hey guys, on my previous rom, birthdays, anniversaries, etc would show up in the calendar. however now on NATFs 3.2 they dont.. how do i fix this? thanks
nobody knows? im sure this is an easy fix.. just cant figure it out
Mine picks up automatic when I sync through Outlook.....where do you have them saved?
Hi all,
I've tried searching the forums and posted to seek help, but still have not gotten a reply.
I used various ROMS on my Touch Pro aka Raphael, and love using TF3D2/Rhodium/Manila, however everytime i sync my contacts it would cause it to crash.
The phone works fine if i disable TF3D2 and on the original ROM.
I have tried EVERY fix there is on the forums but nothing works. My phone wont crash if i DONT sync my contacts, thats about 270+ contacts.
Same here... I guess it´s something related to the contacts format in the new tf3d2... something not comptaible with the old contacts... maybe pictures?
At first - save your Contacts and the other stuff with PimBackup.
Have you made a HardReset AFTER Flashing lke recommended?
Perhaps you should flash a stock ROM and then flash the ROM of your choice.
I am not aware of any issues like you describe when syncing your contacts from what i assume is outlook on your PC and i have ALOT of contacts.
Are you using XP or Vista?
Hi guys... I m running CM7 and all of my contacts are Phone-Only, Unsynced...
I have 4 gmail account but only under the primary i checked 'sync contacts'... but still it seems not to pick them up...
Does anybody know how to set them up to have them synced with my account???
K i solved my problem...
But this might be of some interest for someone else too..
I basically exported them all into a cvf file deleted them all from the phone and imported the cvf into the gmail account.... baam...
I think i have the total opposite problem than you! i have all of my contacts since my last ROM change (LeeDroid) now in these weird folders. They are grouped by friends, family, coworkers, etc. I kind of preferred them when they were just one big alphabetical list when I clicked on the people icon on my screen. Does anyone know how to get back to that???
I want to sync my existing contacts with facebook, but I dont want my facebook friends with phone numbers added to appear in my phonebook how can this be done?
Phone>menu>people>menu>view> untick Facebook
I've done that and I don't see Facebook contacts in People tab. But in dialer I see facebook contacts wich entered their phone number in facebook.
Bump! Isn't there a way to do this. The contacts I don't want to see in my phonebook are very annoying.
I hate it too, and I've tried to find a way to get rid of it myself. No luck so far!
Facebook>settings>Sync Conacts>Existing Contacts
I've done that already. Even desync and sync existing a couple of times and same story again... I hope if there isn't any fix it won't be that way in ICS.
Can someone please explain to me why my contacts aren't syncing with the correct facebook picutres my google contacts have on facebook? The picture isn't updating at all. And i have sync contacts enabled. Do i need an app for this? WOuld be nice to have the updated pictures I have not rooted my phone still its still pretty new and really don't want to mess something up. Maybe worth mentioning i have the xperia z3 running lollipop
Why there is lots of ppl - including myself are facing problems synching ggogle reminders?like reminder never popup on time & it doesnt appear in google calendar.
Anyone knows why or a workaround?