Search crippled after upgrading to Live Search 4.0.12158.1 - Touch Pro, Fuze General

A few days ago I was prompted to update Live Search. I love this application and was hoping the new version would increase the microscopic street name font size, so I installed 4.0.12158.1. Unfortunately the only difference I have noted is the addition of a "Locate Me" function based on cell tower location. But now half of my searches don't work. With the prior version of Live Search I was able to search for just about anything and quickly find it. Now even my own address cannot be found, which I frequently used in the old version. I can't even find most of my contacts - when I select a contact it searches for the address, then states "We couldn't find any result for blah blah." This is ridiculous. Has anyone upgraded to Live Search 4.0.12158.1 and noticed this horrible problem? Thanks for your assistance.

Same here dude I loved it till I updated a few days ago. Now it lags and is mostly unusable. I think I am going to try to revert back. I used the GPS well in my first version. In the new one, the gps rarely works for me.

I've had the same thing. First time I try to access any of the services, I generally get a connection failed message -- even if I have Opera running in the background. If I wait a few seconds and try again, it then works and I can access all services. Definitely annoying.

I too am having the same issue. I've quit using it until they get this fixed. I thought I was the only one with this problem. Google Maps it is.

Live Search 4.1.2029.1 now available - font size increase?
I am the OP. I Was prompted yesterday to install new version 4.1.2029.1. The street names are now a larger font. Compare the two pics attached. The first was version 3.x, the second is version 4.1.2029.1.
Unfortunately the search problems have not been resolved. I still cannot find my own house even when typing in the address. And 90% of my contacts cannot be found even though they have perfect addresses. Arghhh.


My friend hates his TP cuz of these issues and blames me 4 selling him on HTC.

My friend hates his Sprint Touch Pro and blames me 4 selling him on HTC.
If anyone can offer any help or fixes, I would greatly appreciate it.
I am going to e-mail him a link to this thread.
Thank you.
The following in quotes is the e-mail he sent me.
Here's the low down on my HTC Touch Prop Experience thus far and why I will
sell this turd on ebay...
Cant type first and last name into messaging "to" field (once you hit the
space bar for the last name it selects the first 'josh' in your phone book,
Cant search by company name in the address list (I need to look up account
in my phone all the time by company name)
Some names do not appear in contact list search at all but I know they are
there and can get to them manually
Cant search first and last name in contact list (must type one or the other)
GPS won't automatically drive to calendar appointment when the address is in
the appointment or give the option to drive to the appointment
GPS won't give you the option to drive to an address in your address book
GPS freezes up and stops navigating when you turn off the screen (to save
the battery). Won't start again until you close the app and restart.
Several times the phone has frozen up and the touch screen would not
respond...cant get into messages, can't get into contact list.
Auto backup fails every night (third party app but the best one on the
every day the phone freezes up in my contact list...multiple times every
single day. I have over 1700 contacts....I have reset my phone at least 5
times already today.
using three fully charged new batteries a day...I am on my third battery
today as of 5pm and yes I bought three freaking batteries
T9 text input randomly turns itself on and I have to manually turn it back
to ABC input
Facebook and twitter apps suck to the point of being unusable (Facebook app
is the brand new one from Microsoft's upcoming windows mobile 6.5 OS)
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Put Juicy 8 on it and it's a whole new experience.
Wow, i hate lists, but here i'll try to help with some limited knowledge from a touch pro owner since october (my first real smart phone)
use arrow keys left/right to select next person in list when starting to type name
cant help you there, i look up by person's name. There may be alternative software out there for a different address book connected to the main one? SPB mobile shell might have something. Found it! you can do it by going to contacts - then in the menu view-by and select company
maybe those numbers are listed on your sim card and not on your phone book, in the options there should be an option to show both address books
shesh you're picky again, Name one example where you actually need to type both to find the person you want! (i can't think of one example)
Wow, you really think windows thought of everything didn't you? GPS can't do squat without GPS software
This is most likely due to a problem with your firmware - update your ROM and see what happens
Update your ROM - i suggest a nice EnergyROM 2.0 or 1.3 - it is pretty damn stable and bug free - most of your issues from here out sound like things that can be fixed by wiping your phone and installing a better rom than the junk tossed together by the service provider
Why does it fail? What is the backup software? PIMbackup is a pretty solid one, and why do you need to backup nightly? I sync my contacts and calendar with google sync. Thats the only vital data i don't want to loose that changes daily (except for tasks, still waiting for google sync to add tasks)
Again - update your rom! Imagine a car torn apart by a kid in his first year at auto school, and then trying to put it together in a month. That is what the hack jobs who work as rom chefs for service providers do to these phones when they add in their junk bloatware. (Also HTC provided an update with new features, most providers now have released revised versions with their bloatware added of course, but they still work better than the original firmware that comes on the phone)
Battery life depends on use. How often do you have it check for email? My battery lasted only half a day when i told it to check every 5 minutes. Then i realized i really don't care about checking email (and nobody important emails me that often) so i set it to 4 hours - battery life went up drastically. Also turning down brightness, and turning off wifi will save a LOT of battery life. I get a sold day and a half out of my phone now. (with pretty decent amount of use)
Can be another issue with the firmware you're running. There is an app called Advanced Config Editor, I think there is a setting to disable T9
Sigh, indeed, applications are still a work in progress, before the iPhone, there was very little competition for slick applications, but consumers will prevail in the end. For now - its all about keeping up to date with your favorite phone blogs to find out about the latest software available
In all honesty, the TP and other windows mobile phones are not for everyone. They work great if you know what you want to do with them but if you expect to just pick up a phone and go, buy a freeken iPhone and enjoy your watered down smart phone for braindead people. (Hey, i bought my mom one for christmas, she's all happy that she changed the ringtone for me.... despite the fact her past 5 phones could also do that in less than 5 buttons......)
HTC makes a wonderful selection of mobile devices, I have always been pleased with their products.
Cant type first and last name into messaging "to" field (once you hit the
space bar for the last name it selects the first 'josh' in your phone book,
Cant search by company name in the address list (I need to look up account
in my phone all the time by company name)
Some names do not appear in contact list search at all but I know they are
there and can get to them manually
Cant search first and last name in contact list (must type one or the other)...
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I can do all these things by default in the stock WinMo contacts on my HTC Fuze
GPS won't give you the option to drive to an address in your address book
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Know nothing about the Sprint GPS nav app (I assume that's what he's using?) but Garmin Mobile does this, and I suspect most other GPS nav apps do as well.
As far as crashes and battery usage go, the only fix is to flash a different ROM without all the provider bloatware. Sounds like most of his gripes are related to Sprint's implementation of the device, not about HTC or the device itself. In any case, he'll probably never be happy with it - tell him to get an iPhone where he can blithely ignore all the missing features and lack of flexibility.

Copilot live 8 usa

Does anyone on here use COPILOT LIVE 8 USA? I have some issues and I wonder if anyone else can add some comments as to how to resolve? I have sent these to COPILOT SUPPORT but no response yet.. I am hoping to get all of these resolved:
1. I am alerted that I am at my destination BEFORE I actually get there. It also doesn’t tell me LEFT or right or ahead is my destination. Can this be resolved?
2. I tested 2 addresses today with COPILOT and a GARMIN GPS. The Garmin was dead on while COPILOT was lost and had be going in circles. This was while I was in a development with a LOT of little side streets. Can this be fixed?
3. when you get to your destination, it doesn’t give you the option to CLEAR the route. It asks me what I want to do but if I close the BOX, since I don’t want to do any of that, it keeps the route I am on. I noticed this as I use COPILOT to get home. Then today, I turned on copilot and it still said it was running the route to my house. I couldn’t find any way to clear it except to delete next stop. Then it cleared the route. I also see no way to click CANCEL ROUTE if you decide you don’t want to navigate to where you set. My Garmin has an "X" that I can hit to cancel route.
4. Program is missing a LOT of POI's .. For instance, I was sitting in a parking lot of WAL-MART which has been there for many years. It didn’t know this Wal-Mart existed. It did know about other ones nearby but not this one. Same with TARGET, I was sitting in a target parking lot and it didn’t know target was there.
5. Routing is wrong on some trips.. Sometimes it will tell me to turn left when you can't or when LEFT is the completely wrong way to go. How to fix?
6. I entered in SPEED TRAP DATA but it NEVER alerts me to any of them. I said YES to the fact I was importing SPEED TRAP data but it never did anything.. MEANWHILE, my Garmin did alert me.
7. It would be nice if I could pull addresses out of my EVO 4G address book so I don’t have to re-type them in and also if you could do voice entry of the data Like GOOGLE and SPRINT navigation already do.
8. It appears the maps are SEVERAL YEARS out of date. How do I get updated maps?
9. If I want to select a POI to travel to... I select the category, then pick my POI or type in the name.. Lets say WALMART. Then I find the walmart but then decide that wasn’t what I wanted. I then hit my back arrow on my phone and select a different category or maybe just type in a different name of a POI. When I then search for the new one, it brings me to the orig category and POI and NOT the new one. I have to completely back out back the main screen of copilot and then start over with finding a POI. I have to do this every time..
I hope someone can help resolve these issues... Thanks...
1. CoPilot alerts you with an audible alert slightly before the exact destination. I don't know why. But there is no fix for it, as I doubt they consider it a problem. CoPilot does not tell you that the destination is on the left or right. If you look closely on the map though for the destination flag, it will be drawn on the left or right side of the road. You can tell from that.
2. Read the review in the Android Market and Apple App Store for ALK's products in the US. ALK' maps are notoriously bad and out of date. They try and do their maps in-house instead of buying them from Navteq or TeleAtlas. As a result, customers suffer, but you also pay less.
3. ALK has known about this issue for a LONG time. I personally have sent the issue to them a year ago. The only way to cancel the route is to select the "remove next waypoint" option, or something to that effect, don't recall the exact name.
4. Same issue as the maps. They are bad. Try using the Google Search instead of the POI search within the app.
5. Buy a different app. The maps are bad, these are the repercussions of that.
6. Traffic camera alert functionality works. I have used it in the past. Don't say what you did wrong, but that function does work.
7. Don't hold your breath.
8. You don't. The maps are what they are. You can submit errors and they will correct them within 45 days supposedly. But when you are starting with maps as bad as they are, you'd be submitting problems every time you use the product.
9. Can't help you with that one.
dahauss said:
Does anyone on here use COPILOT LIVE 8 USA? I have some issues and I wonder if anyone else can add some comments as to how to resolve? I have sent these to COPILOT SUPPORT but no response yet.. I am hoping to get all of these resolved:
1. I am alerted that I am at my destination BEFORE I actually get there. It also doesn’t tell me LEFT or right or ahead is my destination. Can this be resolved?
2. I tested 2 addresses today with COPILOT and a GARMIN GPS. The Garmin was dead on while COPILOT was lost and had be going in circles. This was while I was in a development with a LOT of little side streets. Can this be fixed?
3. when you get to your destination, it doesn’t give you the option to CLEAR the route. It asks me what I want to do but if I close the BOX, since I don’t want to do any of that, it keeps the route I am on. I noticed this as I use COPILOT to get home. Then today, I turned on copilot and it still said it was running the route to my house. I couldn’t find any way to clear it except to delete next stop. Then it cleared the route. I also see no way to click CANCEL ROUTE if you decide you don’t want to navigate to where you set. My Garmin has an "X" that I can hit to cancel route.
4. Program is missing a LOT of POI's .. For instance, I was sitting in a parking lot of WAL-MART which has been there for many years. It didn’t know this Wal-Mart existed. It did know about other ones nearby but not this one. Same with TARGET, I was sitting in a target parking lot and it didn’t know target was there.
5. Routing is wrong on some trips.. Sometimes it will tell me to turn left when you can't or when LEFT is the completely wrong way to go. How to fix?
6. I entered in SPEED TRAP DATA but it NEVER alerts me to any of them. I said YES to the fact I was importing SPEED TRAP data but it never did anything.. MEANWHILE, my Garmin did alert me.
7. It would be nice if I could pull addresses out of my EVO 4G address book so I don’t have to re-type them in and also if you could do voice entry of the data Like GOOGLE and SPRINT navigation already do.
8. It appears the maps are SEVERAL YEARS out of date. How do I get updated maps?
9. If I want to select a POI to travel to... I select the category, then pick my POI or type in the name.. Lets say WALMART. Then I find the walmart but then decide that wasn’t what I wanted. I then hit my back arrow on my phone and select a different category or maybe just type in a different name of a POI. When I then search for the new one, it brings me to the orig category and POI and NOT the new one. I have to completely back out back the main screen of copilot and then start over with finding a POI. I have to do this every time..
I hope someone can help resolve these issues... Thanks...
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Thanks. Is there any app like copilot live usa that works? I love the features of copilot over google and sprint navigation. actually it would be nice if I could find and app similar to copilot and my garmin rolled into one.
Sent from my EVO4G using Tapatalk.
What about the navigon app?
edit- apparently navigon is also bad. is there any good paid navigation app?
Sent from my EVO4G using Tapatalk.
I wouldn't say that Navigon is bad. It is just very v1.0 as far as features goes. Biggest issue is that there is no app2sd. It is Navteq data so it is as good as it gets from that perspective. They have yet to announce a map update policy either.
dahauss said:
What about the navigon app?
edit- apparently navigon is also bad. is there any good paid navigation app?
Sent from my EVO4G using Tapatalk.
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Does it work in USA? I dont see USA maps talked abut on their site..
Yes, Navigon has a US app.
tried Navigon and it stinks. WHILE the maps and routing is better and traffic seems to be included, its missing a lot of things that copilot does.. the POI icons on navigon and the map as so small you cant read anything while driving. AND in 3D mode, there are NO STREET NAMES. You also can not see a list of directions so you do not know what route is is taking you on. It DOES have some nice features though, but NOT at $61.00 .. My issue now, is trying to get a refund since it took almost 2 hours to download maps which is more then the 15 minute time limit. In fact, once I tested the program for 10 minutes driving I decided COPILOT, even with some of its flaws is better ... M probably have to call credit card company to get refund...
is there ANY program that is worthy of buying for a navigation program? or do I stick to my old garmin?
Your main options are Google Navigation, CoPilot, Navigon or Sprint Navigation. I've used them all. I also have a Garmin 885t and a TomTom 740 Live. I've owned about 6 other devices over the years. I can tell you that Google Navigation is my primary GPS at this point. I like it a lot. I miss nothing from my Garmin. I only miss the ability to detour specific segments of the route from TomTom. I miss nothing from Sprint Navigation. I deleted Navigon. It took way too much room and didn't have app2sd. I have CoPilot installed as a backup should I not have a connection to use Google Navigation. I will remove it and reinstall Navigon if it ever gets app2sd.
im rooted so I was able to put NAVIGON on the SD card. I just dont like some things, which I mentioned. Im actually trying another program that has a 7 day trial and is free from the market for the trial. Its called AURA. it says it uses the latest TOM TOM MAPS.. I ASSUME they are up to date. it also has traffic and other stuff.. Looks good on the web sites BUT I havent tested it yet as I am downloading some of the maps. this program also supports APP2SD without the trick I did for navigon..
so I am playing with AURA but It appears it doesnt speak street names.. thats a deal breaker... I have a support request in to see if it actually does this. I hope it does. it is one heck of a nice program... IM using the USA version
EDIT: Looks like it doesnt speak street names.. I have a support question to ask about this. This program would be AWESOME if it did. its got the NEWEST TOM TOM MAPS and it does almost everything I want. the NON SPEAKING STREET NAMES is a DEAL BREAKER.. I hope they answer my question and fix that issue...

My Apps missing apps?

This morning, went to market->My Apps on my Xoom, and it's only showing about half of my apps. No apparent pattern to what is missing (and I can see that market still has them, just its not seeing them associated with my account.) It was fine yesterday, and no updates on my end.
Anyone else seeing this?
ericbergan said:
This morning, went to market->My Apps on my Xoom, and it's only showing about half of my apps. No apparent pattern to what is missing (and I can see that market still has them, just its not seeing them associated with my account.) It was fine yesterday, and no updates on my end.
Anyone else seeing this?
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When you scroll down your list in MyApps, do you see a list of uninstalled apps after the installed apps? If not, look at the menu (the 4 stacked up lines in upper right hand corner) and click on purchase history. That should have all the apps you've downloaded and you should be able to reinstall the missing ones, unless Google Market thinks they are no longer compatible with your Xoom.
okantomi said:
When you scroll down your list in MyApps, do you see a list of uninstalled apps after the installed apps? If not, look at the menu (the 4 stacked up lines in upper right hand corner) and click on purchase history. That should have all the apps you've downloaded and you should be able to reinstall the missing ones, unless Google Market thinks they are no longer compatible with your Xoom.
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No, they aren't listing as uninstalled, not listing at all. Purchase history on the web site is showing them, with install completed. So far, I think I've only seen free apps missing, but need to check more closely. But it's not all free apps, some remain.
Ok, one new data point. My market account is shared between my Xoom and my Photon. Just checked on the Photon and it is still showing apps in my apps that are not showing up on the Xoom (like Adobe Flash.) Very strange...
ericbergan said:
No, they aren't listing as uninstalled, not listing at all. Purchase history on the web site is showing them, with install completed. So far, I think I've only seen free apps missing, but need to check more closely. But it's not all free apps, some remain.
Ok, one new data point. My market account is shared between my Xoom and my Photon. Just checked on the Photon and it is still showing apps in my apps that are not showing up on the Xoom (like Adobe Flash.) Very strange...
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A simple reboot should solve the problem. It has happened to me a few times at random, but not as of lately. Not sure if the market runs into some issues or the system itself, but after a reboot everything should pop up and be just fine. It always did for me when I had this issue.
diablo2224 said:
A simple reboot should solve the problem. It has happened to me a few times at random, but not as of lately. Not sure if the market runs into some issues or the system itself, but after a reboot everything should pop up and be just fine. It always did for me when I had this issue.
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Rebooted, no change. Dug further, I'm only seeing paid apps, plus Google Maps and Videos in the list. But if I go in market to one of the other apps (for instance, Kindle), the market page offers open/manage, not install, so at that level it knows I have downloaded/installed the app.
Sent off a "Contact Us" to Google.
Response from Google yesterday asked me to remove updates to Market. Problem was, I haven't received any updates to Market. So latest is that this is a problem they've seen in some other cases, no current fix, but a "specialist" will be getting in touch with me. No further followup today.
Two days, two nags on the support email, no contact from the "specialist".
Found an app that I had installed that wasn't showing up had an update. Navigated to the app in market, and it showed update. Did the update. As the update finished, the app flickered into the My Apps list for about 2 seconds, then disappeared out of the list.
Well, nagged Google again today, at least for a hint of when there might be a fix. Did get a response - basically we know there is a problem, we have no estimate for a workaround or a fix.
ericbergan said:
Well, nagged Google again today, at least for a hint of when there might be a fix. Did get a response - basically we know there is a problem, we have no estimate for a workaround or a fix.
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Here's what I would try if I were you:
1. Go to the options, applications, manage applications, all, and then scroll down and click the Market. Since you are having major issues it sounds like, I would recommend that you just hit clear data for the Market app. Maybe restart before you open the market again. See if that helps at all.
2. Just out of curiosity I would install the latest market update that was released for phones. I would see if the problem was still persistent there in the new market app. This market was intended for phones at the moment, but it looks like it will support tablets soon. It seems to fit pretty well on the Xoom. If all goes well, maybe you can stick with that one for a bit.
Here you can find the most recent apk for the market that was released for the phones some days ago: Android Market 3.1.3
That's really the only advice I can think of. If you were rooted you would wipe data, caches, and dalvik cache to start a fresh new install to see if that changes anything. On technical speaking terms: there really is not much else you can do if this all does not work for you. Never seen anyone experience this before.
Thanks for the suggestions. Just tried both, and neither made a difference. Actually, pretty surprised 2) didn't make at least something different about the problem. I'm starting to wonder if the problem is something on the server/account side...
Google says they have seen others with the problem and are working on it, guess I'll just have to wait them out.
ericbergan said:
Thanks for the suggestions. Just tried both, and neither made a difference. Actually, pretty surprised 2) didn't make at least something different about the problem. I'm starting to wonder if the problem is something on the server/account side...
Google says they have seen others with the problem and are working on it, guess I'll just have to wait them out.
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Sounds like it's server sided to me, which is really odd. I suppose it is a very unknown problem that only a very select few people have run into. Like I said, I have never seen this issue before on the Xoom.
I tried my best to help, but it's beyond anything we can deal with personally. Google says that they are working on this problem, so just hang in there.
Yup, will have to wait for a Google fix. Thanks for the replies!
I'm not sure if you fixed it yet but here goes. I had the same problem; more than half of my apps would not show up under the "My Apps" list, even though if I searched for them in the market I could still update/uninstall them. I also searched through the forums but none of the suggestions helped. I finally fixed it tonight. Here's what I did:
(Oh yeah, you'll need Titanium Backup to be able to use the Market Doctor)
First I went to Settings->Applications->Manage Applications.
Selected the Market. Cleared cache, data, and uninstall updates.
Then immediately (I suggest you have it ready as a background app) I opened Titanium Backup and ran the Market Doctor. The reason i say 'immediately' is because the Market will re-update itself fairly fast so you have to get it done before it does so since I believe the Market Doctor does not work with the new Market.
That was pretty much it. When I opened the Market I saw that all my apps actually showed up in the My Apps list even after the Market updated itself. Hope it works for you.
I think you need to be rooted to use Titanium Backup, don't you? I'm running stock.
Nope, no more followup from Google at all. And now, even if I manually go to the market entry for an app, it won't always show me the "update" button, even though there is an update available.
3 business weeks in, no fix, no workaround, not even an update email that they are still working on it. Google has a lot of customer support ground to cover to be a consumer company, and for now (3 weeks) I can't update my apps.
Still getting the runaround from the Google Android Market Team. "At this time, I'm unable to provide a timeline for resolution, though I can assure you that we're aware of the issue and actively investigating. Thank you for your patience!" every time I nag them for the last 4 weeks. No request for more data from me, debug/logging version to run, etc.
So Monday I asked to have the case transfered to the manager. Get a new email, from "Richard" (no last name, same email address as the prior support member) saying the case had been transferred to him, and saying exactly the same text. Replied asking if there was anything I could provide to help, no response in now two days.
Looks like Google still hasn't learned anything about customer support. Can't wait to see how they do with Moto if the deal goes through...
So "Richard" wrote back, explaining that they all use the same email address, and carefully avoiding answering my question about his role, i.e. was he really a supervisor/manager.
He told me that they have identified the source of the problem, so don't need any further information from me. No, there is not a fix available of any kind, and he doesn't know when there will be one. No, there is no work around other than calling up each app individually in Market and seeing if there is an update (not very practical for my large number of apps.)
At this point, I'm tired of beating a dead horse. I know we aren't Google's customers, we're their product, but they still have to learn to take user satisfaction seriously.
ericbergan said:
So "Richard" wrote back, explaining that they all use the same email address, and carefully avoiding answering my question about his role, i.e. was he really a supervisor/manager.
He told me that they have identified the source of the problem, so don't need any further information from me. No, there is not a fix available of any kind, and he doesn't know when there will be one. No, there is no work around other than calling up each app individually in Market and seeing if there is an update (not very practical for my large number of apps.)
At this point, I'm tired of beating a dead horse. I know we aren't Google's customers, we're their product, but they still have to learn to take user satisfaction seriously.
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Not sure what to say at this point. If it was more widespread it would have been fixed right away. But, if it appears that they have now identified the problem, the coders will resolve it within days from now.
My final suggestion is to make a new email account altogether and try that. See if it still is the same problem. If so: It is your device, not Google.
StrifeSoldierVII said:
Not sure what to say at this point. If it was more widespread it would have been fixed right away. But, if it appears that they have now identified the problem, the coders will resolve it within days from now.
My final suggestion is to make a new email account altogether and try that. See if it still is the same problem. If so: It is your device, not Google.
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It's not the device, because the problem is also replicated on the web site. Also, remember the Xoom is the reference device for Honeycomb (and I'm running stock), so still a Google issue if it is Xoom specific.
Given it's been a month and they haven't been interested in getting any further data from me, I'm not overly optimistic that it will be fixed in the next few days, but I'd love to be proved wrong.
ericbergan said:
It's not the device, because the problem is also replicated on the web site. Also, remember the Xoom is the reference device for Honeycomb (and I'm running stock), so still a Google issue if it is Xoom specific.
Given it's been a month and they haven't been interested in getting any further data from me, I'm not overly optimistic that it will be fixed in the next few days, but I'd love to be proved wrong.
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Oh I hear ya man. I'm just not sure what else to tell ya, sorry man.
Keep crossing your fingers and hoping for the best. You've done your part as a customer by contacting them and letting them know the problem, and they seemed to have identified the issue now. So I'd say you're in better shape than you previously were at the beginning.

Maps business/POI search disabled by MS - FIX!

Did the native Maps app on Your Windows Phone 7 device suddenly loose the ability to find the local Starbucks? Does it keep coming back with "No Results Found" for anything other than city names or addresses? Did the search button, which used to bring up bing search with scout, music, vision, and voice search options, suddenly decide to just open up Bing in IE? Well, apprently MS and it's partners have hacked your registry disabling such searching, hoping to finally prompt You to throw that perfectly working two-three year old device in the trash to upgrade to a WP8/10 device (if You're not pissed enough to go to Android yet).
Don't worry though, if Your WP7 search button and Bing Maps search is not working, It's fixable; here's what they changed:
"CurrentEtag"=""52757f6711ded01:0"" <<<CurrentEtag added, not sure if this matters
"CurrentVersion"="VersionA" <<Version changed from "Default" to "VersionA" which has search disabled, amongst other things (see below)
"Default" config Version settings for en-us;
"VisionDetectorList"="UPC, QR, MSTAG"
"VisionDisplayText"="Scan barcodes, QR Codes, Microsoft Tags, books, CDs, and DVDs."
New "VersionA" section / settings:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\system\SearchMaps\Configuration\Versions\VersionA] <<whole new key/subkeys
"EditThisPlaceUrl"="" <<<<"EditThisPlaceURl" different (maybe this is what broke the search button)
"ImagePivotEnabled"=dword:00000000 <<<<<< Image Pivot disabled (0 vs 1)
"LocalPivotEnabled"=dword:00000000 <<<<<<< LocalPivot disabled (0 vs 1)
"SearchEnabled"=dword:00000000 <<<< SEARCH DISABLED (0 vs 1) WTF MICROSOFT/HTC/T-Mobile?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
"VisionDetectorList"="UPC, QR, MSTAG"
"VisionDisplayText"="Scan barcodes, QR Codes, Microsoft Tags, books, CDs, and DVDs."
The "VersionA" config version has even worse settings for some other locales, disabling everything from the looks of it. Take a look at the attached reg files for details (I renamed to .txt; CARE NOT TO APPLY TO YOUR PC REG OR IT WILL BRICK YOUR PC!!!).
So, the solution; all You've got to do is change the "CurrentVersion" value under [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\system\SearchMaps\Configuration\Versions\] from "VersionA" back to "Default".
If You're so inclined (I know I am), You can also delete the [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\system\SearchMaps\Configuration\Versions\VersionA] key alltogether.
On My Radar, this not only restored the maps search capabilities, but also restored the search button!!!
Some background:
Starting sometime in September I noticed that the search feature in the native Maps app on my Radar seemed broken; it stopped working to pull up businesses, POI, and anything other than city names or complete addresses. "Seattle" worked fine, but anything like 'coffee', 'gas', 'library', or even 'starbucks' came up with "No results found". I did some searching and apparently I wasn't the only one; with the end of WP7 support MS and it's partners seem to have been neutering features such as the search button (now goes directly to bing, remember voice search anyone?) etc. I flashed Deepshining Radar v4.0 WP7.8 and switched to the Nokia marketplace so I could have Here Maps and Drive, that at least got me search functionality with info better than gMaps and voice navigation, but slower on these older devices, and split in to two apps :/. While HTC Locations also looked promising, it could not seem to find an internet connection when it needed it, and the interface is pretty rough.
Magically though, the Maps search was working again, so I was stoked, but not for long...a half a day later the search died again, and again i was only able to search for addresses. I did another factory reset, this time the search worked only for minutes until the phone finished configuring itself. The only difference was I left the SIM in. I tried it again with the SIM out, letting the phone finish doing it's thing till I got that first "5 tips for getting the most from your WP" text message before I put in the sim. This kept search working for a few hours again. This confirmed My suspicion that some setting was getting changed somewhere.
Out came wp7 root tools and reg backup. I looked around and found maps/search related settings under HKLM\System\SearchMaps, as well as some stuff under HKLM\System\OnlineServices\providers\bing\mapslocal and some other places) so I took dumps of HKLM\system before and after, compared them, and this is what I found. See attached for complete dumps.
I changed the config version back to 'default', and everything works again, including the Search button!!!
Took Me all weekend to figure out, Hope this helps anyone else in the same situation.
It's still working days later, I'm pretty sure it's a permanent fix now.
Hi, Thank you so much
Thanks for sharing.. but can you give a bit of details, I'm supposing my device should be interop unlocked.. which is not at all, can You direct me to the best thread with the most simplified steps to do so ?? Thanks !

Huawei community to file bugs on Huawei phones?

I've been trying to log into Huawei's community forums for a while, but no matter what I try, it results in an error page. It's the most extraordinarily frustrating experience. I wonder if anyone else has any tips to getting logged in.
My main reason for wanting to log in, apart from having a general look for tips, etc, is to find out how to inform them of a bug in their OS. Does anyone have any recommendations for how best to do that?
In fact, I often log in the community forum as my mobile phone is a Huawei device. I would like to help you report the bug.
You may post your bug description here. You can write in English or in Chinese.
If it is in English, I will translate it by myself before submit to the forum .
James_Watson said:
In fact, I often log in the community forum as my mobile phone is a Huawei device. I would like to help you report the bug.
You may post your bug description here. You can write in English or in Chinese.
If it is in English, I will translate it by myself before submit to the forum .
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Well, that's very civilised of you. I'll write in English, since that's the only language I know
Actually, I have three bugs - well, I think they're bugs, except, perhaps, for the first one.
1. This one isn't really a bug, but I bet the people on the Huawei forums can help.
FYI, I use a sim card from CMLink - SIM #1 [1], which piggy back off EE in the UK, and CMCC in China, and provide useful roaming plans for use between the two countries. They only provide data plans limited by the month, and I have signed up for their 22GB plan. To track usage, I have a P10 and have been trying to set it up to automatically calibrate the data usage measure on a daily basis. I think it does this by sending an SMS containing simply 'Check' to CMCC's service number '10086', and extracts the data from the response (not 100% sure about that, but hey). There seems to be a 'calibrate' button in the settings to do this manually (under the usage graph), but when I try I get the message 'Incorrect network provider. Reselect and try again.' I'd really like to get this going.
2. Related to above, I've set the setting to show the usage under the notifications when you drag down from the top of the screen. I've configured my plan information - ie 22GB per month, and starts on the 17th of each month. However, while the 'Today' seems to increase appropriately, the 'Left' is stuck at the maximum. I imagine the 'Total' is supposed to stay at 22GB. I expect the 'Left' to go down as I use it throughout the month.
3. This one is unrelated to above. If I open a browser and go to my web mail site, there is an option on the menu to 'Add to Home screen'. As expected, when I select that option, it does add an icon to the homescreen. Since it is something I want on every page of the homescreen, I drag that icon onto the row on the bottom of the screen that is shown on every page. I do that for a couple of web pages - my email and my calendar. At this point, it all works swimmingly. However, if I reboot the phone, then those icons seem to be moved back onto the homescreen, and also are 'greyed out' and placed under the clocks (the clock widget) I have placed there. So, that's not 'expected'.
What do you think?
Device info:
Model: VTR-AL00
Build number: (C00E75R1P12patch02) GPU Turbo
EMUI version: 9.1.0
Android version: 9
Android security patch: 1 August 2019
Kernel version: 4.9.148
Network (I selected things that might be helpful):
SIM 1 (my UK CMLink SIM): China Mobile, LTE, SMS centre number - a UK number
SIM 2 (my Chinese CMCC SIM): China Mobile, EDGE, SMS centre number - a China number
[1] ...and also a 2nd one, SIM 2, which is a local SIM
James_Watson said:
In fact, I often log in the community forum as my mobile phone is a Huawei device. I would like to help you report the bug.
You may post your bug description here. You can write in English or in Chinese.
If it is in English, I will translate it by myself before submit to the forum .
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You could also, if you would be so kind, help me fix my problems logging into the Huawei community forums...
davidmaxwaterman said:
You could also, if you would be so kind, help me fix my problems logging into the Huawei community forums...
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What's your question about logging into that forum?
But as I found, it seems a community forum in Chinese. Almost all posts there are in Chinese. So, will you get any effective response even if you can log in it?
Maybe it's better to contact a local Huawei customer service center in order to get some helps. Do you think so?
---------- Post added at 04:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:34 AM ----------
davidmaxwaterman said:
Well, that's very civilised of you. I'll write in English, since that's the only language I know
Actually, I have three bugs - well, I think they're bugs, except, perhaps, for the first one.
1. This one isn't really a bug, but I bet the people on the Huawei forums can help.
FYI, I use a sim card from CMLink - SIM #1 [1], which piggy back off EE in the UK, and CMCC in China, and provide useful roaming plans for use between the two countries. They only provide data plans limited by the month, and I have signed up for their 22GB plan. To track usage, I have a P10 and have been trying to set it up to automatically calibrate the data usage measure on a daily basis. I think it does this by sending an SMS containing simply 'Check' to CMCC's service number '10086', and extracts the data from the response (not 100% sure about that, but hey). There seems to be a 'calibrate' button in the settings to do this manually (under the usage graph), but when I try I get the message 'Incorrect network provider. Reselect and try again.' I'd really like to get this going.
2. Related to above, I've set the setting to show the usage under the notifications when you drag down from the top of the screen. I've configured my plan information - ie 22GB per month, and starts on the 17th of each month. However, while the 'Today' seems to increase appropriately, the 'Left' is stuck at the maximum. I imagine the 'Total' is supposed to stay at 22GB. I expect the 'Left' to go down as I use it throughout the month.
3. This one is unrelated to above. If I open a browser and go to my web mail site, there is an option on the menu to 'Add to Home screen'. As expected, when I select that option, it does add an icon to the homescreen. Since it is something I want on every page of the homescreen, I drag that icon onto the row on the bottom of the screen that is shown on every page. I do that for a couple of web pages - my email and my calendar. At this point, it all works swimmingly. However, if I reboot the phone, then those icons seem to be moved back onto the homescreen, and also are 'greyed out' and placed under the clocks (the clock widget) I have placed there. So, that's not 'expected'.
What do you think?
Device info:
Model: VTR-AL00
Build number: (C00E75R1P12patch02) GPU Turbo
EMUI version: 9.1.0
Android version: 9
Android security patch: 1 August 2019
Kernel version: 4.9.148
Network (I selected things that might be helpful):
SIM 1 (my UK CMLink SIM): China Mobile, LTE, SMS centre number - a UK number
SIM 2 (my Chinese CMCC SIM): China Mobile, EDGE, SMS centre number - a China number
[1] ...and also a 2nd one, SIM 2, which is a local SIM
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Your three question are really confused and difficult to understand for me as I never used a CMLink sim card.
But I will try my best to get to know your situations and help you as more as I can.
First, let's clarify your 3rd question.
On my Huawei phone, there are at most 5 icons on the row on the bottom of the screen that is shown on every page. Every icon here for apps on my device works fine even if I reboot my device. So, is it a defect of the couple of web pages - email and calendar?
Try to drag an icon of another app or widget there. Check if it will work well, please.
> I never used a CMLink sim card
I don't think there's anything special about the CMLink, except that it works in either country pretty much the same as the other. It is the same as any other SIM card with a monthly limited data plan. So, you could consider that it is the same as a Chinese SIM card, I suppose.
> So, is it a defect of the couple of web pages - email and calendar?
Well, I guess I don't know exactly what the problem is, of course. My impression is that they hadn't considered this use-case much at all - I notice the Huawei browser doesn't have this 'add to homescreen' functionality at all.
However, you prompted me to experiment a bit more, and it doesn't happen with all web pages. Previously, I had my email and calendar on there, and they both were moved back onto the homescreen underneath other icons/widgets and greyed out (and didn't actually work to launch the web pages). However, now, the calendar page does seem to stay on there, and works when I click it. I also have tried both Chrome and Brave, and they both seem to show the same problem. I can't really see how it could be a web page problem, since nothing is being launched. I suppose it could be a web *manifest* problem, since that is where the icons usually come from...though looking in chrome devtools, I see that it has no manifest, and so the icons must be taken from the <meta> in <head>. The calendar, which does seem to be staying on the quick launch bar, also doesn't have a manifest file - so not that then.
It's pretty easy to reproduce though:
1. open your browser (chrome, probably) on
2. click on the menu and select 'Add to homescreen'
3. 'Add' on the dialog
4. 'ADD on the next dialog
5. go to the homescreen and locate the shortcut
6. drag and drop it onto the quick launch bar.
7. restart
Well, that's frustrating - I was writing those down as I did them, and when I restarted, it looked fine :/ I wonder if it makes any difference which position the icons are in on...ah, yeah, it looks like it is more reproducible if the shortcut is the left-most. Arghh. This time I lost a *native* app I had on there too - WeChat of all things - you'd imagine they'd make sure that works fine. Actually, it wasn't the WeChat app I had on there, but a shortcut to one of the contacts - you can add a wechat contact from the menu on their item in the wechat contacts list - 'Add to Desktop' it is in English. Hrm I notice that, while the web page shortcuts get moved back onto the homescreen, the WeChat contact shortcut is just gone....and I can't even add it again from WeChat - it says it is, but nothing appears :/
Gosh, it's really a bit of a mess. Perhaps it's too broken and inconsistent to even bother filing any bug. I'm tempted to apply for a job there to try and help, but in any case, I can't see too many Westerners being happy with such issues I suppose Chinese people just don't do this sort of thing.
> What's your question about logging into that forum?
> But as I found, it seems a community forum in Chinese. Almost all posts there are in Chinese. So, will you get any effective response even if you can log in it?
> Maybe it's better to contact a local Huawei customer service center in order to get some helps. Do you think so?
Well, the question is where I can get help with logging in - but, if it is all in Chinese, I would modify my question to be: where can I find forums that are in English, and corresponding community support? Since there is a huge market for English speakers, I imagine they have somewhere for us to learn how to use it, and ask questions and report problems, etc?
davidmaxwaterman said:
> What's your question about logging into that forum?
> But as I found, it seems a community forum in Chinese. Almost all posts there are in Chinese. So, will you get any effective response even if you can log in it?
> Maybe it's better to contact a local Huawei customer service center in order to get some helps. Do you think so?
Well, the question is where I can get help with logging in - but, if it is all in Chinese, I would modify my question to be: where can I find forums that are in English, and corresponding community support? Since there is a huge market for English speakers, I imagine they have somewhere for us to learn how to use it, and ask questions and report problems, etc?
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Yes, your requirement is very reasonable.
When I posted some questions about mobile phone usage here, there would be someone would replied to my thread and tried to get more detailed info to help me. They said they were the Huawei official staff.
I will post a thread about "where for you to ask questions and report problems in English" for you soon.
On the other hand, you can access the forum either via web application (mobile web as well as computer web) or via an official app. You can also try the app. If you need it and can not find the apk, I will show you the link.
James_Watson said:
Yes, your requirement is very reasonable.
When I posted some questions about mobile phone usage here, there would be someone would replied to my thread and tried to get more detailed info to help me. They said they were the Huawei official staff.
I will post a thread about "where for you to ask questions and report problems in English" for you soon.
On the other hand, you can access the forum either via web application (mobile web as well as computer web) or via an official app. You can also try the app. If you need it and can not find the apk, I will show you the link.
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Thanks. I look forward to finding out if there is a forum for English language users somewhere. I do kind of feel like they could spend more attention to this requirement, unless, of course, I'm just not looking hard enough. I remember when I was using a ZTE phone - they were very popular due to having front-facing speakers, and so had a pretty good US based forum and it was very useful. [Side note - I wish Huawei would produce a phone with front-facing speakers].
I don't think an app will get me very far...I probably have it on my phone already - I see one called 'HiCare', for example, and there's the top line on the settings. It's all very unfamiliar and things so often don't seem to quite work as expected. I kind of wish the Huawei stores had 'help' sessions like they do (or did anyway) in Apple stores.
davidmaxwaterman said:
> I never used a CMLink sim card
I don't think there's anything special about the CMLink, except that it works in either country pretty much the same as the other. It is the same as any other SIM card with a monthly limited data plan. So, you could consider that it is the same as a Chinese SIM card, I suppose.
> So, is it a defect of the couple of web pages - email and calendar?
Well, I guess I don't know exactly what the problem is, of course. My impression is that they hadn't considered this use-case much at all - I notice the Huawei browser doesn't have this 'add to homescreen' functionality at all.
However, you prompted me to experiment a bit more, and it doesn't happen with all web pages. Previously, I had my email and calendar on there, and they both were moved back onto the homescreen underneath other icons/widgets and greyed out (and didn't actually work to launch the web pages). However, now, the calendar page does seem to stay on there, and works when I click it. I also have tried both Chrome and Brave, and they both seem to show the same problem. I can't really see how it could be a web page problem, since nothing is being launched. I suppose it could be a web *manifest* problem, since that is where the icons usually come from...though looking in chrome devtools, I see that it has no manifest, and so the icons must be taken from the <meta> in <head>. The calendar, which does seem to be staying on the quick launch bar, also doesn't have a manifest file - so not that then.
It's pretty easy to reproduce though:
1. open your browser (chrome, probably) on
2. click on the menu and select 'Add to homescreen'
3. 'Add' on the dialog
4. 'ADD on the next dialog
5. go to the homescreen and locate the shortcut
6. drag and drop it onto the quick launch bar.
7. restart
Well, that's frustrating - I was writing those down as I did them, and when I restarted, it looked fine :/ I wonder if it makes any difference which position the icons are in on...ah, yeah, it looks like it is more reproducible if the shortcut is the left-most. Arghh. This time I lost a *native* app I had on there too - WeChat of all things - you'd imagine they'd make sure that works fine. Actually, it wasn't the WeChat app I had on there, but a shortcut to one of the contacts - you can add a wechat contact from the menu on their item in the wechat contacts list - 'Add to Desktop' it is in English. Hrm I notice that, while the web page shortcuts get moved back onto the homescreen, the WeChat contact shortcut is just gone....and I can't even add it again from WeChat - it says it is, but nothing appears :/
Gosh, it's really a bit of a mess. Perhaps it's too broken and inconsistent to even bother filing any bug. I'm tempted to apply for a job there to try and help, but in any case, I can't see too many Westerners being happy with such issues I suppose Chinese people just don't do this sort of thing.
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1. About CMLink, okay, I just posted a thread for you to Huawei community about how to report issue about Huawei phone usage for those speak English. Wait for their response, please.
2. Now I have gotten to know the feature 'Add to Home Screen'. In my Firefox Focus browser, I found it. I will have a try soon.
James_Watson said:
1. About CMLink, okay, I just posted a thread for you to Huawei community about how to report issue about Huawei phone usage for those speak English. Wait for their response, please.
2. Now I have gotten to know the feature 'Add to Home Screen'. In my Firefox Focus browser, I found it. I will have a try soon.
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Awesome. That's very cool of you, thanks Maybe I'll try Firefox too...
davidmaxwaterman said:
Awesome. That's very cool of you, thanks Maybe I'll try Firefox too...
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I tried Firefox Focus just now.
When I opened a simple web page, then selected 'Add to Home screen' from the menu, entered some words for the icon title, tap 'Add' at last.
But it was so strange that then I couldn't find this icon on the home screen at all. It must be a bug of Huawei EMUI system. The QC engineers should ignore this use case.
Btw, it's time to home for me. I will try to help you tomorrow. Would you like to support my apps available on Google Play? Thanks in advance.
James_Watson said:
I tried Firefox Focus just now.
When I opened a simple web page, then select 'Add to Home screen' from the menu, entered some words for the icon title, tap 'Add' at last.
But it was so strange that then I couldn't find this icon on the home screen at all. It must be a bug of Huawei EMUI system. The QC engineers should ignore this use case.
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Ah, I hit this too. I suspect it is simply that you need to grant the app permissions to add to homescreen in the phone's settings in the Apps->permissions...or somewhere like that.
It's a bit odd that they don't get this automatically...I never had this issue with Google Android phones.
James_Watson said:
I tried Firefox Focus just now.
When I opened a simple web page, then selected 'Add to Home screen' from the menu, entered some words for the icon title, tap 'Add' at last.
But it was so strange that then I couldn't find this icon on the home screen at all. It must be a bug of Huawei EMUI system. The QC engineers should ignore this use case.
Btw, it's time to home for me. I will try to help you tomorrow. Would you like to support my apps available on Google Play? Thanks in advance.
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You are right. I granted the app permission 'add to homescreen' to Firefox Focus, and then tried the feature again.
The function works well. Even after rebooting, the icon is still there on the row on the bottom of the screen that is shown on every page. So, I misunderstood that feature.
James_Watson said:
You are right. I granted the app permission 'add to homescreen' to Firefox Focus, and then tried the feature again.
The function works well. Even after rebooting, the icon is still there on the row on the bottom of the screen that is shown on every page. So, I misunderstood that feature.
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Cool. It seems like it might be working better for you than for me. I've not tried firefox yet, but chrome and brave both seem to lose any shortcuts on the quick launch bar, but not always. It is also quite curious what has happened to the shortcut from wechat...since that's a native android app :/
Perhaps you're on a more recent Android/EMUI version? What kind of phone are you using?
TBH, I'm seriously considering the P30 Pro 5G when I get back to the UK, and this is sort of a test run with a hand-me-down phone which I presume is very similar in UI/UX, so it is all 'influencing' my decision.
davidmaxwaterman said:
Cool. It seems like it might be working better for you than for me. I've not tried firefox yet, but chrome and brave both seem to lose any shortcuts on the quick launch bar, but not always. It is also quite curious what has happened to the shortcut from wechat...since that's a native android app :/
Perhaps you're on a more recent Android/EMUI version? What kind of phone are you using?
TBH, I'm seriously considering the P30 Pro 5G when I get back to the UK, and this is sort of a test run with a hand-me-down phone which I presume is very similar in UI/UX, so it is all 'influencing' my decision.
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In fact, my phone is an old model, Mate 8 with EMUI/Android 8.0. I also have a wechat installed on my device.
Btw, would you like to leave a 5-star for my app which is available on Google Play? Thanks.
James_Watson said:
In fact, my phone is an old model, Mate 8 with EMUI/Android 8.0. I also have a wechat installed on my device.
Btw, would you like to leave a 5-star for my app which is available on Google Play? Thanks.
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LOL, well I would be happy to, except I don't have Google Play on my phone...or Google anything, I think....except Chrome, of course. I'm a web app developer, so I prefer to use web apps than native android apps.
davidmaxwaterman said:
LOL, well I would be happy to, except I don't have Google Play on my phone...or Google anything, I think....except Chrome, of course. I'm a web app developer, so I prefer to use web apps than native android apps.
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I posted a thread in that forum for you yesterday.
But till now, I have not gotten any response. So, I sent a PM to the ADMIN just now.
You may try to log in the web app or the native app for the community forum. There you might post a thread in English as your device language is English. Have a try, please. Good luck to you.
Yesterday, I managed to contact the CEO of Huawei Consumer Business Group, Richard Yu, through his social network account. But till now I have not gotten his reply to my PM.
I suggest you post your issues on the Reddit: . Good luck to you.

