Fuze, touch pro GPS issues.. Hardware Related? - Touch Pro, Fuze General

I read in a post somewhere in the diamond thread i think tht all the gps problems are hardware related. A bad board or something, can anyone that has contacted HTC about this confirm it?

My GPS is working fine. I have a Fuze, no problems. I did have to use HTC GPS Tool to get the initial GPS lock. After that (and after software reset) both Google maps and TomTom finds a signal within a minute.
I also made a change of using COM1 as the hardware port. I haven't tested it to see if that also helped but just passing that along.

My GPS also seems to be working fine, there might be a little lag, but not enough to worry about IMO.
It usually doesn't get a lock indoors like my Tilt did, but that's no big deal since I usually don't use it indoors.
I notice while driving it takes a second or two after I stop for it to show that I'm going 0mph (in Garmin), but I think it did that in my Tilt too.

thanks for the info. i plan on buying a fuze in december when i can upgrade, i have been seeing mixed reports of some people having no trouble at all with it, while others say the gps is unusable no matter what tweaks they use. also most of the people describing the lag are using meters so i assume most of the trouble is non US users?

misfitwrx said:
thanks for the info. i plan on buying a fuze in december when i can upgrade, i have been seeing mixed reports of some people having no trouble at all with it, while others say the gps is unusable no matter what tweaks they use. also most of the people describing the lag are using meters so i assume most of the trouble is non US users?
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The problem I have with the GPS is that it's so random. I've had the Fuze for a little over a week now, and sometimes it will lock on the satellites within just a few seconds. Other times I can wait for ten minutes and never get a lock. People report all kinds of fixes, but my suspicion is that in most cases the GPS decided randomly to work at some point, which was incorrectly interpreted as meaning that the tweak they just tested must have been the key. I dunno.
With respect to the lag problem, I've been testing two over-the-air products, the AT&T Navigator (TeleNav) and the freebie AmazeGPS. Interestingly, they seem to have different lag characteristics: TeleNav seems generally to show the car position 2-4 seconds behind reality, while AmazeGPS generally has the car within a second of the actual position. That's a subjective judgment made while I was driving, so I wouldn't bet the farm that it's consistently that way (and, obviously, I'm not using both at the same time, so with the limited number of samples I have, it could well be happenstance). I'm in Massachusetts, BTW.
That said, however, neither really suffers much from the lag; the voice announcement in both cases is in plenty of time for seeing and making turns.

wmm said:
The problem I have with the GPS is that it's so random. I've had the Fuze for a little over a week now, and sometimes it will lock on the satellites within just a few seconds. Other times I can wait for ten minutes and never get a lock. People report all kinds of fixes, but my suspicion is that in most cases the GPS decided randomly to work at some point, which was incorrectly interpreted as meaning that the tweak they just tested must have been the key. I dunno.
With respect to the lag problem, I've been testing two over-the-air products, the AT&T Navigator (TeleNav) and the freebie AmazeGPS. Interestingly, they seem to have different lag characteristics: TeleNav seems generally to show the car position 2-4 seconds behind reality, while AmazeGPS generally has the car within a second of the actual position. That's a subjective judgment made while I was driving, so I wouldn't bet the farm that it's consistently that way (and, obviously, I'm not using both at the same time, so with the limited number of samples I have, it could well be happenstance). I'm in Massachusetts, BTW.
That said, however, neither really suffers much from the lag; the voice announcement in both cases is in plenty of time for seeing and making turns.
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I completely agree. I've had NO problems getting a lock outside (I'm in Illinois). It generally takes 30-60 seconds, but it has worked EVERY time. That's about as long as it took my BT GPS puck to get a lock.
As far as lag, I don't notice it much while driving. As you said, the voice announcements work just the same, announcing when you turn, before you get to the intersection. I haven't tried anything in pedestrian mode, it might be more noticable in that.
I've been using Garmin Mobile XT and iGo8 as my test apps.

There are already two threads in this forum about workarounds for the GPS, i'm closing this one. Please post in either one of the preexisting threads.


GPS Problems? Yup everyone

This is such a sensationalist article. There aren't any problems with the GPS. You're supposed to use a GPS outside, and even inside, mine got a signal fine.
This article also says that T-mobile is expected to get the Captivate, which is false. It already has the Vibrant.
What GPS Problem??
No problems for me, thus far...
Mine has locked once. After that it refuses and just triangulates using cell towers and accurate within 2600 meters.
I'm not sure I would call it a "problem", but the GPS chip in these things is definitely not as good as the GPS chips in most other newly released phones. It could be a software issue, but I doubt it. The Aria would consistently lock onto twice as many satellites as this thing. When driving near large buildings and under bridges I sometimes lose a lock and Google Nav jumps around, which never happens in those same places with the Aria.
It seems to be working fine for me, but then I saw that someone had posted a fix for it when you dialed into the GPS settings, so I did that, and now.... it's still working fine!
gtg465x said:
I'm not sure I would call it a "problem", but the GPS chip in these things is definitely not as good as the GPS chips in most other newly released phones. It could be a software issue, but I doubt it. The Aria would consistently lock onto twice as many satellites as this thing. When driving near large buildings and under bridges I sometimes lose a lock and Google Nav jumps around, which never happens in those same places with the Aria.
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I've recently used both an Evo and an ATT-band Nexus One. I do have to say that the GPS on both of those seemed to acquire signals from satellites much faster than the Captivate, and give a more accurate location. Even standing outside, in the open, this one never appears to lock in on my precise location as well. I realize that's only anecdotal, but I no longer have access to either of the other devices.
Maybe its just mine, but I traveled over 300 miles today using Google Navigation, the phone up in the dash, with a clear view of the sky keep on having issue finding me.
I have an N1 and Aria, neither of these have these issues.
Do the specs indicate which GPS chip is being used? Some are better than others. Is it SirFStar III, IV, or MTK or what? This can certainly make a difference but costs about the same, so why get a cheapo chip? Hope Samsung did not do that.
GPS is definitely poor. From watching GPS Test I'd wager it's a firmware issue. No reason to have satellites popping in and out of view in the middle of a field on a clear day...
I've had many GPS units (>10) and the GPS in the phone is the second worst I've ever had. Very flaky. It looks like they also tried to mask the problem by averaging a bunch of the last fixes. I say this because the speed indication trails reality by quite a bit!
And I did try the proposed settings elsewhere but it didn't seem to improve much.
Hopefully they'll get this fixed. It's not the way GPS should be working on a top tier phone.
AJerman said:
It seems to be working fine for me, but then I saw that someone had posted a fix for it when you dialed into the GPS settings, so I did that, and now.... it's still working fine!
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Okay, so to change my stance a little, the GPS has been a little off tonight. Locking has been slower than I like, but it has been locking, and I saw it lock to at least 7 satellites earlier so I know it has no issue with handling that many at once.
The bigger annoyance that I'm having now is that my AGPS is off by quite a bit, telling me I'm in the next town over until it gets a full GPS signal. Not only is this annoying, but it also throws off every app that uses the cell data for coarse location, and I wouldn't be surprised if it has an effect on how fast it locks to the actual GPS satellites since it has the wrong location info to start which is the whole point of AGPS.
I actually did the GPS tweaks found in another thread, and I was navigating around my city. Maps was spot on for 98% of the time. Once or twice it put me about 30 meters away, but that was when i was surrounded by trees or concrete. Overall, I was very VERY impressed with the voice navigation, and the re-routing it did when i drove past a turn!
hmose said:
Do the specs indicate which GPS chip is being used? Some are better than others. Is it SirFStar III, IV, or MTK or what? This can certainly make a difference but costs about the same, so why get a cheapo chip? Hope Samsung did not do that.
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I'm starting to think that the processor and screen on this phone cost so much that Samsung had to cut corners in other areas to keep prices competitive. So far we've seen widespread evidence of crappy chargers (take forever to charge), GPS chips (slow and not very accurate), compasses (all over the place), internal memory (slow memory is causing the stalling issue / lag), and lack of camera flash. Hopefully not all of those are hardware issues and some can be fixed with software, but I'm just saying, they might have cut some corners to keep this thing reasonably priced. Personally, I would have rather paid $100 more to have the best phone ever made hands down. Oh Samsung.
I got it to lock like one time outside. Then I found this http://androidforums.com/samsung-captivate/128026-everyone-who-having-gps-problems.html and now it locks on inside my house. And this is actually GPS I'm talking about not wifi/cell tower triangulation. Hope it helps some of you.
I picked mine up the 19th in the burbs of Chicago. Drove up to Milwaukee with it the same day and did a side by side comparison with my Garmin GPS after my friend sent me the article.
Besides 2 minor hiccups, they worked very similar.
*the first hiccup shouldn't even be credited as a hiccup because it was an alternate route, I knew from experience it was slower but my Garmin and my Magellan of past never recognized it as the faster route.
*the second hiccup was when I was driving down 294 to merge into 94. Both had about the same instruction but out of nowhere my captivate's nav system said to take a left into a random road. It "recalculated" after a quick flicker and went back on course with my Garmin.
Recently I noticed there was an update for the Maps application which gave me "Navigation" and after installing it, I prefer my phone to my Garmin because:
1. It now gives you a picture of the destination in "street view" which you can touch and scroll around when you've arrived or pretty much arrived.
2. It shows traffic (green is good, red is bad)
3. I'm not sure if this was before the update but you can scroll through the map using the touch screen rather than just zooming in and out.
I'll do a few more runs driving between Milwaukee and the Chicago burbs before I completely set aside one or the other, but my experience has definitely met my expectations of a GPS
Why not download GPS NMEA MONITOR App and watch the data sentences. If they keep coming then it is a software problem, not the GPS Chipset. If those data sentences are stopped, then you got a hardware chipset reception problem. Try getting a clear view of the sky.
Zero GPS issues here, faster then backflip, tilt, & tilt2 for me. Grabs and maintains connection just fine.

what are these GPS issues?

not to sound like i'm bragging, because my GPS locks perfectly fine in under 10 sec (usually around 4-5 sec), but what are the issues that every seems to be having with GPS? is it not finding a lock? is it not putting your location in the correct place?
all i'm seeing are threads with GPS fixes and whatnot... but i don't recal seeing what the issues were.
Lucke said:
not to sound like i'm bragging, because my GPS locks perfectly fine in under 10 sec (usually around 4-5 sec), but what are the issues that every seems to be having with GPS? is it not finding a lock? is it not putting your location in the correct place?
all i'm seeing are threads with GPS fixes and whatnot... but i don't recal seeing what the issues were.
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There are problems and non-problems for every aspect of the GPS.
People like you get a fix in under 10 seconds with no problems.
People like me get a fix within a minute with no problem
People who can't get a fix unless they are in the middle of an open field after a few minutes
People who can't get a fix period
People who can see satellites in GPS test, but can't connect to them
and people who can connect, but end up miles off of their true location.
I suspect that the underlying factor may be location in the US coupled with the cell phone radio (depending on obstacles, some people will be on different bands, and that may affect downloading GPS updates), because all cell phones should have the same factory defaults. The factory defaults work for me, but not with other people.
And then there are people like me, who one day, the GPS would lock on within seconds, have a perfectly accurate location, and work flawlessly. Then the next morning (when the phone had only been on charge overnight, not dead, not off, not anything) could drive for two hours in the middle of the prairie and not get a lock all day.
When mine worked, it was perfect. When it didn't, it acted like all the satellites fell out of the sky. There was NOTHING I was doing different.
Lucke said:
not to sound like i'm bragging, because my GPS locks perfectly fine in under 10 sec (usually around 4-5 sec), but what are the issues that every seems to be having with GPS? is it not finding a lock? is it not putting your location in the correct place?
all i'm seeing are threads with GPS fixes and whatnot... but i don't recal seeing what the issues were.
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i'm in your boat, mine's been flawless since day one on both my captivates. (had to return one). I think location is the biggest factor here. I know two phones isn't enough to show a strong correlation, but its something.
when i say location is the biggest factor, i mean its what separates our experience from others who have sucky gps. Samsung still needs to fix the gps issues so everyone can have a positive experience .
thanks for explaining, and summing up, the GPS issues.


Post all your nag/complaints/evidence of GPS problems here.
All investigation works goes here:
I just finished doing a one hour GPS test drive with the new OTA JH7 and guess what!!
The GPS is still unreliable.
I did a 30 minute drive before the JH7 OTA fix and it was terrible. It would lose GPS signal easily. The GPS would rarely get a fix and when it did, it wouldn't refresh for another 20-30 seconds.
With the new JH7 OTA, positioning while stationary is quick. You can get indoor GPS (probably from AGPS). Now, I was using it and I'm starting to believe we will NEVER see a real fix.
My reasons:
The hardware GPS has an accuracy of ~10 meters (~30 feet).
The hardware GPS has slow processing speed.
I believe this "fix" is just software code trying compensate for the poor hardware. It seems to take the bearing and speed to estimate where you will be. This won't work all the time but it gives the illusion of a reliable signal. You can see the device doing this when you make a quick change in speed or direction.
For example:
If you break quickly, the GPS will tend to position you further than your actual position. You might see GPS position "travel backwards" after you do.
If you accelerate quickly, from rest/full stop, the GPS will lag completely. It might lose the signal or not update until it gets a new "position" later (probably an amalgamation of speed, bearing, and [inaccurate] position).
If you make a sharp turn, the GPS will keep traveling that path and then slowly work it's way back to where you are. For example, if you make a 90 degree right turn, you'll see the GPS plots a semi circle arc to your new position.
I currently recorded my data with a custom written application I wrote but I had the logs set to write every 30 seconds and I didn't have a reference GPS unit to compare.
The next time, I'm going to drop it 1 second frequency and run the application on my G1 and Rhodium (TouchPro/Tilt 2).
What are you experiences with this new GPS "fix"?
I completely agree.
I just came into this forum to post the same thing.
I have some terrible My Tracks screenshots to take, but now my Captivate isn't detected when I try to plug it into my computer
This is using Cognition v2.1. The GPS locked very quickly right after flashing, but just tonight, it wouldn't get a lock to save my life. After repeatedly entering the LbsTestMode and changing settings, it went to getting a lock again... but had me ~100 feet off.
I do not think the GPS will ever work as good as any other modern smartphone. The GPS in this device just sucks, and no software will save it.
I agree with pretty much all that you wrote. It is very "laggy" and I too can see it estimate your path. Re-routing also takes very long and sometimes may not be in time.
I tested it with my Garmin side-by-side and there is no doubt the Cappy is worse. I know it's a phone and not a fair comparison with a "real" GPS, but it is a letdown.
FYI, Cognition improves the GPS significantly from my stock version (JP6)
Same here. I would not consider this as a fix for GPS.
The captivate is my first android phone. Im stuck with att so i made the switch from iphone to the captivate because it was thr first phone that was not crippled. I love android. Period. Im never going back. With voodoo and oc this phone beats the crap out of an iphone.
But today is the last day i can return it to best buy. I was waiting for a gps fix/improvement. But it didnt help. So im returning it. Im going to buy my friends aria for $100. Once samsung fixes thr gps i will buy this phone again.
Ps. Android. My new best friend.
is this the first Samsung android phone? Im pretty disappointed. Their other products are top notch
I have the opportunity to swap out my cappy for an HTC Aria phone but it's my last opportunity to exchange it because they're extending my 30 day warranty. I had to talk Wirefly into letting me because of the bad GPS in the phone. They can either give me another Cappy which would be a brand new (but another defective GPS phone no doubt) or they'll just give me the Aria which has a decent working GPS but not anywhere near as nice as the Captivate in every other way.
What would some of you suggest? I'm leaning toward just getting the Aria and maybe upgrading to a better phone later on.
galaxyjeff said:
I have the opportunity to swap out my cappy for an HTC Aria phone but it's my last opportunity to exchange it because they're extending my 30 day warranty. I had to talk Wirefly into letting me because of the bad GPS in the phone. They can either give me another Cappy which would be a brand new (but another defective GPS phone no doubt) or they'll just give me the Aria which has a decent working GPS but not anywhere near as nice as the Captivate in every other way.
What would some of you suggest? I'm leaning toward just getting the Aria and maybe upgrading to a better phone later on.
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My wife has an Aria, pretty good phone, verry poor battery life. Great GPS lock in 10 sec no matter where are you. Small screen but perfect size for holding.
I would have to disagree. No it's definately not as good as my garmin. However compared to stock...lol.. Its no contest. The Ota update is definately an improvement. It makes it at least usable. Before it would take anywhere from 10 min or more to lock. On several occasions i got half way to home before it would lock. Tonight i tested it and got a lock within 10 secs.
Thats not to say this update is without its issues. You can definately tell there is some anticipation of where you are going by about 10 to 20 feet. However rerouting happens quicker for me than it did before.
There is also the issue of wifi and 3g being on at the same time. Of course ill have to reenable tethering too if possible. Other that that though it is more positive than negative for me. At at least i can bring up bars and restaurants without waiting 20 minutes.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
kaczu said:
I would have to disagree. No it's definately not as good as my garmin. However compared to stock...lol.. Its no contest. The Ota update is definately an improvement. It makes it at least usable. Before it would take anywhere from 10 min or more to lock. On several occasions i got half way to home before it would lock. Tonight i tested it and got a lock within 10 secs.
Thats not to say this update is without its issues. You can definately tell there is some anticipation of where you are going by about 10 to 20 feet. However rerouting happens quicker for me than it did before.
There is also the issue of wifi and 3g being on at the same time. Of course ill have to reenable tethering too if possible. Other that that though it is more positive than negative for me. At at least i can bring up bars and restaurants without waiting 20 minutes.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
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The problem with comparing the Captivate's GPS performance to stock is that stock was just garbage. Almost anything is an improvement from a stock Captivate's GPS.
We need to compare the Captivate's GPS performance to other phones -- the Aria, Droid, iPhone etc. The Captivate's GPS just simply sucks compared to these phones, even after Samsung's "fix".
I wish I could return it, but there are no other decent options with AT&T
I have to disagree also. I just drove from Illinois to Texas and my captivate got me to my destination with only a couple dropped GPS signals. Was a 12 hour drive and it did what it needed to. Just saying this was a "real world" test and it passes in my book.
Dropped w/ my Captivate XDA App
My captivate is every bit as good as my aria was and better than my iphone 3g was. I'll agree its not the best. But this fix is working and if that's the best it can do I'm satisfied. I took a 6 hour trip the other weekend and it did loose signal in cloudy conditions, but when the sky was clear it never steered me wrong it even redirected me quickly, my friends vibrant also got him to where we were meeting. Now with the new firmware it gets a fix in overcast conditions. It may not be perfect but its what we have to live with. And I don't think I'd give up my samoled screen and good graphics processor for a better gps.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using Tapatalk
johnyhoffman said:
I have to disagree also. I just drove from Illinois to Texas and my captivate got me to my destination with only a couple dropped GPS signals. Was a 12 hour drive and it did what it needed to. Just saying this was a "real world" test and it passes in my book.
Dropped w/ my Captivate XDA App
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It boils down to how much you expect the GPS to work.
If you expect it to work with a few dropped signals, a few random wanders, but still generally get you to your destination -- then it is OK.
If you expect it to work as good as other modern phones, it sucks.
phr00t said:
The problem with comparing the Captivate's GPS performance to stock is that stock was just garbage. Almost anything is an improvement from a stock Captivate's GPS.
We need to compare the Captivate's GPS performance to other phones -- the Aria, Droid, iPhone etc. The Captivate's GPS just simply sucks compared to these phones, even after Samsung's "fix".
I wish I could return it, but there are no other decent options with AT&T
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try the Sony Xperia 10a. I have one and it's a nice phone. Lot's going on in that forum also. GPS works nicely and it's an 8Mb phone. Only A-droid 1.6 w/2.1 coming.
Unfortunate for me, I had a deal with AT&T to sell 50 of these devices ($15,000 down payment) with a custom app I wrote for this company. It's not going to happen now because the GPS is borked. Highway driving is one thing, but in the city, where you would be making turns left and right, it's counter productive. The GPS will be misleading you.
My project hasn't completely fallen through, but I would have to resort to the much smaller HTC Aria. I would say the Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 but their OS is a joke. It runs 1.6 and has no Exchange support. SE said they'll make 2.1 (seriously!?) available end of october (meaning November). By then Gingerbread (2.5 or 3.0) will be out.
I just don't want to return this Captivate I got for free to develop the application...
Yea here's mine... Thx samsung, GREAT FIX!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
CLShortFuse said:
The GPS is still unreliable.
What are you experiences with this new GPS "fix"?
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I've gotten what I would call good performance from the GPS today, but I only use it for driving and I probably don't need better than 10m precision. Prior to updating today to JH7, my phone would take 3-5 minutes for an initial lock (which usually required prepping with the Ulysse Gizmos' GPS app), after which it would stay relatively on-point. Today, post-JH7, my phone gets a spot-on lock with 5+ satellites within 10-15 seconds.
Pre-JH7, Google Navigation would trail my actual position slightly, as determined by the very unscientific method of glancing over at the phone while driving and noting that I would be passing a street intersection and Google Nav would still have that street roughly 10-20 feet forward of my position.
Post-JH7, again very unscientifically, the map would have me passing intersections at the exact moment I was actually passing through those intersections. Your comment about it estimating your next position rings a bell, but I could just be "remembering" a non-existent hiccup during one of my rides. Of course, I could also have missed a few dozen hiccups, because I was keeping my eyes on the road. =)
I live in the 'burbs north of NYC and, although I have no immediate plans to head into Manhattan, I will install MyTracks tomorrow and do some more testing along curvy suburban roads with and without extensive tree cover (I'd also be happy to use your custom application, if those logs would be more helpful to you).
Can you give me some specific ideas of what scenarios would help you get more useful test data? Things like:
1) Proceed straight at 30mph. Take 90 degree right turn at 20mph. Expectation would be that MyTracks would continue straight for at least a few feet before correcting itself.
2) Proceed straight at 30mph. Come to abrupt and complete stop. Expectation would match above.
I have a GPS in my car and use it for road trips. The Captivate GPS works well NOW for what I want to use it for, location based services like gowalla and such. It also works well for me using Google Nav's Walking feature.
The update is definitely an improvement for me. Before the update, unless I had wireless network assist turned on, my GPS would NOT get a lock. Now it does in under 20 seconds.
I too just joined the android community after having an iphone for 3+ years now... captivate being the first powerful hardware based phone that i saw (and that ATT had).I'm probably never going back to the iphone even if i never get gps working cause it is still so much better imho.
But the only thing that makes this so dang frustrating is the fact that... was there ANY product testing!?. I mean i can understand if it was a bad "batch" of phones that made it out. Or even if gps was "subpar", and had an OCCASIONAL incident of what we are experiencing (Like once every 15-20 min, then would reset and work fine). But the fact that it has not worked since product launch on EVERY phone (captivate, fascinate, vibrant, epic 4g, i9000) Even the ones that claim to unaffected still have accuracy/lag issues. I mean how did this get past field testing? I just hate the negligence .
I mean atleast the iphone 4 reception issue was only conditional to how you were holding the device. But no one GPS has correctly worked -_- just frustrating
I agree with this thread so far. It's insanely frustrating.

[Q] SNS GPS fix impossible without Internet?

I remember having this issue with my old 5230 and it seems the Nexus S has the same problem: GPS fix doesn't happen if there is no data connection. From what I've read on the net it's a "feature" of most modern aGPS phones although I can't find any explanation as to why that's happening.
Any input?
well that would be pretty cool, it's sad that we don't get that kind of feature baked in
Stand-alone GPS receivers require massive data transfer and substantial processing power to locate usable satellites, pinpoint them, and calculate the user's position based on that information. This process can take many minutes to achieve a good fix. The principle of aGPS is to use the network to take most of this workload off the GPS receiver by providing a ballpark position value for the user and the positions of the satellites the receiver can lock on to, a precise time, as well as perform the more processor-intensive calculations required to compare signal data. In combination, these network resources allow your phone to get a lock in the space of seconds rather than minutes.
To my understanding, most phones aren't equipped to take on this entire task themselves in anything approaching a reasonable time frame, so they don't even try to provide a lock if the network is unavailable. After all, for the average smartphone user, waiting 5-15 minutes for a GPS lock is not something they would ever wish to do. aGPS also has the benefit of providing much more accurate locks in urban settings, where a stand-alone GPS receiver would be confused by the signal bouncing off tall buildings. aGPS is how GPS is made to work in a way that's efficient for on-the-go use. Without the "a" in aGPS, most of us would never make use of the feature because it would be far too slow and consume far too much battery and processor power. Since smartphones aren't really intended for use as navigation devices on long treks through the untamed wilderness, operating as standalone receivers is simply not something they're typically designed to do.
I'm not sure you guys have ever used conventional GPS but let me tell you, it's not as bad as you make it out to be. I used to have a PDA, a Fujitsu-Siemens N560 and it wasn't exactly a powerhouse but it ran GPS just fine. Sure, it took a bit to lock on sometimes (but not always, if you wouldn't move much from your last position you would be up in about 1 minute) but it was dependable. Being on top of a mountain with no directions is much scarier than having to wait 10minutes for an accurate lock...
So I'm sorry Zorak but your assumption is wrong, it's not about the processing power and the battery drain is pretty much identical (N560 used to run about 4 hours on GPS which is on par with the Nexus' aGPS).
eydryan said:
I'm not sure you guys have ever used conventional GPS but let me tell you, it's not as bad as you make it out to be. I used to have a PDA, a Fujitsu-Siemens N560 and it wasn't exactly a powerhouse but it ran GPS just fine. Sure, it took a bit to lock on sometimes (but not always, if you wouldn't move much from your last position you would be up in about 1 minute) but it was dependable. Being on top of a mountain with no directions is much scarier than having to wait 10minutes for an accurate lock...
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Which is why when you're going to a mountaintop you should have an actual stand-alone GPS receiver rather than a fragile little smartphone with a battery that died three hours ago.
look I don't mean to be mean but your reply is pointless and off-topic.
I'd like to know if the Nexus S GPS can work without an internet connection and your comments are not helping at all.
If all I need in a forest is a tiny phone for which I have an extra battery for that very purpose then let me have what I need. I find it pointless and idiotic to carry another device for the sole purpose of getting something that your phone already has! Not to mention that devices prior to it by a decade had the functionality baked in with no issues...
So, anyone up with a proper answer please? Thanks in advance!
eydryan said:
look I don't mean to be mean but your reply is pointless and off-topic.
I'd like to know if the Nexus S GPS can work without an internet connection and your comments are not helping at all.
If all I need in a forest is a tiny phone for which I have an extra battery for that very purpose then let me have what I need. I find it pointless and idiotic to carry another device for the sole purpose of getting something that your phone already has! Not to mention that devices prior to it by a decade had the functionality baked in with no issues...
So, anyone up with a proper answer please? Thanks in advance!
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It works fine for me in areas where I literally have NO service. Copilot + GPS works fine. Usually locks in less than 30 s.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA Premium App
ah, thanks, I'll try copilot
I've also learned that iGo works without a data connection and GPS also works.

Ingress and GPS lag/uncertainty

Has anyone experienced very bad Ingress performance while using this tablet?
On top of that, has anyone experienced incredibly bad GPS lag and/or position uncertainty? I've had times where it stops moving for a minute or more, even when I end up being a block or more away (in my small city, so no sky scrappers or any large buildings blocking the GPS signal either). It's getting to the point where Ingress is a lost hope for the tablet, which it wasn't when I was using my Nexus 7. It actually ran it much better than the TF700, surprisingly.
I've noticed the same problems in google maps and other various GPS programs as well.
No, I haven't noticed GPS issues. In fact I use my tab to navigate across Europe. Never had an issue. (other than the usual 'below ground or not enough satellites in range')
Then again I haven't tried Ingress. And I disabled Google Maps on day 1. It eats battery even when asleep! Also, that thing won't even work properly on a PC these days, my SGS3 can't find my position at all (let alone load the map itself) and frankly there are much better navigation apps available. (I highly reccomend NavFree.)
Are you sure it's not just a lack of signal strength?
ShadowLea said:
No, I haven't noticed GPS issues. In fact I use my tab to navigate across Europe. Never had an issue. (other than the usual 'below ground or not enough satellites in range')
Then again I haven't tried Ingress. And I disabled Google Maps on day 1. It eats battery even when asleep! Also, that thing won't even work properly on a PC these days, my SGS3 can't find my position at all (let alone load the map itself) and frankly there are much better navigation apps available. (I highly reccomend NavFree.)
Are you sure it's not just a lack of signal strength?
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It could very well be a lack of signal strength, but how would I even begin to know that? There's not really an indication in any application what the signal strength is for the GPS.
try gps test plus app
Sent from my LG-E610 using xda premium
TF700 and GPS
darkhawkff said:
Has anyone experienced very bad Ingress performance while using this tablet?
On top of that, has anyone experienced incredibly bad GPS lag and/or position uncertainty? I've had times where it stops moving for a minute or more, even when I end up being a block or more away (in my small city, so no sky scrappers or any large buildings blocking the GPS signal either). It's getting to the point where Ingress is a lost hope for the tablet, which it wasn't when I was using my Nexus 7. It actually ran it much better than the TF700, surprisingly.
I've noticed the same problems in google maps and other various GPS programs as well.
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I am having trouble with the GPS in the TF700. This morning it spent the whole time I was driving around (even tried tethering it to the iPhone) searching for a route.
It seems to me that it was sharper before this latest CleanRom update (CROMI-X 4.6.4 - DEODEXED).
Anyone have some insight? #GPS
Alexcwb said:
I am having trouble with the GPS in the TF700. This morning it spent the whole time I was driving around (even tried tethering it to the iPhone) searching for a route.
It seems to me that it was sharper before this latest CleanRom update (CROMI-X 4.6.4 - DEODEXED).
Anyone have some insight? #GPS
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Why the hashtag? This isn't Twitter.
It has recently been taking ever longer to find my location. Used to be it could do it in about a minute, now it takes almost 30. I didn't change a thing on my system, not even an update.
There has been an increase in solar activity and geomagnetic interference over the last few months.
Phones and 3G enabled tablets do not have this issue, because the Internet signal is already tracking your position, making it easier to triangulate. (Try turning off 3G on your phone, it'll take equally long.)
Thanks - Understood
ShadowLea said:
Why the hashtag? This isn't Twitter.
It has recently been taking ever longer to find my location. Used to be it could do it in about a minute, now it takes almost 30. I didn't change a thing on my system, not even an update.
There has been an increase in solar activity and geomagnetic interference over the last few months.
Phones and 3G enabled tablets do not have this issue, because the Internet signal is already tracking your position, making it easier to triangulate. (Try turning off 3G on your phone, it'll take equally long.)
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HASHTAG from copy G+
Thanks for help.
Honestly, I gave up on it.
MY TF700 isn't really good for Ingress anyway. There's way too much lag involved, and for whatever reason every now and then the GPS just seems to stop functioning. I don't really know why, it just stops at one location for about 2 or 3 minutes. I won't even bother getting into how inaccurate it is.
And just to note, this was before the increase in solar activity.....the solar activity just makes it even worse now.

