20xxx registry settings not discussed so far - Touch Pro, Fuze General

While poking around 20954, and comparing it to the stock fuze build 19971 or whatever it is, I noticed that at some point in the 20xxx series there were several registry keys added pertaining to In-Call recording, tried fiddling with them a bit but don't see anything specific kicking in.. maybe someone else wants to tinker!
I might be wrong on the HKLM\HKCU parts, try adding them to both.. no idea where the menu option is supposed to show up either, but i'd assume the dialer since it's cprog.exe that checks for these
Also, there are new keys in the 20xxx series pertaining to Gestures, which are now supported by WinMo itself, mimicing some of the features available in HTC's TouchFlo (and probably performing better, too, )
"Disabled"=dword:0 ; 0 for disabled, allows multi-select, 1 for enabled, doesn't work so hot with multi-select
"ScrollFriction" ; unknown default value or units
"ScrollInterval" ; unknown default value or units
"Multiplier" ; unknown default value or units
"Length" ; unknown default value or units
"Multiplier" ; unknown default value or units
"Tolerance" ; unknown default value or units
"Timeout" ; unknown default value or units
"FastestTapTime" ; unknown default value or unit of measure, guess=units in ms
"MaxTapSpan" ; unknown default value or unit of measure, guess=units in pixels
"MaxTouchFilterDelay" ; unknown default value or unit of measure, guess=units in ms
More new stuff:
"Limit0"=dword:12000 ; unknown, "limit" key controls font cache, limit0 may be a secondary font cache or..?
"DynamicChargeicon"=dword:1 ; set to 0 for normal "plugged in" icon when on ac/usb power, set to 1 for blinking battery icon to indicate charging
"EnableTextResponse"=dword:1 ; unknown
"DisableGSMNetworkSelection"=dword:0 ; unknown, but you can guess from its name
"ShowAllSIPopups"=dword:1 ; imagine this has something to do with SI/SL messages from provider, see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms890494.aspx
"HideMediumSIPopups"=dword:0 ; see above
"ShowReplySMSSK1"=dword:1 ; unknown
"MsgClassMenuOrder" ; unknown default or units of mesaure
"CustomEventHandler" ; unknown
"ReminderAllDay"=dword:1 ; unknown
"DefaultDestinationNetworkGUID" ; unknown, probably directs sms/mms/email to use a specific connection (i.e. wap.cingular vs. ims.cingular vs. isp.cingular) - value is most likely a string that matches the connection GUID
"DisableAutoSSL"=dword:0 ; unknown
"SIMNewContact" ; unknown
"TcpRttVarAdjustment" ; unknown, probably a dynamic RTT prediction
"TcpSmoothRttAdjustment" ; see above, probably toggle dword 0/1
If a value doesn't work, try swapping HKCU for HKLM and vice versa, I jotted these down as I was going along looking for other things, and left that part off
New sound category:
IE Mobile 6:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Internet Explorer]
"MSHTML"=dword:0 ; 0 for old IE, 1 for IE Mobile 6
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Settings]
"Always Use My Font Size"=dword:1 ; overrides absolute font sizes on webpages, uses menu setting for font sizes
Prototype UI? Removes the start button and x button..

yah ive seen that "record call" option in monx's roms..doesnt work but has a start and a stop option in the pop up righ softkey menu while in the dialer..

Does he get the record call option from the same registry edits or another method?

not sure..ill pm him or you can if you want

bump for IE 6 Mobile toggle

bump for prototype UI

Bump for a useful IE Mobile 6 key that makes xda-devs alot easier to read on ie mobile 6:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Settings]
"Always Use My Font Size"=dword:1 ; overrides absolute font sizes on webpages, uses menu setting for font sizes

this was not present for me in 20954, and doesn't do anything when added.... I tried in HKCU too...

Search for string "PROTOTYPE" type unicode in \SYS\Shell\shell32.exe\S000
If you don't have it, you must have a different version of 20954 than me? Works here (note it needs a soft reset)

in Comm Manager, turning 3G Icon "OFF" will activate GPRS only.. whereas turning it "ON" will make it to Auto.. can u pls advise me how to make it 3G only instead of Auto when turning it "ON"?
coz i want to 'force' my device to use 3G only in my area.thx

comm manager is written by htc, not microsoft, and thus is outside the scope of this thread.


where is the backlight setting?

where can i dim the backlight? i'm searching for the backlight settings, but haven't found anything.
any reg tweak?
thx very much.
do u need to check some key register.....
i guess not. did some research, seems you can't set the backlight in any way.
poor, but true.
under power settings there is 'backlight off' and 'display off'.
i set the backlight off to quick (15secs) but display off to 2 minutes. The display is quite readable indoors with the backlight off (I suspect it is on a little - so the description in settings is not accurate).
Hopefully a firmware update will bring proper brightness control. Although I rememer my C500 and C550 not having it as well.
Im not sure if the hardware supports multiple levels for backlight.
I tried an app to test.(only tested on vda2 wm 5.0)
the only thing that happens is off or on.
but it works on ppc version!(didnt try on real ppc , but the emulator does switch light conditions! nothing happens on sp emulator)
no, unfortunately it's not supported.
big, big disadvantage!
Verify this Keyreg....and update on your SP.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Backlight\
- AcTimeout = 60
- AutoSensor = 1
- BatteryBacklight = 40
- BatteryTimeout = 15
- m_ACTimeout = 0
- m_BatteryTimeout = 0

[TUT] [Tasker] Create a widget that periodically cycles through different messages

Hey, guys. I've been looking to use Tasker for awhile now but, it's just been laying dormant in my app drawer because I was too overwhelmed by all the options. Anyway, I finally got around to using it when I discovered a Domo-kun wallpaper that I just had to use and customise. And what I've got is in this post.
In this tutorial we will be trying to understand how to use Tasker's Minimal Text Widget Plugin and Variables. So, let's get down to it.
Get Domo-kun to "say" stuff based on various events on the phone.
Get Domo's messages to cycle based on a preset time period.
These are basically empty labels that you must direct Tasker to fill. You can fill them with a string of characters, or with numbers and you can also perform basic math functions on them.
Minimal Text Widget Plugin
This enables Tasker to display stuff via Minimal Text Widget.
What we need
We will need a way of keeping time, so that messages will change after a specified time.
We will need a way of setting a preset message that corresponds to the battery state.
We will need a way of setting a preset message that corresponds to the wifi state.
We will need a way to tell Minimal widget when to display a message.
We will need a way to tell Minimal Widget what message it should display.
Setting a timer that will change the message after preset time.
The context for this is obviously every 'x' minutes. So we start a new profile with a Time context, and set that to repeat every 'x' minutes.
Now, we need a variable that will change after every 'x' minutes(y+1), this will eventually tell our widget when it's time to change the message. So, this will be the action for this particular context. Add a new task to the context, select Variable>>Variable Set. Let's name our variable, I will call mine %SET. The necessary action after every 'x' minutes is '%SET + 1' so this is what we will put in the "To" field. Remember to check the box "Do Math", this will treat the variable as a number, and enable us to perform the required math on it.
Let's take a look at what will happen, when this profile is active.
Every 'x' minutes, the Variable %SET will be set to %SET + 1. So, if %SET starts at 0, after 'x' minutes it will be 0 + 1; it will be 1; after another 'x' minutes it will be set to %SET + 1, 1+1; it will be 2, and so on.
You now have a variable that changes every 'x' minutes.
Setting a preset message according to the battery state.
I want to make Domo tell me how my battery is doing when it's at four different states (100%-75%, 75%-50%, 50%-25%, 25%-0%).
So, now we have four different contexts(battery ranges) in which Tasker needs to perform certain actions(Domo will say something). Let's start creating them.
For the first context(battery level 75-100) we want to display "Your battery is good". So, we will first define the context. In this case the context is a "State" in which the phone is in. Therefore our required context is in the "State" category>>Battery level, choose the range, I will choose 75 - 100. Since the message changes based on the level, we will need to set a variable here. I will call mine %BATTSTAT, and set it to "Your battery is good".
We have to repeat the steps for the other 3 battery levels. So, we create new State>>battery level profiles but, we use the SAME Variable(%BATTSTAT) for the message.
(50-74) - set %BATTSTAT to "Your battery is OK"
(25-49) - set %BATTSTAT to "Your battery is low"
(0-24) - set %BATTSTAT to "Your battery is going to die"
What is going to happen when this profile is active?
When the battery level is between 75-100 the %BATTSTAT will be "Your battery is good", when battery level hits 74, %BATTSTAT will immediately change to "Your battery is OK", and so on.
We now have a variable(%BATTSTAT) that holds a message depending on the battery level.
Setting a preset message according to wifi state.
This is pretty much the same as setting the message for battery level. The only difference is we will use a an exit task for when wifi is not connected. An Enter Task are the actions that take place when a state is entered, an Exit Task are the actions that take place when a state is exited.
So, new profile, State>>Wifi Connected, set %WIFISTAT to "Your wifi is connected", now if we don't set the %WIFISTAT Variable to change when the wifi is disconnected, it will always hold the message "Your wifi is connected". So we set an exit task for the variable %WIFISTAT to say "Your wifi is disconnected".
Okay! We now have,
%SET - A Variable that increments every 'x' minutes
%BATTSTAT - A Variable that holds a message corresponding to the battery level
%WIFISTAT - A Variable that holds a message corresponding to the wifi status
Getting tasker to communicate with Minimalistic Text Widget
This is fairly simple, all we need to do is define a variable for MTW, and set to what we want to say, in this case the message within the tasker variables (%BATTSTAT or %WIFISTAT). So, the action would be within "Plugin">>Minimalistic Text Widget. You have a field for Minimalistic Text Widget's Variable and you have a to field.
Now, we need a way to send our messages to Minimal Text Widget at the right time.
We use our Time variable to tell us what's the time. If, %SET = 0 we will send %BATTSTAT to the widget, if(after 'x' minutes) %SET = 1, we will send %WIFISTAT to the widget. Now, our next context depends on the Variable %SET, so this will be the context we coose. Event>>Variable>>Variable Set, enter the Variable(%SET) in Name field and what it will be when we perform our action (sending data to MTW) in this case, '0'. The action to perform will be, Plugin>>MTW set a Variable %DISP to %BATTSTAT.
Now we repeat this for 'x' minutes later when %SET = 1, so a new Event context has to be made, where the variable %SET = 1, and here we will send the wifi status to MTW. So, Plugin>>MTW set Variable %DISP to %WIFISTAT.
What happens here is, when %SET = 0 (at the beginning of our cycle) Tasker will send the message within %BATTSTAT to %DISP. 'x' minutes later, when %SET = 1, Tasker will send the message within %WIFISTAT to %DISP. But, wait! What happens when 'x' minutes later our time variable increments(%SET + 1 ie. 1+1 = 2)? This is a problem because we have not made a profile for %SET = 2, in relaity we don't need one because there are only two kinds of messages we want to send to MTW.
We need to reset our counter. So, we make a new Event profile for when the variable %SET is greater than 1. All we need to do is set %SET to 0.
Displaying our messages on MTW
Create your Minimalistic Text Widget, within it's "Misc" tab find Local Variable and put in the name of your MTW Variable, in this case, it is %DISP. And you're done!
This is my first attempt at writing a tutorial and also I've only been using Tasker for a couple of days, so the above procedure might not be completely optimized. Maybe our Dev/Programmer friends can enlighted us. I tried to write this tutorial not so much as a hold your hand and give you a play by play but, more as a I hope you learn something about the way Tasker works and find better uses for it. I hope it was helpful. I don't think pictures are actually necessary if people get their feet wet with Tasker but, if people think it's absolutely necessary, I will post some.

[Q] Is it normal for all keypresses and finger movement to show up in dmesg?

I was working on getting USB-OTG running on my phone and went to check the status using dmesg. I found that all key presses and finger movements appeared in the log. I come from a linux background and this seems...wrong. dmesg is not exactly a secure storage place for everything that happens on the system, including the entering of my password. I'm wondering if this is normal behavior, if I have some sort of debugging turned on, or what? Has anyone seen this before?
Here's what it looks like (I changed some numbers to prevent sharing personal information, but the key Pressed/Released have unique identifiers for each keyboard key):
<4>[30238.278458] [TSP] Flags Counted channels: t:0 a:0
<4>[30238.280631] [TSP] calibration was not decided yet
<4>[30239.492978] [TSP]### Finger[0] Down (1,100) - touch num is (1) status=0xc0, orient = 7
<4>[30239.529093] [TSP] Waiting for diagnostic data to update, try 1
<4>[30239.532518] [TSP] Flags Counted channels: t:9 a:0
<4>[30239.728349] [TSP]### Finger[0] Up (2,200) - touch num is (0) status=0x20, orient = 7
<4>[30240.671863] key Pressed : key 00 map 00
<4>[30240.861721] key Released : 00 map 00
<4>[30241.147490] key Pressed : key 7 map 16
<4>[30241.279708] key Released : 7 map 16
This is a function of how Samsung built their addons to the Sidekick. The USB debugging gives you a warning that it can share sensitive information for a reason. This is normal for our phone, I can't speak for the rest of the samsung phones, but stock, that's what happens.
Thanks! So is there any way I can enable and disable this? I don't really need that much debugging information all the time. Otherwise, is there a way that I can set permissions to prevent applications from reading the output?
There's no way to disable that, short of rebuilding the entirety of the system from scratch and disabling debugging (not really feasible). As far as I've seen and as far as I know, there's no need for any apps to monitor logs, so none should need permissions to them. System apps should not have permissions to the logs, but it's possible that some may have them. Userspace apps really should never need to read your logs, you can see what permissions an app requires when you install it, this is the best way to manage permissions.

Manual brightness on windows 10

Found solution to get manual brightness working on windows 10 firmwares on our 1020 devices
Change registry with interop tools or what ever.
Select this provider this device, then registry browser, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/ SOFTWARE/ Microsoft/ Autobrightness/ABSManualBrightness.
Change "Registry Value Type" to "Multi String".
Then Registry Value Data to
Save and restart device and smile :victory:
Thanks for info.
These settings i have now 1020 and brightness settings works great.
Numbers in () is original and without is modified.
- ABSAutoMaxBrightness (3) 6
- ABSManualBrightness (3) 1 3 6 (the variable here is multistring)
- ABSMonitorControl (1) 1
-LowBrightness (1) 1
-MediumBrightness (2) 3
-Hightbrightness (3) 6
- ABSPercentIntensityMapping 2 3 4 (the variable here is multistring)
- ABSRangeMilliLuxMapping 1 2 MAX (the variable here is multistring)
- DimBrightness 1
- Transitiondelay 0
Supel low light u get when change settings manually low and then autobrightness on.
Normal light, manually normal and then autobrigtness on.
is it normal that i can't change registry type? I use interop tools on lumia 925
found interop tools L release
If you cant change the registry, you need to go into interop tools app
-interop unlock
And turn on restore NDTKSvc then restart the phone and edit the registry

Lenovo M8 tablet - Volume Steps / Granularity (HTC) Android 10

Im starting this thread for anyone having the same issue as me where by adding the property ro.config.media_vol_steps to /system/etc/prop.default and assigning their prefered steps value, ie '= 30', results in multiple volume ranges devisable by 15.
Apparently this affects the HTC UI sense as well.
For example if I assign the value 37 to the above property (I do get 37 steps) but when I test by playing something on spotify and increase volume using the buttons I get -
step 0 = mute
step 15 = max volume
step16 = mute
step 30 = max volume
step 31 = mute
step 37 = volume 6
Anything below 15 works as expected.
The same happens if you've rooted with Magisk and do it via prop editor or any other editor.
Iv been trying to find a solution for this for months with no success hence up the creek with no paddle.
I have coding abilities but for me X86 assembly is easier than than understanding the various tool chains / libraries / compilers required to debug an Android device.
Id like to at least know where in the architecture I should be focusing on.
Is it vendor or system related?
A persistant setting?
Is the setting pre compiled so would need custom ROM ie a library file (.so) where other devices simply allow to change the property?
I beleive it must be solvable just hoped I could get at least a hyperthetical view of the problem from someone more familiar with the sourcery of Android!
You can get fine volume control from the GUI (swipe down) how can this be mapped to Volume_key_up / volume_key_down ?

