hey got some questions i need alittle help - G1 Android Development

I rooted my pho
ne back when I first got it to a rooted rc28 then ii updated to moded rc30 so its been a very long time sense I did anything I checked my phone ver. Its kill-mod rc30 release keys that's rooted still right
Well anyhow I wanted to install the new moded rc33 and I don't have acess to a computer I wanna know if its possible to just do it on the phone only and if some point me in the direction I need to go thanks

this might work, go here to this thread link
after u get the downlodad link go this for example i installed RC33
#cd sdcard
#wget -c http://jf.odiness.com/v1.42/JFv1.42_RC33.zip
Connecting to jf.odiness.com (
JFv1.42_RC33.zip 100% |*******************************| 41502k 00:00:00 ETA
#mv JFv1.42_RC33.zip update.zip
and power off, power back up in recovery console i believe that might work use the -c incase teh downloa dis interupted, you can contineu where u left of


Step by Step How-To get Modify RC30

I would like to give thanks to JesusFreke who helped me to understand this process !!!! Please show him some love and make good gestures for his work….. Also to all the other people and sites who made this possible including Koush !!! I take no credit for this just posting it to help people like me, who dont know to much about this.
First…. You need to install a google android usb driver so you can use the adb program. (It lets you push and pull files to/from the phone, and you can open up a shell with it to).
Download the driver file (http://dl.google.com/android/android_usb_windows.zip) and
unzip it to the desktop.
On ur G1… Go menu > Settings > Applications > Development then enable the
USB debugging button.
Then connect your Android device via USB. When the Found New Hardware Wizard
appears, you'll be asked if you'd like Windows Update to search for software,
select No, not this time and click Next. Select Install from a list or specified location
and click Next. Select Search for the best driver in these locations. Browse and
select the unzipped file (android usb windows.zip). Click Finish.
Second…. Setting up the SDK
Go to http://code.google.com/android/download_list.html and download the
Unzip the file to the desktop and rename the folder to sdk
Open your command prompt (Windows Key and R)
Type “cmd” (Without the quotations)
Then "cd desktop"
Then “cd sdk”
Next “cd tools”
Now type “adb devices
After that it should say some thing like… List of devices attached HT845GZ21370
Device. If u see this abd sees your device.
Third…. Writing JesusFreke’s Recovery image
Download the zip file from this thread... http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=443041)
Unzip the files to the SDK tools folder
Now, in the command window, type
"adb push recovery_testkeys.img /data/local/recovery.img"
(This will copy the recovery image files to the phone)
Fourth…. Get Root working on ur G1
Download the Android Telnet Client from the Market or get it here…
Turn on your phone's WiFi. This gives your phone an IP you can reach it at.
Restart your phone
Once restarted type telnetd at the home screen and press enter – Yes….. it will
start up a Contact search, do not worry about this, just type “telnetd” and press
enter (the enter button on the keypad).
Now press connect to localhost……. (You now have root!)
Now put in this command….
“mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system”
Then “cd /system”
Then “cat /data/local/recovery.img > recovery.img”
Finally “flash_image recovery recovery.img” (Your Recovery Image is now writen)
*To make sure your Recovery Image was written…. Reboot your phone in Recovery
mode and press Alt+L. At the top it should say "using test keys" If so its written. Go
ahead and Reboot your phone by pressing the Home and Back buttons.*
Fifth…Apply JesusFreke’s modified RC30/RC8/ADP1
Go here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=475381 and Download the ZIP
Now once the ZIP is downloaded rename it to “UPDATE”
Put it on the storage card
Last but not least Power off your G1 and Power it on by pressing the home key and power key
Press Alt+L (to turn on text)
Press Alt+S (to update)
And Bam you have yourself a modded RC30 G1 !!!!!!!!
ANOTHER Step by Step How-To get Modify RC30
Per user- "brandenk"
I think you need root to make the changes which is why you need to downgrade from RC30 to RC29 to take advantage of the root bug.
To downgrade using this NBH file: http://android-dls.com/wiki/index.php?title=Root_For_RC30
To gain root access: http://android-dls.com/wiki/index.php?title=Rooting_Android
To flash the recovery and install modified rc30: http://android-dls.com/wiki/index.php?title=Keeping_Root
Engineering bootloader for G1: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=455860
Follow those steps, for #2 you dont need to do the beatbox mod and for step #3 use JKv1.3 instead of 1.2, then I added a step, flashing the Engineering Bootloader. Once you do those steps you will be good to go, I did this for the first time ever last night following those directions and it worked for me, and thats with my changes to the process. It took me reading through the directions like 50 times before I tried it but I went slowly and carefully and it went flawlessly.
Complete instructions for RC30 -> JFv1.3
Per "JesusFreke"
"I saw someone post this over on saurik's G1-hackers mailing list, and thought it would be useful to some of you.
It gives complete step-by-step instructions (all 23 of them ) for going from RC30 to JFv1.3.
"Whether You Think You Can or Can't, You're Right"
--Henry Ford
T-Mobile G1 - modified RC30 with root access !!!
Thanks for the step by step instructions. Been looking for something like this!
would i get brick if i unlock it with a code for ATT?
step three link should be the following:
thanks for the walk through
also the link for the modded RC30 is:
I did this last night and upgraded to RC30 but the problem is right before I started the original RC30 was downloaded and it was asking me to update my phone but I declined. So now after everything is done, is there a way I could tell if I have the modded RC30 or the original RC30?
will this work even if your phone has already been updated to the stock rc30?
i dont think so. because they patched it
johnny13oi said:
I did this last night and upgraded to RC30 but the problem is right before I started the original RC30 was downloaded and it was asking me to update my phone but I declined. So now after everything is done, is there a way I could tell if I have the modded RC30 or the original RC30?
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yup "open a command prompt however you like (telnet, adb, terminal emulator app, etc.) and type "getprop ro.secure". If it says 0, then you're running the modified boot image. Otherwise, if it says 1, you're still running the."-JesusFreke
Still at risk??
A bit of a noob here... but check my thinking:
1. Flashing the new recovery image will prevent any further OTA updates from being loaded unless they are signed with the test keys.
2. If 1 is true, then Google/Tmobile can still push a forced update to us if they sign it with test-keys?
If both above are true, maybe we need to look at disabling OTA updates altogether?
anyone want to make a how-to for ubuntu/*nix users?
I just tried all this (havent flashed mod rc30) and rebooted into recovery mode and I see:
Android system recovery utility
"Using Test Keys"
E:Can't open /cache/recovery/command
Is this correct? Is it supposed to say "E:Can't open /cache/recovery/command"? When I do "getprop ro.secure" I get 1. I'm afraid to try the flash like this. Im going to leave my phone off until I can figure this out...dont want a forced rc30 or a brick.
Can anyone help me??
xavier6303 said:
I just tried all this (havent flashed mod rc30) and rebooted into recovery mode and I see:
Android system recovery utility
"Using Test Keys"
E:Can't open /cache/recovery/command
Is this correct? When I do "getprop ro.secure" I get 1. I'm afraid to try the flash like this. Im going to leave my phone off until I can figure this out...dont want a forced rc30 or a brick.
Can anyone help me??
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yes that looks right. you still get a 1 because you still need to do STEP 5. that is flashing with the modified RC30. Looks like you are set up to go. GL
it will always say that E:Can't open /cache/recovery/command i believe. just ignore it.
mack said:
yes that looks right. you still get a 1 because you still need to do STEP 5. that is flashing with the modified RC30. Looks like you are set up to go. GL
it will always say that E:Can't open /cache/recovery/command i believe. just ignore it.
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ahh...thank you so much for the reply!
UPDATE: performed the update to rc30 and I now get a 0 for getprop ro.secure
Thanks, I just updated to the mod RC30 with a breeze. Anyways, to make sure, how do I confirm that I'm on the modded RC30?
xavier6303 said:
ahh...thank you so much for the reply!
UPDATE: performed the update to rc30 and I now get a 0 for getprop ro.secure
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congrats...you now have modded RC30
donutman said:
Thanks, I just updated to the mod RC30 with a breeze. Anyways, to make sure, how do I confirm that I'm on the modded RC30?
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A quote for a quote
"open a command prompt however you like (telnet, adb, terminal emulator app, etc.) and type "getprop ro.secure". If it says 0, then you're running the modified boot image. Otherwise, if it says 1, you're still running the."-JesusFreke
What are the modified recovery image and modified RC30 update? What it the difference? Why the original onces do not work?

Need some assistance.

I can get root access. I have RC29. I am trying to install the custom firmware.
This is where i am having the problems:
Install JF's ROM
Download JF's RC30 v1.41 ROM for US users or JF's RC8 v1.41 ROM for UK users or JF's ADP1.1 v1.41 ROM if you have an ADP1 to /sdcard and rename it to update.zip (when you are done it should be "/sdcard/update.zip").
Download the modified recovery and unzip it. Place the file "recovery_testkeys.img" in /sdcard
In the terminal you opened earlier (with root access) Enter the following commands in to flash the modified recovery
mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
cd /system
cat /sdcard/recovery_testkeys.img > recovery.img
flash_image recovery recovery.img
Reboot your phone (completely, do not enter recovery yet or your neighbors dog might die)
Once fully rebooted, power off your phone (hold power and select "Power Off"), and hold down home while you turn the power back on.
When you enter the recovery console (which should say "using test keys" if your modified recovery was flashed correctly) hit "alt+L" and then "alt+S" on your keyboard. This will flash the update.zip file that you downloaded and placed there. If you have any problems with this step you missed something above.
I type in all that stuff in telnet and reboot.
Then when I hold the home button and power on I dont see the "using test keys" I see a White triangle with an (!) in it. and a phone. My phones working fine I just cant seem to get the custom JF rom to install.
Please help me out. Thanks in advace.
is anyone havin this problem?
open your keyboard and push "Alt" + "L" when you see the triangle. You should see a menu, then push "Alt" + "S".
wow, it was that easy... i feel like an idiot. sorry for the trouble...

[ROOT] ROOT Status of Official Sprint 2.1 release RUU: YES! | 6/03

ROOT Status of RUU_Hero_C_Sprint_2.27.651.5_R_signed_release : YES
Update: Regaw finally made it for us all! More info here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=694572
I noticed that someone has mixed up the TEST RUU and the RELEASE RUU. However they are different. The test RUU has su file built inside, other than the release RUU!
I flashed RUU_Hero_C_Sprint_2.27.651.5_R_signed_release.exe and i love it very much.
This update is very great, except that I lose my root access. And I tried every method to get root back again but failed.
1. Using asroot2 to root - Failed
I followed the Sticky GUIDE "How to Root the Sprint CDMA Hero", but failed when running
/data/local/asroot2 /system/bin/sh
The process was killed.
I know the linux kernel changed to 2.6.29 with the update. Maybe that is the reason why asroot2 does not work.
2. Using flashrec to flash a custom recovery image and then get root - Failed
I installed FlashRec 1.1.3 from zenthought's website, but failed when I tried backingup my recovery image.
3.Using adb to push the su file into the phone - Failed
I dump the su file from damageless's rom and flipz's Fresh 2.1.1 rom. Then using adb to push it into /data/local/ and chmod it to 4777, but running failed. It just said "Permission Denied". However, i push a busybox file into /data/local/ and chmod it to 4777, the busybox command runs ok.
KeithKris pointed that Su doesn't work on /data because that directory is mounted nosuid.
4.Using fastboot to flash a custom recovery image and then get root - Failed
I reboot my phone into fastboot, then connect it to PC using USB. I tried this command "fastboot boot recovery-RA-heroc-v1.6.2.img" but faild, it said "downloading 'boot.img'... FAILED (remote: not allow)".
5.Trying to flash back to RUU_Hero_C_Sprint_2.20.651.1_signed_test.exe - Failed
It said "Error 140: BOOTLOADER Version Error!".
Although regaw_leinad has pointed that the md5s on both(release version and test version) hboots are the EXACT same.
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Thanks regaw_leinad for your kind help.
Update: 6. the Volex method - Failed
this volex method is revealed here. Already tested by regaw that 2.1 patched it. It doesn't work.
After all these failures, there seems to be at least two ways to get the root back. And regaw_leinad and other guys are working hard on them.
1. Try to make a new asroot2 to exploit the linux 2.6.29/android 2.1 on our cdma hero. Here is the source code of our asroot2 -- heroc 1.5 exploit tool.
2. Try to hack the RUU file (actually we mean the rom.zip in the RUU.exe) and make sure it will pass the Bootloader check and signature check(maybe md5?). Then we could flash a RUU with su built inside and get the root back.
If anyone knows something about how to pass the signature check(maybe md5?) or linux kernel exploit, please share your wisdom. Thank you.
This post will be updated every day until the way to root comes out.
Update: Thanks to the donators in this thread! I believe the devs will find the exploit method soon with your support!
BTW: Never ever flash the official 2.1 release RUU.exe unless you know what you are doing. You won't get root access until the exploit method has been found. If you do love the official update, you may flash this damageless's rom dump from the official 2.1 release. And the radio dump from the official 2.1 release is here1 and here2 (thanks to damageless and flipz, and remember flashing radio at your own risk). The only difference between damageless's dump and official RUU's system part is that it has root and busybox and it removed some useless apks.
would it be more like fastboot boot /sdcard/recovery-RA-.........img?
justinisyoung said:
would it be more like fastboot boot /sdcard/recovery-RA-.........img?
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I tried /sdcard/recovery....img again, faild. Because in this command the image file should be on the PC not on the phone.
1. Make sure you have the Android SDK installed. Read HERE for more info.
2. Download 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download flash_image.zip
3. Download 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download recovery-RA-heroc-v1.5.2.img
4. Unzip the first file, and place both in your Android SDK/tools folder.
5. Make sure USB debugging is ON
6. Connect your phone to the PC
7. Open the command window and navigate to the Android-sdk/tools folder on your computer.
8. At the prompt enter the following, one line at a time followed by enter
adb shell
mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
adb push flash_image /system/bin
adb push recovery-RA-heroc-v1.5.2.img /sdcard
adb shell
chmod 0755 /system/bin/flash_image
9. Your phone will reboot. When it is finished, back at your command window, once again enter
adb shell
cd /sdcard
flash_image recovery recovery-RA-heroc-v1.5.2.img
reboot recovery
10. With any luck, you'll have the recovery image back and can load custom 2.1 based ROMS again.
elhead17 said:
1. Make sure you have the Android SDK installed. Read HERE for more info.
2. Download 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download flash_image.zip
3. Download 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download recovery-RA-heroc-v1.5.2.img
4. Unzip the first file, and place both in your Android SDK/tools folder.
5. Make sure USB debugging is ON
6. Connect your phone to the PC
7. Open the command window and navigate to the Android-sdk/tools folder on your computer.
8. At the prompt enter the following, one line at a time followed by enter
adb shell
mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
adb push flash_image /system/bin
adb push recovery-RA-heroc-v1.5.2.img /sdcard
adb shell
chmod 0755 /system/bin/flash_image
9. Your phone will reboot. When it is finished, back at your command window, once again enter
adb shell
cd /sdcard
flash_image recovery recovery-RA-heroc-v1.5.2.img
reboot recovery
10. With any luck, you'll have the recovery image back and can load custom 2.1 based ROMS again.
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Sorry dude, there is NO su file in this released version of RUU.
So you won't run su after adb shell
just a question but can you successfully run the testkeys release RUU on your phone?
I thought with new 2.1 update root access was removed and there was no way workaround to get root access. I might be wrong here.
You might want to try RUU back to 1.56 version and try to gain ROOT access and just flash ROM release by the dev's here which still give us ROOT access.
I'm not sure if it even possible to go back from 2.1 to 1.5 RUU. Maybe some with more knowleadge of RUU can chip in here.
In addition the RUU you flash is same one release by Devs here on their modify ROMs.
i dont think it is possible to ruu back to 1.5. i think a dev said something about hboot being updated so it needs a new way for root.
kashb91 said:
i dont think it is possible to ruu back to 1.5. i think a dev said something about hboot being updated so it needs a new way for root.
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You are correct sir. There's no way to downgrade hboot (without root), just like why you can't run the 1.29 RUU if you ran the 1.56, or yours came with 1.56 on it.
aside from people who "accidentally" installed RUU, The push to quickly root this release is probably low priority, first of all this phone is probably end of life, so the chances of it coming out of the factory with 2.1 on it are slim.
2nd I imagine when the Evo gets released this forum will become a ghost town as far as new development is concerned
gunnyman said:
aside from people who "accidentally" installed RUU, The push to quickly root this release is probably low priority, first of all this phone is probably end of life, so the chances of it coming out of the factory with 2.1 on it are slim.
2nd I imagine when the Evo gets released this forum will become a ghost town as far as new development is concerned
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well, I'll be around here unless someone buys me an EVO &
It is actually possible to go back to 1.5 even if you used the RUU (well I should say the test RUU). I just did it yesterday so I could take my phone in for service. I'll post how I did it when I'm not mobile. Basically I created an update package to flash the old hboot then used a combination of the 2 main unroot threads. Ended up being able to use the sdcard method after flashing the misc.ing from the other method. I know probably doesn't make sense but I've got it all documented at home.
eme82 said:
It is actually possible to go back to 1.5 even if you used the RUU (well I should say the test RUU). I just did it yesterday so I could take my phone in for service. I'll post how I did it when I'm not mobile. Basically I created an update package to flash the old hboot then used a combination of the 2 main unroot threads. Ended up being able to use the sdcard method after flashing the misc.ing from the other method. I know probably doesn't make sense but I've got it all documented at home.
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I can't WAIT to read how you did this! I have been dying to get back to original HBoot since I ran the first test RUU back in April.
gunnyman said:
aside from people who "accidentally" installed RUU, The push to quickly root this release is probably low priority, first of all this phone is probably end of life, so the chances of it coming out of the factory with 2.1 on it are slim.
2nd I imagine when the Evo gets released this forum will become a ghost town as far as new development is concerned
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Well, if we are able to root this Sense 2.1 then theoretically the same root method may work on the Evo, thereby cutting down our wait for a rooted Evo. Just a thought.
chuckhriczko said:
Well, if we are able to root this Sense 2.1 then theoretically the same root method may work on the Evo, thereby cutting down our wait for a rooted Evo. Just a thought.
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Very very good point I'm not getting an evo till its rooted anyway
chuckhriczko said:
Well, if we are able to root this Sense 2.1 then theoretically the same root method may work on the Evo, thereby cutting down our wait for a rooted Evo. Just a thought.
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Possible, but I doubt it.
Chances are it's an entirely different kernel. My guess is the EVO gets a 2.6.30+ Kernel - It's hardware is completely different from ours. QUALCOM doesn't even make our chipset any more.
I updated to 2.1 using damage sprintupdate2.zip. I want to use wifi-tether now. Where can I find the version I need for this particular build? I looked on wifi-tether website, but it says the 2.1 compatible version is for Nexus One. Is there even a version for Eclair for the Hero?
Would build wireless_tether_2_0_2-pre9.apk for the N1 work?
zemerick said:
I updated to 2.1 using damage sprintupdate2.zip. I want to use wifi-tether now. Where can I find the version I need for this particular build? I looked on wifi-tether website, but it says the 2.1 compatible version is for Nexus One. Is there even a version for Eclair for the Hero?
Would build wireless_tether_2_0_2-pre9.apk for the N1 work?
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I'm still using pre6 seems to be the one for the Hero.
zemerick said:
I updated to 2.1 using damage sprintupdate2.zip. I want to use wifi-tether now. Where can I find the version I need for this particular build? I looked on wifi-tether website, but it says the 2.1 compatible version is for Nexus One. Is there even a version for Eclair for the Hero?
Would build wireless_tether_2_0_2-pre9.apk for the N1 work?
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Here's the link: http://code.google.com/p/android-wi...ireless_tether_1_60_htc.apk&can=2&q=HTC+Donut

[GUIDE] Safer way to unroot and revert to stock myTouch 3G 1.2

This method we will use nandroid's recovery option in ClockworkMod
Rooted myTouch 3G 1.2 with USB Debugging
ClockworkMod Recovery Installed (can be install from ROM Manager)
Universal Androot apk saved to your AndroidSDK tools folder
(I will be doing this in adb)
Create the recovery folders
mkdir /sdcard/clockworkmod
mkdir /sdcard/clockworkmod/backup
mkdir /sdcard/clockworkmod/backup/Stock
Mount the SD card so you can access it on your computer.
Now extract SAPPIMG_Sapphire_T-Mobile_US_2.10.531.4_release_signed.zip (from shipped-roms) [FYI: I had to use 7zip for this] into clockworkmod/backup/Stock.
Now we are down with that unmount it and return to adb.
Once your phone has remounted the SD card do:
cd /sdcard/clockworkmod/backup/stock
md5sum * > nandroid.md5
cd ../../../
cat /system/bin/flash_image > flash_image
(If you do not have flash_image post here in this thread and I will pm you a link to it)
Reboot the phone and boot into recovery mode (hold home when powering on)
Once in there
then restore the "Stock" backup from the restore menu,
It should get past boot and system then fail on /data THIS IS NORMAL
It is not safe to reboot your phone
Set up your phone and all that good stuff, then re-enable adb debugging.
in a command prompt cd to your androidsdk/tools folder and run
adb install UniversialAndroot.apk
and reroot your phone (bare with me)
once that is done do
adb shell
be sure to click allow on the Superuser Permission pop up that shows up on the phone
mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
cd /system/app
rm Superuser.apk
cd ..
cat /sdcard/flash_image > flash_image
chmod 0700 flash_image
./flash_image recovery /sdcard/clockworkmod/backup/Stock/recovery.img
rm flash_image
mount -o ro,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
unroot your phone via universal androot and uninstall it via the applications menu
reboot and done!
I have done this a couple times and every time it worked like a charm.
Hey there, I get to inputting the md5 command, but I get cannot create nandroid.md5: permission denied
What am I doing wrong?
Using a SAPPIMG.zip is not at all unsafe and is faster and easier.
Well, I have been trying to use the sappimg.zip from unlockr's guide and on the t-mobile dev forums, but yet all of them end up giving me a Main version is older! error.
I cant seem to find the solution.
I've had the same problem. I have made the gold card a million times (worked rooting the phone) and now it tells me the older error. Thought it would be easier reverting back, guess that's not true.
Anyways, can I get the flash_image file?
getting past the "older version" error
what i did to get past the "older version" error, was this:
step1: re-use gold card and the 1.5 version sappimg.zip from unlockr.com
step2: reboot using the original sappimg for t-mobile (i wont link from the post but i found it on XDA aka use search)
this will reload EVERYTHING as stock MT3g1.2 including original splash, and recovery images.
if you want to revert it to stock, try this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=641174, it may help
The safer way is to NOT BOTHER.
The update schedule is to run from today through the 25th inclusive. That's 11 days. The average length of time that any particular user will have to wait is therefore 5.5 days. Chances are that the update will be posted by tonight or tomorrow (latest), and 10 minutes later, it will be fixed so that it doesn't rob you of root (keep your options open!).
So... you save about 5 days of waiting (average) and end up with your options wide open. OR, you can commit to the average and end up locked out, possibly forever.
I like the way you think...
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G using XDA App
Need eng spl
bartcrusades said:
well, i have been trying to use the sappimg.zip from unlockr's guide and on the t-mobile dev forums, but yet all of them end up giving me a main version is older! Error.
I cant seem to find the solution.
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just got through doing the same thing tried goldcard method and still got main version older....then i got it right...flash eng spl i beleive it was 0010 then do the sappimg.zip it works and when you finish the update your 0013 spl is back...then used universal androot installed superuser then installed rom manager and made backup of stock then put my phone back the way it was hopefully when the update comes out and i do think it will be a long time before it does i can restore backup of stock unroot with universal androot and uninstall superuser. At least thats the plan. If you want to do this look for kennys posts in the sappimg thread his directions are what i used.
That is the correct way to do it. Eng spl then tmo stock image. When done its back to completely stock.
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G using XDA App
hey i do not have flash_image can u post up a link? thanks.

[Q] mtd:error failure at 0x001c0000 (I/O) error

sorry guys for my english , im new to this forums, i dont know if this has been posted already but i looked it up in the whole forum and i didnt found nothing about this problem,
my problem is the following :
i have a tmobile g1, and i"ve been trying to root it but i 've been having problem flashing a recovery image.
i have followed every tutorial in this forum and tmobile forum ,but the results are the same , i downgraded my g1 to rc29 with the dream,nbh file ,then i put the recovery.img on the root of my sdcard and the hardspl.zip
everything goes well , i type telnetd ,and i downloaded telnet from the market, so when im typing
# mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system this part goes well i get the pound prompt the i type
# cd sdcard,,, and i type " ls " to see if the file are on the sdcard. ok everything is in the right place
# flash_image recovery recovery.img " then when im typing this , i get the error
mtd:erase failure at 0x001c0000 (I/O) error
mtd: skipping write block
then i rebooted the phone to see if everything went well , im pressing home+power i get the rainbow screen .. i "ve been having this problem since 2009 , any help with this .................... also i have tried to erase the partition with this command
cat /dev/zero > /dev/mtd/mtd2
but nothing seems to be working .. thanks
i hope someone can help me thanks and sorry if this have been post it
dethsector said:
sorry guys for my english , im new to this forums, i dont know if this has been posted already but i looked it up in the whole forum and i didnt found nothing about this problem,
my problem is the following :
i have a tmobile g1, and i"ve been trying to root it but i 've been having problem flashing a recovery image.
i have followed every tutorial in this forum and tmobile forum ,but the results are the same , i downgraded my g1 to rc29 with the dream,nbh file ,then i put the recovery.img on the root of my sdcard and the hardspl.zip
everything goes well , i type telnetd ,and i downloaded telnet from the market, so when im typing
# mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system this part goes well i get the pound prompt the i type
# cd sdcard,,, and i type " ls " to see if the file are on the sdcard. ok everything is in the right place
# flash_image recovery recovery.img " then when im typing this , i get the error
mtd:erase failure at 0x001c0000 (I/O) error
mtd: skipping write block
then i rebooted the phone to see if everything went well , im pressing home+power i get the rainbow screen .. i "ve been having this problem since 2009 , any help with this .................... also i have tried to erase the partition with this command
cat /dev/zero > /dev/mtd/mtd2
but nothing seems to be working .. thanks
i hope someone can help me thanks and sorry if this have been post it
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ok man, first off you have to be on android 1.5 not 1.0 according to every guide and me haha, when on rc29 you have to downlad this file called signed-kila-ota-148830.de6a94ca just google it and download it, put it on sdcard and rename it to update turn phone off and go into recovery pressing home and power together, press alt+L when you see the triangle with the sign and then alt+s to update to 1.5 wait and boot, setup.... then use this apk i uploaded, install it with linda or any file manager from your phone, download amonra recovery v1.6.2 from the forum (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=4647751#post4647751) and put it on your sdcard then go to the app flashrecovery open it and press backup recovery image or whatever it says at the bottom of the screen then you type this sdcard/recovery-RA-dream-v1.6.2.img and then press flash custom recovery image and you are pretty much done, power off and power on pressing home key and check if is there.... hope i helped
etu_aty said:
ok man, first off you have to be on android 1.5 not 1.0 according to every guide and me haha, when on rc29 you have to downlad this file called signed-kila-ota-148830.de6a94ca just google it and download it, put it on sdcard and rename it to update turn phone off and go into recovery pressing home and power together, press alt+L when you see the triangle with the sign and then alt+s to update to 1.5 wait and boot, setup.... then use this apk i uploaded, install it with linda or any file manager from your phone, download amonra recovery v1.6.2 from the forum (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=4647751#post4647751) and put it on your sdcard then go to the app flashrecovery open it and press backup recovery image or whatever it says at the bottom of the screen then you type this sdcard/recovery-RA-dream-v1.6.2.img and then press flash custom recovery image and you are pretty much done, power off and power on pressing home key and check if is there.... hope i helped
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You, apparently, don't know what you're talking about.
1) The first rootable exploit was found when firmware version was 1.0. You do NOT need to update to root.
2) The root exploit present in 1.5 was already present already in 1.0, so the same rooting procedure should work fine in 1.0 as it does in 1.5.
@OP: By the sounds of it, it would appear that your NAND may be SHOT... which means that you're going to have to approach this using a different avenue. Specifically, you're going to need to set up your cache and misc partitions for an SPL update from a running system. You have root, so that should be possible. You may need to modify and/or pull some files from a recovery system in order to accomplish this... if you can get the SPL updated to 1.33.2003, then you will have fastboot capability, which makes the recovery partition redundant -- you will be able to boot an external recovery and bypass the whole problem.
i "ve followed all instruction , but i cant put the device into fastboot because the defaulth bootloader the one with the rainbow does not support fastboot , fastboot is only for engineering spl ,
dethsector said:
i "ve followed all instruction , but i cant put the device into fastboot because the defaulth bootloader the one with the rainbow does not support fastboot , fastboot is only for engineering spl ,
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then... sorry man i got nothing
i dont know men but there should be a way to fix this , this happenned way back when cupcake was released , i didnt want to wait for tmobile to roll out the update , then i just did it manually , after that the problem with the mdt:erase failure started , i hope wrote haykuro about this , but he didnt answer .
dethsector said:
i dont know men but there should be a way to fix this , this happenned way back when cupcake was released , i didnt want to wait for tmobile to roll out the update , then i just did it manually , after that the problem with the mdt:erase failure started , i hope wrote haykuro about this , but he didnt answer .
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haykuro doesn't know ANYTHING. He is a kid with no experience, who accidentally stumbled onto something unreliable, and talked a thousand people into bricking their phones.
I've already given you your options on this. You have the choice of following my suggestion and developing something to fix your problem, or you can completely give up. Those are your options.
dethsector said:
sorry guys for my english , im new to this forums, i dont know if this has been posted already but i looked it up in the whole forum and i didnt found nothing about this problem,
my problem is the following :
i have a tmobile g1, and i"ve been trying to root it but i 've been having problem flashing a recovery image.
i have followed every tutorial in this forum and tmobile forum ,but the results are the same , i downgraded my g1 to rc29 with the dream,nbh file ,then i put the recovery.img on the root of my sdcard and the hardspl.zip
everything goes well , i type telnetd ,and i downloaded telnet from the market, so when im typing
# mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system this part goes well i get the pound prompt the i type
# cd sdcard,,, and i type " ls " to see if the file are on the sdcard. ok everything is in the right place
# flash_image recovery recovery.img " then when im typing this , i get the error
mtd:erase failure at 0x001c0000 (I/O) error
mtd: skipping write block
then i rebooted the phone to see if everything went well , im pressing home+power i get the rainbow screen .. i "ve been having this problem since 2009 , any help with this .................... also i have tried to erase the partition with this command
cat /dev/zero > /dev/mtd/mtd2
but nothing seems to be working .. thanks
i hope someone can help me thanks and sorry if this have been post it
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Shouldn't this be in the general Q&A section, and not the development section?
allright men, so how im gonna update the spl to 1.33.2003 without gettin into fastboot mode , thats the only way to do that right ? when i downgraded the g1 into 1.0 , i turn it off , then i press home+back and it went into recovery , so i press alt L then alt S , it say something about verifying update , reading update , then it says E:cannot read (5 files) , that means im not rooted it so i cant use any update.zip , then i tried updating to cupcake and it worked so while im in 1.5 i turn the phone off and turn it back on pressing home+back , and it went directly to the rainbow screeen
that means after i update the phone to cupcake , i couldnt even put the phone into recovery mode cuz it went into the rainbow screen thats weird right , cuz it doesnt matter what firmware you onto , the phone it suppose to go into recovery mode no matter what , thats why im finding weird too
dethsector said:
allright men, so how im gonna update the spl to 1.33.2003 without gettin into fastboot mode , thats the only way to do that right ? when i downgraded the g1 into 1.0 , i turn it off , then i press home+back and it went into recovery , so i press alt L then alt S , it say something about verifying update , reading update , then it says E:cannot read (5 files) , that means im not rooted it so i cant use any update.zip , then i tried updating to cupcake and it worked so while im in 1.5 i turn the phone off and turn it back on pressing home+back , and it went directly to the rainbow screeen
that means after i update the phone to cupcake , i couldnt even put the phone into recovery mode cuz it went into the rainbow screen thats weird right , cuz it doesnt matter what firmware you onto , the phone it suppose to go into recovery mode no matter what , thats why im finding weird too
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Don't hold home and back. Just hold home when you turn it on.

