URL for full/comprehensive OTA RC33 - G1 Android Development

I haven't seen this posted anywhere and my G1 (at RC29 with renamed certs file) has finally tried to download the new RC33 OTA (which I'm guessing includes RC30 + RC33 at the very least).
Here is the URL of the file my phone tried downloading (46MB in size):
Just in case anyone needs it or wants it for any reason.

Thank you =]

Really? I searched but didn't find *this* image.
The link that was posted a bunch of times was the one for the "signed-PLAT-RC33-from-RC30.f06aa9b3.zip" (18.9MB) file.. i.e. the one that is an incremental upgrade from RC30 to RC33, right?
The link I posted is (I think) for a *full* update (the reason why it's quite a big bigger in size since it includes the RC29 -> RC30 changes, etc.)
I will agree that there's perhaps not much use for this particular update (with folks using JF's updates which are cummulative) but I hadn't seen it posted so just in case someone wanted to update from a legit RC29 (or earlier?) directly to RC33 (and lose root.. hah!) using the official OTA image, well, here it is.

rub1k said:
Really? I searched but didn't find *this* image.
The link that was posted a bunch of times was the one for the "signed-PLAT-RC33-from-RC30.f06aa9b3.zip" (18.9MB) file.. i.e. the one that is an incremental upgrade from RC30 to RC33, right?
The link I posted is (I think) for a *full* update (the reason why it's quite a big bigger in size since it includes the RC29 -> RC30 changes, etc.)
I will agree that there's perhaps not much use for this particular update (with folks using JF's updates which are cummulative) but I hadn't seen it posted so just in case someone wanted to update from a legit RC29 (or earlier?) directly to RC33 (and lose root.. hah!) using the official OTA image, well, here it is.
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Or if someone wanted to use JF's build environment to make their own update.

Does anyone read stickys any more.
Rc33 has been hacked for a few days now.
Thanks for the attempt.


UK RC8 Download link

Here it is, https://android.clients.google.com/updates/signed-kila_uk-ota-116470-prereq.TC5-RC7.7a5a0178.zip.
re:dl link
well done, how did u get the link??
Im in the UK but running the modified rc30.
I changed the build.prop file back to the one from RC7 and forced a check for updates.
Once it assumed i was running RC7 it detected an update and gave me the name of the zip it was downloading.
Just shoved the required bit on the front of the zip file name and voila.
Any benefits (except from no MyFaves)? is it easy now to change it force and back between UK and US version?
re:modded rc30
im running same as you. im a noob but with our build givin root access it should be fine to get back to uk modded build, am i correct??
Eh, stupid question, but how do i know if i have the UK or US update on my phone?
Unless you have updated the unit yourself then its either going to be something like RC29/RC30 (us versions) or RC7/RC8 (uk version)
If you goto your home screen (clock with your wallpaper) Menu>settings>about phone>Build Number.
If you've not updated it, it should the corresponding update as the country you purchased it from
Okay, thanks for the answers. US version it is then..
Seeing as i don't live anywhere near the US and i have the US version, should i be worried about the Myfaves-prog..?
Since the UK version doesn't have the whole app, should i try to manually update to that?
I have checked my phone bill online several times and it does not show any txt-messages that i don't remember sending.
how come the file name is signed-kila_uk-ota-116470-prereq.TC5-RC7.7a5a0178.zip
knowledge_6 said:
how come the file name is signed-kila_uk-ota-116470-prereq.TC5-RC7.7a5a0178.zip
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because of the "prereq.TC5-RC7" ?
its pre-requisit is RC7. eg it needs rc7 to update.
Can you email me that file? I tried to download it from the link. But, I am getting an error stating the link is not good.
Mirror is here:
You probably should not link your email directly in a forum unless you want it to get harvested by spambots.
Thanks, for the advice about spambots. But, that is an account that I use for anything that may spam. I have another account that is for trusted users only.
Thank you for the mirror!

Updated 3-3-09 - JFv1.43 for UK RC9 firmware! also ADP 1.5 post 2

Official APD1.5 image in Post 2
Here's the new JFv1.43 RC9 for all you UK users. Enjoy!
--- announcement for JFv1.43 Holiday
New! JFv1.43 is a bugfix release for the Holiday (ADP1.1h) version. This release fixes the issues most people were having with Latitude hanging after clicking "I agree". More info on my blog.
The links below have been updated with the new versions.
--- announcement for JFv1.42
The ADP1.1h version of JFv1.42 is out! This is based on the new ADP1.1 OTA that was put out this morning. I've also released a JFv1.42 version of RC33, that fixes the issue with adb not being enabled in recovery mode. You can find more details here
The links below have been updated with the new versions.
--- announcement for RC33
The RC33 version of JFv1.41 is here! Links are below. It is essentially the same as the RC30 version, as far as my changes are concerned. You of course get all the goodies included in RC33.
Note: RC33 contains a radio update. I chose not to include this in the RC33 update itself, because I personally don't want it re-flashing the radio every time I apply this update. Here (md5: cf8714d273fb0274574d9e3831e11fdd) is a separate update that *just* flashes the radio. You only need to install this update once (unless you happen to flash an nbh at some point in the future, in which case you should re-flash the radio afterwards).
To check if you have the new radio, go into the about phone screen in settings and check the baseband info. It should end with
note: I have no clue what the differences are in the new radio. I just assume they are good, and that it's better to use the new radio than the one from RC30.
note: (yes, I love Notes ). You shouldn't need to do a wipe if you're going from RC29 or RC30 to RC33. I've even had reports that you don't need to do a wipe going from ADP1.1 to RC33. Give it a shot if you want, and let us know if you had to wipe. Don't forget to do a nandroid backup first
note: (couldn't resist). The first/initial boot after upgrading to RC33 make take a minute or two. Just give it some time before concluding that you need to do a wipe.
(original release annoucement for JFv1.41)
This version contains... *drumroll* multi-touch support! Thanks to lukehutch, zinx and ryebrye, this build allows android applications to receive multi-touch events. The built-in browser now supports multi-touch zooming! It also includes an "Auto-Rotate" setting that you can enable, to allow it to change screen orientation, based on the orientation of the phone. You can turn on auto-rotate in the browser settings (it's off by default).
See lukehutch's blog post for more information about the new multi-touch support, as well as a few other demo multi-touch apps he created that you can try out after installing JFv1.4. He also mentions a few issues that are present in browser, that you might run into while playing with zoom.
Other changes of note for JFv1.41 include:
a console in recovery mode. You can press alt+x to exit out of the recovery program and go directly to a console.
the ADP1 build is now based on the ADP1.1 firmware. See this thread for information about the changes in ADP1.1
the ADP1 build now includes .odex files for all of the system apks and jars. This means that you will have more space available in /data for all of your apps and caches, although less space available in /system
busybox's vi should now save files correctly, instead of saving them as blank files
One thing that I would like to point out about the ADP1.1 build is that it allows you to skip the initial google registration. This will make registering over wifi painless. You just click the "skip registration" button in the registration app, enable wifi in settings, then open the registration app again by trying to access one of the google apps (gmail, market, etc.), and then you can register over wifi.
ADP1.1: (md5: 076ba12c3e733805ba1c865ab48d370c)
RC33: (md5: 6ecf0ea8175e1aece8a770253447b6a8)
RC9: (md5: 5a722ad92c9dd1081987b2ad9814111f)
In the console in recovery mode, there are a number of "special keys" that you should be aware of:
ctrl search
caps lock menu (on the keyboard)
arrow keys call + w,a,s,d
change virtual console call + 1,2,3...0
scroll console home + w,s
page up menu (above the trackball) + w
page down menu (above the trackball) + s
home menu (above the trackball) + a
end menu (above the trackball) + d
escape back
reboot menu (above the trackball) + search + backspace
Also, you can type "reboot" to reboot, and type "recovery" to go back into the recovery program.
JFv1.41 can be installed in the usual way. Save the zip file to your sdcard named update.zip, boot into recovery mode (home + power), and then press alt+s. If you are switch between versions, e.g. from RC30 to ADP1, you must also do a wipe in recovery mode (alt+w). This will clear all your data/settings/apps, and you will have to re-register once it boots back up. If you are staying on the same build, i.e. from JFv1.31 RC30 to JFv1.41 RC30, then you shouldn't have to do a wipe.
NOTE: If you are on the stock ADP1 image, you will need to upgrade to JFv1.31, then boot normally at least once, before upgrading to JFv1.41, to keep from having to perform a wipe. If you try to go from stock ADP1 -> JFv1.41 directly, you will have to do a wipe.
NOTE: If you end up with 2 Superuser whitelist apps in the app menu, you can uninstall one of them in Settings->Applications->Manage Applications. There will only be 1 that is uninstallable, so don't worry about uninstalling the wrong one.
Note: To install these updates, you need to have a recovery image that uses test keys. If any of the following are true, you most likely have a recovery image that uses test keys
you have installed my modified recovery image in the past
you have an ADP1
you currently have one of my modified firmwares installed
If this is your first time installing one of my firmwares, you may be interested in the other changes that have been made in previous versions, which are included in this version. Some of the notable features include:
Many more commands are available to use on the terminal. busybox is included, to provide standard commands like cp, grep, less, more, vi, sed, cp.. etc.
A secure way to get root access, through Koush's superuser application. To get root, open up terminal emulator and type su. A new window will open asking if you want to allow root access. Click "Yes" or "Always", and it will go back to the terminal emulator, and you'll have root access
A number of useful kernel modules that you can use. For example, ext2, cifs, and a host of others
A full phone backup utility. Boot into recovery mode with home+power, and then press alt+b to perform a backup. It stores the backup as .img files in a subfolder of the nandroid folder of your sdcard. To restore the backup, you have to have the engineering spl or hardspl installed, and then flash the images with the fastboot utility
ota updates are disabled. This is to prevent t-mobile from automatically updating your phone with a new update that removes your root access.
some applications that are missing on RC8 (the uk version) have been added. For example, the voice dialer and the amazon mp3 store.
when you connect to the phone using adb, you have root access
I've attached a full changelog vs the official builds for each version.
Here are the updated Build Environments for JFv1.41. These can be used to create an update identical to JFv1.41, or to create one modified to suit your tastes/preferences. You can find more info about the build environments over at my v1.31 post
ADP1.1: (md5: ce591333f2252d805c5eaccae332f5e7)
RC33: (md5: b3b0bc89c4b417b6ce6728fd9cc2c7fc)
RC9: (md5: 0d0845f85382e5689f015a2904f928a0)
Official ADP1.5 image
JesusFreke’s AndBlog
The official 1.5 firmware is here finally!
When is your 1.5 coming out?
May 1, 2009
The answer is… wait for it.. wait for it..
If only i had a nickel for every time someone asked me that over the last week or two
This build is based on the official HTC ADP1.5 image. You should install the 1.5 radio from that HTC page before using this build.
Some of the important changes/features
* I’m now including a much better Superuser app, courtesy of zinx
* I’ve rebuilt the kernel and enabled netfilter support, to allow tethering.
* You can see/download both paid and protected apps in the market
* Luke’s multitouch kernel patch and browser patch have been ported to the .27 kernel and 1.5 browser.
* Support for the “apps to sdcard” hack. There’s not a separate “apps to sdcard” build. You can use the same build whether you are doing apps to sdcard or not. Thanks to haykuro for explaining how he’s done this in his images, so I can make my builds compatible. See here for a tutorial on setting this up.
* I’m not including a recovery image in this build. I ran into some snags getting all of the recovery features to work with the 1.5 recovery image, so I’ll forgo that for now. If you don’t have a spiffy recovery image yet, I’ve packaged up the most recent recovery image from JFv1.43 as a separate update.
If you are already running a “rooted” build (ADP/mine/haykuros/the dudes/whatever), it is available for download via the jf updater app (available on the market). If you don’t see it, open up the app settings, and choose either ADP1 or “All the updates” for the “System Mod Version” setting.
Or you can always download the update.zip file below and install it yourself. If you have a G1 and this is your first time installing a community firmware, you’ll need to follow any of the multitudes of tutorials out there for rooting your phone.
You can try to upgrade without a wipe, but if you run into any problems (for example, su/Superuser doesn’t work), you’ll need to perform a wipe. If you don’t want to wipe, take a nandroid backup before upgrading, so you can revert back to the backup.
JFv1.50 ADP1.5
JFv1.50 ADP1.5 Build Environment
JFv1.43 Recovery Only
Nothin but the best from the best! Works great man!
Thanks to you and everyone else that helped make this possible.
Awesome! Great job mate, about to install.
Third!! Great Job JF, LukeHutch, Zinx, RyeBrye and everyone else who helped with this. Working great for me!
will give it a go in a few hours
u've got to be the top supporter of the android community.
keep it up!!
Couldn't wait for a new update. You delivered like a champ!
Thanks peeps!
EDIT: Just a question, do I need to format my SD again like the other post says?
hey JF
for each of your releases you have said "If you are staying on the same build, i.e. from JFv1.31 RC30 to JFv1.4 RC30, then you shouldn't have to do a wipe" but every time i install one of your builds i get stuck with an infinite boot loop and have to perform a wipe. Any ideas? btw ive only used your adp builds on an adp
Great job, to you and all who contributed. Works great so far, loving the multi-touch zoom.
Installing now, i'll post in a sec when it works
Edit: of course, it works great!! multitouch is something I would have never expected
Edit2: just installed rc33 and the radio update, everything works great . Posting from it now!
do the jf rc30 1.3 themes work with the new update or we going to need to update the themes
awesome job everyone! installed and loving it. thanks for all your hard work
Manacit said:
Installing now, i'll post in a sec when it works
Edit: of course, it works great!! multitouch is something I would have never expected
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Nobody expects the Spanish Multi-Touch Inquisition!
kron2 said:
do the jf rc30 1.3 themes work with the new update or we going to need to update the themes
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The themes for RC30 and RC8 should work. The only thing you have to watch out for is if the theme overwrites Browser.apk, you'll lose the multi-touch browser.
The themes for ADP1 will most likely need to be updated to work with ADP1.1 unfortunately.
This Is Great!
thx jf and the update works great
ok so i need to resign my browser.apk before doing the template or not? thank the best release yet
JesusFreke said:
The themes for RC30 and RC8 should work. The only thing you have to watch out for is if the theme overwrites Browser.apk, you'll lose the multi-touch browser.
The themes for ADP1 will most likely need to be updated to work with ADP1.1 unfortunately.
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Basic questions regarding Android ROMS.

sorry if these have been asked many times before, i've searched but cannot find much about it.
new to Android, coming from a WM for the past 8 years background its all foreign to me.
1) what is "adb" and how does it differ from "RC"'s? I presume RC's are just different build numbers for Android.
2) whats the difference between Haykuro, JF's builds? are any of them cupcake? how can i think about them in terms of Windows Mobile roms?
3) if I install one of the above, will the over the air updates still work? if there is an update to the OS (ie cupcake if the rom isnt) can this be applied at all or will i need to "lose everything" and wipe/flash to the new one?
again sorry for the n00byness.
1) what is "adb" and how does it differ from "RC"'s? I presume RC's are just different build numbers for Android.
adb is a way of telnet'ing from your pc to the phone, this gives you root access.
2) whats the difference between Haykuro, JF's builds? are any of them cupcake? how can i think about them in terms of Windows Mobile roms?
Haykuro and JF's builds are based on the android development branch, they are basicly updates that are based on googles on going improvements to the phones OS. Hayjuro's is based on a port from the upcomming saphire phone. Treat them as different "flavours" like schnaps etc
3) if I install one of the above, will the over the air updates still work? if there is an update to the OS (ie cupcake if the rom isnt) can this be applied at all or will i need to "lose everything" and wipe/flash to the new one?
Current custom roms change the signing keys so OTA updates are not updated onto the phone. You would have to manualy change the rom yourself.
Hope this helps
by ADB i meant (as in the JF threads) there are three diff versions rc33 rc9 and ADB1.1
also if having to reflash with new version, presumably that would wipe everything? is there a way of backing stuff up or are backups not as bigger deals as they are for a WM based OS.
The ADB build you refer to is essentially a rooted version of the ROM that came with the non-T-mobile branded developers phone.
Impossible said:
adb is a way of telnet'ing from your pc to the phone, this gives you root access.
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Err no. adb (Android Debug Bridge) is a tool for debugging Android devices both physical and virtual (in an emulator instance). One of its features is to give you interactive shell access, but this has nothing to do with telnet.
Haykuro and JF's builds are based on the android development branch
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Also wrong. JF's builds are based on officially and unofficially released current branches, not development branches. Also, they are not ground-up rebuilds of the source code in as much as they are just modifications to existing releases to add root and other goodies.
Haykuro's builds appear to be coming from some private source close to HTC. These are not based completely on the open source development branches either.
by ADB i meant (as in the JF threads) there are three diff versions rc33 rc9 and ADB1.1
Rc33 is the current US G1 tmobile rom, Rc9 is the current UK G1 tmobile rom and the ADB1.1 is the developers rom thats carrier free. Think of these are the different between a WM "clean" rom and a carrier rom (such as att)
also if having to reflash with new version, presumably that would wipe everything? is there a way of backing stuff up or are backups not as bigger deals as they are for a WM based OS.
As for destructive flashing... the G1 can do non wipe upgrade but IMO I prefere a clean (wipe before) install. As default the G1 roms store images/music/bookmarks and other customisations to the sd card and if your syncing your contacts with gmail, they will be restored after your rom update, so even with a wipe>install you dont loose much (you loose things like text's, mms's and installed apps)
thefunkygibbon said:
by ADB i meant (as in the JF threads) there are three diff versions rc33 rc9 and ADB1.1
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What you're referring to is the ADP not ADB.
ADP = Android Dev Phone
ADB = Android Debug Bridge
very helpful guys, thanks. as for over the air updates is that just for OS based stuff or do apps too? (do apps even update themselves?
if you have installed apps to the SD card then wiping the device is even less of a problem i assume
If you install JF's RC33, (or RC9 if you are in Europe), you will have a phone pretty much exactly like the official ROM, except you will have root and multitouch.
If you install ADP 1.1, you will have a dev phone with multitouch and root, but you won't see protected apps.
If you install Haykuro's H build, you will have HTC's "cupcake" phone with lots of added goodies and root.
If you install Haykuro's or the Dudes G build, you will have the Google "cupcake" phone and root.
The "cupcake" builds are very usable and stable, but there are still a few bugs being worked out on them.
With any of the builds, you will also need to use the radio version for that build. (RC 33 and RC 9 are using the radio you probably already have).
The radio can be flashed either before or after, and it won't touch anything on your phone, but it will reboot twice, so don't panic if you do that and see your phone hanging for a few minutes on a different screen after the first reboot.
With all of these versions, you can also put your apps on your SD card with a little more work.
If flashing a different rom, first sync your contacts, then use something like power manager or astro to back up your apps to your SD card, that makes it easier to get everything back. You will definitely want to do a wipe to avoid problems.
It is possible to go back to official roms after updating, but you will lose root, and I don't think you will want to go back. Often times you will get the modified updates here before they are even released officially!
Wow thanks, thats pretty much cleared up my questions!
With any of the builds, you will also need to use the radio version for that build. (RC 33 and RC 9 are using the radio you probably already have).
Do the files provided in the threads usually contain the radio's too are they seperate downloads/installs?
With all of these versions, you can also put your apps on your SD card with a little more work.
If flashing a different rom, first sync your contacts, then use something like power manager or astro to back up your apps to your SD card, that makes it easier to get everything back. You will definitely want to do a wipe to avoid problems.
Its something i'm used to with WM phones, but its always a complete ball ache resetting everything up and installing everything.
Is it at all possible to have some kind of OTA updates hosted system set up elsewhere (such as you or me) which could deploy the updates for these "hacked" roms, much in the same way as tmobile etc do?
Do the files provided in the threads usually contain the radio's too are they seperate downloads/installs?
It will say in the threads if you need to install the radio seperately. On most of the newer builds you will need to install it.
Is it at all possible to have some kind of OTA updates hosted system set up elsewhere (such as you or me) which could deploy the updates for these "hacked" roms, much in the same way as tmobile etc do?
The only roms which notify you of updates are the JF ones. There is an app on here that you can install which will let you know if there are updates. So far, it is all do it yourself as far as updating goes.
I don't know if it is possible without a lot of work to have the updates pushed automatically to your phone. At the moment, there are so many roms, some of which are updated more than once per day at times.
I have no idea what pushing them automatically to you phone involves, maybe someone else here does.

which is the right 2.3.3 updat file for stock nexus s with 2.3.2?

i'm a little confused with what update file i'm supposed to manually update on my stock nexus s running 2.3.2. can someone post the link to the right file? i've downloaded this one, but not sure if it's the right now.
98f3836cef9e.signed-soju-GRI40-from-GRH78C.98f3836c (2).zip
i'm really disappointed with the way the screen looks now, especially, the gray, black, and white tones. i was hoping that i just downloaded the wrong up date. my greys especially look really bleached out/washed out. it seems they are just too light. the whites seem to be more yellow than white too. i know this has been discussed in other posts already, but some people are claiming that their screens look fine, so i'm just wondering if i got the wrong update file.
lastly, since i've already updated manually, will i still get the OTA coming?
You downloaded 2.3.2. GRH78C (2.3.2)
2.3.3 Link: http://android.clients.google.com/p...2cf141e6a.signed-soju-ota-102588.f182cf14.zip
Next time use the search feature, theres so many posts of this and make it shorter :\ Was confused on what you wanted at first.
zephiK said:
You downloaded 2.3.2. GRH78C (2.3.2)
2.3.3 Link: http://android.clients.google.com/p...2cf141e6a.signed-soju-ota-102588.f182cf14.zip
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You've called the "98f3836cef9e.signed-soju-GRI40-from-GRH78C.98f3836c.zip" 2.3.2 here and in another thread. One of us is confused, because I have that file downloaded, and unzipped to poke around inside it to see what it does, and it's definitely the NEW OTA to take you to 2.3.3 from 2.3.3. It has the new bootloader in it and PATCHES from 2.3.2 to 2.3.3. It is 21mb in size and only includes patches.
The second file you've linked is the FULL 2.3.3 system...it's 94mb in size and is a total replacement of the phone; it includes full copies of all files/apps in 2.3.3.
Both will get you to 2.3.3...one will do it by patching, the other by replacing (and possibly wiping - I haven't read through the updater-script file yet).
edit: Also, given the OP complaint of changes to the screen gamma and colors, it's pretty clear he's on 2.3.3...that's been a common complaint for updaters.

[FOTA][UNTESTED][DOWNLOAD] SM-T337A Latest Update File

Note: None of these files have been tested mainly because I want to keep root on my device. If someone (preferably a recognized developer) can confirm that you can still root the device on this update, I will edit the thread to appear safe to novice/semi-inexperienced users. Because I haven't tested these files, I'm gonna assume its a January security patch.
Here I have pulled the latest FOTA update for the SM-T337A. I know right, I thought this device would never get another update, but it did! Down below I have uploaded the original, untouched .CFG update file and my own compiled .ZIP update file. Not that any of them are different, but if one fails to flash, there's the other file to try.
New PDA Version: T337AUCU2BOH5
New CSC Version: T337AATT2BOH5
Bootloader Version: Bootloader V2 (So you can downgrade back to the BOH4 firmware)
Please feel free to ask any questions or report any problems down below.
EDIT: I will begin creating Odin packages for this update and release them in place of the zip files if/when they are completed.
--Download Links--
Original .CFG File: https://mega.nz/#!r940XJLB!OUne16ltPYkOqfNBbzA5W08f8LwvYT_os--agbGzFq4
Compiled .ZIP File: https://mega.nz/#!fkoW0JKB!aR2uZYlthtmW7Us0uBmP6-BZrmhKiJrRaVrbdkq-bx8
Thank you very much as always @KingOfTheNet , is there any chance you can make an Odin firmware file too, or would that require you taking the update (which I understand very much why you wouldn't want to, without knowing for sure)?
Also I shall mirror the update.zip file on AFH if you'd like (it doesn't accept cfg files)
thisisapoorusernamechoice said:
Thank you very much as always @KingOfTheNet , is there any chance you can make an Odin firmware file too, or would that require you taking the update (which I understand very much why you wouldn't want to, without knowing for sure)?
Also I shall mirror the update.zip file on AFH if you'd like (it doesn't accept cfg files)
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I'm 99% sure it's just a January security patch, so I'm not sure if it would be worth making an Odin file for it. If AT&T where to release a Marshmallow or Nougat update (which we all know isn't gonna happen) then I would make one for that. Making the Odin file for the Lollipop firmware took me like 4 months
Also feel free to mirror the file(s) to AFH, please be sure to credit me though, assuming they flash without issues. I didn't test it on mine because I want to keep root until I can verify that it can still be achieved on this new update. I'm just surprised AT&T is still updating this thing.
Do you have patch notes, what was fixed?
KGB7 said:
Do you have patch notes, what was fixed?
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I would imagine AT&T or Samsung would release them somewhere on their website. In my opinion, security updates are made to keep your device guarded against new root methods and viruses, which is exactly why I didn't flash the update myself, to keep root.

