to get S-OFF (security OFF) and resize your partitions! (even more techy than moving libs to the system partiton ;-) )
I'll try to write a small tutorial later about moving libs from /data to /system and save a lot of space!
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Cool that will be great! thanks again sibere=)
i'll try to s-off my device first to see what i can do next then.

[Q] Howto reinstall CalendarProvider.apk?

I accidentally (don't ask how. Please -.-) removed my Calendar.apk and CalendarProvider.apk (including the .odex-files) from my device and now I'm trying to reinstall it since yesterday.
I tried different .apk files installing via root explorer. I also tried copying the files I got from another Optimus One into my system/app-folder, without success.
Problems I had so far:
- .apk-files don't include odex-files -> so I deodexed them and tried again:
- .apk-files not signed -> so I signed them and tried again:
- Calendar.apk can be installed, but adb install CalendarProvider.apk fails with
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adb logcat says a little bit more:
D/PackageManager( 1374): Shared UserID android.uid.calendar (uid=10016): packages=[]
E/PackageManager( 1374): Package com.android.providers.calendar has no signatures that match those in shared user android.uid.calendar; ignoring!
W/PackageManager( 1374): Package couldn't be installed in /data/app/com.android.providers.calendar-1.apk
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After reading through several boards, threads, mailinglists and the packages.list/packages.xml files I think that the problem is that the Calendar and CalendarProvider have to run with the same user id. But somehow signing the apk-files destroyed something in the CalendarProvider package?
I really don't have any clue what to try next
Somehow I did it.. ^^ I don't know what exactly made the trick, but the following worked:
At first I installed the signed Calendar.apk. Then I pulled the packages.xml onto my pc and deleted the id of the calendar-user (10012). Then I rebooted the device and ignored about a dozen errors. Then I installed the CalendarProvider.apk (which was now possible) and rebooted.
Then I checked the packages.xml again and the uid 10012 was in there again..^^ Now my calendar is synced again
fabswabs said:
At first I installed the signed Calendar.apk. Then I pulled the packages.xml onto my pc and deleted the id of the calendar-user (10012). Then I rebooted the device and ignored about a dozen errors. Then I installed the CalendarProvider.apk (which was now possible) and rebooted.
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I just wanted to note that this process also just worked for me on my rooted Nook Tablet with the 1.4.1 update, which had no Calendar or CalendarProvider to begin with. I grabbed the files for Android 2.3 from here, copied Calendar.apk to /system/app with Root Explorer, deleted all the user id and shared user ids for calendar from packages.xml as described above, rebooted, installed CalendarProvider.apk using adb, rebooted again, and I have a calendar that syncs!
same problem
The same problem. Resolved: 1) installing the apk. 2) ODEX by Lucky Patcher 3), and then reboot into recovery and clear cash and cash Dalvin. 4) restart the system

[Q] Google Maps installation issue

I tried updating google maps today and it kept saying the package was not signed correctly. Upon researching the issue, I decided to delete the Maps.apk and Street.apk from system/app and trying to install from market after reboot. I tried to install and I got the code "unknown error code during application installation "-8"". I tried to move the downloaded apk from cache to system/app and renaming it Maps.apk and rebooting and that didn't work. When I try to hit install, it asks me if the permissions are ok, I hit install and it says application was not installed. I've deleted the com folders and every trace of maps I could find through root explorer to try to start fresh and no such luck. Can anyone help out?
Use the non signed version, it has always worked for me, but don't install it as a regular app, just copy the Maps.apk to system/app , change permissions to rw--r--r and reboot, all the applications should appear...
most like its because the modded rom you flash uses the unsigned version so it can't be updated. If I were you I would have stick with the unsigned version. If you don't want to reflash, you could extract the unsigned map.apk from the rom you flash and manually install it. It SHOULD work.

