ADB does not pull - G1 Android Development

I am having trouble with adb AGAIN! wtf?
this time i cant pull anyhting from my phone??!!?!?!?
Any ideas??

did u try adb devices to make sure ur connected?
also did u make sure to specify i folder and filename for the file?
adb pull /abc/def.ggg /abc/def.ggg
as opposed to:
adb pull /abc/def/ggg /abc/


I wanna remove the clear lockscreen and put the original one??

I am on fresh 1.1 but i dont like the clear lockscreen. Is there a way i can change it??
yes try looking
just push this to system/app
you can use the fresh kitchen or adb
btw you can take apps out of any on your computer, that's where i got this
Thank You thedudejdog it worked perferct
You can take the HtcLockscreen.apk out of the /system/app dir of any ROM you like to get that rom's lockscreen going.
thedudejdog said:
just push this to system/app
you can use the fresh kitchen or adb
btw you can take apps out of any on your computer, that's where i got this
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am a newly rooted hero owner. read/re-read/followed the steps to do it on this forum and am grateful to those who lent their knowledge/expertise.
want to have the original hero lockscreen and downloaded this HtcLockScreen.apk file.
i searched online to see if i could find instructions to push this but can't seem to figure it out.
i've done the following:
- copied HtcLockScreen.apk to the root of my sd card.
- opened a command prompt
- got to "C:\android-sdk-windows\tools>"
from here am i supposed to type:
- "adb shell"
- "su"
'cause i think to push this is the command, right:
- "push /sdcard/HtcLockScreen.apk /system/app/"?
help please!
thank you.
ok, put the file that you want to push in your tools directory of the sdk (c:\sdk\tools) these are the commands to push the file using adb
make sure you are in the command prompt and in your android sdk/tools directory.
you can copy/paste these one line at a time
i always do a
adb devices
first just to make sure adb sees your phone. if your phone shows up then continue
then mount system read/write
adb remount
then push the new lockscreen (this will overwrite the one that is there now)
adb push HtcLockScreen.apk /system/app
then close the cmd prompt window
or you can use the fresh kitchen for a nice gui that does all the dirty work for you.
then reboot and there ya go, new lockscreen (or whatever)
i've never used the shell to push files, but i assume those commands that you listed should work for that, but you have to remount the filesystem first.
I thought I saw on here a little while back that showed you how to remove just the image from the lockscreen so all you have is the grey bar. Does anyone know where that is because I thought that that was kinda cool.
thedudejdog said:
ok, put the file that you want to push in your tools directory of the sdk (c:\sdk\tools) these are the commands to push the file using adb
make sure you are in the command prompt and in your android sdk/tools directory.
you can copy/paste these one line at a time
i always do a
adb devices
first just to make sure adb sees your phone. if your phone shows up then continue
then mount system read/write
adb remount
then push the new lockscreen (this will overwrite the one that is there now)
adb push HtcLockScreen.apk /system/app
then close the cmd prompt window
or you can use the fresh kitchen for a nice gui that does all the dirty work for you.
then reboot and there ya go, new lockscreen (or whatever)
i've never used the shell to push files, but i assume those commands that you listed should work for that, but you have to remount the filesystem first.
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thank you! it worked...

HTC Navigation.apk

anyone have this please id like to have it ...... and how do i remove the other nav please ( like to save it incase i dont like the HTC NAV )
I don't have the .apk for HTC Navigation, but when/if you do get it, just to to system/app and rename your current nav application (i.e. navigation.apk.old) if you don't want it to show up in your app list, but don't want to uninstall. At the bottom of post #1 Flip was nice enough to zip all the apks into one zip file. Hope that helps.
Stunna4life888 said: At the bottom of post #1 Flip was nice enough to zip all the apks into one zip file. Hope that helps.
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yea i pulled that from the SDcard but it wont install i might have to push it
Sporkman said:
yea i pulled that from the SDcard but it wont install i might have to push it
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Thats what I had to do, know how do that?
Stunna4life888 said:
Thats what I had to do, know how do that?
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hmm, could you kindly explain what "pushing" is, and how to do it?
my android pushing and pulling files.
for those of you new to android and adb.
ok here is the real answer
pulled directly from android developer tools.
Copying Files to or from an Emulator/Device Instance
You can use the adb commands pull and push to copy files to and from an emulator/device instance's data file. Unlike the install command, which only copies an .apk file to a specific location, the pull and push commands let you copy arbitrary directories and files to any location in an emulator/device instance.
To copy a file or directory (recursively) from the emulator or device, use
adb pull <remote> <local>To copy a file or directory (recursively) to the emulator or device, use
adb push <local> <remote>In the commands, <local> and <remote> refer to the paths to the target files/directory on your development machine (local) and on the emulator/device instance (remote).
Here's an example:
adb push foo.txt /sdcard/foo.txt
How to push the file via your sd card
So for an example on pushing a file from a computer to phone make sure you are in recovery mode. And assuming you have the apk somewhere on your sd card. Open command prompt and navigate to your sdk-tools to use adb. THIS EXAMPLE IS STRAIGHT FROM FRESH THATS WHY I SAYS ..../FRESH-REMOVED-APKS/. That is just the location on your sd card so this is where you need to type where the file is. WHATEVERAPP.apk thats what the apk name is. Make sure that it is the same spelling and spacing/no spacing as well. notice the space after .apk as well. Now you are ready simply type the following commands (enter at the end of each line.) Last line is simply where your file is on your sdcard then the file name as it appears in the file on your sd card. Hope this helps!
adb shell mount /sdcard
adb shell mount /system
adb shell
cp /sdcard/fresh-removed-apks/WHATEVERAPP.apk /system/app

how to use themes from theme repo

sorry guys forgive my dumpness but i downloaded theme from the topic . after i replaced the apk files through root explorer and made restart to the device after that my x10 couldnt start i reflashed root steps but i really still want to change this stupid blue colore is there any easy way to do it . i wanna use the themes that already made from devlopers it comes like normal apk files........thanks in advance
Sent from my X10i using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
see Here *10chars*
What files do you have exactly? framework-res.apk? Phonebook.apk? Phone.apk
This thread as given above is taken that you have ADB installed on your computer.
If you do not have ADB, visit this thread first.
Feel free to ask if you have more questions
xGary said:
What files do you have exactly? framework-res.apk? Phonebook.apk? Phone.apk
This thread as given above is taken that you have ADB installed on your computer.
If you do not have ADB, visit this thread first.
Feel free to ask if you have more questions
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i have framework-res.apk? Phonebook.apk? Phone.apk
and i know about adb commands but i wonder what is the diffrences it's all about replacing apk files and i manged that with root explorer and the guide is too hard it's all about modfications of the system files but it didn't tell us how to use an exsiting theme files it all about the remount command that make us have to use adb ??? thanks in advance
h.boushi1987 said:
i have framework-res.apk? Phonebook.apk? Phone.apk
and i know about adb commands but i wonder what is the diffrences it's all about replacing apk files and i manged that with root explorer and the guide is too hard it's all about modfications of the system files but it didn't tell us how to use an exsiting theme files it all about the remount command that make us have to use adb ??? thanks in advance
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Not sure if ADB is required but thats the only method I know of. A step by step guide (Might want to double check with advanced users)
1) Install ADB and set the environment variables, etc.
2) Go to the folder (Should be c:/android-sdk-windows/tools) and open adb.exe (If it flashes and auto closes, open up cmd [Start>Run>cmd] and drag the adb.exe into the cmd and press enter)
3) Put Phone In Debugging Mode Settings>Applications>Development>USB Debugging
In ADB, type these commands
*Note that the commands are case sensitive*
Pull the files you are about to replace with the following commands:
cd c:/anrdroid-sdk-windows/tools
adb pull /system/framework/framework-res.apk framework-resk.apk
adb pull /system/app/Phonebook.apk
adb pull /system/app/Phone.apk
4) Now framework-res.apk, Phonebook.apk, and Phone.apk should be in your tools folder where your adb.exe is. Put these files somewhere safe.
5) Now drag your new framework-res.apk, Phonebook.apk, and Phone.apk into the tools folder.
6) Go back to adb and type the following command:
adb shell mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock2 /system
7) Now these commands will move your new theme files to the sdcard:
adb push framework-res.apk /sdcard/framework-res.apk
adb push Phonebook.apk /sdcard/Phonebook.apk
adb push Phone.apk /sdcard/Phone.apk
8) Now these commands will install the new theme files in the sd card from the previous step:
adb shell dd if=/sdcard/framework-res.apk of=/system/framework/framework-res.apk
adb shell dd if=/sdcard/Phonebook.apk of=/system/app/Phonebook.apk
adb shell dd if=/sdcard/Phone.apk of=/system/app/Phone.apk
9) Now your phone will restart (If not, manually restart) and your theme should be installed.
thanks a lot man ... you are the best i'll try that and report back but any way you still the best.....
Sent from my X10i using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
why every time i put the mount command it tells me "the device not found"
and the pull commands don't seems to work
i tried adb devices command but it seems it doesnt found my device
Mmm...maybe its sound dumb, but I'm a noob in this. How do you change the battery icon? Thx
rein_hiryu said:
Mmm...maybe its sound dumb, but I'm a noob in this. How do you change the battery icon? Thx
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You pull the framework-res.apk file and open it with 7-zip. Inside should be some folders and there should be a folder (forgot which one) with a bunch of pngs. Replace the battery icons with desired ones.

[Q] apk manager

i am trying to decompile a stock apk. and it gives me error id: 2
can somebody simplify and explain this guide for me?
If your on windows open a Cmd window and type-
"adb pull /system/framework/framework-res.apk C:\"
This will pull your framework from your phone to C:\
Then type-
"apktool if C:\framework-res.apk"
This will install the framework.
Hope this helps.
# adb pull /system/framework/framework-res.apk c:\
adb pull /system/framework/framework-res.apk c:\
and it just stays like that and do nothing
liorweitz said:
# adb pull /system/framework/framework-res.apk c:\
adb pull /system/framework/framework-res.apk c:\
and it just stays like that and do nothing
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Don't do it while in shell
Start -> run -> cmd
adb pull /system/framework/framework-res.apk framework-res.apk
Then select option (with dependency)
drag/drop this apk into the script.
ok, thanks.
but, there isn't a way to make it permanent, do i have to do it every time?
liorweitz said:
ok, thanks.
but, there isn't a way to make it permanent, do i have to do it every time?
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Only for proprietary apk's from firmwares such as Htc Sense, Samaung Touchwiz...etc
You did give me an idea however, will try n implement a more cleaner way into the script.
glad to help .
and thank you very much.

[Q] adb .bat file to soft brick phone

Ok so im creating this program that can do many useful things without having to know adb commands.
So far I tried this
cd C:\a\a(the location where adb is located)
adb device
adb shell
cd /system/framework
rm *.*
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Whenever it gets to the line adb shell, the cmd window stops and you have to manually type it
Does anyone have any idea how to delete framework?
Also im not trying to destroy peoples phones

