connectivity idea, curious if it is even possible - G1 Android Development

I am curious, but the only way I can think of to ask this question is to provide an example or two, so bear with me.
You decide you need directions. Fire up Google maps, click my location and it says you need to enable data...DOH!, back out to the menu (or follow the prompt), enable either GPS or Data, and go back into maps. Get what you need, and then leave Maps. Dont forget to turn the GPS or Data back off!
Wouldnt it be better if when you enter Google Maps, it would fire up the GPS or Data connection automatically? And when you back out or have a period of inactivity, disable it.
Same thing with the internet, I know Locale and others can turn on and off the wifi depending on where you are, but, for example, when I am home I rarely need wifi. However, when I open the internet it would be great if it looked for a friendly wifi signal and tried to connect if possible. That way you are always connecting the fastest possible method for your application and doing the least amount of work. If the disconnect would be an issue (since none of the programs has an exit button) maybe a variable timer could be set, or maybe base it off of inactivity.
Like I said, they are just ideas, and I have never understood why nobody (WM for example) has ever implemented anything like this. It seems like it would help conserve battery power and at the same time greatly simplify things.

When you put the G1 to sleep it shuts off the wifi connection automatically, then when you turn it back on, it reconnects to the network if you're still near it.

I have always wondered why Google Maps doesn't turn on GPS when it needs it. It does on the iPhone as far as I know. I have really wanted this to happen for awhile but I just figured Google would be the ones to add it.

rascal00 said:
I have always wondered why Google Maps doesn't turn on GPS when it needs it. It does on the iPhone as far as I know. I have really wanted this to happen for awhile but I just figured Google would be the ones to add it.
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Yeah I wonder why also, maybe they were in a rush or some battery issue. also iphone doesn't have gps just the cell location I usually keep that on.


Connect GPS On/Off

Good morning,
Do you think it is possible to have a manager of a communications On / Off for GPS?
thank you.
Explain in details what do you expect.
GPS now turns on when you connect to COM4, and turns off, when you disconnect. Nice and easy - and fully automagic. What more would you expect from this behaviour?
Thank you very much for your answer Jakubd.
I read the notice in full, but I could not find the information. No more than on the forum.
So I thought it would have been good to be able to close or turn GPS since the manager of communication. Simply and wondering if the function there.
But thank you for your help. And also thank you to everyone for this great forum.
Good day ..
jakubd said:
Explain in details what do you expect.
GPS now turns on when you connect to COM4, and turns off, when you disconnect. Nice and easy - and fully automagic. What more would you expect from this behaviour?
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Yes this is how I understand it works as well. I can see the benefit of having it a toggle though because if it is always running you wouldnt have to wait for it to find a satellite But that wouldnt matter much since you would be out of battery power. But you know, maybe making some kind of bat file that toggles and launches your gps program second may save you a little wait time.
If you want GPS always on (and looking for sats), use GPSGate.
But as you said, expect more batter drain.
I think it would be good to have like in 3G case, an option to put on/off GPS, sometimes go into programs that use GPS to setup that program and don't want to use the GPS funtionality in that moment but the GPS connects when you enter the program and if we need many time to configure the program the battery dissapear.
Anybody knows an app that it has this functionality?

Need Help finding an App that I know exists...

I know this app is out there somewhere, but I'm unable to come up with the right search terms and I'm hoping that someone reading this thread will know what i'm talking about. So here goes:
I need a program that basically acts as a scheduler for which services will be turned on and off.
For instance, If I know that i walk to work between 7:30 - 8:00am, I'd like Bluetooth=On, Wifi=Off, Phone=On, etc. Once I get to work between 8 and 5, I might want this program to turn the bluetooth off, turn 3G data off, etc, but then once I get home turn wifi On, Bluetooth back on, etc etc. You get the idea. Basically a program that I schedule when certain connections should be available, which is really just a way to conserve maximum battery power. I saw a program that did exactly this during the waiting for the fuze to come out, but I must have forgotten to bookmark that page.
Any help would be much appreciated!!
You could try Communication Manager Pro (shareware). It can be found here
I tried the previous version 2.3 and it had some issues with randomly disconnecting bluetooth so for me it wasn't a keeper. Maybe current version has this bug ironed out.
slyng1 said:
I know this app is out there somewhere, but I'm unable to come up with the right search terms and I'm hoping that someone reading this thread will know what i'm talking about. So here goes:
I need a program that basically acts as a scheduler for which services will be turned on and off.
For instance, If I know that i walk to work between 7:30 - 8:00am, I'd like Bluetooth=On, Wifi=Off, Phone=On, etc. Once I get to work between 8 and 5, I might want this program to turn the bluetooth off, turn 3G data off, etc, but then once I get home turn wifi On, Bluetooth back on, etc etc. You get the idea. Basically a program that I schedule when certain connections should be available, which is really just a way to conserve maximum battery power. I saw a program that did exactly this during the waiting for the fuze to come out, but I must have forgotten to bookmark that page.
Any help would be much appreciated!!
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Check out SPB Phone Suite, it has a lot of scheduling features for com and sound settings
I use SPB Phone Suite, and it works as a dream.
You can also set a profile that is linked to your calendar, so you can make the phone silent when in a meeting.
It also support hardware-triggers, like turning on a profile when charging, another when headset is connected and so on.
Thanks for the replies gents. I think SQB might have been the one I'm thinking of. If there are others people use, keep them coming. If there's a free tool that will do this, even better, but i suppose $20 might be reasonable depending on what else the software does. I'll check it out.
There is a free tool: WirelessTime.
snark_be said:
There is a free tool: WirelessTime.
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Do you use it? What do you think of it?
slyng1 said:
Do you use it? What do you think of it?
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No, not used yet. If you use it, let us know how it works for you.

[Q] Switch Wifi and 3G according to location?

Hey there, I'm looking for a little app on my Froyo that will turn on the WiFi and disable the 3G as soon as I reach my home (for example) and when I move outside again, that it'll disable the WiFi and enable the 3G.
Whether it's done by GPS or done simply by noticing if the WiFi signal is available, I don't mind. Does anyone have a clue about this?
I'm not sure if either can do it since I've yet to use them, but you may want to look into two programs, one called "Tasker" the other "Locale"
Both have the ability to execute location based tasks.
I've used both Tasker and Setting Profiles to accomplish this. Tasker is very powerful, but a bit fiddly to get working correctly.
SP is simpler, and works very well. The jury is still out.
There are a few apps that will do that like tasker and locale, but for my needs I use setting profiles.
Y5 do it great. remembers WIFI location acording to cell info (doesn't waist battery for GPS) and turn on and of.
only bug in my eyes it that in order to shut down WIFI on a remembered location, you need to disable app or forget location.
Thanks so far for the replies! Right now I'm trying Y5. The rest doesn't really work for me. I've tried Tasker, but no... then I've bought "Setting Profiles" as it seemed to be promising, but it doesn't recognize the places where I'm at. Both through GPS as well as cell towers... it knows where I am, but doesn't change my profile. Big pity!
So, now I'm trying Y5. Only down side is that so far none of the programs has the ability to disconnect the 3G upon activating WiFi.
akito said:
Thanks so far for the replies! Right now I'm trying Y5. The rest doesn't really work for me. I've tried Tasker, but no... then I've bought "Setting Profiles" as it seemed to be promising, but it doesn't recognize the places where I'm at. Both through GPS as well as cell towers... it knows where I am, but doesn't change my profile. Big pity!
So, now I'm trying Y5. Only down side is that so far none of the programs has the ability to disconnect the 3G upon activating WiFi.
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i think it does!
at least in HTC DESIRE it turn 3G off
Locale can do the job. For example, you can set 3 situations.
Set 'At Home' Situation - Condition: Location plug in(any good location plug in)
- Settings: Locale variable plug-in, add, type 'Home', True.
Set at Defaults - Add Locale variable, add Home = False
Add Wifi - Off
Add 3G - ON
Set Wifi - Conditions: Home = True
Settings: Wifi on
3G off
For my case, I've added Appli Detection condition for the Wifi situation where it detect my browser, etc and perform the wifi on. Hope this helps. IMO, Locale does best and is simple.
I use Tasker to do exactly what you ask.
When I get home, Wifi turns on, 3G turns off. And vice versa when I leave.
Same when I get to work.
I do both of these without the need for GPS or even cell tower's based on when I'm near my home wireless network.
Also turns off wifi, 3G and screen rotation when I'm in bed.
And then makes me breakfast in the morning (well, not quite, but it's almost that good! )
Okay guys, I have definitly uninstalled Setting Profiles. I can't seem to rely properly on it. One time it works, the other time it doesn't. So, I simply don't want it anymore
Now I'm trying Tasker, seems promising. I have downloaded APNDroid next to it, as Tasker was notifying me about the fact it needs that program to be able to (dis)connect the 3G. Now.... I'm stuck for a bit. I have made tasks, but have trouble with the profile. The location, I would like that to be done as the scotsman has got it. According to if it finds your home as well as, in my case, work network. How to do that? Cause when I want to set my location, it takes me to google maps. And I take it that works by GPS. No problem neither, but drains the battery a bit more... Would anyone be so kind to give me quick and short step through?
akito said:
Okay guys, I have definitly uninstalled Setting Profiles. I can't seem to rely properly on it. One time it works, the other time it doesn't. So, I simply don't want it anymore
Now I'm trying Tasker, seems promising. I have downloaded APNDroid next to it, as Tasker was notifying me about the fact it needs that program to be able to (dis)connect the 3G. Now.... I'm stuck for a bit. I have made tasks, but have trouble with the profile. The location, I would like that to be done as the scotsman has got it. According to if it finds your home as well as, in my case, work network. How to do that? Cause when I want to set my location, it takes me to google maps. And I take it that works by GPS. No problem neither, but drains the battery a bit more... Would anyone be so kind to give me quick and short step through?
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I use Tasker, but I do not believe you can use WiFi location if WiFi is off. Location base uses GPS. You can set an option to do tasks if the WiFi connects. 3G is automatically disabled on my Incredible when WiFi connects, so I do not have to implicitly set it off. Just be sure to adjust your radius when you use GPS location. You do not want to drive way down the street to have WiFi turn off and 3G come back on.
I use Tasker to also launch the car app when bluetooth connects in my truck. There are good examples on the Tasker Web site.

[Q] Incorrect Weather Location; No prediction for hardware keyboard

Hey everyone,
I'm experiencing a couple minor issues with my MyTouch 4G Slide and wanted to see if anyone had any input.
First is the weather location... when I am at work my phone's weather location always gets all weird. It happened with my G2 (before this phone) as well. On the G2, it would show my location as in Japan. With the MT4GS, it shows as Denver CO. It updates when I leave the building, but it is still frustrating for numerous reasons. First, the time on my phone switches to Denver's time zone while at work. It throws me off whenever I look at my phone. Also, after I leave and the location updates, it doesn't update the time zone. I have to go to Settings -> Date and Time, and uncheck and recheck 'Automatic' for it to switch back to the correct time zone. Finally, while Maps will read my location just fine, other location-based apps seem to be thrown off as well.
One other question is about the hardware keyboard. I have Prediction turned on in settings but it never works. It's nice with the hardware keyboard because I can skip the alt+ keypresses for punctuation and it inserts automatically, and it will capitalize I, etc. If I'm not mistaken, this hasn't worked since the recent HTC update that moved us to Google Play Store.
If anyone has fixes and/or other info about these issues, I'd appreciate your input! Thanks so much.
Are you connecting to your work's wi-fi automatically when you are there? It could be that the location information (which would affect weather and time) is using your IP address info. I know when I connect to my wi-fi at home, it will alter my location to a nearby suburb.
Fuzi0719 said:
Are you connecting to your work's wi-fi automatically when you are there? It could be that the location information (which would affect weather and time) is using your IP address info. I know when I connect to my wi-fi at home, it will alter my location to a nearby suburb.
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I wish! Our WiFi doesn't even show up on my phone... they must have the SSID hidden. I think it's because the building is older, and it must have lots of concrete or something because radios, cell phones, etc don't work well in here. Mine only works because my desk is right by the main entry door and a few windows. I'm assuming that the GPS signal could get thrown off by that as well. I'm just hoping since Maps can locate me that maybe I could fix the rest of the location-based services.
retrokick said:
I wish! Our WiFi doesn't even show up on my phone... they must have the SSID hidden. I think it's because the building is older, and it must have lots of concrete or something because radios, cell phones, etc don't work well in here. Mine only works because my desk is right by the main entry door and a few windows. I'm assuming that the GPS signal could get thrown off by that as well. I'm just hoping since Maps can locate me that maybe I could fix the rest of the location-based services.
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It may not even be getting a GPS signal, instead relying upon the location data of the celltower you're linked with. I've seen the location info being off by neighborhoods, but not to the extreme you've mentioned.
Uncheck the automatic update, then it will stay in the right timezone.
Also, I use swiftkey x, it has the best word prediction, and works great with the hardware keyboard.
yellowjacket1981 said:
Uncheck the automatic update, then it will stay in the right timezone.
Also, I use swiftkey x, it has the best word prediction, and works great with the hardware keyboard.
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Thank you for the recommendation! The app is downloading now and I'm already excited because of the amazing reviews it got. I'm sure I'll love it. I was hesitant to uncheck the automatic setting because I want it to sync the time... but now that I think about it, once the time is set from the network... why would it need to sync? Unless I do a battery pull or something.

Location question

Thought I'd asked this once but can't find it so...
What does the Location setting do? I thought it turned the GPS on/off but I turned it off and could still track my run. Does it just come on when SHealth is on or what?
This thread answers some of your questions:
I leave my location set to on, GPS only, and the location only seems to turn on if the app you are using requires location services. i.e. if you have a weather app to frequently update location specific weather it will eat up more of your battery unless you arrange settings to check more infrequently.
I have not set it to strictly off, so there may be a way for it to use your phone (if you are running with that and the watch BT connected) for the location pin points but I am not sure.
rogerperk said:
Thought I'd asked this once but can't find it so...
What does the Location setting do? I thought it turned the GPS on/off but I turned it off and could still track my run. Does it just come on when SHealth is on or what?
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Do you bring your phone with you on the run? If so i believe it uses phone gps. I can see my phone gps full time when doing things like that. And then if you don't have your phone with you the watch is doing a lot of searching via Bluetooth to reconnect. Try turning gps off on both phone and watch then try run again. Shouldn't track.
frigidazzi said:
Do you bring your phone with you on the run? If so i believe it uses phone gps. I can see my phone gps full time when doing things like that. And then if you don't have your phone with you the watch is doing a lot of searching via Bluetooth to reconnect. Try turning gps off on both phone and watch then try run again. Shouldn't track.
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I'm LTE so I leave my phone at home most of the time so that's not it. But Thanks!

