how to get FS access from java on RC29? - G1 Android Development

Let's say I want a write access from my android java program to file system on RC29 device (want to rename some system files from my program).
Assuming I have mounted /system in rw.
What should I do?


Where can I save files on G1?

So my sd card just fried, more info on that in another thread. And I'm looking for somewhere to save .txt files in the G1's memory.
But it seems most of the folders are either A) read-only so I can't make a directory or B) I'm wondering if some directories might auto-wipe my files on a reboot or something (or worse, putting random files in some system directory breaks something).
Does anyone know a safe location on the G1's main memory to make a directory for a few .txt files?
I should mention that most (all?) of the directories on the internal memory are read-only etc *even with root* and superuser access. (Can't even mkdir from terminal.)
Anyone know some obscure folder to use, or a way to get around this?
Either download DroidSans from the market to mount the system as read/write or use this command.
mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock03 /system
Then you can create a tmp folder and add your txt files.

Debian installer for archos5 how to

Please note this is my 1st how to so be kind
Machine Archos5 (0e79)
firmware on archos5: 1.7.99
step 1. if you havent rooted your device you will need to do that.
this is how i rooted my archos ( ONLY DO THIS IF YOU DONT CARE ABOUT DRM!!!)
step 2: you will need a SDcard for your device. this is essental. it needs to formatted in ext3.
step 3: download debian image (google debian installer android) onto a linux computer.
step 4. insert your sdcard into your computer. you might want to have a SDcard reader around.
from here we are going to mount the debian image we just downloaded and copy all folders to our ext3 formatted sdcard.
YOU WILL GET SOME ERRORS FROM /DEV. just skip all. the rest will copy over.
btw the mount command used here is mount -o loop debian.img /mnt
step 5. before you unmount your sdcard, grab a chroot and sysctl enabled version of busybox. you can get it here android-dream you will need the install-busybox script too.
follow his instructions for installing busybox. you need the chroot and sysctl in that version for debian to load.
I have busybox and all the new commands installed in /data/bin (which is also where su will be when you root the archos you can get in with /data/bin/su btw)
step 6 unmount your sdcard, insert it into your archos and gain root access. you need a peice of information.
once you have root access type in mount. and figure out where your sdcard is mounted to and its /dev device. WRITE THIS INFORMATION DOWN.
note: in my case my sdcard mounts at /sdcard/sdcard and aliases at /storage/sdcard.
step 7: download and modify bootdeb. your probaly going to want
the one ill post. open it and make sure the /dev path is the same as what your sdcard mounts in on android device. the mount point was /sdcard/sd in the original. i made it /sdcard/sdcard. you need to make sure both the /dev block and mount path match where your device is mounted. check the command paths point all busybox commands to /data/bin/busybox instead.
make the ext2 in the mount command ext3 or it wont work
in the busybox commands it will try to launch chroot and sysctl. it will not launch unless you point to the correct busybox with /data/bin/busybox /data/bin/chroot for example.
you need to do the same for the sysctl command .
step 9. copy the bootdeb onto the sdcard
step 10. cd to the sdcard and type in sh bootdeb
you should be in a debian root shell now.

ROMS file system

What file system do the image files in the Samsung Roms use?
File system
Judging by this system files it could be EXT2
BTW this could be the best File system used
run the "mount" command in terminal
u will get ur answer there!

Get rid of ubuntu partitins

I installed the ubuntu dual boot and now want to get rid if the ubuntu partitions it created.
Anyone know how to do this?
Well, how about opening a terminal under android (terminal emulator by jack pavelich should be fine) and typing "mount" for checking mount points.
Then you could mount the partitions (e.g. "mount -o remount,rw /dev/sda2 /Volumes/useless)
---> This would mount the partition "sda2" as read-write on "/Volumes/useless/" in your android root directory.
Then delete all files on that dir. And google somewhat for further information on how to delete partitions.
Hope this helps.
NVFlashing over everything is probably the easiest
I fixed this by nvflashing the stock rom.

[Guide] Ext-SD ext4 (rw - short - 4.4)

I saw a few guides to make an ext4 formated MicroSD mount able, but most of them
look a bit complicated and playstore apps often didn't work for me. Specially under 4.4.
So what I did is this:
1) Format the MicroSD to ext4, using a linux system (ubuntu)
2) Mount the sdcard and change the permissions for sdcard and subfolders:
3) Running in Terminal: “sudo chown -R root:root /media/<user>/<sdcard_name>”
(Somehow sometimes i need to run this command twice)
After step 3) your perms should look like this:
Now my MicroSD works flawless on various devices in read and write mode.
To copy files on your card you must use a tablet/phone as a cardreader.
If anyone knows the necessary terminal commands for android to do this, please tell me.
For anyone who wants to optimize the MicroSD a bit (for me max +10%) you should look here.

