Windows Mobile 6.5 ready for daily use? - Touch Pro, Fuze General

What are the builds like now, everything pretty stable?
I mainly use Opera, TomTom 7 (legally purchased) and lots of SMS so nothing too taxing.
All opinions gratefully received.

Easy Answer
Yes. WM6.5 runs as well or better then the WM6.1 counterpart. I fancy the new homescreen as well as the new finger scrolling that is built in. The WM6.5 finger scrolling feels much more fluid and "iphone-like". Simply a bliss to use.
The new redesigned menu's allow a lot more finger friendly use. I also like the new transparent startmenu and task bar. The actual start menu takes some getting used to but if you organize your icons into folders, it helps a lot.
Most of your basic apps are the same as before; Messaging specifically. Everything pretty much just works.
Once you try WM6.5 for a few days, you could never go back to WM6.1 without a fight.
Da_G is pretty much leading the pack and provides basic barebone versions to download. If you download his rom, you'll have JUST the WM6.5 OS with all the basic stuff. If you never used a barebones OS you'll find a few HTC customizations being missed. For example the Volume Control, Phone Dialer, and Task Manager are all HTC specific apps that aren't included with a clean Windows Mobile OS.
While it would be educational and fun to see what a pure WM6.5 OS feels like without the extra crap, for daily use, you might want to hit up some of the custom roms.
I typically like trying Da_G's rom first before cooking my own, so I can see what has changed and explore the new updated rom in its greatness.

player beat me to it. 6.5 is pretty amazing. I haven't found one bug. By the way Da G just released a new build.

do they have a sprint tp compatible version of wm6.5 yet? i havent been able to find one yet.

i'v been using the 21198 build for two weeks now. i haven't gotten around to adding HTC customizations yet as i'm a believe microsoft needs to step up and make an OS with solid with solid core functionality (think apple and iphone). i like 6.5 but there are some application incompatibilities at the moment, eg. epocrates and some other medical software.
opera 9.5.15613, i'm not sure if there are newer builds, doesn't display properly--some tearing in the screen when scrolling. but tomtom7 works fine.

Right now im using his new 21500 build, and i have to say, it is godly. Windows 6.5 runs soo smoothly, and almost no glitches that i can find so far. Battery drains a little fast, but its managable if you charge it every night. Opera is working like a charm, everything is a little small though.. gps is working great also.

Thanks all. Sounds like its time to give it a go.



Hi all! Just wanted to find out something is there a wm6.5 rom that runs smooth yet?
I installed a couple and it seems very laggy still, the programs menu is slow to move, the desktop scroll function through the different tabs either goes way to quick or way to slow.
Is there a rom that works properly yet?
Thanks for helping
Renember that the WM 6.5 releases found here are very early beta products, and as such, very subject to change and bugs. If stability is your goal, use a WM6.1 build. WM 6.1 has been RTM for quite a while now, WM 6.5 isn't even officially released for any platform yet.
Bugs was many, but it solved one by one, first standby and lock, and lately camera freeze. Till now, i guess still not stable and bug free enough
But we must do respect for the cookers, they really work hard and great..
yepppers, just a matter of time
djp76 said:
Hi all! Just wanted to find out something is there a wm6.5 rom that runs smooth yet?
I installed a couple and it seems very laggy still, the programs menu is slow to move, the desktop scroll function through the different tabs either goes way to quick or way to slow.
Is there a rom that works properly yet?
Thanks for helping
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Patience is a vitue my boy!
Thought as much thenks people!

WM6.5 = Worst UI

I have an old Trinity, and tried WM6.5 ROMs. Twice.
WM6.5 seems a bit faster for me, than 6.1. It is also stable.
But, it has, IMO, the WORST user interface of any OS out there!
It's cluttered. It's busy. It's hard to navigate.
The file screen is pure visual mess: something a grade student with bad taste would create, and think it's "cool."
And of course, below it all, it's still the old, old WM.
I love HTC hardware. But with WM7 beyond the horizon, I am taking a hard look at other options. Maybe the new iPhone coming out in June, maybe HTC Android, if they polish up a bit.
Has MS completely lost it? Or do people actually like WM6.5?
Umm, whats wrong with the interface? i love it, its easy to navigate, I really dont know what ur complaining about. Im using it on my tilt and it works great!
Same here, I'm using it on my kaiser, and in addition to being much more responsive, the UI is a big improvement over previous versions. Titanium is finger friendly, and nice looking too. The large start menu is nice and finger friendly, as well as more convenient than navigating through endless menus just to open a program. And speaking of menus, the finger friendly menus are really nice; I barely have to use my stylus anymore.
The only thing I don't really like about the UI is the start menu's meager level of customization, but I'm sure someone here will come up with a tool to fix that. If you want the old WM interface back, you can always just install an old WM theme, and everything but the start menu will go back to Windows 3.1 style.
If u think WM 6.5 has the worst UI then u haven't used WM 5 or below.
Agree with original poster, in fact i've listed my polaris on eBay and am just buying a nokia - and I've been using HTC's (about 6 of them) since the original xda.
Given up on MS.
it's the the best but it is one of the simplest UI to navigate. also, with WM6.5, i dont have to install 3rd party apps for sms (because of the big and scrollable UI), contacts (same as sms), and with all the titanium plugins being developed, no more favorite contacts launcher, pograms launcher, weather forecast, twitter, etc. but then again it's not the best UI
Havent tested personally, but from a graphical/friendly point of view I´m not rushing for testing...Not like it at all
Just my opinion,
Im quite a fan of the new interface
I find it incredibly easy to navigate around it.
The only thing i dont like about it is how you return to the desktop after using an app, i would prefer it to return to the start menu where it was last.
It's their first attempt for a finger-friendly UI. It's still ugly (compared to iPhone), and seems a bit too serious, that's why nobody uses the Windows Today screen and everybody installs custom roms or "today screen" alternatives like SPB mobile shell 3 and other similar products.
6.5 is a bit more operable when using it with your hands, but you still need the stylus or a nail for some operations. That's because WinMob started as a PDA OS and now that it's a Phone/pda OS they should redesign it from scratch.
Well, instead of making all UI parts big for a finger touch, Microsoft said that 6.5 will only be available on devices that have a dedicated button for "Start menu".
And I still don't like the honeycomb. (And I'm not gonna buy an iPhone because I like their UI )
For some reason I think this not-so-long development improved WM UI a lot more than HTC with all those touch flos...
meh...its not the best, but its not the
meh...its not the best, but its not the
Actually VanAuberjim, they changed the upgrade to 6.5 requirements a month or two ago. Requiring a hardware start menu was a stupid idea, and I think they caught on to their mistake. Now, a minimum of a 400MHz processor and 128MB of RAM are the only things one needs to be eligible for an official upgrade. Unfortunately, it's still at the manufacturer's discretion, so older devices won't get an official upgrade. Of course, that's why cooked ROMs were invented .
I agree too.
They messed up Windows Mobile 6.5 completly.
The improvements are not enough, I expected a lot more from the "new" windows mobile.
In my oppinion it doesn't deserve the adjectiv "new" because it isn't. They made the buttons bigger (like we have a long time with finger menu), the scrolling better (there was no possibiliy to make it worse then it was) , a new start menu (which is nearly like the one from TF3D 2) and new lock screen (which is pretty good).
And the rest?
The UI is still like from a nother, old time,, but the UI of iPhone, Android and Palm, yeah, they look new and fresh.
The Windows Mobile 6.5 UI still looks like Windows 95.
And why we still have to use the stylus on Windows Mobile 6.5.
Hellloooo M$ welcome to the non stylus finger friendly century!!!
That's why I'm selling my Xperia right now to buy the new iphone in this summer. Just beause of the interface.
I hate apple and I would love to keep my Xperia. But not this way.
If M$ isn't able to create a nice new Windows Mobile, they will lose in the next years, the won't have a chance against Android and iphone when this OS will have things like Office which is one of the main arguments for a Windows Mobile device.
i agree with the OP and a lot of posts here, 6.5 is just not enough and im sick of the mediocre updates to winmo and they keep pushing back wm7 that i think it might not even stack up as well with the competition when it hits due to the fact that the give us real updates and it may not be up to par by the time it releases...... Im moving on come september or sooner when my contract is up and get me an iPhone 3rd Gen or a Palm Pre
at least they know how to bring the big updates to their OS (Palm gave us the Upgrade that M$ should have done and in a BIG WAY)
and apple (even though they are air tight) at least gave us copy-paste/mms and a lot of things that they were behind on so all iPhone haters can look for something else to complain about now
I like the new interface, and now more compared to the overloaded TF3D 2, I must say that WM6.5 is not the best thing out there in matter of usability and design, but it represents a big improvement over the older version, I just love the scrolling, and the new menus. I would like to see improvements on tasks switching and the control on the icons on the topbar, but I think that at this stage that's not gonna happen.
The real promise is Windows7 but they're taking tooooooooo long. I think the most interesting OS out there is the OS of the Palm Pre. Apple? well, I just realize that I don't want a phone with virtual keyb, I can't type without seeing the screen.
I have recently installed the WM6.5 ROM on my Diamond and I really like the responsivness of the new OS, especially with the new HTC Album, Camera, etc. So the underlying code must have been greatly enhanced.
When it comes to the visual of the home screen, I think I still prefer the HTC TouchFLO 3D. So together, they are a winner
I too agree with the original poster here. It is really terrible in my opinion. In fact, after installing it and using it for a few days, I came to the conclusion that microsoft is incapable of delivering any credible handheld OS for the foreseeable future at least, and have already switched to iPhone. I'm really very very happy with iPhone. WIth it jailbroken, I can multitask, cut and paste, do video recording, do bluetooth file transfer, do MMS, and many other things which everyone says iPhone can't do. Not only that, I find that other than GPS navigation software, which is still terrible on iPhone, the third party applications on iPHone are a lot better. Everything is so well thought out in iPhone, although it has just one button. Easy to switch tasks, VOIP and phone calls are of much better quality, volume control that could be adjusted in small increment, so much room for customization and tailoring (when so many incorrectly says that you can't customise iPhone).
I now use my HD to run my Tom Tom, iGO, Garmin and Mapking only. Once similar application exist on iPhone, I'd be 100% done with winmo.
Definitely one of the most pathetic attempts of MS. Sucks big time, what on earth were they thinking?
For instance, if i've scrolled the menu down somewhere and the clock/date is not in the screen....and i leave it there and come back to my today screen....boom! i got to scroll back just to see the damn date!
A today screen is to give a quick glance on all the important stuff. This is plain ridiculous....all you get to see is some boring menus in font size 32.
boo MS....booooo!
I'm not going to tell anybody what they should think, but I think a lot of negative opinions in this thread are because people are misunderstanding what 6.5 actually IS.
It's a patch job. It's a little facelift to buy time for WM7, which is an actual overhaul. Based on comments that have dribbled out from the WM team, I don't think WM7 really has been "pushed back." Instead, WM8 was pushed FORWARD and rebranded as WM7. The "original" WM7 was drastically reduced and rebranded as 6.5.
IMO, 6.5 is MOSTLY an improvement over 6.1. The menus and scrolling are definitely better. There's a handful of little tweaks and changes that are definite improvements. CHome is a bit flashier and more "current" than a bare Today screen (and, remember, you can easily disable it and use the "classic" Today screen if you want).
The only part I'm not very fond of is the Start menu. The design is questionable, and it's too darn clunky to rearrange. They really should have made a fullscreen "smart" menu that works more like the Vista / W7 Start menu.
Also, the new version of IE is absolutely useless. Slow, clunky, and lousy page rendering. Older versions of PIE were lousy for the "real" web but great for mobile sites. The new IE is good for neither. Luckily, that can also be reverted.

I have searched and flashed but to no avail, can somoene help?!

Hi all
I've been looking for a CLEAN speedy rom for ages, ever since At0mang stopped cooking the quality of the roms on here seems to have dropped, there doesnt seem to be a single RAPHAEL rom, or one that hasnt been heavily modified to include the very buggy rhodium manilla
does ANYONE know of a CLEAN/SPEEDY rom with minimal extra applications but of course the regular gamut of speed enhancements
many thanks
Try PROven 4.2 with or without tp or rhodium manillas
Have you tried Da-G's? he's releasing roms in addition to kitchens now. It might be buggy since its the lastest 6.5 build.
I've already tried Provens 4.2
its moreso the issues with the menu's thats the problem
same with Da_G's, theres just some pretty annoying bugs on there
the only thing i tend to use my TP for is as a phone, to text and call, and some of the roms are just really slow when it comes to texting!
You could try NATF's Roms. They are pretty stable, and you can choose the lite version - it comes without Manilla, and then you can add whatever apps you like.
i'd recommend RRE roms... it comes with or without Manila and 6.1 or 6.5 versions.
it's amazingly fast and stable
RRE 5.8 series everytime, loved his 6.1 based ROM used Atoms before this, admittedly RRE 5.8 aren't as Naked as Atoms were but they are certainly not filled to the brim with apps just for the sake of having them!! Also try his 6.5 based series..they Freakin Rock and are stable as anything ive used ...
So Far
Hi all,
First of all, i am new here BUT read the rules of this forum as far as i could understand it (am from Holland
and can write/read some English but most of this translated with google translater )
Second i did search what i am looking for but couldn't find it exactly.
This topic is most close to it i think.
I have a touch pro, dutch phone, no simlock, doesn't work very well, very slow phone, microphone is broken so phone function can't be used anymore,
camera had better days, battery is not much better, BUT:
The GPS function does work and that is what want to use the phone for.
I am a tourist trackdriver (Nurburgring Nordschleife) and want to measure my tracktimes with Racechrono.
I know it isn't very accurate, but that doesn't matter on a 21 kilometre track
What i'm looking for is a very very very light windows mobile version without phone functions, games, email, internet, and such, this because the phone crashed alot during the time i used it as daily phone, so there has to be as little programs on the phone as possible.
Only the GPS function and the Race Chrono program have to work.
Can someone help me with this?
Thanks in advance.

What is The Big Deal with WM6.5 ?

I have recently seen alot of ROMS for WM6.5 and they all look the same from the screenshots.... ugly!
I mean what is with all the HUGE text listed down the screen, am I the only one who thinks this is a stupid setup? What happened to the Start Menu and clean today setup?
Are people just updating to WM6.5 just 'cos its 6.5, or do you actually like the look of it? Please give your opinions on WM6.5, and more importantly what is the difference between WM6?
I am using WM6.1 on 2 of my devices as I like the Today Screen feel and the way everything is set out. I am contemplating putting 6.5 on a device just to test it out, is it really worth it? is it customizable to make the home screen not just BIG words down the screen? maybe a clock even lol.
thanks everyone for your opinions.
i think it looks great.
As long as you have good apps installed to cover nasty WM UI no matter if you have 6.1 or 6.5
I personally do not like the honeycomb, but I do like that the hole UI is more finger friendly
Let´s see the WM7!! hope they really impress us
I like it because its 6.5 that .4 of more awesome 1337ness!!!! lol.. I actually just like the better slightly larger menu buttons. the new start menu is neither here nor there for me.. I don't like titanium, it has potential, but till you can have more than one link on click per panel it is pretty lame to me.. seems to take more effort to get to my necessary apps with it than without it.. I have been using wad2 on my last few flashes. My device is i910 Omnia, with the BlazingWolf 7.1 rom.
On my observation, the main advantages of WM6.5 over WM6.1 are:
RAM Managemenet: In WM6.5 I never need to run the apps to clear RAM. Any time I quit a program, the RAM will be released imediately.
Power Consumption Controll: The battery life is noticably enlonged copare using WM6.1, on same load.
Connectivity: One example is on WM6.1 any time I'm using Internet Sharing I need to manually switch phone band to WCDMA to ensure stable fast data connection. And if I forget to switch it back to GSM or Auto after finished the Internet Sharing, phone calls on 3G mode will drain the battery very fast. But on WM6.5, I noticed that I don't need to switch phone band again, just leave it as Auto. The OS is so smart that it knows what time to switch to what band. Example, when I use internet sharing, it will stay at 3G for most of the time. When I make or receive a phone call, it will switch to GSM immediately after the phone connected.
Finger Touch Experience For this I don't explain more, it's just much more comfortable on finger/stylus responds.
Third Party Apps Interface: Well I'm not a developer, but from the changes on some registry structure, I can definitely tell that WM65 will be more friendly to third party application developers.
These are very core elements of a mobile os. The progress of wm65 on these points is obviously noticable.
But because the change of the core. It causes a big problem on legacy apps compatibility. People find that a lot of apps running well on wm6 just can never run on wm65.
But I think currently both Microsoft and third party software vendors are working tight on this issue. At least for most part of popular softwares, we can find a wm65 compatible version now. But for some speciall software, we can not find it if the developer did not upgrade it.
For sure, there are certain advantages of using 6.5 over 6.1. (The advantage is not only 'skin' things that you can see it, more important is on the 'core'.)
Hence your choice just depend on what softwares you're using. If for all your 'must-have' softwares you can find a WM6.5 compatible version or its replacement, why not use WM6.5.
Edit: I don't like the Titanium & the headache to customize it either. I just disabled it & leave an 'empty today', but with HButton, I can reach all frequently used apps within one single touch.
The RAM used by Titanium is 3.5MB+, compares to HTC Home @1.5MB+, & M2D @ 7MB+.
I like the looking of Honeucomb,(for showup only), but I also use QuickMenu, which is more functional.
Must to say that above experience are from the single ROM I've used only, maybe there are performance variaties on different ROMs & devices.
And at last, one of my most favarite part is the new PIE, it definitely can display whatever a desktop ie does except only one tab allowed.
I like 6.5. I find it runs pretty well on the kaiser, and I prefer its look to the old Windows 3.x interface found in the older versions. Plus, the finger scrolling is superb. And if you don't like the honeycomb, there are other start menu layouts, one example here. WM6.5 is just a band-aid to hold us over until WM7, but it's still a step in the right direction for Microsoft.
Yes, I think i will be waiting for wm7, but i just can't help myself any longer and I am going to take the plunge to wm6.5 on my Elfin or Wizard just to give it a go, I think it should run well on the elin with the RAM it has and without really checking out the custmizations, my assumptions is basically on the interface on standard screenshots i have seen.
thanks for the input guys, only a flash will i be able to add further opinions, as i am a heaver modder, and would need this to offer proper insight into the OS.
I've bounced back and forth between a couple 6.1 and 6.5 ROMs. I use TouchFLo because I hate 6.1's today screen and Titanium is pretty bland. I think that the current touchflo manila 2.1 is about the best you can get for WM6.1 currently, but I don't think manila 2.1 is streamlined for WM6.5. I feel like I'm taking a step back in integration and fluidness when I use Touchflo 2.1 and WM6.5. Not much, but it just seems off. This leads me to think that the new manila 2.5 is HTC's update to bring that integration and fluidness to WM6.5. The specualtion is that manila 2.5 is going to be for the new Firestone. While that is probably true, HTC has also mentioned that the new Topaz and Rhodium will get WM 6.5 upgrades. I would like to assume that this upgrade will also include manila 2.5 because if I feel that WM6.5 and TouchFlo 2.1 is lacking a complete feel then I would take that HTC has also noticed this. Yeah, I'm rambling I know. Just my thoughts. Bottom line on WM6.5 is that it seems like Microsoft just made a piss poor attempt at skinning there relic OS. That just pertains to the aesthetics though. I know there were unseen changes that do have their benefits.
(Sorry for all the "I feel and I would assumes", just ponderings)

New and need feedback

Hey there Im new to the forums and heres my question and I apologize in advance since im sure that this will be a bit redundant.
Ok first off Im looking for a ROM thats got the best mix of performance and looks. Ive been looking at NRG's roms and they look great but Im just not sure, thats why Im asking.
Ok next is the Radios. Is there a noticeable difference in versions? And are they region dependent, as in one that works great in Australia but doesn't work that good in the US. I dont think there would be a difference but I want to be sure thats why im asking.
Next is apps. Whats the must have apps for the phone. Assuming that your running wm 6.5. Im looking for anything really, just list what you think is the best.
Lastly is games. Which emulators run the smoothest. Whats the best winmo games out there. And is there a ported quake, doom and hopefully my fav fallout 1 or 2?
1) NRG has amazing ROMs. I have been using NRG's roms since I started flashing it and have rarely been unhappy (if I was, it was a minor problem that was promptly fixed in the next release)
2) radios are highly dependent on your carrier and your own specific phone. some radios work better on you phone and some worse. take it for a test run over a few days (3-4 would be a decent amount)
3)apps... that's up to you there. I personally have:
Where is...? - an app that pulls the gps location and allows you to save it so you can recall and walk back to the location later.
G-Alarm - the alarm that requires you to do mazes or math questions to unlock snooze or turn off. Extremely flexible (choose your music, date schedule, pattern, snooze style, etc)
Garmin XT - if you can find a hacked version, it will make your life easier.
Google Maps - for the most updated locations of stuff you want to find
CleanRAM - occaisionally you run into something that is slugging your phone down. run this program to keep it running
Task Facade - MUST USE. It essentially acts like ALT-TAB for windows. just assign the short PTT button press to task facade and you'll be able to multitask real fast.
4) games. look around for the touchpro mega arcade pack. you get real old classic games like UNO (addictive.. really addictive), dope wars (nostalgic), space trader (also very nostalgic), minesweeper, etc etc. In terms of emulators, try FPSECE. I have yet been able to configure it properly, but it is supposedly able to play most PS1 games with great quality and little to no stuttering.
PS: please note that these are additional programs are ones that are not in NRG's ROM (except goggle maps. It was worth a mention for its special use)
I hope that helps.
EDIT: I did forget to mention. Welcome to XDA Developer.
So whats the difference between the Sense, TF3D, and Titanium? Obviously theyre different interfaces but is sense really that slow compared to the others?
Sense looks the best but I hear that its just slow compared to the others.
And how about XDANDROID? Any thoughts if its ready for full time use? I know that some things like bt, camera, and gps dont work right now but Id be willing to sacrifice those for the great os. Is there any info on stability and battery life of the new release?
Sorry for all the questions, Ive been on here reading all weekend but some things are so hard to figure out with the 300+ page threads.
Im using it as my main OS, but I realy need charger in my pocket =D
And sometimes it freeze, so you must restart, waiting for WM boot and after for Android boot, so it sometimes take long time. But YES, it is possible to use as main OS.
TF3D - orginally made for VGA and Raph, but need some tweaks, have landscape,normlay slow, but tweaked is fast
Sense 2.5 - latest, nice , sometimes unstable, NO landscape, ported,sometimes slow
Sense 2.1 - ported, nice, have landscape - my favorite (im using it when im in WM),fast
Titanium - basic interface from WM 6.5 , have landscape, made for VGA, but i dont like it
I can recommend EnergyROM Phoenix2 -it is fast, stable and it looks nice
MiTMaNeK pretty much has it all down. I personally use Sense 2.1 and I absolutely love it. try out NRG's roms. They're amazing and he's one of the better chefs out there for the raphael roms.
WOW well thanks alot for the informative replies. I guess that settles it then, phoenix2 it is. Well at least till what sounds like a battery issue gets fixed. Hopefully thats soon, I cant wait for full time android.
Thanks alot
give the android rom some time. it'll be much better in the future. for now, try phoenix 2 and you'll appreciate it more.

