Question for ROM cooks - possible to change system folders? - General Questions and Answers

Advanced Config has a section for setting new values for "My Documents", "My Ringtones", etc. but many of them don't actually work.
I'd love to be able to use "\Donny" instead of "\My Documents", etc.
Call it irrational, but I *HATE* the Windows defaults of "My [whatever]". I always change them (via the registry) on my desktop/laptop PCs, and it drives me nuts that I can't do it in WM.
So, is it possible during the ROM cooking process to make such changes? Or are they simply hard-coded into the WM OS.
If they're hard-coded, is it in a single DLL? (That I could maybe hack with a hex editor?)

These are all variables that you can control at the time of cooking, by editing various .rgu's in the system folder. Look to the folders with Lang or 0409 (or your regional code) in the name, as these are the language-localization strings.. all folder names are considered language-localized as "My Documents" is obviously different in each language
Use a text editor that supports unicode such as EmEditor to edit these .rgu's.
Hope it helps!

That's AWESOME! I've been looking for a reason to start cooking... now I have one!
One follow-up question, if I may...
Instead of hard-coding the values, can you tell it to look in the registry (so the "Shell" entries actually work)?
Thanks for the reply!

The .rgu's represent the registry as it's compiled by the ROM kitchen, so editing the .rgu's will have the same effect as editing the registry.

Da_G said:
The .rgu's represent the registry as it's compiled by the ROM kitchen, so editing the .rgu's will have the same effect as editing the registry.
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Click to collapse
Not sure if you're missing my point or if I'm not understanding you.
If the .rgu's represent the registry as it's compiled then the locations for My Documents, Program Files, etc. would all be hard coded in the ROM, and once again, changing the settings in HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders won't actually do anything. Right?
So, I'm asking if there's a way to put some sort of magic pointer (or maybe leave it blank?) to say, "If you want to know the location of 'My Documents', check the registry settings at HKCU\....\Shell Folders"


Small tools for WM5

Two small tools I made for WM5:
NewTray adds a menu with all "New" entries (like the New menu in PPC2000 to WM2003SE) to the system tray. The icon's a small yellow star...
(Sadly, not all entries work fine on all devices, since WM5 has no native New menu, nobody seems to check them. For example, new message doesn't work on P525...)
RemapSoftkeys allows to modify the softkey allocation on the Today screen. It only modifies registry entries, so you don't need to keep it installed after you set your new values...
Both ZIP files contain the PPC executeable, i.e. you have to copy the contained file to the PPC and execute it there. For NewTray, it'd be usefull to create a shortcut in the startup folder. To do this, run the file explorer on your PPC, tap&hold on NewTray.exe, select Copy, then go to \Windows\Startup (or localized name, e.g. \Windows\Autostart for German Windows), right softkey, Edit > Paste shortcut.
I plan to show the menu if NewTray.exe is executed again, so you could open the menu with a softkey, currently this is not possible.
Thanks for the apps.. but to burst your bubble, there are already some software that do what yours are doing.
The popular one, a must have for me, is the WM5NewMenu
And as for the soft key customization, there are a few around
hanmin said:
Thanks for the apps.. but to burst your bubble, there are already some software that do what yours are doing.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Well, almost...
The popular one, a must have for me, is the WM5NewMenu
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I know that, but it's got a quite different approach. It has its own menu, while I read everything from the registry.
This means, that WM5NewMenu has some better features, like sending SMS to given users, but on the other hand requires more memory, isn't international (labels like "Appointment" are read from the registry, too), and (afaik) doesn't realize new/modified "New" entries (e.g. TextMaker or PocketInformant).
Its a matter of taste and needs what you prefer. Some people wished for like that in another board, and it was only about half an hour to write it, so here it is...
And as for the soft key customization, there are a few around
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Click to collapse
OK, didn't know of that one. I just read some queries about how to modify the softkeys in the Today screen, and most of the times the answer was either WM5NewMenu or AE buttons. Since it's not too hard to modify a couple of registry entries, I wrote this small tool...
Thanks Mort. Haven't seen you for a while...
Best regards always.
Thanks MORT...

Registry comparison for before and after

Anyone aware of a program that can compare the registry/files for before and after a program is installed and uninstalled? Trying to figure out what wasteful entries a certain program is leaving behind that is affecting my SIP menu. A nice snapshot program with comparison would be handy.
Hardware: P3300 WM5
Windiff or SKTracker. See my WinDiff tutorial at
Thanks Menneisyys - I just came across SKTracker, will check out your tutorial also.
Try ssnap (free: ) from sk-tools and any diff program (very good to find added, deleted, modified files, and modifications in the registry)
And my last findings:
use dotFred's taskMgr (builtin regedit: check option MULTI_SZ,MUI_SZ in RGU format), export registry (before and after), rename *.reg to *.RGU , modify first line (should be REGEDIT4) and use RGUCOMPARER - great tool.

MortScript Help: Parsing a text file and storing values in the registry

I have a text file seperated by several lines. Its sort of like an XML file, just custom made.
It looks something like this:
-Schedule: 8:00 PM
-What: Doctor
Can someone show me an example of how I would parse this file? What I wanted to do is the following:
I have five time locations Time1, time2, etc... They each have the category -Shedule and -What. I want to sort through all the Times. In each time I want to extract the info that appears AFTER -schedule and AFTER -what (EG: 8:00PM, Doctor) and insert it into the registry. The registry would be formed like:
HKLM Schedulertime\ With sub directories of Time1, time2, etc... In each time there would be a string (I guess) of Shedule and of What. And the script would insert the values into each time in the registry.
Can someone write a script showing me how its done? Thanks in advance.

Remove apps from SYS and OEM, help please!!!

Hi, i think i found how to remove IE, Live search, Office, Windows live, and a few other small stuff but i'm sure that by removing those folder there is also a few registry line i should erase a few places but its a real maze and i'm not a programer or whatever else that read a code page and feel like he is reading an ordinary book of common language.
My goal here is to find how to remove whatever i want. Here's what i would like:
Windows live messenger
windows live search
audio manager
media player
image viewer
contact manager
I want to be able to take them out at will and replace them with apps of my choice. The problem is to find them and taking them out clean. Is there anywhere that has the proper documentation not writen in "chinese" so i can do it myself? I dont need anyone to come here and make there show off, i dont care how good you are to confuse me with your technical language, i want it in plain english with paths and command lines to change, add or delete from precise defined files like .rgu or anything else if its possible. It would be much appreciated. By the way, the apps list i named could be a lot longer. The more control i can have over the ROM the best it is.
I dont need to tweak the settings because thats way over my head, i just want to manage the apps that are going to be installed.
To finish, i would love to take out the dialer and replace it by my rosco dialer. I mean, completely replace the dialer, not just partially, but i guess this is a lot of work because i guess the dialer app is mixed up with a bunch of dll and stuff like that and i would have to rewire all that to my rosco dialer and for that i would probably have to do a lot of very complicated stuff with my rosco program to read codes and bla bla bla so i guess i'll forget about it but if by any chance its a lot easier then i think, feel free to tell me how. Thanks for your help, if i get any.
I think you best bet is to look into one of the kitchens available...
You can build a ROM to your likings that way.
Yes. I feel the same way; you should really learn to cook a ROM. This will give you a better realization of what goes into a ROM and realize that it's not that simple to take out OEM apps. There are things from your list that you will be able to take out of your ROM though, which is why I say that you should learn about it. Take a look at my guide in my sig..
I already have a Kitchen called Hypercore. I have the original french wm6 in executable format, i extracted the RUU_signed.nbh, then i used NHBextract to extract the OS.nb. I put OS.nb in my kitchen to get the SYS and OEM files. Then i have a 2 web page showing what i can delete from SYS and OEM which can be find here: and here:
i did my own .rgu with a generated UUID file for my personnal tweaks that i put in a folder i names zzz_My_registry_OEM to be sure its installed at last and the .rgu file goes like this:
;Stop the software keyboard always appearing
;change the location of Temp files
"TempPath"="Carte de stockage\Volatile
;change the location of My Documents
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows CE Services]
"NoSubFolderIn"="\Carte de stockage\My Documents"
;change the location of emails attachements
"AttachPath"="\Carte de stockage\Emails\Attachements"
"PropertyPath"="\Carte de stockage\Emails"
;change the location of Temporary Internet Files
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders]
"Cache"="\Carte de stockage\Temporary Internet Files"
;change the folder where the camera write its images and videos
"SaveFolder_040C"="\Carte de stockage\My Documents"
"SaveFolder_040C"="\Carte de stockage\My Documents"
;change the rings folder location
"Directory"="\Storage Card\Rings"
;change the slide-out keyboard layout in US
;keep the .cab after installation
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\apps\Microsoft Application Installer]
;show\hide clock in task bar
;(it activate the battery indicator when the clock is off)
So far so good. But the only 2 links i got to know what i can delete from SYS and OEM, is not enough to make a real good clean of all the apps i want. There is no tutorial no where explaining it. You tell me i should learn how to cook, but how can i learn if everytime i ask some information like i just did, the people suggest me to learn how to cook? Thats exactly what i'm trying to do here. All i want is to know, which freakin folder goes with which app and which rgu or whatever i need to modify or delete to make a clean removal. I want to learn, but i cant learn out of thin air. I also found the folder BaseApps in the SYS folder and it seem to have some apps there too, but i'm just not sure if i can just go and delete whatever i want that wear an obvious name like calendar.exe
If someone know where to refer me so i can LEARN as you said so easily, well, just tell me because thats all i'm asking to learn.

How do i customize the Start Menu pre-build?

I'd like to customize the start menu prior to building, I'm using win mob 6.5 Build 23569 & OSKitchen Zero .
So far i've made a .reg injection file in EXT packages and been able to add reg entries for folders and also point them to their Icon.
But the folders only show up if I manually make the folder after the rom has been compiled and flashed.
The icons at least work then, But even if i put a reg entry inside them - Inside my .reg injection (Like Calculator) under HKLM/Security/Shell/StartInfo/Start this does not show up. (If i copy it from Windows/Start Menu into the Tools folder
made after flashing it does though)
I believe I am missing putting in the new Start menu file structure somewhere (Like the physical directories) but i'm not sure where I should put them as the /WINDOWS/Start Menu/Programs folder doesn't exist yet & all the .lnk shortcuts are not structured anywhere.
Sorry for my ramblings, I have tried searching and reading lots of posts but cannot find anything specific.. If you could help, even just by pointing me in the right direction I'd be happy as
My goal is just to be able to organise a structure (TOOLS/ACCESSORIES/INTERNET etc) in the start menu rather than just have all the items plonked everywhere.
I've found my answer - Edit initflashfiles.dat (Change extension to .txt)
I will write a guide shortly as it's very hard to find.

