Basics on how to change themes - General Questions and Answers

Sounds daft & I'm sure the infos here. I just want to change the theme on my GSM HTC Touch Pro. I know all the software & links are here on this site. It's just there's no 'this software is what you need & this is how you change your theme' info.

LOL, ok, google free wm themes, download it and transfer the tsk file to your device. Then simply goto settings/today and select the theme you downloaded... no extra software needed.
try this site, it has THOUSANDS
Just realised tho, you might be wanting to change you manila theme.... there are some themes on here

Thanks for the reply, what exactly in Manila & how do I use it. I've already seen lots of reference to it but don't actually know what it is.
I've uplodaed a few tsk & cab files & selected them in my today them menu but all I get are slight changes like different icon, I've manged to add a different wallpaper, but as soon as the touchflo starts, it's lost.
Getting there

halo1234 said:
Sounds daft & I'm sure the infos here. I just want to change the theme on my GSM HTC Touch Pro. I know all the software & links are here on this site. It's just there's no 'this software is what you need & this is how you change your theme' info.
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Oh my goodness guys, the test is coming up and I don't know any of the answers. I know all the information to pass the test is in the books. But that would require me to actually read and study.
You guys have already read the books and studied. Can you just give me all the answers to the test, I really can't be bothered to actually read and study myself.
I'm sure the infos here.
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You are right all the info is in the Touch Pro Forum.

I understand your point. However this is not an interest or hobby of mine. I'm just a guy who doesn't like how my screen phone looks. Once this is done I may never look at this again. In the 24 hours I have each day I have other things I have to do first & then all the hobbies & interests I have.
I had a look through the first 3-4 pages of this forum & then I tried a few searches. Found a few things, but not enough to fingure it all out.
I've ran out of time for this now really. I might try again when I get some spare time.
Thanks for your help.

search for Replacing/Changing TouchFLO3D skins/themes.

here's some basic help for you, halo (and some commentary)
denco7 said:
Oh my goodness guys, the test is coming up and I don't know any of the answers. I know all the information to pass the test is in the books. But that would require me to actually read and study.
You guys have already read the books and studied. Can you just give me all the answers to the test, I really can't be bothered to actually read and study myself.
You are right all the info is in the Touch Pro Forum.
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This is so right-on... and yet ... at the same time I respect the Original Poster's comment framing:
I understand your point. However this is not an interest or hobby of mine. I'm just a guy who doesn't like how my screen phone looks. Once this is done I may never look at this again. In the 24 hours I have each day I have other things I have to do first & then all the hobbies & interests I have.
I had a look through the first 3-4 pages of this forum & then I tried a few searches. Found a few things, but not enough to fingure it all out.
I've ran out of time for this now really. I might try again when I get some spare time.
Thanks for your help.
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And because i think it's valid to have people want to utilize great resources here at XDA, yet not have to immerse themselves totally into weeks of XDA Culture in order to do so, I hope this helps the Original Poster. (see Commentary further below my effort to help halo1234)
halo1234: Some Overview Help. It may or may not help your specific request:
1. IF you are running a version of the "TouchFlo" interface as the primary finger-controllable navigation tool,
then here's what you need to know:
2. "Manila" is the name of the interface system that HTC (phone maker) introduced which allowed the bottom-of-the-screen left-to-right finger-slider navigation system. That term, Manila, is synonymous with "TouchFLO 2D" ... and it took days for me to finally "get" that linkage. Later, HTC introduced what they considered a "new & improved" navigation system called "TouchFLO 3D" ... but many people here at XDA consider that its added eye-candy and transition effects were no real added-value. Thus most people here prefer the "TouchFLO 2D" navigation theme.
The prior "favorite naivgation scheme" was called "HTC Home" -- and one can debate their personal preference. I consider TouchFLO 2D to be miles beyond "HTC Home" in terms of a user-friendly navigation system and interface.
3. How to modify a "TouchFLO 2D" interface: M2DC utility
This has actually been made super easy thanks to the work of an XDA-developer who created a customization tool called "M2DC" -- which stands for Manilla TouchFLO 2D Customizer. It consolidates about 100 controllable factors for modifying themes:
Background images, tab systems and icon systems, font colors and sizes and faces, many other things.
SEARCH here for "M2DC" and you will quickly find it. DOwnload it and install it. Once you have M2DC installed (AND YOU SHOULD DONATE GENEROUSLY TO THE SOFTWARE AUTHOR OF THIS GREAT UTILITY!), then it creates a THEME folder. And various designers of themes here at XDA have used the author's file-format which packs all the elements for a particular theme change into an .m2dt file (m2d theme)
4. Find some themes you like, prefer:
XDA user KidnamedAlbert has a consolidated thread here at XDA which does nothing except show people's themes they have created and have made available to you to download for installation onot your phone, IF you are running one of the "TouchFLO 2D" Roms. Here. People who design themes package them in one of two ways: (a) as an .m2dt file which can be dropped into the M2D2 "Themes" folder on your device... or (b) as a .zip file which has all the graphic pieces for that theme, along with an .xml file which composes all these elements into a theme. I suggest you use (a).
5. Launch the M2DC utility; find the theme file you just inserted into its theme folder. Then follow the wizards "next steps" of the M2DC utility. NOTE: it is highly recommended that you find the bottom tab of that utlitity called "Backup" or "Restore" (i cant recall which). There you can Backup all the custom settings and files you have adjusted, and M2DC saves them for later restoration.
6. Top-bar and bottom-bar of the screen:
These are, generally, separate elements from the whole "TouchFLO" or Manila theme. You can search for these separately on this site. Search for .tsk files .These control the color scheme and gradient-quality of the top and bottom bars on the screen. After you find ones you want to try, then the way you implement these is:
(a) copy, or place, the .tsk file(s) you want to try into the \Windows folder of your device. Use "File Explorer" for this, to show the directory structure of the files on your phone.
(b) then, to access and switch between those .tsk themes, go to: Start > Settings > Personal > and find the "Today" icon. "Today" is the setting you will be changing. You'll now see in the left-hand box on that page the names of all the .tsk files you just loaded into the Windows directory of your phone. Now you select the one you want to try, click "OK" at the top-right of the screen, and in a second or two, the top-bar and bottom-bar will change. If you like, keep it. if not, try another.
7. Now, all I ask from you is this:
Tell me: Did these instructions help you. Or not. It's okay if the answer is "they did not". I just want to know, so please reply either way. Thanks and good luck.
My Commentary re the Complexity of This Site's information design:
The truth is, XDA comprises an incredible, 2nd-to-none, knowledge base and dedicated developer community, and yet, because of those 2 things, the site is so sprawling and dense that even with using SEARCH and reading Sticky Threads and following links to HOW-TO's, and Newbie Guides, it takes weeks sometimes, just to assemble and/or decode some basic answers. That's a sign that even with the flexible & powerful hierarchical structure of prob the best forum software out there (vBulletin), nevertheless, there is a baseline INFORMATION DESIGN PROBLEM here.
It's not an easy solve by any means. But just for the record, I am taking on that task, since my area of professional specialty is Information Architectire and Customer Usability.

he was talking about the Touch Pro.. that is not M2D.. but TF3D
for M2D i've written a guide in the guides thread in the Q&A section..

nir36 said:
he was talking about the Touch Pro.. that is not M2D.. but TF3D
for M2D i've written a guide in the guides thread in the Q&A section..
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Excellent stuff you've assembled & written. I really value those kinds of guides. Thanks. So i guess the answer to my #7 will be: nope, sorry, i am not using M2D... hah hah, well i had a good time wasting my time writing it up!

No not a waste of time. I read through your post & becasue you spent some time & effort on my post & decided to try again. So 2, 4 & 6 were useful, plus a few other links. Evetually I found some easy .cab files that worked without a problem from the Rapheal section & it's all working fine now.
If you hadnt bothered to respond I wouldn't of had another go, so it was worth it for me! Your right this forum is by far the largest I've useds & with so many variants of product & methods it's easy to get lost. My issue was that I new what I needed, but didn't know why or how.

halo1234 said:
No not a waste of time. I read through your post & becasue you spent some time & effort on my post & decided to try again. So 2, 4 & 6 were useful, plus a few other links. Evetually I found some easy .cab files that worked without a problem from the Rapheal section & it's all working fine now.
If you hadnt bothered to respond I wouldn't of had another go, so it was worth it for me! Your right this forum is by far the largest I've useds & with so many variants of product & methods it's easy to get lost. My issue was that I new what I needed, but didn't know why or how.
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Hey I am really glad you got some value from it. And that you found a solution overall for your Raphael. I'll tell you the OTHER value from it: I hadn't even known of nir36's outstanding GUIDES til he referenced them here. So there are multiple outcomes from asking questions. And I could spot that in your case you weren't the more typical "I need this now, i don't have time to look, so could someone just email me the answer?" user who parachutes into XDA-Developers forum land and expects to be handheld for their specific request.
There's a continuum here of what new users ask for -- and thus I think it would be way more realistic for some veteran members here to sometimes see new user questions from the ground level of someone coming into this land of knowledge and, as you sort of said, not even knowing how to frame the question, since the density of information is sometimes impenetrable, and just frame it out for a new user, vs just the standard reply to read read read read read.
As an information designer, I have never ever understood the impulse of some early-adopter people who have had to dig dig dig and read read read to finally pioneer the understandings and piece-together solutions to complex questions, to then want others who follow to work as hard at it as they did. My philosophy is build a better gateway to the knowledge storage, vs chastising people for using the wrong entrance.
For sure it's a 2-way street, and there are hundreds-a-day justifiable reasons for frustrations from knowledge-holders seeing the level of laziness and entitlement coming from the OTHER end of the new user spectrum. They give human beings a bad name
P.S. -- people hate my philosophy comments on a tech-board. I know. I don't try to be verbose, but I know it drives some people batty. In which case, sorry !

hah, i actually like these.


The WIKI Ideas/Suggestion Thread

Next to making ROMs I want to try and work on the wiki some more to make it THE prophet information source on basic questions.
I made this thread for users to suggest stuff that they think should be covered.
This is NOT a thread for asking questions about your prophet.
Hi Jester
Wiki forums has pros and cons. Reading 20 pages of mixed text is not by far the best way to learn anything, the main problem for me is to distingish good info from bad one.
The 'Expert Selection': For each thread I would like to see only what an expert/senior member has selected. This filter can be multiple and tematic; the same 'expert' can select only some posts an 'rename' the sub-thread; and of course the same thread could be filtered by two or more members.
This way i can have the same point of view of them, and this is important for me..
Hi Jester,
Thanks for the big support on the Prophet and releasing ROM versions!
In the Forums there are many questions about how to upgrade your (for example) Dutch ROM to a WWE, what to do, maybe this is also something to add to the Wiki.
The Wiki side sould be rich of information about how to upgrade the ROM, what are usefull programms, free or payed, where does ipl and SPL stand for, What are the latest versions.
Hi Jesterz,
Thanks a ton for your ROMs and your efforts!
One of the most eagerly sought after info is ROM editing specifically for G4 roms (specially again for Prophet).
Can you help in consolidating the tools (along with usage tips) to modify ROMs to achieve the following:
1. Steps to upgrade only the OS to whichever ROM OS you want.
2. Steps to increase the pagepool to X [I understand the device runs faster on an increased pagepool], but I am not sure of the ideal size to be kept. I got some details from here:
4. Steps to remove MS Office, voice dial and other applications from the rom and add a few apps. Will also need help in adding few apps like resco explorer and some registry hacks into the ROM.
5. Steps to move some programs from programs to system (for e.g smsdeliveryfix)
Am sure others can also add to this request.
Hi Jesterz,
thanks for this thread, I beleve there are a lot of stupid questions because a lot of information in the wiki are too much generic and the people have fear to make some errors (IS NOT YOUR FAULT because the newbie are sometime very newbie).
My dream wiki is:
- more specific
- with new information
For example, if you check the main procedure to update the rom, there are some step not very clear:
1) ***
If it states: "Could not update itsutils.dll to the current version, maybe it is in use ?" Do the following :
Copy the cab's from the Utils folder in the file to your Prophet and execute them.
(There are two files : "" and "")
This is not clear. A lot of user wrote me in private asking if you need to do a soft reset (or no, or an hard reset) after that.
2) ***
Sometime after that the itsutils.dll error is still alive. What the people have to do?
In some rom, you don't have to unlock the cid... right? But this is not on the wiki.
4) ***
There are some question where there are not answer, like this one in the ROM DUMPT.
"if you want backup your own rom, you have to do the unlock cid procedure and update the rom with another one. But if you do that you lost your own rom!!! So, why there is a Dump rom procedure, if you can not do that with your original one?"
5) ***
I would lik see in the wiky a tread with the list of the BEST ROM and the update.
6) ***
There are some etc...
I think what would be a *very* good piece of info for newbies is what are all the tools you guys use (, etc etc....) and what each does to some degree....
as a newb myself, I find it *very* daunting and very scary to see lots of stuff posted on the forums that say "How To: Copy fileA and fileB to device, run fileC.exe on computer, then execute fileD on device, then wait, and poof! you're done". I'd be nice to at least know that the heck each of the components are and the purpose (even if it's very technical) of each one.
Also, if it's possible, list off any interdependencies these tools have. There are too many "half-instructions" floating around and it's really difficult to determine whether the user needs to do anything before hand before following the instructions.
*lastely*, Can we get a guide that lists off all the pros and cons for each of the custom ROMs that are getting posted. It's a little tough for newbies to know what are all the pros and cons for each ROM. Yes, we know there are pros and cons and nothings perfect, but *what* are the bugs? and what are the features? At least that way we can decide for ourselves whether or not the ROM will work for us...
I'm only into day 2 of all of this so I apologize if what I'm suggesting sounds stupid.
Hello all,
Jesterz, thanks you for your investisment in the forum.
Some suggestions about the wiki.
One of the main issues for upgrading a rom is to have a clear view of what is going on.
There are many threads discussing different roms.
It should be grateful to have one main page giving an overview of every live rom and a page for each rom where the author can put a link and also give the current status of his rom and known issues. So I join to Mr Yellow for this.
It should be something very basic, not as far as an Issue tracking page (ie
By now, whenever I want to update a rom, I have to read the entire post...
One solution can be, for each cooking rom version, adding a text file that describe everything to know.
Of course, a howto for cooking rom and useful mistakes can be also interesting.
Hi Guys - and yes, thanks for all the time & investment made here.
I'm a fairly new member, and one thing I think would benefit the WIKI is an idiots guide or introduction.
I found the the wiki a bit tricky in so much that it starts at a fairly high level and misses the basics
Whats an AKU and why might I prefer a new one ?
What extra features can I get with a new rom ?
Why might I need newer radio drivers ?
Stuff like that.
Also, a glossary would go down reall well.
doublej said:
Hi Guys - and yes, thanks for all the time & investment made here.
I'm a fairly new member, and one thing I think would benefit the WIKI is an idiots guide or introduction.
I found the the wiki a bit tricky in so much that it starts at a fairly high level and misses the basics
Whats an AKU and why might I prefer a new one ?
What extra features can I get with a new rom ?
Why might I need newer radio drivers ?
Stuff like that.
Also, a glossary would go down reall well.
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I agree with the above......more of a beginner area with more explaination
Not an idiot guide but something more for the leaner who want to be experts like most here
Get to it
I think these are all great suggestions. The Prophet wiki is looking pretty sparse at the moment. So why doesn't everyone start editing it, rather than just talking about it?
read it !
Shall i make a tutorial for changing the case? I know there is one already in another forum(modaco). But i want one on xda-developers?
the more the merrier!
I think possibly the most useful thing would be 'How to recover Prophet stuck in Bootloader'. I seem to telling people how to do it most days and sometimes more than once a day...
I'll happily write a 'How To' if required.
l3v5y said:
I think possibly the most useful thing would be 'How to recover Prophet stuck in Bootloader'. I seem to telling people how to do it most days and sometimes more than once a day...
I'll happily write a 'How To' if required.
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You know, that's what's awesome about the wiki... you *CAN* go ahead and write whatever you want. It only takes like 5-10 minutes to understand the syntax of wiki-code... create a new page, write your stuff down, and start formatting. Bam, you've created a wiki page that everyone can use. Announce to the fourm that you've done so and you're done!
Then you can start insulting newbies that complain about getting stuck in boot loader that they should search and read the wiki! It feels really good!
mr_yellow said:
You know, that's what's awesome about the wiki... you *CAN* go ahead and write whatever you want. It only takes like 5-10 minutes to understand the syntax of wiki-code... create a new page, write your stuff down, and start formatting. Bam, you've created a wiki page that everyone can use. Announce to the fourm that you've done so and you're done!
Then you can start insulting newbies that complain about getting stuck in boot loader that they should search and read the wiki! It feels really good!
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But how can I get it uploaded?
l3v5y said:
But how can I get it uploaded?
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You don't upload anything. You can edit each page like it was a forum post. there's special syntax for lists, bullet points, headlines, links etc... but if you want to create a page, all you need is a title and that's it. Everything is done on the serverside.
The easiest way to start is to pick a page, click the edit button at the bottom, then add a new link to a page using the syntax [new page title]. when you save it, "new page title" becomes a link to a new page where you can create a new page and add more content there.
Give it a shot. Don't be afraid to break stuff.. you can always look back on old versions of the page and reverse any changes.
Pallas said:
Shall i make a tutorial for changing the case? I know there is one already in another forum(modaco). But i want one on xda-developers?
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I second this!!! I've been looking at the modaco 1, & feel we need to have 1 from xda dev & Pallas is the man... heheh
mr_yellow said:
You don't upload anything. You can edit each page like it was a forum post. there's special syntax for lists, bullet points, headlines, links etc... but if you want to create a page, all you need is a title and that's it. Everything is done on the serverside.
The easiest way to start is to pick a page, click the edit button at the bottom, then add a new link to a page using the syntax [new page title]. when you save it, "new page title" becomes a link to a new page where you can create a new page and add more content there.
Give it a shot. Don't be afraid to break stuff.. you can always look back on old versions of the page and reverse any changes.
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Breaking stuff can be fun I'll give it a try now...
l3v5y said:
Breaking stuff can be fun I'll give it a try now...
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Good Luck!

Wiki redesign

hey guys,
I'm a regular on the HTC tytn part of this board and have been quite active in updating the wiki and making it functional.
I thought i'd wonder over to this board and took a look at the wiki and have to admit, was sort of shocked. it's one enormous page that's not very intuitive!
I'm going to shift around some stuff to make the wiki for your device easier to browse and navigate, would love for you guys to help out with this venture!
I've started with this:
WM6 definitely deserves a page of its own, complete with download links, links to threads etc. it does not deserve to be in the middle of some enormous page where most people can't even see it! it's linked back to the main wiki page under the contents page, which is easier to follow.
suggestions welcome, and please help in overhauling the poor state of the wizard's wiki!!
I don't know about others here in this forum, but I think you're doing us all a huge favor. Good start on the Wizard WM6 material so far.
Ofcourse great job. I've learn from this site
I need to suggest to put some information about Not Big Deal 5.1.
I think, this rom is realy good. Realy. Not many ppl use it, but almost all of my friends that tried this rom, confirmed, that it's very ok.
You should probably rename the page to reflect the device it is for. The current name implicates it is a general WM6 page - which is not in fact.
Chatty said:
You should probably rename the page to reflect the device it is for. The current name implicates it is a general WM6 page - which is not in fact.
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awesome suggestion, silly of me. i've renamed the page to wizard_wm_6
I've updated the Wiki (Thanks for setting this up) with information and download links to my Crossbow Released rom.
Also I would like to make an observation... I disagree with the description of The Core, in that it says this is the best rom for Newbies (or thats how I read it)... Since this is a Clean / "core" rom, I don't know that I would call this a good general starting rom for someone new. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying The Core 2.0 isn't good, I'm just saying the claim that its the best rom for newbies is maybe misleading as many newbies want more than just a base rom. XPlore 1.1 (IMO) is actually a better rom for someone just starting out as it comes with some apps in it. Then Wizard Mobile 6 Business Edition is very nice with the set of apps in it too... Its just all of the roms have strengths and weaknesses, so to me calling a single rom the best for Newbies may be misleading. Let them choose what fits for them (or setup some type of Matrix to compare the roms).
BTW: This isn't criticism of this new WiKi page at all? I just wanting to provide feedback so this can become a valuable resource for the Wizard community (and I really appreciate you starting this project for us. Now I need to get back to working on the WM6 Cooking wiki pages I was setting up)
mfrazzz - good point. there should be no "favouring" of roms, it should be up to the end user to decide.
I've removed the whole best rom bit. let the person choose themselves

Useful plugins,upgrades for Kaiser

Hi all, was wondering if I could enlist your help?
I have an Orange Tytn II and would like some feedback as to what people think is
- the best regeditor
- the best set of useful plugins - including updating to WM6.1
- the best source of skins
for the Tytn II
thank you.
Any thoughts would be much appreciated...
richardS said:
Hi all, was wondering if I could enlist your help?
I have an Orange Tytn II and would like to;
- find available plugins which might include - skins and ways to upload, - Change the battery icon to a useful icon of a battery - rather than Orange one
- Change the time that the screen stays on when I'm on a call - so a reg editor
- Maybe upgrade to WM6.1 (without changing Orange menus etc)
Any thoughts would be much appreciated...
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All your questions are answered here
And the first topics in first page of the kaiser forum.
I dont want to sound like a ass, but did you look around at all first? All of that is easy to find, well not the upgrade because you will not get that util your service provider comes out with that unless you want a new cooked rom.
Ok..sorry, obviously not clear enough.
I would like some feedback as to what people think is
- the best regeditor
- the best set of useful plugins - including updating to WM6.1
- the best source of skins
for the Tytn II
thank you.
PS - have been reading this forum for hours and as I am sure you can appreciate I am trying to cut through the chaff, not unreasonable wouldn't you say?
richardS said:
Ok..sorry, obviously not clear enough.
I would like some feedback as to what people think is
- the best regeditor
- the best set of useful plugins - including updating to WM6.1
- the best source of skins
for the Tytn II
thank you.
PS - have been reading this forum for hours and as I am sure you can appreciate I am trying to cut through the chaff, not unreasonable wouldn't you say?
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NO. Search and read some more before you ask...
Now ya all ganging up on me...
easy isn't it to say "RTFM".... and makes you look so good too...
I bet the Wiki will find you all the answers, and if not, the search will.
But seriously, quoting the post above you, or quoting in a thread with one single topic is almost as annoying...
richardS said:
Ok..sorry, obviously not clear enough.
I would like some feedback as to what people think is
- the best regeditor
- the best set of useful plugins - including updating to WM6.1
- the best source of skins
for the Tytn II
thank you.
PS - have been reading this forum for hours and as I am sure you can appreciate I am trying to cut through the chaff, not unreasonable wouldn't you say?
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1) FdcSoft Task Manager
2) You need to Flash your rom to upgrade to 6.1. (so you will lose your orange stuff).
3) Varies on what you like. You will have to search on this, im affraid.
I think it makes you look good too that you don't care enough to do your own legwork. There is more than "hours" of reading here... try DAYS.
PS - have been reading this forum for hours and as I am sure you can appreciate I am trying to cut through the chaff, not unreasonable wouldn't you say?
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Cut through the chaff? Maybe now you can see why there is SOOO much chaff! So yes, it is unreasonable to just start a thread because you don't care to search, try, dig deeper and go for it.
There are skins threads out the butt around here.
A regedit cab? Try PHM RegEdit
Cabs??? What do you call useful? How would WE know what YOU think is useful? There are 1,000's of cabs to install. Are you into photos? Music? GPS? Games? Putty? Contacts? What is it that YOU want?
Find your cabs by searching.... here is a starting point for you:
How many pages shall I find for you? You didn't specify.
If you don't feel like helping yourself, you can start a new thread or reply to this one.
Okay, here is your one free "I'm too lazy to search & read" answer. I personally would've saved it for a "my device is bricked" question, but hey!
I use resco explorer. It is in my opinion the best file explorer & as a bonus it comes with one of the best & friendliest to use registry explorers & editors. Resco also allows you to easily network you computer to your PPC.
I get my full length battery bar, enhcanced scrolling & a much more effective X-button using SPB Pocket Plus. I have deleted the today plug-in portion of the app. so the size is more reasonable. This will also give you multi-tab browsing capability & allow you to use the ok button or X-button to only close one PIE page at a time.
There are tons of theme skins available, but why you would ask about those is beyond me. What's good depends on what you like because they range from plain black to cars to naked women. So, you're on your own there. Start with the "Show us your today screen thread" there are links to tens of thousands of themes there.
Also, get kaiser tweak & the current xml file for it.
WM6.1: If you're not up to flashing yet, you can still add some of the functionality of 6.1 to your stock rom. I suggest getting the PIE6.1 cab file. This will add zoom & overview capability to you current PIE edition. Also take a look at the current Arcsoft 5.0 version. This will add the Voicemail MMS option to MMS text messaging. (as of yet it still won't give you threaded messaging).
A hint for the future. Always search & read first. You can use search, then find a thread & once in the thread there is a search this thread button that will further help you slim down the amount of reading you have to do, it's called "search this thread" & will only return results for the thread you're currently in.
Also use the exclusion feature of advanced search. Highlight the forums that are pertinent to what you're asking. That way you don't get Blue Angel returns for your Kaiser question. I have over three hundred posts. If you look at my posts I don't think I've ever been flamed & I've helped several people with problems even from day one, because maybe I just read an answer that was no help to me, but was exactly what the next guy was looking for. It doesn't pay to be selfish here because everyone has issues, not just you & we've all had to read & work through them. What makes you able to say, hey I deserve an answer without reading (cut through the chaff) when most everyone else has taken the hard path & learned along the way.
Believe me that the reading will pay off in spades. You WILL have MORE problems with your Kaiser. Nature of the beast. I can't tell you how many times I've answered my own question because something I'd read earlier popped back into my mind. Reading will save you time in the long run & helps to keep the boards free of clutter.
That said, good luck with your new Kaiser.
It is just me, or does anyone else receive SPAM email in their personal email accounts?
Hey Grizzz,
Dang man we're opposites! You burn him down then soften the landing, where I like to raise him up then take out the knees! Either way it makes much more sense to do it one of those two ways.
Sure, I know the Noobie needs to have his wrist smacked, but why not do it in a way that ends the thread, like you or I do. Just reprimanding the kiddie does nothing but waste space. So help a Noobie out, take him under your wing & show him how things are done. Don't just reprimand him.
Maybe somew of the +1000 post old timers used to be like us too? Could they have become callus to where they came from? Except of course peep's like cmonex, Jockey, Dutty, Meinyysis, Olipro (I think they were all spawn with a pda in there hand & I heard that Oli's middle name was CE, lol...
You are right. But in the "old" days - AKA Hermes Forum one year ago FLAMING was hard and cruel . A noooob got FLAMED if he had not done his homework - and I find it was actually OK.
I remember reading for DAYS to find out how to FLASH, and IF I had any questions - I asked in a PM or in the specific thread....
I remember a long discussion about having limits for newies so they could not write in the Forum for some time after they joined to make sure they used some time reading before asking the same questions again and again...
Martinhdk said:
You are right. But in the "old" days - AKA Hermes Forum one year ago FLAMING was hard and cruel . A noooob got FLAMED if he had not done his homework - and I find it was actually OK.
I remember reading for DAYS to find out how to FLASH, and IF I had any questions - I asked in a PM or in the specific thread....
I remember a long discussion about having limits for newies so they could not write in the Forum for some time after they joined to make sure they used some time reading before asking the same questions again and again...
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Yeah, I remember lurking in Hermes afraid to ask. I once even PM'd Meinyysis & bit my nails for days hoping that the response wouldn't be "Go Die". Not that he'd ever do anything like that, but Hermes forum was brutal at times.
I dont understand why people are hesitating to help instead enjoy having the attitude and reply harsh. If a thread is unnecessary, then the moderator can lock the thread.
This person was looking for some openion. He is not asking how to install something.
1) If you dont want to reply, ignore the post
2) If you care this site and feel the thread is unnecessary, PM mod and ask him to lock the thread
3) To control these kinds of thread and you really get annoyed to answer question which you asked when you were actually a newbee, try to organize this site. Evaluate the members before they join.
One smart person gave the link for search. What an attitude. I am not sure what he is thinking about himself. I seriously hate the attitude of some people here.
MartinH - Please dont feel that all the posts are directed to you.
richardS said:
Now ya all ganging up on me...
easy isn't it to say "RTFM".... and makes you look so good too...
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Ah, to live life unencumbered with things like common sense...
In newbie's defense...
I haven't asked any questions and I search the threads and wiki's, but I have to say that this forum is not the easiest thing to find anything in because every thread is packed full of non sense that has nothing to do with the topic. The guy simply asked if there was a way to find plugins and such.
Give the guy a break and just send him a link . I wish there was a better search engine on this forum, but there isn't so I continue to read...and read and read...
jtb74129 said:
I haven't asked any questions and I search the threads and wiki's, but I have to say that this forum is not the easiest thing to find anything in because every thread is packed full of non sense that has nothing to do with the topic. The guy simply asked if there was a way to find plugins and such.
Give the guy a break and just send him a link . I wish there was a better search engine on this forum, but there isn't so I continue to read...and read and read...
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vBulletin has a bad search function itself. However there's a advance google search that correctly search the site,
i have the tytn ii and am very new to it
im looking to put message/alert tones on but dont know where to put them..
ive got a few good alerts that id like to put new email/message that sort of stuff
please could someone show me the way to go on
thanks in advance
I am a member of various forums, and mod two with more members than this forum. Here's my thoughts;
This forum is full of useful info, but it's also buried amongst huge piles of crap and spam
1) vBulletin software sucks...try IP.B
2) If you feel the urge to reply, reply with something useful
3) If you feel the thread is a waste of time don't add your spam to it. It makes you look more of an arse than the poster; Martinhdk and we3zy
4) Post counts mean nothing, see point 3)
for the persons who actually added useful info to this thread, then thank you, you know who you are.
To the Mods..I've copy and pasted the useful info, so by all means delete this thread, as no one found it useful but me... and save this forum getting more cluttered.

Website to consolidate icons, tweaks, mods, etc. Assistance needed.

I posted this over on PPCGeeks, but I thought I would post here to get more exposure and input. Here is the ppcgeeks thread.
Okay, I've brought this up elsewhere, and I guess it's time to create a new thread and get this going. I've seen so many different threads with different tweaks, top icons, TF3D icons, Windows themes, Manilla themes, etc... and I also notice some people try to combine them into one post (which is very difficult, and still results in the addition of other posts/threads).
Anyways, something I've been wanting to see done for a long time is to be able to go to a webpage, pick and choose with pictures what we want on our phone, and download and install them. Rather than having people search to find several thread results, they can just go to one website, and view up to date info.
First example I will use is the top icons for the Touch Pro. I see several threads (3 of which I personally noticed to be predominately popular -,, and These threads are very long (one of which with 1,800+ posts). What I would like to do is have people who create icons submit their icons to this website (I don't have a name for it yet), and people can go there to see & download their work. All original work will be credited appropriately, and can also have a "donate" button as such. People can still post their work on the forums, but they can say it's been submitted to "the website", and people can visit "the website" to download.
What I've noticed is some people on the iPhone community have such things as Installer Apps, which is a compilation of various applications ready to be downloaded and installed to the device. This includes games, apps, icons, etc...
What I would like to ask is for some assistance from willing volunteers (you don't have to commit your time, but any help is appreciated). Maybe suggest ideas of what can be incorporated, gather information to be added to the site, etc... I do have a full time job, and I will be doing this on my own personal time as a way to give back to the community I've been a part of for 2 years.
I have some basic HTML skills, and I'm pretty computer savvy, but any help is appreciated. With that, I'll open this thread to any inspirational ideas and discussion.
Thanks, and let's make this a better community for everyone!
here's one for registry tweaks
it's a start....
check my signature
Thanks to GhettoBSD (from PPCGeeks), I've been able to make additions to his WikiSpace. So far I've made additions to the Themes page. (Of course, all themes are referenced to the original poster, and notified of this submission).
Let me know what everyone thinks. Any feedback is appreciated. Remember, I'm trying to make this very easy for someone to go to the website, and view all available information for their Touch pro (and Diamond).
bugsykoosh said:
here's one for registry tweaks
it's a start....
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Very cool! I like the way you did it. Now, which regedits are specific (or can be used) with the Touch Pro (and Diamond).
nhvoltagenh said:
check my signature
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I see you've already started something similar! So far those are S2U2 themes & icons?
yes and some wad stuff, also weather icons.
s2u2 is whats the biggest contributor, but the site is only a month old
bugsykoosh said:
here's one for registry tweaks
it's a start....
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That site is awesome but it is over run with spam. I contacted the webmaster with some basic spam-fighting tactics. That site has a REALLY good foundation and is a great idea.
I'm pretty good with websites. I code all my html, php, SQL etc by hand in notepad. My site, is a chat room site for Nintendo Wii users. The site allows user submissions of articles, reader feedback, admin/mod pages, CAPTCHAs, lots of SPAM deterrent.
I don't have the time to code up a whole site, but I can help out.
@nhvoltagenh - Isn't your website a little ironic? A site dedicated for Windows Mobile graphics with a Apple OSX theme. lol. Don't worry, I like the glassy look and feel of OSX too.

[Q] Handling of taskbar transparency in WM6.5

This topic has been, as far as I can tell, brought up quite a few times in the past, however there has never been a clear answer (well, atleast to me). The facts I could research on XDA and via Google are:
WM6.1 has to be flashed with a ROM using a Hex-edited aygshell in order to support transparent taskbars. Someone in that thread mentioned, however, that WM6.5 does not need this because it has "more options". [Q: What options? Built-in transparency switch? Or just images?]
WM6.5 supports using images (PNGs iirc) as taskbar backgrounds, which looks pretty much like what I'm looking for. I know of that option, but there seems to be more: It was mentioned somewhere that there is a "titanium plug-in" that does true transparency. What was linked later in that thread was a Titanium skin for MobileShell [definitely not what I'm looking for], and a post saying, "use the forum search". Well, to whoever it was: thank you for your overly useful contribution, but I didn't find anything.
In addition to that, a different discussion had people mentioning that Titanium uses (real) transparency by default in its home window. It does not for me, but this is my first WM6.5 phone and thus my experience in this field is limited, therefore I'll just consider his statement might be true.
There are several HTC-Related fixes I've encountered, like TouchFlo Theme editors and similar, but since I do not own a HTC phone and am not using Manila, these fixes are not at all useful for me (I think).
A lot of theme preview pictures in the corresponding section of the XDA forums use transparency, but ofcourse one cannot tell from a screenshot if it is just the image-fix, true transparency via some "secret CIA" plugin, or a custom rom having it enabled by default.
Having mentioned all of this, I hope I meet all prerequisites for posting a new topic and also hope I haven't missed anything.
As a last word, please, don't tell me to go use the search function. I've honestly read every thread on XDA about this and have not found a solution by myself. I usually don't post on forums for something that is obviously easy to find or solve - maybe I'm just missing some key point that could guide me in the right direction.

