I followed this guide:
and at the end it said that i should update my radio. so i go to the thread:
and download the file called:
i then changed the name to update.zip, rebooted my phone with home and end held down, and hit alt + s to update it. it completed this process very quickly(quicker than a normal update to, say RC33) then said hit home and end. i hit the two and it said that it was updating the radio. after a few seconds it went to a screen with a chip that had things coming out of it (looked kind of like a centipede, but it was a computer chip). it stayed on that screen for a few seconds (i also think i hit menu, because i was confused) and then it rebooted, and went back to the screen that shows up when you hit home and end. i then hit home and back to reboot and is now stuck on the android screen. ive rebooted the phone and can not figure out what has happened. i really do not want to set my phone back to factory settings, because ive done that about 5 times now trying to follow the worlds hardest guides on how to do ****.
can someone tell me if i do need to do a factory reset, how to update my radio, and what that means exactly.
another note:
when i try to boot w/o my sd card i get stuck at the G1 screen, not sure if that matters or not.
now even with my sd card in, it stays at the G1 screen.
I've looked all over for the answer to this, and I've tried multiple things but nothing seems to be working. Last night my phone froze (for no apparent reason) so I pulled the battery. The first boot screen came and went but the 2nd doesn't show...it stays blank and then eventually I hear the noise my phone makes when it's fully started up, but the screen is still blank. I have to push menu and the home and call keys a couple of times to get the screen to turn on, and then I can see everything seems to be up in the background, but when I go to unlock my phone it doesn't recognize me pressing the buttons (to unlock the SIM) so I can't get any further. When I do home+power combination, the screen with the triangle and exclamation point comes up, but it won't recognize any of my button presses. I tried to use fastboot to bring it back, and it says everything went through but when it starts back up the same thing happens, it won't recognize me pressing the screen to unlock the phone. It will take maybe the first 2 keys I press..and it will lag while it takes them...but after that it doesn't take anything else. I don't know what to do so if anyone can help or might know what could have happened. Like I said, I was just on the browser last night looking around and it froze so I pulled the battery. Oh and I'm running JF 1.50 if that matters. Thanks guys.
Did you install hardSPL?
If not, maybe you can create a goldcard (search in this forum) and flash the basic system on it again!
I have the SPL for Sapphire ported to Dream.
I might have to take it in to T-Mobile because it boots up and just automatically freezes at the main screen.
The only thing I'm worried about is that I changed the first boot screen so if I do end up having to get a new phone I'm going to have to pay for it
wipe wipe wipe
no need to take it to t mob just wipe take the sd card put it in a sd card reader load up the root/hack rom and go from there no need to take it back cause t mob will tell hell no when they try ro boot it up
I don't know how to wipe it without going through the bootloader and that won't load up.
I also don't know how to flash an update without going through bootloader so I'm stuck.
try this
pull the battery hold down power + home put battery in without taking your fingers off thoses buttons wait till bootloader loads. it happent to me an endless loop everytime i pulled the battery it would power up without touching the battery so thats what i did
I've got a rooted (Super SU, but the original root manager was Superuser) LG C800 that I was having problems with. To be specific, I installed some apps on to the system. Some of these apps would be Titanium Backup for root, Avast Mobile Security, ROM Tool Box Lite, Super SU, and a quite a few others. From day one they seem to be kicked right back to my S.D. card, but not all at the same time, and some would stay on the system. I read where I should move the apps back to my S.D. card and try to re-install them on the system minus the data. When I did, the phone went nuts. Now it stays in a restart mode but never fully boots up. Can I salvage it, and if so, please tell me how?! I have tried the hard reset/recovery boot where you hold down the power button, volume, and a few other keys, but it did not work. I'm a broke college student and can't really afford to buy a new phone. I used this one for everything including tethering it to get my assignments done at home and turned in on time. Please help! I'm open to suggestions....... My phone will be completely off. When I plug it into my computer, via U.S.B., it automatically turns it on whether I want it to be on or not. Then it starts off in "reboot recovery" mode, will boot all the way to the point to where the home screen would normally turn on, but then it starts in that "boot loop" all over again but never fully boots up before going back to the beginning of that "boot loop" yet again. I can't even get it to register on my laptop as being plugged in. The reason I took the apps I placed on the system off was because sometimes when I'd re-boot the system the apps would be on the system and sometimes back on my S.D. card without my involvement of any kind other than rebooting my phone. Is completing a Nandroid recovery or re-installation of my ROM even possible with my computer no longer recognizing it as even being plugged in? From what I can tell it won't be. Am I fighting a lost cause or is it salvageable?
Rooted myTouch Q 4G, a.k.a. LG C800
I believe it has a 2.3.4 GRJ22-perf, and then something like I can't remember off the top of my head, and I can't pull it up on my phone anymore or else I'd double check.
Have you tried booting into recovery?
(More about my phone from the original post) Honestly.........I'm not what you may consider technologically inclined. I have however done about as much research online concerning this matter as any one person can do. I've looked it up on all major sites, and many smaller ones too, that post remedies for phone, or "human" if you'd rather, malfunctions. They all talk about still being able to reach a home screen or doing the whole holding the power and volume decrease buttons until I "reboot recovery" screen appears (if that's what you're referring to as doing a recovery reboot as). Don't forget the one where you hold hold the power and volume decrease buttons along with the "A" and "F" keys as well. I even tried one from here where you're supposed to push the genius button after the Android figure leaves the screen. My phone won't allow me to do either. Basically if it's online, I myself, or this girl that's been staying with me, have tried it without any results. On the initial boot the Android figure and the box with the arrow coming out of it show up and it boots until just about the point that it use to switch over to the home screen and it will start the whole "boot loop" over again. The thing is though that the Android figure and box aren't there any other time after the first boot, and with every boot loop it makes after that, the time is reduced from the beginning of the loop to the end when it starts all over again. The phone won't shut off unless I remove the battery and even though my laptop no longer recognizes the device, when I plug my phone into it or another power source and it's off, it automatically turns itself on and begins that boot loop all over again. there is one thing I have yet to try. I read on one site where I could download a custom ROM on my S.D. and then try reboot it, but it never makes it to the point in which the files on my S.D. card are ran, much less scanned. I am still 100% open to any and all suggestions in the diagnosis of this issue. I may record and place a video on one of the more popular "tube" sites to better show or further explain what's happening and then come back on here to post the link?! Feel free to reply back if it's possible you can help before I'm able to complete that later this evening. And thanks for any and all help in advance to everyone.
I have a Tmobile HTC One M7 that I paid $300 for. It was awesome! However, I wanted to root it. So I successfully unlocked the bootloader, installed TWRP and then proceeded to attempt to root. Something went wrong and now this thing is useless! I cannot tell you where it went wrong because when the first sign of trouble appeared I started doing all kinds of **** to try and fix it, none of which worked and I have lost track of what I did in the process of trying to root and then subsequently trying to fix. I know there were some wipe cache, wipe dalvik cache, install zip from SD, I may have even tried to flash a custom ROM without the thing being rooted. I have been reading for days, trying this, trying that to no avail. The phone is brand new, without a scratch. It will power up like normal, but when it gets to the lock screen where you swipe the little lock in the bottom tray to use the phone it will not respond at all! It recognizes the network because it is displayed in the notifications bar up top, it can see the signal strength, it knows what time it is, it knows what the date is, but it will not get past the damn lock screen. ADB sideload works. I was able to push a zip and flashed it, even said android is upgrading when I rebooted, but it did not solve my problem. It will not power off, but when I hold the power button down, to turn it off the back arrow < and home symbol flash and after about 10 seconds a dialog box pops up that says to restart your phone continue to press and hold the power button and starts a countdown. Once the countdown gets to zero it restarts. If I hold the volume down button while doing this it will go into the boatloader and I can get into recovery. Apparently there is no backup to restore because when I try a restore I get the same exact same thing. I thought I had done one, I must have erased it somehow. I have been trying to resolve this for weeks now and am at my wits end. Any suggestions please !?!? Will anyone on this forum take it if I ship to them and fix for a fee? Otherwise this things going in the trash.
Hey there.
So today, after waiting what seemed like forever for the OTA update to reach my phone, it finally did!
I got some lollipop on my Nexus phone finally.
It installed no sweat, although it took a while since I have so many apps installed.
So, I had planned to reset the phone after I updated it. I made backups of all relevant data and proceeded to hard-reset it through settings menu.
It started the process, took a while longer than I expected, and then out of nowhere... it crashes, or at least I think it did. The "working" android animation with the "Erasing..." message changed into one with a Red exclamation mark on top of it.
I waited for a while... nothing.
So I powered it down.
Power back on and it goes into the Erasing operation again... except now I don't think it's actually doing anything since it's taking forever.
I've went into the "hard reset" menu that you get into by pressing volume + & - and the power button while turning it on, tried the recovery... nothing. It restarts the phone and shows the "erasing" animation again.
Did I manage to brick my phone while using just stock "tools" ?!
Any advice?
Phone was all stock, no root, no unlocked bootloader, nothing.
Why did you reset it during
Because it apparently crashed mid-way.
The "working" animation changed into one where's a droid with a open stomach with a red exclamation mark over it.
I waited for a long time and it didn't move along so I restarted it.
Anyway, it took forever but it completed it now.
Guess I "just" had to be patient. Didn't expect this to take 40minutes or so with a simple reset =|
I did search my terms and didn't come up with anything close to my situation, which is this: I got this phone in 2013, rooted it successfully, but was never able to get TWRP flashed properly, but I was happy with the root, so I sort of ignored the TWRP thing. Now I am getting a replacement phone, LG-V20 VS995 next week, so I decided yesterday to tinker around again with TWRP, as I wanted to put this on the V20.
On the G3 when I flashed(Or so I thought) TWRP and rebooted to recovery, I would get an error message (Very small) in the top left of the screen, then would disappear and I would have to pull the battery to reset and then it would boot fine back to the OS, but not to TWRP.
I made sure I had/have the updated Windows LG drivers, ADB, etc.... and I could see my G3 in Windows properly, the internal device and the microSD, I even pulled up the terminal emulator on the G3 while attached to the PC and ran an ID command I think, successfully. I pulled up a CLI in Windows in my ADB directory and my G3 device showed up as well. Then I tried flashing TWRP, first using Flashify; I started with an older version, like 2.8.6, but it didn't seem to work, so I started going towards the newer versions, but still, Flashify kept saying they failed to flash. So I tried the official TWRP app, and it seemed to be doing the same thing. So I went back to review what I had already done, then disconnected my phone from the PC, rebooted normally and tried again with the TWRP app. I think I was successful with one of the newer versions, 3.1.x so I did the reboot after it said it was successful, but I got that boot error message again, then blank screen and red/blue flashing lights; removed battery and replaced, powered on for normal boot and back in the phone OS again. I checked some YT videos on flashing TWRP on VS985 and it appeared I was doing everything correctly, but then I saw this one video that stated to use the Vol+ and Pwr button (I guess I thought when I selected "boot to recovery" the phone was going to do that automatically), then once you see the LG logo, release the Pwr button, then continue to press the Pwr button all while still holding the Vol+ button down, and then you would go into Recovery mode.
His next words sort of came as a shock - you had to select the option to reset your phone to factory defaults, and THEN, and IF you were successful flashing TWRP, it would take you to TWRP. I thought about this and and decided to do another TWRP flash, and if successful, would try this method. I did and I was able to get into the stock recovery menu, and I did see the option to "Reset phone to factory defaults", but decided just to cancel and went back to the phone OS, and that worked. Later on, I decided to try the "Reset" option on another phone boot, but I've now run into a different issue/error. When I boot the phone, I immediately get the error message (The boot certification verify error), and no matter how many times I remove the battery or for how long, each time the phone boots, I get this error message. The only thing I have been able to do is get into the Hardware Key Control Mode using Vol+Vol-Pwr and just continuing to press them. No matter what option I choose, either Cancel, Mode On, or Mode Off, the phone immediately reboots to the error message; it's like it's stuck in the Recovery boot mode somehow. I'm not sweating it too badly, as I've got a V20 coming next week and I have a work cell I can use for important things, but has anyone run into this type of thing? The way it is now, I cannot view the phone on my PC and cannot seem to get past this boot certification verify error.
EDIT: I am now able to consistently boot into the System Recovery by way of Vol+Pwr button held down until the SR menu shows. HOWEVER, no matter what choice I select, phone reboots and I get the "Boot certification verify" error................ oh well, at least I got an email that my V20 is coming this Thursday.
EDIT: I must be somewhat dyslexic, as the method to get to the SR menu is VOL- (Not Vol+) and Pwr button held down until SR menu entry. Sorry about that
EDIT: I've also seen the "fix" where you remove the back cover, battery, and then remove the top plastic cover over the battery/power/volume, then also remove the metal shield. This is the point where it gets confusing; the author(s) want you to "ground" 2 of the contacts, but it's not clear which ones they are referring to, even with the screenshot, and I'm not electrical engineer, so not exactly sure what they mean by grounding. As I'm getting a replacement tomorrow, I decided not to even explore this technique, although I did dissassemble the phone down to removing the metal plate, so I could try and see if I could figure out what they were talking about (I couldn't). Gotta say, I've had my G3 for over 7 years and for the most part, really loved it; it came in handy during home power outages when the Internet (Cable) went out.