is anyone working on rooting a tc5-rc8 - G1 Android Development

hi is there anyone working on trying to get root for this phone. do you think that it is even possible.


need help with motorla titanium

ok so a friend of mine asked me if i can root his motorola titanium.
ive searched around xda/google. no luck in finding guides to help me with this device. dont know if its even rootable yet.
if anybody who has the same device and has successfully rooted it, or if anybody can send me on my way towards the light, i would greatly appreciate it.

[Q] Root Mox-Pad820, help plz..

I bought a cheap tablet, Mox-Pad820, now im trying to root it, I've working on almost every post about rooting Gingerbread 2.3 but no luck, there are other methods witch requires install updates files by recovery mode but I'm not sure if they are safe of bricking the device.
Any ideas?
Thank you!

[Q] Rooting JXD S9100

Hello to all;
i tried hard to root the device by superoneclick and it went well and i get all ok in the logs and it said your
device has been rooted but i had only a superuser program installed. with no root.
nothing happened.
i posted here if anyone could help and give a howto or even a hint for it.
thanks alot


I have a Pantech Discover and I was able to get it rooted with a method posted on here in Jan. At that time, the gentlemen who posted the method stated he tried everything to get CWM working on this device, but had no success. I have been searching for hours to find a way to get recovery, but fail to find any answers. Can anyone tell me if there is a solution to this issue yet?

Help me root my j3. Please

I have been looking for a while. I need someone to tell me why none of these suggested methods of rooting my galaxy j3 are working. I have a galaxy sm-j320p. Ive seen that the 320f has been getting rooted but i cant seem to get mine. Im trying to go without a pc. I know i can be done. Will someone help?

