80-VA736-2 MSM7200 Software Interface Guide available - G1 Android Development

This doc has been sought after for a while. This is Rev. B - Google used Rev. C - so who knows how much was revised between the two - but it's definitely better than nothing.

Ok, here's the link
The attachment kept failing to upload. Heres a link:
Also hosted:


Most cool software comparison i found

the most cool report on benchmark i found on GPS software...
Seems to be a benchmark report made in Nov2008 by the “University of Computer Science of Oporto”
Whitepaper - NDrive-NavNGo-Sygic
Whitepaper - NDrive-Copilot-Route66
Whitepaper - NDrive-Garmin-TomTom
These files are 12MB because they have 12 videos…each with videos on the different softs...
It seems this was made to benchmark new features and different strategies from different software publishers...some job probably Ndrive ordered...

Graphics APIs for WM6

I've spent the last month trying desperately to find a free 2D (or 3D, but not required) graphics API I can use for high performance games on Windows Mobile. I initially set about trying to find a managed API to use, but now I've broadened my search to include any API (that I can call from C++ or .NET), and I'm still struggling to find anything.
The options seem to be:
- GDI: not nearly fast enough for high performance games
- DirectDraw: probably OK, but doesn't seem possible to use this on my HTC Touch Pro 2 due to memory problems (see http://blogs.msdn.com/windowsmobile/archive/2009/04/17/twisted-pixels-3-memory-mysteries.aspx -- I've got the same problem and have not yet found any way to work around this)
- Direct3D: no hardware driver on my Touch Pro 2, this renders about 0.2 frames per second in the samples, which is not good enough
- OpenGL: I've tried and tried, and can't get any samples working for this. The closest I've found is the tutorials here: http://www.zeuscmd.com/tutorials/opengles/index.php, but these all fail with an error, "Unable to create OpenGL|ES context" as soon as I run them (or alternatively using the "Ug" version, I get no window appearing at all).
Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can progress from here? I really want to write some Windows Mobile games, but I can't even get started. :-(
For 'better' graphics performance have a look at the 2D/3D Driver Development for MSM720X devices!
After installation of this driver pack try my OpenGL test app (source also available) found in my sig! Installing this driver pack will increase d3d performance, too!
Hi heliosdev,
Many thanks for posting the sourcecode for your OpenGL test -- I have that compiling very nicely here and producing very promising results too. I think this may finally be the answer I've been looking for.
Do you have any idea how much of a performance hit using PInvoke to interact with OGLES is likely to be? I don't know whether PInvoke is slow to use or not, but it strikes me that it may be slower use it hundreds of times per frame compared to coding directly in C++ and not needing to PInvoke at all..?
Thanks again,
For comparison NuShrike implemented torus test in C++. As you can see the difference is 'minimal' even NuShrike optimized it using vertex buffer objects (I'm using standard vertex arrays and just triangles, i.e. no triangle strips).

Repy to topic: 1076150

I can't give valuable feedback because how the board permissions are set up. I don't want to get into how the board should be ran and I will not. I am a website owner myself as well as a developer in PHP, VB, ASII, and JavaScript.
Can someone see that this topic - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1076150 gets the information it needs or this topic gets merged as a post.
Thanks in advance, just wanted to give some feed back without having to troll and spam just to give it in the other boards.
Device: Samsung Galaxy Europa(Samsung Galaxy 5, Samsung i5500 Corby Smartphone, Samsung Galaxy 550) GT-I5500L
OS: Andriod 2.2 Froyo
Device is rooted but nothing really changed under the hood, just some minor system performance tweaks and gps fix.
netflix.apk - doesn't work, force close
netflix-mod-2.apk - new version found message, can't start
netflix-devicecheck-disabled.apk - new version found message, can't start
com.netflix.mediaclient-1.apk - works until login
com.netflix.mediaclient-2.apk - works until login
netflix-new-mod2.apk - works until movie playback, get cant communicate to server error
netflix-nextgen9.apk - unsupported device and new version found message, can't start
netflix-netxtget_rotation red.apk - unsupported device and new version found message, can't start

[ROM] Ainol Novo 8 2.3.4 Rooted & G-Apps

Ainol Novo 8 Adv 2.3.4 Rooted UK Rom Version 2.0 Click Me!!
Ainol Novo 8 Adv 2.3.4 Rooted UK Rom Version 2.0 Click Me!!
Ainol Novo 8 Adv 2.3.4 Rooted UK Rom Version 2.0 Click Me!![/size]
The Ainol Novo 8 is a great little tablet but has been hampered by some early quality issues and about 4 or 5 firmware revisions that have all been good at something but not everything.
Recently a 2.3.4 beta Rom appeared on the Chinese speaking boards and was a major improvement over the 2.2 releases however as always they were in Chinese as a first language and contained stuff that was no use to us English speaking types. So I decided it was time to apply a bit of magic and make my own Rom. Links at the bottom of the post. This is a direct result of my playing about with the beta firmware then bringing it all together.
Link to my blog post Nebular Nerd @ Blogspot
From the readme.txt
Ainol Novo 8 Advanced 2.3.4 PreRooted English Rom
Hacked together by Nebular Nerd (Nov 6th 2011)
(If it's not broke, make it better)
aka thedaybeforetommorow (MP4Nations forums)
aka Oberth (XDA-Developer forums)
WWW: http://nebularnerd.blogspot.com
About This Firmware:
After much frustration having to de-Chinese every firmware for this amazing little tablet I set about making an English one to save time and to learn a bit more about Android, while doing so I also added in the main Google apps that everyone wants but always has trouble getting to behave. Using the current 2.3.4 beta as a base I removed, replaced and added various things to give us a decent firmware that will make you proud to show off your tablet with the unfortunate brand name. (Hands up all those who have had a schoolboy snicker when telling someone who makes it)
While I take credit for the putting everything together in one easy to use package the real credit should goto all those people I sourced the component parts from. Enjoy the firmware
Tidied and formatted readme.txt.
Minor update to correct bug in build.prop preventing Chianfire and Tegra games from working.
1st Release.
http://tinyurl.com/63pnbl6 The base for my rom was this prerooted one. (Translated)
http://tinyurl.com/64xhw3y I used the Browser and Google Music from this one. (Translated)
http://tinyurl.com/29c6jlx The rom I currently use on my HD2 which I lifted most of the Google stuff from.
http://tinyurl.com/6y57c4s The tweaks used for the Market.
Other various sources for stuff about some of the other little tweaks.
Flashing this is a breeze, simply copy the contents of the zip to your SD Card, insert into your Novo 8 and boot into Recovery with Power & Vol+.
Once booted perform the 3 wipes and then install the update and reboot. That's it, no need to install the AC3/DTS license or add Google apps.
If you spot the error about the factory_*blahblahblah*.aml file missing when booting into recovery mode just ignore it. I dumped the automated stuff as it bricked my unit the first time round when flashing the stock beta and I had to do a recovery with the original firmware release. All the automated bit really does is perform the 3 wipes and perform the install so why risk it when it takes only a few seconds to do.
When first booting the homescreen will go black/blank for about a minute. Don't panic this is quite normal it's just everything unpacking and setting up. Set up your wifi, add your Google account and off you go.
- AC3/DTS Hardware Decoder works.
- Fast and Smooth 160dpi rom with build.prop tweaks to improve battery life and speed things up.
- 3G Modem support is present and has been confirmed working with these dongles . . .
Huawei E160 3G USB Dongle (ompudsman @ MP4Nations)
Huawei E1750 3G USB Dongle with Virgin UK sim. (GFZ @ XDA)
- Full English Rom set to UK region, no hidden Chinese menus to pop out at you. All Chinese only apps removed or replaced with english versions.
- Latest Market 3.3.11 with heavily modified build.prop to show as many apps as possible. This does actually show and install a far wider range of apps than before.
- Uses the free version of LauncherPro because it does seem the best for this Tablet, the Chinese firmwares seemed to have hard coded Chinese in the LauncherProPlus.apk The market will allow you to purchase the Plus Unlocker if you want those features.
- Preloaded with Google Browser, Gmail, Maps, Streetview, YouTube, Google Music, Latitude, Google Search, Calendar and Car Home.
- Google accounts will sync Contacts, Mail and Calendars correctly.
- YouTube plays HQ videos just fine without stutter or lag. (Assuming you have a good wifi signal)
- The stock video player plays most MPG, MP4, MKV files with AAC, MP3, AC3 audio. Plays 1080p quite happily as well if the storage device can keep up.
If you need wider format support but still with hardware decoding where possible get MX Video Player and the ARMv7 Codecs from the market.
- Most of the Games and Apps I have tried while testing work fine. Get Chainfire3D and buy the Pro key to enjoy some of the nice Tegra Games. Check my blog for compatibility of Tegra games.
- Wifi seems better under the new firmware.
Bugs: (Most of these have been documented as an issue with the base firmware)
- Tablet likes to wake itself up now and then for no real reason. (Possible data connections causing it to wake)
- Sometimes the Power button does not work so you can't turn off the screen or power off. Install Quick Reboot off the market or hit the reset button.
- If the Screen is off and the Power button is not behaving another key will turn it on.
- Sometimes the Power Off dialog appears for no reason. Oddly not when in full screen games so far as I've noticed.
- Your Novo may disappear off the Market site for a while or completely. Mine went and then came back about a day later,
this is down to the modified build.prop. You can still download apps directly through the Market app on the Novo regardless.
- Some of the best apps are still not available in the market, Dolphin Browser HD, Facebook and Friendcaster to name a few. This is down to Google Market and not much seems to beat this last hurdle.
- Possible others (Let me know by posting on my blog or threads)
As with any custom firmware there is a risk of things going wrong so if it bricks your unit try a recovery image from Ainol and start again, if you are of a nervous disposition or the type of person who sues for a hobby please do not attempt to install this. The rom works fine on my unit and others have tried without issue, however mileage does seem to vary with this tablet.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
(screenshot app not included)
Links to the firmware (if you want to mirror please let me know so I can add links here)
Novo 8 2.3.4a Firmware UK Edition (nebularnerd.co.uk, fixed March 2021)
Thank you!
Hi Oberth,
Thank you so very much for the hard work and effort to put something together for this fantastic tablet! We have been hoping to see some english rom's being put together for some time but the fact that this is Android 2.3.4 with all the tweaks and best bits of previous rom's is excellent!!
Will be flashing your rom shortly and report back...
update: flashed and so far so good!
- Huawei E1750 3G dongle tested with Virgin UK Sim and all working.
Also will be uploading you rom to our website which may be found in the download section of the Ainol Novo 8 webpage.
(unable to post a link yet as need more posts)
Kind Regards
Thanks for the feedback
I actually bought my tablet from you guys through your ebay shop under the user id thedaybeforetomorrow was most pleased by the service.
Thanks for the offer to mirror and I hope the rom performs as it should, as not everyone can/will download from rapidshare I would like to add the links for your Novo 8 page to my first post here, my mp4nation thread and my blog.
Over at MP4 I have had some feedback regarding the market, while fully functional some have complained of the speed (mainly to do with the markets new design rather than tablet performance) so I am considering for the next release maybe offering both the older 2.xx style market and new 3.x market as separate firmware downloads so people can choose. Both the latest version I have used and the older one seem to see the same amount of apps visible so it's mainly a personal preference.
Just seen your test with the 3G Dongle, going to update here there and everywhere
Oberth said:
I actually bought my tablet from you guys through your ebay shop under the user id thedaybeforetomorrow was most pleased by the service.
Thanks for the offer to mirror and I hope the rom performs as it should, as not everyone can/will download from rapidshare I would like to add the links for your Novo 8 page to my first post here, my mp4nation thread and my blog.
Over at MP4 I have had some feedback regarding the market, while fully functional some have complained of the speed (mainly to do with the markets new design rather than tablet performance) so I am considering for the next release maybe offering both the older 2.xx style market and new 3.x market as separate firmware downloads so people can choose. Both the latest version I have used and the older one seem to see the same amount of apps visible so it's mainly a personal preference.
Just seen your test with the 3G Dongle, going to update here there and everywhere
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wow, small world!
thank you for your custom and delighted to hear you are pleased with the service
will be testing further over the next few days, for some reason we did notice that the initial firmware form Ainol played 1080p files flawlessly then slowly playback became worse over following updates although other features/fixes had been implemented.
all mentioned above seem to be as you stated regarding the initial power up and blank screen. can't say we experienced the power button problem yet, works as it should.
the new market is indeed sluggish as with other tablets, a quick search for skype didn't show the main application as most likely with some others that you have mentioned. apart from the sluggish launch, the new market design is not so bad, personally prefer it now being used to it.
Ainol did advise an official firmware was due soon, maybe a mix of that and the firmware's you have worked with will give us an even greater improvement.
loving the honeycomb boot animation!
keep up the great work, will have the firmware link etc added shortly.
The playback issues in the later firmwares linked to the AC3/DTS license not being installed or disabled entirely so playback did get worse.
Can I ask you to re-download the firmware in the first post. I tidied up the readme.txt for readability. nothing else is changed.
Oberth said:
The playback issues in the later firmwares linked to the AC3/DTS license not being installed or disabled entirely so playback did get worse.
Can I ask you to re-download the firmware in the first post. I tidied up the readme.txt for readability. nothing else is changed.
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sure no problem at all, we have uploaded the firmware to our novo 8 pages download section and provided link to the firmware and to this page at xda.
will download new file and replace the one we have on our server.
thanks again
Thanks for that I have added your page to the links section where ever this is posted and edited my blog to mention where I bought it from.
Can I ask if you could change the name from Oberth to Nebular Nerd on your page, just matches up with the blog then. My user name from here was from years back and I wish you could change it. Part of why I edited the readme was to aka the names
Oberth said:
Thanks for that I have added your page to the links section where ever this is posted and edited my blog to mention where I bought it from.
Can I ask if you could change the name from Oberth to Nebular Nerd on your page, just matches up with the blog then. My user name from here was from years back and I wish you could change it. Part of why I edited the readme was to aka the names
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will do
may be in touch soon regarding some ideas we have that may be of interest.
thanks again
Man, this is great!
Thank´s a lot!
Now I´m happy with my tablet.
Hello from Spain
First of all, congratulations on your work with the tablet Ainola.
I wanted to ask if you know when it will be available in Spanish.
Thanks for everything.
kinterinho said:
Hello from Spain
First of all, congratulations on your work with the tablet Ainola.
I wanted to ask if you know when it will be available in Spanish.
Thanks for everything.
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I just checked and Spanish language is not included, maybe something for the next release
Languages included are: English (Australia / Canada / New Zealand / Singapore / UK / United States) & Chinese.
Thanks, I'll try to see how it goes anyway.
But if you can include it in the next version, would be welcome here in Spain.
kinterinho said:
Thanks, I'll try to see how it goes anyway.
But if you can include it in the next version, would be welcome here in Spain.
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That would be down to Oberth aka Nebula Nerd but don't believe it would be that hard to do, i'm sure he will let us know
Additional Languages
Hi kinterinho,
I shall have a look into adding additional languages into the firmware and see what that requires. This beta was released with only Chinese and English language files built in but I may be able to borrow some from another rom.
The only thing that might present a problem is if LauncherPro refuses to change all it's options to Spanish in the same way the default Chinese one would not become fully English when you changed the language. I shall have to experiment and see
Cheers for the update, having a few issues.
Iplayer app now apears to suck goats since using this ??
any ideas ?
rezza.dh said:
Cheers for the update, having a few issues.
Iplayer app now apears to suck goats since using this ??
any ideas ?
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Hi, I think you will find the BBC iPlayer app has always had issues.
Playback should be fine via the browser, this firmware plays iPlayer via stock browser although previous firmware required dolphin browser hd.
Oberth said:
Hi kinterinho,
I shall have a look into adding additional languages into the firmware and see what that requires. This beta was released with only Chinese and English language files built in but I may be able to borrow some from another rom.
The only thing that might present a problem is if LauncherPro refuses to change all it's options to Spanish in the same way the default Chinese one would not become fully English when you changed the language. I shall have to experiment and see
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I appreciate you try it. In Spain would do well to include also the Spanish language.
I read on the post to see if there are any changes.
iPlayer is indeed pretty poor.
Yep confirming GFZ's post, it will play with the stock browser set to mobile but quality is pretty poor. I remember it running better on one the original stock roms. It could be one of a few things.
- Bug in the firmware with flash, although Youtube works through the various browsers ok. You can't use the Youtube app for comparison as it's not flash driven.
- Could be a VM Heap issue with it taking up to much space (need to play with that and see)
- Could be the higher dpi on top of the higher res causing the poorly coded app lots of effort in the upscale, dropping to the original 192dpi might cure it at the expense of fuzzy text and icons, again I need to test, not sure if dpi switchers play nice with this rom so you could at least hop between them for different tasks.
- I might try embedding it in the rom as well, The Youtube app hated being added to the tablet post flashing and performance was poor but ran just fine after being flashed in.
The problem with iPlayer for Android was that it was released only after a lot of complaints from the community at large about them only supporting the iThings. BBC were not really wanting to make it but cobbled something together just to shut people up.
Quick edit: Hit the settings button and drop the quality to low in iPlayer seems to play the same as in Browser. Not ideal I know, looking at it more closely it seems to be a buffering issue as you get a few smooth seconds and then it all grinds to a halt.
Multilanguage support
Hi kinterinho
I have been looking into and reading up on how Android handles multiple languages and it looks like it not something easy to do as it's not a case of adding files but adding stuff into the files and given the differences between roms especially 2.2 and 2.3 ones I imagine a cut'n'paste job wont do it.
However I have the beginnings of an idea, it needs some work combined with a recent opportunity that has come my way so I can't promise anything but watch this space.
Thanks you!

[CUSTOM FIRMWARE] TheXSample-SXELROM v3.5 for JXD S7300B [Update 18/05/2013]

TheXSample-SXELROM v3.5 for JXD S7300B (Firmware & Tincore Driver Update 18/05/2013)
Use of this article
It allows you to use this review, either by copying or referenciándola link to anyone who wants it, with the only condition that remains the author and a link to the original source of this review, which is cited in the following section .
Source and update the information in this article
The original article (in Spanish) is in my blog .
For updates on this article, I suggest visiting one of the links above.
Mirror Mega
Change log
- Kernel compiled from sources 3.0.50
- Improvements on system stability (must improve some hangs/freeze of devices)
- New frequency added. There is no need of SetCPU profile. Is recommended to clear application data and start again SetCPU, and choice "Autodetect frequencies"
- Governors smartass2, intelldemand, lagfree and lionheart was deleted, and replaced by the new ondemand, interactive and interactive2, that works better on the device.
- Potential Fix for Wakeup bug. Emulators now must run fine without issues about the screen rate, after wake up.
- Little improvements on 3D performance
- Added new option for reboot, from the power menu.
- JXD Mapping tool deleted. now will not appear in any way the mapping tool interface (Shift key will not open it)
Tincore Driver Update
- Fixed Sticks Dead Zones
- Sticks are Joystick by default from now (you must set manually if you need right stick as IJKL keys)
- Fixed initialization routine.
- Extract the rar file. There are 3 files.
- Put on your miroSD card
- Boot the device in recovery menu
- Select "install zip from EXT"
- Browse and select the file you want to flash (each file flash different kernel speed. select the speed you want to use. (Recommended: 1200MHz)
- Reboot the system
About this overview
This article is a summary, and contains only the most relevant features.
To read the full article, look at the link above.
Here is a short list of changes included in this version of firmware.
Later in this article, there is a section with extended information about these changes.
Include support for USB Bluetooth dongles
This includes new governors set for the console hardware
Tincore Driver
Calibration ajusatada for DPAD
Improvements and optimizations in the driver code, to get even less lag.
Tincore KeyMapper
Support for languages.
Minor improvements in UI tool
DEBUG Option
Creating online guide tool
Note on Bluetooth Support
Not all Bluetooth USB dongles behave the same way, and the clasificaré in 3 groups:
[*] Only some have 100% support, and able to connect, disconnect and work seamlessly with the device.
[*] Others may only work if you are connected to the console from the start of it, and if disconnected, they will not start until you restart the console.
[*] And others, very few, may not be able to work with the console.
That said, emphasizing that most dongles that we used in the tests correspond to Group 2 of the above list, and only one has been in group 1, but still the connectivity and operation we tested is suitable and practical, if we have the console plugged into a TV.
What's more, the videos I uploaded to show this feature, corresponding to a dongle in group 2, and as you can see works seamlessly with multiple devices.
The video above shows the work in progress of this feature.
On connectivity Sixaxis
(Using a SIXAXIS with the console)
Overall, there have been problems with device connectivity, but if identified and strange behavior is that when connecting Sixaxis controls, after a few seconds in some cases these are switched off (or when you connect a second controller is off the first), but not always the case and simply reconnect the tool again.
According to the evidence, it may be because, for some reason, the program does not work well when the controls are low on battery (below 50%).
(Console working with 2 sixaxis connected simultaneously)
Version Recustom
It has generated a TheXSample-SXELROM v3.0 release Recustom with the same characteristics as the original rom, plus some extra programs related withthe bluetooth.
Download Links
TheXSample - SXELROM v1.0
TheXSample-SXELROM Firmware v3.0 [Mega Mirror ]
For more links, see the original article of this release.
As in previous updates, here is the work of many people, although it seems small upgrade, I can say it's quite achieving the advancement of Bluetooth and achievers who deserve all the thanks, and among which I will highlight a Skelton (great manager of the idea), Christian Troy, Lomax, Tincore (which never tires of implementing improvements) and myself, that force me to go out in the credits XD, plus I can leave out now .
We also wanted to give a thank you to the store Willgoo, that has been very helpful to give us the necessary support to add the option of accelerometer in the mapping tool (released in a previous patch), and now we have the "Wiimote style "to play some retro-gaming (it's great to play Mario Kart 64, tilting the console like a Wii steering wheel): D
The special thanks of this firmware is for the groups "The Mox", "Les Miserables", "Marilyn Manson" and Daft Punk (among others) for that because we had a lot of energy injected encouragement and strength to the long nights of testing that has taken this firmware.
Thanks so much for your work on this! Super smooth and everything just works.
Also, thank you for posting this on XDA. Haven't seen too many S7300B posts here, so this is great.
jm77 said:
Thanks so much for your work on this! Super smooth and everything just works.
Also, thank you for posting this on XDA. Haven't seen too many S7300B posts here, so this is great.
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nice to see people interested on this device here in XDA.
first post updated!
Deen0X said:
first post updated!
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Thanks for posting this on XDA!
Looking forward to reporting back. Thanks for your hard work.

