List of Windows Mobile phones - General Topics

Guys, google isn't playing ball, is there any list of mobile phones that use Windows Mobile 6 or newer out there?
I have tested ActiveSync on our company exchange server using our Verisign certificate with an HTC S710, and want to give users a list of 'recommended phones'. I have a feeling I should recommend Windows Mobile 5 phones too but not 100% sure of that.
One of the problems is Verisign sells you an 'intermediate' certificate and that doesnt work out of the box on devices that dont support certificate chaining. but at least on Windows Mobile 6 that was easy to fix. I really dont want to end up taking ages setting up their newly acquired Symbian or whatever phones. The Sony P1i was a lost case last time I tried and even when 'working' Activesync was rubbish on it.

Well, you always can go to and use their "Phone Finder" at the left bottom, then select "Windows Mobile" as OS and you should get a pretty decent list of available devices.

Perfect, thanks

Also yu can try this site, that is a partner of XDA-Devs and it´s very good!:


Windows Mobile Contacts

Hi everyone,
I'm not really new to Windows Mobile and I have a Gigabyte GSmart i120 device (Windows Mobile 6) but every time I read Windows Mobile reviews from gsmarena I get confused:
When talking about the phone book, on page 4 of HTC Touch HD review for example, it is always mentioned that "if you ever feel that the existing contact fields are not enough, you can always rename some of the existing ones and use them instead"
Can anyone guide me with this issue? Because until now, I've only seen Inesoft AddressBook which is capable of renaming the existing fields... but renaming the fields doesn't cause them to appear in the standard Windows Mobile contacts and only Inesoft can read them as fields (not just notes) .... ??????
Please everyone, I'm very very curious to know ...
I am relatively new to Windows mobile, having acquired an X1 in January this year, coming from Symbian UIQ. Having read that very same statement elsewhere, I was suprised and disappointed to find out that was not the case, and ended up saving contacts with multiple mobile numbers as car, pager and such. I'd be very happy if someone told me how or if at all that is possible?

New to windows mobile Help please

I went from iphone to android to webos to comeback to android.
I use google voice. I use to scrobble. And pandora.
None of this are on windows mobile marketplace.
I just got the htc hd2 today while i love the hardware and everything. Comparing other mobile os's windows mobile sucks in terms of
app choices.
Can somebody please guide me in the right direction for replacements
or if the programs are available please tell me how to get them?
I also noticed my email inbox looks like it never left the 90's. Html emails are not being displayed and pictures are not loading automatically.
Trying to adapt need it for work so i must make the best out of it
GNOve said:
I went from iphone to android to webos to comeback to android.
I use google voice. I use to scrobble. And pandora.
None of this are on windows mobile marketplace.
I just got the htc hd2 today while i love the hardware and everything. Comparing other mobile os's windows mobile sucks in terms of
app choices.
Can somebody please guide me in the right direction for replacements
or if the programs are available please tell me how to get them?
I also noticed my email inbox looks like it never left the 90's. Html emails are not being displayed and pictures are not loading automatically.
Trying to adapt need it for work so i must make the best out of it
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Okay... look here for all the apps we use on our hd2
On Windows Mobile.. you can look for apps outside of the "marketplace".. you download them as a .cab file (on pc or phone) and place them on the sd card if you want... which out the box is unique to windows mobile (doesn't eat up phone memory (but not that we lack it on the new hd2 lol))
Once the .cab file is on your phone/sd card... in the phone you go to file explorer (in the start menu)... click on it and navigate to where you placed the .cab file and run it. You can save the installation to the "device" because there is plenty of memory and tends to run better.
To awnser your questions;
[1] Google voice idk, but im sure google will have a wm app out soon (if not already, im not 'in' google voice so dunno)
[2] Googling around a bit i see they (or someone) released a windows mobile app in 2008, but all links to it trow a 404, so check out their mobile forums, specifically this sticky
[3] Pandora, just read this; (Point your mobile phone's browser to
[4] Incomplete emails Thats just a setting since most people use gprs/hsdpa, im sure you can change it, either somewhere in the settings or trough a registry edit
Though i just have to say/write this, DONT GET ME WRONG but honestly, you shouldn't try to make this like your iPhone, although Microsoft/HTC are clearly trying to 'collect' some iPhone users, overall the HD2 isn't user friendly enough to be a iPhone (yes i sayd it) That doesn't mean you shouldn't stick with the HD2 though, just forget the iPhone
To put some strength behind my 'user friendly' statement, if your ROM is from before 1.66, the HD2 will have quite some silly bugs, like SMS messages that get stuck in the outbox but only (if your lucky) send 3 weeks later, problems with the camera, not beeing able to read/write large miniSD cards & more.
On the other hand, if your in any way IT related or just in general good with computers, this is currently the best phone on the market (counting HD2 and HD2b as one) it does the latest wireless connection methods, has build-in gps, compass and g-sensor, a 1ghz gpu, a 'gpu' (kinda) and more geeky features, and hey, it can emulate most psx games at full speed (
I'd just strongly suggest you to get a new ROM from the HTC site, assuming you have a device with pre 1.66
I hope the above helped a bit, not trying to make windows mobile even more confusing for you, just trying to tell you that it cant really be compared to iPhone/Android, it can be compared to windows, there are actually millions of apps, nobody ever felt the need for a windows marketplace until iPhone got one and Microsoft had to compete, at which they currently fail hard i agree, the windows marketplace thing is a joke, just use google.


Hello guys...i need your help...
I cant find the QIK program for livestream with HD2...
Do you have any ideas?
Hi, AFAIK Qik does not have a working client for the HD2. Ironic considering it's one of the most powerful smartphones. I think they've been pressed by the competition to not support the HD2 and threatened them that they will change their terms and conditions specifically to block their software from their marketplace ;-)
Guys dont be suprised. Windows Phone will be relased soon, so im SURE, that Microsoft pressing developers to not relase apps for WM 5 and 6.
Maybe you think im crazy, but Google some in Internet. Last news informing, that Microsoft employees got free Windows Phones from they bosses, but they must everyone must write apps for this platform. M$ "fat fishes" giving even all needed STK's and tools to start programing now.
Other news is that M$ will pay to external companies if they will rewrite iPhone apps to Windows Phone.
So only future which i see for HD2 is Android ROM's.
Just use Google and find that.

[Q] How to activate voice commands?

Hi everybody,
I am new to this forum and I have hesitated for a long time before I signed up. The reason for my hesitation: I didn't want to start off crying for help. Nevertheless here I am. After about a week of searching the www I thought what the heck. That is the purpose of a forum, share knowledge.
I am a (German) retiree living for many years in El Salvador, I’m old but because of my curiosity I feel quite comfortable with modern technology. I have installed and configured Garmin Mobile XT (which I found on the web while looking for answers ) and it works perfectly.
For about 10 years I have been a customer of TIGO (Millicom) and never got anything for free from them. So I decided to ask for something and I got a free Phone (he who doesn’t cry, doesn’t suckle ). It’s a Samsung SGH-i637, non-touch-screen, in your neck of the woods known as Jack (internet wisdom) and distributed by AT&T and with a certain keyboard layout (AT&T button).
The OS is WIN Mobile 6.1 Standard and I want to use voice commands. Every lead I found refers to that particular button to activate that option. Now, my phone doesn’t have that button, it has the Windows Live Messenger button instead which, surprise surprise, takes me to Windows Live Messenger. Some people said to look in Start-Settings-System. No such thing in my phone either.
Just as I have surfed the net for days I have done the same of all the menus in my phone.
Now my questions:
How to access that option?
Does WIN Mobile 6.1 support that option?
Do I have to upgrade to WIN Mobile 6.5?
Is an upgrade recommended? (Pros/Cons)
I really hope that some merciful soul can take this burden off my shoulders.

Windows Mobile - Services - less is NEVER more.

Once again Microsoft has made the decision to scale back features for Windows Mobile users.
I received an email from Microsoft today indicating that they would be ending the service of two more Windows Mobile FEATURES.
The first service to be cut this time isn't too bad. Microsoft is terminating the Marketplace website within a few months. The site is scheduled to go offline forever on July 15, 2011. You will still be able to utilize the Marketplace mobile application to buy and download applications. No big deal right???
Then comes the decision that really chaps my hyde.
Microsoft is also discontinuing the MyPhone service ALL TOGETHER!
I don't know about you, but that was one of the features that I use frequently & even influenced my decision to use Windows Mobile instead of Android or the iPhone.
Microsoft heavily touted this feature in their information and marketing materials. One of the things I PAID FOR was the ability to backup ans sync my device information and it's location on a daily basis. Many cooks use the MyPhone service & I don't know anbody that hasn't had to use it a time or two.
Microsoft is terminating completely, the MyPhone service, both the website & the mobile device application on August 7, 2011.
This is an absolute tragedy & a terrible decision in my opinion & the opinions of all the users I personally interact with.
This was a great service & something that really set Microsoft apart from many other platforms. Say your phone died, you are out of town on business & need your contact, out came the old backup device 7 wham, minutes later you had your texts, contacts, email & documents back in your hands.
What is even more saddening, Microsoft is trying to sell us on the fact that SkyDrive is the superior product, that they are somehow helping us out & giving us a better solution to use. Where is SkyDrive mobile? Does it help me find my lost device? Can SMS & email messages be backed up & downloaded straight to my device through a neat & nicely integrated application? THE ANSWER IS NO!!! MyPhone is great for road warriors & is used by so many people I know. Not just the app, but the website that also saved this information from my previous device as well.
All I can say is that this is a MAJOR disappointment!
So, why do I buy Microsoft when they kill everything a year or two later?
Well, before this it was because I was a loyal user since the days of CE. Microsoft had a great development platform & was innovative. They really were first on the scene with barcode scanning though Elure, (Remember the stick-on magnifying glass?) It was great, but they let it die.
How about the promise of a great speach to text and search application? Tell me? No, really, TellMe. Microsoft bought TellMe & promised us this great application that first was developed for Blackberry & then never followed through with the application for Windows Mobile users.
Why is it that Microsoft develops competing technologies & then always dumps one without regard for what user want & actually use? I just can't understand why they never integrate the popular features of one service into it's successor. Why should you go out & buy WP7, The OS that took forever to come out & that they are already replacing? In my opinion you shouldn't That should tell you something, because I have been an avid supporter of Windows Mobile from the start, before the start. (Can you say Pocket PC 2002).
I am looking more & more at Android & will most likely be making a new acquisition soon.
I got the same email and althought my phone still has a till is cut off completely (the start of the move to sky drive is on the date you stated) and i also have been an avid supporter of window mobile since the early days, a user since windows CE 2002 and now a developer of applications for the platform, I suddenly feel i am presneted with a choice. Go with windows mobile or android. This presents me with 3 problems. Firstly, i have a little less than a year on my contract before i can upgrade (i can't afford to go out and just buy a new phone right now) and, secondly, i hate android with a passion. Don't get me wrong, it suits most people and i'm not a MS fanboy (boy used loosely since i'm alomst 30) but i just don't like the UI and i miss the feature set CHT brought to my windows mobile device and before that how easy it was to get around the stock windows user interface. Last of all i've not seen anything on windows Phone 7 that would sway me. I'm not an xbox user, i use copy and paste alot (i know there is an update for that coming/out) and most of all, from my reading, i need to go and buy a new WP7 HTC device to get the most out of it and most of them suck!
So what do i do? get a nokia and screw up my work rate when i'm out of the office? Go android and hate every second of my life to the point i wish i'd bought a nokia? or go with windows phone 7 for my hd2 and suffer the pain of all the bugs of porting an OS to a phone it was never designed to run on?
The way i see it, right now, after having a few beers and being on the wrong side of sober, i might as well have been pushed off a building with the words "F**k you, A**hole!"
it seems we are really few users. only 16 posts about this ridiculous decision. see thread
Well as you see I'm a total noob and I claim the title proudly. So while I skewed your poll a little I did find this post to be very informative. I had actually never heard of MyPhone but after reading the passionate thread that sounds exactly like what I could have been using for quite some time now. Though this may be a long shot, if you do come across a program that is comparable to MyPhone would you be willing to share? As being able to easily sync and transfer my data from phone to phone has always been my largest/ chief complaint with any phone carrier.
and MyPhone is one of the key points to WHY I have a wm6.5 phone after all.. this, and compatibility with older mobile software.
If someone finds a replacement app, I would be glad to know it too.
I'm disappointed that Microsoft is getting rid of the service. It really helped with flashing ROMs and such things. Definitely not getting a WP7 phone when I upgrade.
First of all half of this article is confusing. The part regarding the Marketplace shut down is misleading. The only thing that is being discontinued from the marketplace is the website that we can access from our browsers. According to Microsoft's own website (link is in the email, I was confused at first as well).
Next, the MyPhone service is a pretty novel idea, but it's almost one way, you can only sync to the servers, but the servers only sync to your phone, why not just use PPCBackup then if it's going to be synced to one place anyways. It makes better sense now with Hotmails ActiveSync support to use that instead, the only downside being is some data isn't synced (text messages for example, but at least contacts (primary), calendar, email, and tasks are supported). I tried MyPhone before, but the limitation of it being stuck on the MyPhone server and not being able to share it anywhere else was the reason I never used it regularly. I wish they'd upgrade the service to use Windows Live, which would be an improvement over the current syncing.
probably it's not much people knowing this.... i myself never check my live mail mail box and only know microsoft decision right now.....
Cleary this is not as big a travesty as you think it is, not to take anything away from you but WIN MO is a dead platform. People always have a hard time admitting this but there are about 12 posts on this subject so I am pretty sure MSFT is not really feeling the heat about there decision. It like seeing someone who lived a full and happy life die, you are sad but know that there time has come, much like everything WIN MO related. I recommend you pick up an Android phone and move on.
Well MS are full of broken promises and dreams, they are keen to kill WM one way or another.
They brought out Visual Studio 2010 and spouted about how you can develop for mobile platforms using Express for free... and didn't mention that not only does Express not include WM in any form, but not even the pro version supports it. (It was even pushed from 2005 standard into 2008 pro only previously).
It's ok, because they promised they'd bring out an SDK...which is..oh nevermind, broken promise. You can't even use it to port your app on to windows phone or try to develop for friendly or what!
As for the app market...just closing the long before they kill the app store too for WM, you know it will come soon after. They clearly want to push any WM user kicking and screaming on to windows phone, they are trying to do that to the devs too. Imagine if you've developed an app which is on the market for WM, well MS doesn't care anymore.
What form is the transfer to SkyDrive going to take? As of now, there is no support for sms messages/contacts data (oh please don't import them into my hotmail/live account...I never use the contacts there since they were always hacked). Do I have to port them into outlook or something, because for the same reason, I don't want to keep them there either. Let me guess, you will be able to import them into your windows phone 7 device without too many problems using the nice shiny app, and there will be a WM SkyDrive app erm...never (at least from MS). Still you get 20Gb of space which you can access on the move (from a device you don't have...).
For me, I see Windows Phone 7 a bit like Vista, with WM being XP. Yes it has fancy graphics and bells, but if you aren't using the latest hardware, XP does a half-decent job in the mean time.
The plus side, well there isn't much else which MS supply, unless they start to pull SDKs and other files off their sites (I noticed a while back they've removed most of the developer info and videos etc for WM - not just moved, but totally gone).
It's not like they were updating the OS apart from through leaked builds and besides compact .net 3.5 was getting messed up more and more by the poor updates anyway. Oh yeah they promised silverlight and compact .net 4 for wm too at one point, now we know that is a pipe dream. There was talk of keeping WM in some form as a business phone device which would live alongside WP.
Really inspires me to follow them with WP7, as a user and as a dev.
Android is a good option, but I still feel there are too many unknowns with it at the moment, since it is trying to support the latest hardware it is (and needs to) keep up. It's a moving target at the moment and it's not quite landed somewhere. Of course I'll play with it, but pointless investing too deeply in it quite yet, unless you've got spare cash of course.'s solid, but it is still due for a big shake up me-thinks (I half expected iOS5 to do that), plus I don't want an iDevice.
Travesty? I think you mean tragedy. ;-)
I just threw up in my mouth a little.
I really do not want to move on from WinMo. I know it's impending, but I really do not like what I see from wp7. Android looks like the better alternative at this point I guess.
Becoming so accustomed to my device with all the programs and tweaks is just going to suck to have to give up. I knew this was coming, but it doesn;t make it any easier. Hell, only 5% of devices even have physical keyboards now. Seems that nothing is tailored for my likes.
It's very a sad news !!
I don't like WP7 and i don't want WP7 !
WM with HCT OEM Apps are a very good solutions....the HD2 is actually a best seller with a lot of possibility...
Just a question.....what about professionnal ? What about the "Windows Embedded Handeld" aka WM6.5.3 ?
The professionnal never want to use this WP7, and Microsoft said after the launch of WP7 that they would to continu a branch of WM for the pro ( WEH).
So what about this ???
Maybe we could contact Microsoft
What on earth are they thinking? surely MyPhone and Marketplace can't take up too much space on |Microsofts Servers!
I have had too move to Android, not liking Windows phone at all even including the Mango 7.5 update.
Mind you i have been through this before with Windows CE, Windows 2000 Profesesional, so it doesnt really come as much of a suprise.
Im still very unhappy though
Guys guys guys ...
Did you not hear MS telling all it's existing and previously most loyal customers to go f&%k themselves when they went down the WP7 route? They're into competing with Nokia and Apple now for children's phones.
We're all gonna have to get used to Android sooner or later. Just a bit sooner than expected for some that's all.
Come on into the Windows Phone pool, water's fine over here!
It's sad that they want to kill their older system so badly.
When I bought a phone a year ago, I chose Windows Mobile over others as it fit my preferences the best. According to the sales data I saw, I wasn't the only one. Last year a lot more people bought a Windows Mobile phone than a Windows Phone one. If it is true, Microsoft's decision strikes me as strange. They still support Windows XP that is two generations behind the current OS, while they refuse to support WM that is WP's direct predecessor.
well, learn about the news yesterday and i went out to find some replacement.... it turn out that google sync is a much better option for contact sync and calendar. But still, i haven't found others online backup services that's good for text messange backup.
still, it's a shock that microsoft turn down support in less than 2 years after discontinue winmo, there are still lots of people on contract with their winmo devices.
It is indeed a travesty!!
I have a car that is 7 years old, can still get parts easily for that?
There’s Apple with their new cloud, well if you think about it we all had part of that before apple ever thought about it in myphone.
I hear they are moving some of our files / pictures etc to Microsofts cloud, then why can’t they make that function like myphone for us???
I am sure they could, but NO they want us to move on to WM7.
Why would we want to move to a service that is SO VERY CLOSED DOWN before we start.
Microsoft will push our share of their market “US” probably over to Adroid!
Shame on you Microsoft, will you listen to loyal folk.
P.S. See you all on the other Side maybe.
who cares ?
Microsoft is dead!

