Simple finger friendly SMS app...missing... - General Topics

Hello All,
I've been searching for such an app for quite a long time and can't find it. It's amazing that I can find almost everything for your windows mobile platform but the simple finger-friendly application is missing (I have Samsung Omnia). I don't like threaded messages, it's just annoying so Vito SMS-Chat or Extreme Text are not good for me.
I need a program working in a few simple steps...
- view inbox on startup with a possibility of replay
- choose New message and input the text with big on-screen keyboard
- choose recepients (one or few, from the contact list)
That's it... I don't believe it's so hard to do such a software so please tell me why the hell nobody can do this!

I was wondering the same thing.

I've achieved this by using HTC Home, I click on the number of messages and I get my inbox. If I want to create a new message I've mapped a button to launch a blank message. I use HTC's Phone Pad as my input keyboard - it takes up a lot of real estate on the screen, but you can text very quickly with it.
None of these came out of the box with my O2 XDA Stellar, it took a few months of trial and error and searching for apps to find the ideal solution (for me).
Let me know if you want to see some screen grabs - I'll have to download some screen grab software...


Best SMS input software?

Hey guys,
As we all know with using a mobile phone, SMS has played an integral part of out daily lives. The problem with the XDA is that unlike a mobile phone, there is no way for us to input SMS messages like a regular sony ericsson or nokia (which i swtiched from). I have been actively rummaging for some sort of software that would be able to enable such a feature. I don't need the T9 or predictive text. I just need the regular 12 big buttons, with their corresponding letters. (ie. 2 (pressed once) = a, 2 (pressed twice) = b, etc.). Is there any software out there that could do this? Preferably so I could just text using 1 hand?
If not, does anyone have any suggestions on what the best SMS input software might be? I've looked at TenGo, Full Screen Keyboard and Jetkey, as well as 1HandSMS (which apparently no one has, taken off the pocketbeam website due to infringement?) so far. Any suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks in advance!
I thinking about to write an SMS like input panel.
But wheel I no time, I am only thinking about it..
Can somebody please upload 1HandSMS?? wanna try it.
There's a software DesignLab - SMS Writer. You can write only SMS with it.
But take a look to my project:
I don't understand. The biggest advantage of the XDA over a phone is the ability to use handwriting instead of being limited to 10 buttons, and you want to go back to the old way...??
Carlos said:
I don't understand. The biggest advantage of the XDA over a phone is the ability to use handwriting instead of being limited to 10 buttons, and you want to go back to the old way...??
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Sometimes the SMS-like writing is better, for example if you take a phone converstation (With line-phone) and like to quickly search a contact with half hand. Or when you travel with a public transport and the bus shake you, you can't use lettter recognizer...
Any other case, the handwriting is good. But IMHO SMS-like writing neither slow.
Other thing, in my surround, who has a PDA everybody use soft-keyboard in stead of the letter recognizer. Don't know why...

Problem with Autocompletion in To: Field

Not sure if anyone else is experiencing this problem. Searched but not able to find posts on it.
On my Hermes when typing a contact name in the To: field either in an email or SMS it would match up what you entered to the contacts in the address book. Great function.
On my Touch Pro it seems to work in a similar fashion until you type Space. When you type space it automatically fills the To: Field with what was showing up as the match at the time. e.g. When looking for "Jo Bloggs" - Typing in "Jo" would bring up Joe Smith and if I hit space it'll automatically fill in the field with Joe Smith's details.
I've switch off all of the autocompletion stuff in the options and taken of the T9 stuff.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Edit - You can switch on the T9 in the recipient field independently to main body of SMS/Email. Solves the problem but doesn't quite work the same as how it did in WM6 Pro and WM5.
Anyway - this is a minor issue but would like to hear if anyone else has experienced this.
Edit - erghhh... now the T9 is kicking and suggesting words instead of names, which is what it's supposed to do, but doesn't help with filling in the Recipient field. Will carry on fiddling.
This is exactly the problem I've been having. I list my contacts in groups (for example, people from my uni have UU in front of their names so I have a quick clear overview of everyone) but now whenever I type "UU" followed by a space it autocompletes it to the first person. Ive tried turning off all the options but no luck. This worked so well when I had the Tytn (or Mda vario II). Help would sure be appreciated! Thanks!
Possible Help
Not sure if this is a huge help, but I've get a lot of Jeff's in my contacts for work. I just type in Jeff and 1 name is shown at the bottom, but if I stop and don't hit space (which is goofy in my opinion) I can press the left or right arrow and it toggles between the Jeff's that are in my list, then press the great space key option and that person is populated.
Not sure if that helps, especially if you are clicking through 50 in that manner, but it works for my smaller lists.
Can definately flick through the contacts as described but previously on my Hermes I was able to type in a First, Surname or full name and it would match exactly the contact that I wanted. Very nifty - so it's annoying that it doesn't work quite the same in WM6.1
Currently, I'm typing the name, then hitting delete allows me to continue when I hit space... not quite the same but is a compromise at the moment.
Good to know that it's not peculiar to my device.

need help with my fuze experience - by an ex Blackberry user (long)

Hi Guys,
First thank you all for such a great community. XDA truly "sold" me the HTC I was very excited about such an excellent user base. I lurked here for a few days before I bought, and have lurked a few more days while I have played with the phone, so far with very positive experiences...
So here is my question...
I am an ex blackberry user...4 years running. Had the 7290 and the more recent 8800. I liked the phones but were frequently frustrated by things such as lack of home-brew software (or at least lack of software easy to find and well supported), lack of a decent web browser, lack of an attractive UI (albeit theirs was very functional) and lack of 3G (on att at the moment). Now I know that the BB Bold fixed some of this, but to me its the same ole blackberry tricks (do email real well, slack off on the rest), and I was really ready for a highly extensible smart phone.
Enter the HTC fuze...
I love the apps, love the idea of custom ROMS, love that it runs a very common platform (windows mobile, important as some companies write apps that only run on windows mobile), and love the sheer power of the HTC fuze (can easily browse filesystem, look at memory usage...its essentially a very small laptop), but I have one primary does all these cool things, but IMO it does NOT do email/messaging/contact management well...and worse, I have not been as impressed with the web browser as I thought I would be (using opera, have not tried IE...also some of this is my fault, I am trying to use fat-client web pages vs mobile web pages, which are faster and just perform better). Now before I get flamed, let me clarify that I am using the Energy Rom 3.0, so some of my griefing may be self inflicted. That being said, here are some specifics of what irritations Ive ran into with messaging/email/contact management...ill list them out categorized in order of importance (can you tell I am an engineer?)
1. No heads up display of new messages on the home screen (have to poke around to the email area to see if you have new messages)
2. Does not enter an @ and . symbol when hitting spacebar key while typing email address in "To:" field (ex-blackberry users will sympathize)
3. I get too many emails for the graphical envelope to be looks cool, but when I am 30 emails deep i really don't want to have to click menu to get to all messages, just let the mail icon take me right to the goodies please...
4. read/unread/replied messages are not well represented (could be that it is just different that the blackberry feel, but a different color or something would be nice...the standard is bold/yellow/dark is unread and light/white/shadowy is read...and replied as some sort of representation as well
There are a few others but those are the main ones
1. Clicking the message, and then immediately beginning to type (as in to reply) will take you to the address book!!, in order to start a new message! It is beyond me why it does not just start entering text as a reply for your current message you are viewing, and this is a huge annoyance!
2. Found this the other day...replying to an MMS message by clicking gives an error (wont deliver) but hitting menu and then reply will then prompt for "MMS or SMS reply?" and the message goes through fine...irritating!
3. Tapping spacebar twice does not place a period, although not capitalizing the first letter in a sentence auto-capitalizes - this is a blackberry feature that is not here and i miss it :'(
4. Once again lack of proper heads up in the home menu....why is the clock giant??? Looks cool but waste of space...I would rather have a breakdown of my messages/emails/missed calls with limited details so I can see whats going on, on my home screen.
5. General slowness when going from the message browsing with the envelopes to the reply, detailed view.
Contact Management
1. Adding a contact is no where near simple...and there are too many "mines" you can accidentally click in the process which will do odd things like add an address book entry with no name in it, or call someone!
2. The "people" tab is useless...i removed it (not really a complaint as I fixed it...but I just don't understand that concept of favorites....that being said my background is in database administration so all data is good data to me, the more the merrier...explains my 500+ contacts, half of which i prob dont need but keep around just in case)
3. Last name first???? Blackberry was always first name last...further more, I entered a business the other day in my contact list, and it put the second part of the business name as the last name, leading to a very odd address book entry...I did not like that bit of assumption on the phones part.
So I guess you could probably sum up all my complaints into 3 things:
1. I am way too used to blackberry shortcuts and having a hard time weening myself off
2. There are 10 ways to do the same things and get to the same places on the phone, and some times a few of those ways are less buggy/intuitive than others...why not just have the best methods enabled only?
3. Too many buttons take you places you did not intend to be...its not one way in one way out of each module (mail, messaging, ect.)...its 5 ways in, 10 ways deeper, lost, how do I make a phone call? (I'm being facetious of course but you get my drift)
Anyways, I am not trying to slam the phone, it is slick, sexy, and free (refurb through an ATT deal), but I just need some ROM/tweak/psychological suggestions to make it "fit" me better.
Thank you all truly,
Crackberry addict in serious withdrawal
Ok, so piece by piece:
1. For a pop-up for new email messages, go to start>settings>sounds&notifications>notifications. There you can choose messaging: new email message, and select display message on screen. This will give you a pop up at the bottom every time you get a new email. you can do this for all those other events that are in the drop down too.
2. Don't know of anything to do this
3. There should be a inbox button for your i think left soft-key. Two clicks isn't much more than 1
4. Don't know of anything
1. This happens jut because of lag in the system. You have to wait until everything loads up to start typing. Sounds like you need a cooked rom
2. Bug?
3. My phone does what you ask, although I am running 6.5. My settings in input have "enable auto correct" with a check mark next to them. Don't know if this solves the problem in 6.1
4. Regular Today screen. Try something like TouchFlo Detacher, which allows you with the soft key button to easily and quickly switch back and forth between the regular today screen, which would have all that info that you desire, and touchflo.
5. Cooked rom, bigger pagepool
Contact Management:
1. Sorry this is just winmo. Contact entry area is not exactly the most finger friendly menu. Try the stylus. I know what you mean, though.
2. Basically the people tab is just for people you call on a daily basis, and it looks cool lol
3. You can change that in the contact's settings where it says "file as"; I like first name first also, so I just changed it so that was the way it is displayed.
Overall Points:
1. It is difficult to go from blackberry to winmo, but everything does have a slight learning curve.
2. Most view this to be the beauty of winmo. You have infinite possibilities, since everyone likes to do things differently. If microsoft wanted to assume that everyone wanted to do everything the same way and that there was one, best, all-powerful way to do things, then they could just merge with apple
3. Lol don't understand this one
Any more questions, I'd be happy to help
thanks for the detailed reply. got most of the answers i needed...I am using a cooked rom (energy 3.0) which runs WM 6.5, but it comes with the Manila skin. After doing some research I think I need to ditch that and start from there...any other pointers?
You could try to use the default WM6.5 home plugin instead of TF3D, it may suit your needs better.

Decent Working Contact / SMS Apps w/ M2D?

Hi, I'm wondering if anyone can tell me from experience of any decent looking, finger-friendly apps that completely integrate with the M2D interface (working with the messages tab & people tab)?
I've tried a few, and done a fair amount of hacking, but nothing so far is a very smooth or seamless setup. There's always SOME sort of bug or thing that doesn't quite work how you would hope.
I just want to be have it work 'pretty much' like the built-in Microsoft apps (as far as launching from the tabs properly, opening a SMS message from a contact, etc) but just be MUCH nicer looking and working than the typical Microsoft interface (does MS not have enough money to even hire 1 decent interface designer???).
- I have iDialer/iContact working as the default contact app currently, and like this pretty well. But it just launches the default Microsoft SMS app when you want to text someone.
- I have Vito SMS-Chat as my default SMS app (as much as possible), but even when I was able to get it to open from the Messages tab, it only opens to the main screen, not right to a specific message or person.
- I'm trying Vito Fun Contact as the contact app (as it 'should' interface well with SMS-Chat), but it crashes Touch-Flo upon closing every time.
There has to be SOME sort of decent setup for this! Even if the default apps were re-skinned nicely it might be acceptable.
Hmm, I dont think you'll get that kind of integration anywhere.
Really??? In the world of Windows there's really nothing that works & looks well? I try to find reasons not to pick up an iPhone, but it gets harder the more time I spend searching for decent solutions.
How about new HTC phones with WM 6.5? Does this offer any better apps or solutions? Or is it still the same old 'junk' underneath the hood? I'm considering getting a Touch Pro 2 once Win 6.5 is running well on it if it's any better than what I got.

[Q] [IDEA] Am I the only one having the idea of this app?

Well, now that you have opened this thread, please have a look at what I want to say.
I am new to HTC Sensation and I have tried some apps which claim to add words from text file to Custom Dictionary. But there are some devices on which it does not work, and, unfortunately this does not work on Sensation either. So, I am having idea of an app which does the task in a new way:
All it should do is to 'read' words one by one from our given text file and then 'type' it in a text editor like New Message. But before it presses 'space', it should touch the first suggestion given above the keyboard. First suggestion is always the word that we originally type, no matter whether it is in dictionary or not. Touching it will add the word to dictionary. I believe that this is easier to apply as this is a manual method and does not require editing database file.
Second method (a bit more technical):
Open given text in a text editor like New Message or New Gmail email (gmail, because it also underlines words which are not in dictionary and supports big number of words). Then touch every word one by one. If a pop-up menu appears on a word then it must select the 'second-last' option. This is 'add to dictionary' button.
I am not a developer, if I were, I would have made this app myself. So I can only give theory.
If this can be applied, it can be useful for many users who use transliteration method to type in their languages.

