Maps/CRM Software/Syncing Data - General Topics

Bit of a strange one, but any one aware of a software application that can do the following / alternatively several applications that can do the following.
I working London here in the UK and often need a map book, sat nav, and a client database to hand.
I have a HTC Touch Cruise/Polaris/XDA Orbit 2, so the Sat Nav is sorted, the map's i currently have a map book, but notice google offer some map software for the phone.
What I don't have is a tool that can sync,
I would like for example (let's use google as we all know it) be able to be sat at my PC, running a local version of google maps, be able to add markers and comments regarding customers, perhaps even go into deeper details that you would expect to find in CRM software and then be able to sync up my phone to my PC.
So does anything like this exist?
Is there other map software other than google maps?
Is there any kind of database software that easily sync's with my PC?
any feedback is greatly appreciated


on line tracking gps

I have a diamond and i'm wondering if there is a software that i can install in my phone that send constantly the location of the phone to a server
what i want to see is the location of the phone in google maps or something like that... like 007 style
or that some one in a computer can see my location in a map
sorry for my english
So you mean something like Google Latitude?
It's an application you can install on your phone and it uses the GPRS/3G data link to send your location to selected friends. You can choose whether to send to individuals by exact location, general city location or not to send your location at all.
Google Maps for Windows Mobile already shows your exact location if you have a GPRS/3G data link and a GPS enabled phone. It's very James Bond... maybe not as fancy looking, but definitely impressive for showing off.
was promising but
it says
The Latitude iGoogle gadget is not currently available for your location
You can still download Google Maps with Latitude to your phone
so i only can use it in the phone but not the pc
Right, this is how you do it.
Download Google Maps for Windows Mobile from here...
Install that onto your Diamond.
Start > Programs > Google Maps
Click Menu then Latitude.
You need a Google login to make it work.
Click on Add Friends to add someone (using their Google login name).
You can now specify whether to share your location with them at an exact or city level.
Your friend can log into iGoogle with their login on their home PC and see your location on a mini map on screen.

How can I have Sprint Navigation access my contact list for directions?

I have a Sprint HTC TouchPro2 with the Sprint OEM WM6.5 upgrade installed.
I have NEVER been happy with Sprint Navigation, as we have to type or speak an address into the program to find directions.
I much prefer Bing or Google's system that allows access to the contacts [well, the OLD Bing: pre November 2009] for this same function.
However, I've found it easier to use Sprint Navigation while on the road than Bing or Google. It was just a pain to set-up.
SO, is there ANY hack/cab/etc that I can use to allow my Sprint Navigation software to access my contacts list at that point?
Thank you!

BIG Software Development Opportunity - Thunderbird and Android

Forgive me if you’ve read this post in other forums…I’m going to keep posting it in the hopes of getting a solution to an ongoing problem.
I’m not a software designer, IT person or expert. Just a business professional that has a few simple needs in order to be personally and professionally successful. Successful management of personal information on our PC and our mobile phones plays a critical role in our success. With the advent of the smartphone, many of us thought our needs had been met, only to discover serious gaps in ability and performance. For example..trying to connect Outlook or Thunderbird/Lightning with an Android Phone (my personal issue) is either difficult, expensive or limited in ability.
Many of us choose Thunderbird/Lightning and other PIMs (such as Outlook) because of the excellent functionality they provide. Some of us are required to by our workplaces. Most of us DO NOT want to use Google products or have our data synced through Google for personal, security or other reasons. Many of us are restricted from using Google by our workplaces for similar reasons.
Then why do we use Android phones? Simple…for smartphones the operating system choices are limited and Android has one of the biggest market presences. These issues exist for other phone platforms as well…connecting Outlook to an iPhone for example. Android is also an excellent phone overall…with many other features we are looking for.
So…what are we looking for? What are these “needs?”
Personal Information Management software in one package (such as Outlook and Thunderbird/Lightning) on our PCs and laptops. Obviously these already exist and don’t need development per se. Corresponding apps for our Android phones…and most importantly: the ability to sync between the two…using wifi, other “cloud” providers, even USB. The components include:
Email client that can access and send from multiple accounts (already fairly available..although many widget and app designers ignore the alternative email apps and only connect Gmail to their products…a serious omission).
Contact/Address lists that include birthday information, other personal details, and can be grouped or categorized. Somewhat available, but can be troublesome, and data can get duplicated or missed. Thunderbird can only sync contacts through Google currently…as mentioned above, and issue for many.
Calendar that can handle reoccurring events, reminders and alarms, categorize/tag events, meeting planning and invitations (through email client), management of multiple calendars and ability to attach documents to events to name some of the most important. Somewhat available now, except most connections require Google calendar (again an issue).
Task Management (the one critical item that has few solutions/options). Needs to handle reoccurring tasks, reminders/alarms, categorizing/tagging, sub-tasks, delegation of tasks, start and due dates, and proper handling of overdue tasks (items not marked complete move to next day with alerts for example). While Outlook and TB/Lightning have excellent task managers...there are very few options for the phones and in the case of Lightning…no phone app that can sync with it.
Notes, not critical but a “nice-to-have” function
All of the above also need to be connectable. For example…connecting a calendar event with related tasks. A task to a contact.
Aren’t there already solutions available?? The answer, after weeks and months of searching and putting products through a test, is “yes and no.” There are a few “connection and sync” products available for Outlook, but the proprietary or available phone apps that can use it don’t have all the functionality needed, or simple aren’t adequate. There are also complications based on the Outlook set-up…stand alone versus exchange server. Currently, I cannot find a product that can sync and use Thunderbird/Lightning directly and adequately.
So, after telling you all of this…what am I trying to say?
To all you enterprising software and Android phone app developers…there is a HUGE gap that you can fill. If you spend any time on forums for Thunderbird, Outlook and Android, you will see that there are literally thousands of people looking for a solution…something to fill this gap. Most of us would pay handsomely for such a product…I personally would pay “serious money” just to get my Lightning tasks in my phone. In addition…both Mozilla and Android are open-source (if I understand the term correctly) and thus available for development.
To the developer or software engineer that can connect Thunderbird/Lightning email, calendar, address book and tasks to an Android phone…go the spoils and riches. Don’t make me beg….or worse, dump my Android for a Windows phone or back to a PDA <shiver>.
To Google and Mozilla leaders, executives and software engineers…we are asking…have been asking for at least two years…for solutions. We are frustrated, disappointed and completely baffled that this has not been addressed. The perception is that both organizations either simple “don’t care”, are oblivious to our plight or unable to respond. Your reputations are at stake ladies and gentlemen.
Thanks for taking the time to read through this. If you’re like me…searching for the answer as well…cross your fingers and spread the word as much as you can. Maybe SOMEBODY will listen.
Presently if you wish to synchronize Thunderbird contacts and Lightning/Sunbird events with your Android device, you may try BirdieSync. BirdieSync has been successfully synchronizing Windows Mobile devices with Thunderbird/Sunbird for several years and now supports Android devices.
You can connect your mobile device over USB or with a Wi-Fi or cellular connection.
BirdieSync runs in background on your mobile device and can automatically synchronize your contacts and events if you are connected.
You'll find more information on BirdieSync web site (sorry I cannot post the link: it is forbidden to avoid spam. Look for BirdieSync on Google).
Presently BirdieSync doesn't support task synchronization. The main reason is that for some reason, Android doesn't provide a native task application with a shared local storage that other developers could access. Note that it is also the case for the iPhone contrary to Windows Mobile devices. I think that this lack is a bit weird. I would have thought that a task application would have been used by a lot of users... So it would be necessary to provide a synchronization solution with other opened third party task applications, but it would force users to use a particular task application.
Although Android is an opened platform, some technologies (official APIs) are still missing to developers. I hope that with time, more features will be available and that the Android platform will easy the implementation of these functionalities.
Hope this helps.
Thanks for the reply....and the suggestion. Unfortunately I have already tried Birdiesync. It made quite a mess out of my contacts I'm sorry to say.
Additionally, the one part of Lightning (and Outlook) that I can't live without also happens to be the part that even Birdisync doesn't work with...and you guessed it...TASKS. My life would crumble (okay, being a bit melodramatic) without my task lists. Google tasks is a bit of a joke, as far as I'm concerned, and I can't function with it. Lightning has a really great task manager...almost as good as Outlooks and yet nobody has made anything to sync with it. You are correct...the IT professionals I know have said , that unlike calendars and contacts (which have some standards that all software companies work within)...everybody treats tasks and task software differently.
I'm with you...I'm stunned that this has been ignored and people aren't more vocal about it. I think most people figure "why say anything, it won't help" and just make do.
Thanks again...
my task solution
I like ASTRID as my task list in Android. I sync that with google tasks which I know you cannot use and does not natively go into thunderbird / lighting calendar (though I have a thunderbrowse tab that goes right to google tasks, again clunky at best). I share your desire for a seamless solution. However, ASTRID also syncs with Producteev, which has just roled out more robust Task sharing and more functionality. I'm going to look at that to try and fill the gap and invite you to look with me.
Once again, smart people, I could have written this original post, though maybe not so clearly... HELP!

WM user looking at Android - some feedback pls ?

Just as the title says, I am a very long time (since 2002) WM user. My current phone is also a WM device. I will keep it for another year, and I want to be prepared once my phone is due for an upgrade.
I use the phone both for personal stuff and for work - mainly scheduling, working with project related info, task lists, excel spreadsheets etc. Ability to share PIM data and files across multiple computers at work and at home is essential, as well as syncing to online calendar (I use Google).
Most of my work and some personal info was in ListPro database files and Excel spreadsheets. However, ListPro doesn't really work well when one has to joggle info between different computers all running different OS, plus AFAIK there's no Androind app yet. Anyway, to make life simple, and to be able to bring my data with me on a USB stick to any computer, I recently migrated most of it out of ListPro files into DOC files (can be easily converted to RTF) and Excel spreadsheets. So far, I had no problems using it on any Windows or Linux system. I also sync much of this data to my phone where I can quickly access it via Pocket Office. I prefer to use formatted text as it makes it easy to work with information, and applying formatting in Pocket Word is fast.
Finally the next big thing is information backup, especially PIM data. Don't know if this problem is specific to ActiveSync on WM, but every now and then the calendar gets completely out of whack and needs to be restored from backup which I run daily on the phone.
Anyway, sorry for the long winged intro. Here are some questions:
How easy is it to sync files on an Android phone to a computer via a direct connection (USB / BT / WiFi, i.e. not via cloud) ?
I was looking online for a good free Android editor capable of working with either RTF or Word Doc files, and couldn't find any - all I found was some paid soft. It has to be one of these formats so that I could send files to other people. Can you recommend an app ?
Can you work with PIM data on Android phone offline ? (I assume yes). Does it have to be connected to the internet at all time ? (I assume not)
Is there a free Excel compatible application other than Google Docs ? I.e. an app that can work with native Excel files and would output a file that Excel users can open on the computer.
How does backup work on Android - is there a way to automatically backup Google Calendar, Contacts, ToDos ? (I know I can download ICS files manually).
Any other things I may have overlooked ?
Thanks !
1. It is quite easy to sync files between an android phone and pc. It depends on your phone brand.e.g. - If you have an HTC Android phone, you could simply download and install HTC Sync on your pc and easily sync anything.
2. For document editing and excel format dealings, you could download and install quickoffice pro to easily deal with word, excel, powerpoint, and pdf documents.
3. Accounts and syncs (online) can easily be set to run in the background and you can download backup applications.
Good luck.
Your PIM data is backed up to Google contacts and calendar automatically. Any change made on your phone or PC syncs to the other next time you connect. As far as backups go, you can use things like Titanium Backup to back up individual/all system apps, installed apps, and their data to either the local SD card, online to DropBox, or both. And, if you root, you can take backup snapshots of your entire system and restore your entire OS and all the configuration of installed apps and widgets in just a couple of minutes. I do the full app backup nightly and the full OS backup about once a week.
Syncing is easy as your computer mounts the SD card as a drive letter on your device. There are lots of sync options out there that can be used to automatically sync files or entire folders to removable drives when they are connected. You can use them to sync documents to and from as well as things like syncing your phone backups to the computer. Both HTC and Motorola have sync software as well that acts somewhat like iTunes or Windows Media Player in syncing things like music libraries to your device. Personally, I prefer the old file explorer method.
As far as your RTF and Excel files go, there are a couple of different apps out there that work with Google Docs. If you don't want to sync with Google Docs at all or use their editors, your best bet is one of the office suite packages. I know of three or four of them that are available. Some offer free readers, but you need to purchase the pro version to edit. There is an Excel editor that I saw that was only $2 though, so there ARE cheap options out there if you don't want to go the free Google Docs route. Personally, I just sync my docs folder on my laptop with Google Docs and do any small edits I need on the Android using Google Docs. If I want to do a lot of heavy editing, I use the big screen of the laptop anyway.
If you have any other questions, I'll be following this thread and will respond with whatever I know. I know the stress of deciding to move to another platform. I've been on Palm, Blackberry, WM, iOS, and now Android. And, I have to tell you, I like the Android best of all and can't think of a single thing that I used to do on those other devices that I cannot do on this one.
Thanks, guys !
The reason I don't like using Google Docs is twofold. First, and foremost, the access to GD service via our corporate internet is blocked. I work for a major corporation, and as far as I know, at least two of our biggest competiors block GD as well. (We at least can access gmail and calendar). They see it as a potential security issue. Actually for me it's a security issue as well - if anyone ever got hold of my Google password, I definitely don't want them browsing through some of my personal spreadsheets, or any of my work-related stuff. It may be ok for them to see the list of invites to my kids' party, but definitely not my 401K rebalancing sheet . I do use Docs as dropbox, but I upload excel files saved inside AES encrypted zip archive.
Second, I need Doc and Excel since many of my work docs get shared with other people, and I like to be able to email them right away in a useful format.
Thanks ! I will keep reading up on the subject. My wife does have an Android phone but I don't have time to play with it at home.
Added: another thing that bugs me about Android, is that whomever steals your phone has full access to all of your Google services. The way it works on WM, they would only be able to see a few days' worth of emails (I do not save passwords to sensitive sites in browser cookies). The way Android phone is fully integrated into online Google, however, makes it a perfect key to all your Google data. I password protected her phone but I don't put too much trust into a 4-digit PIN.

Restricted profile able to access my Google drive? How? Why?

I'm setting up my nexus 7's (2013 on marshmallow) for client use, essentially so instead of handing them a stack of papers relating to the homes I'm showing them, I could hand them a tablet with the PDF of information on it. Allow them to take notes on it, take pictures etc and email them all to themselves right from the tablet.
Problem is, I use the tablet for myself as well, mainly as just a reader, but business use now and then too and so my Google account is on it as well, but as a separate user. The restricted profile user I setup for clients however has FULL access to MY Google drive from their restricted needs access to IT'S Google drive account to access the pdf's, but somehow its able to see my stuff instead.
Not sure why this is happening or how to fix it?
Any info would be great.

