Fuze Times Out on Data Connection - Touch Pro, Fuze General

Half the time when I try to go to a website the Fuze just times out. Loads forever and times out.
When it doesn't time out, it's slow as molasses.
I can throw my SIM in either of my other two 3G phones, sitting in the exact same spot, and everything flows just fine.
Anyone else having this issue?
I'm about ready to take this back, after months of waiting for its release, because the data connection is so unreliable.

have you tried tweaking it and maybe flash to another rom?
or maybe you just have a lemon. Get it exchanged and see if problem persists.

baboola said:
have you tried tweaking it and maybe flash to another rom?
or maybe you just have a lemon. Get it exchanged and see if problem persists.
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Have already returned it for a different one. Exact same issue. Actually I've posted a lot of details about this, if you look at my other posts.
Many others are having this same issue. Many others in the threads on here, like the HSDPA / 3G Fuze threads. Here's a guy on ATT forums with the exact same symptoms as me: http://forums.wireless.att.com/cng/board/message?board.id=cingular&thread.id=108522
I do not want to flash to a different ROM because I saw someone in another thread post that they tried flashing back to the stock ATT ROM and it didn't work. Haven't seen anyone post saying that it DOES work for this specific phone to the ATT ROM.
If it was just "kinda slow" I would mess with tweaks and other ROMs, but the fact that it's literally unusable makes me want to just give up and possibly re-buy the phone if and when a REAL fix for it comes along.
The frustrating thing is it seems like about half people are getting awesome speeds on this phone, and the other half are getting abysmal, unusable speeds. I've seen a lot of posts on here of people saying they're just returning the Fuze as it's useless. I'm so disappointed, I really wanted this phone bad.

I'm sorry to hear that. I'm actually on my second Fuze right now (returned the first one for some stupid reason). Both phones had around the same speed. It's not stellar, but at least it's not doing terribly worse than my friend's iphone 3g, which I use as a comparison cuz we all know they're the connection hoggers.
Have you tried calling AT&T tech support? They've been extremely helpful with some of my questions.
Lastly, why not just flash it? May people are having a bit of a problem getting stock ROM to work after flashing it back, but if you're going to exchange it, who said the stock ROM has to work flawlessly? Besides, someone will eventually find a way to fully re-flash stock ROM soon, not that I'd ever understand why anyone would want to do that aside for warranty purposes.
I would bring your phone to AT&T store, talk to the manager (chances are someone working there also has a Fuze). Tell them your problem and ask them to do a comparison. Cuz right now I can only think of two possibilities:
1) you got 2 lemons in a row
2) Stock ROM really sucks
Good luck

Thanks man. I might just try a flash and see. I have not called tech support yet even though I've been thinking about doing that for days, because it's such a hair pulling experience, i just hate going through the phone systems and then getting people who don't have a clue what your'e talking about.
I did email the manager of the store, mainly about a different issue I had with the process and the associate (who lied to my face repeatedly, but i wont go into details) and mentioned the problems i'm having with my phone and the fact that the replacement is the same way.
I also live in OC (southern cal) and have heard others are having issues w 3G in general here. However the fact remains that my other two 3G phones work perfectly for me.


Automatically Powering Off Solution?

I know the issue of people's Captivates turning off by themselves has been discussed a lot and if there is a solution that is already provided, I apologize for cluttering up the forum a little more. If not, I have something that works for me and was wondering if it might be helpful for troubleshooting what the issue is/how to fix it.
For myself, it seems to be an issue when the battery is near full more than any other time. If I just unplug the phone in the morning and come back to it later it will be off. However, I often go running in the mornings. When I do, I like to listen to music and I use Grooveshark to do it. Just opening Grooveshark does not seem to fix the issue, but if music is playing (even if there is no volume) my phone does not turn itself off. I haven't played around to see if the same is true for just playing music through the regular music player, but I was wondering if perhaps accessing audio playback somehow keeps the phone alive.
Again, if there is already a known solution I'm sorry for cluttering things. Maybe I just had to search around some more...
pezx44 said:
I know the issue of people's Captivates turning off by themselves has been discussed a lot and if there is a solution that is already provided, I apologize for cluttering up the forum a little more. If not, I have something that works for me and was wondering if it might be helpful for troubleshooting what the issue is/how to fix it.
For myself, it seems to be an issue when the battery is near full more than any other time. If I just unplug the phone in the morning and come back to it later it will be off. However, I often go running in the mornings. When I do, I like to listen to music and I use Grooveshark to do it. Just opening Grooveshark does not seem to fix the issue, but if music is playing (even if there is no volume) my phone does not turn itself off. I haven't played around to see if the same is true for just playing music through the regular music player, but I was wondering if perhaps accessing audio playback somehow keeps the phone alive.
Again, if there is already a known solution I'm sorry for cluttering things. Maybe I just had to search around some more...
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My guess is you guys have tried to overclock and your phone really didn't like it and caused some minor damage. I have heard reports from stock 2.1, 2.2 and Cognition, most of them I have talked to have tried overclocking at some point. If you haven't, maybe just faulty hardware out of the box, if you can flash stock and it still happens, take it back and exchange it.
Personally I won't be overclocking again, 200mhz is not working breaking a $500 phone. I find the lagfix isn't even needed on 2.2 stock.
I only had overclocking on my phone once in a sre build and tested it once and found it worthless to me so i disabled it.
Anyways i have never had an issue with shut downs prior to flashing ji6. Now when i leave my phone plugged in over night, on, i wake up in the morning to find it off. This has happened every day so i cant use my phone for an alarm at the moment. Otger than that ive had a few random shut downs during the day. I do want to know what the problem/solution is for the phone shutting off during the night though.
When i flashed over to ji6 i formatted sd odined jf6 then odined ji6. I did try to do tge master clear only to have it start then say FAIL! In a red box. Someone suggested i reinstall my drivers. I do plan on trying that but am getting so sick of flashing and redoing stuff i havent got aroubd to it.
Would a master clear do anything or make a difference you think since i formatted the sd?
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designgears said:
Personally I won't be overclocking again, 200mhz is not working breaking a $500 phone. I find the lagfix isn't even needed on 2.2 stock.
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Agree - the extra battery drain and heat buildup in the chip is not worth it... this device works pretty good with stock and/or new FS tweaks applied.
I do hope the OP gets his device recovered with Odin etc.... hopefully just a glitch that can be remedied back to stock....
I've Odin'd it back to stock but currently am running Cognition 2.2. This has been an issue from the getgo, however (maybe I should mention that I SIM unlocked it if that makes a difference). I couldn't return it because I live out of the country and didn't even receive the thing for about 40 days (gotta love Costa Rican customs). I agree that OC seems pretty pointless on this phone and I have avoided OC roms. I only thought it was interesting that running programs doesn't seem to prevent it, but for some reason playing music does seem to prevent the shutdown perhaps meaning that accessing a certain dll or something fixes the issue (I really have no idea why it works). I just thought that info might be helpful to people who understand the OS better than I if it is a consistent problem for people and if no solutions other than "return it" have been found.
Edit: Oh and DG, great work. You'd be one of those smarter than I guys I referenced...
i've never overclocked my phone and i've mostly run it without a lagfix and no matter what ROM i've used (i've been using cognition beta 1 since it came out) i've always had random shut-downs. For a while there on the stock rom it seemed to only happen when my wifi was on but now it doesn't matter. I don't have any special automation software running (task managers, tasker, ..etc). It's the single most maddening thing about this phone.
Same here... i have had my phone since launch... i had random shut downs since launch. I have had less problems now then before and i have flashed every rom that has come out including overclocking.
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My wife's phone was never overclocked and it developed the random shut down problem about two weeks after she got it. After trying numerous things to fix the problem, some resulting in it working fine again for a few days and then starting random shut downs again, I came to the conclusion that it was definitely a defective hardware problem and had her return and exchange it. The new one is now set up exactly the same as her old one (rooted stock jf6 with the bloatware removed, side loading enabled, and market fixed) and has been running fine, with no shut downs for over two weeks.
I have been in the electronic repair business for over 25 years, and my conclusion is, the only fix is to return it and get it repaired or replaced. Nothing you can do is going to fix your defective hardware.
I had my phone for a month and it was flawless, updated to 2.2 beta and started getting random shutdowns. I replaced the phone and the new one doesn't shutdown at all on 2.2. The one I returned would shutdown at least 5-6 times per day. Again only after installing 2.2, on 2.1 it seems ok. Which could be a software issue, or just more strain on the hardware making the problem happen
Personally I think it's just bad hardware. Replace the phone.
I guess I'll have to see if there's any way of getting the hardware replaced but I don't think I'm going to be able to manage.
I just want to repeat, however, that I have tested this many many times and with numerous iterations of DG's roms as well as stock. I can guarantee a shut down soon after unplugging the phone in the morning, but I have never gotten it when I start playing music (specifically through Grooveshark - I have not tested it with the regular music player). I just think that even if it's a hardware problem, there appears to be a relationship which suggests that a software solution could prevent it (at least given my experience). I just thought it might be helpful information to people who might understand a possible relationship between the two and to see if anybody else can confirm or refute this behavior. If there is any way to trick the phone into thinking it is playing the music without actually playing it, the problem may go away for people who are experiencing it.
If anybody else can refute my observations or back them up, I would be interested to hear. Perhaps if enough people can confirm it, it may be worthwhile to investigate further. If people can refute it, I guess I'll just count myself "lucky" to have only a mildly faulty phone. Either way I'm happy with my phone. I just thought I might be able to help others out.
I actually convinced four coworkers to pick up Captivates here (our company policy is with at&t) and my boss' phone (completely stock) would randomly shut-down four or five times a day. I've been around the community since the G1 dev launch and my phone is definitely not stock but has never randomly shutdown.
I finally convinced him to return it and his new one came in today. With this many reports, it is not a user-induced problem.
+1 to everything im reading here. i tried a few software and hardware 'fixes' so to say and nothing fixed the issue for long term. sent in for a new captivate #3 yesterday. Im sorry its just got to be a hardware problem, its just to far widespread from what im seeing.
I did want to point out one fear that is starting to cross my mind. i got my 1st one off craigslist which is hilarious because im still covered by warranty. HOWEVER. after the first exchange its then 90 days on a refurb *which begs me to wonder if samsung will still honor the 1 year warranty claim*..anyways.. im really really really hoping that i dont get one that seems to last a while and has this issue start up again....because that will be the last captivate for me...obviously lol
Believe it or not, this has been working for me for a couple of days now
I called ATT and was told to call Samsung because I don't have an account. They did tell me, however, that they didn't know anything about a bad production run or anything like that or about many exchanges. Of course I take all of that with a grain of salt...
Out of curiosity, to the people that have had the shutdown issue: Did you SIM Unlock your phone? I have and I use a foreign SIM (just trying to see what is in common).
I understand that it seems to be a hardware-based issue, but there really does seem to be a correlation to software as well. If I'm told by Samsung that there was a bad production run, I'll go with it. But until then, I'm the meticulous sort and will continue testing.
I don't want to beat a dead horse though and I don't want to be one of those guys claiming some fanciful fix to something there is no fix for. I'm still doing some testing on my end. So far the music "fix" has worked for me (although I do not see it as a long term solution) and I just wanted to float it because it seems to work consistently (unfortunately you can't prove a negative). I understand, however, that others have claimed fixes that just plain don't work and so if I hear of anybody trying this and it not working for them I'll move along to focus on other possible correlations. Thanks for all the feedback so far!
Why are people blaming hardware if it is exclusively a Froyo problem?
I've never OC'ed. Learned my lesson on the Evo 4g.
The power-off problem ONLY happens on Froyo builds
Issue happens with the ODIN-packaged 2.2 and all Cognition 2.2 releases
Inexplicably, I do not have the problem with my current Froyo build based on beta 4. Previous installs of Beta4 did have the problem, just not this one.
Odd behavior on a leaked build does not mean bad hardware. Once again, I NEVER have this problem on Eclair.
There is some combination of software and/or settings that causes this.
ZoinksS2k said:
Why are people blaming hardware if it is exclusively a Froyo problem?
I've never OC'ed. Learned my lesson on the Evo 4g.
The power-off problem ONLY happens on Froyo builds
Issue happens with the ODIN-packaged 2.2 and all Cognition 2.2 releases
Inexplicably, I do not have the problem with my current Froyo build based on beta 4. Previous installs of Beta4 did have the problem, just not this one.
Odd behavior on a leaked build does not mean bad hardware. Once again, I NEVER have this problem on Eclair.
There is some combination of software and/or settings that causes this.
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Blaming the 2.2 builds as the sole culprit is false. I have coworker who has two stock captivates. His had never had an issue, his wife is up to phone #2 and has had power issues on both.
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It is definitely not exclusively Froyo. It has been happening to people (myself included) for a while.
I just got off the phone with Samsung (general customer support then level 2 technical support). I suggest that anybody else have the problem also call them to at least document the issue (888-987-4357 options 1-6-2-4). They said I can send it in for repairs (yeah right - like I can be away from my phone for that long!) but more importantly that they have not heard of this being a widespread problem but that probably just means that people aren't reporting it. I urge others to call in to at least let them have an idea of how widespread (or not) it is.
pezx44 said:
It is definitely not exclusively Froyo. It has been happening to people (myself included) for a while.
I just got off the phone with Samsung (general customer support then level 2 technical support). I suggest that anybody else have the problem also call them to at least document the issue (888-987-4357 options 1-6-2-4). They said I can send it in for repairs (yeah right - like I can be away from my phone for that long!) but more importantly that they have not heard of this being a widespread problem but that probably just means that people aren't reporting it. I urge others to call in to at least let them have an idea of how widespread (or not) it is.
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Hmm im pretty sure i just got them yesterday HOWEVER they also sent me to their android support team *wha? really?* pretty much the same level of service but they made sure i was on the newest ota and had me try it for a day and said they would call back after 24 hours to check if the issue persisted.
Why did they tell you to send it in for repairs thou? this is going to be my 3rd and each time they send out the new one FIRST and i rma the bad one back in the box. only reason i havent been so when i have to go through this process
bamonkey said:
I did want to point out one fear that is starting to cross my mind. i got my 1st one off craigslist which is hilarious because im still covered by warranty. HOWEVER. after the first exchange its then 90 days on a refurb *which begs me to wonder if samsung will still honor the 1 year warranty claim*..anyways.. im really really really hoping that i dont get one that seems to last a while and has this issue start up again....because that will be the last captivate for me...obviously lol
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If you bought a new phone from AT&T, the warranty is 1 year. During this one year, you can have the warranty replacement (refurbs) as many time as you want and your warranty stays as the original (counted from the day you purchased your phone).
If you bought a refurb phone from AT&T, the warranty is 90 days.
bamonkey said:
Hmm im pretty sure i just got them yesterday HOWEVER they also sent me to their android support team *wha? really?* pretty much the same level of service but they made sure i was on the newest ota and had me try it for a day and said they would call back after 24 hours to check if the issue persisted.
Why did they tell you to send it in for repairs thou? this is going to be my 3rd and each time they send out the new one FIRST and i rma the bad one back in the box. only reason i havent been so when i have to go through this process
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If I lived in the states I probably would have pushed for that myself. Unfortunately getting things shipped to/from me where I live costs money plus customs delays so I'm sort of resigned to the fact that I'm stuck with this handset for now. I was hoping I could just bust into an ATT store and get it exchanged but it doesn't look like that's an option. Calling Samsung was more to just document it with them. I'm glad you have had better luck.
3rd you say though? Has it been the same issue with each?

Why I am not angry at Samsung or [email protected]

Maybe I am the only one, but flashing roms and learning how to screw up my captivate, and more importantly learn how to fix it afterwords, has made me not really care about when my phone will get 2.2 or 2.3. The developers here have made roms that I believe are just as good, if not better than the "official" versions. Sure Samsung promised 2.2 a long time ago, but what is the fun in just a boring update? Am I the only one who feels this way, or am I just addicted to flashing?
Here, here!
The only thing an official AT&T update would bring at this point in the game, would be better custom ROMs.
IMVHO of course.
I respect your right not to be upset. Still, I think there are a number of things to be legitimately upset about - none of which are addressed by the ROMS on xda.
The restart issue: this problem has been known for a long time. Neither AT&T nor Samsung have made it easy to get a working phone. They denied the issue for a while. They then recognized it, but never made the exchange process easy. Look at all the random shutdown threads and see the mixed experiences people have had. To make matters worse, broken phones are often replaced with other broken phones. AT&T has been either too lazy or too cheap to pull the affected IMEIs from circulation. People have gone through 2 or 3 phones before getting one that 'works.'
My GPS doesn't work at all. I can stand out in the middle of a field and my phone will see 1 satelite. I get a lock every once in a while, but it NEVER has tracked. I've tried just about every GPS fix out there and none of them work for me (and I shouldn't need to try a bunch of fixes off some internet forum anyhow). Has there been any help from AT&T or Samsung on this issue? - No. They seem to pretend it doesn't exist. To make matters worse, some phones seem to work as expected - BUT some of those have the shutdown issue. People are afraid to turn in their screwed up phone with a working GPS because they might end up with a 'normal' phone with a broken GPS. That's outrageous. Seriously, it shows the truly pathetic quality of the Captivate and the companies that manufacture/distribute it.
There are features that came on my phone that have still not been enabled. Media Hub, for example, was billed all over the place as a great new feature - to be enabled later. It's later...much later. When do I get Media Hub? I don't see it. I can't get it to work via any custom ROMs (unless I'm missing something).
The way that AT&T and Samsung have handled this situation reads as a case study in poor customer service. Is it the end of the world? No. Is it enough to get me to avoid another Samsung phone? Probably. I bet many others would say the same.
Custom ROMs saved me from hating this phone and made it a really great device in every way I can think of, but it doesn't excuse AT&T+Samsung's lack of support on this device.
All I can say is thank goodness for people on this forum who have the interest, know how and drive to do what those companies have not done: make the Captivate a great device.
sarcasmo said:
I respect your right not to be upset. Still, I think there are a number of things to be legitimately upset about - none of which are addressed by the ROMS on xda.
The restart issue: this problem has been known for a long time. Neither AT&T nor Samsung have made it easy to get a working phone. They denied the issue for a while. They then recognized it, but never made the exchange process easy. Look at all the random shutdown threads and see the mixed experiences people have had. To make matters worse, broken phones are often replaced with other broken phones. AT&T has been either too lazy or too cheap to pull the affected IMEIs from circulation. People have gone through 2 or 3 phones before getting one that 'works.'
My GPS doesn't work at all. I can stand out in the middle of a field and my phone will see 1 satelite. I get a lock every once in a while, but it NEVER has tracked. I've tried just about every GPS fix out there and none of them work for me (and I shouldn't need to try a bunch of fixes off some internet forum anyhow). Has there been any help from AT&T or Samsung on this issue? - No. They seem to pretend it doesn't exist. To make matters worse, some phones seem to work as expected - BUT some of those have the shutdown issue. People are afraid to turn in their screwed up phone with a working GPS because they might end up with a 'normal' phone with a broken GPS. That's outrageous. Seriously, it shows the truly pathetic quality of the Captivate and the companies that manufacture/distribute it.
There are features that came on my phone that have still not been enabled. Media Hub, for example, was billed all over the place as a great new feature - to be enabled later. It's later...much later. When do I get Media Hub? I don't see it. I can't get it to work via any custom ROMs (unless I'm missing something).
The way that AT&T and Samsung have handled this situation reads as a case study in poor customer service. Is it the end of the world? No. Is it enough to get me to avoid another Samsung phone? Probably. I bet many others would say the same.
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I had no issues exchanging my phone with random shutdowns...call att and exchange it
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delugeofspam said:
Here, here!
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Where? Where?
sarcasmo said:
I respect your right not to be upset. Still, I think there are a number of things to be legitimately upset about - none of which are addressed by the ROMS on xda.
The restart issue: this problem has been known for a long time. Neither AT&T nor Samsung have made it easy to get a working phone. They denied the issue for a while. They then recognized it, but never made the exchange process easy. Look at all the random shutdown threads and see the mixed experiences people have had. To make matters worse, broken phones are often replaced with other broken phones. AT&T has been either too lazy or too cheap to pull the affected IMEIs from circulation. People have gone through 2 or 3 phones before getting one that 'works.'
My GPS doesn't work at all. I can stand out in the middle of a field and my phone will see 1 satelite. I get a lock every once in a while, but it NEVER has tracked. I've tried just about every GPS fix out there and none of them work for me (and I shouldn't need to try a bunch of fixes off some internet forum anyhow). Has there been any help from AT&T or Samsung on this issue? - No. They seem to pretend it doesn't exist. To make matters worse, some phones seem to work as expected - BUT some of those have the shutdown issue. People are afraid to turn in their screwed up phone with a working GPS because they might end up with a 'normal' phone with a broken GPS. That's outrageous. Seriously, it shows the truly pathetic quality of the Captivate and the companies that manufacture/distribute it.
There are features that came on my phone that have still not been enabled. Media Hub, for example, was billed all over the place as a great new feature - to be enabled later. It's later...much later. When do I get Media Hub? I don't see it. I can't get it to work via any custom ROMs (unless I'm missing something).
The way that AT&T and Samsung have handled this situation reads as a case study in poor customer service. Is it the end of the world? No. Is it enough to get me to avoid another Samsung phone? Probably. I bet many others would say the same.
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acctually there is a working media hub .apk in one of the forums and it works great
Wdustin1 said:
acctually there is a working media hub .apk in one of the forums and it works great
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Where? 10 characters
I agree, I love this phone and I'm thankful for samsung and AT&T not doing their job, because it's made people on these forums come up with some amazing roms/kernels/what-have-you.
The rom leaks developers are working on are part of a conspiracy. Think about it.
rwj5279955 said:
The only thing an official AT&T update would bring at this point in the game, would be better custom ROMs.
IMVHO of course.
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Yup! My Sentiments exactly.
fldude99 said:
Where? 10 characters
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It was on the Epic forums.
I tried this a while ago on one of the early versions of cog and it worked fine, but I don't use it enough to keep it on my phone. But I can confirm that it did work for me.
sarcasmo said:
I respect your right not to be upset. Still, I think there are a number of things to be legitimately upset about - none of which are addressed by the ROMS on xda.
The restart issue: this problem has been known for a long time. Neither AT&T nor Samsung have made it easy to get a working phone. They denied the issue for a while. They then recognized it, but never made the exchange process easy. Look at all the random shutdown threads and see the mixed experiences people have had. To make matters worse, broken phones are often replaced with other broken phones. AT&T has been either too lazy or too cheap to pull the affected IMEIs from circulation. People have gone through 2 or 3 phones before getting one that 'works.'
My GPS doesn't work at all. I can stand out in the middle of a field and my phone will see 1 satelite. I get a lock every once in a while, but it NEVER has tracked. I've tried just about every GPS fix out there and none of them work for me (and I shouldn't need to try a bunch of fixes off some internet forum anyhow). Has there been any help from AT&T or Samsung on this issue? - No. They seem to pretend it doesn't exist. To make matters worse, some phones seem to work as expected - BUT some of those have the shutdown issue. People are afraid to turn in their screwed up phone with a working GPS because they might end up with a 'normal' phone with a broken GPS. That's outrageous. Seriously, it shows the truly pathetic quality of the Captivate and the companies that manufacture/distribute it.
There are features that came on my phone that have still not been enabled. Media Hub, for example, was billed all over the place as a great new feature - to be enabled later. It's later...much later. When do I get Media Hub? I don't see it. I can't get it to work via any custom ROMs (unless I'm missing something).
The way that AT&T and Samsung have handled this situation reads as a case study in poor customer service. Is it the end of the world? No. Is it enough to get me to avoid another Samsung phone? Probably. I bet many others would say the same.
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Very well said! Btw, LOVE the screen name, lol.
I don't even own this phone, my gf does and I've done limited research so I could flash Cog2.3b8. The phone is WAAAAY better with Cog, but the gps blatantly disappeared on us halfway to our destination last weekend. I sighed and pulled out my mt4g which caught a lock in about 1/10th of a second and guided us there with absolutely no errors.
This made ME feel pretty stupid considering I gave her the phone as a gift. Thank god I bought it used and can probably sell it for what I paid for it.
From my limited experience with AT&T and Samsung I am furious. This phone had tremendous potential but I will avoid Samsung and AT&T like the plague from now on.
Delaying updates is one thing but the GPS issue is ****ing ridiculous. It's a joke!! There's no other way to describe it. You should all be irate and demand your money back.
Yes, T-mobile has had QC issues with the MT4G but everyone in the thread who has returned their phones has praised T-mobile for the way they handle their customer service, including myself. How many have had that experience with AT&T?
You should still be mad at Samsung.
Instead of making good ROMs great, we're making crappy ROMs good.
vunuts said:
It was on the Epic forums.
I tried this a while ago on one of the early versions of cog and it worked fine, but I don't use it enough to keep it on my phone. But I can confirm that it did work for me.
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It worked for me as well. I just didnt care for it. I would much rather have netflix. I have a different apk somewhere around here. If his doesnt work for you let me know via pm and I will send it... nm i just posted it
Phateless said:
You should all be irate and demand your money back.
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Nah. I don't really need GPS, and last time I tried it outside my work building it got lock in about 2 or 3 seconds. I've tried it a couple of times while driving with mixed results. It seems to depend a lot on the area. As expected (or maybe not), it seemed to worked the best in the "wealthy" part of the city. I live in San Jose, Costa Rica.
Other than that I don't know. I haven't had any single random restart that I know it wasn't caused by me, same with charging death, mainly caused by bad UV settings.
I only used the stock rom for about 2 days before I moved and lagfixed it. I killed it once in a bad kernel flashing attempt. The fact that I can revive it using a home made usb jig makes me love it even more.
Right now, I just wished people could experience that same phone I'm experiencing. I think I'm in love with it.
I'm mad at both. My Captivate is my work phone, provided by my employer - so I am less comfortable flashing it to overcome the shortcomings of the standard AT&T build - yet I did root the phone and install the MobileAP so I can actually work when my client doesn't let me connect to their network.
My beef is on smaller things like - disabling tethering, not having more robust support for Exchange, the inability to sideload, or even load Android Market apps that AT&T doesn't want me to see.
As a work tool, I want my phone to let me work, and these limits, largely self-imposed are galling.
I've learned so much over the last week. I must have flashed my phone at least 20 times and got a few good bricks out of it too. Samsung and At&t can do what they want. These roms works much better than anything they could ever do.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
I'm not mad at Samsung or Rogers for the reasons stated above, I'm mad at them for broken promises as they relate to hardware - namely the USB-to-HDMI issue, which was a big reason for me to go with this phone over another. We were promised a software update to enable this and were even shown a cable on the official Sammy site, but nada.

[Q] thinkin

ok im thint bad of king about switching to the g2x form my vibe and i was wondering is it really that bad of a phone. i keep reading all of these complaints and im wondering should i make the jump
Don't listen to what other people say. The phone is great, as long as it doesn't shutdown by itself. Screen bleed isn't as bad as people say. It's not noticeable with normal use... Only on a black background with Maximum Brightness, and in a dark room. It's blazing fast. Update baseband makes GPS lock instantly. Screen looks AMAZING. Build quality is really good as well. Don't forget that it runs stock Android... So development on this phone is great. Install any rooted 2.3.3 OTA ROM, or CyanogenMod 7.1 Nightly, and you're good to go.
omg thanks for yur input
As always, test one out in the store if you can. You might get a slightly different experience at home, though.
Just like there's plenty of phones with some problems, there's plenty of working ones as well.
G2toVibrant2.2 said:
omg thanks for yur input
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Haha, no problem.
FatalityBoyZahy said:
Don't listen to what other people say. The phone is great, as long as it doesn't shutdown by itself. Screen bleed isn't as bad as people say. It's not noticeable with normal use... Only on a black background with Maximum Brightness, and in a dark room. It's blazing fast. Update baseband makes GPS lock instantly. Screen looks AMAZING. Build quality is really good as well. Don't forget that it runs stock Android... So development on this phone is great. Install any rooted 2.3.3 OTA ROM, or CyanogenMod 7.1 Nightly, and you're good to go.
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I think this statement says a lot. To say a phone is great when it's not malfunctioning says a lot about the phone. If I were the OP I would not take that as a vote of confidence. That being said, OP don't buy the G2X, it's fine I suppose if you're someone unfortunate to have already purchased it and can't get out of it, but I would hardly suggest jumping on board with it at this juncture. My advice is to just be patient and wait for the Hercules or Nexus Prime. The G2X is an unstable phone that reboots itself and freezes randomly. Why jump onto a sinking ship? There are better options just over the horizon, wait for those.
mysterioustko said:
I think this statement says a lot. To say a phone is great when it's not malfunctioning says a lot about the phone. If I were the OP I would not take that as a vote of confidence. That being said, OP don't buy the G2X, it's fine I suppose if you're someone unfortunate to have already purchased it and can't get out of it, but I would hardly suggest jumping on board with it at this juncture. My advice is to just be patient and wait for the Hercules or Nexus Prime. The G2X is an unstable phone that reboots itself and freezes randomly. Why jump onto a sinking ship? There are better options just over the horizon, wait for those.
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I don't have any of those problems....
JaiaV said:
I don't have any of those problems....
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Neither do I. The only problems I have are a useless FFC, glitchy A2DP, and an uncertain future.
Still... someone who comes here asking for advice and reassurance before purchasing a G2x is well served by strong words of caution. This is the unfortunate truth.
Awesome phone. I've gotten good ones and bad ones... In my experience there were more good then bad..once you get a good one, then in my opinion everything else sucks (that's available now in us.).
Don't listen to others saying no. I sold a vibrant for this and couldn't be happier. Even having gotten a bad few, I still love this device..
Just imagine every g2x line all the good ones.. I think it would be hard to beat.
smashpunks said:
Awesome phone. I've gotten good ones and bad ones... In my experience there were more good then bad..once you get a good one, then in my opinion everything else sucks (that's available now in us.).
Don't listen to others saying no. I sold a vibrant for this and couldn't be happier. Even having gotten a bad few, I still love this device..
Just imagine every g2x line all the good ones.. I think it would be hard to beat.
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So the OP will have to buy a phone based on chance...?
Honestly, I've exchanged my phone once already (the only reason my first one went back is because I thought it had a faulty GPS...turns out they all do!) and I really don't want to be bothered calling T-Mobile every two days until I'm on my nth replacement to get one that actually works.
To the OP, honestly I think ever phone will have its own problems so you just gotta look at the forums to see which ones you can live with.
People's biggest complains with this phone is that:
It restarts randomly (FroYo and Gingerbread).
Has a screen bleed (although better in GB).
The GPS doesn't function the way it should (mostly people complaining from a bad lock on, I personally can't get it to stay locked on for an extended period of time, with RunKeeper it looks like I'm a drunk and spiking up to mountains and running over lakes).
EDIT: And the most annoying thing that happens to me since the GB update: slow downs into oblivion. The phone will become unusable at random times for a good 10 minutes, or until a battery pull (because I'm not able to shut it down since it is unresponsive)
Then there are some that don't experience any of this...
I say take everything people say with a grain of salt. Obviously people make rash comments that stem from their emotional instability. That being said. I recently purchased the G2x, after hearing a lot of complaining about it. YOu must realize, one is much more likely to go out of his way to make known a complaint, than a praise. Human nature I suppose.
The G2x I got, 2.3.3 July baseband, is flawless. It is an amazing phone. No restarts, no bleed, instant GPS lock.
Im not stating that there are bad phones out there, and I empathize with those that may have recieved a few, but let the first impressions go, and realize that they are not ALL bad.
Dude this phone is beast I had mind since launch and it works great everyday, u will be very happy, to the people still having trouble with there phones take it back get a new one and if its past the 14 days send it to LG u have a year
aquaitious said:
So the OP will have to buy a phone based on chance...?
Honestly, I've exchanged my phone once already (the only reason my first one went back is because I thought it had a faulty GPS...turns out they all do!) and I really don't want to be bothered calling T-Mobile every two days until I'm on my nth replacement to get one that actually works.
To the OP, honestly I think ever phone will have its own problems so you just gotta look at the forums to see which ones you can live with.
People's biggest complains with this phone is that:
It restarts randomly (FroYo and Gingerbread).
Has a screen bleed (although better in GB).
The GPS doesn't function the way it should (mostly people complaining from a bad lock on, I personally can't get it to stay locked on for an extended period of time, with RunKeeper it looks like I'm a drunk and spiking up to mountains and running over lakes).
EDIT: And the most annoying thing that happens to me since the GB update: slow downs into oblivion. The phone will become unusable at random times for a good 10 minutes, or until a battery pull (because I'm not able to shut it down since it is unresponsive)
Then there are some that don't experience any of this...
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Bud u need a new phone man, slow? This phone is still super fast after not rebooting for 3 days and GPS is almost instant everytime man
From what I've noticed this phone will give you what yuu put in to it. Like a car. To me with a lil tweaking n upgrades its better n faster than my girls nexus s. And im still on the old baseband.....feel like I bought a charger sxt n put a srt8 engine in it....the only complain I gave is my 4g....I use so much data that im always getting slowed down...like I said just like a car...llz
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA App
Avoid it.
I dont see how someone can suggest buying a phone that with a few exchanges you might end up with a good one. That makes no sense. My G1 out the box worked, my Mytouch out the box worked, my Nexus One out the box worked, my mytouch 4g out the box worked, hell my HD2 running Android works better than my G2X, and yes, I have tried several.
Dont get me wrong as I must say WHEN my G2X is running right its balls to the walls fast. I think its probably the fastest Android phone available...as long as I dont need GPS or the phone hasnt shut its self off (if I could be so lucky as to have mine reboot) its not bad, not bad at all. Unfortunately I need my GPS, I am a truck driver and rely on my GPS.
I think honestly its an issue with dual cores right now, I would wait for a bit like others have said and pick up something a bit later. Perhaps even wait for ICS since I believe that will be more optimized for dual and quads.
Its your gamble. If you dont mind possibly sending it back, trying out another one with the clear understanding that its a crap shoot at best if its going to work or not go for it. Me personally? I would not buy it again knowing what I know now and what I have been through with this phone.
Ducter said:
Avoid it.
I dont see how someone can suggest buying a phone that with a few exchanges you might end up with a good one. That makes no sense. My G1 out the box worked, my Mytouch out the box worked, my Nexus One out the box worked, my mytouch 4g out the box worked, hell my HD2 running Android works better than my G2X, and yes, I have tried several.
Dont get me wrong as I must say WHEN my G2X is running right its balls to the walls fast. I think its probably the fastest Android phone available...as long as I dont need GPS or the phone hasnt shut its self off (if I could be so lucky as to have mine reboot) its not bad, not bad at all. Unfortunately I need my GPS, I am a truck driver and rely on my GPS.
I think honestly its an issue with dual cores right now, I would wait for a bit like others have said and pick up something a bit later. Perhaps even wait for ICS since I believe that will be more optimized for dual and quads.
Its your gamble. If you dont mind possibly sending it back, trying out another one with the clear understanding that its a crap shoot at best if its going to work or not go for it. Me personally? I would not buy it again knowing what I know now and what I have been through with this phone.
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I totally agree with this. The people in this thread that are urging the OP to go out and get this phone are not being realistic. Some people don't want to keep swapping phones until they get one that doesn't malfunction. Sure the G2X is a great phone WHEN IT WORKS. The problem is those times when it IS NOT working. For people who are locked into their phone and can't leave this may be tolerable. For people who don't mind having to hack their phone for it to have any semblance of reliability may be tolerable. However, for many people that is unacceptable. I think it's best that the OP at least be made aware of the reality of the situation (the state of the G2X and other phones coming soon) and let him make his decision. My opinion is that it doesn't make sense to jump on board with a phone that may potentially have to swap and swap over and over...a phone that even T-Mobile doesn't really want to offer support for anymore. To me it makes more sense to wait since there are better devices coming out in the near future.
If you're going to leave it stock then you may have issues. If you're planning to mod it and flash alternative roms then you're going to love the phone. The hardware is amazing. LG/T-Mobile's version of the android software is buggy.
phburks said:
If you're going to leave it stock then you may have issues. If you're planning to mod it and flash alternative roms then you're going to love the phone. The hardware is amazing. LG/T-Mobile's version of the android software is buggy.
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What he said is correct, stock form doesn't make the hardware justice. I have a vibrant and got my wife the g2x. The first one we got we returned due to random restarts and signal loss. Second one worked ok but returned and cancelled contract because Costco had it for half the price with accessories included. Now my wife hates me tinkering with her phones which I love to do. But after so much complaints from her about not receiving or able to make calls and phone slowing down I convinced her to let me install a custom rom. I installed eagleblood 1.05 and she hasn't complained once anymore and after setting it up and going back to my vibrant which I also run a custom rom and kernel, made my vibe seem to move slow as a turtle. And the screen just looked so much more vibrant as well. It also felt much more "comfortable" , "sturdy" in my hand than my vibrant. Bottom line is if you are lucky enough to get one that doesn't have hardware problems and you are willing to install custom roms on it, then go for it otherwise I would suggest you stick with your vibrant.
Sent from xda app on vibrant running trigger 3.3 beta2 with BALI 1.8.7 kernel
I am not even going to read all the posts but all I will say is this. Forget the G2x and get another device, preferably the Sensation.
Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using XDA Premium App
In my opinion, one in 3 or 4 of the original phones are good. I've ended up with one of the good ones after 5 tries.
As Sarni sez', this phone is a beast. Does everything I ask of it. Love the full page internet with Dolphin hd. I sold my Sensation and never looked back.
Now LG.......they just stink period.
But my G2X is awesome, everything works. I'm still on Froyo and rooted, I don't want the update.

I want to help the people having major issues. I want to eliminate the negativity.

Maybe we can help. I have several theories regarding people that are are having issues.
1. People do not read or do not understand what they are reading regarding instructions. This has happened to me, so I am not calling people out.
2. Restoring apps and settings from Google. This is a cool feature concept wise, but I believe google has created more problems by allowing people to restore apps and settings across different versions of android.
3. Titanium backup. Same issue as above. I personally love the program, but it has limitations. I believe many are restoring data and in some cases system info from previous roms.
4. Defective batteries. I firmly believe that screen of death while charging is a battery issue.
5. Pushing their hardware beyond its stable limits. It is fun to rack up big scores on benchmarks, but it can lead to instability. Not all hardware is created equal.
For those that have ongoing issues, I would love to help. I am not guru and I am constantly learning new things, but many of us can help with the basics.
When you ask a question, please let us know what rom you are using and what baseband you are using. Let us know what you have tried to correct your issues. The more info you provide, the better chance you will receive an answer that corrects the issue.
Like many, I am tired of seeing the same old questions again and again, but many of those people are new to android or the G2x and so I encourage patience. We need to help our fellow G2x users and make this forum the envy of the board.
I am relying on my fellow xda members to chip in and help those with major issues. I know this happens already, but lets step it up a notch.
I will help too
been around since the g1 and pretty savvy (no coding) but hacking/flashing/fixing/troubleshooting is my forte.
+1 on the OP.
sent from my calculator with android
This is my first smartphone. Gave up my company provided BB for an honest to goodness smartphone. I don't think I have a "bad" G2X but I don't think I have a perfect one either. Probably on par with what 90% of others have I'd guess. I get occasional reboots, have had to pull the battery a time or two. Nothing more drastic than what I had to do with any BB.
I really don't get the hate for this phone (I do see a bunch of lazies that don't know how to; A: READ, B: Follow instruction), but conversely I don't get the adoration either. What makes it so great? I see "ZOMG SOOOO FAST" comments all the time. I don't find it blazing fast (maybe because it's my first?) but it's not slow (minus the occasional slow-down).
I must say I'm looking forward to an official ICS. Hopefully an honest to goodness dual-core OS that our devs can further improve upon.
G2X=Good Phone.
sidenote: Google desperately needs to improve their email client for business useage.
Dr. Bogenbroom said:
This is my first smartphone. Gave up my company provided BB for an honest to goodness smartphone. I don't think I have a "bad" G2X but I don't think I have a perfect one either. Probably on par with what 90% of others have I'd guess. I get occasional reboots, have had to pull the battery a time or two. Nothing more drastic than what I had to do with any BB.
I really don't get the hate for this phone (I do see a bunch of lazies that don't know how to; A: READ, B: Follow instruction), but conversely I don't get the adoration either. What makes it so great? I see "ZOMG SOOOO FAST" comments all the time. I don't find it blazing fast (maybe because it's my first?) but it's not slow (minus the occasional slow-down).
I must say I'm looking forward to an official ICS. Hopefully an honest to goodness dual-core OS that our devs can further improve upon.
G2X=Good Phone.
sidenote: Google desperately needs to improve their email client for business useage.
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Something I found to improve the speed of the interface is Spare Parts. It does not change benchmarks, but makes the phone feel much more responsive. Set all the animations to fast in the options.
The problem here is that there really are defective g2x's out there. A small portion of the problems could undoubtedly be user error or as you say. But the vast majority of the original issues were because of defective phones. Period.
I got multiples bad ones. I finally got a refurbed one that was awesome. Then when I broke the screen on that one recently, my (brand new) replacement has performed PERFECTLY as well.
I did nothing different on any of them. Nothing. (Although I have not rooted this new one...it's got the updated oftware).
But it's purrrfect!
This is why I'm now mostly a lurker here. I've nothing to complain about. I love this phone. And I also got a Sensation. Didn't like it as much and sold it.
ickster said:
The problem here is that there really are defective g2x's out there. A small portion of the problems could undoubtedly be user error or as you say. But the vast majority of the original issues were because of defective phones. Period.
I got multiples bad ones. I finally got a refurbed one that was awesome. Then when I broke the screen on that one recently, my (brand new) replacement has performed PERFECTLY as well.
I did nothing different on any of them. Nothing. (Although I have not rooted this new one...it's got the updated oftware).
But it's purrrfect!
This is why I'm now mostly a lurker here. I've nothing to complain about. I love this phone. And I also got a Sensation. Didn't like it as much and sold it.
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hey ickster. I know what you are saying. I was just hoping to address some the the current problems and present a list of things I know caused me issues. I exchanged my first phone purchased the day of release because of reboots. At this point I think a lot of the issues are user error. I actually have 4 G2x's. My wife and I each have one and I gave a pair away to my two best employees. All four are running flawlessly now after some tweaking. Day after day of thread after thread about problems that can probably be rectified with a few simple steps was making me nuts.
I just want to make this forum the best I can. Maybe I am going about it in the wrong manner. I thought I would give it a shot.
ickster said:
The problem here is that there really are defective g2x's out there. A small portion of the problems could undoubtedly be user error or as you say. But the vast majority of the original issues were because of defective phones. Period.
I got multiples bad ones. I finally got a refurbed one that was awesome. Then when I broke the screen on that one recently, my (brand new) replacement has performed PERFECTLY as well.
I did nothing different on any of them. Nothing. (Although I have not rooted this new one...it's got the updated oftware).
But it's purrrfect!
This is why I'm now mostly a lurker here. I've nothing to complain about. I love this phone. And I also got a Sensation. Didn't like it as much and sold it.
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I got a refurb that was acting wonky from the get go, did a factory reset and its the honestly the best one yet.
jcbofkc said:
1. People do not read or do not understand what they are reading regarding instructions. This has happened to me, so I am not calling people out.
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Of course.
jcbofkc said:
2. Restoring apps and settings from Google. This is a cool feature concept wise, but I believe google has created more problems by allowing people to restore apps and settings across different versions of android.
3. Titanium backup. Same issue as above. I personally love the program, but it has limitations. I believe many are restoring data and in some cases system info from previous roms.
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I've NEVER seen google restore any of my data. Not one iota. I don't think the feature was there when I had the G1 or MyTouch 3G. On my Vibrant, I always ticked the box hoping I'd at least get my wifi passwords, but alas no.
Titanium backup works fine, as long as you don't try to migrate system data. I've NEVER had an issue with it. I even do move data for News and Weather app which "counts" as system data, as well as Wifi passwords, because I have way too danged many of them NOT to move it. As far as moving user apps/data, have never had any issues other than market items not attaching properly.
jcbofkc said:
4. Defective batteries. I firmly believe that screen of death while charging is a battery issue.
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Maybe. I was having screen of death using MIUI, and when I switched back to an LG build it went away.
jcbofkc said:
5. Pushing their hardware beyond its stable limits. It is fun to rack up big scores on benchmarks, but it can lead to instability. Not all hardware is created equal.
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CERTAINLY. This is the biggest issue. Undervolted kernels, overclocked kernels, etc. When I had my Vibrant, it couldn't handle even the slightest hint of an overclock without issues. And, of course, the issues wouldn't show up right away, so it was easy to hope it wasn't due to the overclock. But it was. It could undervolt all day long, however. Other phones of the same make were just the opposite. Dunno about the G2X, but that's why manufacturers set things as conservatively as they do -- to take into account the variances in the manufacturing process. Those variances can be a benefit to the crafty, but you can never DEPEND on it to not introduce instability.
jcbofkc said:
When you ask a question, please let us know what rom you are using and what baseband you are using. Let us know what you have tried to correct your issues.
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I'm curious how many of those with ongoing issues are running the old baseband. I have the July baseband, and always have as I just bought my phone. But if someone who was rooted before the official LG update never got the baseband update, that could be an issue.
jcbofkc said:
Like many, I am tired of seeing the same old questions again and again, but many of those people are new to android or the G2x and so I encourage patience. We need to help our fellow G2x users and make this forum the envy of the board.
I am relying on my fellow xda members to chip in and help those with major issues. I know this happens already, but lets step it up a notch.
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Still learning the G2X ecosystem. A few differences from the Vibrant, and a much quieter forum overall. Strangely for a US only released phone, lots of posters from outside the US. Not sure why?
Some of the repeated "over and over" questions have to do with lack of a good all-in-one FAQ I think. There's a thread that lists a few key threads, but some aren't on it, and some info just isn't presented super clearly. No offense to Mr. Clown (the moderator that maintains the FAQ thread), but there's just a lot of info you can't get from that thread that really should be there. For the "one and only, don't ask" sticky, it's not the best. How could it be, when the moderator that maintains it doesn't even have a G2X? It's merely a list of links suggested by forum members, and there's no experience shared there that's helpful to newbies.
There's not even an XDA wiki on this phone that I can find... Maybe that would help -- I might be talked into contributing to that.
The majority of problems with the phone at launch were related to a badly programmed OS by LG. The GB update fixed almost all of the related problems. I have minimal screen bleed that can only be seen in a dark room. I can live with that.
Awesome Post, I bought my g2x the day it came april 20, 11 and i never had any problems posted in xda developers beside the backlit bleeding around the corners which is not really a big issue for me. It is really an awesome device. I use hdmi to watch my netflix movies or even to play games on my hdtv, everything performs flawlessly and the battery last a day in moderate use and 2 days in slight use. I think thats pretty good for a dual core smartphone. The only thing i am not happy is the support it got from lg. The gingerbread update took away awesome camera app and the signal bars didnt work according to the connectivity. I think the gingerbread build was incomplete. Waiting for the ICS on my g2x. I get a unexpected reboot probably once in 2 weeks or some which is mainly because of the extensive multitasking and lack of ram, i know 512 is not less however the hd games and livewallpapers consumes huge lot of ram. so those seldom unexpected reboot does make sense as i never switch off my divice. I think it is still an awesome device. The tegra really has some potential, you can play shadowgun to figure out the gpu capability of g2x.
+1 to the OP
@OP I agree with the principle behind what you said, but isn't that exaclty what this whole xda forum is about in the first place, users helping each other out? I'm not trying to put your idea down, but just saying its nothing new really. Maybe I misunderstood what you said and if so, then my apologies.
The problem you identified in #1 is exactly correct -- people don't read or don't understand what they read. They get ahead of themselves and start doing stuff to their phones without understanding the potential consequences if something goes wrong. Then they freak out and instead of searching for a solution to their own problem they just post a new thread saying "ZOMG!!!! Plz help!!! Plz!!!!!!!!!!!!" I've read several threads like that and then found the answer to their question literally 2 threads down.
Anyway, I'm starting to digress. You make a very good point and ideally people will read and follow. Sadly, and realistically, they wont.
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA App

Is my Samsung Infuse DEAD?

Hey, guys. Hoping some of you experts can help me diagnose what's wrong with my Samsung Infuse. I bought it off Craigslist at the end of May, and the guy had the phone with the original screen protector on it, with the original case and all accessories, so I had no reason to believe it had any problems. He told me the phone was already rooted & unlocked, which I wanted since I signed up with Straight Talk. I used it for June & July and had a host of problems, so I put on the CM10 ROM last week to see if it helped. It didn't. Here are the problems I continuously encounter:
1. When going to unlock my phone with a pattern, once in awhile it won't detect my finger-presses. Sometimes nothing shows up at all, sometimes one of the dots will highlight as I pass over it, but it won't draw. Eventually the screen turns off, and I turn it on and try it again. Usually it ends up working.
2. The battery dies much quicker than I expect it should. I tried running JuiceDefender and not running JuiceDefender, and it doesn't seem to make a difference. Even without using my phone much for anything, even with the screen off, the battery will run out before the day is out. It's like if you were driving and had a hole in your tire... seems like some sort of a leak.
3. The cell radio seems flaky. Sometimes I won't get texts on time. A lot of the time I can't access any data, which is very important as I use Google Voice for lots of my texting, so I send a text and it won't go out. Loading web pages or reloading my email shows that it is a data problem.
Those are the primary problems, and I suspect that somehow they are all related. I'm not sure if the Craigslist guy sold me a lemon, or there is some other problem that came up. I've tried multiple ROM's and disabling every app I can think of. Can anyone think of anything that would cause these problems & any way to fix it? Or do I just own a broke phone that I have to throw in the garbage?
Thanks in advance for reading!
a whole slew of problems can lead to a whole slew of possibilities for your issues.
first, i wasnt aware that you could do any of this on a straight talk phone, but i could be wrong. i am not the "expert" you may be looking or hoping for, though one i am sure will show up.
second, i think the response you may get is......did you go to JB straight from Gingerbread??? that will cause HUGE problems.
dd you read OP and follow to a tee??? again HUUUUGGEE problems.
the "never fail" here.....READ READ READ. feel confident as to what you are doing and follow steps one at a time. UNDERSTAND steps one at a time.
first thing that never hurts.....return to stock and start from scratch.
"super everything thread" under development.
Odin "stock-root & modded 3e rcovery.
follow all directions TO THE TTT.
if that doesnt work, you might have to get some mortar, you've got yourself a BRICK.
i know almost everyone else here is more of a expert than i am, but i do believe that is where they will tell you to start
good luck and be sure and thank the experts
captemo said:
first, i wasnt aware that you could do any of this on a straight talk phone, but i could be wrong. i am not the "expert" you may be looking or hoping for, though one i am sure will show up.
second, i think the response you may get is......did you go to JB straight from Gingerbread??? that will cause HUGE problems.
dd you read OP and follow to a tee??? again HUUUUGGEE problems.
first thing that never hurts.....return to stock and start from scratch.
"super everything thread" under development.
Odin "stock-root & modded 3e rcovery.
follow all directions TO THE TTT.
if that doesnt work, you might have to get some mortar, you've got yourself a BRICK.
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While I have no idea what you're getting at by your Straight Talk comment, as ST is little more than AT&T service that's sold through a 3rd party at a discounted rate, the fact that he's using ST may be part of his problems, at least in regards to the network issues. I'm also having an unbelievable amount of data issues on ST. ST is having some network problems that are affecting a decent amount of customers who are on their AT&T network.
One thing that the OP may want to try is this: Download DNS Changer from the Play Store, and change your primary and secondary DNS to OpenDNS1 and OpenDNS2. Or try different settings, as there are a bunch that are available. That has made at least some difference with my data connectivity issues.
Based on my own experience, having tried to go to JB directly from GB, is that if it's going to affect your radio, it's likely to completely wipe out your EFS data so you won't have ANY cellular or data networking capabilities. As stated, that's simply based on how it worked out for me, and there could easily be other side-effects that just didn't happen to show up for me.
I agree with returning completely to stock UCLB3, with the GB bootloaders. Then flash Entropy's 4.4.2012 Kernel, which will also install CWM Recovery. I'd personally reccomend Heimdall, as it seems to be somewhat simpler. Detailed information on returning to stock via Heimdall can be found in this thread:
If you use it, be sure to thank qkster for making it available. He's probably the most helpful person you're likely to find on this forum, especially where us noobs are concerned.
I would take it back to stock and start all over.
Here is a very helpful thread.
I agree with parrot head. When issues arise go back to stock. That's the best part of our phones. They are damn near impossible to really mess up. Just have to be ware of bootloader flash going wrong. If you got your gb rom from keis your good to go though.
Sent from my SGH-I997 using xda app-developers app
Appreciate the response, guys. I guess it doesn't hurt to try to start from scratch... AGAIN! It just seems like I'm putting an awful lot of hours into putting new ROM's and bootloaders on this phone. Going to be especially frustrating if I go through all the steps and it still doesn't fix my issues, which would mean my phone is broke. Oh well, guess I have little other choice.
All of the issues sound related..
It shouldn't take long to drop to stock and flash up to JB.. I've bobbled and missed steps here and there and have had to return from stock more times than I care to admit.. even rooting and flashing up the ladder only take about 20 minutes if even that..
Good luck!
drnecropolis said:
All of the issues sound related..
It shouldn't take long to drop to stock and flash up to JB.. I've bobbled and missed steps here and there and have had to return from stock more times than I care to admit.. even rooting and flashing up the ladder only take about 20 minutes if even that..
Good luck!
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Yes, the flashing process isn't that long, it's getting back my phone to all of my customized settings that ends up taking weeks. Home screen icon positioning, logging in to every app, system settings, etc.
Didn't create a backup?
drnecropolis said:
Didn't create a backup?
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I've always created backups with Titanium Backup, but when I restore the apps, a lot of them ask me to re-login or re-verify myself.
Thanks for the advice guys.
Spent a whole day going back to stock, then CWM red, then ICS, then Jellybean. Things seem to be markedly better, but the phone still seems laggy in a few places. Is this just because it's not the latest and greatest processor?
Also, the GPS just does not work right. It's still identifying me as being in Missouri even though I'm in Nevada. Consistently. Do I just have to live with that?
veeRob said:
Thanks for the advice guys.
Spent a whole day going back to stock, then CWM red, then ICS, then Jellybean. Things seem to be markedly better, but the phone still seems laggy in a few places. Is this just because it's not the latest and greatest processor?
Also, the GPS just does not work right. It's still identifying me as being in Missouri even though I'm in Nevada. Consistently. Do I just have to live with that?
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Are you still using the Trebuchet Launcher that comes built-in to the JB ROM? If so, that may be part of your lag problems. I just use ADW EX launcher. Here's an excerpt from the Paranoid Android JB OP:
******* EVERYONE: If you experience a sudden lag for no reason, IT is due to Trebuchet. GOOD NEWS though... From reading the log cat on my end, there is a very simple fix... Go to settings -Launcher - Homescreen - And Check "Resize any widget" and you are good to go! Instantly fixes the lag problem that a few have been experiencing. I have located the source code that needs to be changed and this will be enabled by default on future builds. ********
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As far as the GPS goes, I think Samsung just used ****ty receivers in the Infuse. My GPS isn't quite as bad as yours seems to be, but it's nowhere near as accurate or reliable as the GPS chipset in my crummy little Optimus V.

