Registry Tweak for Radio portion (EDGE data connection) - Touch Pro, Fuze General

Hi all ,
This may sound silly but does anyone know which portion of the registry (if exists) that controls the RADIO portion of our TP? I am seriously desperate to know where or what settings I could do trial and error on to resolve my problem
My problem (which was posted in the Kaiser + this forum) is that even though my Edge connection shows connected, most of the time I am not getting any data after being able to use it for the first few minutes or I never get any data even from the beginning.
I can be hapily chatting on MSN messenger or browsing a web page one minute and the next is my chat gets disconnected or the page wont load anymore eventhough the EDGE logo shows connected.
This problem is very prominent in HTC devices (to me) looking at my history of phone purchases just in 2008
TytnII (problem) --> Nokia N82 (no problem) ---> Samsung Omnia (no problem) ---> TP (problem) --> Xperia (problem)
Multiple reports to HTC (what a waste of time) , my service provider, Digi and recently to SE did not yield any results.
If anyone out there knows or can point to me which registry tweak settings if for the Radio portion..I would be very thankful.
Lastly..sorry for the long msg


Issues with Windows Live Messenger

I have just installed a nice TNT 5.0 on my Qtek (Cingular 8125 like but called Qtek 9100 on Colombia).
I´m having an extrange issue regarding the GPRS-Edge internet connection of Windows Live Messenger, and I´m not sure if this could be because our cellphone provider, because of the newer 2.69.11 Radio I´m using or because of any other reason.
Actually the GPRS-Edge connection (It says Edge so it must be edge) it´s working like a charm on Internet Explorer or Opera. But when I try to conect to a Windows or Microsoft related website via Internet Explorer or Opera, the connection can´t be established (say This happens also when trying to connect to Windows Live Messenger using GPRS or Edge. It does not connect at all.
It´s almost like my cellphone provider has some exceptions on their gprs connection that makes connecting to a Windows or Microsoft server almost impossible.
Nevertheless, there is a walkthrough that curiously worked out and got me really pissed off as it happened a few times before I definetly could find out what was I doing that got everything working...
If I connect to the internet via Wi-Fi (By the way i´m not sure i must press the wi fi button twice on the command manager in order to get it up and running), I can do both things: log into Windows Live Messenger and use the full featured messenger client (send files, pictures, see avatars, send voice, etc) and log into any microsoft website (say
Til here, everything goes to the cellphone provider.
Here comes the weird thing:
If I turn off the Wireless network after login into messenger, the software automatically looks up for the lost connection and re-connects to the web using GPRS (EDGE) and manages to login successfull, so I can see messenger contacts and chat with them using gprs (edge). But I loose all the internet brownser ability to browse microsoft domains (
I´m not sure if this has to do with the CHAP or the PAP GPRS autentication. I have tried both without waiting any time before attempts, with no luck.
Also, I´m not sure if this could be related to the EDGE network, as I previously owned a symbian sonyEricsson P910a that did not supported Edge but could connect with no trouble to Messenger through IMPlus.
I´ve also tryed the IMPlus version on the pocket pc with the same bad result as using directly Windows Live Messenger.
Any ideas?
Could it be possible to disable the EDGE network and use exclusively GPRS via Regedit?
Trying everything now. Even downgraded and upgraded again...
I can surf the web now using IE, even on the site, but when trying to use Windows Live, i get a connection error and then a message saying
"Windows Live was unable to establish anInternet connection. Please check your Internet settings and make sure that you have access to data services under your billing plan. If you need help, please contact your mobile service provider.".
The incredible thing is that i´m actually using messenger beta directly on pocket internet explorer and it works, not quite nice, but it does, using wi-fi.
So why Windows Live can´t use this connection to log in?
Now, using GPRS connection, I try to log into and it took too much saying opening... but it made it. But I was not soo lucky when i pushed forward to try to access the mail link on that site (that worked on wi-fi) as it got stuck at opening forever and finally it displayed an error. Same on any link under that page. It seems that it takes too long and crashes. But still I can go to any other site (Tryed right away and it downloaded quite fast a 200kb front page, so i´m not sure that this could be a Radio Issue.)
My Info:
DATE 2/02/07
RADIO 2.69.11
ExtROM: Empty.
I´m trying windows-live-conection-fix from Faria right now...
Still when i try to login to messenger using windows live it says immediatelly There´s a connectivity problem.
i can't determine what is the exact error do you have, but i want to say it is working with me either with WiFi or GPRS, check out your settings carefully and try to set the settings as usual (don't use network wizard) and test.
I also can have intermittant connection problems using Messenger. It occurs on my Wizard (GPRS and Wifi) and on various PCs too. Before blaming the Wizard, consider it might be a problem with Microsoft and their servers. Usually on either PC or Wizard it will connect after a couple of tries for me. It could be that your provider has blocked the relevent ports or servers on your GPRS but I'm sure we would have heard from other users of your carrier if that is the case.
Ok. I´m from Colombia, and my carrier is called Comcel. There´s no Network wizard available for it at the moment.
Before unlocking my sim and messing up with the first wizard love upgrade (unfortunatelly i can´t find the original rom and probably i will need to extract it from my fathers phone if i can get a hand on it, but still will need to read all about it first...) I was able to connect to MSN without any issues at all. Even on my old symbian phone I used IM+ without any issues. Now that I upgraded it´s getting quite difficult.
Actually I can connect now without any trouble after a soft reset, using Wi-Fi, and it´s really nice. But I can´t get it to connect through GPRS (It´s definetly not a carrier issue as my brother has a WM5 wizard too that I won´t touch before I have this figured out first, and he can connect without any issues, quite fast, using an old 2.17 radio version on his G4).
The strange thing is that I can fly through the web (i´m now installing gmail-g.jar directly on my phone through gprs).
The strange thing is that when I go to or i get stuck on Opening... and the GPRS connection goes too slow. Probably checking something...
It´s like under gprs there something going.
I´m aware that all the symptoms are saying something about carrier permits... but still with my sim card on my brother´s phone (it´s not my line) it works without any issues.
Now, I have started up the Wireless LAN again and it logged in right away on windows live messenger (it´s really nice...).
Then I went offline again, get the wireless off on the cellphone, get the messenger up and running on my vista computer, and then try to login into the phone using again gprs....
Miracle!!! I get logged out from vista!!!! but it doesn´t get all the way there on the mobile phone, as it get´s stuck on signing in... (Not enought)...
Now logged of from vista, I try to login again on the cellphone, no luck...
And loose the hability to navigate into
I do it one more time from scratch.
I soft reset my device...
then I go to internet explorer mobile and type
It starts the GPRS (Edge) connection right away... and goes to Opening... on the status bar... No luck.
But still I can download mail from the java applet of Gmail, and go to any other website, and even load google maps on the device under gprs...
So it´s a Windows Live issue that seems to have something against my gprs connection.
I was wondering if it has anything to do with CHAP or PAP autentication, but on my carrier they dont really know as they are charging me with their calls, as they don´t care, and I have tryed both but there seems to be no difference.
Anyway on my brother´s wizard the settings are exactly the same as mine on the gprs conection...
I will try to make my cellphone gprs connection work like a modem for my pc and then I will try to navigate the web and login into messenger from my pc using my cellphone gprs connection to see if i can do it, and then I will get back at you.
our network had this issue before, but they solved this later (thats b4 1-2 years)
Ok. I´m gonna try, one by one, the different radio versions that are on the radio-only forums.
Still if you know where can I get my hands on radios 2.17 and 2.49 (2.49.11) is the one that came originally with the phone and it´s the one that is on my father´s untouched wizard...
I´ll get back on you if i found anything...
By the way, does it has anything to do with the regional settings? Mine is Spanish Colombia even when i´m using your TNT 5.0 OS. Still I have run the keyboard spanish patch in order to get my keyboard layount right and i´m still only two signs off on the keyboard but it´s almost ok.
I know that this is not the place, but i´m off on the "D" key that it´s suppost to be a "+" but instead it´s showing the "Euro" symbol (don´t have that on my latin american pc), and on the C key it´s supposed to be a "Ç" instead there´s the "+" sign.
I had this issue the other day, luckily I work for the provider. The issue is with the gprs apn that you are using. If ur provider has multiple apns, then try another. If not u going to have to wait until they resolve their issues.
Dont worry, it isnt the phone and it isnt the ROM. I had the problem too when I just put tnt 5 on my device. Its a problem with the provider.
Thanks Mitchie55. So I will rest my case trying to flash, reflash, upgrade and downgrade radios, and try to trick out the registry for Windows Live security policies... Anyway, what´s exactly a GPRS APT and how can I check if my carrier has more than one GPRS APT? Are those ports? Can I check them under the GSM Test Mode screen (*#*#364#*#*)?
After all my messing around with Windows Live Messenger´s connection issues, i came along a Registry String that got my attention.
It´s not that I want to panic everybody, but on the TNT 5.0 Profesional with HTC Today release there´s a registry line that states:
HKLM\Services\Windows Live\Platform\Passport\PolicyExpiry
String 2007-09-25T19:16:57.9251948Z
I´m wondering what will happen on the 25th of September at 7:17:00 pm UTM...
Any ideas?
danielvelez said:
Thanks Mitchie55. So I will rest my case trying to flash, reflash, upgrade and downgrade radios, and try to trick out the registry for Windows Live security policies... Anyway, what´s exactly a GPRS APT and how can I check if my carrier has more than one GPRS APT? Are those ports? Can I check them under the GSM Test Mode screen (*#*#364#*#*)?
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Its APN - Access Point Name. Thats what is needed when u create a Cellular GPRS connection to connect to the internet.
im having the same issues, im with rogers wireless in canada
everything works except for the windows mobile live
i updated the software and i'm running ver. 10.6.0033.0600
on an x7500/athena updated to wm6 (originally shipped with wm5 from expansys)
i contacted my provider and they said they dont have another access point name for me to use other then the default one they provide
and they claimed it was a windows mobile live issue,
i tried this in my treo 750 as well and still nothing is happening
thats 2 devices now that dont work ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....
i cant figure out what i'm doing wrong.

HTC P3600i

Can anyone help me please with where the P3600i fits into the radio updates?
I have just got this phone. In general, it is running fine but it goes back in the drawer today because of a major (to me) bug...
The device will automatically connect to GSM data without 'authorisation' from the user. There is no way to stop it!
My N95 nicely asks if I want (for example) a GPRS connection. The P3600i just does it (even though it might already have an active ActiveSync or WiFi connection). Pretty expensive!
Browsing the forums, I have tried so far:
* Turning off HSDPA
* Setting Settings/Connections/Advanced to My Work or some form of null connection
Both to no avail
I have an Asus 636 with WM5. Say, with Stock Manager, I select an update and I have ActiveSync running: then the 636 just grabs the data through ActiveSync. The 3600i ignores the available link and starts a new data connection to my GSM carrier.
I have read about updating the radio rom (I have but it does not seem clear which update and which process suits the 3600i.

HSDPA disconnect after checking emails?

I’m new to WM6 (and Cruise) but used a WM5 for many years. I’ve got email set up on ‘check every 30 min’ which works fine for me. However, the HSPDA (on Three network in Australia) stays connected and I have to press ‘Disconnect’ manually…in the WM5 it used to disconnect after finishing checking for emails…any ideas how to configure it to disconnect when finishing send/receive emails?
Download the program Band Switch. There is a option called Close idle conns which should (not sure) close the connection after being idle for some time.
on WM5 it works fine...are you sure you need an extra app for that? thanks for the assistance.
anyone else is having the same problem? or it just me? using IMAP email....
Dont worry i have the same problem...apperently is it a WM6 thingie
That’s a bit disappointing…going to WM6 a losing functionality ;- ) ?!?
Also KaiserTweak has option to disconnect after idle period along with loads of other tweaks, only snag on Polaris is that after using it and resetting device it will have disabled the touch screen - but quick visit to the Settings/Screen app to re-align screen will resolve it - then on next reboot will all be fine.

Stop WinMobile establishing data-connections without asking

Hey mates!
First of all I wanna wish you a hapy new year
Ok, now to my question.
I've got a HTC Touch HD a week ago.
I recognized that it establishes a data-connection without asking me.
When i'm using Wifi - no problem.
But as I don't have a data-flat that gets quite expensive, if I can't use Wifi (most of the time no wifi available).
Is it possible to set up Winmobile so that it asks me BEFORE establishing an data connection?
I didn't find any solutions, google didn't help me, too.
Of yourse I could just change the adresses in the settings.
e.g- "" to "internet.t-mobile.deXXX" ---> no connection possible.
But i want to receive and send MMS at any time, so that would not be possible any more.
I hope you can help me, thx.
try nodata
this should do what you need....i think
thx, but not really what i need.
With this programm i still have to close connections by hand.
I just want WinMobile to ask me BEFORE it establishes a connection.
For example: When I open an programm which tries to download something, a popup should appear
Establish data-connection?
[ ]Yes
[ ] NO
I hope u understand my problem
No one with the same problem here and a solutuon?
*Hope pushing is allowed after 2 days*
I have the same problem with my Touch 3G (Jade). Turning the Data Connection off in the Main Touchflow settings tab helps but doesn't stop it completely. The worst thing is that doesn't seem to download anything but just connecting is enough to start costing.
I spoke to HTC today and they gave me a solution to this problem. Go to Settings, Connections, Connections, Advanced and then Select Networks. There you should find a drop down tab with something like ******GPRS, where ****** is your network. Now now choose New and create a new connection name like "No GPRS" for example. Click OK.
You now have a title but no settings so when you select this one, the phone can't connect to the internet. It might attempt to connect but it won't go through. Don't worry about MMS as this uses a different set of settings and works perfectly (for me).
Hope this helps, Woolly.
Find what apps are creating the connection so you can prevent it. Spb Monitor should be able to show you that.
Using Modaco NoData (link given above) will just do the same saving your time (you don't have to create a fake connection set).
What schlitzohr1812 wants is a way to make WM ask for permission to connect. I haven't heard of anything like this, but if you assign a shortcut to NoData it's almost as easy as what you are looking for. By the way, despite the name, NoData will prevent WM from opening connections, not only to exchange data over them.
Just remember that if you disable the connection while it is already open, you still have to close it manually. Also beware that if in your Comm Manager you have an enabled "Data connection" button (on some phones it's always disabled when the connection is closed, on others it can be used to open it), that button WILL open a connection even if they are disabled.
Thx for helping guys, but "Black Antitoon" is right.
That's not exactly what I was searching for but better than nothing.
I'm used to my old nokia phone (N70) which asked me before.
Incomprehensible why Windows Mobile does not have such an option...
greetz Timo
anybody wrote an app for this data permission yet please?

[APP]GPRSAutoOff voor WM 6.5

Hi all,
I've programmed a nifty tool voor auto disabling gprs after a period of time. I couldn't find an app which auto disconnects gprs/umts for WM 6.5 so I made my own. It's still version 0.1 but works wel. .NET CF 3.5 is needed. If something doesn't work please mention it so I can change/repair it. It was tested and developed on a HTC Touch2.
Have fun
Nice tool..... Not to create double threads but you can put it aswell in the general section Windows applications.....
I own a Touch 2 and i've installed this app on my sd card (.Net 3.5 it was installed). I've checked the second option (search gprs on start data connection) and set the timer to 60 seconds. After reboot, i started data connection from comm manager, updated weather on homepage but even after 3 minutes, the gprs connection did not stop.
No other apps autoconnect this time.
What did i do wrong ? Or can you explain how did you tested it ? (I'm sure it works on your device )
Hmmm strange. I've tested it with autoconnecting gprs and not with manual connection via comm manager but that may not be a problem (in my opinion). I'm working on version 0.2 at the moment. It includes the option that the time stamp you save will be shown in the combolist after restart and it includes soft reset of the smartphone for applying settings. I'm working on it
Tested few minutes ago with gprs autoconnection.
Steps: reconfigure app, soft-restart phone, manual e-mail check for starting gprs. Connection is still alive and i didn't touch the phone 3 min till the screen turned off.
If it helps: ROM: 1.28.479.4 (66092), phone was bought unlocked (gsm operator free). If you need another specific hardware info, please tell me.
I'll wait for 0.2 version.
I appreciate your work.
Please share with us the registry keys that you change )
If wanted I can share the source code (vs 2008) . Send me a private message with emailadres and I will email it to you. I'm thinking of switching to OpenNetCF because it has more (and in my opinion better) references for programming on mobile devices.
Source code
Winmohtc6 said:
If wanted I can share the source code (vs 2008) . Send me a private message with emailadres and I will email it to you. I'm thinking of switching to OpenNetCF because it has more (and in my opinion better) references for programming on mobile devices.
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Thanks And the phone disconnect GPRS .. but no one knows when

