Context menu in Contacts - Development help - General Questions and Answers

I'm interested in developing a Jajah-hook which allows a call to be made to a contact using Jajah's APIs. That is, you select a contact, and have a context-menu-item that allows you to "Jajah them".
Since I'm very new to Windows Mobile development, and mostly have experience with C#/Java, I would appreciate pointers on how to start this effort - mostly the adding of the context menu (everything else I have down using the Web Services).


PHP Calendar Question

I'm in the process of redesigning our local access station's web site. I'm just about finished, except for a program guide system. Currently, the "program schedule" page is simple HTML, but there are a number of problems with this system.
First off, the person who updates the schedule is by no means a web designer, and the page slowly deteriorates as tweaks are accidentally made while updating.
Secondly, the new site is designed to show the current day's program schedule on each page. It would obviously be a royal pain to update this manually using HTML, so we're looking for some sort of PHP calendar system on the site: PHPKode to integrate into the site.
What we need is a simple PHP/MySQL calendar system that will allow us to integrate a daily schedule into a sidebar, and set up a program grid on the main schedule page.
As in the above example, we'd like the program name to link to that show's page.
I've looked around for a few days trying to find a good system, but haven't had much luck. I don't know if there are any PHP "program guide" scripts out there, but I would think there would be some sort of calendar that could accomplish this job.
I should note I know a little bit of PHP/MySQL scripting - enough to do some *minor* tweaking to a simple script, but I'm by no means fluent with it. Bottom line- the less scripting I have to do, the better.
The current version of the site can be viewed here. (We haven't transfered our domain to the new server yet, hence the subdirectory setup.) The weather sidebar is a placeholder for the program schedule. I appreciate any suggestions or advice, so thanks in advance to anyone who can point me in the right direction!

[Q] Native Android SMS App Plug-in Development

I am trying to develop a plug-in messaging app to integrate features into the native android sms/mms app with the intention of expanding its functionality.
I primarily want to add more customizable options and information display. Again, the goal is functional, not aesthetic. (I am NOT trying to create another "Handcent," app.)
Can anyone give me some direction on where to start or where to find more information on plug-in development? Right now there is not much literature on this subject.
Thank you

Advanced Tasker

Tasker is a very versatile tool for controlling your Android device. The more I learn about it, the more I want to learn. For that reason, I am starting this thread which I hope will be a place for people to not only ask specific advanced questions about Tasker, but also to show off the tricks and hoops they have been able to accomplish with Tasker and its plug-ins.
To start the ball rolling, and provide an example of what I think this thread should be about, here is an example of an advanced Tasker profile.
Time Recording Pro has a plug-in for Tasker. Following their FAQ to their Product Help page provides Public App Services and some basic directions for creating a task which (with Google Calendar Sync) will create timeclock-like punches.
Public App Services
'Time Recording' provides these public services for 3rd party check-in and check-out integration.
Broadcast receivers
Sample setup in the 'Tasker' app:
1. Create a Task
2. Add an Action of type 'Action Intent' (found under category Misc)
3. Set Action=com.dynamicg.timerecording.CHECK_IN, Cat=None, Target=BroadcastReceiver
4. Done.
5. Hit the "Test" button​
By creating a context of Cell Nearby (and scanning or entering the cells at a physical location), I have created a task to turn WiFi on, turn BT, Cell Data and GPS off, and record a time-punch to my calendar when I arrive at a site. These tasks are reversed when leaving. This not only saves battery at a site without using GPS, but also automatically records time at a location for Time Billing purposes.
The limitation of this is the time-stamp is fairly generic. I have tried entries in the Extra and other fields of the Action, but not had success creating anything more specific. So it is a very useful context, but has room for improvement.
Another situation that advanced Tasker development would resolve would be overriding the default function of hard buttons on a device. For example, creating a task that changes the default camera app that is launched by long pressing the hard camera button. You can imagine the possibilities are nearly endless for reprogramming the hard buttons, and the potential for problems equally vast. What is needed to accomplish this, however, would be some knowledge of the actions and broadcast receivers similar to those provided by Time Recording Pro. I suspect android programmers might be able to provide some of that information.
I hope this thread will start a discussion. Tasker is a very versatile app with numerous plug-ins that offer the ability to accomplish extraordinary control without the need to develop a special app. Whether or not my specific examples are commented on or improved upon, I think there needs to be a better forum for Tasker users to gather and help each other.
I'm reviving this old thread in scope of getting some help. As you can see here the list of intents has grown a little bit.
What I'm trying to achieve and can't manage is to get info back to Tasker about the current status of Time Recording.
I presume that com.dynamicg.timerecording.GET_INFO should be called and then wait for an answer on com.dynamicg.timerecording.RESULT, but I cannot seem to get this working.

PTPT: New Data Centric Android Software

Hi everyone. I just wanted to introduce PTPT's lastest Android software release. So if you're looking to try something different with Android, this would be the opportunity.
"PTPT is a user interface paradigm and application framework to converge, manage and use all the user’s digital assets productively. It helps to shift usage scenarios for tablets from purely consumptive to truly productive information processing. In PTPT’s database, all data is represented in a universal way along four dimensions: People, Things, Places, Time. The interaction paradigm allows the user to work with the data directly."
We made much improvement with the UI and have fixed the initial issues relating to crashes etc ...
We would like to invite you to beta test, and really look forward to constructive feedback.
More info is on the website ->
To download the .apk, simply register under the "Community" top menu -> Join the Beta.
Hope you try it out.

Best back end for Android app?

I appologize if this is a dumb question, but I am new to app development, altough some experienced in php/html.
I want to create an app where user fills in forms. The app development is easy to find info about, but i also want a back end plattform where I read the submitted forms and organize users.
So, my question. Is there a sort of ready wordpress like plattform to customize, or should this be built from scratch? If so, which platform is the best?
One note I should add about Buddy (full disclosure: I work there) is that we maintain independent instances of the platform in different locations around the world. If you need to host your backend in Europe (for response time or data sovereignty reasons, for example), you can choose your app backend to be sandboxed in the EU. Likewise the US and likewise China (with Brazil, Singapore and Australia coming soon).
he best way to develop mobile apps is to use REST services. So now you can choose any thing.
Any language that can used for server side programming can be used.
Now it is up to you choose the language.
If you familiar with JavaScript then you can try nodejs. You can make small app server in it.
But if your server software design is very complex (containing threads and synchronisation) then java can be handy.
But there is no restriction of language.
Firebase should be also a way to go for this.
The best android back end services include, Parse, Kumulos, Kinvey, backendless, QuickBlox.
Concerning the forms where users can fill up information, would something like help out?
On Apple's platform you might need an iPhone developer - it is quite possible to create and publish an iPhone app using your form.
I did take the help of mobile apps development service in toronto to know the process which is described here:
Thanks Carol for sharing such a wonderful article.
"Planet Odoo | About | Odoo Migration, Odoo -Quickbook Integration
Odoo-Ebay Integration takes into consideration the competitive level in business and provides a quick fix implementation for every industry to break through.
I have heard good things about Hasura (Not affiliated in anyway). And I think parse - mentioned above - is no longer available.
I'm wondering why nobody mentioned Google CLoud or AWS. They are most mobile friendly for a good price
Hi, if you will decide to build from scratch, there are different options/frameworks. But If you use kotlin you should look to Ktor.
Backend options for an Android app
Here, The list of good backend options for an Android app:
1. Parse.
2. Back4app.
3. Firebase.
4. Kinvey.
5. Appcelerator.

